W"; jun '" T -iritoGiriv". in W.16 , Ms.“ BNtaamt Boy'q min; Minn gnumd Cable, with triirii-tTuerbGlil' cont. silver fott collar, size 14. suit short â€PM. HI. new. 122 Lawrem-e JACKET heater, pipes-ine-Gia' Phone 1710-W after 6 pm. smug winter coat. .izeTrSQTim like raglin style, phone 869-1. 0-45-1t GBNDRON -anGrt-ibu-'i,risT eaerutre, maroon. like new, l-A ta,rrsuirs Ave. West. Zone 4-485. o-M-lt tam; also? t"Ghi" rig-Ch“ a}: brown persian lamb trim, size 17. LY. 1210. x-29-1w 10iiiLFjitlirt,iiG'riTeF'e."iirvi John M. Phone 9074. o-45-1t HUDSON; pen! cont, muff Tai complete 812.00; large hanging Wind clock $7.00; General Electric Wishing machine, porcelain tab, tr,t running order, $45.00; mnn’n green overcoat, trims. 38-40, won only half dozen times, $18.00. Phone Weston 9914-4. o-tlt IZ‘BASS Hornet accprdjggéa watt FORD “A" rear end and universal MKN;S CELL bicycle, in excellent condition. 49 Russell Ave., Wea- ton. 0-4-15t 1 HAbeN'rory net, 2 badminton _ racquet- and praises†"icorrUeir' lied, very remarkable. Phone 12494 0-45-lt beat condition; piano bench, hold: music; girl's bicycle, cheap, needs repair; kitchen chair. Phone 1919-1. o-45-lt _ overcmsis, gothGizi-ii; Edy); Phone 10914. o-45-1t KI?C:HEN7 T.lrinet, pqrcelaiq tor? Gill’s _scig}et mm; 399. _blu:k BOY'é brirwpG7t; also 2 tweed T condition: $75. Phone iiuii/i Acacia Ave., Weston, o-4ti-lt velvet collar. size 10.12.. 1 pair wool brown and whim Grit Ilnks, size 10-12, rumble. Phone RSI-W. o-46-1t PrAt.tr.Giero' 13th “213-; 8909 ‘WIN! Bor's brown overcnnt, "tryytyyoe, and Bly â€WESTE- fox heart-sha cape- at wo. A deposit will tits, until Christ- mu. Other style. in like: or Pt,',":,.',',', at very Mable prices. . Irwin, Weston 108M. 1-444! PALE: willâ€, tuligl, hpaefnths And ' "diftoiiiic"rG"ia' -. i%iipuiirc .W. M. McDonald, 1 'tftlratii: . t III-WINS 7311;151:an often silver -tttiiird __ --- irotik _ Hom/r/Af 'iunwé¥3 no any.“ $26.00 136 John St. â€:84 . o-45-it MSNy.RE for “in: v5.11 mug, $8.00 per cu. varit, tGr ya: 810.00 delivered. Phone Weston 175-X-13. oM0-1t LOAE for sale. good in}! soil, $8.00 per cu: iGE éiiivGii'. Phone 175-M-13. V o-Ao-lt nhlre hér’i __ GenT 13$}: other quiet ttl',",',','".',',',,,)'."' (tmai, he†1r'gftip,r'li,potittttg and ttory.drinkers. x 4581. Time & can; Rummy), edueaidd {an you“ immediately house, Nrnrtment or rooms. Would eottttider {unlined room or buy small houu in or near Weston. Must be Womble. Phone 1428-W Weston. o-46-1t “VIE? BEE?“ eotrrlts "win daughter use 12. Milton em- ployee. require summon. tut or two or thm. room. furnished or unfurnishat Excellent "tonne-I. Phone GE. 0104 Smith iGrlleet_), SINGLE 'umu.tsiss' room with boud' MEI}, 'Gfiueiiiii', tton-smoker, non-drinker." LY. 3156. young couple and daughter. Pm tuned neu- Malton bus mu. “flayed 'rrtuts-castada Airliner. Wil consider reuonnhle offer. Beltane“ if necessary. Box 4825. Tina: and Guide. o-G-lt BE'SPEEQTABLE 7&9; couple. AWOMMODATION . talked for months, would like Accommodn- Hon where baby will be cared for while mother works, Weston or dis- trial. LOmbard 0126. o-4FIt i moml or tsmall house by u an In preson in Weston or Mount Den-in, Womble. Box 4495, Tim.- and Guide. o-O-it lusxxhss "gym and child " T in! would. iir"tiiiauhiiii.'"aL “It" and non-mien. Box Atitr Times and Stgda. 0-45-11 1 Ir? UNPURNiSHED. hoElgeep‘ i oi you miynr,irniurhia%iGG AtXXMoe0DATtott WANTED t French bond. coat. " 1frted, If“ 14, “I"! fort - Inching and. I†I. M “I. oubit finin- um. top Beech “on: ta Ila manure lone . F 0-45-41. if" hattomrteht1hurk MX all like, new. both I, a... Phone GEO-MA; H ARTICLES' [Tu SALE APARTMINTS TCriW L.%u he!» Io i mm. - it .0. ma! ,'i'liieiii',, on ham. ' W at"' i a. 39!! Pir, 1 m “a: 045-†045-†o-46-it o-M-lt oM6-1t at £th position in home in Wplton hum; one or two children. rlVltsry Hound "ooo to Mart. Some e riertesr. Box 4506. Times Ind Gum o-45-lt WANT tome plowing done or your wood cut. C. crewman. 1211 $Fmron Ave. Phone alum 925- W-l, 045-". "33mm. atrkiintarvick. FiGG . o-th, It 81xrF.EN-r.ear-yd mi†3?.er mmq ulna}. in own you; GARAGE for mm. in†" Den. le, Rd. . o-46-it waxed and electrically polished. from 812 no. brought up like new. We no experts. " yun’ upâ€? ience. I†material, supplied. City wide uervlce. Phone Mr. Wood. JU. 4070. x4641 l individually and 'seientifiesllr de- piped for style, health and com- fort. Cull after 6 pm. 119-M Weston for Appointment. o-40At SP9EkLA_rout1atiott EEG, SPECIAL (doom homo cleaned, blue, in good condition,' very ran: wnnble. Phone USN-J. o-45-1t "was, pried rGaonathe. Zone 4-452. o-46-1t condition, fit 5m 18-2-0 "or" mi 38. Phone 692-W. o-dlr-lt 1 1URL> wipter_coat, size 12, BLACK _ehestfrfi_eld cqat. splendid mo or' but 'orru. "P111211; 281-W-13 Weston. o-4lrtt % BED and. spring and good Tat- ’3g2_ESOTA ‘gedgn, rgnning good, with detachable fur lining, size 16; lady's winter coat, size 20; also dresses, skirts, sweaters, size 16- 18. L0. 6704. 1147 Weston Rd. 0-45-10. CINDER blocks, 4-inch. 220 only. Phone 13104. o-45-1t GIR_L_’S _ tworeror? gport coat OAK buffet, excellent condition, reasonable. Zone 4-616. o-45-1t BROWN winter coat, silver fox collar, and brown tall coat, both size 16, $15.00 each. Phone 39485-1“. o- -It mmuoxsy, "taifitirirVics I, i n g B9Y'S..tweed ovyEoatssize 14715. CHILI}? my, Inga-i", 390:1 condition." "ishoiG%jisir."oaiLii ACME. hwy: trurtttfeLtT weed. good Gndftitnd - -itjt" Wiliia// - bi.' Phone 14684. o-45-1t fair condition; Quebec heater, nearly new, reasonable; kitchen cabinet; 1rinIle bed; bpiece ches.. terfield suite, limo“ new. 171 John St; my"): TOI-W. OAS-It are;- with naming 56%;; size 14-16, won only once. Phone 862-M. o-45-1t â€gimp. 'riatteityarrui new, tpo, mas 'aaa"., Liar; ABE; Tin' and trrmatiah guitar. Phone Mr. Ward, Watch " o-45-1t smite tai$T6.00, Gedium' size. 2 Lawrence Ave. West, Humber Heights. Phone 422-it.. MAN’S DIV! overcoat: navy ltrip- ed wit, lite 88; tuxedo with 2 drain attire and mum, size 38; girl's mulberry cost, button in fur lining brl'r green tweed suit; [:31 teal blue colt, mink trim- In , all“ 14-16. Phone 673-W. COMBINATION '20.? _ lid Trd stove. Phone 1742-W. u-45-1t on, m $.ng QUEBEC cod stage _wrth, over; 1 WARDROBE closet; milled cur- tains; 2 mule hot phiâ€; l new brig: cue. and linen hematitched pillow CnMR, aâ€. Phone 8731.5 It 0. . DOBERMAN Pincher pupa, 4 week: old, led-tend champion gain. Phone 182-1. o-45-1t "ft, “AIMEE Dem-on motors Jonah?“ Tiii. m;‘l6f'll; CHEST ot duvets. Phone Gas-J. MOHAIR. chair; girl’s CCM skim snd boots, [In 6; boy's CCM Ihtu and boots. size 7; all in good condition and Muble. Zone 4-660. o-45-tt sums}; si. fur collu- CHICKEN equipment, large and null water trough- nnd feed trough: -. model hot water incu- bator, “My. Chap for quick Bale. Phone utr-wa. 046-12 with'two' LGU, hciDrie. :35 able for cottage ; lady's bicycle. = Hain street north. Phone 458-W. t o-46-1 tweed coat. velvet collar, ported. condition; India [mu wool suit, kick pint in skirt. front and back, Mick velvet "ollar, like new; dark from plaid skirt. won only three times. All sin 15. Phone 881-W. CHWFâ€!ELD; _ Phi-in oven "an: an? 'a"ii'aa,""idi"T,l'i' fat ioned W. " Goon-n at... Iretfp. MW nopNn djxginx utji.d. Your cyan YOUNG ludiu’ kilgi-mndc brown hardly woin, $iifCirkai, T162 o-45-lt eieGTii.%rith J"iriiiiaFi"i'C mo 4-682. o-lb-lt EMPLOYMINT WANTED a“ " um Mmuu mun-nu but", metic yak, £75.09, CORK“ o-45-1t nets-u 045.1% o-46-it rea- Airt2"g4utr'htif'5.iil uw Arcident " Jane And Wil- liam Street Monday,, 8eptember 13, 1968, between milk truck Md manque plane on" Weston 925- only! Thousands peppy at Tfr. thrtrex Tonic Tablets pep up bodies luking iron. For rundown feeling mun, men, women an" "Old." New "get acquainted" lite only Me. At. all dmginu. x-46-lt WQULD the wiry!" parties ‘10 .-eiiGsiiui"."ih'i7t'ir'fl' was". tmt. Water and new". {and mPMI â€1.x; mm. 193321: paying {0th w E 120', an l MEN. DON'T TAKE RISKS BE safe. Guard your health. Hygienic Supplies (ru b b e r for!" mailed in strong envelopes. hnoluto sen-Icy 'without embarr- usmcm. First~clnu merchandise. Price “.00 per down. mailed one hour an" receivin§ order. The Greh Training Co.. I t'pt. 250. 1275 queen St. West, Toronto. Ont. mods) mailed postpaid in plain, salad envelope with price list; six samples. 25c: 24 samples, $1. Mail Order Dept. G4, Nov-Rubber Cm, Box ol. Hamilton. Ont. x-384f "OLD a; Lo. 60, so}: METEu'E H Tf.' , N lf. auppiiea (rubber BEAUTIFY your home with orna- mental trees and overgrnr-ns. For free udvirp and experience can MM-M Weston. Agent for Stone & Wellington, the Fonthill Nurseries. x-45~lt PLANT I hedge this "ll-ex- treme-1% hardr--quick growing Chinese lm-will grow two feet the first ytrrtenuugh plants (25) to plant 25 teet-.iize 12 inches when shipped. Special prim, 25 gums for $2.98. Write for New re». Full Colour Garden Guide. Brookdale - Kingsway Nursen'es,‘ Bowmanvillo, Ontarin. IV--- ‘vuluhlltl‘ll m», oo AL. A 1.65 ft. off Islington Avenue just north of Milton Road. Well dug ready for tile. Two tilr on lot, also tool ahed. Very reasonablo. either cash or part terms. LY. 106i. 0900 {Euge’pfia} lot, _88 ft. x 288 black £565. Gift' hiiiCrswirrii", 1ly1nttrrursduie 2129. o-45-1t GOLD Bulova watch, between Dominion Store, Loblaw’s, John St. and Queen's Drive, Saturday night around 6 n.m., reward. Phone 1057-M. p-Ili-lt MECHANIC WANTED - You": man with factory expr'rience and some knowledge of setting up dies. Good starting wage. Good advancement for right man. Ret.. erences and recommendations re- Tied. LivingI in Weston or vicinity. Box o. 4561 Times & Guide. x-45-1t DA,,Lsr.Airoy" "slog. thite with truck also 'clék'fn REQUEST"): Weston Hardware. Zone 4-538. Wan“... mm... m...“ â€5m. Apply Box 4521 stating hours available and renumeratlun expec- ted. o-45-lt w0UL[_) like re1ayisTwFG to care for year old baby five days a week, 8 until 6, vicinity Main street or Oak street loop. y Pine. view Ave. o-JS-It. Pef,1ric,A,i, new duties Jight, dustrial office, must have good educational background. Hours 8.30 to 5, five-day week. Fruehauf Trailer Co. of Canada, Weston. YOUNG 'man'to‘ip dglivery with m?y,sEKEEPrTF/GjTiir. Cap- -_ _-__ ..‘,_..-... WV able refined housekeeper for small family. Good home, private living quarters, very good wages. Apply in person Weston Ladies' Shoppe, 4t Main St. N. x-45-1t sT,EN.oyItACrriijii required for in- Female Help Wanted Wanted . . . "tttrmia m nu For Invoicing Department Apply Canada Cycle Motor Co. WESTON, ONTARIO IiE1aPivkr7iirn FEMALE CARRIER BOYS TYPIST - Apply - TIMES & GUIDE um iikTTisu=haa For Mount Dennis District Circulation Dept. Wed. Afternoon LOTS rim SALE NITRSERIES HELP WANTED â€new? LOST x-42-H’ 9-45- I t, x-45-1t o-45-lt L-lt It new ape! Ind cord: if desired, 48-hour service. 1130 vain“ Ind repairs. Agent for 'd't','.'M Stool or Alum Vermin Blindl 'rfth "mom" mu". Phone Bill John- m, Walton 11M~W. x404! NEW Endu- md Edut- for "at. ._ryqpurc..mtr. 1W MW Have your paintnd walls washed. Floors ole-med: also floor poll-ll- inf norvice hy lortsl "xperipneed viable veteran. All work mul- antecd. No job too lump " mun“. For free estimate: phone Waston 1fl17.J. x-27-tf PAINTER and Drrorntor, interior 7,,__ ._.... '"'"""t nus-z aurora. Ind All types of wooden nonu- nitios mid. to order. Redwood Hobby Shop, phone 503-M. x-30-U and exterior', j,jiiiii',,r'iih,t,r.'"i'ct',s' Thompson, 29 ;n1dwin Av... Mt, Dennis. Junction 7369. x-35-Lf. VENEnAN bliplelede with EAAY lung» chair), rose "born. Weston Cleaning Services veteran now in businpss. Floors cleaned. waxed Ind polished. Any kind of flooring brought up like new. Work guaranteed. Free estimates. New Electric Polisher. Wallpaper cleaned. Windows clean- ed. Painted walls washed. Phone A. Corns. MU. 6427. x-5l-tf HAVE your dupes custom made from your own material by In ex on. No waiting. Phone 1357-W. x-16-tt MODERN floqr “use; Meal vnnrnnuuu. kitchen cup- boards, tilebotrrd, window screens, storm windows and rep- airs. Zone 4-516. 172 John St. CA.RPE.NTERr, kitchen EXCAVATING, grading,’ plough- "a and 'j1f,ll',rg,tia with tractor. R. heeler, Phone eaten 4204-13 "e" -'"_-eV w. bPrCF mu. m: the old Multan road. Close to Malton, east of 27 highway. Apply Mrs. Wilfred Brown, Rdt. No.13. Weston. "-45-" BED SPRINGS-E, en repairs on all types of bedp springs and couches. Mt. Dennis UIltolatering, A. Lyon, 1002 Weston Rd. MUrmy 2.706. . x-43-tf quiet congenial hon2957‘Mac- Donald Ave., 045-1", ROOM yyi.yysrd for two mm on suit Single? 7 "isis-rar-ist.' 30:15}: 21 Holley Ave. Phone 12464. ROOM and Boy-q {or gentleman in rooms, continuous hot rwa‘LVe‘r, suit gentleman also garage to let. 89 King St., Weston. o-45-lt TWO, rooms for gent. furnished or LNWE furpished room for rent, unfurnished; - Zone -iiiri Harding Ave. o. COMFOETABLE furnished bed cents, semiCinvajid" anti -AtTrird persons. Weston RSI-W. x-M-tt arch correction. Featherweight arch supports to individual impres- sion casts made of ev foot. Hours by t'G1eint1'hfl.e'hgfl'l,t.: Gerrard 6160, Weston 691-M. 139 WILLIAM 51216: convales- FEET HURT? R. le MAITEE, foot, spgcialisg jn REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE $16,900 -- Owner's custom-built, solid brick, Georgian centre hall home, beautifully nestled amongr towering oaks, on one of the finest streets n Weston. Only q years lold, built of the best prewar ml- terials. Featuring spacious recep- tion hall, 22' living room, family- size dining room. Large ultra.- modern kitchen overlooking garden, loads of cupboard space, 4 spacious bedrooms, 2 will take twin suites, and fully tiled bathroom. Decont- ed in oils throughout. Finished recreation room; insulated; oil heated ($150) with contract. Large. deep lot. Illness only reason for selling. Early possession. Exclusive listing. L tr. J. MINI, REALTOR '; " BLOOR W.. TORONTO _ Phone‘RA. 2625; Evy†Kl. 2623 l L have good - waiting for ‘houaes and bunxalowl in Weston and Mount Dennis. Some with nll cash up to $15,000.00. For (groin)! efficient service call M. H. ilbert, Realtor, Murray 2355 or Zone (-419. x-M-td. Attractive fi-room, single storey, brick and stone, entrance hall, large living room, panelled din- ing room, two bedrooms, den, fully tiled kitchen and bath, finished recreation room, oil paint throughout, attached gllr- age, overhead doors, paved drive. Includes oil burner and contract, new awnings, fixtures, storm sash, screens. Immediate possession. _Owner occupied. Zone 4-341 or JU. 4186. i WFSTON gum 'irii5ELTiii amam mm Emu. WESTON non-nun ion an: SERVICES OFFERED PidrE-sisr-ortAi, ROOMS" id LET 111% HOME TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON x-li-tf 0-45-11. o-45-lt o-45-lt x-9-tf x-20-tf 97 “New i651: items," she said to her husband " the breakfast table, "it was 2 o'clock the following morning 1 Bridget and Mike had been married barely thrpn months and alroady Mike had on two ncrnsions arrived home in the early hours of thr, morning. This did not suit, Bridget, as on and] occasion she had to come down to admit him. Mike was liiiking forward to s ending the awning of this partie- ufar day in having a "few sociable nnos with the boys," and this Bridget Per. .. . .. _ Haw†"e'rV'_E. u, young lady 7:45 to 8:00 a.m. to Colege-0miersit.v' vicinity. Leaves work 5:00 pm. Apply 7 Virtoria St. E.. Weston o-Wit TryNNsr'pRjFirk" wanted GOOD home wai‘ted for four part- Persian kittens. Phone 862-M. MU. 2706 CARPENTRY, building alterations and repairs reasonable. Houses. garages, recreation rooms, trim; cupboards. For estimates phone Rummy Bros., Contractors, Weston 1524-g or 954-W. x-41-tt to Toronto (Bloor and St, St.) Leave Weston 7.30 a rive Toronto 7.55 am. Pho 4-452. WWW ....‘. “W.†u out“ and put, on. free 'iisifi'Ge),'." Call Wm. Price, 13.04-J. x-4l~tf STOEM wihdovga and minors cleaned ANYONE wrTy.n7iTiaTnr, in Tarn“... Inl, __ ' a. A. UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield: and Chairs Studio Coutshns, Davenport, Recovered and Repaired SLH'COvF,R?, MADE TO ORDER On Budget Terms if Desired Mt. DENNIS UPHOLSTERING a" you _ 'n help in thin mmtion, why not hue ul take .an a! It! " " Dee Avenue Phone MSG-M WESTON, TORONTO IS a Are your hunineu records vp-to-date? 0 Would you like your books or record: any to read? . Do you know Whit your utual are" and net profits If: It ch. end of each mankind . Are you too burr to give proper tttirrttion to thin and of your bulinm? Dominion Accountancy Service â€mum“, =TrPFFE. luau, "anon, at 8 o'clock in the Mternoon, on Tuesday. the 9th day of Novem. ber, 1948. - DATED at Weston, this 22nd day of October, 1948. NOTICE is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision to hear and determine complaints and appeal: with re. spect to the Assessment Roll for the Municipality of the Town of Weston for the year 1948, will be held in the Council Chamber, Town Hall, Weston, at q .,r., -4. c- 1L .. Dated this 22nd day of Octo- ber, 1948. G. H. CLARKSON. Town Clerk. The Council will hear in per- son, or by counsel, solicitor" or agent, any person who claims that his or her lands will be prejudicially affected by the said by-law End who applies to be heard. ' The proopsed by-llw and plans, showing the Indy to be affected, may be seen at my office in the Town Hall. " w, .m... - - u. any a... iusblieatiod of this notice, to pen I by-law to stop up Bttd clone that put of Patilm Avenue ly- ing between the easterly limit of College Street end the wee- terly limit of Pine Street, and to authorize the conveyunce thereof to the abutting owner. Noun in hereby d,):',', that the Council of the orporntion of the Town of Welton propone- alter the 18th (lady at November, $59! b.e.intr tht _ ate pt the last Cloning I portion of Puli- Avenue tween College Street and Pins Street and tulhorizin: the conveyance unreal. PUBLIC NOTICE Academy Of Dancing TOWN OF WESTON 8-9 ft. M TrtANwoirihiiii Age SERVICES OFFERED 16 av" TOWN or WESTON UtrHoLsrsfiiiii Weston Workingrnen's Club WA NTED CLASSES A. Lyeâ€; G. H. CLARKSON, Town Clerk. i002 Weston Rd. x-45-tf 2 -p.m, , [Mn imp 1orning ride 1 St. George JO mm., ar- Phone Zone o-45-1t n-45~1t by him from tsradii,'ive; bud; {385: when yr came home the other night a, bit since. It was 2 o‘clock the following morning when ye 'mme home last night. But I want to be tellin' ye that if it is 2 o'clock in the morning when ye come home tonight~nr any other night in the morning-you'" have to get up and let yourself in!" Thry any a rgasonable number of {has in good for a dogwkeepl L=_.,,, K, ... ... . For free ioick-up phone us. We pay phone charges. GORDON YOUNG LTD. Phone AD. 3636, Toronto Your Affair Is Our Affair 299 Glenlake Are, LY. 0987 LYNDHURST CATERERS WE EXCEL WEDDINGS RECEPTIONS BANQUETS PARTIES WANTED “Say It With Music" Entlinh Coneertirto Salem " "hen, for high clu- when“. etc. " Kemp Square. Wuton PM“ Jul-W WESTON 1500 - JU. 8827 WEST TORONTO FURNACE COMPANY WILL HURLSTONE (96.') J. W. .IOWN _ mucu- 1 "' o'drar. It'.. n I' "in“; Vacuum Cleaned - Repair: New Ind Rebuilt Furnace- Inatslled - Euy Term- City Wide. 24 Hr. Service General Sheet-lets! Work FURNACE WORK ROOFING CHIMNEY POINTING DEAD HORSES and CATTLE PIANO TUNING Bpeeialized Motor Tune-up 122 MAIN N., WESTON ZONE G276, 4-277 I!" JAN! BW-Mr. BINNII Ilium. "" or Venn "I: W. J. WARD FURNACES Tlnsmlthlng Emmttrtsaghhtg CRUICKSHANK GARAGE l TINSMITH. " C. PHONES: 7.0m 4-577 7on9 4-406 U N DERTAKERS CHIROPRACTIC Funeral Director! Ambulance " tr" -rsa= AIM, h Am L Wright PHONE 1230W. Towing Service "or! Gunny“ ME. 4962 Repaired Ti; VIM. I.. PATERSOI General 1naumnee Broker Omeet-- " We111nrton St. E. l Toronto Residence t-- 126 Basement Ave. Mn "a: Mono, " u- " Touch $0M. Tm w... 15;-W"""' mm. no Ber s... ,GiiiiT EL. one In: 158 Church St., Wm. Wanton â€64M. F0! appointmanv during day, - phone emu. I GEO. W. GARDHOUSE. IA. “when. â€knot. on. Auditor and Account“: " MAIN ST. N. ZONE 4-575 PHONE "mm. 6402" â€Woman Sqq" Restate, "Y. Msit '"lh'io'yrpa"tp?ggirm Hogans: "ovum-a J. T. FERGUSON For -ritment durlng Whlng, A-..‘ ,A_v I, mm "13;: irTGTAa"ts"it Pl . ttt . Thosrv. Kl "i?d"etelll'"1'lp,,1' liAt'l'l." Ga' J. EDGAR PARSONS' In! Ann-em; = Jura,, It. '5...- A..-.. In L_A,A - Philip E. Staite, m. frii """"""w"i:§i3~ u Elam: Stocking; Bela. on. has. Walto- 1162 C. LORNE FRASER “IIISTII, SOLICITOI. In. Bull of Nova Scan. Chunk". WESTON nuasu In? in “in " Your nod-nu Print. at“ loa- ROYAL Conservatory of _ _Musie of Toronto A Ilan 'otserqnicestiiriiirii Burl-hr. LEW, In. I." Illu- m Mon: but Julie Ann Rankin Students prepuod for" Conservatory" Examinations AUBREY PET"? mu ALLAN, an.) an!!!" Plenum .- manna-Iona nun um um Inna m Ila- Inn g... MIRISTIE. SOLICIT" Cururyd Accountant MEDICAL mums Teaching Piano in Weston F. A. siLveohAii A 7 KC. B USINESS, CA OPTOMETRIST Eye Examination Prescriptions Filled 8 John M. WESTON 1902 INCH'S DRUG STOKE J. C INCH. BA., P.-.B. J.e ArrNntatrttcan mm; --- u TORONTO n. OPTOMETRIC goucnons Mlle. In"; bu]; -3brfimr-. Phone 564-1 MUSIC nigh In: o-l6-52 non-nu." cabin a. Passengers fully insured. Day or Night Care and Courtesy “As Near to You In Your Roy’s Taxi 1 Little Avenue , (Across from Town Hall) 240 Main St. S. Corner of St. John's Rd. and Main All Passengers Phone 1929 MAIN TAXI, PHONE 456 All Passengers Insured BAKER "We may doze but (lever close." wmoaws T A X l owned and operat'ed by veterans Zone 4-327 VETERANS Prompt Courteous 24' Hr. Service 4 JOHN ST. In“ 129 MAIN NORTH FLEET LINE TAXI CABS 111 TO SERVE YOU 38MAINN. Phones . Weston - 677 Mu. . 5772 TAXI TELEPHONE for