Wi'kfeh'ndn' Jr, I - M unite; morwli'tr.-n h avenue. 0.444: -hhtiFtw.hta" Can, " foot a. we: used value 3:130, will ‘___ __ - ', '230., "7,'it"i Weston pink w o n d e n rwellr Sibhmg, ambled. 810. Phone Weston 1515 939M!- - 044-12 NEW, four ftot 'le-et;, of whit. '0. DODGE Conch motor just oval-Muled. radio. Law. $1,000. m. " or apply 9 Sykes nvwnue ' Pan. o-44-lt muhine, porcelain tub, good running ordnr. $45; man's dark green OVen‘nat. size MAO, worn only half dozen times. $18. Phone Weston 99114. o-461t Ion-bin. Will 'sxchiriirra'p"ri'r baby crib. Phone 1071'W-13. GENERAL Electyig w , s h i n g winter tr'y hurdwnod slugs. -hh lengths Phone ION-W43. 0-44-1t d-TUBE battery -radiC. Gr; 1185-W. 0-44-lt Fo8 _ in;xper;ai;g hating this PEDrGIsm.trkeTiGJieT, rea w... "8...“.5... IP.rVrprk "Hymn, 23-inch frame, chrome forks, chrome rims, .rspeed gear, 2 eight- doll-r brakes, generator set, tours ing bag. All in tip top shape, Cost "10.00. Sailing for $65.00. C. B. Raynham. Weston, 243-W. tlM4-lt '34 PLDs?TBrLETejjaTn, good 6 ?I.PPF dipetgget, dark walnut, _..._,_ v_r..irv w-.. “an.“ mm, length 47"; beige bonds coat; brown blanket cloth ski suit, green trim; navy slacks, size 16-18. Phone 1128-W. 0-44-1t motor, tires and body, new battery, carburettor. brakes and universal joint, $300.00. Phone 597-R, evenings. 0-44-lt BLACK chesterfield coat, -isize 13-20 or M. Phone 892-W. srly. lightweight. jir%iii" bifyqle new knee-action Erik;- tiiiiriii rash. Phone Weston 763-R. 0-44-1t BITUEJbogElg Eon}, sqdirrel trim a - “.9“ “nun-a ecu, noun wnluuu, $35.00. Apply 43 Station St. Zone 4-200. 0A4-lt '36 cHyvRday Master conch Turn in all your old woollens. and get brand new, all-wool or pure wool blankets, in newest colours, at substantial savings. Custom made direct from mill to you. Ask for catalogue to-day. Dept. 63, Midland Mills. Midland. Ontario. x-44-1t de_tAsteVunTiTiloriiii" round condition. Phone Weston 1142-M. 0-44-1t REGISTERED C o c k Fr SpaniEl - puppies. Phone 1856-J. 0-444: GIRL’S red winter _coat, beaver collar, size 12-14. Phone 306-W. 0-44-1t DINNER ignigomr solid walnut W, -_W_____ """'""" almost new. modern design, two ahelves, matching tray, silverwnre drawer, $25.00. Apply 18 Maple Bush Ave. Phone 18-R. 0-44-lt '39, popGE mum, heater and 'at AUSTIN coach, good condition. 8425.00. Zone 4-448. nc-44-1c Q6 MASTER Chev. sedan. heater, good tires. reasonable. 12 First Ave., Westmount. Phone 932-M. o-M-lt ii7oWforiCoii Conor washing "In-dune, $35.00. Phone 46lr.W. o-44-lt NEW blgnkegs from old 300%? . Modils, "now Is' plintink “a; W. M. McDonald, 1 Franklin Ave. 0-43v3t avenge. We guarantee them strictly fresh. Delivery every Satur- dar morning. Reva Castator, 91 ring 24, Woodbridge. ncV2t PALE by.llrts, tulips, hsTscitTtiG Ed YOUNG (begged ducks, 5-6 In 3CANIRE for sale, w_elI rotted, , $3.00 Per cu. yard, four yards' “0.00 delivered. Phone Weston 175-31143. o-40-1t HAND-mule lamp shades of the l now dust proof plastic. Recover's t Ipecinlty, Edna Hawe, 43 Station t. Phone 767-W. tr38-8t Reconditioned Trudles and Elec- Me. $16.00 and up. Guaranteed Muir! by Singer experts. Prompt â€like. Rent . portable Electric brths month. Enroll now for Jan- na, February sewing classes. New machines with free sewing m. Immediate delivery on Duh Queen Anne and Console, slalom SEWING CENTRE â€is Dundas St. w. MU. 1938 Ihtit, tuft" trite the?“ urn" r5, quiet airman near RCAF ttt Gauge. on Murray 1131. 28. between 1 and 2 pm. only. -..-. 044-1: 1 __ - . 'e Wt. furnished or unfur- F ttttms mum. Phone 1302, n 6 ma 8 p.m. o-44-it _ M o.r morp Ind board tee! it? H, Per, Pee, ff _terl1 ACCOMMODATION WANTED $8:th rooms. Phone 1035-1. o-44-1t T hRTTtLEa FOt SALE SEWING MACHINES 7am sink tubs, on m with mattrms, r - with maul-cu. ye! titti.'tNti, :3: I h u {in a. . o-u-n Muh'., Emmy d flan; twin n-M-lt 0-44-lt 0-44-it x-44-1t Mt LADY! blue coat but on thin um A'at.. Pl, "p,. ling,, ' r . In or that [‘03. 19trt.g. MIN.†15 urea workable, black loan and and. 4 room inlul brick house, spring wettl electricity Ivailuble trout acre-m. 81500. equity Ind Imgll_ mpnglge. Box 43117, Timex cuppa yomtn39' iieeFuG.G. of hon-chow "dutiiCtirr-UG week). lone 4-231. o-4btt and Guide. “BULBS from.T?yrtty, M) 39mm vuxod Ind electrically Doliahed. from $12 no. brought no like new. We Are experts, " venrs' exper- ienee, all materials summed. City wide service. Phone Mr. Wood. JU. 4670. x-Mat HA.RJ?RES8ER deg-ins vagition in Weston Gk or "disoirt" middle Hf November. Phone 17-W-6. n-44-1t individually and scientifically de- signed for “er, health and com- fort. Call after 5 pm. 119-M Weston for appointment. o-40-4t SrTl?iWA, Fnuqdntion Garments, SPECIAL S-room house cleaned heater, uaea , sirG'atii,- pir"rTei working condition. Apply first house north of school, Emery, - brass umbrella stand, full 552}: metal bed, rocking chair. Phone 1249-J. . o-44-it fox heart-shaped capes at $50. A deposit will hold until Christ, mas. Other styles in silver or platinum at very reasonable prices. B. Irwin, Weston 10804. x-44-tf NQRQE Ray., .Temp _oil Grad HARDWOOD hall tree, heavy mileage. Private. PhokdiviaiG 907-J. o-44-1t UPRIGHT piano, good condition. Phone 588-W. o-M-It REPRrGv_Barnett, 100 lbs., qu- em. white; spriiut mattre'ss, Y, perfect. Phone 592-W. o-44-Lt MODERN small size coal and wood stove with hot water tank and tap, only used six months, like new. Phone 48-J-1, Weston. o-44-1t cover, wr," chairs, two-burner two-switch hot Nate, carpenter tools, other articles. 34 George St. o-M-lt .22 SPRINGFIELD automatic rifle in excellent condition with a new telescopic sight. Rhone 599-W. o-44-1t LADY'S coat, red wool, size 34-36, good condition. Phone 584. CHILD'S‘ kiddi.e Jars.tly.r ,{rogking recently reconditioned, reason- able; white enamel coal stove, red and black trim, fully modern, built- in oven, t%ssonable. Tone 4-479. x-44-lt '40 DODGE Coach, woo." {5.31}; 184 William street, Weston. horse, hoop style fit two‘to three years, 'alSo glrl’i dresses and skirts, size 12. Phone Zone d-406, Friday morning. o-44-U FIFTY poqnd, Itytdertt,_ttel ice '31 PEYMQUTH, good, clean car, 34 Winoka aviniie alters pml, Phone 1294-J. o-44-lt TYPEWNTER, Remingtpn No. 12, hot water from, two ovens and a warming closet, quantity of pipes. All in good condition. Phone 693-W. o-44-1t '39 I?0DCE, C.ustom_sietian, $5511 IR_WIN_’S Em: Farm offers silver NEW bedpsriryr, mattress and box, 360d céndition. '315 Maple Leaf drive. Phone 1390-1. n-M-H stove, pilot light, good oven, suitable for apartment or home, first class condition, $15. Apply 46 Gratton street. Phone 1643-W. o-44-U STOVE, (fomh_inat_ion coal and gas breeches, wool crepe dresses, one grey, one 'qua; all wool pleated plaid skirt, all sin 12: excellent condition. Phone 1128-W, evenings. 0-44-1t AT.TEN'rrqli! Thyefbunger gas GrlT's, brown. whipcgnT’riding 14, very good cdnditirGriih'ai" 360-J. , o-44-1t BOY'S overcoat! trrtrlttwe), size -A.-. u "lawn um" nun “I: new. new, $15; black Persian lamb coat, $80, both Iti-18; teal blue fitted coat, fur collar, inter-lined, $15: reversible tweed coat, $10; few dresses, all size 14to 16. 391-J. o-44-lt one wringer with tub stand, one man's winter overcoat, 38-40; one lawn mower, Very reasonable. All in good condition. Mrs. Duncalf. l.? Arthur street. Weston. o-44-lt LADY'S‘placlg pry, _with tie belt, 38; ma'n's grey ur/Gi/turacil overcoat, like new, size 38: too small for owner. Phone 1383-R. RANGETTE. good eonditi-on,-iii. 18 Franklin. o-dd-lt fiee; three-pins studio couch, beautiful five-piece bedroom with. Monarch ice box, four kitchen chairs, table and cabinet. boy's wooden crib, baby's carriage. Phone 941M. o-M-lt bumâ€; Gad GIG, Tai' eGris tion. Phone 1286-w-12. 044-1: DOUBLE size Me} beg, coniplete; GERIERAL .Flec‘tricirnnix: (our THREE {noun fd ftsrttityre, IICri MSN's ggod brorrsui, size 36, HELP m'hidrrt) rm ALB EMPLOYMENT WANTED FARMS rim SALE MCI-BMW CORSETS bin-n o-AH 044-†oL44-tt o-4rlt o~44~lt Hygienic Supplies (rubber goods) mailed in strong envelopes. Absolute secrecy without embarr- assment. First-class merchandise. Price $1.00 per dozen, mailed one hour after receiving order. The Greb Training Co, Dept. 250. 1275 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ont.. bungalow, srrih privileges, hVus stops at door, suit business person, abstainer. Murray 8685. 044-1: rooms, continuous hot water, suit znntlemcn. Garage. for car available. 80 King SL, Weston. 044-†goods) mailed postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with price list: six samples, 25c; 24 samples, $1, Mail Order Dept. Gd, Nov-Rubber Co., Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. x-38-tf SLENDOR Tyblets gre effective, Two weeks' suppliyi tr.6irriii weeks $5.00. at Briggs and Inch's Drug Stores. x-44-lt H Y Gl E N 1.,C. supplies, "rubber MEN, DON'T TAKE RISKS Bill, side.. guard†your health have good buyers waitin for houses and bungalows in (lfesl/,',', and Mount Dennis. Some with all cash up to $15,000.00. For prompt efficient service call M. H. Gilbert, Realtor, MUrray 2355 or Zone 4-419. x-35-t.f. TWO single furnished bGi%,Ts COMFORTABLE. rumiéth bed for reni, no boa/ri," J/iii/il'; prnferrr-d. Phonn IMO-W. o-44-lt LAWT, comfortable room on Main' street, "ggntlr‘rxan, ai,': stuiner, also garage to let. 702-J. n-44-lt arch correction. Featherweight arch supports to individual impress- sion casts made of every foot. Hours by appointment. Phones: Gerrard 6160, Weston 691-M. cents, tserniUiGalid LdGira persons, Weston 1281-W. xi-tt ROOM, with two-piece bathroom if desired, breakfast; suit business lady, non-smoker. Phone 692-W. 0-44-lt tremely hardy-quick growing Chinese Elm-will grow two feet the first year-enough plants (25) to plant 25 feet-size 12 inches when shipped. Special price, 25 plants for $2.98. Write for New Free Full Colour Garden Guide. Brookdale - Kingsway Nurseries, Bowmanville, Ontario. i WESTON owiERs LOOK-we 139 WILLIAM ST. for convales- TWO partially furmislttd, light housekeeping rooms, third floor, newly decorated, insulatnd, suit young business couple or two friends. 184 Rosemount avenue. n-M-it ONE bri-tsittiryt roari-r; new FEET HURT? R. Le,, MAITRE, foot, spgcialis; in PLANT_ a . hedgeitiis fall-ex any time after middle of De- cember, year old, tile floor, insul brick. General Electric space heaters included, suitable for temporary living quarters, cottage, garage, em. $900.00 cash. Can be seen at Weston Baptist Church between Weston Lumber Yard. Phone Zone 4-228, 96 Harding avenue. o-44-1t N'ECrAU-49000.00 5 room owner occupied bungalow, cement block Ind stucco. immaculate condition. extra Inge lot, several beautiful shade trees, shrubs, good garden, lawns, gauge, exclusive residential district, close in. . union of seven" room,' iii list conveniently located home. hone 509-W. o-lS-lt BUILDING, 13} M, cqn be moved FORCED to all. immui.atrisiri And I htreby all upon I" voter: to nip immediate pm- reedmgl to have my error: or omillionl eorrreted tigg'.%tt luv. the [at day for .2911 being the 9th day of November, 1 8. DATED this 19th y of Odom. 1968. I G. R. CLARKION. Cure, Tm of Wanton. NOTICE in harvby triven that I hue rompiiod with Section I of The Voters' List Art Ind that I haw posted up " m offirtt in tho Town Hull. Wantnn, an the 19th day of Odom-r. 1X48. tho “no! all Enema entitled to vote in the and '2','/"lrt1).w a .Mtytiei.el cation: and that much lint running t or. for inlpegthn.‘ _ _ 7 Clerk’é Notice Of First Posting 0f htm' List, 1948 The sun-rum“ appliran' “i a Mr m rarrying In)! PM: duties, Applications will be roroived by the undersigned up tn , PM. Friday. October 29th, 1948, for the posiiton of Assessor for the Township of North York. Applicants should state if anv. Evenings-Mit. GRAHAM ZONE 4-527 Packham Realty Broker WESTON 689 TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Application for Position of Assessor PROPERTIES FOR SALE PROFES§KTNE ROOMS YO [it Mew" ’0. SAL! REST HOME NUR§ERIES PERSONAL TOWN OF WESTON x-42-tf x-20-tf o-O-lt “in be rnquired to nun Ind Operate BRP, qualifications and experience, Amt-ssment eoinmis,sioner, anggllip of Nnrth York, N w. TERRY, and repairs reasonable. Houses, garages, recreation rooms, trim; cupboards. For estimates phone Rumaey Bros., Contractors. Weston 15244 or 954-W. x-41-1t VENETIAN blinds cleaned with GUARA.NTE.ED bloey laying by CARFENTEY, building, altggations taught individually or in class. Matriculation or University stand- ard by Weston tutor. Phone 1544 Weston or write Box 4010. Times and Guide. o-40-3t Have your painted walls washed. Floors cleaned; also floor polish- ing service by local experienced reliable veteran. All work guar- anteed. No job too large or small. For free estimates phone Weston 1617-J. x-2rtt PAINTER tnd Daliatqu intgrio; EAST [awn chats, Egg; arbors, and all types of 'wébaén inécég- sities made to order. Redwood Hobby Shop, phone 503-M. x-39-tf new tapes and cords if desired, 48-hour service, also repainting and repairs. Agent for Westwood Steel or Alum Venetian Blinds with "LevOlor" tilterg. Phone Bill John- ston, Weston 1186-W. x-39-tf experienced men only. Enhance} free. Phone 1379-J. 0-40-31. and exterib; b,jijj.i?iiih,i,Lii,i,i: Thompson, 29 oldwin Ave., Mt. Dennis. Junction 7359. x-M-td. FRENCH.‘ lipyy"srt and German WOULD like to rent aAypewriter for about six weeks. Pidme 1302 between 6 and 8 pm. n-44~lt Weston Cleaning Services STORM windows and doors cleaned and put on, free estimates. Call Wm. Price, 139t-J. x-41-tf NEW Sander and Edgerjor rent, MacDonald avenue and Pint St. Phone 1142~W. o-44-tt ROPM for {our Peyrngers, Pen- nigon road and Mairrsonth to Bathurst and Davenport, leaving at 8.15 a.m. Phone 1328-W. o-M-lt GARAgE wanted in vianity _of from "your owi rmakerrialr by an expert. No waiting. P h o n e 1327-W. x4641 regular rates. Atpiia Engineer-" ing Co., Weston. Zone 4-325._ - HQVE your drapes custpgn made veteran now in business. Floors cleaned. waxed Ind polished. Any kind of flooring brought up like new. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. New Electric Polisher. Wallpaper cleaned. Windows clean- ed. Painted walls washed. Phone A. Corns. MU. 6427. x-51-tf Your Affair Is Our Affair 299 Glenuske Ave. LY. 0987 boards, tilettoard, window screens. storm windows and rep- airs. Zone 4-516. 172 John St. ' x-II-tt MODERN floor sérvicé. Local cA.ru'E,N'rERt.. mam _ (a; LYNDHURST CATERERS WE EXCEL WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS BANQUETS PARTIES all t mi Gr GriisrrnFCGii couchumtf Danni: U bohiterittg, A. Lyon, 1002 Wanton 'rl.' MUmy 2706. x4341 EXCAVATING, ginning. plough- "ate, cultivntiw with tractor. R. eelex. Phone anon 420118 kitehafid. -e -biiiiiiGi Phone 1899-3. may spmucls'gpxpn may: on! English Concertina Solnill " liberty In high clan rum-nu. on. " Kemp San-re. Weston Phom 1m.w 'rqrpers.tftrotui.tti" ram up: "hy ltWith Music’ , Will'owdaie. k'iritiu"ii,'.' WILL HURLSTONE (96 .’) TRANSPORTATION suwcu (with INN“? TUTORING WANTED WEE x-44-tf phi m Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cave, of Weston, wish to announce the en- gagement of their son, Thomas Roy Cave, to Miss Virginia French, of Newfoundland. The wedding will take place at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Mount Dennis, on Saturday, October 23, at 4 pan. Mr. and Mrs. -if.1iviiiireGrGir'/t the holiday week-end at their sum- mtrshomt tst Sor1th giver, Ontario. "w. "mm, m, “may†Iuvcl, ulnar"). Mr. and Mrs. W..Moore have re- turned after spending ten days In Engagements TheGhlnf%eiiriiGh of Mr. J. Rider will be sorry to hear he is ill and Tith him tyspttt.iy recovery. Be with the crowd in Bolton Casino, dancing each Saturday night until Christmas eve. o-44-1t Be with the crowd in Bolton Casino, dancing each Saturday night until Xmas Eve. x-44-1t l A farewell social “wig wu ‘held last week in Wo ridv United Church for the Rev. T. . Hart, who leaves for Kirkland Lake to take up new duties there. The Fifty-Fifty Club presented Mr. Hart with a set at military brushes. and on Sunday evening the Friend- ship Service club presented him with an initialed Parker pen and pencil set. The calendar for the‘ church had a beautiful farewell) message from the congregation. Best wishes go to Rev. Hart in his‘ nevi church and home. A, G, STANDING, ('lrrk Township of North York Duet! It Willowdale this 18th day of October, I948. AND I HEREBY call. upon an voters to takp immediate pru- reedings to hnve any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for normal he- in: the 4th day of November, 1948. ; Bl greeting- to Mr. P. BuMerle Strut- Mr. T., Grove: Knox Avenue; is“? Pid. Ezzn, darn Strut; Mrs. . Jar, ' Knox Avenue,' and Mn. N. Jones. Toronto. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have complied with Sec- than 8 of The Voters' List Act Ind that I have posted up at my office at Willowdale, on the 14th day of October, 1948, the list of all persons nntitled to vote in the said Municipality It Muniti- pal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. The Ratepayers Ami-ti†you I successful weiner rout in the Humber Summit School grounds Int week. The Committee and munberl wish to thank elch ond everyone who contributed to its success. I Coming Events I TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTER’S LIST The highest or any offer not necessarilyuacfleptagd: - Offers may be made to pur- chase the articles individually or in bulk, but in the case of bicycles, reference must be made to the serial number of the same. Bidders must agree to accept the .article or articles as is, where chase of ttie folléwing'; I 4 Gent's Bicycles 1 Lady's Bicycle l Child's Scooter 1 Pair Skis l Gent's Wrist Watch I Pick Axe The above articles may be inspected at the Police Office, 120 Main St. North. Sealed offers, plainly marked as to contents, will be received by we undersigned up to 5 aflock p.m. on Wednesday, . tober_27, 1948, for Ihe pur- TOWN OF WESTON Offers to Purchase Births, Marriages. Deaths. Cards_of Thaw, Engage- ments, In MedsoriGir Notices Under These Heading: te per word. Minimum Churn 50c. [Humber Summit (Iona-own In. J. I. I." Academy Of Dancing 3-9 9-10 " our Age NOTICES G. RECLARKSON, Town Clerk Weston Workingmen': Club l‘LASSES f mm. 2 Fm. a Fm. Time Mrs. H. Parker, Graham Avenue. will open'her home on Friday, October 22nd, for the euchre for the Friendship Circle. Come and enjoy an evening among your neighbors, all proceeds for the Memorial Hall. Don't tohiit 3-H:- GieirirGos held every Tuesday, all proceeds tor_theMisroritu Hull. The Nondship Cit-cl. “In their meetings on Wednesday“ October 27 at 2.80 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Pidgeon, Woodbn’d? Road (neond Image _nox;th of the out Pfritety) Mm. Trout, who bu bun my- ing with her mothu. wu mined to the hospital In: week. A “Andy recovery and hurry and at well so you can return to your new home o.ht Gem; Street. T It; Era' Tn; GiirgT Lynn. were meant guests.“ lit. and re. W. Moore. Gar- itTJ%iiiat1Gfoiir"" _., We wolwme Mr. And Mm. G, Nag-ll to Bumbag thuumit. General Insurance Broker Office:-. _ 49 Wellington St. E. Toronto Residence:-- My", Vermont, mu, with their _dpitar and â€min-luv, Mr. and Ieri. Phat. In. Icon mm that Toronto Slain 1863 Mandy To Lo- " Toronto Shut. ,Toronlo r 046-52 GEO. W. GARDHOUSE. IA. Barium. Solicitor. In. -0Hice-- 330 Icy St., Toronto EL. 9880 In: 158 Church St., WON! . Wuhan â€64M. For appointment during day, phom office. Far appointment during evening. phone residence. WM. L. PATERSON Weston tsa-ie" JUN. 0169 PHONES "10nd. 6402" "We-m 5M" Haldane“ HY. 8068 ION" TO LOAN ON GOOD "EST AND SECOND IOITGAGB SECURITIH Day or Night Care and Courtesy "As Near to You as Your Telephone" MAIN TAXI Auditor and Accountant 46 MAIN ST. N. TONE 4..575 Phone 1929 J. T. FERGUSON J. EDGAR PARSONS All Passengers Insured n.m.u{ Lick". nu. m1 Walla. ind. Mount Don-h C. LORNE FRASER 'rARRisTER, soucn'oa. 126 Rosemount Ave. Weston Phone Weston 1162 F. A. SILVERMAN -- K.C. BARRlSTER. SOLICITOR in. AUBREY PE'l‘TIT GUrtered Accountant Auditor PHONES: Zone 4-571 Zone 54M Chambers. ihiiiiii Phone: Frsk of Nova Static " TORONTO ST. §OLICITORS om.» Hun; on}; yin “if Mama hi ELgin 4588 '[l B "i'rii"i"iirri'ii"ii CARDS, Ind: Arrartmettu, Mull! and John St., Wed“. Annex " Sunnyhno Co.. Piano. Slnzhuz. Theory. kinderzarte . Principal. Marion Demoreat, LTChg. LL. 9210. Weston 284. JU. 8788 -. _ "WW'ES'i‘bN " Elliptic Stockings. Belts. etc. Philip E. Staite, WEST TORONTO FURNACE COMPANY CHIROPRACTOR Non-II Ind Chunk Dis-u. " Gian-uh A". Mt. IN I Are your hummus record: up-to-dau? q Would you like your books or records any to read? a Do you know what your Ictuul groan Ind net profits, Ire It the and of each month! . Are you too busy to give proper attention to this end of your business? I a]! you mu help in this connection, why not hula u an an of??? Funeral Directors Ambulance WESTON 1500 - JU. 8821 Dominion Accountancy Service PAINTING. DECORATING Interior - Exterior PHONE 676~M JACK BAILEY 130351115 MADE TO ORDER ROYAL Conservatory of Music of Toronto General Sheetmetal Work FURNACE WORK ROOFING CHIMNEY POINTING Vacuum Cleaned - Repaired New and Rebuilt Furnaces Installed - Easy Terms City Wide, 24 Hr. Service A nan 'sSiervicestiiriGa Julie Ann Rankin Students {impaired for Conservatory Examinations Phone 564-1 MEDICAL SUPPLIES Teaching Piano in Weston (BILL ALLAN. Prop.) surimms'r vacuums INTERNATIONAL TRUCK “use AND smvxcn no my. Bouth '-- Tinsmithing Eavestroughing FURNACES OPTOMETBIST J. C. INCH. B.A., Phm.rk Eye Examination Prescriptions Filled 8 John St. WESTON 1902 W. J. WARD INCH’S DRUG STORE RUPTURED? TINSMITH. ET C. CHIROPRACTIC f9! Appointing} Ctytl " Years' -EuirjerrG Private Fitting Room -a u s __ In?» In. us. 7 to I hunky By Annolntmem OPTOM ETR lC 9NDERTAKERS J. Wright PHONE 1230W. J. W. BROWN pECORATI NG MUSIC 4962 " Dee Avenue WESTON. TORONTO " 1-85.: f A; Roy’s Taxi' All Passengers Insured uni-nu. can“: u. tl 240 Main S S. Corner of St. Jo n's Rd. - and Main 24 Hr. Service WINDER' BAKER owned and operated by veto s 'movi"i"s"r%, TAXI Specialized Motor Tune-up 122 MAIN N., WESTON ZONE G276, 4-277 PIANO TUNING Glut-Hui "It A. "GEE "" IAN! trr.-Mr. DINNW "met. "" Ir Wuh- nu Zone 4-327 VETERANS Prompt Courteous Service CRUICKSHANK GARAGE 429 MAIN‘NORTH s CARS To SERVE YOU WESTON . Ill" FLEET LIN E TAXI Towing Servica 38 MAIN N. Phones Weston - 677 Mu. . 5772 TAXI CABS Wart Gun-Ind TE LE PHONE 4 JOHN ST. and tor Zulu 4-598 of your It {ha He,