ï¬sï¬NG business couple require 2 w.}* or 8 unfurnished reoms. Phone y We 1357â€"W. 0â€"32â€"1t ‘MOTORCYCLE, Francisâ€"Barnett, : Beach wear trunks, regular to $1.95 Friday and Saturday only ‘98¢; Men‘s shoes, all sizes in solid %esacthar or composition soles, Reg. and: $5.95, Friday and Saturâ€" day only $3.95. Ladys Nylon hose, Airst quality, special for Friday and Saturday only $1.35. J. Bluâ€" Amenthal Co., Weston, Corner Main .and Lawrence Ave. xâ€"32â€"1t ‘ in good condition, reason for ullixg have car, an ideal machine for the beginner, $150.00. Phone ‘Weston 1039 after 6 p.m. . 0â€"32â€"1t FORD coach, 1933, three hundred .â€" dollars or best offer. Phone Weston 893â€"J. "SPECIAL 6â€"room house cleaned. * waxed and electrically polished, «from $12 up. brought un like new. ‘We are experts, 15 vears‘ experâ€" vience, all materials supplied. City wide service. Phone Mr. Wood. ~LABRADOR retriever, black, 4 ~ bed with springs and marshall *mattress; white painted ‘door, 30 x 78, white hardware. Phone Weston 37â€"W after 1 p.m. oâ€"32â€"1t $2.00, brand new stock, your choice, Friday and Saturday only, $1.00; Valentine‘s Shoes, solid Jeather, all sizes, Goodyear welted jncluded $8.50 values Friday and Saturday only $5.95 pair. J. Blumenthal Co., Weston, Corner Main and Lawrence Ave. â€" xâ€"32â€"1t * stove, nearly new; 6 dining reom chairs, Phone 200â€"W. 0â€"32â€"1t WESTON DISTRICT: $11,000. Exâ€" tra special 5â€"room solid brick bungalow with builtâ€"in nrn:e. All x V ie x en comâ€" pletely, several fruit trees, lovely MEN‘S andiboys_ bathing and JU. 4670. :_Real value at wholesale price Beautiful chenilles for double or single beds in all pastel colours $4.99 each. Closely tufted, full °80 x 100 basket design chenille spreads $7.98 each Also Hibitant Hand hooked . <as 18" x 36" 3 for $4.00. These articles are worth double the price. Sent C.O.D. plus postage. ‘Money immediately reâ€" funded if not satisfied. Handicraft Distributors, 254 Sherbrooke St., West, Montreal, Que xâ€"14â€"tf COMBINATION coal and gas APPROXIMATELY 5,000 feet of _ used lumber. Jack Allan, South ‘Station Street. xâ€"32â€"1t _ steady position, good working eonditions. Pollard Electric, 36 Main St. South. xâ€"32â€"1t EXPERIENCED radio repair man, ;M'BN'S Silk Ties, regular $1.50 to JACKET heater, pipes, thirty gallon tank included, reasonable; gas stove, 4 burner, pilot light, automatic cook, in excellent conâ€" dition, Phone 359â€"W. 0â€"32â€"1t .fsï¬_of golf clubs and bag; walnut NETERAN pensioner with one j ehild w selfâ€"contained flat. ?M loiph 6604, reverse charges. 0â€"30â€"3t _ capacity; baby other baby articles; bag. Phone 719â€"W. Buy from the ranch and save money, Collars, capes, scarves, muffs, coats, .nd dressed skins. Phone Westoi 1080â€"J if you wish to ree these furs. No obligation. Irwin‘s Fur "arm. RR No. 3, Weston PLAY PEN, 40 x 40, new with mattress. 43 Chiswick Ave. _ MONARCH metal CHENILLE Bedspreads $4.99 each SILVER and Platinâ€"m Fox Furs _ months old, offer. 43 Chiswick Ave. oâ€"32â€"1t with comptometer experiâ€" ence, typist, stenographer required immediately. Fiveâ€"Day Week Opportunity For Advancement Female Help Wanted experienced with Accounts Receivable required immediately Fiveâ€"Day Week Opportunity For Advancement Apply: MOFFATS LTD. WESTON ACCOMMODATION WANTED Male Help Wanted BOOKKEEPER HELP WANTED FEMALE BOX 3108 TIMES AND GUIDE EMPLOYMENT WANTED HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE ARTICLES FOR SALE CLERKâ€"TYPIST MOUSES FOR SALE lawns, all conveniences ice box, 75 lb. carriage â€" and man‘s sleeping 6â€"32â€"1t 6â€"82â€"1t 0â€"32â€"1t xâ€"44â€"tf xâ€"26â€"tf or bedroom, breakfast and laundry, gentlemen preferred. Phone 1742â€"W. 6â€"52â€"1t TYPING done at home; manuâ€" scripts, envelopes, stenography. Zone 4â€"479. xâ€"30â€"3t arch correction. Featherweight arch supports to individual impresâ€" sion casts made of every foot. Hours by a]%xvointment‘ Phones: Gerrard 6160, Weston 691â€"M. _ _ in quiet home, grill. 61 Lawrence Ave. W. 0â€"32â€"1t CLEAN newly furnished double gentleman, continuous hot water, Phone 359â€"W. 0â€"32â€"1t LARGE recreation room, heated, cooking privileges, use of launâ€" dry room, Phone Weston 1346â€"R. 0â€"32â€"1t LADY TEACHER requires three, veteran now in business. Floors cleaned, waxed and polished. Any kind of flooring brought up like new. _ Work guaranteed. _ Free estimates. New Electric polisher. Wallpaper cleaned. Windows cleanâ€" ed. Painted walls washed. Phone A. Corras. MU. 6427. xâ€"51â€"tf crazy! Thousands peppy at 70. Ostrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies lacking iron. For rundown feeling many men, women call "old." New "get acquainted" size only 50c. At all druggists. YOUNG MAN twin beds, $4.00 a week. Zone 4â€"482, oâ€"32â€"1t BRIGHT ROOM, suitable for _ unfurnished â€" housekeeping rooms. Box 3210. xâ€"32â€"1t "OLD at 40, 50, 60%" Man! You‘re 1 FURNISHED bedâ€"sitting room EXCAVATING, grading, ploughâ€" ing and cultivutiw with tractor. R. Wheeler, Phone Weston 420â€"Jâ€"13 HAVE your drapes custom made from }our own material by an expert. _ No waiting. Phone 1327â€"W. xâ€"16â€"tf neutered. 1 year old, answers to name of Tippy. Reward. Phone 449. 00000000000 0â€"32â€"1t HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed en vel og. with price list; six samples, 25¢; 24 samples, $1. Mail Order Dept. G4, Novâ€"Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. xâ€"52â€"1t FEET HURT? R. Le MAITRE, foot specialist in CARPENTERY. â€" kitchen CARPENIERY, kitchen _ cupâ€" boards, tileboard, window screens, storm windows and repâ€" airs. Zone 4â€"516, 172 John St. xâ€"11â€"+f MODERN floor service. Local paired, 24 hour service. Called for and delivered. Wm. Price, 210 Maple Leaf Drive. Phone 13936Ji xâ€"20â€"1t CAT, Grey, part persian, male LAWN mowers sharpened and reâ€" MU. 2706 A GOOD home for partâ€"persian kittens. Phone 1247â€"J. _ 0â€"32â€"1t CARPENTRY, building alteraâ€" tions and repairs reasonable. Houses, garages, recreation rooms, trim; cupboards. For estimates phone Rumsey Bros., Contractors, Weston 1524â€"J or 64â€"Jâ€"2. _ xâ€"20â€"tf Weston Cleaning Services Have your painted walls washed. Floors cleaned; also floor polishâ€" ing service by local experienced reliable veteran. All work guarâ€" anteed. No job too large or small. For free estimates phone Weston 1617â€"J. xâ€"27â€"1f three roo m e d housekeeping cabins. Wymbolwood Beach at Georgian Bay. $20.00 per week. Phone 318â€"W. xâ€"31â€"tf RESERVATIONS taken now for INFANTS and Childrens‘ clothes madeâ€"toâ€"order. Phone 1247â€"J. 0â€"32â€"1t MT. DENNIS UPHOLSTERING A. Lvon sarily accepted. Street East, Weston, on or beâ€" fore August 15, 1948. The lowest or any tender not necesâ€" TENDERS are invited for cribbing and concrete foundation wall for Canadian Legion Meâ€" morial Hall, Weston, as per plans and specifications, less reinforcing steel. Pl*u may be seen at Weston Music and Radio Store, Main Street North, Wésâ€" ton. Tenders to be submitted by mail to J. W. WEIR, 7 Vietoria TENDERS WANTED On Budget Terms If Desired UPHOLSTERING Chesterfields and Chairs Stujcio Couches, Davenports Récovered and Repaired SLIPCOVERS MADE TO ORDER SERVICES OFFERED SUMMER COTTAGES ROOM WANTED PROFESSIONAL ROOMS TO LET UPHOLSTERING PERSONAL WANTED to share room, 1002 Weston Rd. xâ€"82â€"it x>20â€"tf The famous 46,000â€"ton liner "Aquitania" leaving Southampton for Halifax to inaugurate a new fast service between Britain and Canada under an agreeâ€" ment between Cunard White Star and the Canadian Government. "Agquitania" carries more than 1,800 passengers, of whom 400 travel in First Class and the Ontario‘s difficulties in fighting mammoth forest fires which have swept through parts of the North this year were outlined here by Lands and Forests Minister, Harâ€" old Sqott, to a Progressive Conâ€" servative meeting. Provincial Minister Asks Aid In Combating Forest Menace "This has been and is one of the worst fire hazard years in the province‘s history," he said, "and again we are appealing for full coâ€"operation of the travelling pubâ€" lic in combatting the menace of fire. My department is using every modern means of both fightâ€" ing the fires and salvaging timber from the burnedâ€"over area, but the dangerous period is not yet over. Low water in the spring and lack of rain has left the bush dry as tinder and despite repeated warnâ€" ings there have been many fires gxuf‘ed by sheer carelessness in the ush." Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frogley of" Weston wish to announce the ngagement of their daughter, Jean: Eleanor, to Franklin Lindsay Patton, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin Patton, of.’imnto. TM‘ marriage to take plate on Saturâ€" day, August 21, 1948, at 4 p.,T., in Chalmers United church, Mount Research experts from the deâ€" partment had been sent to New York to study fire fighting methods of the largest city in the world, he declared. The New York Fire Department, acknowledged one of the most efficient, protectâ€" ed an area of 320 square miles or 204,800 acres. It maintained a staff of 10,000 men and in 1947 had fought 40,700 fires. Its budâ€" getary allowance for this purpose was $51,201,649.68, he pointed out. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wnkelinm. Riverside Drive, Westmount, wis to announce the engagement of their son, Thomas William Wakeâ€" ling to Geraidine McHan, daughâ€" ter of Mrs. McHan and the late {ir. McHan of Maiton. The fire fighting forces of the department protected an area of more than 200,000 square miles in Births BANKSâ€".â€"Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Banks (nee Jean Brigham) are proud to announte the arrival of their son, Kenneth MacMillan, a wee brother for Douglas, at the Toronto General Hospital Friâ€" day, July 16, 1948, Engagements Frozen fruit desserts offer a new and interestingf variation for the dinner table. They have the light fluffy texture of ice cream and contain the full fresh flavor of our Canadian fruits. If taste panel reactions in the laboratory, are an indication of public opinion, frozen fruit desserts should increase rapidly in popularity. i e Frozen Fruit Desserts Form New Dinner Table Variation Preliminary investigations and deevlopment are still being conâ€" ducted at the Division of Horticulâ€" ture, Central Ex%rimentsl Farm Ottawa, says W, R. Phillips. These include the use of various indiviâ€" dual fruits and blends. Such techâ€" nical details as the control of overâ€" The â€"ingredients are â€" simply pureed frozen fruits, sugar, gelaâ€" tine and sometimes a small amount of water. The processing procedure is much the same as ice cream. The ingredients . are thoroughly mixed before placing in the usual paddle ice cream freezer, When soft frozen, the mixture is placed in the subâ€"zero freezer room and when solidly frozen is ready for eating or storage. .. o NO TICES Births, Marriages, Deaths, Cards of Thanks, Engageâ€" ments, In Memoriams Notices Under These Headings 2c per word. Minimum Charge 50c. "AQUITANIA" INAUGURATES NEW SERVICE the North. Staff of the department including administration, game and fish and a score of other duties, is around 3,500. Annually, the deâ€" partment fights around 1,200 fires with about $4,000,000 budgetted for this purpose. He said: "One must remember that in large urban centres like New York and Toronto, with paveâ€" ments, hydrants, water pressure, motorized equipment and an alarm system covering every block, fireâ€" men can reach a blaze in a matter of seconds or minutes. When they get to the fire, they can hook up hoses and pour terrific quantities of water into it. Their fire tugs pump fabulous amounts of water during a big waterfront fire, and yet there are occasions on which fires do get away from the fighters. "Contrast that with Ontario‘s vast bushland, where despite our splendid tower system, the largest aerial forest fire fighting force in the world, with our own radio and telephone networks, it still may be hours before a fire can be reached â€"and that in bush which is almost explosively dry. _ The movement of Canadian comâ€" bines from the Prairie Provinces into the United States to help with harvesting, has in the past few i’enrn begun in the latter part of ay. This year it was postponed because of poor crop conditions in the Southern States and an inâ€" crease in the number of American combines available. Although reâ€" cent rains in many Southern States have improved crop conditions conâ€" siderably, production is not likely to equal that of last year. In North Dakota and Montana, however, exâ€" cellent crops are expectedâ€"exceedâ€" ing 1947 yieldsâ€"and some Canaâ€" dian combines may be needed early in August. ‘"The citizen of New York can carelessly flip a cigarette butt off the sidewalk into the curb and forâ€" get about it. Yet any Ontario bush; man or traveller who does the same thing may cause a fire which eventually covers more than the entire area of a city like New York. A group of 33 women of Alderâ€" wood and Long Branch, members of two euchre clubs, chartered a bus last week for Cleveland where they spent three days. They stayed at Hotel Cleveland and report a most enjoyable time. This trip was convened by Mrs. R. Graham, Alderwood, and the women are looking forward to a trip to the 30,000 Islands next vear. run (increase in volume by beatâ€" ing), using different stabilizers and preparation methods are also being tried out. â€" â€" .A _ serious _ Backâ€"toâ€"theâ€"Land movement is something to be exâ€" pected within the next few years. If it comes it will be the result of some independent thinking . by many different persons, rich, poor and mediumly wellâ€"toâ€"do, who for different reasons will decide that for the one life they have to live, the small town or the farm offers a better return in satisfaction than the city can possibly give.â€"Coldâ€" water News. It is probable that the equipâ€" ment required will prevent genâ€" eral household processing. From the reartion of several commercial porcessors, however, it is likely that frozen fruit desserts will be on sale at many retail stores durâ€" ing the comin%'seuon‘ Rhubarb is one fruit which makes a very appetizing product. Because of its low cost and abundant supply frozen rhubarb dessert should readily gain pogu]arity. A pamphlet has been prepared bÂ¥ Dr. Mary MacArthur, Division of Horticulture, Central Experiâ€" mental Farm, covering preliminâ€" nr{ investigations, which is availâ€" able upon request. Combines Idle balance in Tourist Class. The ship will make a round trip voyage every three weeks, thereby increasing the transatlantic accommodation for business men and visitors as well as providing a greatly increased number of berths for settlers from the United Kingdom. With a bumper crop of fruits and vegetables nearing the harvest stage in Ontario, the situation reâ€" garding harvest help is more serious than ever before, it is reâ€" ported by Alex Maclaren, Director of the Ontario Farm Service Force. Young men and women are urgentâ€" ly needed from August 1 to November 15 to fill up the Farm Service camps which have been esâ€" tablished in the important fruit and vegetable areas. During that period heavy crops of peaches, pears, apples, tomatoes, other fall fruits and vegetables have to be harvestâ€" ed, and 25 camps are being operatâ€" ed, to house workers who are willâ€" ing to devote their time to the savâ€" ing of these essential crops. Both young men and women are needed for the Farm Service camps. Not only will hundreds be required from August 1 on, but at the end‘ of August high school students will be leaving the camps to return to‘ school, and it is vital that other young men and women come forâ€" ward to take, their places in the camps. Campsahre located throughâ€" outout the Niagara district, also at Holland Marsh, Oakville, Clarkson, Huttonville, Waterfront, Ruthven and Thedford. Steady work at exâ€" cellent rates of pay is guaranteed, and with heavy crops to be harvestâ€" ed, hundreds of workers will be needed for the next three months. Any young men or women who can give three weeks or more to this ‘\vork, while living in one of the splendid farm service camps, will be welcomed with open arms. They are asked to provide only their own blankets, sheets and pillowâ€" slips. Fall wheat and fall rye have grown well during the past month and promise above average yields. The yield for the Province will likely average 30 bushels per acre, which compares with a normal yield of approximately 26 bushels per acre. e Harvesting of hay and clover has been a slow process owing to reâ€" curring rains from June 22 to July 3. Alfalfa, hay‘and clover crops are extremely variable this season Spring grains gencrally have grown rapidly since Juna 22, and on the whole show, good prospects for yield. | in both yield and quality, The yield varies from below average to excellent, with old seedlings having light yields and new seedlings a good crop. Pastures are in good to excellent condition throughout practically the entire Province, and milk flow is being well maintained. Corn, turnips and mnn&olds made rather slow early growth owing to unfavorable weather during June, but have grown rapidly since the beginning of July. Dry beans, soy beans, buckwheat and flax, have made i‘:,d growth, while potatoes and tobacco generally show excelâ€" lent prospects. Fruits, vegetables and canning crops all benefited The crop outlook for Ontario as a whole is considered quite promisâ€" ing, reads the Monthly Crop Reâ€" port for July issued by the ;tntis- tics Branch of the Ontario Departâ€" ment of Agriculture,. The aggreâ€" gate production of field crops is expected to be above normal and much higher than the relatively poor harvest in 1947.. Harvest Camps Urgently Need Men And Women Mr. Maclaren appeals especially to farmers‘ sons and daughters whose harvest work on their farms is completed, and who would like to earn a substantial amount of money by taking part in the fruit and vegetable harvest. . . All young men and women inâ€" terested in this healthy outdoor life of harvest work are urgently requested to get in touch with the Ontario Farm Service Force, 9 Richmond Street East, Toronto, at once or Bruce Beer, Peel County agricultural representative. Crop Conditions In Ontario Said To Be Promising _ Accompanied by Lady Mountbatâ€" ten, the famous war hero will arâ€" rive in Montreal by air from Engâ€" land on August 25. He will then leave for Ottawa, where he and Lady Mountbatten will be the guests of Viscount Alexander, Govâ€" ernor General of Canada, and Lady Alexander, The Earl and Countess Mountbatten will be honored guests of the CNE on Friday, August 27, and Lord Mountbatten will officialâ€" ly declare the exhibition oien at an impressive ceremony at the mamâ€" moth waterfront bandshell. Special music for the occasion will be playâ€" ed bg' one of England‘s most outâ€" standing military bands, that of His Majesty‘s Welsh Guards, which will play twice daily during the two weeks of the "Ex". Lord and Lady Mountbatten will remain in Canada until Sept. 2. from the showery weather at the end of June, and the warmer weather since and are very promisâ€" The wise poultryman knows how valuable green feed is as a suppleâ€" ment to a hen‘s ration. But the grazing area for &nultry should be reasonably dry. hen laying hems are allowed to graze in soggy yards or to drink from stagnant pools, they lay dark yolks, and the egg may even be offâ€"flavour. Another risk of wet grazing is that the birds soil their feathers and feet, carrying mud back to the nest. A mudd{ nest can only result in dirty egg shells. Tomâ€"Was he violent when you toid him you wanted to marry his daughter ? _ _ Samâ€"Violent. 1 should say so, r{'}w. he nearly shook my hand Following is the condition of field crops in Peel County at July 1, 1948, expressed as a per cent of normal: Altbough Lord Mountbatten had been invited some time ago to open the world‘s largest annual exposiâ€" tion, Mr. Hughes has just received confirmation of the war hero‘s acâ€" ceptance of the invitation. Fall wheat, 99; spring wheat, 90; cats, 98; barley, 85; rye, 110; flax, 100; mixed grains, 97; peas, 90; dry beans, 91; alfalfa, 97; hay and clover, 90; pastures 103; soy beans, 90; buckwheat, 90; potatoes, 100; roots, 92; fodder corn, 104; corn for husking, 100. 5 CNE To Be Opened On August 27 By Earl Mountbatten Rt. Hon. Earl Mountbatten, famâ€" ed Commando leader in World War II, commanderâ€"inâ€"chief in Burma in the war against Japan, and last Viceroy of India, will officially open the Canadian National Exhiâ€" bition at Toronto on Auxust 27, it is announced by Elwood A. Hughes, CNE general manager. GEO. W. GARDHOUSE, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, etc. â€"Officeâ€" "JUnct. 6402" _ ‘"Weston 54 Residence: HY. 8068 MonEy To LOAN_ON GOOD FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES 330 Bay St., Toronto _ EL. 9880 Res.: 158 Church St., Weston Weston 1164M. For appointment during day, phone office. For appointment during evening, phone residence. Toronto Elgin 1863 Money To Loan 18 Toronto Street, Toronto oâ€"16â€"52 Weston 152â€"W _ JUnct. 0769 Dry Grazing Area Auditor and Accountant J. T. FERGUSON J. EDGAR PARSONS Barrister, Solicitr, Ete. 1017 Weston Road, Mount Dennis C. LORNE FRASER F. A. SILVERMAN BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Wilson Ave. at Ellrose AUBREY PETTIT Chartered Accountant Auditor 46 MAIN ST. N. ZONE 4â€"575 Bank of Nova Scotia Chambers, WESTON 15 TORONTO ST. SOLICITORS WESTON, ONT. Office Hours: Daily Concrete Blocks ARMOROCK BLOCK CO. PHONES ELgin 4583 | BUSINESS CARDS | JACK BAILEY PAINTING, DECORATING Interior â€" Exterior PHONE 676â€"M WESTON 1500 â€" JU. 8827 WEST TORONTO _ FURNACE COMPANY Nervous and Chronic Diseases 72 Guestville Ave. Mt. D Residence :â€" 126 Rosemount Ave. Weston Phone Weston 1162 General Insurance Broker Office:â€" 49 Wellington St. E. Toronto JU. 8733 _ _ WESTON 53 Elastic Stockings, Belts, etc. Allan‘s Service Station General Sheetmetal Work sales es servic; MACSON MOTORS Vacuum Cleaned â€" Repaired New and Rebuilt Furnaces Installed â€" Easy Terms City Wide, 24 Hr. Service TRUSSES MADE TO ORDER WM. L. PATERSON 355 KEELE ST. _ MU. 3050 196 Main South MEDICAL SUPPLIES Zone 4â€"202 FURNACE WORK ROOFING CHIMNEY POINTING Tinsmithing Eavestroughing W. J. WARD FURNACES 70 EDMUND AVE. Specializing In Maternity Cases TINSMITH, ETC. J. C. INCH, B.A., Phm.B. RUPTURED? INCH‘S DRVUG STORE CHIROPRACTIC UNDERTAKERS BSaturday By Appointment J. W. BROWN CHIROPRACTOR EDMUND NURSING HOME 10 Years‘ Experience Private Fitting Room For Appointment Call DECORATING J. Wright PHONE 1230W. Funeral Directors (BILL ALLAN, Prop.) SUPERTEST PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL TRUCK SALES AND SERVICE § Ambulance ME. 4962 JU. 4w THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1948 / WINDER‘ Now Operating frolil 239 MAIN‘ ST. 8., Corner of ST. JOHNS8 Roy‘s Taxi Al Passengers FOR RESULTS USE TIMES & GUIDE T A X 1 BAKER Zone 4â€"327 PIANO TUNING RD. and MAIN ST. â€" 24 HOUR SERVICE VETERAN‘S GARAGE Specialized Motor Tuneâ€"up 122 MAIN N., WEsTON ZONE 4â€"387 Towing Service Gusranteed WM. A. RIGGS 1230 JANE ST.â€"MT. DENNiS JUnct. 7996 or Weston 473J Prompt Courteous Service 429 MAIN ST. N. At End of Car Line 8 CARS TO SERVE YOU WESTON CRUICKSHANK 111 WANT aApps ZONE 4â€"426 FLEET LINE TAXI CABS T A X I 38 MAIN N. TELEPHONE Phones Weston â€" 677 Mu. â€" 5772 Work Ganranteed 456 TAXIS PHONE for