Times & Guide (1909), 21 Oct 1948, p. 5

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lmhnhdchotherdqhynl my what" the Funny Omun‘ Minion had “J poli- Hal or new. duel-1min: on. I vb tltd, then, ”new. to alulfy that undula- "Utn to render tree unite. Any nu)?” in mount and Humbug ,'lettf. can belong, yellow, black or w to, rlcll or poor. The audition has no no to grind, political luuu In left Itrictly Alone, nothing. is allowed to intarNeqd'with air aim to '..gtgghrt,1ite, services and will" comm imam”. There te, however, one type Mint we Will not colon”, glut tfm an utlvo communist, Such an {no to think what may Willa, but tranche:- ou word. Ill unhealthy Outlooks wtrotule to have thrust upon III. " patriotic Canadians, regardles- u, ablation we um that-t guy}; £50m 'rNiiihiroii Irf Emul- Rr"--iminioms no autonomous eotntmmitiea within the British EmPimr--united by I common ulhgimce to the Crbwn"-unquote. People who think or desire other- wiu In unpopular and definitely unwanted by Uw abiding citizens. And lo to plemnter matters. In trunking Ioenl tradesmen hut week for expensive fun they donated ttsr our_d.|pge._ omitted-Yr.. R. J. Howerth, " hwrenee West, who donated en imgreulve box of groceries, anon; to warm the out of my housewife, including u it did, fresh end tinned fruit, ten, juicel, cereals, Imps. Me. This tmmifieent gift wu rattled at the dance and the husky winner will be able to eat, drink and be clean! I have been asked by a reader whether anyone is interested in forming a Dramatic Society, if Bo, phone me, I'll pus you on. If you were Ibscnt from our last meeting you missed an enlighten- ing evening. Clarke 10rdlaw wu present In received a wsrm new: tion. He had to work hard thong , answering questions flung " him, which were extensive, being con- eerned with the “Famous Bridge," sewer-I, postal service, fire and police services and numerous other matters. He got through with flying colours however! Everyone Kee, felt satisfied that the WEI-w Owners' Association wns wot ing hard and would in the near future attain their current requests mode to council. An important Net is that I new committee will shortly be elected. Next meeting 26th October at 8.30 pm. Be there to elect or be elected! - . Meet some more of your nice neighbours and friends. Mr. md Mrs. GIter, 24 Humberview. A young Ind vigorous couple trying deisperately hard to finish their home before winter, I_f_elt like 'iii),':;; Tii . 1-way" ijGt" . lid helping. Excel ent specimen] of their tge, they no tn met to our neigh r.. ,Westmount and Humber Heights f"'rptla', 'htt'afit'""" EBONE ZONE 4435 It’s " " - . , Getting Closer 36 Main St. North q The human body is the most complicated mechanism ever cre- ated. Not all of its processes are thoroughly understood even by those who devote their lives to a study pf them. It is not surprising, there- fort, that persons without medical training who attempt to diagnose and prescribe for their own serious ills often do themselves irre- parable damage. Have respect for your body. You can never get another. When illness comes Consult a physician . . . a licensed M.D. He is a specialist in his line just as we are in the business of filling his prescriptions. 5,000 Gifts Siotpson's tiELF-MEllNCATlloN IS DANGEROUS . - . TO THE TIME WHEN Will I. Given Awdr Free I.D.A. DRUG STORE WATCH - . . 0F SURROUNDING ', The Wont!!- Association not in 1th chucke- I ' Odour mm. m min! was db- wnud with sad the nt, In. . King, ah the “Visionary Cort- vcnor Dr. Kuhn» Bartley to take our“. Hymns van than Bun. and In. luck “in? mad from tho Bible. Dr. K. " mind In. R. Mortimer to introduce the (new of the new”. Mr. Gordon Keith, co- worker Dr. Bob new" of China. After giving I. " inur- cgting _t|lk o_n mil wyk. in 31934;. then lhowed films taken in China nux' Burma Road during the wur. These mute- were most. interest- ing. tern pictum were Also shown by Mr. R. Mortimer on mil- sionnry work in Bella Bella and explained by In. R. Mortimer, which was very much enjoyed by all. The Woman'l Auociltion Ire molding I Christin-l Bazaar in the school room of. the Humbervale Church‘cn December 8th. Home Made 1 Baking, Christmu gifts, Ital-noon tea no iust a few of the future: of this event. The members of the Humber- view Home and School Alsocietion wish to thunk all in the community for their co-operation in making a success of the recent T.B. X-ray sugey. ".Ply-lze note the Rome Ind School meeting of this lesson will be held on_Moruiay,_Noyembe.rpthu. .. """tiGiiiGi' 'riaciar KG" Pinnell spam: the weekend in London, On- Wu). Mr. and Mrs. Murnv Williams, and daughter Gail, of Thermolon, Ontario, paid an unexpected visit to Mrs. William'l sister, Mrs. Adolpls and family also Mr. and Mg, Martin, dit _of Me Avenpe. ‘ The Albion Park Remntion Club no holding: committee meet- ing on Wednea y evening, Octob- er 27th, " tr pan. at the home of Erie Webber'a. " Lilac Avenue. All members of the committee are urged to be present. i ALBION PARK l Correspondent: J. mule“ 1unege--"Yoa are charged,” said the magistrste, "with having voted eight times. What have you to "y. for votiy1se1ft.". . . . -"dGrirury Gilaimed the prison- er. "Why I Wu meeting to get paid!" hood, let's wish them and their young son, Donald, lots of luck, not forgetting dog Buster, who domin- ate theinterview, M _ -- _ -. “m“SHKI; "iiiiirr' Giif "Skunk Hollow" -does, that sound hmilinr? This humiliating example of HUMBERVALE Can-m: I. Worn- 151 . --Cknttiruted on page 9 50 MAIN ST. N. Hen yo! Eur vet A HIllowa’en party for the mull try. pn-Ichool unduly to " you: of we, in being held " tho Hudinzmn Public School Auditorium on Saturday. October 30th, gt 7.30 p.m., under the supine: of tho Huntington ‘Homo ind School Club and the ‘Oouncil. A grub bag for "ffl child, allo ice cream, cookies In other delectable refreshment; will be sound, and made Ihort work of, I have no doubt. A well known uni-taut mng‘icinn wilt be on hand to 111131an gonloundpne md ell, elm moving picturee, clowns and a gnnd march will round off the evening. Prizes for the beet col- tumee in the various age groups, and B grand prize for _ e costume ‘ndjudged best of the event. Mr. R. l Fairlie has been appointed leuon officer, overseer. and general re- ceiver of headaehea connected with such an affair. Mr. Wilson, unint- ant principal of the school. has undertaken to organize the games and keep everyone happy. Mrs. Barefoot will be in charge of re- freshmente, three cheers and a tiger, and cutor oil! groans: and with her committee will canvas the urea for donations of apples or oranges, candiee or cookies, with which to help teed the multitude. By making this canvas it is hoped that every child in the area. will be able to attend. and it should prac- tically elminate the old “shell out" and. its attendant destruction of property. So dont forget, Kids, go easy on mothers dinner that night, and leave room in the bread basket for the melange. now b $25.00. The Tuesday evening Bingo is going well and the attendance sum ily increasing. If no one took the Jack Pot on Tueydpy, it snoulq _ The ratepayers' and the School Board met at the school on Wed- nesday, the 13th, to discuss mat- The Woman’s Guild of St. Andrew's church held their annual bazaar of sewing and home baking on Friday evening. October 15. Mrs. L. Peach, president, welcomed all and called upon Mrs. W. Duncan, Humber Summit, to of- ficially opemthe sale of work. The amount of Just over one hundred dollars was raised and the Guild wish to thank one and all who made this bazaar auch a success. Mrs. J. Lodge spent the week- end in St. Catharines. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bridgman (nee Billie Metcalf) on the birth of a baby girl. .. _ .. We are sorry to hear that Mr. and Mrs. Curwood, Patsy. Paul and Baby are moving away. They will be missed in the village. We also would like to take this opportunity to welcome angpew neighpots. Rev. Canon Dixon was the guest‘ preacher at St. Andrew's onl, Sunday, October 17. He is general _ secretary for the Missionary Society of the Church of Canada and as he talked one felt proud and happy to have the least part in this great Christian organization. He spoke on India. where he visited last year, and previously had lived there for fourteen years. Rev. T. B. Butler. rector, was in charge of the service. Don and Ken Snider were on duty as sidesmen. The mixed choir, under the direction of Mr. H. Flavell, whom we are in- debted to for so much work in connection with our church activi- ties, were as follows: Misses Shirley Watts, Lorne and Marina Nickel, Betty Flevell. Mr. H. Flaw", Bill and Clifford Flavell. Miss Shirley Snider played the organ. The church are in need of more choir members, so any singers who are interested are asked to please get in touch with one of the above members. You will be welcomed. Scripture Union met on Tuesday night last with Mrs. Berrill in charge. These meetings are very interesting to our young folk and (tlate" York Rangers) Join - - - - THE RESERVE ARMY 25 ARMOURED REGT. A vehicle of the Queen's York Rangers (the York County Regiment) will be at the Town Hall, Weston, every to trytaport interested men to Fort York Armouriel and back to Weston after pmdes. ' Thistletown WEDNESDAY EVENING at 7.15pm. correspondents Mrs. W. Dunning Gi, 'Gi/rfiiGrhood of - AS Days Pay -.- Trades Training - Full Equipment km of Ion] tr2t'"it The Home and School Clu Lilo not the “no waning to dilcuu this Eullowo'en flay, future Remnant. sad 1 drive " new mom BB. - _ _ The Rnwpayen’ Aaroeiatiort at meeting " the nhool on Thursday, Oct. 21m " ll pm. to discus the Bite for the proposed new school in tin ml. _. A -- _ Mr. E. Bosworth of Rum Circle now known what Sunnybrook Hor pital his to offer in the latest equipment and and“. I under- Itlnd the matutinnl ten il served 'ut jog: in -tlLat golfrect, Pit _ . Mr. J. L Button 11-0 of Hen-It Circle, seems to prefer Chriltie Street where he is at present IO- ‘journing while undergoing B check Mu"? senate! overwm. .. Jnylono Potts of the Wishbone, who ems out mud best in an argument with 3 bike ridden by Bo hie Bebee. his returned from hospital. 7 7 _ -iGirmsuo more shopping days to Christmas! Girl Guides - _ - - _. Members of he 112th Girl Guide Company enjoyed I 16nit hike on JSteturday, October 16th. Campfire and trail test: were passed. end the Guides cooked their lunches over blazing campfires. Songs and games were lands of fun and every- one voted it an excellent hike. even though a. little rain accompanied them home. - _ _ On Monday, October 28th, there will be an enrolment of many of the Guides by the District Captain Miss Edith Moor of Weston. It will be a parents night and an import- ant one as we are hoping to form a Mothers' Association to work for and with.thts company._ _ ._ Anybody having Guide uniforms not in use, can put them into ser- vice again, as some girls are need- ing them for the enrollment night. If you have one please contact the Captain, Mrs. stanitsh, 69 Hearst Circle. adults. Try to come out next month. Films were shown last Friday evening. October 8. in the Town Hall, when a gathering of yourrég people from Thistletown and No York area were present. Westirt-.Aytilvera 7 A quiet buidpretty wedding took place on Sntu ay. October 9, in the Pentecostal church. Mount Dennis, when Hazel Chilvers. daughter of Mrs. Chilvere and the lute Allan Chilvets, Thistletown, became the bride of Mr. Daniel Westin of Mimico. Rev. F. M. Fletcher offi- ciated at the double ring ceremony. The bride wore a. gown of turquoise blue jersey with brown accessories and a Corsage of pink roses 1nd tiny white 'mums. Her sister, Miss Dora Chilvers. attended her and Mr. Alfred Chilvers was best man. A reception followed the ceremony at the home of the bride's mother, Lund avenue, Thistletown. For travelling to Niagara Falls the bride donned a grey suit with blue accessories. On their return they will reside in Mimico. The Sunday school room was the place of meeting of the Woman's Missionary Auxiliary of Downsview United church, which was held on Wednesday, October 13, at 2.30 pm. The president, Mrs. W. Young presided. After Opening the meeting with a hymn, prayer and the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. Young conducted the regular business. For the devotional, Mrs. Dickin and Mrs. Allen read scripture passages from John's gospel and Mrs. Young read selections from the Missionary Monthly. The theme of the meeting was Thanksgiving. Comment was made on the many festivals of Tet't,',"er,fti.nu1ehrt,vte in the Old Testament. e thought was car- ried on to the first festival of Thanksgiving in North America, which was held by the surviving group of Pilgrim Fathers when ‘they had gsthered their first harvest of corn and barley. How Correspondent: Mrs. Geo. Burr, DOWNSVIEW Bllt'rllltll0'r8 Mr. and In. Percy Abun- (noo my Theron), who neatly inwmod Iron their honeymoon in 2tttt ottertained their many 'tlt, old kind; It amption on - "%urw. mom thou gftN wore In. Abrams, To- ronto, n. Pole, Mt. Denni- and ”(in Iron. Tivoron. The following evening they ulna entertninod thoir friends from Walton and, Toronto " gnothar gathering. mu Grace Chunky went the weekend with Mr. and In. John ICunoron. The GoodNl1owship Club held I lociul evening " the Ichool In: Friday evening and over fifty in- terested folk Ipent. an enjoyable evening. I SMITHFIELD Mr. and Mn. Hugh Lee and Min Beverly be of Regina visited Mr. And Mrs. fl. E11; last week. Mr. and W1s..No of Toronto gent Thanksgivmz with Mr. and rs. Ron Penn. Many from the Community visit- ed the International Plowing hutch " Lindpyjagt: 1yeAk, .. Sevenl of the Smithfield ladies attended tM Anglican Church Bazaar at Thlstletown Int Friday evsyinz; ._ .. .. -. . . . The Goodfellowahip Club met at the home of Mrs. E. Bowman's on Tuesday evening. Plans were made for the blunt to be held Novem- Jter 8th " the hall in Thistletown. The roll call was answered with 1 iiii for the bum. The program much greater cause have we for gratitude to God for His abounding providence in this land! Compari- son was made with our land ofl plentx and the devastated countries of t e world. Comparison was also made with the conditions of life in our Christian land and the countries of the world where heathenism prevails. With God’s great gifts to us we have great responsibilities to help those who have not. Mrs. Allen read a poem entitled "Prayer at the end of a ruined day." After a hymn, Rev. G. W. Lynd offered prayer. The meeting was closed by repeating the Miznah benediction. A pleasant social half hour followed. PEREINIALS Wallasey Ave. HUMBERLEA 92 and 98 FOR SALE You'll [high WM if IM!, - SAVE You know it yourself . ' i how many ways a rainy day can sud. denly spoil a sunny life. That's sc/y it is wise to save "ow-with Canada Savings Bonds. And if a rainy day doesn't turn up, your bonds will help buy you your favorite day-dream, a holiday trip or even a start towards a home. Canada Savings Bonds are on sale now. They may be bought for cash . . . or on easy instalments over twelve months . . . through your bank or investment dealer. thtlhhdiittt, New! at Now ! c,,)! EMMA ElEfiii, Buy your: today vygmdwd 1iu)ii'iPiiLfjriii ". imam" - It? gt up and - Ila-o. "icfjiii5,tyt,t P' N"iAtli't my: '34"?c...a..‘“~m“ Jiip, Ita" Mammal”! by Certain. "tifAute.t,Fiiiii,ii] we" iar" " the, Cumin [a_tilttsal new?" Mun from Edit“. than two '8l'lJ'lid motor um}- will make Appmximuu 1bdsr mud voy a ‘to Nuuu nnd Junie. ',lt'l'dr,l ‘to Nuuu Ind Jam-in. "turning >oither to Hum: or St. John, N.B. Grail-r" in uhodulod for Wt. Porta yt ell again: 9- view LAY.AWAY AND BUDGET TERMS AVAILABLE 2996 DUNDAS W. ----ltlllttBLEt F0lltb---'r Sa we! Sa oeff Save!!! $50.00 to $200.00 On 'illlllt Your New . KINGSLEY FUR 00;. for BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER Newest Styles, Designed By the Finest of Skilled Craftsmen Especially For Your Personality Choose the fur coat of your dreams here to. day at the price you want to pay. All first quality pelts expertly worked into coats of beauty. Hollander Moutons that turn into 8 Beaver and Alaska Seal . . . Muskrats that wear the mantle of regal Minks . . . many, many more all magnificent - all for you - the women of discriminating taste. See our low-priced, high style furs now. Buy FOR GOAT ssgm $999.00 PRICES FROM THIS ' THAT Ila}; CoW'e 'frEfPtt (Opp. High Put) “In?!" FRANK STEWART FtgtE-,-iutT+n.E um i _ Am WA jy) i

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