Jul: Harris and Jim Lawrence were invested as members of the Scout Movement. They now ue full-fledged members of the Sea Gull Patrol. Next week's meeting will be under the control of the Otter Pntrol. A _ -- Last Tuesday some of the Court of Honour paid a visit to the 188th Toronto Troop and were impressed by the progress made by this new group which has only been In operation since last October. We hope to have them return our visit in I few weeks. In! Weston IO, 4th Weston 3 . The troop wishes to express its thanks to Mr. Paul Lseffler for coming to us last Friday and en- tertaining us with a very interest- ing talk about his rambles through Germany. The troop hopes to see hiin back soon with more of his ta en. In unswer to a challenge given by Fourth Weston. First Weston skated to an easy 10-3 win on Saturday in a cleanly played hockey game. The shots on goal tell the tale, for the First 42, for Fourth 21. Church Wnrdrope was the top Ri,',,'taeuitr,, with 2 goals. 3 assists. n Padgeon was second with 3 goals, 1 assist. Dick Yerex bowed out early in the 8rd period after being cut by a flying puck with 2 goals, 1 tyssist to his credit. Other point getter: for First were Bernie Macdonald, 2 Roda; Bill Riel, 2 assists Ind Gerald Stall“. 1 soul, l assist. forward to ntrting,; With. this thought in mi it seem an emo- Wilma-$1: to pin: hgur- tt Icep I "denisttt pea. he or two of this cold evening: â€out on Ntum plane in this direction will not be waited. Whether we like to use I plan or not it in 1 good idea for " lent the first year or two. Sit down with pencil and paper and Iketch your lendeaaping and gar- dening idea, en euvouring to draw in the gnrden and general llndmying Just where you would like it lute", own half acre. By following irectiona in the average seed catalogue) it ts possible, to plan out the' perusal†varieties you want and how much of eech il needed. Good Luck and All the Beet We In pleased to announce that Mm. Johnny mu of Sunset Trail is convnlucing at home after a serious operation. Everyone wishes 113a 911 th_q_beat, Rene! w, ttll the bean get-09d Pe Stan Goodhend of Aura Lea Itlvd.. spent the week-end at home. Stan hU been away from work for a spell and has been hospitalized at Sunnybrook. He's feeling much better now, and will be home shortly. Luge-yin; Chins _ -- That’s mrt news, we know! How- ever, the ladies of Zone 6, after the Ut Weston BorBeou" - Best for Fourth Weston were Don Ross with 1 goal. 1 assist, Ken Weeks with 2 goals and Ron Wtirlystsi.st. .. . . _ Pnul Mucdonald in the net: for First Weston was very good with Fourth: goaltender seemed con- fated, by so_many flyimt Pucks. On last Saturday afternoon two of Weaton'a Cub Peck: met at the Recreation Centre and engaged in a geme of hockey. The game end- ed in a 7 all draw. The two teams battled back and forth with 2nd Weston carrying most of the play and at one stage of the game they had a 7-8 lead. 't',,'r'g.r 1st Weston fought back nd tiil the gene up. Tinky Fillman wag the igh scorer and the standout of the game as he scored all of 2nd Weaton'e goals. Six of them were uhllslled. Billy Lynch was let Weewn'e top scorer " he was credited with 8 goals and one uniet. Two of lat Walton's goal! were of the gift variety since 2nd Weaton'a goelle. in an attempt to clear threw the puck into his own not and the other gift came when Li? Weston player threw his " . ' Although he didn't have his 1!th em with him the refuse an: m the ,Institute for the 'tind.. Iâ€?! - in I while the do". bin " wink for thc with of something to do u then and u in no nppuram nuon MM" e. _ i _ " - Slum ma! Val-u! "can. etch-ad her Mth birthday but Mutiny. A happy time VIII had 5 “010m " In: birthday party. 's'liiii hunky, Signal co Much of Wailuey avenue colobnhd hit birthday ht [at Tug-den Hum: Emma» We! "Minsk aher troop care to lend us a similar challenge'. In Wombat". 219d Wagon - FGPtGGr"o'r giiGit3rG"t Icic- but.“ In. eixhth birthday " Pri. gill?! thitwuk. Happy birthday, a 8trtitte-rBUt Du! _ _. . . . . ‘Be Prepared' AiiVG u-ixrsurtatigr baking $00!" All!) CUB in? In. Mun {or tat NEWS J?ifiiitgiaiiif 52;. I, W _1°'/s_ow and .i- biite Buiim "-rV b, 13d in" .3).- uuk uh u {HEY-"mi; iikiHTy Weston were the Pry brothers, Bill Lynch, Ian Thompson and David Kirkland. Although he was beaten 7 times by Fillman, Kirkland atop- ped some others from point blank range. For 2nd Weston Fillmnn starred as did Keener, Terry Hall and Don Halkeg. The Tuscarora Patrol met at the home of its patrol lender, Ross Beard-ll, on Lawrence Ave. They spent part of the evening drawing up a hockey team for a challenge mime with First Weston Troop on Saturday. Another highlight was a quiz: covering Scouting. sports, and eneral topics. Refreshments 'c7lJCllfl tltryttrormeetine. _ The scoring was as follows: For Ist. Wetston--Thomptron (J. Pry, Lynch); Lynch, Thompson, Lynch (Bates), J. Fry, Lynch, Bates. Penalties to Thompson (off twice). For 2nd Weston, all were scored by Fillman with Keener assisting on the fourth goal. Penalties to Pillman, Keener, Mun-hm. Don Rossu Mohawk, met at the home of Ron Aiken on Main St. North. After patrol inspection, and a review,of Tenderfoot work, the patrol turned to more advanced work on Mona signalling. The Mohawk, even found time in the game period for I game of hockey . 2.9m hallhockey, that its. _ The Oneidas were joined at their meeting at Bryon Smallman- Tew's home on Dennison Rd. West, by the Senecs Patrol. The Oneidas started their patrol organization with the appointment of a secre- tary, Peter Armstrong, and a treasurer, patroi second Ron Weir. Time was spent on proficiency bsdge discussion, and Mr. R. Bnusllrnan-Tew assisted in the patrol instruction. St. John’s Fourth Weston Troop met in three different platen last Wednesday evening. stretching from the far north end of the town, to the south end, and over in the east end. There was a patrol leader in charge of each meeting. The scribe of this column does not intend to discuss the hockey game last Saturday morning " King St, school between First and St. John's Fourth Troops bee-use he believes that it will be "dir cussed" in full by First Weston elsewhere in the Scout column. The scribe only wishes to help First Weston put its tmek, because they must have played I ttood game in order to beat the Fourth top tune of 10 to a. A scientist reported that grand- mother's teehniaue of kettrimr an egg fresh without refrigeration his been improved. The new trick in to coat the on with a thin layer “pl-spit. -- _ Dr. Gustav Pi?,,',.'; director of re- lic-rah of he nivarul Oil Pro- ducts Com nr, told The Americm Chemical ociety meeting in can- motion with The America Anec- tation for The Advancement of Science, that "Jone- hu a blind no! idea. â€Iranian.†in panned In cold- :tonu 'tlf, much long" I'M the; no Ill hand to I human wh h Involves dipping the MII ht oil," he laid. "Experiment: di- nk that mu hm: unit: an in St. John'l Fourth Weston Troop St, John's original team, I: drawn up by Ron Beard-II. had Dave All-u, Don Ross, and Ken Weeks Ale, forward, Ron Weir and Bill Hanna pinyink defence, and Don Redford in goal. How- ever_ this. set-up was dunked. in ttie" old days grandmother used to dip the egg in butter or loge kjnd of pil, By the time molt of In reed this, our 1948 “election of ottieerf will be over. However, just in one you’ve received your “Time. end Guide" More 8.30 pan. Timmy the twelfth, drop what you're doing and come on down to the meeting in Humberview nhool. A new executive will be looking sham: interest: for the next you . . . let ul support them Bil the way. How can we do thin Sim 1y by being interested enough in [sumberlee to attend our community meeting. Let’s have I better Humberlee y workin together with and "t%l'lllll, pe on Juggle“ and Blvd., is pleased to welcome home his wife and daughter who have been spendirif the rut three weeks with Mrs. eClellttnd't, family in the Maritimes. Next Week V 'iiiipiii2iitTif,fiiii2i'rJet" tneesr..tr.sdjdyt8rsytit let Mal! Wnumwl ttte MGW"VII it the 2nt'?fht,'rtt Graham? fit't'Mgatl11,'l th Visual:- reared uncl- eye a tttttu"""'"""'"" yo; _.. More loch! Last week-end. Mr. ad In. ask Sauna?! Sum Tail. 'rd MIT, men of uk'l air tergeag Ind that: vino. It m quite u do, u this wu their tint "union linen thetrrrtAerawlftsr or!!!“ . In!!! pmnwnng 0"â€- 1 'use/le Roy, Wtzlhgev $119.. I m " at n cy- field, P.Q. POM Election _ The guest editor of next week's column will be Erie Lund. Don't miss it, for Eric will, in all rtt, ability, be covering some 0 the historic highlights of Humberlea's present site. We'll just hive 1313675; 'Fint Weston boys “Lin! Scientist Gives New Techniques AGiiTiedirGd/ir __ léi'Cdxixiiuhiii Auociation. Welcome Bone __chk_ McCleljgnd, .Aura _ Lee CAMPAIGN DATES Feb. 23m Mar.13 WESTON REanAnon CENTRE FlrllliillRllE ARllliil, THE Futty't"tir_i(i_, ' 4 AboutThe . c,') WESTON RECREATION CENTRE APPEAL! j OBJECTIVE $125,000 Hon. Campaign Chairman GIORGI S. IMDIN, OI! ELLIIIY 6. "" "FROM THE YOUTH OF TODAY, COME THE LEADERS or TOMOR‘OW. SUPPORT THE ARENA" Campaign Huh-cm: II MAIN ST. N. J. In April, I945, the Town of Weston deeded over to nine Trustees, members of the Weston Lions , Club, the land formerly known as the Weston Fair Grounds, for use as a recreation centre. According to the agreement, the Trustees of the property are responsible for the development and operation of the recreation centre. The property may be used only for recreational pur- poses and cannot be developed commerciall or sold to any other interests. In therevent of failure ht adhere" to the agreemnt with the Town of Weston, tho.Trurteers must return the property viii: all development: thereon to the Town, free It o h Already a large drill hall at Malton has been purchased hom'the War Assets Corporation. This hall is to be dismantled and moved to the recreation centre. There it will be converted into a modern arena. Estimates and plans have been received covering every phase of the work in- volved in reconverting the drill hall into an arena. ' During the past three years the Weston Lions Club has made numerous improvements and developments at the recreation centre. The members of this service club, with the help of other clube and organizations, are striving to develop, right here in our own community, the finest recreation centre in Canada. The proposed arena will have an artificial ice surface as large as that of Maple Leaf Gardens and seating accommodation for 3,000. There will also be facilities for curling and figure skat- ing as well as rooms for hobbies and crafts. The erection of a year-round arena, available to everyone, with facilities for skating, hockey, curling, crafts, figure skating and other indoor recreation and entertainment - is a step toward this objective. Members of other service clubs, civic organizations, clubs, groups and public bodies, as well as prominent individuals, have endorsed this proiect and are giving it their whole-hearted support. The arena, suitable for year-round use, will pro- vide everyone the opportunity to enjoy various recreational facilities. It will keep our boys and girls off the streets and out of trouble. It will help them to build healthier bodies, more active minds, and thus develop them into better and more useful citizens. It will help to reduce juvenile delinquency. It will serve as a place for public meetings, musical productions, concerts, gymnastic displays and similar functions. Eating the peg“! three years_tho Weston Lions, I. ltll'iiie,fllii'l,?t,'i'lfi'i, i'iiiih'iiiiP â€Ur-numbnocuuun- m .fsetto.aetiq'u-aettt.tkgimi. In TELEPHONE ZONE 4-236 TO. This appeal, ht be launch“ on 2tggr, Med. is in YOUR INTERESTS, In the hm YouR FAMILY, YOUR COMMUNITY and YOUR RECREATION CENTRE. s. pkn new I. -et and businoss-liko mannor. A Board, oomph“ of tho rocroation contro Trustoos and eteRea'a4 roprosontativos from oach of tho Municipal Council of tho Town of Woston and othor - or district organizations, will be sot up to handlo the administration. In this connoction, tho - willbooporotodonacostbosiscovoring mointononco, light, hoot, labour and 'tqtuMlatg oxponsos procurod by a nominal foo chorgod for admission and rontals. Tho arona may ho uood by any group, club or organisation. which wall conform to rogulations as sot out and oppmod by tho Board. Local groups, clubs or 'orgonina tions will have procodont our any or " ontoldo bodies. In keeping with tho ogroomont bettrieat tho rocroation contro Truotoos and the Town of Woston, any profits derived from tho oporotion of tho arona will be turnod back into a - fund for tho improvement of tho contlo. _ A sum of $125,000 will be neceaoryto complete the project. This is a nonnable expenditure for such an undertaking and is possible b- the drill hall at Malton, valued at $90,000, has boon purchased for $7,200 - lees than onevtenlb of its value. The campaign objective can be item- ized as follows: - Donations to the Weston Recreation Centre Appeal are deductible for Income Tax Purpoeec. Exemption: are allowed, on donations of this kind, up ht IO por cent. of taxable income. Ting gum will be administered in an ofka Kc) generously on your mm " M. (a) (b) Purchase and Installation of equipment for artificial in " (d) Dismantling drill hall and moving to new tin; onlarglng and no building; installation ist heating unit, wiring, plumbing fixturu, Provision of facilities and in quit!“ for curling and “gun Installation of acting (ei't $3 5,000 $15,000 $15,000