New Guttom Radio 95mins“va Open tr enter a restaurant. "Youth Ae its fling," is a perfectly tter) saying but let youth re- ' virom bluphemous and foul will in a public outing house. It’s manners. it shows the indi- up and ith, not wanted. and curse all you like at c, in front of your mother and father if you can, but on the street, h the testaurant, no. _ Cycle touring never ends. Cycle 1ti.i"s in Canada ends in Novem- . his columnist has been ap- mhed by members of Walton's Cycle Club, and we want to r the Globe continue to prosper. It only in cycle min? a sport which is growing rnpid y, but it duo builds" halt y bodies to say Wing of heaping lively youth ac- ly ongnge in a manly renn- tut. The lobe C.C. is badly in and of I club room for the winter my good nm-riun who can out in 1',irulr,',t, contact I to: Humbug†ukngy, a: the ' We've had two stormy weekends a late but most folk won't com- . after the last few months of rioua weather. It's grand to be g in the countryside these moon- nights, and then to enjoy a cup at co tee at "Our Spot" in Weston 3:1 our return. ,. (This column in a previous issue p referred to the min and din gutted by some youths whenpncg I Touring Notes ounced Chapman dead from ronary thrombosis. q It: Chapman was returning t.from the Remington Rand , alien he has been employed e past year. Prior to that ,, been a window dresser with h Co., King street merch- Iltarfor 31 years. ‘Ei’wu born and educated in mud. coming to Canada in 1912. member of the Church of the Shepherd in Mount Dennis, il survived by his widow, the omer Jean Cook and one sister New York City. gm __ "tjteTrxWeFiGtijYt 55511111? into the western loop. Coroner pr. C. N. Angney was pallpd_and ENE; on a KinkuirGiujiri: " Thyndgy eyeging duringLrus] Fiir, f Sit" 31s -iajrGarra" Te? bond until the car reached the . . . Operator Jack anle stopped than Ind told a TIE ground- ,to have police notified, and ty continued on his run. A police - _ yang dispgtched Eu; failed to Ht. Dennis Man pigs [In Trolley a Arthur Chapman, 65, of gems 'vettle,*ount annis. dies while “I "' -- - - -'-- '“IT ttrr, Acwys Club of the YWCA have their fall program in full I . For the past two weeks, and . uini, tor the next two, Mrs. thy ayne, who has recently the YWCA staff, has been ing a part of their meetings, ' to the club about the United on: Organization. These talks been followed by excellent ion. Before coming to Can- rs. Payne was a member of tiff of the UNO in London. and, and is therefore well pped with interesting informa- n on this timely subject. tiitries 0f Talks tt MO heard ty AOWYS Group but: Wuhl'l Mains“ section tet (rowing. Here's a new come to town and in nine W m. The mm. of the new *7. for it is . kind of indna- b CurtqrneUetrie and it's " I! Cinch St. The “nigh mines: mum CI , on I I ME: ttf mdits. ,m EitioGrftrui' 092%;1 foul. Nites in tare of the imes and a H in . very inunmn Btm hmklut m 1:10er out _tlewtor Abbot enroute It. thrown the picturesque tr." the river Tuizn to that abbey at Backtut. A 1'tg.tgaittt" you. con- of Dave in limestone, b? the monks who reside E., he interior is magnificent, ‘Goldon Altar. The Caron. The than] Font and the statues at Croat The craftsm-nship is “able. every detail is Und, "ht. Two fine candelabr- " gentnqce In truly I work of g A priest welcomed us and he Mt loop at Bloor and Vihcéii 'r2't5i,i,iali,t'jit -iid, if: p. m with "1:3“. an Holt potion! new no Met been deleted by "u Guide In being of but to the Home rad-r. and. ll I quotation hum Lrli'ra's diary of the journey. IONA “(Muen- In I-thr-theyyy i‘ii-dh'773'vio TG Fit “at!†ti ient. n91 'l'Vtl'l'l'lll the ~â€"â€"â€"-l‘“ ._s_.l_'J._., 'W , th ll tttP" Holiday Leanna: Lighting. Policing IG.' viii Mt I nt. 11:qu 100 Md. P'ltl'llle for canon-1n! "and 9% far the Playing tt mu m Itlet:ghttttPsitrPitti m ........,.. mm...†Britain bu an“! I rum late ban on the import at Caught: out... In order to compensate South Afrfcan fruit grower: for the de- clino in and) and prune exports. It.her Brit h Government has In- (tltorhed the importation of IM thousand bushels of South Afriean I plan. Imports of apples from 1ll'll1t Afriea before the 1m- Imounud to nbout 250 thousand bolhgll . nmgunlly1 It speedy uG.ieriiiiiwT9hi'nii'rii'i t"h.Rou and the kicking of Don en . The boys to keep your eye on this §nturdny If: Pill Bytiry Morley Ialtf Red iGG, 3:8? Wanna; In Ray Cameron of the Wildcats. Por Awake-ugh Riga; take a look Beth Agnew Aime; On the other hand, Ken Fortune in anxious to keep up the good record chow-n 2 Gregg McKerey and he I: equal y determined that their unblemished record will not be Btained by defeat. [ Wes Boddington has been putting his Cots through their prncticel in good style this put week and he predicts. the upset of the season. The game this Saturdny, at Gibson ark between the Wildcats and the Rough Riders promises piggy of action. f.te,iy",t from page tr-.. ldefenee in too strong and most, of ith? yard gaining plays have been mud runs. l Ken Breakwell of the Argos is a very promising youngster as he does most things well. He can kick, thrown: pan, receive and is a fine plunger. Between The Our itinerary fur the day consti- tuted a motor tour of Devon. We left Teignmouth about 10.30 a.m. and proceeded through Sheldon to Newon Abbot and then on to Tor- quay, where we saw H.M.S. Anson, H.M.S. King George 5. and H.M.S. Aircraft Carrier Illustrious lying at anchor in the bay. We proceeded along the highway to Kingswear situated at the mouth of the River Dart. On our way we passed some wonderful scenery which only Devonshire can give the travel- ler for pus through dale and glen for miles and this must be seen to be fully appreciat- ed. At Kingswear. we crossed the River Dart by ferry. The ferry is manouvered across by a. small tug- boat, which. instead of being " the bow or stem, is midships but the skipper does I wonderful job land you can utely land at Dart- mouth, 1 town that is famous. for there future officers of the Britiah Navy attend Dartmouth Naval College to learn â€amusing. The College is B very fine uilding which stands on n hill overlooking the town. We had lunch in Dart.. mouth and after walking around the town. we resumed our journey to visit Princetown where one of England's penal institutions " located. -We arrived at Princes town and saw the buildings but there were signs warning you to keep moving, so we did not linger. For to us all. the ploce as its neme implies is a prison in the full sense of the Word and personally I like freedom. We then, on our return journey came to Two Bridges, a villuge which derives its name from two Stone Bridges that span the river. There we had a tea‘at a lovely inn called the Two Bridges Inn. After refreshments, we proceeded to the River Dart. in which I am told swim some very fine trout. After admiring the beauty of this place, we again pro- ceeded to Ha tor. which consists of a Cluster 'l? rocks standing pro- minently on the hills which are about 1500 feet above sea level. From the summit of the rocks, the landscape can be seen for 30 miles, I wonderful panorama and dales and a magnificent sight to see. We frame to Pete Abbot and finally Alumni-f .. s-.. -._--- at, -___H .V -'N'Vr_tP.. “mun, ullu unnuy Teitrmouth, after spending a very enjoyable day and covering 86 milets. This has been . glorious day. Reminded one of our Canadian summer. Eighty-three in the shade and the sea front at Teignmouth and Tommy was crowded with holiday makers. We have a round of golf in the morning on the most picturesque golf course it has been (my pleasure to Bee. On all sides ‘of the greens. you are surrounded with the most ttuurttifieent scenery that you can hardly describe. Hills Ind valleys and the river Teign running through it all. The fields of grain growing, also the fields divided by the green hedges, makes it a psnoramu of beauty. July " he. t,'ii2'idetp',hd, our not to a and! rib.- on†“on Ho't. who" we river- oolvcco. The ville lion in o "li., And tho may of hills and (mile tields is a "at that " may but“ We continued our Jour- my which undo) in a mom sombre V0111. W; P'AU'Lt plan of cor- netion or 's wrougdocua all“ Dmmoor. Over the prison' hung clouds and rain him: to fill. All persons living in the village on in mm. my connected with t I administration of the primn. We did not no my of this prisoners at it w“ lunch hour and personally I urn pleased for the atmosphere and the bleak buildings do not encour- age on: to linger. We t.hen return. e to Teipunouth having covered Ibout 75 mile: during our journey. The afternoon wu spent in a more lighter vein. My brother and l went fishing in the English Chan- nel off Teipmouth md believe it or not WI caught 40 mackerel. The noun: lovely and calm And we both enjoyed our fishing trip. July " we" GrWiil m for Reeve giniruirdhG Grissured ' former delegation that Islington whom he had Contact“ 'gt't'/2y help had informed him that nutme- tions would be given Constable Watts tr, them to "tend the scene of troub e and that he would arrive " Boon u melt "8inee," r. fd"'lrg,tt pointed out, “I'd contacted Isl ngCon police at 2.50 pm. and Constable Watts arrived at approximately 5.45 p.m.,‘ you’ll understand my apprehension, should the absence of urgent need of_poliee Prorectionrontinue." l M for a. ot mum Lean Ham: (ll but" mu 1trdel'lt Manna plies pm- uon and midi on! that lighting. 8 on mu at tho dd.- nmym Chuvynda {In an account ot In incidont whamlic. Eta")"', ill meg n in' umber Itttu . the! ad wu net {nigh}. 9W magic-3‘ a“; was sr ,diit'fih'iti: 'il/is.',,?:?, iit Mr. 'llT2rSf, but It. luau: mp1 ott_.BtotieoU can last 1hllll2 lillYlltllt0aligem c kiiiiiir -iiiiiiiiiiiiii W"'""". M “an: mama (4.41) No municipality or municipal commission receiving electrical power from the Commission shall supply or use or permit to be supplied or used by any person decried power or any part thereof for,- (a) lighting, of interiors of shops, show-windows and offices "trapt,-- (i) not more than I “(I per square foot of gross floor-area' of a shop during businou hours, PART I WATER HEATERS l.-(l) Unless water heaters operated by electrical power _ am--, (a) equi with thermostatic control, and (b) mum in or on tunka which are thermally insulated, no municipality or municipal commission receiving electrical power from the Commission shall supply or use or permit to be supplied or used by any person the electncal' Earner or any part thereof for the operation of water eaters installed or replaced alter the 1st of November, 1948. (2) No person shall take tram any municipality or municipal commission any electrical power received from the Commission and use it for the operation of water heaters in a manner contrary to the provisions of subrogulation 1. (3) No person shall take any electrical power procured from the Commission and use it for the operation of water heaters in a manner contrary to the provisions of subregulation I. 2Ahstario Regulations 237/47 are revoked. ~PART II SPACE HEATERS 3.-(l) No municipality or municipal commission receiving electrical power from the Commission shall supply or use or permit to be supplied or used by any person electrical power or any part thereof for the operation of air-heaters, grates, radiators, boilers or any other device for space heating in hotels, tourist cabins, she s, officer, commercial premises and, except In the ease of sickness, residences. (2) No person shall take from any municipality or municipal commission any electrical power received from the Commission and use it in a manner contrary to the provisions of subregulation 1. (3) No person shall take any electrical power procured from the Commission and use it in a manner contrary to the provisions of subregulation l. Regulations Respecting the Use of Electricity in Ontario as Amended and N' ow in Force Made by The Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario and Approved by Order-in-Council PART III LIGHTING [At prucut the diminut- to the newer type light: it a mid; hung g?" in Wutmoum in along arlett and. Mr. Imull pmued council tor action in the matter of norm sewer: on Humberview boulevard, and sugxelud that the district might be linked up with Weston for hewlge (lingual. Reeve Sinclnir brought to " t that Profile work for this area has Irendy com- menced, and that 1949 would bring In luv" to I mt by Mr. Chotwldo for additiimal iitthti in ghe or“, have Bittelair an†yum, ten that count] wand 1mm: itthU throughout the district, and that Mouth they were "ill in short ugly, hm- gany lighting would 'meted. l,ieiir, 'dS,,','.)',?,',, f2i2iid,2tiii? m you - "on 'itiF2"iri'stiv',l, _'irli?1iati" can . o 'Jl't'll%i.'d for Imund (Burk-t woyld mm as“: mu. v, - l The for in R ulations on moditud at chad tho C,'lE'l,'tfo,t,"3 Parts ll and m _l't2'aaM,t'el (a) the hrrttorlal M all of And, Cochran, Know, Manitoulin, thiutnq, y River, Sud- bury, Thunder Bay, Thickening; ' (b) the territorial district of Parry Sound, "empt the m would Wk to the all ",)'llWtt',rttfAsTp1t,put.'.', Any person refusing or neglecting to comply with any direction, order, mgulation,' restriction, prohibition or control amigo: growing! by the Commission under this nacho' n shall be guilty of mi 011m}. "iiirilruriiiiiGi' any other liability incur a penalty of not lou than $100 and not more than $500 and a further penalty of not in: lf further clarification " required please canine! your local Hydro office. lot we storage ot material. or oquipnunt; and 8. In thee. mguiationv-. mminsion receiving (V) not pop than 49 watts per 100 'quart feet (a) “Ibo " mom any building or a portion of 1: ion shall supply or of playing Fr“ of an out-door playing field tii'i,'i'ki' booth, “all or lac. when goods or. led by any person only while In “-0; . hand! or oxposed or dint! for lab, or when t for,- -let,eetLes.uetvseiivie,. good- an manufaeturod and which u not a factory- show-windows and (f) li Ming M,-. ut than not includo any part of a building Tai ('/) marqueâ€; or for cilia. purposes; and quote foot of gross (ii) nidpwqlk-cunopus th) “06509" shall man a buildihg or part of a building 1g business hours, on hotels, that“ and adamant. oxoopt not more oocupiod and and for office puma-u only. PENALTY PROVIDED BY THE POWER COMMISSION ACT FOR VIOLATION or REGULATIONS Amendments Appear in Heavier Type MODIFICATION or REGULATIONS M TO CERTAIN AREAS ' Mr. Sinclair made ft Pt,',', that he and 111- cow! was desirous of helping citizen of Eto- bicoke attain necessary improve- menu with lowest possible extra tuition. He named the deputation that speedy eoruidsration would be given their “squats. thin tdr? . GT Jiaari.' iii I'M]: 'lrit2t ing tt 1 1 u Wt Wham to: an“. dilpoulrmud "his problem was well to tV (on. jincludin. the Net that out of Inch improvemonu m e t n t “KM nation. ' ornamental or advertising purposes; . (d) lighting of outdoor Christmas trees; (e) lighting of r ' -lots, used-car lots, service stations, oo,u',eiigt1,2a premises and outdoor playing fields: except, - (i) not more than " watts per 100 square feet of parking-lot space while open for business; (ii) not more than 10 watts per. 100 square feet of that portion of used-car lots used for display space while open for business and not more than 5 watts per 100 square feet of the used-car lot after cessation of business; (iii) not more thanx40 watts per gasoline pump in us); not more man In wane per gasoline a',"',' in a service station, exclusive of ugh . not exceeding " watts inside the pump-meter compartment, while the service station is open for business; (iv) not more than " watts per 100 square test of whatever part or parts of out-door industrial premises is in actual use for work in progress and not more than 5 watts per 100 square feet at other times and not more than 5 watts Bar 100 square feet f6r probative lighting of t at fart actually occupied by installations, or used or the storage of materials or equipment; and (v) not more than 40 watts per 100 square feet of playing area of an outdoor playing field only while in use; between' sunset and sunrise; an mm A. 1mm: ___ W_V__‘ (-..-- -v. W .v -._6- .'%"r_&_.." lull I!!!" eurft . lawn. of which llttar demand uh 3. hinduntry and common, (a to 9,000 watu--have been sold alt (will " l loll) to.btriii1 iii it'gtftgtuifFiiilit Ga loud: in companion with (a and in i for Mom of cotMitf...ieyt.rletyt ___.', - “Pun-*WMw-r- _ ,. â€.7- ,w-- w...“ _ .._.._ WW-.- u. 2. Allow" work-n a.M â€playa- & I". 'iiiiiaiEE mm to mil. mutual' mom-nu with with»: ImSu-ly uni“ {tang muwgatrhmlm tn','; JJ,',T'l,rg'tATtg to that thin u m r» s m pow-r In†vu mm cald- other hull and Iii-ferric. or may and to unsung: strut tight- ployer be truncated the or mg " u later lava). thus saved. In other '1)U an . Magma“: Tomato'. Hydro wax-kart would be t their load-bait " cunpsin when†Et,ttheatitts power for 13- electric [Marmar- and mum The panama Imposed by.“ undo: the authority of thin section shall be midi. undo: The Summary (‘1._...'“.‘___ 1-4 "parats day upon 'huraa G%iiiidi -- “3; 2iiiuG' rapoahd or continued. than SIOOJand not not. than $500 for each and ovary mun.g --. _-_--- AWL: L I l I _ _ Convictions Act; township. of Carling, Chm Cougar, ' ram-on, Four, 11mm i7eiy"itil'g't Srtg. r, turoiirotAigrr â€(Landau-Village oi Moan. tc)arhmtitrrmartdiaimuiatn 1948br not.“ undo! The Attioultunl Socioh'u Act. iiiiilimte--it Wrwr m 3mg")? gram“. aCGT; 'napi"Ktpor are toot otfloor Ipaoeorxide- wall: area wealthy the marquee or canopy; (a) lighting of exterior entrances or exit- of commercial premise: or residence: except not man than " watt. for commercial promine- and not more than 25 watts for reddencel and, when occupied, built alike)- and _ (h) exterior lighting between marine and sunset. (2) The 2leg permitted for shops daring bulineee 33:3 Winn “3'55 _ig,rligtt,',', 1tt,t,t,f, "tb. a . n in e t . into r lignl. mehandutrdisplar and 2,tteg,"d 5. No person shall take from any municipality or municipal commieeion any electrical power received from the Commission and use it in a manner contrary to the provision: of Subregulation l at regulation 4. 6. No person shall take any electrical power procured from the Commission and use it in a manner contrary to the provisions oi msbrttrulation 1 of regulation 4. 7. Subregulation l of regulation 4 and mgu1ations 5 and 6 shall not apply to,-- (a) to lighting of air-ports and transportation terminals; ' (ii) lighting for police, tire and property-protection We“, tratiic lights, traffie and warning signs; and (iii) lighting required by law; (in) hospitals; (c) lighting for interior domestic purpoue; (d) lighting of a tingle exterior sign, not exceeding " watts, to deliqnate,- (i) an otiice of a medical or dental practitioner, embalnrer or funeral director, or pharmaceu- tical chomllt; (ii) an ambulance, telephone or telegraph nation; "twi. of mum in mm My the Mn Mao bunting. booth, stall l hand! or oxposed or goods an manufacture: but shall not includo a! for office purposes; and “dim." shall man a b (iii) Emmiâ€: providing duping accommodation x Mullen. Hulda-“port or iidfGFira. GiirotTii PART IV mango Ontario “that: Work in ttet stem do“. “not ta dim an “unwin- nm of so watt lung» to)". may. a. PtohiM local-m Onhrio lu- tnunnu, haul- and nth†com- mercial Forteer't.-- honi- tal-sin power for ind 'h'l'Jf, may .. mt wanna o u I a n a o in.†hamper: 191-ng y com: no“; thin 71161:} pay onvalopu Air if"? LT, - ill-:5. a; 'l; Ft a."wa all ho a -dfair. ADVIITIIING NmLYrr m -_v an w_. M!» pmeues tho n and nth" con;- Hm nonp- mr toi 2mm: 1 ' tl o mm 2rt,1,t! m. 'tii.""""" at or iV