Nis:'l!?tiiiii-iill:1ytt1aataaoisAm .d an Fdk5TiSiirtiF,iiiir: ail _ part. n. ' MMt Thu 'It, Livia: - Roma! 1 ity." Tho Incl Ion-win C. J. Lama. I? Ewan ' Min Shh-Icy t, Saw-rt Hill. Bob Boon. It. In“ Inn And Gordon AIM/Tho Csltamt 'tt krone. In: Mid Int month nd no to: mutant-tin. Ind direc- torl of attention And it In: voted In out-nudism â€can. This meet- ing that-clan will be hitthlr inform- alive and intending. The meetlux will Mart chug) " 8.00 mm. on Wodnudny. May 1 , It King St. "hooi. It is aiiurhnaiLsfiisit than: meet- into an em to we maul public and -tttt' will be mud- welcome. All. at the wing. detail: of the mar Inna-n will be given. A van anew!" aroma: for the boy: and gift in: been lined up Ind u it in .orttrtltintt quit. ditter- ent than let, your, the var-nu Ire ukad to attend ho but the plans for their children. WES‘ION 64-J-2 WESTON MMIM PRODUCTS LIMITED Lambda Shelving. Window and Door Trim, Asphalt Shingles, lulu-Brie Siding, Roll Brie Siding, Wallboards. Plywood Insulation. new Mouldings, Cedar Posts, Cedar Shingles and Clothes Line Poles. CITY AND SUBURBAN DELIVERY JU. 9220 PHONE 193 " MAIN N. We Now Have a Good Supply of the Following Items EXPERT TAILORING and REPAIRS LADIES’ and GENTS' GARMENTS CLEANED and STORED BTORAGB.-PURS " 2% of their vtiua. All Gut-mu [and Against Fire, Theft or Dunno NM RESPONSIBLE FOR GOODS LEFT OVER 60 DAYS 2808 DUNDAS ST. W. "Ne youth of today no the Indus of tomorrow.‘ SUPPORT THE WESTON ARENA ’. L MEBTEIS, th. B. WESTON CLEANERS Worn wheel bearings an cause musty midents md costly repairs. Why take dunces when our mechmics will check and mpaelt your bearings in n jiffy, Jhive in tomorrow . . . Drive away KNOWING your bearings will {not hi1. GENERAL CONTRACTORS CARPENTRY AND BUILDING Mi" COMBINATION STORM DOORS RUMSEY BROS. vy, If! 0. I.“ OPTOMETRIST _ Except Wedngda p, lee.", 30 5 30 y: - mm, . _ . .m. Wednoldly: 9 mm. to 12.30 noon p Evening: By Appointment HUDDLESTON MOTORS Attention Motorists! ifâ€? airi, Call Us For Estimates At o CHRYSLER o PLYMOUTH- o DODGE 0 DE sowo ammo CHECK WHEEL BEARINGS J. EAWE "WE SERVE THE WEST END" ,Mirinm Benee At ‘Cimpam Clulh ' t (BHhsekly Meeting tsg5,tlitt serial of“ a Ipecinl [you tor -- m cm». on» at an “a "CA held It unveil: not: on Wldnudly. May Shh, It tha YWCA. Mill Miriam Beam wu the fth ti - m. "lietrd2l'f/Jgttttttfgp "bran-7“ ti '1 135% ir, 'dr,', 'ir'i'ii'iotCtit Norm-u 'it axiom! - u ' TMQ by Mn. t. White, 3mm - my d tho North Tomb {ranch trf_thearormtt.. YWCA: owing iii-7' "this; u)rtu'iGiii7, with i , th 2".“th mm t'lth'l'." "‘ ' The Womln'l Allocintiou will hold their monthly matting In the church on Wain-ads; awning, May 12, It 1.80.dp.m. or . short meeting follow by tlite on "Flowers." mm L Mieh will be Advertising Pays-Try It! in chnrge. Ever one ll cordially invited to come. 'i?e'l"r'dhu'l'l, will be and by tha ladiu. Come tad enjoy . plunnt cum. Cmmt: In. . Worn- 1 MAIN ST. N., WESTON - Approved Service - Humbervale LIMITED WESTON 1224 PHONE 1000 JU. 7303 Tun]; “In. “In. it" in the Adirondack Mountains, New York, Ink. and. with Jack Mchrthy. pilot " . fed, plane which is tenths to in. the. In". Deep now still lying in the mount-(n: keep. he ulna!- fm- that: food and it won‘t molt until well into Our Deputy Run In a- recent interview with Deputy he" Alex Bimtt, we found this somewhat reserved member of conneil well posted on all township matters, its require- ments and ambitions. Keenly in- terested in the progress of Mobi- coke, this chap ram Aberdeen, is ever Watchful against any unneces- sary demands upon the treasury. Our Deputy is never backward in expressing opinions, where thel taxpayers‘ money is concerned, and ‘ his opinions have always been well considered. If at times he is silent, it is because he has not full;' con- sidered a problem, which oesn't mean that the problem is disposed of as far as he is concerned. We asked a number of pertinent ques- tions, and in no instance, did the Kingsway resident hedge or parry our taunt»: The Deputy strongly denie t at any preference was shown for a particular section of ,the township, as redgards to im- Wt,T,Ql and roa repairs, etc. e learned that all of the old tir,', lighting brackets throughout t e township, would be removed as early " possible, and would be re- placed with the modern luminaires. We were told that this work was under way, and that when com- pleted, additional lights could be expected. Recognition of the municipal ability of brother Bite sett. is amply shown, by his ap- pointments to the county finance committee and to the Children's Aid Society. The Deputy admitted that to cope with t e increasing demand, our water supply system would have to be It,',tit' up, and that in the meanw ile,. general satisfaction prevailed. The IIT- gency of the sanitary sewage dis- posal plant was lgreater now than at any time, an everything was 'ews from Etobicoke LY. Br THE CRITIC heir); done to nucleate efforts for its construction. _ q T Retain Land Any land owned by the township that in situate within the proposed 'Green Belt’ area. of the Toronto and York Planning Board, will be retained by the township. We un- derstand that none of this land will be sold or leased, for the time being at any rate. - Hopby Show Quite an army of talent was seen at the Hobby Show, put on by the pupils of the Lambton- Kingsway public school recently. Included in the long list of winners (junior section) was young Alex Bissett, son of our worthy deputy and Mrs. Bissett. Master Bissau: took first prize for his Meccano craftsmanship. A _ The Reeve and Deputy Reeve were appointed to serve on the Etobicoke River Conservation Au- thority. The Reeve and Councillor Bev Lewis will serve on. the Humber Valley Ronda On Conservation Board Why? A few of those who iluit,out the Loyal 0$position in the cue at gueen’a ark, are kicking, because eorge Drew, the Ontario Premier, bu deemed it prudent to go to the {maple of the province in June next. f we remember eorNetly, the Hep- burn (Liberal) ntgime, deemed it prudent to go to e people in '45, after having served lens than two years. A A ' Nice Going The Premier of Ontario, one George Drew, promised educational grants, and he came through in ine style. and for excellent measure, exceeded his promise by some twenty-five millions of dol- lars, all of which has been reflect- ed on municipal tax bills. Sixty million dollars worth of highway construction last year, and ALL paid for. This looks like good business and in the interest of the travelling public. Councillor Bev Lewis promised this column that steps would be taken to have a certain nuisance, emu-tinifrom an industrial plant weal: of t e Mimico creek (in our township) abated. At, a recent meeting of council, the councillor, backed by Councillor Wardlaw, moved a resolution to take action, under the Public Health Act, un- leaa the nuisance was immediately abated. Thanks a lot, Councillor Bev Lewis. - _ And Paid For Made Good, Bromige Inavuulve Service or two hundred were in the e-tration It 8t. James’ Church, Number Bar, on Wednesday eve- ning Int week, when the inspira- tloml And imamreuiva service can- nectar! with flttttation observ- ance was held. Youth (both sexes) predprniryttM the thirty adherents to the 2ea2i,t,,N who were oonflrmed y Bishop Beverly of Pronto, and ttll', View: well nown you poo co to intrict. Rev. 3. 'r"."8. Dwelly, a? New To- ronto, Ind Rev. Norman Taylor the prieqt of the parish. animated in the interesting rites of the Chunk. Included in the service was t dedieultrn to the memory of Pilot Officer Douglas Shingle, who rid the supreme sacrifice in the It Coidliet'. The gamma of the Mo ttttitter presente I plir of elnbonto Ind buutiful bran cnnMcb for church use. At the neat!†held following the new. rs. John Brown presented Answor to thls Week’s Crossword Puzzle the Bishop’s wife (Mrs. Beverly)‘ with a bouquet of flowers. De i- cious and dainty refreshments. cleverly prepared by Mrs. Cecil Johnson and Mrs. Gene Raymer, were Iervea to those present at the reception. The fifteenth an- niversary of the formation of the Women's Auxiliary in connection with the activities of the Church of St. James. was recently ob- served. At a recognition reception ‘given brthe Men's Club of the 'church, we were informed that iseveral charter members were I/resent. _ _ - Lop] Orange Lodge Twenty members of the Humber Bay Lodge (women's division) met at the home of Mrs. Harry Jones, Daniels St., for a. regular session of euchre. Some exciting games were played and, of course, re- freshments were served by mine hostess. The prize winners were Mrs. Boydell, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. H. Funnell and Mrs. Clay. Canine Problem The consuming of liquor whilst in operation of a car is a general nuisance (oft times worse) and at this season of the year, the roam- ing of dogs, also becomes a general nuisance, especially to home own- an who like to have a garden. Will the tt owner! of our town- ship-please ave a. heart Ind keep their cunlne friends under reason- able control. If they have to roam, why not let them do the roaming on their owner's property, and not on that of their neighbor's. Doesn't Mix l Party politics in municipal mat- ters is not wanted, and it doesn't mix. Our Reeve (Clive M. Sin- clair) was dead right when he refused to permit the introduction of a matter, decidedly of a provin- cial nature. In agreeing, our Deputy Reeve, one Alex Bissett, could not refrain from passing an entirely personal comment. As a matter of record, brother Bissett lamented, and is reported to have ‘suid 'It would be a. very nice thing if some day, some how, some place, Jame tax went back to the portion "d the population who pay it' (he ‘was evidently referring to the provincial three cent gasoline tax, 11td he would like repealed. Our Reeve declined to permit any ipolitical football being played dur- :ing municipal business hours, and suggested the introduction wasn't fair, in view of the forthcoming provincial election. We agree to a. certain extent with the niurmuring of our esteemed friend, Alex Bis- sett, and remind him, his comment applies to the taxpayers of Etobi- coke who he represents on council. It is recalled that at a, public meeting, our worthy Deputy Midi that if people wanted anything from council, they could have it by paying for it. and the member from Kingsway will agree with the writer that if the people want the finest highways in the world, they must be willing to contribute to- wards its cost. In reply to a new, our Reeve, the Deputy, and 8JJivc cillor Clarke Wardlaw. ore recog- nized as of the Liberal persuasion. They are three good fellows (don't start that three blind mice song please) and Personally. we like them, and fee honoured in beinte included in their list of friends. To the Reeve, for his action, in hur- ring any suspicion of party, politics, we say. yvellylasod, sin' School Phone We were told that most of the phnnes in use in Humber Buy. eat of the creek (it routs several tup- genera more on the west, side) ere oronto exchan es, but. if one de- sire! to call the fiei',"ml','ll' Bey public school on High St., one is perforce to use the New Toronto Exchange, end htve the necesslry dime to do no. tt the statement is true we invite the local school board to investigate and remedy the incon- venience. _ - - The Sill!!! Melba; When the question of controlling hours of business for ("we oper- ators. came before conned. com- ment: were heard from the Reeve, the Deputy, Councillors Bee Lewis Ind Clarke Wnrdlnw. Nothing in the report we now. mainland Councillgn Bill_Hod._-_m._ whicq re- 2tyiiiiiiitgiiitg,tgttytt c has. hymn u n and": L't'n"lr,e'lGull. "kemeovetesutoCtaeek Nita-â€11%.! $155315 :20]!ij it In: onyuel a a non nun - the oncoming In. 'iliifi'l We mm "tlit1 oun- dllor that the lumbar k " $.th gut of gu_mmp. t Fax 38 Concert Enjoyed By large Audience The PM: Concert held in the: Presbyterian Church last Saturdayl evening was enjoyed by the lame turnout of parents and friends nndl the boys and Kiri; of the Class! presented a very interesting eve-i ning. The first part of the eve..; ning was a half hour radio show' with the zirls of tne Glee Club) singing three numbers-Look Furl the Silver Lininz, Bear Your Pardonl and Now is the Hour-the Gleel Club was under the Euidnnce f,','; Mrs. James Marley. Bob Roosandl his five-piece orchestra played- three numbers which were greatly [ enjoyed by all. Makinz up his‘ orchestra were Jack Parish. Gary Seagrave, Paul Seagrave, Beryl Milrov and Bob Roots. "Among My Souvenirs" was sun" by the fourl Desmond sisters ad Paul Senzravel ‘nlayed two solos on his piano accordion. A niano duet was tslay-l ed by Lorraine Jennett and Beryl) Millw- _ A -- l. I. The evening concluded with n hitthry -eishtirtaininq comedy skit entitled. "Wildcat Willie." The cast consisted of Shirley Aitken, Gwen Smith. Grace Somerville. Keith Murley. Jack Parish and Allen Marley. Bay. Peel, and is in command of the Long Branch Division. 'Gene' saw service for some six years with the air force, and has been identi- fied in police work for over fifteen years. Mr. and Mrs. Raymer re- side on Smithfield Dr., Humber Winner of a contest prize in To.. ronto, Mrs. W. Howard Johns, of Stephen Dr., Humber Bay, was. scheduled to leave try plane for a week's vacation in Bermuda, on Sunday last. WINDER’S F NEW ORLEANS I WI an _avl,,ivar- - DICK TRACY’S pm “so TAXI M" TetjhATijiii,s" -- Art-l. Do Col-lug - Deeothg Pom At End of Car Lino 429 MAIN ST. N. 111 MON. . WESTON PRON E ElrTiiirEiall[] "Whore sound sounds best" U. m ' "'"t2n,l."ld'iuAn" C 0’“ A - Ln LITTLE MR. JIM --AMO-. ' TRIGGER TRAIL June: Craig imam Jenkins EASY "Y's - $1.00 DOWN . $1.00 WEEKLY Weston Credit Jewelers FTti.aATi.-MAY 7-8 TWO FEATURES 36 MAIN ST. N. MI T H E A T R E s 1286 WESTON RD. PHONE :11. "" WESTON 1. BOX OFFICE OPENS 8.15 PM. DAILY I "TARZAN AND THE HUNTRESS†with Johnny Weislnuller - Brenda Joyce - Johnny V Shun-rd with Jun Pttrter - Lloyd _ ADDED FEATURE "TWO BIDNDES AND A REDHEAD" NOW SHOWING Try a new Gonorcl Electric Kalil. for on. wook--No obligation with John Garfield . Gig Young - Geo. Tobias Cuminmdpkk upcG-lKonlo widenioydltbuofoawm murmuwsx qsusroeiegeo-ofthushtee :Jiugjm WED. & THUW3.--MAY 12-1: "AIR FORCE" Ann Sothern .. Bury Nelson in "UNDERCOYER MAINE" ADDED ATTRACTION Jimmy tmD.jttrtttk-..atar “-18 Gunmen-tori“! Claim-Ml in mitigating The "nazitsg1y tut Gonemt Electric Kettle boils m in n 1urrrr--enouf for {out cut" often in three minutes! Wide opening wont make: filling euy. Beautifully finished in lustrous chrome with black bakelite handli. Capacity 4 pints. Yvonne DeCarlo . Georg. Brent in Michael Redgrave . Mervyn John in "THE CAPTIVE HEART" “SLAVE GIRL†In Technicolor . $1091. a mu. MAY 10-11 ZONE 4-582