V IEWMASTER STEREOSCOPES .. REELS H.J.cadwallader in In mum ' iit 'PN, ll/TT. am 1:13: (ttnull, ttl" thi “m:- m . child mu mi km, at. $t f ' , lite in touch uni , , ugh-mod with food do . " “M u “out" for thtuTtol.k A phat 'et. period THREE-DIMENSION run-coma woman or Bemeuse I 2' . . -iGrkuG Elfirt Dance, Op. 12 No, 4 _ A Scotch Prlede, Op. 30iyr" . . . . . E. MacDowell (In mbvehent} . K. Kuhlnu A Sad Story . D. Kabnlevsky Two Country puma: -- _ tttttau' " IIITLEIIE. â€all! Programme: Prelude in C minor . J. S. Bach Cottaolation No. 4 . F. Liszt Soy-tins. Op. M, Nu.) _ tnlMllil, " Illt MINER f v-it"ii'ii,i'2 glam†WESTON BERT GUARDHOUSE. Floor Mgr. AD1ttmMON--60e will» - Modren and Old Tyme Dancing - MODERNAIRI 'tAND-w-ttAY MONT THE WESTON T - SATURDAY NIGHT Weston 65.W.5 SANDER & EDGER NEW PHONE 193 PALESTINE DANCING 'iiCtjC(2,ii', it FURNACE REPAIRS 996 WESTON RD. JU. 8435' Furnaces Cleaned and Repaired-Installations to All Makes - Estimates Free - Saturday, Oct. M, 2 rm. to 5 p.m. in FARR'S SHOWROOMS, Main St. Fancy Work, Knitted Goods, Candy, Home Baking Draw on Basket Groceries F. L MERTENS. Wm. B. Alpha Engineering iltr, w. ’oéroun " 156 Except Wednesday: 9..12 n.m., 1.30-5.30 pan. Wednesday: 9 mm. to 12.30 noon Evenings By Appoiyttyy.t -.- -. , WESTON REBEKAH LODGE N0. 305 At Spring Valley Dancing Pavilion L van" Beethoven For Rent REGULAR RATES W“. idii 1-51}?! BAZAAR E, Grjeg L. LEWIS o...,,...2.75 .50c each OPTOMETRI ST OFFICE HOURS: MALTON will hold a During this week, October 17th to'23rd. Navy Week is being re- cognized and observed by all Naval organizations across Canada. One of the largest features of the week, will be staged to-night. Thursday, in recognition of Trafalgar Day. An hour-long coatst-to-cotrst radio broadcast on CJBC hid been ar- ranged by the Navy Utrirues of Cami. and all the time and talent which will be heard on the broadcast has been donated, ac- cording to Navy League officials. Of course them were some serious moments during the first part of the evening, Eating natur- ally is Pat a serious business. and then fol owing the supper, re- ports were made, and two excellent sunken were heard. Mae Pearson give a very enlightening address on the dutlu ot the District Govunor. and Sam Wilson. pub. lishwof the Timu and Guide and Wsst Torontg Woeldy gnvq an in.. Highlight of the program which will e pregentegl from 9:30 lo 19.39 gm. if."tha"fun’ods Lean; Ben iagers, A 80-pin. Symphonic Here were a group of men, Ip- proximately loo-doctors. lawyon, merchants - meceulul business men. who are "all business" when you enter their stores. conducting their meeting in a manner whie seemed to belong more in their teen-age sons category. Back.-sl!rp- ping, joking. thoroughly unJoyinx the fun-filled prop-m which the Publiciy Committee, under the nblo chairmnnship of Ken McClellan! lusgprrarxreii. . wiring much infthdniGi 101-311-811 _,_. n..." - m n... - out"!!! Ind plenum of ft'ttt, their unlu- bi-month? moot I " ‘Wutmhutu clung. I Wu plmod lac-nu ot tho rum manor in We}: thin mut- ng wu conduct“. In sir of {dend- lintou nlnd nhmim tep",gl',- ou . was cured no 0 because, .u I mombor ot tlu, “A; of the Times and Guido I vu on. of (our hundnd (was on this, Publicity Night but use New“ u n mambo! of the vodka! In. I had the prim.†ot hing on. of the few women who pun than? the doors to than qllumi o mttting. Hour-Long Radio Broadcast Held For Navy Week I a: D. am An lids: that In- lone M In tho mind, that 'nmtintm at the Walton Lions Club m “on, bus!- nou-h'ko mun. wu Inn-had to the ground last Wodnudny tun- ing. wpen I had. both go hamm- l l A Girl in: A "mm In Canadian Navy League Sponsor National Essay Contest 1 MAIN ST. N., WESTON Lloydhrook 5950 ZONE 4-325 [ Mr. Benshnw stressed the point of how fortunate Canadians are to be living in a country where the Red Feather is a symbol of derpoeracy rather than under the red flutr. Here we are free to give as we wish, when we wish and as much u we wish, with only our "eor1tscie.ne.e. to Aruide _ua. Remindinx hi; audience that the Indium once won feathers in Iattle he mud. “We In warring Against negligence, warring Agnlnut disease and warring Against poverty" by wearing the Red Father during the drive for $2,300,000. The $300,000 incline ovu- the two million required lut {ear in due to the increued cost of ivip‘g. Lat yelr'a dollar is only wo 85 cents today And unless ‘thia difference is made up by in. creued donations and increased membenhip the Community Chest of Grunt Toronto will not be able Cunplign ehairmen tutti canvass- ‘en for the Community Chest Drive in Greater Toronto and Weston were the guests of Robert Simpson Co., last Friday night in the Arendian Court. Guest speakers at the dinner rally were Kenneth L Thomgson, Reeve of Weston, and Donal Hennhnw executive of Mac- Urea Advertising Ltd. Other guests were His Worship Mayor H. E. McClHum, Lady Eaton. Edgar,C. Burton. W. H. Dewar, Frank H. Rowe, Rev. Willard Brewing, Rabbi A. Feinberg and T. D'Arcy Leonard. "In ths Red Father campaign for the Community Chest we Are to give enough for 66 services. enough for the work of the whole year," declared Donald Henshaw, while addressing the rally. Simpson’s Fete Canvassers For “Red Feather†Winners in ouch group for each province will receive as their prize a week's visit totha fleet at either of the two Canadian Naval bases, Esquimalt or mum. The visit yin include} tritLto pen in spann- dim wu- tship, To top it nll, uny- winners who no “lending school, will hut their principal invited on tho trip expat)" free. to act as escort und chupmn for the child. The writer of the grand Dominion wide winning any which will be selected from both groups will be gunned will} the Navy League i I‘EF'WI Night. tho room mu with adrertir. in; of m Ill-pa ad 'l,'thttriiratt, " "an: Iocnl pad Wm I." " ttts Tttatt 4.9a 'eb-t my diiiit ariiTa rsiT, -- at, on. ot Wum'm mam; Dr. Court! and " turn il- Dr. luck-oh Ind Dr. “out! pil- formed I most ','t,ttli."lepttt tel',,.".' “.31.. In: in bud shun; 3am ie'. 'ort"ai"i India! hm- tit,' “5?: to 2't,tdds,dtQN,t, - . 'ttil,',',', 'lUll,'dP'd'u'gl sul tag on. - 7 Anlgfomcntl have bey made for Ad ml Lord Fraser. first leu- lord, to and: from Englund. Admiral Fraser. whose Ihxp unk the German Mun-of war. Schum- hont during the "com! world war, is commanding officer of the British Pacific Float. Pgptrg,t ing Britain he signed the tplnese surrender documcnt. vitreAdtnirnt H. T. W. Grant, Chic! of NIH! sun, RCN, Ottawa, and David H. Gibson, CBE, Dominion president ot the Navy League of Canadl will 1130 speak. Of interest to the children, will be the national "tuby contest being sponsored by the Navy League of Canada in conjunction with the Royal Canadian Navy. The contest is open to all boys and girls from 10 to 18 years of age. and has been divided into two MN groups, the first including children' 1043 and the second trum 1448. Thu adrertirtuq that wu con- ductod all!†trom bohlnd the Plano, who“ I hidden V0160. du- crlblnz Ml vuloul “cu-0.0mm" "that“. We won't M,, who the cm: of thin who was a that In! an “cannon†m him to: wir. Among the men who. the commit- tee felt. did not advertise them- selves enough, were "One Million, Two Million Daffy: "Drop two on" Graham; "If its clectric I‘ve got it" Pollard; “Is there anything else PE ngegif: Simpgog; "Artificial? To say I cnjoyed myortt would be an uttdsrgtatamettt. Never ham I attend“ A more {madly gather- ing thats am. what. n In only woman I wu made to fault-home. at um um! whnt in more import- ant inconspicuous. Orchutu will also be {emu-ed on the broldcut. 7 F mm. nil 'lt tid to am! I my". Mat vacuum the M I'U. rug ,t'P2r' lo d.. MO m (m a t'k or W! WIN. the room an need" Simpson; “Arum “Gard: "Go Ilow" unchorty; adjoin ioojiuGikid to‘x'h‘eixiiibxi' Now x. The Time To Punt . . . . . t LAWN SEED , We have t full supply of Milena!“ . “(on Bone Meal - Shoe Manure Holland 'tlid WESTON FEED M. " Main N. Walton 220 iamond medal A Nice Lawn In The Spring IF you want . to fulfill its obligations to neyly. __ _ - . l Since three out of every ten families in this am; received aid from " least one of the 66 organ- izations during the past year, the need is great and the Community Chest does away with the multi- plicity of the sowices and of the overhead. By this system the cost of operating Imounts to only 3.3 per cent ot monies received. Mr. Henshaw alsn pointed out necessity for "reaching out to the needy in human relationships." It in better to have these services earrief on by various agencies rather than b" the government, particularly as the young and old need the human touch as much as thtpractiSal assistance given. M the International Plowing Match held at Lindsay last week the York County plowmen were out in full force with thirty-two plow- ing on Wednesday including one girl and thirty-one on Thursday. On Wednesday they won six firsts and thirteen other prizes in the nine classes and on Thursday six firsts and nine other prizes in the ten classes including the two best plowed lands in the Junior farmers inter-county competition. On Pri- day Bob Timbers of Stouffville stood second in the overseas tract tor class and won a trip to Great Britain next winter. York had three of the first five in that class. In the inter-county tractor class York last out to North Simcoe by a fraction of a point, there being only one point between the first three counties. York plowmen who won first grim-as were: Norman Tyndall, ichmond Hill; Eugene Timbers, _Hprry Pugh, Stouffville; Bruce Milliken; Ernest Evans, Maple; Harry Pugh, Stouffville; Bruce Timbers, Stouffville; Bill Clark, Gormley; Duncan Watson, Wood- bridge; Howard Timbers, Aurora; Bob Timbers, Stouffville; Ivan Mc- Laughlin, Stpuffville; Grant Wells, Stouffville; Mervin Harper, Stouff- ville. Other contestants, most of whom won prizes, were: Nelson Rayner, Ringwood; Wilfred Fer, guson, Stouffville; Norman Robson, Maple; Ellis Britten, Agincourt; Morley Timbers, Millikan; James Clark, Gormley; Norman Jarvis, Markham; Harley Timbers, Union- ville; Carl Timbers, Aurora; Anthony Featherstone, Millikan; Kathleen Diceman, Queensville; Allen Wells, Stouffville; L. C. Kennedy, Agincourt; Jack War- riner, Markham; Geo. Timbers, Stouffville; D. Ratcliffe, Stouff- ville; Don Keffer, Maple; H. J. Couperthwaite, Asrincourt,u Floyd Forsythe, Stouffville; John Stephens, Richmond Hill; Lorne Timbers, Milliken; Archie Cadden, Kill: Floyd Steckley, itnyffville. l The new, undo-data oloctrl: [Ite- which Knee Wuton'l nil- way crossings. failed to do their duty last Wednendly due to the first fifteen-minute power eat. A motorist reported that his car Wu almost hit, when 'the ante failed to come down. The situation is now well under control however, and another incident like that re- ported will not happen again according to officials. mm LAND cums. mrox may“: DON‘T WAG! I u... mu York Plowmeli Are Prominent . Winners At Lindsay This iriyr-eounty'ivalking plow bunny Kay Virginia Mayo Boris Karloff 1386 WESTON RD. PHONE , WEST! BOE OFFICE OPEN! t.“ PM. DAILY "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" Color by Technicolor Micky honey - ""t Donlovy - Ann Birth ,, - 'i, - ' NOW SHOWING . ADDED - "Mr Pat" WED. & THURS. - OCT. 27 - " OUNT DENNI THEATRE Michal Dunnoâ€: Glam no": "ruirerWeor" . ADDED AHMCHON - “Keeper of _ttte Been†the -___ "is†idG iipiet 'i'jiihf a. of 199 AM. Tom. arid Dr. J. B. Wm. who â€and. tte wow o1t,_tltof_t Two kinda of mu. ter. and in; Raunchy. " " Carbon Ave. m to W. Jouph’l Met.. gh! when Mr. Mo: was mac-d r in“ gun. I!!! ll wit. Wu fmmd to be Morin: hood injuries tr) Aoek. Arbour'l triad Min ore Coxon, of Eileen Ave. km: Dumb, "eiped injury but is lul- toxin: shock. It in estimated that during 1948- 49 a record number of 11,000 new tractor- will be supplied to Aus, trulian agrieulture and industry. Besides an anticipated domestic produetion exceeding 2,000, more than 9,000 trnctors will be import- ed; 4,000 of these are expected from the'United Kingdom and 5.000 from the United States. Approximately 8,500 of these trats tors will be over 25 h.p.. the type primarily used for large scale cereal production. Self-propelled rotary hoes and small garden tractors are not included in the above figures. TTiiiiisUU TG iFiiidd aGarisRir' Wu: and (Isuzu-cu &ivittq. According to York Tmhip police, the accident occurred about midnight Saturday, while thorny of four were walking Ion on Burl.“ Rd.. About I ham-mil. north ot St. Clair Ave. Polico aid Arbour and Min Coxon won walking a few feet behind and Mr. and Mrs. Benny. and Arbour was hit first by he truck being torn from the arm of his companion Ind knocked to the roadway. Miss Coxon laid she was holding onto Arbours arm. but when he was struck she was spun around and drggped tome wound. _ A tetarad mu 9114?.an Aqutrlliln Tractors team was Eugene Timbers, Milli. ken, and Duncan Watson, Wood- bridge, while the inter-county tractor team was Grant Wells and George Timbers of Stoutfville. The truck continued on and hit Ray Bonoy. who was walking with his wife. He wns seriously hurt, while his wife suffered hekd cuts and shock. Their condition was reported Monday as satisfactory. " Litne Ave. Phone 991m.s Answer to this Week’s Crossword Puzzle Gene Tierney _ Dn- Andrew: Clarity Cir-pawn! also "Grapes of Wrath" with Henry fa! REPAIRS - ALTERATIONS KITCHEN CUPBOARDS NEW HOUSES F. J. MARTIN WINDER’S PLEASE PHONE 24-431 Would You Like To Give MON. & TUES. OCT, 25 _ " "Tobaeco Road" with A Good Friendly Home 429 MAIN NORTH PHONE TAXI A LITTLE hUTTEN J mi! -Nrweit John Carr-dine 111 CARPENTRY 4 JOHN ST. Free Delivery PHONE w. an. WEBTON u- and ii. {on 1ttiLtQt FFaUL V . ttrrWMh'tNetd2te, In Potn - All Colon: “c To .1.“ JOHNSON. GIMIOUIE a In"... Am. w. [EDIE COMES Bl 6 COLORS PIAXS Bl 5 POSITIONS "Westinghouse 'FttttatittN I & The Swarm! Persona Radio You’ve Ever Seer? 0 IVORY 0 BLACK q "on o BLUE 0 “no! . IIEEI rams To Stl IT YOUR Bum T mumnuum l “saunas. . rt) . Home!†[1.4 6mm contractor ALTERATIONS "C""" REP. RlllCllhiUutllltS0jlit _, 29 MAIN. STREET SOUTH - WWON I - Phone lone 4-554 " , '1- 0000 llr donne- M- a}; --"- Tlth1,'l'lfl,ll'.' 1&5 mm Vanuatu; 'eoettts._qttv.pamttri namidf...|qitou itickrrehairyideiei" .vprr.trt.oVt.ur+rr MMWԠmum-W" "fsiiiGGC.Tiiii in the paling cholq " S5iiillr:E