l9 us .TD. le) bnNs Rl on cycl- so may lulu and - at tired? It'l inhuman. It's pn- mrou. Do we who cych milu - ourselves inhuman or law thletel? NM Thine"; cycligtl yum “that“! m that hunch slo north of iobletou. Mn Tu' weight ', ales wind along the fence. Emma we!!!" on thirteen light night ere. noon yen slip- ping home In 1,tgr vem. Get this Min and trut fart. If you want to mnke your miles by bie cle ' Pn push tnd all out 'ah", ide 1 envy cycle with bigtirea md go to it :1 you an. ou're welcome. If. you would like a {fad rs to enjoy your c cling av/ may even ll you weal: like 22t advice on how to achieve it, wate tut for next wuk’l in“. of the Firm: and Guide. In Inn» to I tlt from ram? Noun. Allan Ickson has min with In Inner to "What :ype of bicycle do you tend " 1on- ideal for the Iver-I50 Cana- ran'." Tiptop Idviu on I much talked rf qiwtiort-edvie. from I practi- ml cydilc of you: of travel in many Ide. Read it and then you will see the way to easy miles and days of joy in the wi e open stretcheb Loth near and far away. Get I kick. not I groan, from your rycling. _ F - run a ttttr. t" Neil gin“ alum I . my party mo Jim Marsh and Go on Gal. nith from Woman who Mlewlod p to lupch with the other 10 at magnum [want the 10 had prl from Wat Toronto vi- mrorvj-I gate " mil". Includ: York Township lhit '48 Budget lay 052,000.00 Reeve C. J. Mchhurter, York township nnnounced last night that the members of council, in com- mittee of genenl purposes bu succeeded in paring the township budget by $52,000. He explained 't"cgoe, â€35,305“ 8rtiee/"'lgt"gt.'l o " ut . i r Alexander wu naked by the com- mittee to lubmit u revised buthet after $11,000 had been cut from thtAudsret as submitted. "We must keep the rate in rea- sonable proximity to the utility of the taxpayer to meet the expense. We slashed $26,000 from the bud- tret of the Maria department and $15,000 from the Pnrks depart- wept," the Reeve deelared. During the discussion: it was recommended by the committee that five "additional constables woultreommenee their duties Nov. 1st, in place of, u of the earliest date npssilple. _ A - rf Mm. A. Diem, Queen’l Drive, Weston. All members Ire asked to be present at this meeting, and to bring ideal and mlbetials with which to work for the Newcomers' Yea. Thin tea, In annual event, will be held in June, with ironed: Being dongtfdlbo the YWC World Earlier in the month the town- ship tFolks commission had up prove the engaging of five new men, and had given approval to other mutter: of importance to the commission. Chief Constable Robert Alexander submitted a budget of $203,207. Dame†Eric Baker contended thq ince [1311;- tttAma a tesnuiirEfr1 reliat whom mother 25 to cycle should contribute to the police budgets of the respective munici- pality “u they do for education." He suggested it might be adv-n- iggeous for the township if copies of the police commission minutes could be obtained by the council- lors. "We don't know what is going on, but the persons who elect us think we_tio/' he detlar.ed: How gm thy do it? Btrw can Councillor Cuhmln contended lhe commiuion wu remiss in mak- Ing cetlin rulings on police mutter: with the reeve absent. from their meetintr, " A .. .. a if tstqt'r,tti'iiiiltitik'i ,thuwwh te in? I drug 2l'll'u'2' â€clam.“ and Cornell _ . pguwcidmt.to Mace: Fund. ...-.,...... Dep.-Reeve C. o. Moffnt warned lat the expenditures of the muni- cnpslity w uld be subsuntinlly higher nexfgyur. The township in fan. npprouching the limit In in as the tax-rate is concerned," he Warned. He declared he felt the Dolice radio system in the town- ship Wu superior to any and more effective in the mnter of anguhqginz igniting. " L The next meeting of the YWCA Iewcomen Club 0 'young married 'pmgn, w_ill It? Atel - " the _ho_me »-.....‘............ _"-'"""" Councillor Chns. P. Cnhmln Inserted he would present I motion " next week's council meeting abolishing the police commission. and hue the deprrtment ruled by tt committee of the council. Young Boy Gives All For Others Ninequpold ‘Huold Timmy of Cuban. Ind.. moaned awfully to Snlvuion Arm! Adiuunt Willilm fs 'l.""' plot for nolfdeninl m n . Roe-nth. Dnvi- received from Humid I Inch" with . note "r ml. "Pour not boyl and ttirits m {Orin I“! _ . .._. no "at. .m a nicks of an,†(new: tISU ly Harold for "vgral month. ewcomers To [old Annual Tea artvaiii%iii PAYS-TRY IT f a." as. my: an" tgi 3I'.T, cough“! . Pl beer. On any that is I In“: born a Mad in union which null. “You win he tll/il to lam that tb?y.terMeraddmt, dead." Wipe, out lave someone in your a who died and even now you hut an’t bonus they are dead and (on! That in the way Mother Meridden meet- me. I can nan: VII-win her " dead. Even in my t,',tE,t dream: I an never pie- tun other Mendden u Inythinx butfstle am} full of lite. Mother Mandden wu I mother to hundreds. of Canadian unico- mm in Great Britain. 8h. In: a big womnn who never gamed to mow from her high stool mung neu- the on}: taxi-tn in her pu on__Edgaw_I_ro Rout 7 - 7 __ - She could Ipot. n homeliek lad in n crowd like I mother hen noting a sick ehieken loling out in in stumble for the feed. I first met her when I wandered into her pub one Saturday night early in 1941. I was feeling low. Mi regular 48 hour luvs pal Jo any . . . well he Nt, wouldn't be around any more. wu luring glumly into my mild and bitter! wh_en {Vales "id,fHello,p-itt.1' I looked up trnd lured tstraight into the sparklingeat Ind friend, lien blue ares. They seemed to say, "Well, wel chum. it cun’t be that bad, come and have u talk with N Maple Leaf Community nite wus held in the school on Satin-do)! ove- nine. A large turn out of people from the district was areltly "" preciated by the mlnnzement. During the uternoon and eveninlz a very interesting programme of movies was furnished. The mem- bers of the Home and School As- rgittion held forth in the Tuck a on. Dancing for voung and old was furnished during the evening, with music by Harry Downs orchestra. (Mrs. W. Hninn. pitrno; Mrs. Bur- gess. Ruitar; Messrs. Mush-ll and Downs. violin Ind Funk Mullin- ter, floor mnnnger). The commun- ity thank all who worked so hard to make the evening such I sue- cess. Clare Henderson tsnnouneed that the manual election of the Com- munity council will be held on Avril 21. He urged all to be on hand and help in the selection of the new officers. Remember it is for all, not_jun I few._ _ It you must burn It.“ be sure to study the wind And be lure you have enough help. Remember one man fire may be one district con- f1tytrtstiott, _--.. _ . -irririiinuuron, Wilson Ave.. is progressing nicely after her re- cent operation fin Torqnt_o. . Mrs. Alfred Leon-rd. Downaview Ave., is reported to be progressing nicely and we hope to see both there neighbors out and around again soon _Pdtt 1feliu. "2h! it. my iarrupondent: Mrs. W. E. Gerry I talked to her for a while. Soon MAPLE LEAF CHEVROLET' NWMttr0lliSlltillil TRUCKS twnmourreggSris FIRST! 14 MAIN 81'. NORTH have all these new and finer features Hero are the newest trucks - the latest and the groatest Uertures--th. biggest voluesl Here is Advance-Design that provides the cab that "breathos",* Maxi-mounted cab, Uniweld all-steel cab construction, fully adjustable seat, all-round visibility with roar-corner windows,‘ extrodurablo frames, specially designed brake: and many other features that put Chevrolet trucks far ahead of the Reid. See them now - at our showroom! A FIODUCI’ OI Human lumen Stories Walkaw- " muvmm- . T. FARR & SONS LTD. Pun-mum much-EC. Caulk- ]...h. lg I Elam“; Writ}; 'iiNet'?.'. W . mm u. by my side plant] ttam $2" " tl'tiidhll M= -br0armaidAeNrmesrvedaaignal tothe mic. Tho WW I no": aw. now a... to the micnphom and Inn" mhuquwn “55m 'u gumagulpuchin IW, about mm", 'l,7 homo "ply. tut, " titttett. out. L"i. wBlut. 'Mr. Chairman Ind "tonal." NAttt Ibo u . Ntr.t the' tttBror began, 'upehi for aide bar V". Borne Entrlutt mynl'! and the council of 12301:, 1 men and WOM" plain; the Lt,; can truthfuliy '" that I. no "ii 1fff.irmHt thad B [Inky know edge aloud to be have this waning. id IRISH. But Mother McFIdden, Ilthough she always had n 111th word for me, never eoneentiated the ume on me gain. She seemed to have the lit that In. had put me on my Net them. Her eyes seemed to be con- Itnntly roving for another stray to be brought into the fold. Goodness knows Just how many lads Ihe looked after this way. DOUGLAI w. um In the" troubled times I often think how nice it would be if we had more Mother McFaddans around. I don't suppose she ever glanced through Dale Camegie's ok on winning friends. She just named to be born beaming out the Golden Rule. If you had to single out one ma- jor development in public thinking over the last 25 years. it would be this: the realization that informa- tion, properly applied. can be as importlnt as the first punch in a prize-fight or the first shot. in a war. One scientific fact. known to mil- lions. is more important than a million scientific facts known only to a few. This is one of the main bases be- hind the membership drive of the Cenedien Cancer Society. which runs this year all through April. The Society knows that in Concert research every dogged sten for- ward Buys off to its fullest extent only if it is renlyed to the Dublie rapidly and efficiently. If you. or your neighbor. or the man across ‘the street know enough about enn- cer and its symptoms to help doe, tors met to it early, the reward is in terms of lives. In fact. all urog- ress in cancer research so for. has its greatest effect only when the fruits of that mattress can be no- lied before the insane body-cell growth which is cancer has stretch- DOLLARS BULLETS By SCOTT YOUNG "mi " luau-ad milmin "um and not and vi wo mind get um .19. .INIIAI. MOIOII summit-m : 'uatt-d'rbut-.--, ' tlf {hon , o no. 2t,'2d with hit: '4'IL1'. tf as! â€as but)? s"ta'fa opt. Chili-am Ind Ittnt,", mnyor an. 'upehi or my com: o ' all and the it f 1'llLl I can truthfully '" that we no "ii { to be have this waning; " . m a mnlnulned that t re in no but!" either; in the town than the "temn--that the vggcnq to may cil gave a banquet and a little gold medallion to every man as they re- turned from overseas. Those re- ceptions did not cost so much. Not as much, for instance, as the one that was given to the town lncroeu team when they won the Mann cup shortly after the war wee over but, of course, they had made a name ‘for Easton in the sport world. It was, therefore, only right and pm “a, as I know you men will agree, éut when the then one~mnn con- tabular-y was abolished and a town police force established a little later that the personnel should have been chosen from that lacrosse team who had done so,much for our town, rather than from the vet- erans of the town who had been away from the town so long. Al- though at the. present time that condition has changed and the ed its feersome rinererg so far that it ean't be halted. The Canadian Cancer Society wants you to be better. informed about Cancer. because it has been proven that such information can save lives. A membership contri- bution to the Society will bring you that information regularly. It will help. also. to provide treatment Ind accommodation for cancer pa- tients who can’t afford to Day for lthe service themselves. The So- ‘ciety has only one source of sup- "tOrt-Four membership fees. Dol- lars are bullets in this war against Cancer. This is a chance to fire a shot in support of a great human "ge-u-tte-wo- CEUEC. One dollnr memberships may be sent to the nearest locnl branch of the Canadian Cancer Society or di- rect to Ontario Headquarters. P.O. Box. 459. Toronto I. New FOOT-OPERATED PARKING II“! New CHEVROLET â€PM swam. HES“ YIIICK TRANSMISSION iruauLluittr omt min. Mm: Now IDVAIa-HSIGN PAN“ HOOKS Rug-IW'EQ; GA Gui, . d U'npnulklod 't-wtdrmrsttcrtomk-ttoetl Urn-MIN out â€an“ and on. of "or-Non in cdvcnco-dulgn no“ will Sap-d immin- sion. Gacnhih is mind on in moving gel-mu torrrt,ruur-mr-hrtsrV Now CHEVROLET ADVANCE-DESIGN GEARSHIFI' CONTROL _ I molaoionry m Old-n of qdeaote- 4.sign mulch. Th. m cm '-rrrtrd porting huh provide. uh, not. "td-tt bull- in', plan an, that, M and Standard on hall and lino-guano! M with. tt,.worm-.eort-g_rt_tssir.-- Chum“ put-pedal "Minimal etttrtr" h III-run» Innyhh who! not My“ 'u! nun new" oil-vol“, um do"! UM alum-J. 'Orr-ado-et-rt-tdy-r' Inqud-olnpmmdm. I." door lock h w. Dav - - â€mymdmduhld - “Hm-pawn: Now Innom amour Hum-mo mm: ' v _ F _ ' ia' Pd'.' tttttttY ttt a we, b-r, I um. but wanna. Th women ,ltemid will n wort to let to the new ovum-n! latch: - the tor In ivesthtg. Dr. W, the re,gt weaker. a.. 3:“ ttff i1ih'iUt,','dg,, w. mu; m reeen . 'flll",S'lN"N'hu2rl'lu%l u poulble in order to educate All the children of this an pm!!! we: unused. None of u I be verly happy ttavintr to and our chi dren to Ichool on . shift Iyltem. Tide ll what in facing an m the very neu- future unleu not. when and better accumulation Ire provided within the next ea. Mr. Nelson Boylen, 'lfeJllt',Wdr'i of North York, Illa commented briefly on the shoal tire-non. The qua-hon of gtmet “its was dil- cuued once more. It to be hoped we won't have to find our wey in the dark much longer. Lucky, lucky Mr. Richerd Falter won the draw. The prlu, I bountiful blue "water, we: handbait and donated by Mrs. Bert, of Glydon Ave. _ Some of you will be interUtod to know that North York will de- liver the: and plant one maple tree to etch home owner. It you do. sin one of then trees. lorwu-d Il'lli mme md address to Mu: Alloch or Alex Hldield, both of Glydon tor, - _ . _ iiifdieit birthday greetings are extended to Mr. Allen Boy, of Wal- luey Ave. Mr. Boy tell, us he wn sweet sixteen Wedrtesday, April '7. Uh huh! - _ .. . ' Mr. Art Pettibu, who lives with his sister Ind brother-in-lnw, Mr. and Mrs. Len Badger, of Gad†Ave., htyLiointsd .. e Royal agi- ment of Cumdl Reserve". Mr. Herb Bird and Mr. Bob Bur- den, of Palermo were guests of Mr. Ind Mrs. Mills. of Will-Bey Av_e_., 1853: week. - " - " Mrs. Barton, of Smack -Trail, returned home from hospiul last week. We certainly wish you I venr spgedy "eoyey, {out}. A‘- Mrs. Sawyer, of Cleveland, Ohio, in visiting her son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sawyer, for two weeks, _ _ -- _ . _ "hirmiiri7Triena of Mrs. Ahdy Whyte, Wallasey Ave., will be pleased to know she has recovered 113-9th perrynnel are practically kit §eter§ns.†Joe eouldn't quite foliow this reasoning but as he had developed a terrific headache by this time, no doubt due to the din and clatter, he did not dwell on this. . . "You men," the mayor continued, "don't need to be told that we are glad to have Joy back with us again but I am giad to know, as I FITTINGS ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE INSTALLATION E. lelor . Walton 1432M or W SEPTIC TMG Flush or Dribble Sycteml Non Porous concrete Construction -Continued on page 9 WES’IDN 't, mun-um "hut2"uMrrta'tgt, no u tt,Pglgrettt2gtJi . Mr. Don lulu-hi " a-rtoadt-irtutadietart bulb-moustvuk. Wu hop. 1% 1300mm In. but and r. and In. M tsf tter, fg,rrutt to . "W - nun- I: in the [at loam. Wound number in “Tl-V142. Your editor in planed to up noun. a "ttWitt â€with. in bun; formed in on!" to obtain I“ the new: from and: Iona. A n - naphtha frym our! loge will go Lriiiiriaaiita" - Lia win coniict you weakly lat mu. Wednesday, Apr. 21 Thursday, Apr. 22 Friday, Apr. 23 The VERNON MOULD, A.O.C.A., C.Y.A. EXHIBITION or PAINTINGS Afternoon and Evening Handling money efrieient banking “vice. Aodit-ourunkmoeotoreovide nearly doubled. Tues are up. So in the cost of mum... banks buy. than you did ten year- ago. Today LN.†evidence of the ever-widening usefulnou of competitive banking in our national life. aronaoilo If you: In: .teotuyoumorotolivetheoednyn; B-tgaisneemomrttsnnuifas1artgo Yet you pay no more for banking service n More the was; payroll- have my“ ELM“!!! “MN. unm- .,rstgg.pttlllr?tfr', 31.11% and 'tttrt" 'rttma'aB-mrtt_th_ . -, 2‘: MIWWWMMCM' tayrgtBagotmButrmtG00mLBPT omoonus V Ftmllm'lhtElkliiuiirr)ti0 M. I " Main St. N,, Weston 'r' We are proud to present this Weston artist'g work before it goes on tour. The Exhibition is built around the watercolor,. "Blaek Creek," that re- ceived so much approval at the Art 211g, last year. Mr. ould has included at least twelve oils of Weston landmarks, _g,ittE,.u"g,t The Eagle Corner, Bhynepth ,_Els- was?“ CLEANERS _ IIIOIICY I. IAN! , 3'“. IT my? Fiff in! If“ a“ M't