Por tome Itnnu mum. I mu runny le will net have I letter published our anon sin-lure. If '" JW11 Min do plume, m would hm "may More communications Yet this all. â€non will vi ornunly expound " vim in t [treat corner can!†or n I name meeting. It In ‘oplnion in worth holding, it la worthy of your Crtt.tyre. . -.. .' . .. . .. ... A. _ _ LL')ii rjt.mptt,,"ttt tState, be the “30â€] g,'Ttuf, u hon. tom. . Wu my on a n c tjtt1,i,1'i'iitl"uFtat to the "tor-att' In you me to it. eattqtk , We would like to have more latte" to A. editor. W030 M Will! our column: to be considered In I special 301pr of the in. latter! from" I greater number of auburlben denim with more vtrUd mum. would be welcomed. Fr-nklly. we ttet I little tired of nothing com- munl£uionl on {he lune po itieal subject. you Mttr Fer. _ . Publish Promotion List Of Maple Leaf School The Time: And Guide ha: Alwnyl held to the policy that the full name and nddrus of the author must ha published under MI mm. If I mun has an opinion he ghoul be willin‘w but it whim 1mm. We would Him to lave morn Utum m t n aim". w. hat nigh Like I" new-spam. The Time: ind Guide-whim “manic:- tions, or letters to tho editor. Thou Ire expulsion: of tho opinion. of our readers upon matter) of public interest. (This in the fifth of I series of editorinls explaining how a weakly nawlplper function; This week, under Communications. we show how youhme reader, can an than columns to “voice your vim") The Dre-school children In thou who hive not yet "tended kinder. xlrten and Mrs. W. C. Moffat, in charge at the Westminster Contra, wants it undentood that these children must be looked after on ht the end of the six weeka' course. the boys and girls will be rendx to take their swim mu whie will qualify them for merit nwgrdl. - The swim program will be more extensive this year with the period covering six weeks, two weeks 10%;" than the summer schools, an Day Camps. This swim pro- W", is sponsored by the Canadian Cruz and will tie conducted by Phyllis _Carsetllert. there will be crnlta. games. ath- letics, music, drama, nature study and devotions. In addition, the bars and girls at the Day Camps wi I have campcnft, the cooking of meals outside and at all centres Huge will.be hikes Ind iti.ery'ea. Excellent programs have been arranged for all the bo a and girls in the four centres an; competent leaders and assistants have been preparing for the past six weeks to give the boys and girls one of the best summer programs yet, in Weston. The summer program is‘u for. lows, " Westttiirtsfer Church the Ti,",':,',",? children and also the on and girls from six to nine years of age in the King St. School area. At Memorial School, boys and girls six to nine years of age. The 'fr, Camp for girls will be at Pelmo ark and the Day Cams for boys will be at Cruickshank ark. The Duty Camps are for boys and girls o the ages from 10 to 15 years. .. mum van-ch (we: uwu, uynul Scott. Ruth Pope, Sundn Smith, Irene Clemimon, Beverley Bill, John Dixon, Allan Eisenburg, 1.4m R.ehaey.tort,Atir.ley_rj.t.uis," When Monday, July 5, rolls‘ around, it is estimated that name 400 boy's And, girls of Weston and Vicim"? will " registered for the eaten Summer School and Day Camus. mm. BAG.' Grade 3 to Grade 4: Richard Ayleswtrrtlt, lax-bur Parker, Lila, Jegn McConkey. Bernice Park, Ewan Wm Maureen Hook, mom- .31. My Bugs. Grade 2 to Grade 8: Anne Vande- wnter, Cleveland Badman, Robert tart Donald Roberta, Sandn HI my, Donald Bowles, Gary Gibson, Sylvls Bolte, Wm. Fike, Douglas Pollock, Melvin Ray, Jinn Doe, Teddy Batch, Charles Tuck, Robert Reid, Brian Jones, Connie Lyle. June: Warburton, Lon-nine Tucker. Carol Bolton, {aha 1?yrt.t.mpsiecGiys, gym-l: Eyediet One Of Best Summer Programs In Weston This Year . Grade 1 to Grade 2: Paulette Antram, Gary Breaking. Loraine Brown, Willi-m Eccles. Patricia Fike, Gail Poster; Joyce Fotherby, Albert Founder. Lénn Gilbert, Junk Gnone. Verna artisan, Ethel Hollick. Marilyn Hollinphead, Bonnie Hendry, Naney Horne, anle Kaufman, David Lubes, June: Ly ea, Douxln Middleton, Chnrles Roth, Douala Cabell, Heather Clarke, Ronald Hewett, J Inet Self, Diantts Stephenson. Jacqueline Thoma, Elizabeth Tuck. Albert Welduck, Richnd Walton, Mar. gtet Waycheeko, Robert It. bert McConkey. Glynn 015: e, lene Lyle. Rtrbirtautrt, Kenneth Rowley, Bar. bâ€. Arm Ryan, William Tanton, Lon-tint Tucker. Richard Jurign, Judith ltiehardson, Loraine Blox. on, Teddy Hook. Judy McMullen. tysatr,' King -1GiFiii,' _, giirriir Riga, Brian flP Diane Emmi: m _ " iLli'tt om 'lt/tttdt,','," #itxtluetti, Gogdon Guzu. 1ir,Ett,feiieii,i, Ken- neth Leighton. Edna nth, Betty Penna, Carole Robimon. Robert Satchel; Joanna Stephen KARI! Iry..r,. Gem-â€Wm shyly;- Mr. LJ. Smith. ree I of Mini. Lat who], omnYork town-Mp, tt voek talcum! a. promotion _t for 10“. Th. up: mind“ mum hon mam-mu to and. tight. Kind. AIME to Gad. l: Kon- he, tdw', eith Bandeau, lol- St land}, "rtit.Fsttt.tt,Jary f6iiiN#, Tif, iii, an a Communications --. Southwest Corner tMrtht ttttttt 8 In" _ at man N. 2024:: “on yam, -"F DEE -. Hausa; n us Ill "mm“! '%'lil7,"hli1'l'r"l1ol'i',Tlr.llJ/lllll'll we. “yr, Amy Lynch. ‘Micl'Anthony Jurist. 'hirGitlri, We? Mrs, A. Hall and Mrs, W. Rall are in charge at Memorial School; Min WP any in =aitnfg,t, Pelmo Ark for the girls' " Camp Ind Gordon Alcott in super- vising st Cruichhmk Park for the holy Day Camp. _ The summer program lasts from July 5 to July 3 and at West- minlter and Memorial the hours are from 9.30 mm. until noon every 'N except Saturday and Sunday. he ttirhf Ind boys' Day Camps am for the Mme period md start £3.30 tHtt..yt!t.til (my. __ -- -- the stimuli?) ram is upe- dnlly designed, 'IIT/v",' the boss, their way to and from Westmin- ster Church. There will be police protection for crossing] Main street during the times of t air going in an.tUesvirur at noon. - 7 T & 6 Offia Closed From July Ist to 5th Grade 7 to Grade 8: John Angus, William Bochm. William Bolton, Ruth Cabell, John Catherwood, Joan Dixon, Stlnley Fike, Winnie Pike, Renee Anne Harrison, Pntricin Inwood, Carol Jones, Bar- bun Kring, John Kring, Larry Mnbley, Betty Madill, Barbara Mlju?, Robert Moon, Anna Nico- lucci, "nine Ofield, James Fender, {we w?fttdtr,.Jeattij.te gong. Got- Grade 8 to Grade 7: Beth Allin, David Ashton, John Boake, Ernest Bordhrnon, Roderick Brookbanks. John Cabell, Walter Carbis. Mar- garet. Collingwood, Eileen Demers, Helen Demon, James Fotherby, 2,v,,th Fournier. John Goranini, James ay, Ronald Leonard, Doro. thy Lynch, E d w a r d Mabley, Thoma: McConkey, Evelglo Me, Intosh, Rico Nieolueei, _ rothy Panes. Lorraine Robb, Margaret Rodman, Murray Ronald, Margaret Rodman, Wanda Vandewater, Rita Vidotto, Joan Walton. iGii Lave}. Bowlel. Funk Middleton, Mary Clyniek, Jim Dam John Down, Wargaret M-jury. 'h;iifl Purkis, Terry Scythe., Donald Pollock,' David Pollitt. Tom Warburton, Tom Majuri. Shixley Juobs, Anaet 'Bulzgil, S irley Gerry, Marion emu. Gordon cm. Pt Clix-c. Alan Down, Romy! arratt, Dianne Hum. William Hutton. 1tltt Juriu, Carl ofield, Joan Sou born, Jan Tlnton. Grade 6 to Grade 6: Jim Hid.- way, Max-nut Tlnton, William McDonnld, Marie Bracken, Play Godfrey, Joan Bolton, Kenneth have“. George “It'll. 1%2 ylgolqcci‘. Janet. M. A .r.lph Bully“. Mug!) latherâ€, erilyn Pollock, Roger Iona. Raymond Book, Pltr'icil Broadhurtst, Doris my». Jean. Cmiykon. Egbert Grade I to Gr.“ 5: botanic Haw-5. John Shaw, Ellie Wdr burton, omen Hon Mon. Dan w. can», M0119 it)?“ Caml Alumnae, Rodger wu, Norma Pender. Rubin Fothnrby, Yvonne Broudhum, Jun newâ€. John Bong, Donald Bolton, Margaret Mullen» titpilg Anti-ma 13m- hook, an... I! Un Jo Ann Clam. Gnu Oman Vic»: Chyton. Grace Men, 1mm Hands. Canaan Hutch. " Bullet, June- Puk, Carol ' urraine Smith. Our "lulu deadline will re- vert Incl: for next week. 1nd all new: items Ind disNar " vertUlne Inuit be in tin: orfiee by 5.00 on. Monday. July 5th. Cliified “uni-in. will be Accepted until Tuesday mom- ine " 10.00 LII. The staff of the Times and Guide will enjoy In extended holiday beginning on July "t. This emu will be closed from Wednesday night " 5.00 mm. until Monday morning at 9.00 'thts ' Arid iTiriT, .-4at.tirag on ugh luynn Doyle. nelen HICKS. amrley The Rev. W. A, Johnson w.“ not Montgomery, John Shaw. Ptatr. only . allow tPrtyt.prieist--a Marilyn Maxwell, James Humm, scholar And an artist beanie: many Norman McMath, Charles Mlxwell. other things. but he was Mao I Shelva Nutt, Geo ‘n. Hutchm. .w,ood.-ty.rver Ht..d the J!rodutu iliiiiii'i, 'ld,'n'irrre,'To"lov','f, Bain, his skill no still in evidence In St. Ronald Taylor. Lind: Clark, Doug- -omtimted on one 2 In Strong, Louise Tamer, Hugh to the fact that the memorial provided a link with the earliest days of St. John's, Mrs. Emma Dalton having been a niece of the Rev. W. A, Johnson, the founder of the church and who was tot many years rector of the mother parish of St. Philip's church, Etobicoke. The building of St. John's chapel (as it was at first styled) seems to have taken place sometime prior to "86li when Trinity Collette school iwas first housed in the old parson- ‘age which still stands on Rectory road. Both buildings were erected about the some time and were the work of Mr. Johnson whose many tilts included that of an architect of no ordinary skill. For many years M. John's continued to occupy its original site next to the parsonage but in 1898 it was removed to where it now stands and where it has since served an ever growing community as the parish church of Weston. St., Johrt's has survived many changes and vicias tudu during the course of the years including the deg. truction by fire of t e original mother church of th. Philip in 1888 which was replaced by the present beautiful little Gothic building erected in 1894. Dedication Of Memorial lit 1%;th Sun; " further addition wu made to the furnishings 1nd 'beautiful interior of St. JohnU church last Sunday morning when the, rector dedicated A carved ask Gothic de- signed Litany desk-the gift of Ntrrwinnifred Dulton in memory of her parents and sister, John J. Dalton, Emma C. Dalton and Jessie Muriel Dalton. Mr, Gordon Mae, Kay Delton, grandson of Mr. and Mrs J. J. Dalton. presented the memorial on behalf of the donor to the' rector and churchwardens of St. Juhn's church. In expressing gratitude for thrgitt Inter in the service, the rector made reference Walton will be on the radio attain on Wednesday night, July T, " 8.00 p.m. over radio station CKEY. The radio prom-um is entitled "View- point" Anion this program will be heard Phyllis Carscallen, director of girls' tsthletief for the summer, and Gordon Alcott, director of recreation. They will Ipeak on boys' and girls' athletics. Girls’ Athletic Director To Broadcast - CKEY Joe Louis " he appeared ln (“can in 1941 with the Joe Louis Paneling. On occasions the Ilka-bl. Joe plln first In“ and obvlouply know- wh-t I buclull bat in for. The Puttehers will nuke an â€penance " Gibson Park to-mormw night where they will meet NEWSPAPER EDITORS AND WIVES VISIT NORTHERN ONTARIO FOLLOWING CONVENTION iillCitttits unit tl5atittit I. .." , ' T “WEST YORKSWEWSY mitisart', C, .‘ ' , Weston . WW6 Wartmeiry' "madn’ Mt Dennis IE Grade 2 to Grade 8 (Miss Bryan). Honours: Brian Bambrough, Robert Beeby, Barry Christian, June Clark, Maureen 2lygU"gtgit. Day, Deanna Drake, J n Drum. mond, Brian French, William Hamilton, Marjorie Harman, Caro. line Hodges, Richard Montemurro, ‘Bryan Portener, Anne Webden. Pass: John Boyle, Edward Callan, Gary Carpenter, Joyce Cave, June Dodds, Donald Fraser, John Genno. Ivelyn Hilton, Dennis, 'Hitchings, Robert Leach, Christen. Lock, Heather Merkley, Kent Muzylo, James Parker, Ronald Player, Beverly Semple, Helen Stephens, Frederick Strong. On Trial; Anne McGill, John Jamieson, Gail guincy, Martyn Rennick, Dianne iveraon. Grade 3 to Grade . (K. Emond), Honours: Jean Thompson, Anita Ramage, Beverly Bailey, David Camp ell. Marilyn Madam. Richard Nelson, Douglas Spragge. Lorraine Legault, Richard Player, gym Boyle, Helen Dicks. Sh_irley ( Grade 1 to Grade 2 (K. Welsh), Honours: Jane Christie, Sandra Churchill, Lorraine DarlingFton, Barbara Fairlie, Marilyn ox, Donna Hallett, Rae Half, Sandra Johanson, Anne Legare, Brent Long, Edith Miller, Barry Row. land, Patricia Shaw, Sandra Storms, Sand“ Tartan, Rudolf Wittkopp. Pun: Judith Bevan,‘ Harvey Clare, Michael Doherty, Marlene Fink, Mar arm Glue, Nancy Gunn, Donnlg Gunstone, Patricia Kelly, Dorothy Leach, John O'Neil, Kenneth Patrick, Robert Patterson, Maryann Shep- herd, Dianne Spragge, George Walker, Kenneth Ward, Glen Worrall. On Trial: Douglas Jamie- son, James Stephens, Ronald Taylor. I Mn,“ V_ ......... “my, George jir%W' Mum Elihu, Barry Gate. i3s Ttur.. T Harold Pengelly. Mildred Hutcheris, John Plynor.tiiop, Shirley Ann Dodd. The following Ire the Harding- 'ton Jtone school promotion results as announced by Principal A. W. Charlton. Mr. Chttlton reported that this is the Ingest promotion list in the Notary o19radhosrl, _ Grade 1 to Chief/(M. Pearson). Honours: John Leigh, Linda Smith, Jimmy Genno, George Tranter. Puss: Billy Thomison, Colleen Me. Mlth Gordon Pu er, Chm-lie Mu;- iiir1iii'iCiiiii, J,ur.v,ty Qukury, llilardirtgtai Reports Largest Promotion List In History Of School I?ygta. -"'F “5341; iGiriial', ,ltiiitiré, Ewan. 3mm, late. 6n Ttur.. Hurold 1-3113;qu Aire t, 1m the Mount Dumb All-Hun in I top-hotel: fut ball game. Nu manta in given that Joe himself will be there, but if it h at I“ pea-ibis there in a nod chine: that he will come with the tuna. GrfdCi-to and; a (A. w. Chulton). Honours: P-tricin Part- Grade 7 to Grade 8 fr. L. Wil, tron), Honours: Tommy Harrold. Pass: Brian Patterson. Frank Cdmpbcll. Bob Benttia. Glen Chandler, Gordon Miller, Joyce Meivar, Morle Logan", Durban anrence. tht Fd'.. Hubert Marsh, Norman Richudu, Donald Barker, Reta lurker. _ _ Grade 8 to Grade T (I. L. Wil- son), Honours: Ina Martini, Janet ‘Wornll, Betty dowling, Irene Burlington, Helen Tnylor, Joan Cave, June Cnmpbell. Pm: Lyle Oshnd, Ronald Hastings; Cunt Maidment, B I r b a r: Dunning, George Miller, Betty Drake, Joyce Fairlie, Robert Churchill, Robert Clark, Betty Martin, Shirley Mere, ley, D0131" Reed, Barbara Me- Clenm elm: Hutchens, Bobby Mchrtney. Bobby Dunning, Bobby Chard, Gerald Brewster. n Trial: Rnyrnond Cryer, Martyn Dnrlaston, Bil y Lawrence, Shirley Mchnney, Shirley lawrence, Fred Atkinson, l Gnde,5 to Grade 6, Honours: James Allen, Marlene Barefoot. Ethel B an, Marie Caxfipbell, Wilma (Kristie, Anne. Cooper, Joyce Crayden, Ruth Dodd, Carol Fletcher, Bobby Halpenny, Cynthia Hockey, Billy Hockey. Noreen Martini, Freda May. Ross Muzylo, John Puget. Edward Rickwood, Ronald T omson. Pass: Patriein Barker, Norman Brooks, Edna Bunn, Carol Dixon, Inn Ferguson, Irma Garden, Tommy Hilton, Norman Hodges, Ernest Boulde- worth, Carol Liberty, Bury Liberty, Charlie Panett. On Trill: Jack Garden, Billy Hutchena. Marie (v"l.lti/eshirley MeMath, Geraldine e- er. .Grude 4 to Grid. 5 (M. F. Codaâ€. Honours: Marilyn Stink, (leak! Tampa, John Barnard, winked: My». David Glee. ilitir'iiiltiiltr'illitr.rgtr ‘ . Ca r, " athis, h '22ra . Loin Parker, ileum Whimeett, Ernest 35¢“prde Smith, Carol, Teach, Robert Haley. Muilyn Pengelly. William Me, Kean, Magnet France, Thomas Allen, Elaine Churchill, Doris Thom-s, Barbara Stoutley, Maurice Benny Cameron Simeson, Robert Day, Michal Blow, can Neilson, Muriel Chard, Robert Bennett, Marilyn Hilton. On Trial: Mnrilyn Pritchard, Wilma Lawrence, Gerald Weller, Frank Brown. Richards, Louise Cobb, Bill Prit, chard. On Trial: Bobby Fairlie, Charles Thom“, Jon: Anderson, Margaret Parker, Frances Reed, Janet Fraser, Dorothy Barker, Colin Campbell, Joy Qumcey. Mny. Loretta Dunn, curl" Bloor, Donald Pox, Walter Riley, L-wr- ence Cahn, Joan Bunn, Ruby Paul, Ruth Culver, Lois 'ti',',",'; Donn- King. 0n Tgitlt any Ballot. Joan Allen. ti.direr.Elerytyourtr._Pe Minin Plum-deg is said to have invent- ed diet about 1244 B.C. A Minty Fortress is our God; Much. "Viscount Nelson". W. Zehle: antlsia_ "Bells of Aber- dovy", B. Holloway: Trombone Solo. “The Aerobat", J. A. Green- wood, by Bundsman Geo. McClul: Selection. "u Gipsy", Bulk: Hymn Tune; Much. “Son. of the Drive". T. Bidxood: Overture. "Nrrbueodonosor". W. Rimmar: Waltz "Hearts of Gold", W. Roche; Descriptive Sketch. "Down on the Missi"itttti". W. Rimmer; Mirth. "The Great Little Army", Alford; God Save th. King. Held July 7th In Series To Be The followin: is the brotnmme to be presented by the Band under the ludenhip of Bundmuter George, #iniWyrr. - Second Concert So, it is “nu revoir" not "good- bynâ€.to this aggressive men's and boys' wear store. We hope the time will not be 103w until they Are re-etrtablighed in elton again. The Weston Silver Band will live one of its regular concerts in the Town Park on Wednesday evening. July Tth, " 8.15 mm. Everyone is etrrdiallv invited to at- tend the concert Ind all are re- minded that a fine evening of the but music will be spent there. W 'GITFGF4 â€- . lr. Jack Gown will be located at the St..er avenue stage in Toronto to serve his mmy West'on friends “We nppreclate L"ll much, the loyal lupport of our on. of cur- mmen at our Weston more," “id Mr. Jack Fraser, in an interview,. "and we look forward to the time when we may serve Weston "ain. We like View». the Weston peg; pie and their loyal support and it 15 with the smite-t regret that we leave our present (Examines. We will be back in F. Ptt Inger store u soon at possible." In the meantime, the Jak Frazer stores , located at 1284 St. Clair avenue. and It 3026 Dundu “not west, in Toronto, will lwk after the needs of Weston customers. A daily delivery service to this dis- triet will be given from the Toronto Itores. Mr, Harold Johnston, manager of the Weston store who has serv- eda'n’lhia location for 21 years. viva-M24 go and cities-W This week will lee An important chm“ on Ruin . I t re e t. Juk Frau": Weston store which has been located at 59 Main north will close in, doors. The new owner of the building wishes immediate panes-ion, " one of Weston’: ont- lunding men'tf and boys' were in {creed to vunte. 1llhglatttlilitgted Men’s Store Closes To-day Flaunt timer tniwYt1 j/e" Aartabl" uhed on Main “not " the enli- est possible time. Jack Fraser’s have been unable to "ttttttsuitable p..ryrtfiise. at_tlte VIII W I‘m W new 011.111!- m~m~-M,mï¬ï¬ $Nk7tyMtast_r.teV.: gerft' tit tha- tho In -. “It. July All Aunt. a. has. [who one. at the 'crditate8 1erart,'.2fi T . u- pa... All .5 (dub... all- or â€pl-alim- h no†It“!!! to uni. duh: than hurl. Tbin urine-u! I. nou- ury hoe-nu the III-Dr pro- It Pol-o Pam-d than!“ the at." I. r will not be able to In " the "fue. Darin: the tin- mhud shove. the loo-a m†will be up: can by valance! Work". with In. tk E. Chun- in charge. In can of match. Mrs. Chgnnn In: be new by plum-l TIM. "I†hoe-nu In “Iâ€! to- we.“ can r!" van- gl'i V w. H .. 'o, T t . . _ J r, i J, a , "I .V ‘ , ' FN, w. fl MI _ _ " , hd ' "rat 1.“?- _ I - K m - i ‘Rha Ontario Region! Offieuls of the National mplaymont Sonic: announced in Toronto tour that it in of the utmost importance that 3,000 workers are seem-0d to unis: farmers with harvegt operations ttmnetout Ontario. During this amg‘log "ttem%ter-rttett mod not I e i Send Out Appeal For Farm Labor A great deal of credit is due to the merchants who have so kindlv donated all the and miles to make this the best Holidny Night in Gibson Park. A comvlete list of 1s.r.ies can be found elsewhere in Ulil aa." The Joe Louis Punchers. will be at Gibson Park to-morrow nittht, to nlny the Mt. Dennis all-stars in what promises to be the tops in fastball. But the Puncher: ere not the only attraction at Gibson. A prim list. which is Erowitttt bigger and better I" the time is eesoutth to take anyone down there. even if they're not interested in "ttball: Prise: that will delight the heart: of overv winner. from I wuhinl m-chine to I pair of Boxing ,rtoms autottratshed by the Brown Bomber himself. Holiday Night At Gibson Park To Be Best Yet Ae setting tttht Ins the tiatN-stF:rt e Mindy decal-Nb! Att-itat ,mun “an: t't.Htt? pupils During the tea, Mr. , he briefly and expressed the may .of the teachers to the Mrs. M. Bemrose. wife of the school principal, and Mrs. M. Hampton. wife \ol the Home and School past president, presided at the ten table, which was beautifully decorated with peonies, kindly donated by Mrs. H, vailt. "tsociktion. Following is the teaching staff of Memorial School: Miss Lawr- ence, Mn. Stewart, Mrs. Lee, Min McKngue, Miss Watt, Miss Me- Andless, Miss McCutcheon, Mio Shore, Mr. Hampton, Miss Hart. wiek, Miss Wilson, Miss Wade, Mrs. Grant, Mr. Hill Ind Mr. Bem- rose, principal. The executive of Memorial Home and School held I tea on Wednes- day, June 23, to honour the teach- ing staff before school closing. Mrs. T. Glason and Mrs. J. W. Watt received the guests. Min Grace Smith, brighter of Mr. ind Mrs. w. B. Burlington, of Bellevue Crescent, wu I member of the 50th graduating clan of the Toronlo Wanton Holpitll early thin month. Min Smith will follow her profession with sped-l duty. Honor Teachers Of Memorial PS Many Honour St“ F,,"', Seen (In King Street Ir!,,, June Promotion List -. Over $600.00 In Prizes To Be Given Away Ciii3rtiiiiritTiriir. GRADUATE aux. J riGiiTiitttcTGiF.' . tf/lt.' V to tat'T' 1t'tbtp,tl'ti,tll is»: (if); iG"iiiiii', lf,l)jL,t',.'liiiri,i5tl7l ret; Sn gal-10m ii(ii' Ii,?).)' mum an; .1 30:15:." Hi; Vida" 'E “ck, Lub- (H); lyretmt Irfth; 9993"» 'tif.,"';:)','.,,,?.',',',?)')'",",,)?',' EYE kirki," 6353mm gunning. htlatft P tAeir0r)0iitt Ttai 73""; C, 7dJlel,,ahll'd (RP, mum. t " I Irvine, Bu'ban (I): but, C; punacuetttmtaAtygtritMt,. he C:') Dow-Eng. sum-km: Diiu ban: rut, Dlvi (NL' Entyicin _(K):,_KOIQ.;. ok 'Triul _ Bai.rrgohn.. Wall-cc. not» Grad; IV “in“. y - . Lair "fri, t Pate.", mteur"n"la"I,'t', 'ltiil ( " lit kins. Robert (a); Dunbar. in." pow-ling. Barby-n _OE);_prstr, M [2rllrut'M. ierton,ivrita' (B); Gr": t l) Rogben, David (in: hiailtt 'ri Carol (H); Jo. Jet - l “A; Knapp, Marion. ( . . , Mowatt, Jeannette ( E' ' r. Peter; MeKentie., . iasdr ( t d Nolan, Sum; Ritchie. loft: ( i Smallrnan - Tsw, Anmbe I. (I i V Spydg. A.ehet (MP, Steely Dan. 3‘ HA“??? Baffin: Amt. am! n, sync: ' Grade l? t Gail? V Beec . In ; My (H); BolinitNoke, Bun-1d: Yicki. _(H),:___Byep. 3'3“ng Vic'k'i (H),ith", iii ptTothy_(rr); Pirrr/) Beale ' Mir-ion. (H): )0 Carol; 'IKM/ld,,',', Mary Antl‘ ; Carr, Diane (E); Chrk, ' (H); Croeker,, Entry; "in. Frances (H); Gardiner, Nona; Graham, Nsncy; Grist. Batt'. Grundy, David; Hum '3â€: Bar, Nnncy (rr),. Inch, Hm (H); Jordon, Bram: Kenna». (H); Mercer, Gail (mt Kenneth: McGninn Tenemz‘ Guire, William ihi? we; (','.Rr'h.g; fl'gr/T (v ms ury, 1 mm: _ ()1): Smith. Jurbrrv, 'Matt Ambrose. Paul; Barton, ' Barton, Paul; Bateman, _ f Boyce, James (H): Boy " (H); Bannderman, Sandra; _ Thomas; Burlington, ','p."Wp/2 Burgess,. Charter; Outlay. i!- Fitf.ia; Cox, Alfred; Drew. Nag- Jorie: Edler. Paul (R); M37. Teddy (H); Gunner. Sally (I: Guthrie, Hart (H); Grout. Alla; Hales, David; Hull. Fran“ at 2 Hogben, Earl; Harris, John IE. l, ye!let, Bartnw Elms; " - aid; Back, Carolyn; trico/a, hm“; Bub, Punish: " Mt " Bruce; Brown. new“ _ Ai = I Walter; Carter, J . " i an, Winiun; awe 1,9 Ewlea, Alam; Guitar. P'FE . Grist, Ronald; 'uwi, 1 . J ( Hnwmn, May; H . 'it' Howard, Betty', 3 a t gulnt, Patgcin; 2."at ' n E eman. 0mm; in“, ‘ "on; Kirkham, Dorothy _ 'iiri Kolenowich, Marie; K . ' tttti Iitthp Marianne; M . ' Mac ie, Heather; ll _ Robert; Mnhewson. Paul; _ Dunn ; McCorm-ck. John; . Judidi': Mertens, Ethol: ttrt 'ttit Ill Ruth; 'd - w ite, in ; ewes. out; Phillips, Russell; Purkis. “Inâ€: Rapsey, Karen; Rees, Aug; Rosart. Louis: ','tt.'t"gp MW 3 Slinsbury. Sandra; 8 .arboy. Brian; Show, Frances; Smith mite" ald: Smith. Marlene; has. Sandra: Spencer, Jan' SW4. Diane; Stoddart, Waniy; Taylor. Nancy; Terry, 'itat' UM, Arleen: Vunchuk. Judi T Gryte I to Grade II -'ferfit.hcpi.ttw, IliéiniéuT' """"* Kh.tdPr.tartert To and. I .N‘Clulen- this: up»! F Pollowin in tho ' for King that Pam eeeed Paths prindyal. an? ' 1mm Howell!) iii". . dunn- L In; law. 3' 'li,. 'd,trt. § I. ' . is, da",'.','".: i L. uni: "a