53 According to R. M. Itowat, deve- loyiunt runner of C-I-L's salt Mien. suit is vital to hogs WIT supplementary protein of Ittte, s origin. Refering to ations mode at Purdue Uni- W' in Indiana. he' said that “wound hogs were fed for M MI ori I ration of corn, soybean, ennui}, a1talN meal and I simple m1 mixture. Those who had it“ choice of “it "crazed 255 found! in weight nt the end of the Odin; period while those not get- Ill tilt avenged only 174 pounds. BF. and! pound of sell: consumed “as Wag n saving of 3.8 bushels d can and four to six pounds of Imlements When supplementary m was of lnimsl origin. “K lo! salt were not ff? great. GiikU- “Sim; "n. Eleanor Rheum†has nah-d In hononrv Doctor of Inuit!“ dance from West mull Silk Collele. The school 11;;Vut Virliniu'n Intent New A saving of $20 in feed coats for and: dunno worth of “It mod. "I ef.retortiuryyr recent pxperi- mta m LT, feeding in the United Ml. Sub-fed pies trained 1.46 pounds daily " compared with 1.26 tnt trained each day by hoes T the lame ration without “It. " thin experiment etch pound of “It and " pounds of feed. Use Of More Silt Sides Hog Feed The following lull" received 1 letter of tUnU from the Salvation Army for their part in collecting: In. B. Coe, Mn. Greenwood, Mrs. E: Smith Mn._A. Warm Mrs; E. Mr. and In. John Meuan. The bride won I ttent, dress a! Wh'rnneh crepe ving 3 mt skirt, draped folds, shoul- ' veil with coronet of orange Union“ and . Corsage of red to... Marion Wray, bridesmaid. to†I cloud blue dress of branded that. matching headdress with lion mil and I cor-sage of et mun. Lorne McLean was‘ .3: m The bride'l mother received in a turquoise figured silk gown with com“ of coral tom. as- 'ttted by the groom's mother wear- 8.ht navy crepe memble with jiplif _ dar W69? 'i'o' Wilma 4. “Sign: 'r.ttodttidgre, may! In. Mu and family wish to ttglu,',". Women’l Institute of _ m, use the WA of the W church for their kind “I†" the reception for their W, Marion. tti-array Irv. It. 1;)Duvidlon otficiated n t3. hunk“ in Flirbmk United te mm of Margaret Eleanor and 1Feytottsdmrrrrur_tt.f. Jer.. B... T. B. Butler offieiated It a. Denice held Sundny, June 27, {I It. Andrew's church. Being the 1m Sunday in the month, com- 'tttt â€who In: pan-ken of. “man w" taken from the will of Peter in the Centurion home, "God anointed Him with 5. Holy 2lr2 and yawn. He pl! dope oing [any The 'mgor if?!“ on premium; I series de a. lemon. for the next few wash. Mr. Ftavell and Ion, Cliff, gun on dgty u smegma. Mips _ "TA lowly pro-um followed q Ma we" and. ' . and In. M. Coo In holiday- ha in tho United States. V Th Lidia' Guild apoluored I xvi-try m and home baking t the homo of Mrs. Hitchmnn. 1'JAl, on A, on My cannon, and rained the sum of . wilh to thank all who I“! this tea luck u success. Saturday, July 10th, 2 'p. m. [I "ON! WESTON $50 PINECREST SPEEDWAY (OI'No. t Highway Bum. Woodbridge and Datum Street) _,'),.. _ o in]: mas a Brock CARS i-Q ",.. "rt 'ttttly o moron cram ' BUILDING BRICK ileit at the Irwin mad "ttol. a. pond" teacher, in and" “other and in o1'lliut'gtttvttlt It Jun . to -toge IMOIN Hm LII will! . hit. an The what thanked beqlty. h_hn own meious, , We: “H.0ullu STORM! "MPG M. WESTON AUTO they GrlitiTi "AGE; 1)“me In Colours For Bounty. Penna-nee and Lower Cort Comstruetion mood was at the TORONTO RACING DWVERty CLUB New Pain-Killer Wins High Praise Burlington Vacation School en- rollment will mu place Monday, July 5th, between the hours of 9.30 Butt. and 10.30 mm. " Hurd- ing Avenue United Church, corner of Rnrdintr avenue and Tedder 2&2â€. School will commence July t The members of Herding Avenue Church wish to tUnk friends ind neighbours and the Weston Volare teer Fire Briiade for their assist- ance during t e recent fire at the church. Demerol._nvnthetic drug develop- ed in Germany And not related to morphine or Opium. is I "note. worthy. contribution to the pntient afflicted with min of one form or mother." Dr. Frederick F. Yonk- man. Iocturer in nh-m-colorv It Columbia Universitv Cullen of Ph..tyieia.rm tmd trartmma. stated. The first organized Sports Day to be held in Humberlea took place ‘lut Saturday and it wu such I success that we no sure that it will become " manual "air. The day started off with children', new It 2.80 Fm. The winners in order at event- In " follows: We no certain those of you who In aequninted with Bert will be Nopy to know he in bile and hurty and has completely recover- ed from an ntuck of Acute in.. digestion, not I heart condition as reported due to falge rumours. He is at present enjoying I well earned vacation and will be back on the job in two weeks. Thanks for let- ting us know Bert-we no sure our readers will appreciate this information, You will recall Tg,'ttlg wu â€pressed to Bert who: who drives the Woodbridge bus, in our last column. The but person to phone up after the "per clme out was none other than Bert himself thanking u: for our trrmpathy but wondering what the business about u have attack was. . Thou of you who subscribe to the Evening Telegram now have two new clrriers. the Milton lymph"; Bryd ant) Rar. _ thm often hens it slid that good thing: would be said about mun while he's dive And not sued until ha dies. We didn't have our petieuleyietim_dead but llmoat. comrratiationr tor itrrGiiifri, Gum'SIvyor on their sixth wed. dirg Innivgmry. J_une 27. _ Mr. and Mrs. Townsend Ind son Peter In staying with Mm. Town.. send's sister and brother-in-lor, Mr. and Mn.'\V. A. Monk of Aura Lea Blvd. The Townsend', just. recently "rived from England and will raids in Humbcrlen until they become unblinhed here in Canada. Belated birthday 5'i',',t1T to Mrs. Al Gross“: on June 1 and Mrs. Barton on June 22. Gordon Crou of Emery mad, who up until nanny delivered the Evoning Talon-m In Humberlea, will be employed " bobbin in Weston for the summer months. Beat of luck in your now work Gord. Congratulations to Mr. Ind In. George Women of Sun.“ Tull onthntsirthottheir.oatlast Smithy. J um 27. “Huh has M. to dont make IU' of can iion." , MIRA]; 'iG"ii'ii"i"/i' 3337:; TORONTO LY. Mit HARDING-TON to repretsenthttt Mela-n iraraiiii'i Co., attended the Ontario Quebec Weekly tNTp"dt,r AqisoeUtiott Convention at to Ron] York Hotel Int Thursday. Unfortunately. demerol cm clue midietion. Over 20 cues of addic- etion to it in nutienta who had not been Addicted to other rpareotie, drunk hive been studied. Demerol in now subject to federal 'iiiriirti'e'l luvs. The sports supervisor will com- mence his duties Monday July 5th. Watch the notice bonds located nenr 67 Hearst Circle and Herding lvenue " Rendield street for dnlfy upon: schedule. The date of o _ ficial opening of the Hardintrton Recmsatfonat Council Bummer pro- gumme will be announced at I later date in this paper. The Budington Recrutiannl Council wish to think all thou who responded to magnificently to their appeal for funds, objective almost stained. imnrove on atrovine, or belladonna. It relaxes mum of smooth muscles such us the lower intestine: Ind uterus. thus relievimr vain. But but of its train-relieving he- tion is due to its effect on the cen- tral nervous system. In this effect it comes between codeine and mor- Mine. It hat, been widely used for relief of min in childbirth and is also used for relief of all bladder mum and in mm. kinda of nth- "A man wrote to I local paper: 'Thursday I lost a valuable gold watch. I immediately advertued in your paper. then patiently waited. Yesterday I found the watch in the pocket of another suit at home. It certainly pays to advertise'.'" All those who worked so hard to give n. such I grind day are tg be eommertded--you did a wonderful job in such I short time. The balloons for the babies, the favours for the little children. the hot dogs and pop were certainly apprseitrted and enjoyed. Here's to our" next Sports Day. The lucky draw TJ, held titer the â€me with Mr. ommy Baron reeeivintt n lovely {less dish as first prize. Mrs. . Neale was presented with e zsme of Monopoly for second prize and third but not lent was Mr. Brock Townsend who received 1 teepot. The guessing contest was won by Mrs. Seville who come closest to guessing the number of bottle cu): in the jar. The evenin event was the men', ball gum: m5 " usull it was lot- of fun and all those who were able to return in the evening enjoyed themselves. The victors of the men's glme didn't have I nlme but we un annnd most of them were Iran: "PY silt, seven an.d high; The next event which Watt en- joyed by everyone was the lediea' ball znme. The teams didn't nnme them-elven so we eart't tell you the victors hut we do know my at them came from lone: four and five. We hope you gels will any on with the idea of playing one ("no I week. --ut, Carrol Lord; 2nd, Lynn Enright, Eh‘ubath Boa-on. Boys &9 years-Ut. Bobby Osborne; Ind. Allen Graham. Girls 59 "arr--ut, Shioln But; 2nd, Daria Gibb. Boys 10-11 years-ist, Billy Andomn; 2nd. Master Elwin. Girls 10-11 years-ist. Margaret Snell. Boy: 12-15 "ra-tst, Bruce Patterson; 2nd. brunt; Wes. ton. Girl: 12-15 ytr.rs-Ut, Bar- barn Benson; 2nd, Jackie Snville. by} Minn-1 wood. Girl: " t'dt,'t-lg, tit, Cuban; . 2nd. Huey B wn. " tmder b "an --ut, Danni IAN; Ind. Master Gibasey. Gir under 5 "ars--ut, Juquolino; tnd, Shot-in Wood ta' 6-7 years-Ut, David Gibnoy: tnf, ItAtutrett, Girl! 8:7 {an .30» fl' A low " out ur, $1.3m, yt. Alert Btll a" the 1riprpr,r, ',Pafrt School will soon be over and we hope that the children will have . good time this summer. Remember to help mother all yoh can as she needs . holiday as well. Remem- ber the motto of the Cubs and Girl Guides, "Lend A Rand." Just a few more days left for the bus trip to Crystal Beach, so hurry, hurry, and get your tickets. This "if is sponsored by the Memorin Committee in aid of the Memorial Hall, Tickets can be ob- tained from Mr. Sleigh, Mr. Parkms, Mrs. Pnrkes, Mrs. Pirie and Ma. Henry. Tuesday, June 29, we: the last Bingo until the fell. The Memorial Committee wish to thank al.i.those who have patronized the bingos. Watch this paper for the date and place of opening. The many friends of Jeff Dun- ning were sorry to hear of his occident and trust he will soon be on the road to recovery. Jett', young non has Also been ill. A rapid recovery to the Dunning family. . Mrs. Mary Mullen. of .Vm-l couver, B.C., is visiting her HIM“; Mrs. Pattie, George street. Ind up ( other sister. Mrs. . Scott of bum. dee, Scotland. Mm. Matias?! lei also visited with her nieces, Mrs. C. Stokes, Mrs. C. Jordon and Mrs) E. Rider, all living in the sur- rounding dintrict. I “33%.? FG Tiiitir? Cert?†Myrt voiced her lmuement. “Don't be' I drip. woman. l, wrote Yes.†Gert and mm were filling in nnvlications to: new position. hacks; cushion with 5i,e,i,i,5i,i,ii. A new In hall in under can: nation It the present time. Two new when]: txeeomtttttdattntt tto-UM one hundred pupils, hive been built. The Memorial Hall will be the next big project undertaken by the citizen: of Ember Summit. "Bere. where it (If: Date. Myth hoy_'d .vgu fill that in t" Humber Summit 1nd dutiet in unduly may; to " shad. Mr. Evan in Tttt I building at no comer of W bridge road Ind Bordon. Thu building will be the location of _ "or. with dwelling. Thug dirtrie.t.i1so lrpeu typpleadrd my); thGilie JiGiG' nun' It. .11. Au "I. r. Gk' il ' a. Mr. iii, In. 'd'hd'i,,flatN for . Mun-0r " Out) Mini. all a Ruhr 'ttmash, Md It. ad In. _ C. Repel-on. Quail drive, “futon. ' ( Birthd. r,rd to Mr. B. c Sleigh. 'fd. '?2'll%du old-ti; Ion of Mr. and In. W. ,'etiiii5:) Weston " t, lilo Penny Stung. l on. you Md Itrt_ULemdi, land . The Pgiqttdrtri 'p arch in. - Nr the sumac: In hid . 11m Bah sale Friday, Jun. M, It gr home of Mrs. I. Sleigh. The Ci . would.l.iU to that ttll than wtrol Counmmu I. {My s'r,,i?,ti,4,iie,vi'eiri.'l, am». an 'i1t4'htttrtt'. It. A; It!!!» Nt.. Humber).; tytgttyttglat GARAGE 122 Iain tt. North TIK, wide, roomy body (rut "ti" in 60 inch" "aaellt Icon), couple: instrument Turpin; with 'buck. lift' illumination Ind in: antiox- uyungt my. a tttyt comp-tunes: of 19 unable cu. fi. your Comtnielu I mulling. a 100-bp. V-type, s-cylindcr engine, Edam»: coil spring from napalm: "id emu-long parWel rear tt All that. And may not. incur“ unit you impecu'on it on: Meteor. , a" ire arr" A: vied to“ 2 We will be proud to WW II!†you the («mm of the ' r"::?:', tttttd-utr, Mee. in handful Itrtea, t In lliI-vml f @ï¬â€™z.» ttiid VALUE AU, MEHQHANDISE .‘MUST " V _ In. 4-278 CANOE or COTTAGE CUSHIONS, Regular to $1.98 MENS SPORT SHIRTS, very smart, slies small, medium, large Regular $5.50 'r__.__w.trww...e.e..e, _. _CFFrFr_ ".'._r"vav_rrwrwrw...weeer, ____ ... 'rr _ ., BOYS' SUMMER WEIGHT COMBINATIONS; Regular $1.39. MENS SUMMER SOCKS, Cheeks, sizes 10 to 111/2, Regular $1.50 This Store If Open Wednesday Till 9 tron. For'Your Convenience LADIES’ WOOL PULL-OVERS, Regular $3.98 LADIES’ HOUSE FROCKSlnd SUMMER DRESSES, sizes 14 to 52, _ Regular $3.95 to $6.95 . ... "'"r"""'_"'_r_rrrrq-r..t....eq_.e.r,.. ."'qr _ _-___. LADIES' PLASTIC ‘RA‘INCOATS, Regular $2.49 LADIES' BOLEROS and HALTER TOPS, Regular $1.98 LADIES’ NYDON PANTIES and BRIEFS, cool and light in weight, ' Regular $2.50 V ., _""""'"'.'.-"-."..--..---.,-..,.. _ ,r____ .. Ft _ _ V__r...rt , - . F A few BARGAINS Picked at Random TEA Towns, .33'Ix19", Regular 49e _-,-..,.....-.,-.-..................." for $1.45 I» Mr: gtttp'AtrtFAra3? 'iCtdtiAttED . MOVINGSALE If 29-31 Main St. North by“ $3.98 $1.98 $2.49 $1.98 $1.19 .79 .98 .98 th