Times & Guide (1909), 8 Apr 1948, p. 6

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I it" curringe, blue “roller type; I good condition, 815; wooden plny r" n, 08.50; white metal ice box, ,t “in " lbs.. $26. Phone Wel- ,t' " “4-4. 98 Hopcroft Ave.. " punk of Russell Ave. o-Ili-lt MG mu claim .mployment _ u "B." on truck or tutor: slut. J . 3582. 1201 Jun M., ”than; o-ls-lt no or iiGe hum-mm mom. mej " my PW eoypet. V mud by yo bulimi- cou la. M Wanton wk. (',1'lt'lt ihWit _ - YOUNG couplarequi‘m‘tyq unfgrf iTiiiijeiikpyp. dreys, ‘with gag, 'iTirt%TLitfeta-,uie; 12. 19 E15; m Ave., Weston. 473-8.. o-15-1t "iitiia GGG" Ta - kitchenette. M Weston loo-J. o-16-1t 015mm,: may, 3999 eeh -iiifGGiCiodrFrli Gad, '3101 has Weston 175-M-13. o-Ili-It COAT Ind bommt. immune. $5; brown tweed with beret, $4, size s, good In new; walnut dresser, "St green living room rug, 815; “but four-poster bed. coil spring, felt math-cu, used for child. $25. Mo 1828-W. o-15-1t 2efgiifitbi baby’l raéking $2.M. Phone 533-J. o-W-lt ’lo-l ulna It wholesale price WI chenille: for double or - beds in all pastel colours It” ouch. Closely tufted. full I. x 100 lad-ht denim chenille M! '."f ”all Also 2Pti.tyt "aimed W" 19" x 86" 8 for, am. These articles are worth We the price. Sent C.0.D. plus We. Money immedintelv ye- Nrtded if not tsatisfied. Handicraft Whuton. 251 Sherbrooke St., at new look in ,htsdts. Expeyt my for we? g3 per, ygrd. BATTERY tad/o with_bttterrrA26, BitAPw'ith motor, _complgfe, guts -iGiG' aiait inixer," 231mm- mnt Av... Weston o-16-1t "iGrijr-é yll'dl to 1013, Ts per load. DIE, phone 1325-W, even- ing- 14st18. 0-15-3t ttGi, Montiea]. Que, eiutom made of modern wash- Ibb plutic. Recovers I specialty. lb: Have. 43 Station St.. Phone m-w. o-ll-St Bur tram the rtuseh and save my. Coll-rs. up”. ICII’VBI, Mt coats, .nd dressed skins. WeltoL_1080-;_ if ygu (11h “To; 'ihartGil." Nor oiligltion. Irwin? Fur Farm. RR No. 8, Hm x-44-tf FRESH mgnure_ for 'style,. npgyoxi- ELVEB Gi-rush-a., Fox. Fun. -aiicGrGanlekrddi" Dan- mne record player; 23-foot cabin uni-er, Baerifiee. 767-W. o-15-It THREE-piece chesterfield suite, (in: class condition: hm: bed, In“; and mattress: fire basket and (and. Phone ass-w. o-Ili-lt fume cough sud wuhqu _ma- YACUUN gamer. ,11 ,ttaclTietrtu, QUE brown striped suit, size 14, chap. TO George St. 0115-1t GTE used sump pump, 880. Phone 1t2t-W-12. o-tli-tt "aid. -Gklfftiai,"em.ixj. 23 Mai any Ave. JU. 9311. 0-15-1t an .dit.tintr, PI"." digit-5L lather T6 FORTE]; i6; Mic; rebuilt motor, in good condition. 65 Mlle Ave., Mount Dummy: -. 'tAtiN,trti, 1e,ieceaftiffll,r aa. '1id60.' dining room mite, wheat color, - leather mu; full aim wal.. It bed with spring, vanity, drawer “hitch. Apt. 8. 35 King St; - C-PP/al modem,_lspu't_ment line, "" CHEVROLET sport convert- roldmr in good running 0.; evenings only. Phone .' o-lB-lt 'iriieric jam; no. Plum? Ina-w. 0-15-12 Lyieirte in perfect condition. “.0 13744-4. x-15-1t Ntrtaty for n19. Apply A les- _ M "" Wilton Ave. VNtt. , k" . . o-u-n 'ittritiririciric, manly-1g "6itYAirtihiiGAGGitiGGrr; out, nod condition. Phone ”W. nc-lb-lt Flinn ice box, cgucity 50 lb: good condition. one 621:3; h “may edible bed L% [A mmng [Wm cnuns IEILLIEI' Dated. 10 Arthur St... Wang? 0- -1t autumn-Iain.»- gamma-annu- i%at-dmmrttrlrtth- “no! ad man-nu. WMQMWMEX- 5lif."g,"r"'""Nt _ . 8973. pus: “Gemini. gm married- h 8 Wed room. in an or Haunt Dennis. JU. 8887 Gunmetal-gel. 0452! mucus mun "In? Sfir""gfijii u-om- . 'k'h..'l't -haiiA' ii isatrtems. WW]! '/rdmt'Si RIDE Wm E". _ . - - Eli-1t _ _ , , runmng condu- o-16-It x-14-tf x-lS-lt o-l5-1t '-1lVIt l - ruin. no" Wtb1t lined, Wat condition, tor boy 9 or 10. mse-pUee tweed suit for boy ' or 10. Phone 4354. 0-15-lt Ttryas_truner Meciary, tre pate; - mo English prun. iM" John st] 552-11. 045-1: DINING room mite, 6 chairs, table, buffet, one kitchen stove, one small incubator "Buckeye" and other “tides, must sell. Phone Weston 738. 0-15-1t J mo St, FRIGIDAIRE, main; to 00 cycle. Phone Weston 353- a. 0-!5-lt BLUE gibgrdine raincoat: stytin "orig; 'Afgil’y g" Scott si. (by Maple Leaf rive) at the ceiAr, * BEATTY mm'm Bale. Phone Zone 4-4M. 0-15-1: walnut finish, perfect condition; one quarter cut oak dresser, British bevel mirror, low style, 8 drawer; 146 Main St. N. a .. RANGETTE in excellent condition, reasonable; also mantel electric radio, RCA Victor, in good condi- tion. Phone 17-W-3, Weston). 5 1 -1 - t 1986 PANEL truck for sale. Apply 9 Joseph St., Weston. 194rly:. L ONE Simmonpvd'ouyl. beggark 1C%i'iriaiiiri,GrGCaus. Phone Weston 17-W-3. 0-15-11. PosgEssIoN-Fourttsen rooms, water heated, electric refriger- atom and stoves, 3-car garage, 1 mm furnished. Phone "i'/tl5i 0-15- t ABLE PRODUCTS custom built cubineta. All typu otshelving, counters and thowcuea. an, un- painted or your choice of finish. No men or fun in your home or More. All (may finitthed direct to you, mady to install. Why wait months for that new kitchen). gou GRIY Galina pun. in palm condition, “unable. JU. 6088, 10 Scanning Av... loam Dennis. PIANO. upright, mo bench, fair Condition. Phone 1073-W. 1770 RANGETTE, double insulated. spe- cial oven element, tar. IN-wa. 0-15-1t YEAR-OLD (mate golqe‘n 133mm 'Gii"ii';d%iTiitG' AGGiidbie. For free estjrqqtgs phone Zone 45% or ii6%A 5247. BRAY started pallets. Save time, worry, feed. Get you of! to I good tttart. Prompt shipment. Day old: also. 1““va cockerel chick ex- perts to the s. permit pallet chick price reductions to our Cana- dian customers. Be sure you Iget new price list. Don't delay or er, every day counts. Agent: Walter Abeles, Weston Feed, 53 Main Bt., lWeeton. x-15-1t '29 DE sow. 4309a 'irty, byt .AtovV_'""P'" A_.F9A_Am- -. --._..‘ Grove, Lake Simcoe, three- roomed furnished may lined with Georgia Pine inclu ng Vic- tor radio md rowboat; situated 're',',',',??, beautiful trees on lake front ot; boat service, May through Thanksgiving week-end; ice. milk and grocery deliveries; about 100 cottage: on island; beautiful en- large , natural colored picture may be Been. Phone 1328-W. ~o-lS-ll; '1,y)0--SN_ArfE {Span}? at Igand 'iGi,ii,ite,P,if,e wit}; references to Bank of anti-en]. x-15-1t """i,ririiiiirtiria i Goat "tnnurtr. low or apartment. Phone Weston 12-W evenings. iet4-8t - Tau' gut; Girurjiried and 'v'vazes exTteetmd, pennant position. Box 1531, Times Ind Guide. _ 0-15-1t Gundo. EFaTFdi, mom g trtorer. house HAVE Aour isTri. clearllofii and STENOGRAmER oxfjunigr clerk tTiFrEiiGrnnted tor local_green- YOUNG rTtioi, w_anted to in"! - i/Gi/God/d 1"tigir'ggg'"'f,',lt, pouttion. Box l526, ime: q and “ _ . I it MAN to help in garden, part time. Phone Zone 4-487. 03:13 GROOM - FFF, Lerptr_ie,rtfrl, waxed by I reliable and experi- enced mm. Old floors brought up like now. Best tutorials and. Batutttettott truaranteed. JU. 4670 " Bahama: Ave.. Toronto. x-t.f. UKUUM - [Imcncr cap“ mun“, live in or out. aoé Queen: drive. Phone Bone 4-440. x-lsflt sALEMAlh_trtPett,ge.1",J'.y.y ""i;i7triiiriiGWGTrAtkm." Zone L870. x-ls-lt L mums . "mu HELP WANTED " ONCE . Production Worker: . Mould." APARTMENTS FORAA9 GENERAL “may "ll? WAtiB--NMA" Hiatus? WANTED mumuu~ Hm "wArmtt-MAa BUILDING SUPPLIES, cornea roi SALE Why For Adm: 6 DAY WEEK BABY CHICKS EXCHANGE ne-Ili-lt 0-15-lt ty-Ili-lt 0-1541: 0-16-lt K-tlt O-tls-tt tq,4T6--WYE, room brick storey and I half three-£11m: bath, page and drive, t ree-wire system, gu tutd automatic hot water heater, hardwood downltairl. Possession, May 1, 1252 Jane St., Mount Dennis ' 0-15-1t tion mom. Three bedrooms up- stairs. 03k floors throughout. Tues $98.00. Mortgnges 85,000. Have 4% you: to run. About 34,000 cash will finnnce balance. Telephone Mr. Poll-rd, 1548-W, or ELain £481, The Canada Perew",1 fun-it Comblny. manning pouibilitiu on good lot about 98 by 140. Living room will! but dining room In]: and could be altered wily to modern 1ivimpdinimr room. Large kitchen, modotnly oviuipm, extra room on main floor or, roPrn. or were» (ESE g§rl’swred 131322 zipper guru, lost in Weston Theatre, $atur. day afternoon. Gift from overseas. Mrs. A. T. Mould, First Ave., Thistletown. Phone 1592-W-M. withuoUNT A ROI! with lgchjutum nag HOUSE wgqtalfngr dg-Hayilnqd .irport. North Toronto. North York, Weston. anywhere. Home wanted.' rent or lease. Weston ll55-J-2. ' x-13-3t uytrT-dote, family net. you“ black and white mongrel doz. Dart hound, reward, L. U. Lomas, Jane and Sheppard Ave. Phone 189-M-1. o-14-3t FIRST Mortgage Loan; gnanggd at current rates on Weston rein- dential property. The Canada Per- mlnent Trust Company, 320 Bay Street, telephone Elgin 4461. In Wegtgq telephone Mr. Pollard ht BOY'S wagon, steel handle, 104 Lawrence Ave. E. 0-15-1t "iiiiiiGi, li; -'"pi/trs,h" V régistered number 286. Phone 449. rue-w. BUDGIE GCturtvooise. Yue, “ammo supp}?! (rutjb.er soggy; mailed postplid in plain, selled envelope with price list; six samples, Me; 2d lumping, 81. Mail Order Dept. G4, Nov-Rubber Co., Box- 91. Hnmilton. Ont. ' x-52-1t -Tiiriiie-t- gsiaéntial properties, will receive prompt, experienced attention fronrttus _Real_Es:ate De- pmment of The Canada Permatr ant Trust Com any, confer of Bay nod Adelaide greets, Toronto. If you would like us to look at your property, with no obligation to you. telephone Mr. Pollard in Weston at 1548-W. x-29-tf LISTINGS forIale -ot. Weston and Hiram My all u tut, or nix-roan hide . modern comm- iM tmttltd 'iéjiiiriitiGci 4W. R. be MAITRE), Fool SprecialisAt _in Itch correction. Featherweight arch support: to individual impres- sion casts made of every foot. Hours by appointment. Phone Weston 69l-M, o..46-tf for clients wishing to locate in Weston Ind Mount Dennis districts. We 1130 have choice building lots with improvements in Pealmo Park for sale. PROMPT CONFIDENTIAL ACTION E. W. GOULDING CO. LTD. " Adelaide M. E. ELgin 6181 Renltnn and Business Brokers -- Prettprt represgytative: ... ONE furnished room, [rill priv- ikgn, continuous hot water. Pre- for , 'tt or , men. Rumba!” IN . Zone 4-500. o-M-it FURNISHED room for rent, unit lady. Apply 19 Main St. 8.__ U FirGaiiriifaii'ht. tia, o-us-u WE Ahuiie Houses and bhsinessel Mr. Arnold persons will find a real home in I nurses home at 139 William St., Phone 1281-W. ne-1'rtt - keepinx grill priviiesrik, in Mod- dem b',e,ngt ow, close to bus service, unit coup e, reaaonable. 1361-J:_ -. imirtop, or Mtm.nt Dettttit, ryyth SEMI-INVALIDS. retired or sized BEDSIT'I'INQ ro?"), light. houst minimum) bedroom, suit gentle- mn. Phone 13224. 0-15-lt YOU can have the best at the same price. Painting and interior decorating (paper strip- ping by machine, no mess), also asphalt shingling, roofing, chim- ney and plaster repairs, concrete cellar floors, walks. driveways. All work done by master work- men. Free estimates. GIBSON glchARTNEY, phone Weston - - fiiiydi OE’SEL1.ING ypusas. BUSINESSES. LAND PAINTING AND DECORATING GOULDING REAL - ESTATE WHY GAMBLE ? MOB”? iGE LOANS PROPERTIES WANTED HOUSE iCKNTED WAN“. to bit" PROFESSIONAL ROOMS TO LIT FEET HURT? REAL ESTATE REST ROME PERSONAL LOST Weston 590-W x-tli-lt o-15-1t iL29-u o-IIS-it o-16-it .-§~It old. Companion tor own. Nae ponry or permanent. " taboo! Nt w. m m In“. Ind School. 8 Home" A". o..1Ftt wohuT'Wui Er; mama while mother work; 28 Tedder Av... Wartime Housing. o-lS-lt my]; lag-rd girl that tive [can ROOM and board for, luminou- Eteyy1llf.e_gpfe.rs PM.“ CARPENTERY. kitchen cup- boards, tileboard, window screens. storm windows Ind rep- airs. Zone 4-516. 172 John St. x-ll-t! vetenn now in business. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Any kind of flooring brought up like new. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. New Electric pnlilher. Wallpaper cleaned. Window- clean- ed. Painted walls washed. Phone A. Corral. MU. 6427. x-61-tt from "your owh material bg an expert. No waiting. Phone 132 -W. 0-16-1t MODERN floor service. Lee-l VENETIAN blinds cleaned-blinds HAVE your drapes custpm_made GARDEN work, caught pouring and excavatilig with Gamer; Everson and Ellis. Phone 151-W-4, Weston. 0-15.31: cleaned and repaired in your own home by experienced repairman. Blinds taken apart, cleaned and re- assembled with new tape and cords if desired. Reasonable rates. Work done evenings or Saturdays. Phone 652-M. o-W1t money, do your own concrete work; free estimates on floors, footings and block work. Phone 1331-J. x-lB-tf CEMENT mixers for rent, save GARDEN work, cement pouring and exetwtrtint with tricton. Everson and Ellis. Phone 161-W-4, Weston. 0-15-3t MU. 2706 WANTED TO _RE_NT - _Houyy alignment or flat, by couple witli child; references. Box 1503, Times and Guide. o-Ili-It wr." DENNIS UPHOLSTERING --__ ---- A-LYRIL“. --- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright and family wish to express to their many friends their heartfelt thanks for the token of sympathy tendered them during their recent bereavement. SAY-At the (Burnside Wing) Toronto General hospital, March 29, 1948, to Jim and Mildred Say (nee Mousley). 4 Lippincott street, east, Weston baby boy, John Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bone, Reuben avenue, wish to thank their many friends and neighbors for their cot" gratulations, gifts and flowers, on the occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary. Cards of Thanks In Memoriam SAVAGE. _DEETrE---rp, 1ovirlir memory of my dear wife, Deedie Savage, who passed away April 9, 1947. Deep in the heart lies I picture Of a loved one laid to rest, In Memory's frame I shall keep it Because she was one of the bent. --Evptt remembered by her har band Wilf. One out of three can be anved with the knowledge of cancer now possessed. Births FOUNDATION EXCAVATING By hour or contract. Harrison Fair Zone 4-250 _ijijeeif,'.iii,flb5iiJiit),t Emc'or. _ eeler, Phone etrtott "tH-lt N O T I C E S Births, Marriages, Deaths, Cards of Thtqtka, Engage- 9n JtiiiijrjiAhett CroLiztryyg. meats, In MeritoriGE Notices Under Then Bending. 2c per_trord. _b_iinimun Chesterfield, and Chairs Studio Couches. Davenport: Recovered and Repaired SLIPCOVERS 7 MADE TO ORDER BUH,DF,RS' SUPPLIES GENERAL HARDWARE LANGMUIR PAINTS SPORTING EQUIPMENT MASTIC TILES and VENE'I'IAN BLINDS (Estimates Free) Order your baseball requiremointa now! Let I! quote you "new team prices. 1741 JANE ST. Jane St. Hardware For All Your Hardware Needs WWW snvicu arms UPHOLSTERING UPHOISTIRING WINTED Churn 50c. MAN!) 1002 Weston Rd. Also a Complete Line of x-lE-tf x-lO-tf 8331133 The undersigned received in- structions from the administrator of the estate of the late J. A, Kenna, 89 King St., Weston, to sell by public auction April 17, 1947 at 1.30 path. the following: LIVING ROOM - Chesterfield suit, 3 pieces; 1 table; 1 radio, General, Electrici 1 Dominiop Ji. mo and bench; 2 rocking chum; drapes and curtains; 1 arle, 7% by 6% ft.; 1 floor lamp; 2 tah e lamps; 1 leather chair. DINING. R.ooh.H1 dining _reun suite, 6 chairs, buffet and table; 1 complete dinner set of dishes; silver plateware; table linen; 1 rug, 10% x 6%; drapes and e1ttty_hs.tcelijna. A, - - _ her of aluminum cooking utensils; electric iron; 1 clock, antique; elec- tric fan, 1 ice box; electric heater; 1 polishing brush; 1 carpet sweeper; washing machine and copper tub; coal oil heater stove; copper _ boiler; 1 deluxe vuuum cleaner, good as new; 1 pine chelt; 2 storage boxes; 2 hall mirrors; 1 hall runner, 7% x 2% it; 1 hall ruyyTy_800"_tr fly, ft. -- . - GARDEN TOOLS - Extension ladder, 32 ft.; extension ladder, 10 ft.; complete outfit of car enter": tools; garden hose; 3 step I'l'lllg,1' . syN?ORc.H--1 conch; 1 rocking KITCHEN - 4 kitchen chum; 1 drop leaf table; 1 Moffat elec- tric stove annex- 1 arm chair; 2 ynallMl?leis; 1 'iior'riiriiiaiT, num- chair; 1 sewing miuiu'ru;rvLra; (1111311331;ng lawn chum. - 3piece bedroom suite; 1 single bed; 1 spool bed; 1 secretary; 1 chest of drawers, antique; l chest of drawers; 1 writing desk; 2 feather beds; 1 feather mattress; 8 bed pil- lows, spring, mattress; drapes snd curtains; l rug, 6' x 6' 9"; blankets; other articles too numerous to mention. J. A. KELLAN Administrator, 35 Elizabeth St. gouth, Brampton, ph?ntf8hw_., _ - - I A. M. McEWAN, Auctioneer, 12 Kir2Efyttty, Weaken, Prone 1601-W. TERMS..' Cash. Nothing to be m; moved until settled for. Swing this aging every, Sutur- day nite at alum Claim, to Merrymnkers' 9 piece orcheltn. 0-15-2t " HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE I Coming Events I Auction Sale pED.Rophr-"1 bed in}?! drawer: PRICES RIGHT HONEST WORK WESTON 1208 LY. 2626 Lou Moore RADIOS MOTORS WASHERS APPLIANCES General Electric Son/ice Award Sonic. Manager WESTON 1410 '30-... mi‘""7w.u m" I“: tW. '060 "ahillilthS,fll" 'tlttNmm" at - 'tetr “AW. GAIDHOUSI, IA. no Icy St.. ,ua n. mo Inn l5. Church it, We.” Wanto- "64M. Fa qtpo;ntmertt during day, phone office. Rte -i.ntmqrtt dy.rirm ammo. VI-n- ISI-W 10nd. 0169 Elgln IIGJ Moan To loan ll Tomato Sivan. Tomato 0-16-52 Barri-tn " But of Non Scotil Chm-hen ZONE 4-475 m. 8m "" '"Wisé'i‘bu " Elastic Stockings. Baits. " Applications will be received by the undersigned until Mom. dny. April 19th, 1948. for the position of Media] Officer of Health (part time) for the Town of Wanton. Please mu qtmlifiiion. trnd give full particulars in first letter. TBUSSEB MADE To ORDER " Yean' Experience Print. Fitting Room GEORGE W. BULL Tinsmithlng Eavestroughing General Sheetmetal Work TOWN OF WINTON MEDICAL OFFICER of HEALTH J. T. FERGUSON Auditor and Accountant " MAIN ST. N. ZONE 4-575 J. EDGAR PARSONS MEDICAL SUPPLIES C. LORNE FRASER r. A. ttia-AN FURNACE WORK ROOFING CHIMNEY POINTING Zone 4-202 Specinlillng In Maternity BA"trmt, SOLICITOI. INCH’S DRUG STORE J. C. INCH. ILA. PlumB. RUPTIIRED? TINSMITH. ETC! IAIIISTER, SOLICIT” AUBREY PETITE (natured Accountant Auditor 1’9! ”Pointing-2191'! EDMUND NURSING HOME lost " New Seotu ch-. WesroN J. Wright PHONE 1230W. " EDMUND AVE. " TORONTO ST. -4Nfu- G. H. CLARKSON, rem, Clerk. I! PAINTING. DECORATING Interior - Exterior P PHONE 676-3! JACK BAILEY “Quality With Experience” A "an 'sServicieStation Free 'llrstiqtatem--Nendly Advice Royal _C9_nu_rvatory W E S T O N Private Hospital PHONE 1151 - of Musk: me WEtrTON-aneh Ami. 28-1 MT. DBNNW-a661 Eglinton W. new 81.“th Nader!!!” Gnome-ml Norw- n‘ M tH-q. " Mll- An .0. D Household Wiring . Electrical Repairs GIBSON W. McCARTNEY mm» & mount: I” I‘ll“ Herb Gillespie " LAWRENCE AVE. W. Zone 4-342 POWER’S TAXI ELEGTIIGM. NITRIC“! union Daoa.t--Lu 5on W. J. WARD Funeral DiracMn Ambulance PHONE: ZONE 4-444 In MAIN M., WESTON m $3.1 Tub- Sonic. CRUICKSHANK . GARAGE UNDERTAK'ERS CHIROPRACTIC QQNTMCTORS DECORATING iii "m" hum-yum.“ Brush or Spray WESTON 1315 1 LITTLE AVE. J. W. BROWN mu. ALLAN. Ptet 30PM"! PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL THUG! “LES AND W108 104 Main St. N. New Telephone Numb" ZONE 4438 TAXIS Bane Plum, etc. To“ CI1iTTCai? NW Operating Iron 239 MAIN Br. B.. Corner of ST. JOHNS Roy’s Taxi TAXI WANTED All Passengers Insured: For free pick-up phone us We pay phone charges. GORDON YOUNG LTD. Phone AD. 3636, Toronto _r;RMjiirN Zone 4-327 RD. Ind MAIN ST. - " HOUR SERVICE - YETEIRAN'S PIANO TUNING Prompt Courteous Service 429 MAIN ST. N. At End of Car Lin. 8 CARS TO SERVE YOU WESTON I”. JAN. trt-MY. DINNII 3Uret. no. u Wm 41” DEAD HORSES Ind CATTLE 111' WANT ADDS ZONE 4-420 TAXI FLEET LINE TELEPHONE 38 MAIN N. Phones Weston . 677 Mu. - 5772 TAXI CABS TIMES 81 GUIDE Int Our-mad 456 Fits" PHONE Gun-uni for " USE ttl

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