in gnu- t "not “other My dit- 3'13“ who! I: -n', " the ' In W. F IcCltheny of Ot. onuno, Wu the was: of her and wind-Flaw, Mr. 1nd Tom I agherty of Wailasey - m: week, Br. Neil [Ail-x of Montrei, T bee, «u the guest of Mr me n. In! Cuban of Sunset Iran ‘or I few days Inst week. T , Welcome to Mr. and In Peskur ad fstrsiis to Humberlu. Hr. Per- lr,', recently purchased the new ' (murky crud by Snider's and ' . wish him “and in tlua new - M “mun. . Mrs. Gamck and baby and Mr B' d Brs. Boid who recently unr- T d trom Scotland m ttolida.vrng 1r. rniled Fra' _ Mrs. A'r: Nisbett Of Gruydon venue reuynpd last weekend you Por the information of North ork council and Mr. Wrightkl ole in the road in Peol mumy run he life of one min and landed four other person! in hospiUi thr the week-end. It could him an horn ’nglntulntinnx to Jr. and Mn. ['t,fi,'etif?i', Tn the layman it oaks " if partAttte' is whrkmg :here all right. Mum. the “ark; tum. can supply the nnswcr to the 8roueiltion, _ A welcome map: emu: neceived the district last FFn'dny when our nergstie Deg-Reeve N. A. Boylen nnounced t e council of North ork would hear complaints from I resident! of Ward Three. Word can spread and a deputatiun ited upon council Int. Monday to y before eouncil several mumm- io'm; fer imprcIn-in'g Sonditiplm. ' In the mfrid of the writcr tho act that the township oflivinls ntrusted with the maintenance of he roads claims patchinsr materials ould not work in the holes an the oadu of the district. HAS LAWR- Flyfyj_A_ypi._foME swarm. P. E. Gerry and Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Hicks, who mark their wedding mrtiverttariest on Sr'pfembwr 3 and {exitember I, 2r,,"fg',t2,: r. Geo. Franc u, Qunh'l Dr., in Mr. and Mrs.' Erin} Saw.vér" " unset Trap, are rntertmning nests from United States this "k. I This weekend Mn. and Mrs. Tom chgheny mu be entertaining', r. and Mrs. L V. Smith of, heuemlie: Mr. and Mes. Petal ineUir of Ottawa and Mr. Mac mith of Cobourg, i Welcome home from hospital to' ry. Gord Hawtin and Baby. i Despite the heat lax week there are several good ball games. Over he weekend the fellows entertain- l d the Mam Terminal Post OCricr "ehall war-n. It was the fastest all game ever played "n mxr dla- [ on with the nine tttttings' rom- [Mnd in an hour. V TV donations for the bazaar arm ommg t" slowly and Mrst. Whit" mid like the “ark to he turned ini 'Upon. il, possible. . I The bazaar will be held from 2 (it any0nc is interested, 3mm: 3'1? mm. to R pm. on Saturday. Sept- ‘dem. Mr. "Mac" Malloch " _ ember 18'h at St. Johr/s Anglican man to contact. Thurrh Hall on Main Street. It will "The highroad to succcu b-r " to your advantage to attend a: ,at your feet-and with your (at. he grvirlns for sale.nre vary ably) step out and don't look fr: rum-e. There will be A draw for ride." " MAIN sh g. any“ we exhibition in Ottawa, Krs. .Nssbe'.t I! I demonstrator (hr Malian Ltd. And after two weeks It the rxh:bilion hen she will IT. for one week it the Warm an. 66 ELMHURST DR. NV " “I W â€quanta: in tho mu mum". Ir. bd, My. In {uni}, of - an. no baby“; y - in Bunk!!!†this week. innit: Innin- to Jeffrey up: of Sum Trail who w" . "or old on August 30th. SPRAYING, JOB and CONTRACT WELDING Cars Culled For and Delivered gti"abtgi!iltas OWNED AND OPERATED BY STODDABT BROS: BODY and FENDER REPAIRS and In. Gard mum“ of .crg_§.'ond m holidaying m Quality Cleaning CLEANERS & DYERS . cow 310mm: m. OOUI‘I‘IOUS 838W“ LA ROSE BROS. LYllhlnt M68 "or $llllltllt0gIl.lltllltllltt 'er. BIB mm uni“ a. 14r,'ti'l,'l4'l'gtdre2' ,,_ -- -.._. \II-Il ï¬llâ€! m luring for the†the end od Semen-her. CH1 bun an lo - ed to work on the ALI-ta 'tIT is reruFirGu-ikTiirr" arc tttit-'""'" so. you“ a. "If It, Ken Sander in - by Mr. Pukun and will anti-u " if! "ore. lean. Bill and Gould Sruder In employed at De tur watt Aircraft and Ir. and In. ure Sept It is with much r937". :11: T, 1m become necesnry ceerr Me --. (vetr the plenum of Irma; 2.3 “a.“ column for you. I wish to express ,er%.vus Mrs. Hough, Mrs fteerrar- n". Rain. Mr. "try and M- P-o w- worked so hard to send. 1 7m†IT interest each week. Goodbye and troot), TEV. " sirttrereLv. Jeanpe Howard Thr, Executive is lez'z J., volume." to write this Cr? 1" _ an it anyone is interested, you: :"w: dent, Mr. "Mac" Malloch 3 'u man to contact. Helated birthday greetings In Mrs. Gordon Mowan. Au ult 20, and Ben Cano and Mr. Don Simpson L, Auguar M. Batty (Iarhia viihed Louise Phillips, formerly a! Mink Gat Drive, over the week-end at Shanty Bay. FOR BEBT RESULT! - THY Cip thas We an “a; . handy so your (an: m- amt when the gum In. Dear Readers: _ 1 hope yt/u have " or. "'tatrgmr the new; of. Hur'bern u wu'u nail by}? enjoyed wrung um: ._ The many neighhnurn of Ted Ashton wish him mew-Edi rot-ovary and ho a he will xmm he ark home from tEe Western hospitll. Sci! reportedly recovering the: uh operation and in looking forward to returning home soon. Well kida, by this time next week yku will hnve all settled down to the grind of reading. 'ritinq and 'rithmetic, Ut's see how many names wr- rnn have on the promo- Iinn Inn nrxt summer. This means study and attention to the, teacher. Congratulations In Mr. Ind Mrs. Hirrhend on their third annivurury, MorMay,'Aueurrt no. Mr. and Mrs. J. long, Mu Io Lust Drive, were ham to IK, Laughs aunt from Mahamu, 118A. Batty (Iarhia vii:ited louise Phillips, (urgnarly yt Mullah“ Happy hirthdny to Runell Jordan, two you†old on Sent. 4. 'er.Ged In Slit! sud" We Wu, an] the 1:. onion TH, ivrs.s " will rmeietdet of (any WESTON 390-1 .s “that; " " 'thebsiderfmrsilr “mum i2CCEzi? ‘7'! m lath.- Auto-nit LII-dry. located " an I)". but Iâ€. Jun "roerpftr-u,lttrreeesttrrb-ine- m- 'irat"t.hi-itttteir_raintrGisurifaGieTtoGGir" Wily Writs. A. an»: e " this type of but! is um ". I†_ It": yarn" and your walking is “no viii: you wait, For W mic-kn we draw your attention to the “uni-nan! o! no Jud- . Alto-nit blindly. elicits: in this elitist.- l The hy-lnw to Water mr" tt ._ thn approval of the Mn V a: Board Int Thursday night. I' I. a: then curried over tn tho Cr-ci--' moan“ for the third and "a reading and 1%.“: was â€semi. “I hope to lee t e first Mops takrv for wnter for Thistletown wimp villus witthin the next fer, weeks TE: qaee7cLre of the Burlington Luv-3.2.11: Cram-1'. held . meeting 313.141.;62 Present were Mr. 1 313711 A it: shut. Mr. and September 12th will hr 'tsp in1‘8undny for our Sunda- , Sc olurn and parents an: mm Inked to take note and p W» that the little folk are .. - pin-u. We also weivm: My members. Roi! Snider an‘d Harry K uvnndmy gs sidnsmen. 7 In 1. Carte, Wa, Wornâ€, Mn. Eaattmerrr, Krs, Smokes. Mm Emu.“ uni it: Bevan. Absent w": YD inn tnd, MISS Hook, I: imam tre. 10cFurlane, who 1:"- m "wanna IE-. P. H. Lyall of The congregat'," me" drvw'a Church wt CC'"" Rev. T. B. Bu'ir' in? His first, thoughts arc as. to Mr. Allman ard Mr who had assistt‘d wr- tr while he was away. tTrrc Sunday in the mrant," a cr of the Holy Commuzir- tserved. Rev. Butler area" the text, "When these ty . pen look u ". Hr, shawec (autumn: L; referrnr: tmuhlad times. Miss 8hr t â€any Ihe. organ fnr y" all â€MDIH" mmnmue Dr as'. 1m 'mvmnn an? boxes: Tetra, _ home a»: balls, mitts ' tlie - -. ' "lgf and der, of ttoc Much "an-Tawn- kit a" M on "tttitad G',JI has. us yup-Ink, Intent. 7.†p.n.-lvulnc Service. T.80 "t.-cP.prr ?"otine, m II it buially mnablo tn tMrt_fittruyteuthe.r or in COME I" WORSHIP HUMBERLEA BAPTIST CHURCH mamas le AT an: m it!“ In! if " lit-hon Ami» Hurrturka Subdivision I " tum-n rmru Thistletown Ckrrrerertdetu: Mrs. W. Dummy: wus'L‘v-e sub. Itt mama; 1 general tr:Tmut 3-" c- in cover "a. at in itt. Pyrle as; "réugh- cr Fr this ". Tre Ex- r=..s a very HARDINGTON a' the ceded Moa- t Mr. A. Kaminkcr. the phy- ground supervisor, completes his duties on Friday, September 3rd, {and the Council felt that he had [done . stood job under what. ,dift'icuh conditions. due in part to a lack of equipment earlier in the 'summer, and extend to him but iwishes and good luck in his prrrartit of knowiedge when be natural to the University. 'r' q Mr. Clarke, vice Ir,',',','),',",'),,; hopes ,to get I Weekly I!" going in September. with vouchers. Juk- pot and 'htte-th.e.-wealtAgiiiea, A general Itieeitt,inli, of the Com. - eil ml] be held in e Community Hall, Chi:.wiek Avenue. on Thun- day, September 2nd, " 8:30 pan. wrth everyone welcome. The Council hm extended its sympathy to Mr. Ind Mrs. lag-n of Hearst Circle, In the trad loss of their young son, John, who passed awn} on Friday, Mrs. Sande}: " Chilrick Avenue. who has been ill for the put week. is now on the road to recovery and We mm that the wi‘I soon be up and around. Mrs. Worrall of Tedder Street has taken over Mrs. Sande]; duties of organizing the volunury phy- grotmd 'struts:. - Mr. and Mrs. Clarke 'lltl2. ruse hnlnday at Woodland ' R- ’urmng fit and invigonted to vi:hrtand the resort of the win. ‘rrs Ind their u‘duoun duties on :39 Fauna]. eamiimtiti-imtuadBi-i "eertthorotaethrm-V "eeo-itirmerf-e+ Tr. ubiquitous "Mme bird" ht. Vrrred me that Mm Dorothy ' of Harding Avenue, is :3- sc'ir' wearing . diamond the Mnnkmn’ Pun been provided via the tool! winch can unite-u therin, lm.nwl Ind rough A (it? from mum “gm not“ my: w a die of W _ tia 'evrudeti mir ( Bnd -or.. Nktifiiat "m aa", that the uktr ot the mu m " . wnterr-rnof mint. â€â€™1 the g'mdnus where u belongs- Ho the pow-M. S-[ety in I'm-ninth- Inode Information Av, $0126.): that knocks I for mmmr= off the work lthdnh in I hnz“ _ I 5ury woman. but y†" pa- x mum: dividend. it in "a mnro :mponAnL minim the pomr me xx chore {m Inch-a rnuh'w Ind the PM.“ III. I man vn‘unhie rcmtljbup’ af vita- 5fr ad Mrs. Lawrence Ind g'zgf‘c'. Doris, of Harding vp'us 2“: on vacation in the R'u'e0"" a':~truiy I delightful "rm" ‘ 'v -"ese hot days. 1l.F: Boss: Gunn of Chiswick "'2“ Was the mifiem last = 7:3? -f a shower or her - -~z‘:.': man-i e. y.-, Harry Puts,,, of Chil- -. A's-u», arrived home by lit --- S", on Sunday, Aug-nut _'", r,"r- a In week sojourn in (e a' a mf heather and hospitality. H, -. Of‘ubi will have my :a=a~~ pd mteresting thing: to The Twrgis Best - ' mam: n child t team, I _ u a very our .3! my __. P" the mot‘ger and“ F his? or. when the will to the (Md solid tdods, mall freer, sly. The of Mn» 1: not too " " w» a baby to "l,"f Itch Am ""'.' yr.ver oil I citrus . is arrnnomod to I ma- :rmâ€. feeding. "any of the :vrnnzems that arm nine in: months later my be In} The Wnrrior'l Day Council which conducts the Warrior’s Day Parade " the'Cmdim National Exhibi- tion. mm the nun-[uncut that there will be 50,000 veterans of the â€IVY. Army and Air Force in the parade with more thnn 40 bands American legion post: from uriolu centres urol- the border wilt be represented and will bring their drum Ind bugle corps. In an an." to no In. Erie Wetter and hon. also my In)" mum to In. Wether. _ In Ini- d like - ha in It. and Mrs Pick- tarTdN'l'ifi vUitirtg but. In Prawn lad Mr. and In Funk Iain wen visiting ml:- tiva in linden over the week-end. The W tum Nayed Wm Wynn on My night last. It iilkpg8i.2t,'4 s'rtl. with tt Wt more 0 6-5. Wednesday ttight the Ramblers Eyed Jag. Brad team 1t2ted a get B good hand w 'ssoeVd _ 33'. hour. Tel Watch Neighbors 1nd friends, if you have my um birthdays. univers- ariu. autism. births. {an let us htve the new: 3nd it wil be print- "Tell me n story. Daddy.“ said the boy. luck but time, Ted. Pridny night "eetatonr had I great time cheer- ing when both teams wen mind but the Runway: can. through again with . win. The Junior Team are still axiom to get a team to Pr them. HIV! we any volunteer: . It um time for the fndnry worker's Inn to so to bed. “Well. my heyâ€! when “minimu- “but I v - “Infin- m. may...“ 1'Mget','tr, " Ir. a: In AAP. 'rA.euseAbmtodtheir 'er,arirmdqritiuesaand dqght.r.PtuBiArair."tfic." 1l'lkrlir.",a'lht,'."rt'.',"Tarh' 'yWHr. u- In. PA, Twig I). to Mt mayo-'3 -teW=J.PtmtNiantheir 'ytam_tripust-hrtomNoetk â€._OMn "dtheThausand 1reartru_dtrs..ttrs.Egie I In in I... It. up ,rtTti',?h'ii'ib'lte"ie, IN “ELECTRIC POWER! Flinn E. McCallwn, - C; J. View, In: a" " “M" o. E. M“ I... , TMdidYuk Lucy!†1'de C' At C.M.%tdetr,tt.C.,tt- W““"'"""' mun-unha- it F.6.W,K.C.,Im """â€â€œ"""° 'r.ivtt-stp-,rr. m" '3 VII-puma. “an“ V unaba- . " q. T. M May. -" tow-dint... I ea ilk . V _ Ag/il , """'â€"‘" auMI-un‘ ' ’ q , way: M to...» a an Vat I F . N v“? Ion." begun the 1‘0an upon I that If voluntary conservation is not carried out, we must resort to compulsory cut-offs. There is no alternative. '"rttt-deeskrttur-tttrair-"o"i"t""t"e-"emt"r Mlmpcdhnhcomuvlnm. Oink/Mcompldowonm w-vo-oth-toem-b-da-eos'. uhmwmmmnhwwwlum. 1sbeoaqhttoroarrameh-sotetriatr%keeoarant-ht-da_rtrsers 'e-rt-tUte-Its-ms-tp-teh-mr-eo-dir-ts. Ann..- --nt-dethr+r.RnHrtH.S_es,Churat-te+Fr5e P-Com-tMO-euro-cttw-_-tC-hat-trt.- ttr.rarvheesM-5iqidt.qhdhtsMtrkt.ktdtvutraeeo-etmt_ts.' TttesWtrethoaeiseMtheM. FuttempH-ttmr-at-deatdmree-teohu" 'o-tit-dh-ttsri-oe-rho-dt-er-rem-ee" t-d-rkrtdm'rH-r-trt-Httt-r_tMitr. luau-uniting}; 'rr-sex-ttAst--' 'eigi2iuaIcicii'i"'gE trd',',",'; k'iel,t',"U12 tta'trdhltTptd' 'ttdtgl2t at)"; GirF4Scuiri." ST' moles. in white. brown or blaeh. Sins 2-6. Priced at _ ".29a2.49-e..9ty Also now in stock our Wonder Welt Boot with leather soles, starting in size 4-6. Priced at - .V._ tre V ._r_ $3.56 CmLDREN'g Si!†"i to 12, in "was an 1&71'1), "all†I“ I'D Widths ho- " Brown and Black Oxfords or Pat. Stan. Brown or Black Oxfords, pat. [car amps. and white, brown or black boots. Irs THE RIGHT SHOE FOR YOUR Priced at _.. _'_.__ew-.e "2.98, 83.49, .73 CHILD TN) GOTO SCHOOL 33.49%â€! A180 A COMPLETE RANGE OF CHILDREN'S SHOES FOR EVERY DAY AND NOVELTY WEAR. loafers. Straps, Sandals, Oxfords and Crepe Soles. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY YOUR CHILDREN‘S SHOES AT REWARD SHOE STORES WHERE A GOOD SELECTION, REASONABLE PRICE AND A SATIS- FACTION GUARANTEED POLICY IS MAINTAINED. of CLASSIA'I'I, HEALTH and m1; 103 Shoes-a perfect shoe fur china. Ask for them by tame. 1n_soft_ with minim GiFattion welt Canada's lost Progressive Shoe Retailer: f,.": 61 mun Br. noun PHONE mom as: , “Friendly service in a friendly store" REMEMBER YOU WILL SAVE WITH SAFETY " REWARD SHOE STORES Back To School 10% thrilll" In Shoes 1titi!lrt---k Fro- Mward Shoe Stores FEATURING ("In on ““0an LINE “u“mdh “#KWF'PԠwiu. INFANTS Sim " A complete range of Oxfords, Smlilll Boots. Colours white, brown and black. Priced from â€WWWâ€.-. $3.29 to “A! MISSBS‘ Sizes 12! " Widths tn- Ba Brown and Black Oxfords or Pat. Stan. ITS THE RIGHT SHOE FOR YOUR CHILD TD GO TO SCHOOL $349-$338 Lag}: l (of