Parents and ttil intgresting in Boy Scouts and Cubs met for the first meeting of the fall and win- ter season in St. Andrew’s buc- ment on Wednesday, Sept. 22nd. St. Andrew's hopes to sponsor this splendid organisation. Rev. Professor T. W. Isherwood was the guest preacher at St. Andrew's on Sunday, Sept. 19th, and he minted . picture in the minds of his congregation and of God's, but for instance in 12th chapter of St, Luke, verse 20; 2nd of st. Paul'it letter to the Ephes- mns, 1-3 verses and in Acts chip- ter 13, verse 30. Ha personally asked the prayers of the congre- gtion in his new venture of being am of St. Paul's. Halilu. Can- ndn's oldest Anglican Church. Miss Shirley Snider was at the organ and Don Snider and Harry Neckel acted as sidesmen. . but â€we†ot trat hasâ€. The 1mm of Rumba a s'tttl,tli dean. emdit for than: 0.- oflom that wu responsible for the menu that the hunt am They wish to thank the people of Min Doris Jane. is in the Inl- piUl ud we with bar 1 wood: re- covery, also our best wishes to get well B90n to Mr. D. Marnie and Me. Alkrt Jobnsgn.†_ _ ,_ -- _ Holy Communion will be observ- ed next, Sunday. Sept. 26th. Please keep in mind the Harvest Thanks- giving service on October ard. A hearty welcome will await you and come and help sing the lovely old harvest hymns. - The Women’s Guild held Weir first meeting at the sewn at the home of Mrs. Yearsley on Tuesday, September let. They extend a cogdial welcome to new members. Don't forget the United meet ovary Sunday at T in the evenings and the Baptist service is at 7 also. St. Andrew's Sunday service is at A pretty wedding of interelt to Fairbank and Thistletown, took place on Saturday afternoon, Sept- umber 11th, at Fairbank United Church, 2.120 pm. when Miss Mar- inn Elizabeth Davison, dau hter of New. and Mrs. Robert $avison lemme the bride of ‘James Cecil Bradford. The double-ring cere- mony was. performed by the bride's ithei. This church was prettily Lei-mated with gladioli and “aims. L. William Dunning ot T iltleo wan, played the wedd,ing manic and Mr. Peter Bruce. choirmuter " F'nirbank Church, sang, ' Whr “or You Walk" and "I LOVE You." Given in marriage by her now. Mr. Ted Phillips. recently re- turned from England. the bride l ore a fitted gown of white crepe with finger-tiff veil caught to a cap of white gar Onias. She carried a Muqucl of rod Sweetheart roses and white gladioli. Miss Rosemary Davison, sister of the bride was maid of fonor, in a gown of lilac crepe with matching tulle halo hat and carried a bouquet of gladioli in contrasting shades. Miss Lois Davison, cousin orthe bride, was bridesmaid, in». gown of lettuce green with matching halo hat of tulle and carried a contrasting bouquet of Talismen roses. Mr. Robert Bradford, tVin brother of the groom was best man and the ushers were Mr. Lyman Ferris and Mr. Ronald Snider. The wedding reception was held at the Creche, Keele St., where about one hun- dred guests were present. The rooms were grettily decorated in pink and w ite and the lFtier wedding rake was in the. place of honor_ The mother of the bride received in a dressmakers' suit of Queen's blue with black accessories and a corsage of red roses and white gladioli. The groom’s mother assisted in a midnight blue dress with black accessories and a cor~ up of pink roses. Rev. Davison proposed the toast to welcome the guests and Mr. Parsons proposed the toast to the bride, which was responded to by the groom. Mr. Robert Bradford proposed the mast to the maid of honor and bridesmaid. The bride presented her bouquet to her grandmother, Mrs. John Davison, o Orangeville. Travelling to points north in a pearl grey suit with wine acces- sories the happy couple will reside in Toronto on their return. They were the recipients of many good wishes and telegrams from their relatives in England and from Mr. and Mrs. Warman (nee Helen Darison). of British Columbia, I D.m. Bradford-Davison The Village trusteet, report, that the third reading of the Water Bill was passed by the Etobieoke Council. The contract bu now been placed And they hope to use things sta_ttrd within a fpw weeks. The-Tihjeta/ WEE-JR: In. dium- held their first meeting of the season with the roll can The big new! this yukï¬ an Wanton 65-W-5 Rrnemnr Arr. Curran-dent; , Mn. W. Dunning FURNACE REPAIRS Thistletown Furnaces Cleaned Ind 1tepaire6-1nstallatiort' to All Links _ FRANK STEWART ' Inna-u I. I“. F "tE---AUTOhr0BtLE INSURANCE - Estimates Free - L. LEWIS' - at?! the . , P have. Itll WBY, new The rape the bum i. the [m nnIlv wan Mr? "i0krFrcfphompstm of Gaydon have returned from m en- iotable h?lisitr in Btteebyidge. Figure". The new president, Mrs. H. Widenham, was in the chair. Paper on Canadian History were given by the Study Group, under the convenership of Mrs. J. Mosher. Mrs. B. Metcalfe and Mrs. J. Metcalfe provided the musical entertainment" which is always en- joyed by the members. The W.I. district representatives, Mrs. Har- rison and Mrs. Watson visited the Institute and they were made very welcome. The next Study Group meeting will be held Monday. September 27th, at the home of Mrs. Hearn. Come out and enjoy a Canadian History Educational eVening. 1',rt'.t'ut,t"ti2'p tho hunt and a†thank St. John‘s myâ€! (high for their "I'- lea' ere excellent. cooks. Although the baking don-ted overflowed the counter it ourprlllngly didn't lent very long. In fut lo u not to diuppoint e automor- they cut the loot cake in half. The urvlng of ten gun the basaar I all friendly ntmoephere and we hope the cus- tomers enjoyed their tea end will drop in for to: next year. The mony donations of flowers decanted the honor beautifully. Thlnks to the neighbors md I special thenlu to Mr. Fruer end Mr." Hewtin of Wol- laser. The following are the com-A mittee that worked lo herd to or- ganize the but“ in such I short time: Headed by Mrs. W. J. White, the convenor, Pi, are, Mrs. F. Stanley, Mm. M. elloch, Mr. J. Laird, Mrs. A. Hltfield, Mrs. T. 1'tf?te,n Mrs. J. Mills. Mrs. A. Boy, to. H. Price, Mrs. G. Tur- riff, Mrs. R. Verif Mm. P. Moore, Mrs. J. Seville. rs. D. Johtmon, Mrs. R. Cosburn, Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. D. Toombe and Mrs. J. Sav- Two happy Soys of Wall-say Ire Bruce and Ron Martin who now have a baby sister born Friday, Sept. mh. An unpleasant occurInce hap- tf orFridsy, It; 17th, when r. and Mrs. Tett’a ouse on thsy- don was robbed. Mr. and Mrs. Ten returned from working " the hunt to find a robber sac-ping from their house. The system-tic WI; their bedroom was ransacked In only money and Jewellery taken leads one to conclu e that it wu ngt the work ot apytteurs. Let A few Weeks ego the undue]:- ing and gudene were Judged by two very competent Judges. 11113 were Mr. Russel Gomme, a V hortiealturalist Ind Profenor J. A. Weall of OAC, Guelph. After 6 to 7 hours agent in impeding and toting of t e pllces the win- ners are " follower. Dick Enlighten of Walluey in again the winner of the cup with the total of 81 points. ft,8ttSt,t,io,rc', Second, is Tom Me egherty elm of Welluey with 73 points And third, Ted Plough of Gaydon with 65 points. In the judg- ing memes were not taken only Id- dresaes were noted. There was six or seven placea that were only a point or two different for third place. The Judges spent an extra hour in reinspeetimr these before deciding on third place, The com- Tgrll mi 'att un- of m mud-h Hill. This no; 2:3an mm. t u - In witty Auociaclon to im-' El'"; the mnntion (militia in nlftitit Let’s not atop hon. ludiel have lhown the WBY, new WI up to the non. The report from the convonor for glue bum in u follow-z Proud: I. the grand mm'bf 8250.00. and): rally “vandal-M! Th- vlinnen of the. his?! frars_irer6t, is" the i the ma III-131,1 0.00 'a thi Friday. " IT, Hut Ml') wonduful! RPI/ltd',",',', Curtis wu honourifwith I birth): the lucky draws me: For the (by per. tf,oggl'Jt,'e,i",. and quilt. Mr. Cecil But. a; Gum but who- to t two young Ivenue; for the cunhion. 5. Ire'lec Thornton. " Sudan wanna; foe t.t.tyen--r.eter . . we rutrs,Yr.apiek ">,.1T1dirE tC8yyiusdriry1l-, 1mg}. "If; WEE; iii5iif, Ga, [um/ed that the women of umber- ea no excellent. cooks. Although On Mend: ' he; 13th, Miss Sheila Best Jaw an avenue etle- brated her 10th birthday with a well attended party. - 7 .ul take "s'iriiar"tiirNCioii'irir;i', misfortune to be lure and not leave a $515“ handy qutalide “mint all w1 w- m prop“ y pen even tht -urmtairCwiniiosiF. ' ',yswer.td_with lama IHitstorieal Birth; y greetings to Wendy Ann iffy, Barker avenue, Thistle- town. The many citizens of the village will be happy to hear that the trus- tees have lwarded the contract for the water to The International Water Supply Company. For the installation of water mains the contract his been given to Scott chkson Construction Company, and the work will be starting im- mediately. The well will supply 72,000 finch. per day with the n- timate village consumption of 20llo0garloms. -' 7 How about that good pair of shoes in need of repair? Please give our neighbor I try out It the how: in His op'rt Lane. right next to the store. He does excellent work. Lloydbrook 5950 Zone 4-351 lt i4.14tpprtttr.Ta't."e, kiijiirdiiiFii. iiiiiiii ariGiG, "TE-â€Â£52m" aGTti'rriiiivut lP2trt, Ila mm north. will he qudt. .uotrJtets home hom t'i,lifiSitFiir To? 553:1?th tht. t,aletd data; vat: niecly. In†binkgday to Anne Ulric Baxter. Lilac wanna, than gun old on Monday. Sept. M, tho avid Bhowem, him you" old on the _""" day. . [ The weddix? of Sylvia Winni- dred Foster. sugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Poster. and grand- daughter" of Mr. And Mrs. . Bil, vester, Albion Park, to Mr. Hubert Sidney Clinton. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry Chstten. Brighton. took place at Almonds nited Church. Whitby. Rev. Darnell ot. ficieted. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white sheer and wore her mother‘s wedding veil which was held with s headdress of arouse blossoms. She carried th bouguet of red roses. She was sttend by her sister, Miss Audrey Foster, in blue taf- feta with mstching headdress and carried s bouquet of salmon pink glldioli and pink roses. Earl Chat- ten, brother of the groom. was best man, and Mr. Lloyd Chptten, another brother, ushered. The bride's young sister, Jean Foster, played the wedding music. A re- ception followed at .the bride's, parents' home, the bride's mother receiving in I dress of blue and white silk. She wss usisted_hy the groom'. mother in a two-piece dress oClitrht blue crepe. Both wore corssges of snlmon pink tfla- dioli. For the bride . pn- Our meeting of last Tuesday, Sept. 14th, was the first ot the full season and mlny new arrange- ments were made. Mr. Art Lang, chairman, was full of good ideas " it wns decided to meet twice ' month so everyone may attend at least once a month. The next meet- init will be Tuesday, Sept. 28th. Come early and go home early, meetings now called for ir o'elock. The Westmount and District Pro- perty Ownerf Hall is next door to the Westmount Army and Navy Gly_h. Ayk anyone how to Eet..thtre. The Counefrmeeting in Islington will be visited by I committee on the 27th Ind you will hear their report if you attend on the 28th. 17.7.37; Outing-h IVEHQ, Omagh "an: had ii ttGr" 7 Gui, may Mr. ' Ind In. gown" 0031mm. .o.t fog-t Rump, High: _ ( In'J. Davis [Iva her grand- dau hter, Ruth Duh. a birthday piggy, Ln. .tty torttt of I Cpl'n fold. ments of the judges were that they were very pleased and impressed with the general appearance and improvements in the subdivision. The 1judging this year wss held very ste and wss not the Nult of the executive as they arrahged for judges early in the season but through the pressure of work in their own association the judges could not fulfill the task. We wish to thank Mr. Gomme Ind Professor Wesll for comingl and judging our plees on_such l ort.notiee. tied a green’auit "with matching accessories. Upon their return they will reside in Oshawa. This week we wish to introduce Mrs. Peter Chetwynde of Paisley avenue, who will take over the writing of this column in the fu. ture. Mr. and Mrs, Chetwynde are new residents in our district and it we can ttttmet' the interest of more game with their enthuaiasm our opertr, Owners' Association is t' Owners' Association is going to bug I high} tytt.1.te. ' Remember folks, the paper el lection tomorrow night, Friday, Sept. 24th. Please have your papers tied 'l? in bundles and ready " the end 0 your driveway early. .._.. - .. Sept. 20, 1948. The Editor, Dear Ed.: ' near La; . ' I wish to extend through this col- umn to each member of the bazaar committee, m sincere chunks for their wondergul Inpport and co- operation in the phoning and exe- cution of the bazaar. Tn ouch donor thanks for thn lovely donations to this our first hnznr. Sincerely, MRS. W. J. WHITE. Still waiting for volunteers to be I guest writer of this column for I week. Phone 172-M-3. Correspondent: Frank Stewart) Westmount and Humber Heights All proceeds devoted entirely to purchase of sports and children', playground equipment. HARDINGTON RECREATION COUNCIL Community Hall LiERrrriD Friday September 24 8 p.m. ADMiss10N--25 CENTS nan-bun, I in ill-miming that ter.%d In. I Luydr of Hun} arele, 'er 311. l There are sever-1 home; we would like tn mention for the spe- cial value their owners have for our district. Among them is Mr. Cart- wright of Scarlett Road and Hum- ber Heights School. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hartford of Humberview Blvd. The interest shown by Mr. Austin Charlton, Prineipal of Hur- dington School and his friends, Hee Robinson and Pat Conway, who bought a prize winning house on Fraser avenue, is very much appreciated by the It/rite owners' Association. We thin we can find a. job in our Association for Pat Conway, if he will take it. He is a young executive whose ex- perience will be a valuable asset to the Property Owners' Association. We hope to see all of you on the 28th, Tuesday that is, at 8 o'clock at the Hall on Kingdom St. Please bring a neighbor with you. mat,f, parents of a non. Mother atum decided 0010th, in an» ot my informing. and made on just " happy with a mum. Building in the village is coming along nicely these days. The new Fire Hall was officially opened on Tuesday night, September 2Ut, And the Memorisl Hall has been start- ed. Mr. Evans new store and apartment will soon be finished and we hen that mother store is to be built on the west side of the highway, just about opposite Mr. Evan's new More. This proposed More is to deal in radios. Neighbors and friends are very sorry to hear of the sudden illness of Mr. J. Rider, Woodbridge Road. They hope he will soon be well and able to get out attain. Mutu- John Plnmoadon of ' Hunt Circle meetttfr celobnud his 7th binhdtz with I ner rt†given by in parents. ood- u to say he And hil gum thor- oughly enjoyed therngelves to n- pletion. Halter Jimmy Warren of 67 Hunt Circle. had the mufortante to sulfur . compound Incture of the forearm lut week, but happy to report he's progressing well, It the bored sage now, but hope: (t) to be back to school Boon. Birthday greetings to Mr. J. Sleigh, Newmarket, Mr. B. Muir, Woodbridge Road, Mr. H. Britton Sp. Chryessa avenue, Mount Den- tus. Mrs. Trout has undergone In operation in the hospital trnd we understand it will be some time before she will be released. A speedy recovery is wished her. Four babies were christened at the United Church in Woodbridge on Sunday last, Sept. 19th. Rose- mary Victoria, daughter of Mr. 1nd Mrs. M. Cam bel , Woodbridge Road, Humber 'll,'),,",,',]', was re- ceived in holy baptism. $1trrestrondent: Mrs. J. B. Henry Tickets and Information at commencing Sum, Sept. 26th, 1948 Grey Coach Lines It appears glut} tred [ti-yam- Humber Summit Standard Time T E R M I N A L BAY and DUNDAS STS. Phone AD. 4221 TORONTO BUS Time Table For WESTON - ALLISTON BUSES Remains Unchanged Chiswick Ave. Will Run On mans up l HARDINGTON The council held In executive meeting an the 16th with Mr. H. Clarke," vice-president in the cheir. Present were: Mrs. ihriit", Mr. J. Sutton, Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Worrall, Mr. Bevan, Mr. Rickwood. Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Maidment, Mrs. Hutchins, Mrs. McFarlene. Mr. Clarke pissed out copies of the pro- posed constitution. and moat of the evening wu devoted to going over every point before adopting the constitution " 1 whole. Mill. D. Hook, the treasurer. hu very re- luctmtly had to hand in her resig- nation, due to circumstances be- yond her control. The council ap- preciated the work she hes done and were losthe to see her go. J. Haylea. Mr. and Mrs. P. Sample Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Lawrence, Ind families, spent an enjoyable week- end at Woodland Beach, in honor of Mr. C. B. Lawrenee's birthday, which was Sunday, Sept. 19th. Mia. lelane Potts of 4 The Vii-hm. ll " the Sick Childmi- Hupntgl. tttttp tats. Me., for I complaint of 1','lt standing. Get home noon fit well, Jnylene. your playmate. min you. Marshal of the council have boon around with the appointment end- tor the TB X-ny to be given on the 29th-30th 'tate,,"; ouuldc the Community all on Chiawiek Ivonne. Nearly everyone in the In: over the age of 12 yen-l hu taken alumnus. of thin very or, Ruth! and important service. Mr. M. Clarke and MI committee hove got the bingo organised. end they hope to run one every week, commencing tomorrow night (Fri- tur, Sept. 24) It 8 pan. in the Community Hall. Chiuwick Avenue. All proceed! from than bingo" to be devoted to the Huntington Recreation Council Ictivitiel. So don't forget you bingo tans, to be on hand, Ind help the council pro- Vflide winter sports for the younger ry. Mr .and Mrs. F. Budget. Mr. Qmnga. B:ftephyyy Mr, and Mrs. l. FRESH GUMD ROPS ttPECuU. 25 L..| _ Starting Thursday, September 23 [iii"i1i'iiv'Ti1Tiiz"' $1.98I f'"ii?ii1"(r/lll'l"f' TRAINING 'ii"iiiUs 4B, 'jifh"iims " TOWELS w" ItllMr'tr-5 to 31-00 ST 15TH ANNIVERSARY I SALE ENGLISH BONE _ "_â€" BNGMi-82.00 VALUE CUP 5ND SAUCER 3129' ITEA POTS - " - . ' DECORATED 10 CTS. SUBS " PR. TUM BLERS In Hold» NYLONS we opened our doors for the first time. Since then we have made every business on a: fair ttaaie-tp give to all a square deal. We thank sincerely our many friends who have made our progress possible. We pledge ourselves to a continusnce of our policy of fair dealing and we bespeak your continued support. We have made our share of mjataieiU.iua Tv%iriiirTziTir our short- comings. 7 . _ T TSe You Are Invited To Our ss MAIN ST. " YEARS AGO PLASTIC WASH CLOTHSI . We like to feel that our easto'mers, npart from depositing or withdrawing money, tind mnuy of our services useful. Take bonds, for instance, There's always someone on the uni able ind ready to give you any intbrmation you any want - when to cli coupons, which one: are due, what inner: are being redeemed. Even minors are supplied! _ Get into the habit of using the ex erience and the service. lvnileble to you " any of our branches. ff you want to know the rate. of exchange on foreign currency. or merely the I l we: of a money order - if you want to open on account or / send a draft, our staff is ready to help you. t DISH CLOTHS THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA . IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE - TRY IT! Weston, Ontaria. BOYS' NAVY A m I. BUY ONE-GET ONE FREE Manon, Ontario. DRESSES "s " Foot Packs Me ISo