Times & Guide (1909), 23 Sep 1948, p. 6

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W WRITER "for we. Under. portatrle, in excellent con- (i . Zone 4-516, 172 Jottst., 7 GIRL’S ttGe-piece-win; (uitii, - wiix to alight years, like new, rev longble. one Weston "eds It ' 0- _ iii iFtsGner fringe, sundnrd size M and warming oven. Phone 8t . mas-1e (illiERAL Electric Hop Point BREE space for rent in barn; 'Unta tor "le, Japnnese yew, - rose bushes, 66e each or 1'tfi, $1.26; pyr. cedars, seven I I tapestry carpet. Apply 48 LTUd avenue wen; n-39-1t P MIER vuuum. junior model, 16; also hand vacuum, $5; girl's 00 size 12, " Phone 1128-J, t 6 pan. n-39-1t tutr rocking chair, antique; oak t.e,i,'.'ir, room table, some mid " Phone 1563-W. o-39-1t It RIGIE‘TOR. Viking, five cu. " in up endid condition, 8150. P no Weston 639-W bgfore 12 non. o-39-lt "the, My Temp. oil spaco enter, and six months, perfect w ’ 'nx ermdition, two non-age . 150 and 200 gnllnn cavacity. A ly first house north of school. Emery. C . n-39-1t C‘Brmie. eommerxu'tl. nix-bur- E: thew can. steel bed with up I. Phone Weston 809. -- .. “WILLYS Seam, five new tires, Marianna, slip covers, $350 or begt offer. one Weston 35312. . n-S9-lt iWiiWtN pnmltdgrey. perfect . n, also maple play reasonable for quick Bale. 5474. o-39-1t BEE, Tiff; aiu xiii-ER? Gisi offer. A p p I y Mason’s Garage, Cete: - = n-39-1t SKALL motorcycle. 125 CC., three months old, excellent condition. Zee H08, evenings. o-39-1f '8i.t.AU81.r.N, ggod conditipn .and BABY carriage, Sunshine. maroon, la good condition, us. Phone 11_ - . x.39-n ty recent? bverhauledfbest o t. 96 fly, on avenue. Phone Vignen U7F. -13. -fy39-?t tion, :27; Aggy 4iriara eGrie (W l rt 1 m e ouning, Trethewey drive). n-89-1t ef, CHEV. Cogeh. standard four- ENGLISH bicycle, Kent's. good ' 'ih'MT, Phone 62-R. o-39-1t my; f Toller Plate; 290d con- - tuition. -Aripj-y iirireriurciGta/t, Futon. 0-394: Magic yangettg,__good c_prtdj seven room house, unfurnished, heated or unheated for family being trpnsterred to Weston. Ad. iviu detnils. Apply Box 3960. Times - Guide. 0-39-1t giil, and shade raincoat,' freshly elm 84; green camel hair and wool coat with full button-in chmoir lining, 88: both large, [in td. Phone 1377-W. o-39-lt with attaefsmats for Liie 01:16)] trade for something usefui. Phone IMT-W. o-89-1t BOY’S bicycle: exeeient%ndTtiik. Phone 12819. o-39-1t nApgAINs go; the. high _schppi ?RE_BIIER win; vfeutup cleaner URGENTLY muiEQd, Eek gig, A Y‘OUNG eouplt. with gwo-yeuk - old son, urgéntly need NEH}?! three unfurnished rooms. Please phone OLiver 1892. 0-39-1t Ist, one to three rooms in Wel- _tnn or~Mount Dennis, preferably unlurm'shed by business couple, ab. amen. Phone 162-W . 0-39-it uncanny tequited by Octgber 'iWIIODATlON WANT” AA9UN.G, cpuple requ_i_r_e 'g-o-r-g ROOM and bogrd ter eltltrtlady, no cm, no laundry. t5o.N pii In th. Apply Box 3920, Times Ind 8a'. 0-39-lt 'le, 2 UNFUBNISHED house, ping rooms or small house, Mullah. Weston or Mt. Dennis mu Box 3802, Times "Ut/ht .3 _ V tuttrrnitshed Emmi: ikimion"o"r Hinton district. Phone Mr. Chrome, LO. 1301. x-39-lt In! Yer m.onth rent for un~ livuafh accommodation. for mo er and son. Box I Time, and Guide. o-32-4t may): up to_yevetttydlvn dol- ttPi con la “in two 1 rtoi/d,,1trd' "Sell or t in Weston or district. 'ttttlu.' Box 8608, Times, 313d METRIC stove. four burners, [gh 'rtr1t,,flhtr1tf0_2-wt3irrlt STOVE, cream and green, ml, lid. oven, four burners, condition; lilo mull kitchen t and six ',,'ti.ns,rg,',r,'t chm-s. I!!! It. South. on. 'telf; F 0-3 It at Spank! puppies. Phone I. c _ 0.394: “new Fol side M capacity; lower trttott “amt Chg“. - ite tn in "but LII, "I. t-te.qehtrm with ' 1541'; In.“ MM: o-39-lt o-M-lt m "i ( have [cod buyers waiua} for has and bungalow- in Mon All Ila-In Dennis. Some with all " to 815,000.00. For Emmy! uMc. all M. R. “but. r, Murray 2355 or Bone “1.. r3541. Wynn (mums Look-we arch correction. 'ir"tiG%Teiit', arch support. to individual impru- Iion out: nude of av foot. Hours by 'r."pi'iisi't,th,n,rho'rtt"e'r: Gerrard 6160, anon MI-M. ronto. C-nada, Hmienic I u p p l i e a (rubber goods). m-iled in strong envelopes "sled with Maples. Absolute secrecy 1,ithout embnrrusment First-class merehandise. Price $1.00 per dozen, mailed one hour Ifter receiving order. The Greb Trad- ine Co., 127.5 Queen St. West, To. FEET HURT? R. Le MAITRE, foot “tech“? in treh correction. - Peitherwe' gm. MEN, 30m TAKE RISKS BPS'SAFE. Guard__your health. goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list; six samples, Me; 24 nmples. $1. Mail Order De t. G4, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91. gamilton, Ont. x-88-tf H Y 6.1 E N I..C _ 'uppliett (rubber 'WJ,'l'%2t M'tu',titt, A RELIABLE girl to care. for child nnd aparGtreni. __ Ga “gain; I Lakeside 1741, 'dir-rt) COOK irenerrlr,ex.ptrienced, refer- eneeCrequirrid, tGi%liG. hinge 4A40. 0-39-3t or woman t3 Jook 'uG"'ehiiiira; eVeninga, sleep m or out, no house.. work, Phone Weston M2-M. HIGH school orir.1 qr ygung yawn work's-day week. 15MB; ill-33m; 66-M. 0-39-1t P?srT_loN,pvant,ed for middle-age. womah housekderker" tririrVntrr"a) housework. Live in. Apply Box 3910, Times and Guide. 0-39-1t MARYED.wormsn. we.nts peg-t time waxed Ind electrically polished. from " up. brought up like new. We are experts 15 vears' exper- ience. I" materials supplied. City wide service. Phone Mr. Wood. JU. 4670. ' x-26-tf WOMAN wat, daily hbusework. Box'3901, Times and Guide. JACKET heater, some fittings, like new, 610. Phone MU. 6390. 2102. LIME green inched wool suit and Carl Austin & co. GRAY Gendron prim,‘ie;f;ct con- dition, 'very reason lo. Phone 547-1. 0-39-1t frosting ptuioiiGdiTvcirisrar oil stove, $4.00. Phone l380-J. eintsGnon brown" dAisisC,Ga suit, size 14, both in good condition. Phone 1396-W. 0-39-1t BED 'spring, double bed size, good condition. Phone 475-.1. o-39-1t '34 PLYMOUTH Qedan. good con- mSwim, good tires, $400.00. MU SPECIAL 6:roern you}; cleaned. Obe 'ttrtltwinCheter; two de- " CHURCH " WESTON HAND-made lamp shade: of the new dust goof plastic. Recover: s Ipocialty. dna Hum. 48 Sudan St. Phone 767-W. o-88-8t find who. dining who, who;- Any bedroom at, lovely my: includinf some urinals. Ull run- as", oi painting. llmpl. mirror. JU. 3978. x-o-lw CARL AUSTIN 8: co. Plltftteit-. Mutant chute:- to a "Jeff/tiPod/ite, ia-. Irwin’l Pu: Fun. " o. I. Wanton. x-u-tf any“ aKputriaiihi Pun. "ur-trar Ewan; ua Via my. . " mm at! 'it?": d and Film: 6'tlt Julia-J“ tf 'f,,ttt FEMALE HELP YOUNG WOMEN, FILLING STOCK ORDERS Ata.irwA-NhF, FEMALE limit m an (Part Time Considered) Single or Married (Part Time Considered) FEMALE HELP EMPLOYMENT WANTED FROFESSI‘ONAL Light. Factory Work -eMi..9r_e....iALr, 68 CHURCH ST. WESTON Single or Married an POULTRY "ks6iUL x- 354t x-20-tf 0-3949. 0-39-1t 0-39-1t 0-39-1t 0-39-1t d! ("Agefi,-2, loving 'ill/l/q of A dear hubnd an father, “ll-m _ Fnderick Hands, who M thy SopMmbor M, 1947. "t WM: yam- life wu brighten, at w an out yen-I Wm Jon Wm Chiu' (an: “In In??? low ' To I home of muemt Mt. luv mung by M and child-u. Job and on. Mr. and Mrs. J. Summerhayes announce the engagement of their daughter Jean to Mr. Normm Prior of Arthur, Ontario. The wedding will take place It the gnrent's home on William street, on .turday afternoon October 9. HARRIS-ln loving memory of Alexander Harrie. who passed nway September M, 1944. A silent thought, . secret tear. Keeps his memory ever dear. Time taken Iway the edge of grief But memory turn back "tT l leef. l Sadlyrniued by wife and family. tmas-rn loving memory of PD. i P,eM; Weill, killed in action ill-“re iddle East, September 27, He Md I cheery smile, I pienaent Fondiy 'rGGtiirda" if ifoTirer and Broth". Douglas, Laurence. Ind Kenneth. _ true . - On Jitiilhe nobly did hits best. Grant ym, Jena-! hetvtrtir lug. wny. - A helping hand to all he knew He 'r" so kind, so generous Engagemqnts MU. 1706 GARAGE contracting. ihon-eiv% ton 268. 0-39-lt new tapes and cords if desired, 48-hour service, also repainting and repairs. Agent for Weatwood Steel or Alum Venetian Blinds with "LevOlor" tillers. Phone Bill John- ston, Weston 1186-W. x-39-tf Un Buds? Terms it Deiired MT. DEN Is UPEOLST RING Have your painted walls washed. Floors cleaned; also floor polish- ing service by local experienced reliable veteran. All work guar- anteed. No job too large or small. For free estimates phone Weston 1617-1. x-27-tf VENETIAN blinds osaraiVth Weston Cleaning Services "_-_-- ...... w“-.. nunuc-Lu'ulucl, your iiilii'Giiii or ours. Re- covering a specialty. Pick up and delivered. Phone 1619-W. x-39-1t and all types iBVfi’wc-ao/aren -ifiiiiid aities made to order. Redwood Hobby Shop, phone SOS-M. x-39-tf experienced man only. Evsiigatég free. Phone 1379-J. 0-39-1t ma aieiiU, ir,)ji,i,inriir,'h,t,"r.i'i, i'. Thompson, '29 oIdwin Ave., Mt. Dennis. Junction 7359. x-35tf. SILK 1atnijsG)rG made-to-order, EASY lywn chairs, 7552:; .arbors, tions and repairs reasonable. Houses, garages, recreation rooms, trim; cupboards. For estimates ttts Rumsey Bros, Contractors, eaten 15244] or 64-J-2. x-20-ti PArtirq tnd Deyoratprt interior GUAgANTEpDTloqk Igyipz by from "yodr oGi%iGrai' EYES expert. No waiting. P h o n e l327-W. x-16-tt CARPENTRY, bqilding alttrp- HA.VE your drapes eustoT made veteran now in business. Floors cleaned. waxed and polished. Any kind of flooring brought up like new. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. New Electric Polisher. Wallpaper cleaned. Windows clean- ed. Painted walls washed. Phone A. Corns. MU. 6427. x-ln-tf N O T I C E S Births, Marriages, Deaths, Cards of Thain, Engage- MODERN floor service. Loéal ments, In Metisoria%r, Notices Under The" Bending. 2c per word. Minimum chug. 50c. boards, til-ebonridtnm winks; screens. storm windows and rep- airs. Zone 4-516. 172 John St. cents, semi-invalid and retiiid persons. Weston 128GW. x-IB-tt C.ARPWTERr... kitchen _ cyp- LARGE furnished room for rent, . twin beds, suit 2 gentlemen. Apply 27 Little Ave. after 6 p.m. D-39-lt 139 WILLIAM ST. for convales- EXCAVATING, grading, plough- "a and cultivatir‘gg with tractor. R, healer, Phone eaten "ted x- -t BRIGHT clean Bedrooms to rent. 89 King St., Weston. 0-894: ctiier6itiiiiia room centrally located, continuous hot water, gentleman, Absmner. Phone 8433?]. 0- -lt ct?yroRT.ABLE quiet Tom, cqn tinuous to: watLi' "inrit"ir'Gt'iis- man. Phone 369-W. 0-89-lt YOUNG mu: to%iA room, twin ball. ".00. 55 queen's drive. In. 4-482. nc-ss-n 9n Arisiei, Tiaosit 1);!!er Chesterfield, and Chairs Studio Couches, Davenport: Recovered and Regan-ed SLIPCOVER MADE TO ORDER UPHOLSTERING siIVIcIs ennui UPHOLSTERING moons TO m. REST -ridiii, - A. Lyon 1002 Weston Rd. x-27-tf lel-tf and HOUSE . wanted, _ $100000 condition "tGxG'tia'r-y', ton l 671 -W. _ ,, w“. FFFVrPV ...... \Ivcn Must be in good condition Apply 1753 Jane St. Phone' 401-J Obgoxious odours Some townships have Bylaws governing obnoxious odouns, If our township has even one Bylaw which applies, it should be enforced in the vicinity of the few Bus Shelters, especially the one at Park Lawn Road and The Queensway, in the Humber Bay district. At the moment we do not know how the Bylaw could be enforced, but an application of a. strong disinfectant should be used freely, . . . Hygro Commission QIJ'EBEC' cook Move with ' Lighter . . . y, the weight of map nlry blinds because it's made of I special flexible aluminum alloy. . Lo'relier. . . Flex-lum's unn- smooth plum finish blends with every tlerorative setting. . Easierto.tyeaq. . , Its “mum-v makes cleaning w simple and quick. 0 Loun Latin. . . . Flexalum is sun-proof, rust-proof, wartrproof, will not crack. chip Dr peel, resists weather stains and soil. a Canon made " ft window: er actly, Bring your menunments in to- day. Flexalum's low cost will surpnse Our township Hydro Commission is composed of three members, one is a member of the Council, usually the Reeve, and the other two Com- missioners are elected by the people. The term for office is two years and we believe that a nomin. al annual amount is paid to the members for service and expenses. About a decade ago this remuner- ation was one hundred aid fifty dollars yearly. The present person- nel of the Commission is Reeve Quite a bit of publicity was given to a well-known township Market Gardening family (The Reeves') for its remarkable display of vegeteables at the Canadian Ex- hibition. The favourable comment was well-merited. Some one told this column that a Toronto bus- iness man (Paul Cooney) who resides on Ellis Avenue, Swansea, and who is keenly interested in the growing ot Dahlias, took twenty- three prizes at the annual Big Fair. We were told that seventeen were firsts, two special awards for seed- tings, two seconds and two thirds. We believe this is the same chap who presumes on our cribbage abil- ity, and who eondeseends to allow us to win a game now and then through the Winter season. WESTON Roofing tutorials LIMITED 31 South Station Street Nice Going i We were asked why our town- ship encourages industrial corpor- ations to locate in this district, when there is at times insufficient water or Hydro supply. sour. ans~ wer is that we believe there is lots of water to be had from the town- ship famous wells, but that the pumping equipment has to work over time to keep u with the de- mand. As to the £1de energy called for, the shortage is provin- cial wide, and will only catch up with the demand when the Drew policy of increased supply, is fur- ther advanced. Personally, we sometimes, doubt the wisdom of encoursging new industries, when the existing ones have difficulty in obtaining necessary requirements. The funeral was observed Ittat .week of William James McCullum, who named any suddnnly, " his maiden“ on Bloor St., human. Besides Mu. Mchllum them lur- vives one son Ind three daughten, W. D. McCulum. Mrs. T. J. Has- lett, Mrs. R. E. Ramsay and Mrs. A. Evelyn. Interment was at Park lawn cemetery. A [air Quutiop PI!“ 0: VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOMS Phone Zone 4..577 And Our Repregentftive Will Call YEMEN“ MINDS my WW»; 'ews from Etobicoke WANTED ". PhaneWéE.’ ne-39-1t (1-394? By m CRITIC 49m oven Chief Engineer. 57 Adelaide. St. East. TORONTO - l, Ontario, B. C ROSE, Sealed Tenders, properly marked. will be received by the undersigned up to 12.00 o'clock noon, Standard Time, on Tender forms and Sp'eeifietrtions may be obtained at the office of the undersigned on and after THURS- DAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1948. KINGSLEY GRAHAM, K.C.. SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd, 1948 for the furnishing of trucks and drivers (snow plows will be sup- plied and attached by the Commits. sion) for the removal of snow from the Commission's highways in York County during the season 1948-49. A marked cheque for the sum of $1,000.00 must accompany each bender. Rental of Trucks For Snow Removal BALLET - TOE - TAP - ACROBATIC . NATIONAL Roglstratlon Day Sat. Sept. " Anyone witnessing collision on Main Street at King Crescent on SAT., SEPT. 18th Between 6 RM. and Midnight TORONTO AND YORK ROADS COMMISSION We regret to learn that Council- lor Bill Hodgson has been confined to his home, for the past couple of weeks through indisliosition. Leaving The Plumber Did some one tell this column --Contirtued on page ' Ingljgposed Mrs. trowhtn reside on Brentwood Road in our township, and we be- lieve that George in a member of four Clubs, viz The Old Mill and the R.C.Y.C. Bowling, the Royal Canadian Yacht Club and the Rameaes Temple_ A.A.0.N.M.S. Clive Bineiair, Doctor V. WiUoat and George Trowlu'll. Mr. Pravda" in tho " 'rring member thin your and he will leek re-electlon. Every one have the Reeve, he in I keen bulineu men. Lewyer and Farmer, and e no! felleh to know. The Doc in . well-known Dental Surgeon end he. been a member of the Communion Iince 1937 or there. whom; And now we will tell you ‘wmething about George Trowhill, who first new the light of dey in Clinton, Ontario, some fifty odd {are up. George in . taxpayer wing lived in the townehip for about fourteen years, his religious faith is Methodist. He goes in for quite a bit of lawn bowling and golf, and his other hobbiee Ire wood and metal working, The Com- missioner is a Staff Officer identi- fied with the Canadian Tenn-e he Syetem,‘ which deals with 'f2h"il tpf. 11r1iL,t,servit.etr. Gama and. CALL FOR TENDERS Mrs. L. Paul. . . PHONE 1544W Or The Weston Police REWARD For Information Call Wanton 1547~W ACCIDENT WITNESSES WANTED Dance Studio - Announces Chairman. THE RE-OPENING OF HER ,_, _.._ ........e... So, too, with human beings. They can't be left to simply grow up "like Topsy." In t com lex modern world, discipline. Make and guidance Are essential to the maintenance of henlth. as well " for the development of chnrncter, of our young people. Growing things allowed to "run wild" Olen run down. it is pointed out by Canadian public health authorities. A grass lawn, unat.. tended, grows Ink and weedy. An alley-cat without care soon be. comes matted gpd [nuns/w. _ 7 1W". l.. PATEBSOI General Insurance Broker Offieet- 49 Wellington St. E. Toronto Residence _ 126 Rosemount Ave. Incl: 'h,,tyt',t,',tt Mun and Juhn Bt., Walton. lulu " "nnrbra. Crm. Plum. Singing. Thomy. “Nari-run Prtncinnl. Muion Demon”. TOM. LL, 9240. Weston 28-1. Tetrortto" ELgin 1863 Menu To L... " Ton-M Shut. Toronto - 046-52 Wang 1514?" -_"_' 10nd. 0169 ROYAL Conservatory of Music of Toronto Nellie Leuty 650. W. GAIN-IOU“. IA. lam. w... an. aao - St.. THE. :1. one In: P.? Chung! A', Wuh- J. T. FERGUSON Auditor and Accountant 46 MAIN ST. N. ZONE 4-575 Julie Ann Rankin Students prepared for Conservatory Examinations Won-j (iiiii't." "'â€" Fat cwohtmcm during "Hr, _ pliant ttffiee. . Fov oppolntmeett during waning. phone mid-nu. Teaching Piano in Weston J. EDGAR PARSONS Weston Phone Weston 1162 C. LORNE FRASER “INST“: SOLICITOI. I." he. m1"""7w..... Me W: NY. nu noun to you: on coon run "can aa'latPWaf,'1'ii AUBREY PETITE MINISTER. SOLICITOR Chartered Aeeountant Auditor 240 Church St. Teacher of Singing WESTON 7801 F. A. SILVIIMAN " TORONTO ST. lent of Non Scou- Chmbcn. WESTON OM-tttutr Phone 564-1 Elihu 4588 Pupils Prepared For Royal Conservatory Exams. School Age Ind Kindergamen Clasaen 64 King Street . Weston 5531 PIANO JU. tmis """"""WE§'P6N " Elutie stockings. Betta, cu. WEST TORONTO FURNACE COMPANY J. W. BROWN 1 CmOPMCTOI Hm Id mm on... n G-tvttg. in. IL ""tt I I B "ics"'"] FREDA WILLIAMS A.T.C.M. MARY ELIZABETH SCOTT nuggng MADE To ORDER A.T.C.M. Teacher of Singing, Theory and Early Grades of Pinno Studentl Prep-red for Conurvltory Enml. Home: Visited WESTON 12464 21 ROLLEY AVE. Funeral Directors Ambulance WESTON 1500 - JU. 8821 General Sheetmetal Work FURNACE WORK ROOFING CHIMNEY POINTING Vacuum Ole-nod - Repaired New Ind Rebuilt Furnaeeg Installed -.... Easy Terms City Wide, " Br. Service PAINTING. DECORATING Interior . Exterior PHONE 876-” Anne tl. Govenlock R.M.T. JACK BAILEY Announces The Re-Opening Sept. Sch Of Her Chum In . W. J. WARD Lumen. sunues Allan 'sServicestatiirii (mu. ALLAN. Pup.) sum Prt0mNmt INTERNATIONAL nucx nus: AND annex m In]: but .. 2- FURNACES Tinsmithing Eavestroughing J. C INCH. B.A.. th.B. Atty Appointing; Cull BllPTIIBED? INCH’S DRUG STORE TlrlMITht. ETC. CHIROPRACTIC “53 "w" Inc-Mu I, Anti-mm " Yurk"EUVieia' Print. Fitting Room J. Wright PHONE 1230W. TEACHER OF PIANOFORTE Announce. the Full 0min of Her Studio at 39 BOYD AVE., *ESFI‘ON Students prepared for Conservatory Exams. SPECIAL RAMS FOR BEGINNERS PHONE 1878) FOR APPOINTMENT UNDERTAKERS DECORATI NG and THEORY ME. 4962 Roy’sTaxi All Passengers 240 Main St. S. Corner of St. John's Rd. and Min 24 Hr. Service BAKER PHONE 456 MiEEiiEai3l PIANO TUNING owned and operated by veterans TAXI mo an at. Tina": Juan. "" a Rad m: In. can“ GARAGE with“ M0009 Tum-l. 122 MAIN K, wan». ION! 4-3.1 Yuri- Sonic. Zone 4-327 TAXI VET ERAN’S CRU)CKSHANtt Prompt Courteous 429 MAIN ST. N. At End of Car Lin 8 CARS d. IO SERVE YOU, 3 WESTON ar lu," FLEET LINE TAXI CABS 38MAINN. Phones Weston - 677 Mu. - 5772 TELEPHONE for "

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