U Following their Innull convention in Toronto, mem- bers of the Ontario-Quebec Division of the Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association made I tour of Northern Ontario. The trip wan made by train through the courtesy of the Canadian National Rail- ways and the Ontario Northland Railway. These pictures were taken during the trip. The top and bottom pictures are a general view of the map taken at Timmins. At the to left are I group from the West Toronto Weekly on! the Weston Times and Guide; from left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Alan Char- ters. Miss Dorothy Greenwood and Miss Jenn Perks. After a delightful trip on the,nificent McIntyre Rink in Schu- Ontario Northern road ...through macker. It is built with an ice :1 country filled with beauty and surface nearly as‘large as the color . . . all members of the press I Maple Leaf Gardens and has a party were ready to get off at seating capacity of 2500. There Timmins. Merton Lake of The are dining faeilitiets, auditortum, Timmins Advance was on hand curling rink, gymnasium and dance with a host of cameraman from accommodation. The town officials his own paper and the dailies to entertained the party to dinner in catch the expressions as all stepped a spacious part of the building and from the train. The mayor and the Kiwanis Club were staging a other officials extended a sincere circus to raise funds for their work welcome. Buses were waiting and in the area. the. pa.rty, with a welVinformed At this dinner Mayor Karl Eyre, guide trl each bus, started on a of Timmins, presided. Reeve Victor twrt-hour tour of the town and the Evans, of Tiodale, was the speaker. various mine properties. Timmins He told something of the great is a great centre with some 35,000 wealth of the North in mining and p.eople.. It has a most up-to-date lumbering as well as in industry. shopping centre that tells the story Today, he said, the various com- of prosperity. They are wcll munities feel that industrial should trt.ock.ed st?retl with upito-the- be develop‘ in the north to hold minute equipment._ The Timmins young eople, who "are not so in- Advance, the district, weekly, has terestetf in lumbering or mining," carried nn for years under George and he felt that the north has many lake, and now Ns son, _Merttp, " advantages which would bring this m chase- " 15 A we.liy.squipped to pass. In an interesting manner plant. here M also a daily news- he referred to the potentialities of paper‘wnh a broadcasting station. Northern Ontario, which he felt his is a very up-to-date plant were not fully understood in the operated by Thompson. though it south. He especially impressed has been operating only th short u on his audience the importance number, of Y0"?- Both My"! tire oi, the forest cover to the area, and on the JQb meeting the nee a of the said this great resource, which community. 7 - ,, means so much to indugtry. hydrr. Timmins Men Entertain Royally Visiting 1heklr)'rpst)..itlitty.'s. Residences. churches, Ind public buildings all showed the marks of wealth. Pt'.'"it Renison‘s home was fainted out, ong with many other ovely homes. The swimming pool erected by the Lions Club and many {rest works undertaken by the 'iwanis Club were also shown. Both organizations showed that they have done a splendid work. All seem to have built well for the benefit of the community. Hol- linger, McIntyre Dome, South Por- cupine, Buffalo Ankerite and nth r mine properties wore viewed frog the buses as they fussed throng these extensive hol ings. Esch has s story of its own Ind hls hsd msny ohstsrles to overedke. Yet these great compsnies have "eretted s wealth for Csnsdl and Ontario that few in the south realize. This is a trip thst every msn should take to see the opportunities that lie in this - section for thos who srs wanting to msks theii way. Not It in not all rock Ind bush or silver Ind gold. There in good fuming land around Timmins and tn the north wet. Flowers showed the work of the hortieulturaligt 2g,ufoh,',',,"r,t the digtriet and they were only Bum ended tho trip u m m- mm“. mm i, na NORTHIIN TOUI INJOYID " NEWSPAPER GROUP At this dinner Mayor Karl Eyre, of Timmins, presided. Reeve Victor Evans, of Tisdale, was the speaker. He told something of the great wealth of the North in mining and lumbering as well as in industry, Today, he said, the various com- munities feel that industries should be develop‘ in the north to hold young rglt who "are not so in- tereste in lumbering or mining," and he felt that the north has many advantages which would bring this to pass. In an interesting manner he referred to the potentialities of Northern Ontario, which he felt were not fully understood in the south. He especially impressed upon his audience the importance ty the forest cover to the area, and said this great resource, which means so much to industry, hydro L",',,",.',',', development, the tourist usiness, Ae., is always threatened by fire, insect infestation and other destructive forces. This year's fires mean a loss of $100,000,000, to in- clude the destruction of timber, wildlife and fish, ff't'r"X to streams, loss of tourist tr e and cost of fire-fighting. At present sKruce trees in t C' north are t reauned by bud-worm, which kills the trees and creates a than: fire hazard. Another s eaker at this dinner was Presitfent Sam Curry of our association, who urged his fellowaedltors to consider the value to the morth of a rise in the price of gold, to study the matter and to realize what it will mean in the further development of the province. and in overcoming the present slow activity in the mining camps. Next week's “tide will deal with the visit to the mil-cunt] the work and eguipment on iled in this (rent in uni-y. Watch for it. "Ah," aid the Custom: officer. nroducinl . hottle of whisky, "I thought you “id there were only old clothe; in that twink?" A I __ mu CIOIHUI In ("It lrunn L "Aye. that's ml night up." Aid tho Abortion“; The top picture shows Mr. o. T, G. Williamson, who conducted the tour from North Bay northwards and represented the Ontario Northland Railway, and Mr. Bob Giles, secretlry of the Ont.Atuebee Division of the C.W.N.A. The centre group shows some mem- bers of the party leaving the office of The Temiska- ming Printing Co. Ltd. after a tour through the plant where The New Liskeard Speaker is published by Mr. Cecl Bond, president-elect of the Ontario-Quebec Division CWNA; below them ore some of the weekly editors as they detrained at Timmins for a bus trip around Sehurnaeher, Porcupine and Timmins. Ford “Meteor†For Canadian Markets Only The Mercury and Lincoln divi- sion of Ford Motor Company of Canada, MIL. announced that it would shortly introduce I. brand new automobile in the low price field,_toAe known as the 'tMeteor." It will be exclusive to the Cana- dian market and will be distributed by the Mercury and Lincoln dealers across the Dominion. In addition to the two-door cus- tom sedan shown above, the Meteor line will include the custom four- door sedan and Club Coupe, as well as a deluxe series consisting of two-door and four-door sedans, ggp_Coupe and Business Coupe. Tescribed by the makers as "an I‘ incorporation of all our forward" thinking from the standpoint of‘ engineering, I/tg safety and eomfort," the eteor gresents i) long, low silhouette. sing lesirl than five feet, three inches from road to highest point. It: full-i width body lines sweep back froml a distinctive front grille and broad', hood. Rear fenders are completely, eliminated, the body design beingl such that maximum width iai achieved for both front and rettr, seats as well as providing for a‘ particularly spacious l u g tt a g s, locker at the rear. The seats are located in the comfort Tone be-I tween front and rear wheels, thel front seat being only slightly legal than five feet in width and thul rear a full 60 inches acroasrthe car. _ The all-steel. welded body in bolted to the frame at 22 points to form a solid unit. The frame is a box nation type. It has five an†members and is of double- drop dqivn linking pnsaibl! I par- ticularlr ow centre of gravity and mes Wit». ..F.. . ' . Alllmund‘ Jrisibility is I stand-l out future, Ly rear window Alone: boinf " per can: larger “Lin tut) of he 'l'2."4ii autnmo ile oh former years. [now tamer {will Ind centre pilUrs'add to visi ilityl Willoutnlon of 1?,t,irdtrt1Cltc, I 1 The Meteor will b available in nine colon and four o-tone com- bination. complement by a fresh new cholce of long-we- ing broad- cloth Ind mohair intu‘l fibrin. IMM- door MM!†pu up to open, dimming the an! of lecithin.“ Att", while xterior hundlen are of t e pull- type with min-y latch". The cur has I newly d ,igned hh', Itt e linder en he of 100 ' Al '.,firll new I "a The yen w“ 1966, the month June and the piece Normandy. While it in!†unite hey cutting time gin mechim Amman item both “(in of the h "rows were doing en excellent Joh of moving down the "one. l It w" about then that Genet-1 Crete: decided the troupe 3mm have 1 new: of their own in the field. And no I we- Mtalltd to re- tum to the holdlnl unit- it Eng- land and dig up I new-paper new. Minnow»! tar-blinking that m we AMM‘MJ‘N hero! u tumoair.attqtdhogd6t Wm In g2f'lL"tue, 1l'gtt",2"gt cum-61: et, png m u. in A "a: a 11:: you an ceo" . on.“ “on v u. traumatic. 'Nutt/ttttr Ava null he?- on the cl tf Mim---a m- a! anan 0 2rt,at etrete die: with my lute unit. in. thy. wether _uq l te!H It was just " the dark hour be. fore dawn bunks that the trucks were loaded and ready to go up the lines. For the last two hours the German M', were lending uncom- fortably close but everyone we: too het un with tint edition fever to my much attention. I dont know yet why I chem Mint from the many â€albums. lil- only mulifitntions were that ht had driven a truck for u now. dis- tributine unency and he had triteh- od for a amt-um ball Mam. Any- how we needed driven and any!» the time would come when we mixht have a ball mun. In the busy course or event. of getting org-nixed end returning to the continent. I mid little utter tion to Slim. He ceme to my ethn- tion in Cum when we had finally got the first copy of the Keple Lee! off the presses. All except Sim. His truck we: loaded and ready to go but there wns no sin of him. I eventually found him hiding in the cell" un- derneath the messes. He wn scu- ed stiff. I figured it was useless sending him out and substituted another driver. I suDDose the mover thing but} would have been to send him buck‘ with an adverse report. But the blighter turned out to be I whiz on fixine things and with our German “bot-zed ancient Dresses we need- edtnll the mechnnicul help we could tte . I heard afterwards that the corporal mech. called him all the Yellow curs etc. that man could think of. Yet Slim took it all with. out retahhtintr. In the Spring of 1945 we were operating out of Brussels. News- orint we; running desperately short. Intelligence reborn told me there we: some German new-print in P. warehouse neu- Oldenburzhe, "top-poured". fy guy 'rer.yifsrttr, A symmetrical steering iii-huge combines with an advenced type of independent front wheel lub- pension and longitudinal sprinting " the rear to provide maximum stability. Airplane type hydraulic shock absorbers are located inside the soft action coil sin-inn at the front and similar shock absorbers function at the rear. A feature tf the longitudinal reu- springs as the fact that they are so con- structed as to eliminate the need for.. lubrication qt the 1rpring ltayets. The Meteor is equipped†with . s p e e i a 1 fresh air ventilation system. Two duets carry fresh air from behind the tgrille, one inlet supplying air to e driver's side and the other to the Jlll'l'",eihr, side. Each inlet is pro ded with a shut-off valve, actuated by a con- trol knob on the dash, at either side of the_stee_ring eolymp. _ . Yet another feature is the intro.. duction of soft "black lighting" of. instruments, reducing eye strain due to glare and Teneetion at night. The control of instrument: are grouped directly in front of the driver. Slim wig Evie}? 0313356; “6% WESTON FEED M. 53 MAIN ST. N. PHONE 220, WESNN All Garden Seeds, fresh, in bulk and pschges. Soil tests free of charge. Sprays, dusts, Vigoro, Human Moor. ganite. Pet Foods, fresh every week. Salt, lime, peat moss. Surzain feed service. Tuna/m1 menu deep watasr--and theme’e plen- tyofitdorthiUi.thirty milee long. Tommi in a vacation paradise, unspoil- ed and majestic, seventy- two miles north hom North Bay or drive the Fermi-on Highway. For accommodn. tion details, write tothttario Holiday, Room 1064. Irie. tory Building. Toronto. LIT" MAXI THIN WANT " COME “CK ht'uuathypttbb-tm luv-moan. lav-womba- " from tho moon. tenr6t mmwo-mlo it'sirtyour inn-Mom- no friends from can: put tost-art-tROV 100"" mm: "0000 “In.“ ONTARIO HONDAY _rm1tltw1tu?..p.g,1tt.ie.r.,t8d Deliveries, Within 24 Hours Human Interest o-Pao-m-. manna-rm â€Mouthdiy they 'gtMgtg",'1/, m n. at ow mono t n caught an. w. unduly 'lthl',l not but to our which in the on“ ground numb to I Itid t’hl tf) on: out an hock window. m- olly I an" in (oven: at mum toe who" in than" wood: a I ulna as. can†to tho aunt of 'p/g, than tho coat of the Martttall on. To make it wom Slim had uh: it on the lam. Where. I didn't know. This wu union: u it mun! the cumin: down of mnpo‘nr. Wt laid low for 50m. um. emu-mu trf mun-int. 'Ft " a“: e6vte in the vmhoulo M a mum era-aura a! bull»: urt gun-m in In. micro-t Mona. _ He nut'hil timer: to his lint for caution Ind sign-Hod for us to fol- low. Wu can. upon two hoopla ly- ine bludint 0nd unconscious on the ground. Wt scouted around cud eou_14 find mimetic. Without warning the "o6tirttt slow“ down ind than quit “may. We mound out the buck window and ran muck Into Slim. I w“ randy to bun the dnylighu out at hint when I notieod he was erin- ning from Far to on. This wss Slim's story. as had left the wsrehouse. scouted to the rest of where he figured the shots wars coming from sud mum “a behind. There were two Were- wolves shooting from opposite sid'es st t/t,0pTPh1tyt.. .. l He could have Shot the first but that would have warned the other end nouibly more if in the vicinity. So he picked up I hefty stone and in his but Sunday buebell ouch beened the Heinie. He next ttuve the other the umo treatment. It was A brave and coo! thinking fob. We dropped the Home: " the nearest provost Dost and went back to camo. I out in I reeontsmmation in his bravery, but tnpmntly civilian Germans weren't IUDDOIOd to be danpvous even though they point- ed gum and shot " you. We never hegrd my more Ibout the matter. Lut year when I wan attending I Legion bunch meeting out West who should stand up on the floor to make I motion but Slim. It wasn't the most sensible of resolu- tions and he was Inuzhed down. He ugmed gin-penny! artd elprnttyrd up. I spoke to the Legion Lara! anew-rd: nbout hint, Be just‘ ahrutttred his shoulder: Ind laid. "Oh, him. He hun't Rot much zumption. never seems to show my initiative." Am I n cow-rd? Are you a cow- ard? What makes B man a cow- ard or I hero,' I'm sure I eaa't fir. ure it out. Mabel: "She hid six muons for having him. In the first clue. his mop†was all gone--n Edith: "Né'vei-"Ennd the other five." Advertising Pays-Try It! A scientist any: that . ton of snwdust an be mule to yield 50 “Hons of drinkable alcohol. A few beckon of that and you're bound to wake up with that wooden feel- in. Linen to the ONTARIO STOCK YARDS BULLETIN V futuriqlguWALLY FORD every "dtty morning. CHML - 9.00 - 1.15 Ll. may but» an loco-bu 'k? hum Right Isms can“: iiiiii w w - ....- Iii5iiWiPii'iiP,Ei,y',ri5 that won Mu an 50 new _ in CM. Puu M I). Aluminum hauls“ um 'pwg",', Cu in“ vim!!! can†all ttuead Candi“ Cour-l Electric in ' m- itlon to MI . nod-Ion at tter. borom Works to complme oetttitt the emu: suddenly. mg latter in tin Calm†far which melani- non hummus and mum: in Vrton h". An Btrttlitrtet dealer- At the moment trolley couches In our-ting in Vancouver. Ed- montog. c.1199. Regina, Winni- at. Fort William. Port Arthur. when“. Toronto. Ind Montreal uld additional conch“ In on order an. to their Dominiâ€. In mm F huprlnvm $2,133.: mahDMVeAch-u eaoi.rid-uat-dt-l-.dear, l mtt_t.thetadstroessitiet-rstuetsat' '!,1liih'.1 G tLtatgt1tttN.'it(ilthte,tt,t'idf'teut ' ' r',tPy2eie.eftt.?P.ePlo-rer--t" as; My Coca-ham“... “numb-trunn- __ â€Han CWestinghouse The only washer with Cushioned Action - your mum†of a brighter, cleaner, faster wash. another great feature is the streamlined Lovell wringer with feather-touch release and adjustable pressure. See these fine gt!" washers now "WLes149-50 Sentinel of Slfoty, Ill exclusive West- inghouse feature, protect: the motor saint damage Ind provides a con- venient switch to start and stop the motor. "RIM. John. Katina-Id harm! it]; triTii - " I. who M --- wall an at. John. New 3muvick Advertising B. A. FOSTER CHIMNEYS, CEMENT won. msuu'nox. guess. no. ' Household Repairs Tart . his...» 1u,,tttthrd GM RI 0 HARDSO N» FURNITURE lk ELECTRIC CO. " Main St. N. Weston PHONE 1208 - LY 2626 TERMS '10 SUIT YOUR BUDGET MASTIC TILE IODIRNIZE YOU! Imam. BATBrt00M, ETC. Edi-Ind he. WITH EXCLUSIVE CUSHIONED ACTION Washes Clean; Less Wear On Clothes Lasts Unger Washers to." M DIM b