Times & Guide (1909), 1 Jul 1948, p. 6

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mum: and Rubber Tired mun. aw and) Portable a". a:“'m‘s.y".3'a Firiuia"iiia'iri, Aarutt Shinglinz and sl'grn'l', '3 "' "IUUUI """ CARPENTRY, building altars- l {ions and repairs reasonable. s.n.r.l thttttrtitttttr ‘Housea, gang", recreation rooms, , irrim; cupboards. For oztimlcel Concrete. Conereta Block Bun. won! Rumsty Bros., Con radars. Ief.e, Sideygka. Footingn, etc.' estnn1524- or 8412. x-20-tt tr. W. McCartney Sonora! contractor e -hU1- eirmiiiiiG. 'Piabné" 5761 RT is' W St. 0-27-tt Bummer cottage. Need, little thing up, " Pnone 1377-W. EUR wicked ehairslideiCttV the ”gang's wie)rteruprr,. chié's V white tstars, srizer 5; totlruiaar. as Joseph St., Weston. 0-274: sexed or day-olds. There me mad, trinkets for what they'll pro- “ Inter. Get summer priceliat trom neat" WARM Abeles. Weston Food. " Main St. N., Weston. Mania}: CCM, in good condition. 586..J. 0-27.1t GIT-W. aims in; gaming?» TBRAKINMM! nullgts. Started norr robe in natural maple in excel-i but Condition: also Gendron pram“ blue. Apply 4 Coulter Ave., Wes-g tan. 0-27-lt f BEDS:idebolrd. kitchen table, etc. 11 Springmount Ave: -- RAB)?" budtrit and tyrtdtier,Cau V éoloun. "choice stockiwjémréar Hacks, 725 Sculett Rd. Phone B8AY's. full. size. crib. and chiff- “In. St. 964-W, IiFTsyryn" éxéellent condition, fifty dollars. Apply Mr. Ward Indra Drug Store, Weston. - ICE REFRIGERATOR. Polarzone. T%iie-. 1055 eGdition.' reasonable.' .luo English oak dining room suite.! it Cross St. Phone 1324-1 i Itchine. 8120: aliso Winchester 22mm. repeater rifle, sell " $30. Call evenings. Mrs. Joyce Hodqea/ T Queens Drive. Weston. t2d,1l) ICE BOX. 50 lb, _tsstyteity, srotyl -GniiiiiG: kiwi man Jojei. 25 feet lone. Phone Zone 4-318. - 7 7 GAS STOVE. 4 bgmcr. cream gnd result! awning frames and hardware. Real value in these days of itdUted prices. Two sizes, 21, feet and 3 feet wide. Will deliver, phone Weston lam-J. x-24-t! Men's khaki mints. .11 sizes $235. Boy's short punts 65e up; Luther belts regular 75e for 50e; Running shoes, all sites 75c um it J. Blumenthal Co.. Weston. corner Iii]? and Lawrence. x-27-1t LARGE Restaurtutt_or Store.. Fan dust proof plastic. Many colours to choose from. Recovers and odd dune: I madam" All hand made. In. Edna Hnwe. " Station St.. Phone 767-W. o-26-3( SINGER Portable Elect:ch Sewing AWNINGS READY to hug. Co_mp1ete with. STRAW MU. bite variety,f5c pp: Buy from the ranch and save my. Conan. Capes, scarves. until. colts. md dressed skins. Phone Wutoz. 10804 if you wish to me than furs. No obligation. Irwin’- Fur Tum. RR No. 3, Weston. x-M-t! LAMP shades pf the lew wasluble In) value at wholesale mice Mindful chenille; for double or “duh beds in all usual colours “.99 etch. Closely tufted. full l) x 100 basket down: chenille Wis $7.98 and: Also Hibitant End hooked 1"H| 18" x 36" 3 for "m. These snide: are worth double the price. Sent C.0.D. olus Mun. Honey itnmedintelv re- Nnded if not "tiuied. Handicraft Diwtributortt, 254 Sherbrooke St., Wart Montreal. Que, x-M-Lf any“ and Platin-m Fox, Furs. 1etiir,irytu,a, couple and one _ 1y!” old din; ter require un- ttet duplex, apertmettt, large _ or 3 or 4 rooms to “commo- ~O limr immigrating from Scot- had July lat. Phone 783-W. ___ FREE ESTIMATES Wat carpet-l. nation-d at De villaetd, wife and girl, 6 years. we!!! or l rtPtnytfug,titrtef CIENILLE Bedsprede 84,99 each iiire/2i'. R. Pexden, Weston t 0-27-tt V V V or autumn inns!” KORE SEWER. Also IRE; A or Wand. in . r _ or mlmblo commuting App ly daytime only 3074" l T "gt to". by two Adults. o-gt-lt t I. "one“. P . --_.-.-.--_---_---- lit. Konwood “gaff...” LADY over 25 wanted for full or, ' o-26-4tl part time work in your own diam 100 lb. capacity. like new. 73 Aqetlle'tetr WW I II” WW. mu , karma? FOR REIT command ARTICLES Ftht SAL! IAIY CHICKS tie-M x-27-1t O-27-1t 0-27-1t 0-27-1t o-27-1t 0-27- It o-27-1t o-27-1t 0-27-11 it}!!! In 1-“ Wm” 'tttata-tk-rare-i I"! you who“ wall: valid. noon clonal; “no floor as. an“ In!” by local " “I. Jtnt"i,,,N wort f,l'T. tt It]! or In. .. RPf,d uut' phone Wanton “174. 1.27.: VENHXAN Hindu domed. 48- hour Ionics. New 2F: And mm if 1',tgrulr,', t nigh. M. E,', or out- woodml and hun. Vmetiln mammal: Johmtoer,Weatott nos-w. T 2-24-01 C. ORSER. JU, 8488, inside and out-id. B:inting. clean efficient unit“. mud-hie material and workrnsuhitr, from asthma. Bea. men-bk. odd-7%. (HAVE your drapes custom made i' from your own material by an ex ert. No waiting. Phone I 13§7-W. x-16-tf cellar nous, iidevalks. Anni-Ex: cellont workmanship. R. Wheeler, Weston 4204-13. xa8-tt SEPTIC/Junk” .eertnt footings. money. do your own when" work; free estimntes on floors, footing: and block work. Phone 1881-2 between 6.30 And 7.30 evenings. x-19-t! CEMENT mixers for rent. an paired, 24 IiotirurrviCYaiid for Ind delivered. Wm. Price, 210 Mlple Leaf Drive. Phone 13924041. - x- -t veteran now in business. Floors cleaned waxed and polished. Any kind offload-in: brought up like new. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. New Electric Polisher, Wallpaper cleaned. Windows elean. ed. Painted walls washed. Phone A. Corral. MU. 6427. x-Sl-tf LAWN Jt"eer.t' sharp%ridrrti _re: MODERN floor service. Local boards. tiiebrdrii," winde screens, storm windows and rep- airs. Zone 4-516. 172 John St. EXCAVATING. grading, 51m. "a and cultivntiaf with tractor. R. healer. Phone eaten "tyd x-9-t CARPENTER! _ kitchen cup LARGE dobblg room, board for two three roamed housekeeping cabins. Wymbolwood Beach at Georgian Bay. $20 Der week. Phone 318-W. 0-1..“1-3t person: will find a real homiin a nurses home at 139 William St., Phone 1281-W. mr13-1t men, near Denniéon and Main, Box 2701, Times and Guide. sEM1-1NvAw1s,_retired or aged arch correction. Featherweight arch supports to individual imprer sion cut: made of ever foot. Hours by appointment. ghones: Gerrard 6160, Weston 691-M. RESERVATIONS taken now for nailed postpaid in plain, leuled A n v e l o p a with price list; six samples. Me; 24 samples, " Mail Order Dept. G4, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton. Ont. 3552-1: R. Le. MAITRE, foot, spgcialisg lit} BRIGHT clean furnished rooms to rent. continuous hot “and”. site available. Apply 89 King St., Weston. o-27-1t HYGLEXYIC supp}?! (rurtr.er 3004:! A_GOQD home waged ft? git At Victoria Ave. and Main St.. South. saturday, June M. " ID- nroximntely 8 mm.. man's brown fountain pen. Veteran‘s keen sake. Finder please eall Weston Mr-r. Ru- ward. o-27-1t part time work in your own dis- trict. Future income ttsured. It.e- fined, capable of meeting publie. Egan'ence not reguired. Phone M hone 6162 the: p.m. A .-- _ same price. Pninting and interior decorating (paper strip- pin?I by machine, no mess), also asp alt shingling, roofing, chim- ney and plaster repairs, concrete cellar floors, walks, driveways. All work done by master work- men. Free estimates. GIBSON ll glcCARTNEY. phone Weston YOU can have the best at the Persian kitten. Phone geat. 0-271t PAINTING AND DECORATING WHY GAMBLE ? PIT STOCK FOR “LI SUMMER COTTAGES is”. furnished room. suit an. Phone 359-w. snvxcis orrlkfo' PROFESSIONAL Room ToTif FEET HURT? REST HOME PERSONAL LOST x-lI-tf 0-27-lt x-20-tf o~27-1t Mcrt It IN THE ESTATE OF HANNAH BALDOCK, late of the Town of Weston, in the County of York, Cavemen. Deceased. ALL garcons having chime “that t e Estate of the above named Deceased. are required to send full pnrtieulsrtr of same to the undersigned solicitor for the Administrator, on or before the 17th day of July, 1948, after which date the same will be distributed eccording to Law. DATE?) this 15th thy of June, All, 1948. W. M. PENMAN, Banister. em, 16 Mein Street gnrth. WESTON. TOR NTO 16, o N T A R I n. m I Coming Events Not interested? Well. Al Dnerr and George Maver think fishermen will bite on their coin-in-slot "Bait. O-Mnt" which will deliver those deligacie: lo, ankle”. Awnings. tents and boat sails which are stored for lone periods often suffer neuter demure in stanza than in use because of mil- dew. mold and insect Ittnck. Machine Delivers Beit To Anglers We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends who were so kind to us during our recent bereavement and also to thank them for their beautifuUlory gffeyings. _ Dancing every (Saturday ni ht, 9 till 11.30 standard time, to Larry- makers' 9-piece orchestra, at Bol- ton Casino. 0-27-2t The machine is constructed like a soft drink dispenser and the angler lets I bucket of minnows or a can of worms for his 25 cents. Answer to Halt Week's Crossword Puzzle Mayor and Mrs. T. E. Daugherty of Weston announce the engage- ment of their younger daughter, Audrey Ethel, to Harold Kenneth Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. J, Campbell. The wedding to take place at Canadian Memorial United Church, Vancouver, BC, on Satur, day, July 10th. In Memoriam SHEWARD-In loving memorv of our dear Mother, who passed to her rest, June 23. 1945. Many a lonely heartache. V Often a silent tear, Always a beautiful memory Ot the one we loved so dear. God save us strength to fight it And courage to bear the blow, And what it was to lose her No one will ever know. Ever remembered bv her chil- dren. Albert, Mirney and Doris. How would you like to but a Gunter in 3 slot and get a dozen fat, iuicv worms? or 12 lively minnows? Cards of Thanks Iilnratrertttnts camp’s autortiot.ie," 'ee.pTiiifre Notice To Creditors And Others truck wanted, in iradGoniiiiat, reasonable. Phone 1089-W. MELT,“ On Bud " Terms If Desired MT. DMIS UPHOLSTERING Births, Marriages, Deaths, Cards ‘of Thigh, Engage- tWieitor Mr the Administrator, Service Station IN MT. DENNIS ments, In Meariiair Notice. Under These Ending- ge per word. Minimum Charge "e. 9n _BisstiiiNhniTt 355!in Chesterfield. and Chain Btud'urcoueus, Duveupom . Recovered and Regina SLIPCOVER _ JADE _TO only _ Going cbncern. Large volume. Experience and $4,000 Capital Required. BOX 2708 TIMES AND GUIDE For Lease Ar. d.' girGiirr'"iind Hazel, NOTICES umpwrnhwé WANTED A. Lvon 1002 Walton Rd. ne-27-lt The new rate of 3% in It"! high- " than that of 236% on which the life inlurlnee comp-hie: hue their nnnuilv mm (in mm cues in low In 2'i7et And the Govern- mam wlll mil mum. to hear the con of ndrnhtiatmtaiem no that Dominion 60mm nnnultiu um "ms" to luv. Dome .dv.n. tnuu om an m. incur-nee n- nultlu " far as cost- ". con- comod. But the two will nan be much dour than before. Admin- igtrative no.“ last you were "- fimntul It 8573M: 8671.000 for 194849. The chnnle is effective Aor.lernmept rates five sixth: of the 19 but does not affect previounlyl quoted commnv rate has been existing government annuity con- taken, The enmoanv annuitv also truce. 1 has a cash vqlue, Premium rules will now be ear; For years the Government has minted an an assumed intereiheen criticized because it based earning: besis of 3% inland of, its premium rates on I 4% inter- 4tr in effect tor some years. The on rate, xubstantially above that mnrtllih' table new to be used at which the Government could will take into eonaiderntion IT borrow on the open market. It ad- feet the would noun of life has hered to this 4% rate despite the increned and that therefore the[slendv fell in Kennel interest were“ Annuitv is unable for Il, rates. increased administrative loner period than formerly. Hosts. and improved mortality, The “a. rate of 3% g. “m high- which meant that Innuitanu liv, " than that of 235% on which ine longer hid to be mid their the life incur-nee comp-mien hue; bennmm for ionizer periods. Thel their nnnuitv "u. fin some clues result was deficit after defiCltl " lbw u 214%) artd the Govern- nude good bv the taxtmyers. Ile mam will mil mum. to be" burden 0n the tenor-l tuxpeyer‘ the cont of adrtthtiatiataam no that should now be reduced ulthnuzh not Dominion Government umuitiu witsed out altottether. I While the cost to the buyer of, new annuities will be increasedl the move will put the whole am" nuities branch on I much sounder) basis. Ind over ominz year: should save the (innudim tax-i Divers mnnv millions of dollars. 10F .. CCM ..r Premiums on Dominion Gov- ernment annuities hereafter will be cliculated on n lower Issumpd‘ interest earnings basis Ind on a more un~to-dnte mortality table) thnn in the but. Labor Minister) Humvhrev Mitchell amounted " Ottawa this week. I For a short while, Stardust, with a win over CCM, took possession of first place. However. in a tough- to-lose-and-tough-to-win game last Thursday, Harwood e ged out Stardust 5 to 4. This, at the moment puts them in a first place tie with 10 points each. However, Harwood Aces have a game in_h11_qd._ _ -, A ruling on A game played two weeks ago have endangered Har- wood’s chances of finishing first. On a protest by IOP that Har- wood's player lists were not in on time, and suffering the provided penalty that all games shall be defaulted until player lists are in, Harwood’s game with IOF' was counted against them. Since 10F were guilty of the same crime, it counts as a loss to both, the second such occurrence/m this league. Results: Cliff's Taxi 6, Easy Washers 4; Mac Motors 17, Price Yards 9; Mac Motors 22, Easy Washers 2; St. Clair 14, Price Yards 8. Junior Hardball Stardust F...'..'.-. Fairbank AC - Club-For-Ynu k. IOF’s game with Runnymede and the Stardust-Fair bank clash were cancelled. This hatter game should provide action, since only two points separate them. In their former tussle, Stardust won a very close victory, 7-6. ' P W L TPts Etardust "'"C"-"""- 6 5 1 O 10 10F In the only game of last week, Club-For-You dropped their third straight, this time to 10F, formerly the bottom-place team. For IOP, it was their second win, both coming with just one run. This time it was 5-4. Rupnymedga Regul'tl'xoy s, Club-FJr-fou 4 Ladies' Softball New Gov't Annuities Rate To Save Taxpayers' Money Easy Washers and Price Yards again were double-losers to one team, this week being Mac Motors who lost two last week. From second place, Mhc's tumbled to third the other week. Last week, their two victories put them in a tie for second again, with St. Clair Stars. In contrast to the western division, all scheduled games were played last week. Easy Washers and Price Yards also suffered a victory apiece from the leading Cliff's Taxi and St. Clair Stars. Cliff's Taxi .........,_. St. Clair Stars ...._ Mac Motors W“... Price Yards "_--..' Ea_sy Washe1:s CT', Westmount ................ 10 South York Sparks w Downsview AC - 9 Sunbeam ........‘,~.~.-.‘- 9 Results: wiisirriodnt -14,' sad; York 2. 1nt_ermedjYe.Eastern Division This group of intermediates were one league affected by the rain, playing only one of the tour games scheduled last week. In that game, Westmoant made it ten straight victories in u row, defeating the second-place Sparks M-g. Week number six in the YTASA ball leaguea ended Hat week, with the rain having consideuble effect on some leagues. end no effect on others. At t in stages! the game, unbeaten teams should be hard to find, but still, than are five. At the other and of the rope, there are gilt two who haven't won Yet, olice getting their first win at week. And so the run for the play- off positions gathers speed with the regular schedule ending in about two weeks for some. Intermediate Western Division MEET THE TALLY-SHEET to by GORDON GLYNN T Pts 0 16 0 12 o 12 TPts 0 20 0 12 Nine vents no. in 1939, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce animated that the Canadian Gov. ernment "mum" would cost the taxpayer: " million, tte your; the tha annuities bunch wan not an u.atrlfoota'trtin. huh: that lone- in the but had been 25 16.76 23.04 25.15 35 29.63 38.21 41.10 45 61.63 74.91 80.16 The insurnnce commnv quotes its rate: on basis of 8120 annual annuity. To get the rate for $100 comparable to the Dominion Gov- ernment rues five sixth; of the How Rates Compare Males, annuity at 60. “manned 10 vents Dom, Govt. Ins. Co. Ale last annuitv annuity trirthdav $100 a van 8100 n vest Results: Bray'g 17, Fairbank 8; West Fairbank 14, Cedarvale 3; A&A Taxi 4, Bray's 2; West Fair- bank 8, A&A Taxi 4. West Fairban.k W... Bray's ‘...‘.....W......,..... A&A Taxi ”Wm- Fairbank .m._..,._.,.._..u. Results: Veil Motors 13, General Mercer 6; Westmount 14, Rose- lands 11; General Mercer 28, West- mount 13. Bantam That three-way fight for first place seems a little more settled after last week. West Fairbank practically knocked Cedarvale out of contention for it when they beat them soundly, 14 to 3. However, Bray's remained right behind by beating Fairbank 17 to 8; they could have led had they subdued the fourth-place A&A Taxi who got their first win in four starts. P W L TPts WestFairbank W... 8 5 2 111 Brny's .,.._....._~w......... 8 5 3 010 Veal Motors new-.. Harwood Aces m General Mercer b..... Westmount A&N ... Roselands Y "W... Train-Puddy .............. Keelesdale .'rtF..tFF..-- West Fairglen ....... Daymag: Robes ...... Results: West Fairbank de- faulted to Daymac; Train-Puddy 16, Keelesdale l2; Train-Puddy 15, West Fairbank 9. Wesley]! Midget . _ - Veal Motors continued along in top place last week with eight straight victories and Roselarids continued along in the bottom with seven straight defeats. In between, General Mercer split two games, Westmount split two and, due to rain, Harwood didn't play at all. However, they are doing well enough to retain sec3n51__plgce;_ Train-Puddy Motors are the hottest team in the midgets right now, having taken over first place from Keelesdale. Train-Paddy, one goint down and a game in hand. ad a golden chance of taking over first, in a game with the first-place Keelesdale. Well, they dood it, 16 to 12, and were one point ahead. Then, with their game in hand, they defeated West Fairbank, 15-9. Daymac got their first victory last week, a bloodless one in which West Fairbank defaulted to them. Results: Keelesdale 13, 5; Eglinton-Bathurst 6, Keelesdale 35, Bala 6. Eayey Midget Keelesdale ....._m.“.u. Eglinton-Bathurst... Fairglen Dairy ..,.. Silverthorn ...‘......”..... McMurra ."-rw-." Bale. 'rrrifui'iii "in“: Hardest team to figure out last week were the bottom-place Ball Twilightera. They held Eglinton- Bathurst, in second place, to a 6~all tie Ind yet, later in the week, with the same team exactly, lost miser- ably to Keelesdale 35-6. Keeles- dale's other win of the week, to bring their total to seven, wns over Fairglen. This latter team missed a chance to pass Eglinton-Bathurst who are just one point gheqd._ - Results: Police" li, Works 13, Firemen 8. Juvenile Works Mam“... Puks M..._.....~....... Firemen ...-.‘..._.~... Police -.----._.. Lat plus Police got their first win of the season over the second- flue Parka which was quite I Nat. t in: fairly cloue, IT-ld, but they can be content with that one. The first-plus Workl Iwung Along. gem? their sixth "night victory over Demon, 13 to 8. P W L TPts yor.ks ”mummy... 6 6 0 0 12 mam s,itiriiiiitT,' EGii, as: top 17. Mgnkipq _ H ?esilltr, 829N192}; 1CCM w, old new Approx. PW LTPts 8 7 1 014 8 5 2 111 Parks If, Fairgler; Bale 6; TPts 0 16 0 10 " " an 10 Ilem You ru where. ll substantial and that this condition was unfair to the public " Inge. Incidentally it may he noted that the general public which makes Rood the deficits ot the annuities branch includes the life hsurmee coma-Mes whose busi, nests includes" the sale of annuities in competition with the Govern. ment. " Lilac Xvi". w. 5353' """-"ii'ririi%e " Elaltic Stockings. Belts, ete. Residence t-- 126 Rosemount Ave. Weston Phone Weston 1162 Tommi REPAIRS . KITCHEN NEW General Insurance Broker Office:-- 49 Wellington St. E. Toronto TRUMES MADE TO SRBER 10 Your! Experience Prince Fitting Roan ELgln "63 Money " [an " Tomb Shut. Toronto Ph-.. Wanton lit-W 10m. t069, WM. L PATERSOI G"uw..FA1tr?roust, u. up I" s... 'ua IL "" "JD-co. "tri""";'"-, ,4.- luHo-oo: I". "" lost! YO your J. T. FERGUSON Auditor and Accountant 46 MAIN ST. N. ZONE 4-575 t.etc21. SUPPLIES weselijiiik. _. - Foo oppomtmon' during day, phom ome.. Foe appointmem during who, phone residuum J. EDGAHARsoTs In: I}... ftusrtt At., w“.- J. C INCH. B.A.. th.B. Att! Appointment Call 'INCH’S DRUG STORE C. LORNE FRASER RUPTUHED? Im vis/tdis, . At... Wilson Ave. at Ellroge WESTON, ONT. Concrete Blocks AUBREY PETTIT IARIISTIIJ SOLICIT“ BARRISTI: SOLICIT" te. Chartered Accountant Auditor F. A. SILVIIMAN " TORONTO ST. leak of New Sun. Chambcn, WESTON CARPENTRY ARMOROCK BLOCK co. 0M. - “I m m!" enema now- run into them every- ALTERATIONS CUPBOARDS HOUSES MARTIN Phone 991-R-5 E Lgin "" l6-52 ,aiiWst Propelled Car 13A! British Fair ii iiif}uh";r-l";;{v kind of tat-. karma-m Diesel MI. coll dun or n on. abort put it, old undla tadg, It wei ha only 250 ounds. or much 1e: than I lug,', med pinton automobile ermine. is five feet lone Ind om: sven inch" in diameter " wide t Mm But it develops " much ttower--180 brlke horsepower--" Inn-at enrt,verr titnttl cur onzinu. f Ag British Indultriu Fair opened in three centre: here, Britihh scian- tin. unveiled a minature an tur- bine um“ mouth to be used in I hiya Into or truck. I In two or three vein time. the “in propelled ear" of werv schoo! bovis' dream mav be reality. cmmPnc‘ron ' Nun-no In! Chunk blunt " Gil-I'm. Av; Mt. Dunk inG-cttis In USIN’Ess CA RDS I} PHONE 1151 WESTON 1500 - JU. 8827 Free Et'ut.ttttt?s-r'tienay Advice ' Brush or Spray WESTON 1315 “Quality With Experience” General Sheetmetal Work FURNACE WORK ROOFING CHIMNEY POINTING PAINTING. DECORATING Interior . Exterior .PHONE 676-M JACK BAILEY POWER’S TAXI GIBSON W. MQQARTNEY mums a mama's Allan 'sSeroicesiriia'"i1 Tinsmlthing Eavestroughing (BlLL ALLAN, Pup) swarm PRODUCT! INTERNATIONAL T3051 SALES AND SERVICE "I III- loath .- ihieiae, W. J. WARD TINSMITH, ETC. gigorucnc 3'8““st Mun Tuna-c. In MAIN Nu Wm ION! .-II7 Twin. Sonia. ", u g ’35“. w. an to Int-rd" " Appoint-non UNDERTAKERS J. Wright PHONE mow. J. W. BROWN CRUICKSHANK GARAGE 1 LITTLE AVE. Funeral Directors Ambulance BEQRATING TAXIS Blllrv increase, tnr about 16.500 lovernment amnion”. It I ttmt of $2.60th0in I vur. were Announced month by Fianna [Maw Abbott. ' It; ununuul shun mun; that it could be fitted under the floor of I cur. in the once when the propeller mm is now Ieeatad, leavin. much more bodv IDICQ than in menu: Automobiles and reducinz the ton] weie ronlideubly. It used nnlv m "tbritntirut oil All Passengers Insured} FOR RESULTS USE New Our-ting from 289 MAIN ST. 3.. Corner of Br. JOHN! BAKER Roy’s Tad WINDER’ TAXI Zone 4-327 PIANO TUNING Gut-nut! '31. A. IIGGS "" JANE t5T.-MY. DWI. Ill-ck "" In Wuh- nu RD. Ind MAIN Br. - " HOUR SERVICE VETERAN’ Prompt , Courteous Service WANT ADDS ZONE 4-428 429 MAIN ST. N. At End of Car Lit" 8 CARS TO SERVE YOU, WESTON n Ill' FLEET LINE TAXI CABS 38MAINN. TAXI Phones Weston - 677 Mu. . 5772 TELEPHONE TIMES & GUIDE 10ft Gun-had 456 plexligibl; (mummies of PHONE Tiff for y.)

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