H. C. BROOKBA'NKS 1 LAWRENCE AVE. w. ZONE 4-435 Mism' Oxfords in brdwn, blue, . white and suntan. Sizes 11-2. 99c - $1.39 Mind? Strip: in brown, blue/white and suntan. Children's Oxfords in white, blue. and brown. Size: 1-10%. Men's Running Boots and Oxfords, brown and blue. REWARD SHOE STORES Childnn'? Straps in white, blue and brown. Sizes b10%. Sim 6-12. $1.39 - $1.69 $1.79 “MEMBER you WILL SAVE WITH SAFETY AT Club’s Moat Frost-adv. Shoe RetaBerrt tt IAIN trr. N. WESTON 1252 LY. Reward Shoe Stores 89tt . $1.29 stsiiiliFsivrrazs . . . MACHINE STRIPPING We Instill ad Take 0rd.“ For Venetian Blind. 'r, 75c‘89c 69c‘79c I. 3M As " 'ee. ._. Film "aria.'." " 137M“ IFJFE“ tFii, cums-.14... DODGE. DEBOTO DEALER ' Law Are. Walt, Wuton “Friendly Service In A Friendly Store†Tiii. ititm, rum 5 AND m: Vim: rrth!ii RUNNING SHOES 'Froln Children's To Adults trtainment " : - W. I. BARTER CALL US NOW, YOUR HEADQUARTERS For A Complete Line Of /Ges tttttet" mm: , sun: YOU'RE NOT DRNING A cmrntv A can j' Ftr"rhfeitu, WESTON 1423 'fi'tlt [213:1] GriiTiritGaTiuFirGitirFi an ab b dries In. whack on . Int car - hue-M “abalone“ when “Wins a such. way "It - bumplnu a: any“. a curb w u Hula: ' bud ml In llll and. -- ‘IUN'NING IALANC' 1m Drlvc In to!" arm we'll put on. of m__whgl1 " our_ In: P" MIG “col “W (or I run- ning mt. Thu Inning "Noon Eye" on I. you to In roe mural! an and WW!‘MIIII¢C otmdiutttt at an; IN“: When-l. RI. . on t in - inn 3!... tun-"pd to have ttert.et .‘ Iguana“ I." “M 9 on; l M an In, ha “but“ Mr who†your knowing In Vial nhimny and tire war In two "nq.rm" .d may num- of trmH1Bnead vhcgh yin MM be iiiiCiaiiFrauirr" 2tift' Men's Special White Boot, sponge sole. . $2.98, Boys' Running Both, and Oxfords, brown, blue and white. Sizes 1-5. $1.29 - $1.49 $1.69 $1.19 - $1.49 Women's White Running Shoes and Oxfords, also blue and brown. Sizes Youths' Boots and Ox.. fords. Sizes 11-13. Little" Gents Running Boots. Sizes 8-10. t You'll love it when it’s decorated with our at- tractively - patterned wallpaper. Hundreds of designs to choose from. We have the pattern for you. , BONE 4-515 UP AGAINST A WALL? 99c .. $1.19 $1.69 99c Forbes-Watson Vows In Chalmers New York Trip. Soddl and Pertohtil 4:?Club tind/Welfare 'Adi/iii)) cum Pitt,', chiral wu dour-ted with t p and daffodils tor thorn-rage winch thet pr w... -... w“ WW w 7 - John B . son at r. iid n. 'i(tt'ii7, a Mount gum It A. El; 0 Pg'v"ihtd,hhf ceremony and Mill Iry Lilo wu soloist. Ic- compnniod It the 011m by Miss Eunice Fury. iaiiivihi" in» ' has aâ€: '.eiil,'h1r,ttNtitt of tNylt_$ity Iain. An.d turtaif Given in murky. by her tuner, (In; bride Vol. I gown of huvy w its satin trimmed with used fur]: and I alight train. Her am- mtidered tulle veil w“ 2lta't And fell from I white satin ad henddrm. Sh. earNsd I bong! of deep red roses and fern. e utendnnu _wrTe. gain: Inhioneq on the umWyle. The matron of honor, Mia. Dom Chandler, of St. Cummings. w" :ttind in pale [teen nilon frock with .weethesrt- iluped address Ind long mittens to match. The bridesmaid, Mini Dorothy Watson, sister at the bride, wore pink nylon, headdress and mittens to match. Both at- tendantl curried deep cream tom and fern. Mulene Watson wu flower girl wearing a white flower- ed silk dreu with a flowered head- dress and carried I noses†of 1roiled Ind forget-me-nobr. Bill ‘ '/,rridit',' of Brampton was hell min for is brother. Ron Hepburn of Woodbridge and Ross Wat-on were when. - The martian took place at the church an on. The young cough; flew to ew York for their hon y- moon. Dept. Commands Hospital Board Wise Planning With J. W. Pink president of the Board of Governor! in the chnir the first annual meeting of the Humber Memorial Hospital Asso- ciuion Wu held last Thursday evening-in the auditorium of Wete ton olleghto and .Vocltional School. A most on1iithtanintr resume of work and plum Accomplished to date was given by the president of the Board of Governors and also 3 splendid financial' report was presented-by Keith Runny. secre- tarttrtsafurtr of the teotittie,ry, m, ..._...-- -- W, 7,, Prior to the tretusurer's. detailed report on the subscription cam- paign, Mr. Pink pointed out that of the Cnmpaign for $490,000.00 undertaken Int fall, that approxi- mately '867,000.00 of this Amount wtur assured in actual receipts and grants nlready passed. The ublic subscription subscribed some tl?lle. 000.00, grants to date totalled $165,000.00. and the Provincial giant according to beds planned would total $40.000.00. G. J. Teller, Inspector of Hos- pitals for Ontario representing the Health Minister at the meeting. on behalf of the department very strongly commended the organiz- ers and the board of governors for their sound business sdministrw tion from the outset. Every minute detail had been given very careful and sound consideration. The considered judgment and experi- ence of people who knew their business had been sought and ob- tained by the planning committee before any step was undertaken, which auzured well for the future of the hospital. Mr. Telfer pointed out that due to the increased ‘grants of the Ontario Government under Mr. Drew’s administration, some seventy applications had been made on the department for assistance and capital grants. But due to not enough planning on the part of the applicant. only twelve including Weston. had been given the serious consideration of the department. He further stated that the Humber Memorial Hospital would receive the fullest support of the department and pointed out that providing proper rates were set from the outset for paying patients that there should betro operatin deficit. The proposed incnas maintenanCe grants of the provincial government would allow for increased assessment on the government for indigent patients. Re deified the Govern. ment capital grant as $1,000y)0 per bed plus $1,000.00 per three bassin- ettes. Three Members Returned. _ _ Org-ninth! Commended Advertising Parr-Try m The three members of We Board of German who would live mrtorttatieally retired It this Annual meeting, in the persons of E. Ruch- brook, Ellerby Fun and C. Mor- rhent, were rrmomlrutted Ind un- animoully re-elected to the Board of Governor». A aplendid vote of tsppreeintion and thunkl to the precidmt. the cumin“ and the bond of governor: In: tendered by Mr. Masters Ind hurt“! con- cumd in all by member: of the Rumba Memorial Hospital Alum chum. ' Retiring Members Re-Elected To Board Of Governors , a Biethd" Gusting: To: New ira%amliikuivit; to: Thanh! April an. Johnnie Darker. aGa that. Ill you Wk Jun Wood, but mm; Mr. Gear 0 Hanan. River-id. drive, m: Mn. Harry Booth, fit"" :vcnue, for Monday, my r Mrs. W. McDonnld Franklin nvenua, for My. “I: 4th. Dr. G. Key" George that. and Jimmie Ulhnr KiiTilli menu. for Wednudly, my 6th. 01le Carroll, 16 your: old, 18 Fairglen crescent; Bill Ruph, nix gm old, Riverside dried and hula: uorue, Sculott road, tor Thur-thy, May 6th. Mn. C. K. Hatirifl. King “not; Mrs. .Normul ekay Syke- Ivenue; Prank Pun-cock, Lama avenue; EvolEn Hilton, Hoary “not; Little the! Jean Martens, nix yam-old. Church 'tmet, for Friday, May 7th. . John W. Harlem, six yen-I old, Lawrence Avenue, and Mrs. Jim: F. Dickson RR Weston, for Sam:- dny, May ‘th. _ Ruth Seem, Riverside drive, and Billy McGuire. eight year: old, Main street north, for Sunday, May 9. Mrs. A. G. Ehnes Robert street, Ind Ralph S. Boot, Foxwell nvenue, tor Monday, May 10th. Leonard E. Banks, RR l, Weston. and Bill Francis, fourteen yearn h1dohn street, for Tuesday, May W. J. Ward, ti9OUirt St. north, and Fred Irvin, William atreet, for Wednesday, Mary 12th. Thomas Bennett, King street, for Thursday, May 13th. ment 5, who last Wednesday, Agil 28th, celebrated his 7th birth y. Teddy entertained a number of friends It a birthday party. Aqqiveruljy 11reetityrt Tot _ _ Cotttrratu1ations to Master Teddy Gardiner, 55 Main St. north, apart- mept 5, who Itutt yv_edryyslay, April -irla" MEI Wilmer Calvert, Weston, celebrating their anniver- sary, Saturday, May 8t_h. Mr. mad Mu. Frank Shomey, St. John's road east, Weston, celebraV ing their 38th anniversary on Fri- day, May 7th. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wither- ington, Lambton a v e n u e, Mt. Dennis, for anniversary Thursday, May lath. The many friends of Mrs. Frank Mashinter, Downwiew, will be Treatment Of Mental Patients Discussed At VON Conference Miss Allison Dim. the local ren- resentative of the Victorian Orer of Nurses for Canada, has returned from Ottawa where she attended a four-day conference commemor- ating the 50th anniversary of the V.O.N. in Canada. Eighty-two of the 103 branches from coast to coast. were represented by some 300 delegates who included nurses and board members of the various branches. - - The work of the Order is expand- intt and new branches will be oven when qualified stuff nurses Ire available. Conzrntulatory measures were received from H.R.H. Queen Mary, His Excellency Viscount and Mrs. Alexander, Prime Minister Mac. kenzie Kim: and other notables approving the service given by the V.O.N. to the usable of Canada, The greatest nercentaze of the work done by the v.0. nurses is to give bedelde nursing care to the ohvsieal ills of I patient. However, health education should he inte- grated with each visit and prevent- ive mPnsures employed now should provide for I healthier race in the future. As Dr. Silvermnn the Assistant Professor of Psychiatry of McGill University, pointed out ll one of the eoneferenees, that more than half of all the hnspital patients in the country are in our mental hospitals. Most serious mental disturbtrntes are for the moat Dart oreventahle and it is of the utmost importance that we should develop more adequate mental health service for all child- ren tnd that parents and children should lurn to Rive the same con- eider-tion to mental handicnm in Miss Allison Dilts, Local VON,' Attends Ottawa Conference -...- Feels More Adequate Mental Health Service Of Utmost Importance ' A. PURKIS ELECTRICIAN Phone 11241! WESTON an. ' Fri, May 14. 8.15 pan. a tutu; to Woofatd., ui.irlot8, ftte PERSONALS “Spring Daze" VARIETY SHOW. Presented By The ACWYS CLUB " THE WES'ION YWCA In Aid of YWCA World Service- A TEENAGE tiir.,tiit?dti2t9. speedy Wow. ( . ' f o't'givN'a',tra'N 'glt In; B. 't,'t1ttt of “also. o'tttir,.lu,tra' 7 Wain Cough" in. . lu- Sybil nnett, of 'Patty, antar- tdingt at alum: money " the Purl: Plus [or tU â€can! at the View “I tkogtaatittgtt mating held in thi, dt "',,rht't Mrs. 'th' wife " Jack Allan, P for Git York, wu I guest] Mn. Art Hackney, " Ellis Avenue, Walton. waived by air mail Int Friday I 8% d. Silver An- nivemry Sump, but: her cousin" Mrs. 0|qu Duck. London Eng- land. Theu Btampa, iiiriii2 upe- dilly for malï¬th wedding mul- vemry of air Milena". Kin; George VI And Queen liuboth, wenonulo formday. The Victorian thor Nurse will call It my home whom":- there in illness which cull: for part-tirpe nursing care. Phone Weston 123. The regular monthly meeting of the Weston Ladies Progreasive Conservative Association will be held on Wednesday, May 12 at Maple Hurst Lodge. All members and their friends are invited to be out " plans for the coming elections will be made. The ladies are asked to keep in mind the nomination meeting to be held Thursday. May 6 at Runnymede school. Runnymede and Jane St., Toronto. Buses leave the town hall and Coulter avenue at 7:30 1pm. All interesged " welcomed. The regular monthly meeting of the 2nd Weston Mothers' Auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Watts, 169 King street, Wednesday evening, May 12th, at 8.15 pm, All mothers are cordially invited. The April meeting of the Weston Leathercraft Guild was held Thurs- day evening, April 29th, in Central United Church. Mr. Robert Mama of Toronto, was the quest speaker and spoke on the "Art of Leather Coloring." He demonstrated his original work. Our thanks should be as fervent for mercies received as our peti- tions for mercies sought. children Is is now given to physical disabilities. The Victorian Order Nurse in her administrations to the physically ill is in an excellent position to recognize abnormal behaviour and social maladjust- in individuals. _ 392151" .. m g . Baby Peter was sick. The Doctor said he had a zeneralized infection of the blood stream and although he could administer certain drugs to. help the condition Peter's mother must co-onente in maintaining Peter’s diet and carrying out the Doctor's orders. - . But Peter couldn't eat and mother ttot discouraged and fright- ened " she saw her five-month-old babv failing. _ _ --- . . The Doctor advised a Victorian‘ Order Nurse to apply Marinas tol poor Peter's nnkles an wrists' which had become infected. In her, administrations to Peter. she en- cnurned mother in her care of the baby and mutated food that would nnpenl to a sick child. Gradually Peter's nnnetite return- ed. He lost his llatleuneu and found he could smile and be active Ignin. Thanks to the Doetorh, skill. t P. nurse's interpretation of his orders and her help in encouraging the mother in her rearoottgibilitr of Peter's care. this child returned 90 his normal. happy. healthy self. - “Vichy: Cleaned J. II. Wallace t Son 2',,'enttte, ditty) S a). til-Brick Siding ESTIMATES FREE Phohet Waste-1.4621 21 Third Ave. WMTMOUNT, and Grenfell Moe. Hear Of Life. In Newfoundland: _‘l.'hp Doll’W.m‘M “in Btngl. road f? Wk tm 'Mowers we.†which in “WIN on the northern min-uh dain- I n o c tutu! “â€5 four 'ii'ttt1ii"i'ii'i JItT to visit, by hm - tum: in m. Jud by or: motor but in lummor. In wink: the mail come- " all hours b deste "euurt, Ind in summer ugh-ta 1ur_i_vu_ovory twp weeks. 7 Their natural nlourcu an im- menu. In early Inn-in. some the In]. followed by cod. ulnon. lob- ster. herring etc. The when Tie")). In GiUG' amply of dbl- rriu. The flowerg are subarctic or alpine and are ali .t.rgtPy,, hence the neme. “Flower: Come. In the winter. fox, nub-Lend rabbit are fairiy plentiful foe training. A Ytrriiirae bu some very trying Lxt,,e.ri,'gti,"; she in: no eftiéieit he p, with only korouno lamps for lighting to perform operations. She is often called upon to do den- tal work. Mulnutrition lands to much dencul decay, lowered realit- nngg, aryl Aubereplmo. Min Briggs offered prayer: and all joined in reputinz "The Lord’l Prayer." Dainty refreshments were se.ry.ed by the tea _pttrnrpittee. The next ten will be held at the home of Mrs. C. P. Evan. M King street, on Friday, May 28th. Can- ned goods. clean used clothing, toys. candies. em. will be received to pack in the bale to be nut in June to the Harrington Hospital inPsbrador. Mr. and Mrs. Sun hlvo gaffer“ their home to show views on the West Indies on Monday, May 17th at 8.30 part. in aid of the Grenlell Mission Fund. When evaporated milk in mixed with an equal amount of water it has the same food value In bottled milk and may be used in the same way. PHONE 363-J-18 FREE ESTIMATES E. S. WARN BUILDERS . CONTRACTORS Eluhurst Drive a WESTON. Rat. 8 . . . the day when we give Mother something extra sspeeia1-artmte little luxury she’s been wanting. You’ll find a wonderful selection of Mother', Day gifts on our counters. You Save at Inch's Iilllill0llll'8 DRUG STORES Fancy Soaps (boxed)-...-....., Toni Permanent Wave Sets _-... Perfumes .vrrrt_ 'r.rpF_ _rrwrrwC....r_.e_q.F.rqtet...rq Nylon Hair Brushes .A ""'"'"""t""" Yardley's Lotus .__trter_V _ "'r"F..."tt.... Lucien LeLong Colognes-... in " MAIN ST N. INCH’S DRUG STORES Rubinstein’s Colognes . vrF_ l. t.bm_......t.tr....tttr Elizabeth Arden Blue Grass-......., Dorothy Gray Colognes _rr."erwrtts.rw.st..tt.....s Dorothy Gray Colognes Ttrt.. ._"trw_w.P..rrrrmr.....T.TFt Elizabeth Arden Velva Bath Mitt, "=sssejy (f"it, "i,siiiiij',"is"i"'i'iiiiilliiijliti: J/j, 24% Suggestions for Mother's Day Talc-m Arum Who-up! uth-ingirti1b_rtte In Wig!“ thm dime! Ammo PAytb--rtW, " YOU SAVE AT INCH‘S Every Job banned To Meet Individual [Minimums F PLUMBING a HEATING 21 001mm: AVE. NteeePgeer,ut _ “my“??? “we pool for mttt ill“. With this I" DAYTON was: q Ion-mum can draw can In“ hon an {nigh T but. laundry d kitchen. Easy (a hull. _ dupl- in open- tun. thoroughly lapsed-big and We: in m h u H you than! = Luna Secords in 1 pound and 2 pound bout. Smiles and Chuckles, 1 pound and 2 pound boxes. Hunt's, Ganong's, Picardy and Neilson'l. Boxed Stationery ....mt..__.-wrrtrw_....e_..rt....r.....-, ...35¢ to 81.50 Fouritsin Pens .__ _"""-'.'."'.".'-....'..-......'..' $2.50 to 818.00 Clifton Cleansing Petals WW.-.....W.W......... _,rt 50e to glre Body Powder, WW...-...W..............,.W................81.50 to 82.50 mir Shompoou -i............-...........-.....................ase to 81.00 Hand lotions m....._....__....--........._.. 25e to $1.00 an): sun .-._-...-.-...-.-.-.-.r...- 89c to 31.50 Cameras ..,...W.W._..-W........._...._..W-.._.... 86.50 to 825.00 Face Powders , .. .ter.__ _______ ___ 29e to $8.00 Pancake Make-Up ...mvV.._..__ __., ..W.......,,....$100 to $1.15 Compacts w.....-...-.......,-..-..................)." to 87.50 WATER SAINSBURY. BROS. .98, $1.39 to $3.95 l wrmmr.._tw $1.50 $2.50 .,.........$1.50 to $3.50 Chocolates iGGe Kidd:- mania... Inmadeuodon- 5",“4'99'â€?! Ga Eligibl- to“; rtikirri-iitsrv. . .75 to $2.00 $1.50 $2.50 . .50 to $20.00 mxrmh"?uub' t5 f; 1!- world'- that new. 2tfi: a, hallo- huh 1m. " ', 5 to V. 'iiitiii?i'i'liil, ymehsanetkriffeefat.Le SAVE SOAP - In hunky, kinks: bath. m’ll an up to " il#m_p glad 309 EEK;- io? gym; {5. “virus it man in my. SAVE CLOri-Waatttrtq cloths! in loft m addb 'a'1t?.s,Incc'tn'hf,r, lim.. . m um whim, cleaner. The Dayton 80M! an for ital! with the av- IIT' it unlu- in c1001.. SAVE PLUtEWNG--B1ittsw It" lulu . . . more limo- $913dein ind tet Irttet You nan! son was my": tJritaiGijih -iGliti. ranks: in repair bun. Your Fixtures Alva†Clout SAVE WORK-ahah" drain dry to B sparkle without wip- ing. Floors. woodwork wiih elm easier. _Thc pyrt.e.r.n irirTinrii'G mrTueir;ktil avian it nuke- in work. The Your Around . .85 $1.25 $1.75 $3.25 $1.50 $2.50 $2.50 to $10.00 - $1.00 Me to $1.50 $2.50 to 818.00 .. r,-. 50e to Me ALM) to $2.50 o.......ase to $1.00 __....... 25e to $1.00 ....- 891: to $1.60 86.50 to 825.00 WESTON " BONE 4-459 '1