, m". an B, 1m m Resident of Pine Grove for 40 yearn. James Theobald, "i3, died Sunda at the Toronto General Hos- pital. L' had been active in the con- tg1ehl't business for some years. Mr. cob-Id wu imminent in community affairs an a member of Christ Church. Woodbridge. Sur- viving are his widow, the former Rachael Benham, and four daugh- ten Mrs. G. H. MacLeod, New York; Mrs. H. H. Robinson, To- ronto; Mrs. F. D. Armstrong, Woodbridge; and Mrs. R. E. Wake- lin, Pine Grove. . A good mother%s been rightly called "The world's uncrowned queen." In 1948 The Weston Main Street _ Will Be Re-made ForArrow @Forsythe WE HAVE mm NEW Shirts epyjatttas I Sea Cadet Bldg. We Have .A.rl1.'1'l1.'"r."r " MAIN ST. S. WESTON 2 "Where The Guilty ls Remembered Lou: After The Price In Forgotten" Coleman The Tailor WESTON PROGRESSES --Prtmeoue, "So vour wife takes in wash- ing?" the iudze askcd a man whn was up for vaszrancv. "What do vou do?" "Well. iudsro." exNra'rned the ac- cused. “I takes in the washin', the Nd woman dons the washin'. l takgs the washin' back. the old Woman called: the mnnpv and I talks her out of most of it." FRIDAY, MAY 21at BERT NIOSI‘S ORCHESTRA Transportation will be provided whenever asked for as cars are at the disposal of members both for going and returning from the party. Bob Roos will again be ehrirmarr of the evening and Shir- lny Marchant, Maryan Shier and Stcwart Hill will act " hostesses and host. WESTON A.C. DANCE mm One-riot The River Tin-mu windn graciously through rolling. fertile country. Thoro'l the fine modern city of London . . . and gny_nm_nl_xoy at beam! 1rAtr_jiiCtliityjrt,et T,tt1t iEJe-E'thi %siittr the holiday fun and "In.“ For mu Ind lemmdntion Milt, writ; to Onugio Holi- WWII "III- In Vin-Kw _ iiriChGiii 10t.U, Vietory GuiarodikMv-ooo-. " tom tho been. tought t2oqtre the to Oom- 9512351. ,ouiltstet to on- eounn you m from let's-nth†“about“ tYdT,ur..'gtd,'2'r,2'.t ONTARIO HONDAY "rs MAKI MM WANT To COMI BACK TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON um bit orgasm -2iiirth- {1191711353. roam-um “comm 'i'h'j;iS r, Human Interest tr mum-onu- _ mud-m Mad "IO-crud.- on manhunt“ of " limb. or health. Por my mom. ha than what any In akin; In not but “out. 00!!“ W...“ mm We’ie Checked These _ First With MOTHER First choice with Mother may be a lamp. W. hen them in Boudoir, Table and Floor modols. Priced as low as We're sun Mother could use a new appliattmr- Tocstor, iron, Heating Pod, Mantle Radio, Elec- trie Kettle. It's a perfect gift'. ' An End Table or Coffee Tabla is a handy gadget--- use'ful too. We have them in many styles with plain, mirrored or plate surface. From Mirrors reflect the glory of a flower arrangement ---give unusual depth ht small rooms. You’ll find them here framed and plain as low as $7.50 $6.75 $6.95 “mm 1tattaat,rdtit"i8, , Household Terms to suit your budget riifCaErCii1 FURNITURE & ELECTRIC M. " Main St. N. West» PHONE no: - LY 2m RICHARDSON I my