Times & Guide (1909), 21 Oct 1948, p. 7

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Shortly afterwards. Shirley was "rested by Constnble Peter Cher- necki in a house on the street. He Wu taken to the Weston police station by the consume where an ultercntion took lice as the result of which he has Bean 1"xf, with assaulting Consume W. cCIrthy. Shirley was later released on $500 bill from' the jail nt No. 9 olice Station. On Monday, he was remanded in county court till I liter date. An arvident occurred on Saturday running in the arrest of Richard Shirley, " Maple Leaf drive, who was charged with drunk driving, tireless driving, and assaulting an officer. Police reported that an auto owned by William Reid and parked opposite his home at 142 Lawrence Ave. was struck Saturda by an auto driven in In eeaterly Cao",,". The damage to the rear of the Reid car amounted to about 8400, includ- ing a smashed left rear fender and . tail light torn off, After the collision, the auto driven by Shirley careened until it finally came to a stop about 150 feet from the parked pr. _ _ 7 “Through the efforts of the United Nations." the mayor stated, "we shall step by step establigh conditions upon which justice and respect for international obliqu- tions can be reintnined throughout the world. Many were iiisappointed at the high hopes for the future of the United Nations following the San Francisco conference. This was precisely because the nations of the world have not succeeded in reaching agreements that we need the UN more than ever. It may be late but Mill not too late to build a peaceful world," he concluded. On Tuesday, Oct. 12, two trucks were involved in an accident on The United Nations Association in Canada', asking the Rooms to renew the sober resolve w ich went into the mnkin'f of the organiza- tion. Mayor homo Dougherty this week, requested that the resi- dents of Weston rededicate their lives, each in their own my. to the task of sprawling irttarmstiomst peace and understanding through- out the world taunt It our com- mon efforts this, trnd uture tren- nations will be saved-from the scourge of war. a vacuum. If the world loses its second chance and the United Nations should fail, it will be not because of opposition to its ideals but because of the apathy of the individual. Weston Driver Charged In tar Collision Sat. October Mth, marks the third anniversary of the founding of the United Nations, Canadian self- interest. Canadian policy are tied to the success of the United Nations. The Canadian government has an important in- fluence in world affairs. out ota11 proportion to the population of the country. Individual Canadians in turn have a very necessary per- sonal rt to play in determining the parity of their government. To this extent it is not too much to hope that indivirhmi Canadians have a part in contributing to world peace. _Tliey do not work in - - em, __ - "r'eP._ - In. ht,', Conant, acid eon. user. tor the diecussion at business. Iliu Ida Smokey. who led animated the ebb at the Eleven Biennial Convention of the Canadian Fedmtion of Busi- au and Prohssionai Woman’s ube held in Regina last July gave A very interesting report of that took_place and d flayed the men unique favoursan souvenirs 'l'h'S she had received " the various social functions arranged for the dele‘atu. Every province in the Domin on was represented at the convention with 80 delegates from Ontario, and the Watch httr, Pt one of the youngest branches ' t e Business and Professional omen's Club, we: very proud to have a reprenntative present. Short impromptu speechee on chosen subjects had been planned for different members and Miss Ethyl Savage in the limited time gave expert advice on "How to Hang . Picture.” Mrs. Linda»- Ward provided the music for the evening singing two beautiful num- bers accompanied by Mrs. Stanley “nun-.- Harper. Opens Sunni of "" Club _n. Wash- quu et! Pto. f-kttat Woman’s Cid hold In turtdtnn.eas-etuiaos, 12ttetg but with the - gnu-01mm.“ main . P..treere,tre L'll'G"l"fi There's A You In The United Nations B. A. FOSTER Main And Pine Streets Scenes Of Two Other Motor Accidents Mayor Daugherty Appeals To Residents Of Weston cannuvs. may)! Household Repalrs MASTIC TILE MODERNIZE YOUR KITCHEN, BATHROOM, ETC mm wort 1 GAIAGIB, lh Main street which resulted in some damage to both vehicles and no injuries to either drivers. Accord- ing to the police, the truck owned by Joe Primenu Block Co. of 525 Scarlett Rd. we: parked in front of Polierd’s on Main St. The auto then beg“ to pull nwny from the curb and make a left turn into Weston Auto Supply A truck owned by English In Mould, nlno travelling in a southereig direction on Main 'street, coliid with the buck of the Prime.“ truck. The driver of the English and Mould truck received I cut on the fore- hard. Constabie Roy Smith r6- ported 1tyttt amounting to $400. A ~5-_ .. __A -.- "I..., AL_‘_A Despite the fact thnt the Lions Club changed their plans tor the Arena two or three times, the final result shows the whole project has been I profitable one for the club. Originally a drill hall at Melton we: purchued. end it we; proposed that this would be dis, mantled, moved to the Recreation Centre and there be reeonatrueted with m addition made at each end. Mew-.117 the entire building Ud to lb? redesigned uhder thie_pl-h. and A water hidrapt on ih'G ntmt was the victim of tt frank accident that occurred on Wednesday after, noon, Oct. 18, " 3,00 pm. A car driven by Mr. George Hebden of 108 Willi-m SL, Weston, w" traw ailing cut on John St. and at- tempted . un hand turn A Pine St. um s thormurh investigation it was found to be I conly proposi- tion, and in the end would not give the desired tlp-to-tUte building. The This in itself has thrown an altogether different light on the ‘emite project and the Lions Club proposes startimt on I canvas of I cial names list. It is not likely WK; another canvass will be made of the town mnidentl. for thin was almost completed during the first rive. ted “he; "155E112 "In; 'i‘nggnreng returns. Prey): Violet Thrk.er of Weston wan _ _ __ __V..-. _. '"_I_wr.. w..- nun-m5 Inc lure: Winner: thou-n in the western division Preliminaries of the Min Red Father content being held in Toronto. The content which in publcizlng the Community Cheat camp-lgn will come to I close tomorror night when the final: will be held " Maple Leaf Gardens at "Teen Town Time." _ A} moat citizens will remember, Who. int drive for fund. wu con- ducted despite the not; that the :11“: Club could not induce the government to make all donations exempt Corn Income Ta- The campaign was completed, and there is no doubt that the More mention- ed factor had a great deal to do with the drive not being successful as has been anticipated. Since that time, official word has been received by the Lions Club& that these .donition, can now be educ- _ To the first question, the Times and Guide is pleased to report that work ie oing thud "tiaNetarily and rapidly. and to the second. yen, in I" pmbebilltiyl it will be ready for the 1948-49 ockey season. The project has been a le hy ‘one for the Weston Lion. tam, who have taken it upon themselves to give leadership to this vast job “lying Weston residents In . all a Alene second to none In Canada. In this de and we the bigfeet problem which hoe. moat bpl den in the 'hortage of mate- rule and the local [ions have not been exempt from this difficulty. However, enou‘h material he: been found, and the work in ttro-ding nlcely. It is expected that (or this yen, the Irene will have natural we on it, and this is due mainly to llclbof funds. With winur jut around the COM, ad hockey on the lips of ovary athletic boy in Weston, the bi; (nation whieti when n “we in what In Pre", to the "ton 'temu-will t be Rudy for the hockey Mason. 1t.Eyyy"ueo..tetsrrmr--tumsu.ue- min-HI. undue-um Nathan-anemia: briedrerewtiieFGGurhGii In ntwmmhlu- etatUd In!!! no“ (In. ”’0le Walls Completed tht Arena-Expect winding" Be Ready For Winter CHOSEN FOR RED FEATHER FINALS ZONE "" to continue in I northerly direction. The car skidded on the wet pave- ment 3nd crashed into the afore- mentipned hydrant, causing damage to the hydrlnt, the front bumper Ind ndiltor of the car. The acci- dent wu reported by Constable Harold Thwgirt. iour new ice arena. Remember this is your ttrents-it is your dollars and dimes that hue built it-arid it is your dollar. and dimes that will complete it in a way original. ly planned. It is the glen of the Lions Club to accommo ate everyone and every league they possibly can in the new stem. and no Weston organ- izeti on will be overlooked. When the arena is finally com- Rleted, and artificial ice equipment as been installed the Lions have bigger and better plans for making this an all-round Sparta and recre- atie centre. At present, work in going ahead, and anyone who is ihteresited can go down to the Recreation Centre and have a. look " the almost finished product which will soon be It on be seen by the above report that although plans have been changed, the result has been both pleasant and profitable, not only to the Lions Club, but also to the residents of Weston, who in affect are the actual owners of the new arena. l The present tttey which is well on the way town completion till be mad. of solid cement Mock, gim'lnr to the Nnvy Build. ing, and of mum, will be com- PAtltr f5murroot', Hobby room: land droning room! have been built and these will be made available to wax-ion; Weston organizations. 1 It as originally planned to have the mratitWeNtaclt" at 3,000 but a “cent survey and investigation made by the Liqu Club, in which they contacted all nearby arenn officials brought to light that a maximum 2,000 seating capacity would be more than sufficient for a community at this size. Instead then, of using space for seats which in all probability will never be used, the Lions Club will utilize the extra area for additional hobby rooms. It can be seen by the above A quarter-inch frog. the smallest in the world, is found in Cuba, which bout! Ilsa the world's smallest bird, Lions Club then comploted plum for M, (ii-pail! of tho building, and after “Influx thou-and: of dol- 1nm ot heating, lighting and plumb- ‘ln; mailman-it trom it, sold the re- main . of the building, minus the floor to the Construction Compmy. lThe floor inpidenully had previous- ly been sold at I very nice profit. The building w" sold with the idea in mind that the Cullen Construe- tion Company who hue charge of the new building, would use " much of the drill hall u was pm- tienl in the new arena. ling“; lip Ogre; ginger; thou-n It’s - - - Getting Closer M Main St. North 5,000 Gifts . . - TO THE TIME WHEN --ima.na Will I. Given Away Free WATCH " - - Rigid le islation backed up by a ‘wideapremf inspection service helps keep Canada's food and drug sup- ply safe and unadulterated] Citi- zens can do their "art in protecting themselves by reporting to health authorities all instances of impure or ndulterated food or drums. l Under the capable sponsorship of the YWCA Acwys Club, an evening packed full of fun and top entertainment is promised. Benny Louis and his Orchestra top the list of entertainers, and anyone who has danced to this band before know that they really know their music. Congenial Ken Watts will make, as always, the happy-go-lucky MC for the evening. Included in the pro- gram are costume judging and novelty dancer, and its all free of cha.rge. _ Any teen-ager in Weston or the immediate district is welcome to attend this night of all nights, when the Acwya, in conjunction with the Community Council really outdo themselves to give the teen, ‘agers a. grand time. ' Actually the entire Hallowe'en program depends upon the amount lot money subscribed by Weston ‘residents. There are donation boxes in several of Weston’a stores or else, donations can be Bent direct to Charles Boner, 2 King St. Any xenon mailing in a donation is alike to mark their envelope "Htrllowe'en Party." . With the Community Council making plans for Westorfs all- achool Halowe'en Parties, and pub- ‘lic donations coming rapidly, it seems as it Weston will have an- other quiet, peaceful Hallowe'en, just like last year and one that wagons enjoyed, particularly the ch,il P", At in no.t only _th.e Publis school children who are being well looked after, however, for complete plans are now underway to enter- tain the teen-atrers, in much the same manner as last year. with a gala} glance. at the.yigh School_._ Pure Food The Borgia TeMament-Balchin. Peony-Buck. Shannon’s Way-Cronin. The Heart of the Muter-Grmme. The Town Below-umelin. The Preeipiee--Maeunnan. One Clear Call-Sinclair. The Foolish file1t,leewg'gt,'rtyst,t.gt Tomorrow Will Be Better-Smit . The Bishop’s Mantle-Turnbull. The Golden relta,Y,,e,ritgi Malabar Fartn--Bromtie d. The Gathering Storm-Chtuzhill. This Was My Choice-Goa-ko. Peace of Mind--Liebman. Sarah Binks-Hiebert. A Guide to Confident Living-- at ige wiiiia CSfligiiHié 5513i 91%;. _She _outlfrt - threotsme Peale. Civilization on Trial-Toynbee. The Owl Pen-Wells. The Complete Book of Interior Decorating. The gathering was entertained with two vocal tsolos by Mr. Wig- ttt accompanied at the piano by re. Stan Harper. At the con- clulion of the meeting the kinder- garter: mothers served a very ap- petizing lunch. Complete Plans For Teen-Agers Halloween Dance N 'irs. Dr. Henry give u Ihort but anli Mening talk on the Child IIB' (bursa wjtigh will be held iriiidir" nrr"thCGGtit"Gt WES; ptgent who wish to attend classes, S'poaking 9n “Parent Mau- tion," Brigadier Martin “has“! the point of living " in. 01mph tor children. He duo troiAto.d a' that good eitisenattits Flight 13; a home leads to trd'. eit"enaltip all through lite. n. 2g,t Anglia called for a. vote of t.l.tatt I at the 'iht.Netio" of Brigadier Martin', t . What Weston ls Reading "as Ila-hm ‘ d m. D. Walton! than! his; tt Re, pack" at evening. ' (Idiot . M. Month on on mouth for the put (out get in York County Court. rigodior Martin, I former new cachet luv service in both World Wars, Lei“ momma with tho rank of Brigadier, and to new a Imaging“ in Yor.edyntntr., _ soditims "__ ' " ---H V...“ Tiii :9. Cdl'.lrlF' in, was? 4"tg "O Cm. AiliGad" by 2ii lord'l by". in. Gluc- - eoatted the nonhu- and M and unwound upon an encour- Win; "mower 9- tr.t'etirtgr. With In. T. Glam. no“. In the em ' “I. again: “in. il'ritt,1Jfu"t no... “(new AS Hm Address By 0.1L Martin l Weston Music & Radio Deadline time did riot permit netting. Watch This Space Next Week This Space Reserved For LL}

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