Times & Guide (1909), 28 Oct 1948, p. 10

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It, is estimatpd that during 1948- . 49 a record number of 11,000 new tractors will be supplied to Auir- trllian agriculture and industry. Besides an anticipated domestic cOLEMA" T production ”(eroding 2,000, more than 9,000 trnclnrs will he import- _ gd; 4,000 of those _1i,r,','rg',,x,,"ece"di th mm the United King om an 16 Main Street so" 5,000 from the 11mm: Sums. N 2 Approximately 6.500 of t as? trar, PHONE WESTO torg will be over 25 hm., the type primarily used fof qlarge City; cereal roducfinn. .9 -prnne P Price It”! "an“ 'ss Everywhere In S""" mm? Ilu', and mg” ttardent tractors are not included in the above figures. " FURNACES u Hunk ILITTLEAVE. , EXPERT TAILORING Ind REPAIRS. _ LAD!” and GENTS' GARMENTS CLEANED uni STORED ' lrr02AGE--FUR8 at 2% of their ulna. . . All (Emu-hunt! Ania-t Firm Theft or Damn _ mom: WESTON "8"r WILEBDROME SKATES & BOOTS Ron-In to but, Toasters Lamps. Wuhan, Motors, Faumd Fixture- Ctllod for and Delivered J. H. WALLACE a SON B. E. MIGHT mm AND, GIRLS - Han your bicycle overhauled " repaired hr, , _ - at reasonable nun. y m " - Attegtthttt ”4112'" I To Tm and Club In“! Tyr, nonchalant style. Extreme conditions were anticipated and provided for with. out sacrificing light weight comfort. THROUGH STORM AND SLEET Warren K. Cook Kenwood Overcoat, maintain their tutrufrled surface and NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR GOODS LEFT OVER 60 DAYS s JOHN STREET. - WESTON 1900 IOOFING AND SHEET METAL “WHOM " INSULBRIC SIDING WESTON CLEANERS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Bue Plugs --.Wiring for Electric Stove. Spocializlnz in New Residents “PAIRED . VACUUM CLEANED INSTALLATION TO ALL MAKES VicilfimT’iME lit, PER " can BOWLING SHOES 3 tma REEVES, Proprkfdr. FREE DELIVERY J. HAW! PHONE ZONE 4-514 " THIRD AVE. WESTMOUNT. ONT. PHONE 1000 A: Required By Tho Pros. Complete Line of Skew! and Winter Equipment Au-tnlian Tractor. Play was fairly close in the last half with Head and Paint making some 1rhrf,1r,'t1ir21,%udzts through the middle of the Meat line. The final More of the game came in the foet.lt. quay-tor when Jlead tackled 0n ttPr a hard fought game was played etween the Ron h- riders and the Wildcats. 'fi'li, Roughriders jumped into an early lead in the first quarter when Bea- com made a' strong run and car- ried the ball over the goal line. It was not until the second quarter that the Wildcats gained control of the game. Ross and Kearney did some nice running and passing to put Wes Boddington's Wildcats into scoring position. Kearney made a short run which ushed him over the goal line for dl TD. A good kick by Cameron made the convert and at the end of the half Wildcats were leading 6 to 5. a Wildcat in touch after they had fumbled. This sent the Roughriders ahead 7-6 with which score the game ended. Luv. Woduudly. Anoiemkod up another victory n the urn-nu of Alouotul in a Mom: mu. " Four rurtum " the Bantam Centre. - {ll-hing plan by tho midzctl highlighted the gums, from which Argo. emerged vic- torious by a b0 count. . Receiving the opening kick-off from Argos, Weston of Alouettes, made I unntionnl bow-rd run to gut his tum into nearing position. owmr both team: played hard “no chocldnf and the first quarter went more can. In the second quarter, Weston uglin ran Argon kick into touch to keep his Alouette tum in the running. while in effective run by Collins of Argo! kept that tum thmatenintt, ut the game unlined scoreless until the closing minutes of the first halt when Collins made I driving run to any the ball over for the first touchdown and put Argos in tho lead. The convert failed and the half ended with Argos holding a 5-0 margin. The only other point of the game was collected in the fins] 1pmrter, when Moulton Weston mid eta ran up their fifth "gitt £DIAA football vic- tory Fri ay, smothering Long Branch undgr ttrt eight-touchdown barrage for u. 46-6 win. Carl Dra- per scored three touchdowns on 10, 16 and 20 yard plunges and Ray Bedard got three, two of them on 70 and 80 yard runs. Midgets Chall? At 5th Victory With 46-6 Score Roughriders Win 4th Straight _ Beat Cats 7-6 Soper of Alouettes turned in one of his finest kicking performance: to keep the Argos out of I threatening position. while Sye rammed excellently on defense n braking up a strong Argo passing attack, and then forward- mg I completion to his mate Jukson. Actually both teams’ passing attacks were ineffective and most of the passes were either incomplete or intercepted. Rudy Miller scored the other two on 40 and 45 yard passes from Jim Inglis. Jack Birch converted six of the majors. Jim Bray recovered a fumble for the only Long Branch touchdown and Jack Hellewell con- vetted. Argos White-Wash Nousttes, 6-0 In HardJought Little Big 4 Tilt booted I long drive over the Alouettea deadline to get the sixth and what proved to be the final point of the gums. LENGTHWISE SKATE GRINDING It was in the third quarter that The only outstanding bowling on Friday was dune hy CCM who took ttll nova-n PM” from Local 28. Five out tt' six players had - of nvar 700 for the three fame: with Doug Felkrr ”minim Us with 786 ( 22) for the It eflort. You enn'l. win gnmel with only five men on 1 team And that is wut happened on Friday. three nuns had only five men out And hoodlum to In; they didn't take many Pointe, 7_ _ _ - - tn I guns that WI! featured by the moat blown teen in A long my. Sung“ took a rain" from M - nu. alum Bow in: Lone. took 5 from the nhon-hnn ed Richnrdson Miter. mm Bttd Knight Electric took 6 from Simpson own who my glue than-M - __ . Seems some of our better bowlers were right in the groove last week, and those bowling over 200 wire: Frank Munshaw 291, Sam Simn on: .240. Cord Woodcock MI, Don Kirk- land 234, Elsie MacPherson 220, Eileen Callan 222 and Barbara §avage_ 212., Weston Dairy ”.w... Weston Decorators .-r--- Weston Bowlin Lanes ......_ West Toronto 'fi/t .--..--- Allan's Service Station m..." Le Pages .----.-..--..-, Alps Restaurant _...._.....W._.._ Mon Service Station mm...“ Weston Credit Jewellers ...... Groukurths ...,.-..,...i......_............ Weston Music & Radio _..-...... Weston Building Products mm Westwood Specialties M..i.,........i Reward Shoes ._..........i_..._.m. Brooms Ltd. ............_....__...._.._.. Macon. Ltd. ,......_.._-......_.... Mnjor Industrial Averages have also dropped and the It averages of last week came own a few points. Big ten for the high averages to date are McShee 248, Thompson 240, sShirti, man 239, Clark 237, Kommis 234, Lenehan 233, Nnvak 21m. Nichol 233, Holdem 232 and Naylor 231. Team Standing We guess it must be the lighU, because after the high scores at the start of the season the results since the cut-offs have been miserable indeed. Three Hundred pin scores used to be quite regular, now how- ever they are very rare. This week out of over 100 bowlers just three managed to hit over the 300 mark. Trimble 311, Sandles 309 and No- vak 305, did the trick. While 700 scores for three games used to be plentiful now a mere few reached the charmed cirele. Novak 790, Shiniman 773, Sfonehnuse 727, Hull 728, Sandles 721, Holden 714, Stone 709, Dickensun 705 and O'Brien 700. Best scores of the night were: Johnny McShee 756, Geo. Shiniman 722, Glad McSheo and Gil 3icShee 678. Gord Kemmis? 420. Cormack] League _ - Soc new faces (and scores) are seen this week among the indivi- dual scoring leaders with Trudy Roberts copying ladies high single flat bracket with a nice 234 score. Elsie missed the four pin) Mae- Pherson finally rolled one of her better fame: to take ladies high single f at with handicap, with 256. Eileen Callmr makes her debut on the top notchers sheet this week with 636 for high three flat. and 65? for high three with handicap. The Neighbours clashed again last Thursday and the mightK Monarchs went into the lead wit 28 points by taking all 7 points from Atomica. Heartbreakers are second with 26 points, taking 5 from Shingles. Woodehoppers third with 20 rt, while Easy Aces are next wi 19 and Shinglers are in fifth place with 16. Atomics sit in sixth place with 14 points, and Roughriders have staggered into seventh spot while the Spitballs are laying back licking their wound with seven. Watch out for those babies they are going to be tough when they hit their stridg again. km. of Arg- uninllod I mt {211511300 Gor m .to pop us! It Bm, reo- mc vrov ttTate,',';'.,',))',",.".' _ ._ In the dying minim;- of the gum. Juklon of A can 'F covorod In Argo fumble Ind sum d on A long run which throatened. until he will brought down well in the Argo territory. In the men's section, Arn Roberts came up with an over 300 score which made him top man in the high single class (309) and alao for high single with handicap, (316). One of our new bowlers this year. who has been turning in steady high scores all along is Bill Hannant, and once again he's right up there with 707 for high three flat and 709 for high three with hapdieap. _ _ _ 7 Tenn}, "stuitirur Commandos -.............. Flyers .W....t_..reP..._........._ Infantry ..._._q---- Gunners .._..r_F9r.-..- Signallers ..----- Bombers ..-.-..--..r Artillery -.._.........,_... Tankers ....m_..._........u. Friendly, Aeiyrytours Ye Olde Legion league last week, when the Signallers and Infantry, previously tied for first spot in the standinf found themselves pushed down the ladder by their oppon- ents. Signallers took a beating from the last place Bombers. an Commnndos nipped the Infantry for five points to share top honours with the Flyers. _ - Wanton Legion -- Qtyle tr, my uqsets toolc place ln PATTER bViiiruLtiETEOyrst mam.“ “ma; TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON Pts. 27 24 28 Pts. 14 14 12 10 10 28 83 20 19 MI 17 17 16 10 Weston piled up an 8-0 lead in the first quarter of the senior game and led 13-0 at the intermission. There was no scoring in the third gutter, but midway through the ourth, Runnymede opened up a forward passing drive that netted them their only points on a Tilker to Ron Gray pass from 30 yards out. The same two worked a pass- ing play_for the convert, 'trite 'Burné keiainidd for both Weston touchdowns. He drove over With both of their regula- quer- terbecks out a; action Inmymede Collegiate semen went down to their first defeat of the lesson be- fore tut alert Weston teem It Oak- wood Stadium Friday afternoon. in s TDIAA football double-header. The seniors went down by a we count, but thorium” Redmen put on a. last qua er rush (or a 6-0 victory to square things on the afternoon. F (318), Renton 765 McGraw 759, Trimble 737, Stone’houae 721, and McShea 720. Big ten in average! to date are: Shiniman 248, Benton 239, McShee 237, VMcGraw 235, Wilson 234, Trirrible 232, Ackerman NI, Hudson 225, Ireltind 225, Lenehan 223, nnd‘Wigmore 223. Team Standing -- that no bridal-I And Argon no still tied?» top spot in the lean. Both tum. downod their opponum in last 1t,1NT,r, to will u:- other oomph points. ildeata have one win in tour mm, whil- the lint-ghee Alouettu have still to get tir initial victory tucked under their bola. Lune Sanding ___ _ - RieUrdsion Furniture Sunnylea --.0..-.......- Haight Electric -........... Simpson Motors .....-- Local 28 m...“ W13 Jrrd.i9iiit/iAidu iGiliG iGikGiikd _ TGG Head, Rwandan Moulton, Argos - Weston Delivers First Defeat To . Runnymede 14-6 Weston Bowling hue: Moiflts B-r.-..--..-.............. Boughriden Argos _-_...--.-....--.- Wilden: .......-.-.-..-..- Alouettes ---q-r.--- Landing Scout- Bmkwoll, Argon - Collins. Argos ........_ Beacon, Rouzhrideu Pealow, Rm: hriden Kanpur; With ta .- Little Big 4 Scoring Data Lat-It N,','ht on the I an In Bi- A ulbv In“: show [m Passengers Fully Insured Cars Still Available At 244 Main St. South Wish To hunne THE OPENING OF A NEW OFFICE AT l " Hour Service ROY’S Pts, 22 l7 17 12 ll 15 " 11 10 10 10 l LITTLE 'AVE. trom. ft" yudl on} for , '.rut- mr lion and -hpd I must! tall to run lo yum for the W4 TMor, A) MW” GriGitud- EVER -taih" ' "down. white...wuhnblcoolouquynndbright”nonfat-dean 2: nevee-inttamttie1tiabtiq.Amsdroisuaeoetir'_such _ mp oede-st. Think of that saving, alone.' Remember, too, that clothes and other fabric: lineup to50% longer when washed in DURO Softened water. Ya. MDQROmuyoumouycveqdmcyourmx-nnnp. The New Management Of (Acton From Town Hall) (Next To Edmund Ave.) PHONE WESTON W n RBir of ling].- In tho-flat quarter Ind on. in the fourth. . An t?" hulitr 'fet' 9933'. 0f,ttt V In the Junior um. Gear 0% W . long 't,'l'd for 3'. Sn. point of the gum, to put. Bunny- Get" a Duro . . Getthe Best ADURoW-rstrf)er,-eeatorour,mtermam, "mso-qteckofuedneasfrotn thewue:...uuppliu kitchen, bathroom and laundry with pure, clean water that in .otteetunrain. 1ruta11ationisimpliandine-ive...in Get DURO Softeners pay for themselves. And DURO, the Min-Candi water softener, is built in : variety of lines foe lifetime service by the makers. of the famous DUgto, l'pmp. Canada's Premier Water Softener [Ki "can". om in, tsei Itod. !n by Jyc1t1t3Nrtbeyr. “an; M lam Lyons. on u duos-t only touchdown. 11 our Iron-mp7; tout g.rriad ta I tho

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