" Custom and: to At windows ex- :mtly. Bring rout 'nefsurem.t.nt' in go- 'play. Flexalam's low not! will 'urprae lyou. CLEANERS a DYERS COLD STORAGE Quality Cleaning PROMPT. COURTEOUS SERVICE ss MAIN ST,, s. ','l'd,'d am. a. “a. u... a; n. W I - ((10.1):- a Pat'Lynskey & Sons WESTON-d" ATTENTION FARMERS SAND, GRAVEL, FILL Ann TOP SOIL Weston 65-W-5 HORSES - CATTLE - HOGS WESTON Roofing Materials GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Phone Zone 4.577 And Our Representative Will Call LIMITED 31 South Station Street DIES: READ THIS! mum: Tam OWNED AND OPERATED BY 310an nabs. gtiiabtJhat I. TIA,» ei" in. find Gua; FURNACE REPAIRS VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOMS Furnaces Cleaned and Ttepaired-,-hutallatioms to All Makes - Estimates Free - Saturday, Oct. M, 2 Inn. to 5 pm. in FARWS SHOWROOMS, Main St. TELEPHONE COLLECT FOR IMMEDXATE SERVICE Fancy Work, Knitted Goods, Candy, Home Baking Draw on Basket Groceries tive satin; We are paying the Righest Prevailing Prim for DEAD OR CRIPPLED.FARM ANIMALS WESTON REBEKAH LODGE N0. 305 will hold a 402 and.“ Id. BAZAAR L. LEWIS' nun-m 2108 Phone It w W on Wot-Mu, thtour II, that In - York Bangu- won to but u m Com- manding Officer. LL40]. J. L Hunter, due to human church". te,tttt,'ed 19d in, MI plaee. 'PY. Lt.-Col..J. Singleton gnu-tad in 1940 n the Amount! Taming Cantu " 'tn Bunch and froth then want to t e Amount! Corp. Wing " COTC, when!†at Toronto.- Lt.-Col, Sin man sat thine": months a whining of r Lt. Col. J. Singleton Takes Over' tit,tttt!t1t!1ti..tlf,gry!It', York Rangers J. Sin Man has been 'aiiaa by 1ili.%"l'. C. Voulhul. GOC, Central Corttnund, to any on the use old tradition of the Queen's York Emu". DEPARTMENT or HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK It is not enough to recognise the desirability at nod and habits-they must be practiced. The capacity to work steadily end with efficiency throughout the working days of the week can be maintained only when health and vitality are protected by an adequate diet, good health imbibe. mt and some outdoor exercise. The food that is eaten should conteln thevdements that the muoclel, nerves end other tissue- of the body hue lost in the content activity ttf keeping the humln factory in operation end good rspeir. Sometimes in large {acumen when workers become My, irritable, easily fatigued, and prone to mistakes and accidents, I check on the diet has often revealed s diste< gard for one or more of the rules of good nutrition. ___ - she To'iuso' "___ JOHNSON’S GREENHQUBES Industrial Worms lead Adequate Diet CARL E. BILL, M.D., M.o.R. T0RoNTXh-ADeuide 8986 In Pots ‘3 Lunch»? haw: MUMS Lloydka 5950 All Colours Continued from [an I- John Shaw (9 ft. 4 in); Funk Middleton (BR. " in.). My!!!†Bred an»..- . w-- =. midi; tiftriiu.,'hitriiriiiidid _ (a ft. a in.). tuftr tytut.dinrBred. Iurtts Intermediate, Bill O’Brien (13 ft. 6 in); Jack Chapman (12_ ft. 5 in.); Bill Taylor (10 ft. 11% in,). Running Broad Jump -. Segior, _Bill O'Briery (13_ft. 2 in); JirtriGUdU Liar, Haiti riiijiura Pollett " ft. 6 in.). Jngioy mix-yd Duh -- 7 imC6'Eriet0tirruktra%, Jack Chapman. Jugioy " gm; Deh _ --._.- _ -iiiif 6738;}; 3i‘n?"Anmm. Jack Chwman. 1n!y.tttteAi.ty? 60 tard D_ash ' "Bf1i"6'ifriG," £612 auman. Juyjor 09 yard Duh . -- . June Ponder " ft. 7in.): Marx- ttret Rose (6 ft. 5 in): Balm-1 Maury " ft. 5 in). Junior am: Jump Joel Thompson. Mord Guest. Rodger Bowles. birthed“. in!!! Jutyt . - . Giru0Sie1d hnlhm, Magnet Rose, Dorothy Pierce. Bettior, 60 ted Dash a. --. _ ,, Bdrbdia' ’MEjGrE," Rita Wdotto, MAI-Karat Rose. Juttior so vary, Duh - _ _ A Margaret Majury, Carol Ansel- tine, Doreen Houghton. " yard Duh ' lap-ban Maury. Margaret Rose, Rita Vidotto. Int_erqtedutt ft? urinal: -- - - useâ€; _ $133qu "in? -vidotto, Margaret Rose. 301539910! 1trtL.rard, Dash - - "iii: maxim O’Brien. Bob Moon. _ Th_ret1ettttMJtaq - - . . . 1n the past few weeks endot- from Weston have been seen " Fort York Armourieq. Ev we lay "welcome to the Queen'l orke" to the men of Watch. A' training promm he. been let up to give the cadets experience in Jnrmoured training. " lame of you will remem er, the Queen’l Yorke were eltlblllhed " one time in Weston and it in our hope that we will be able to re-eatnb ieh n squadron of the 25th Armoured regiment in Weston "nin, Transportation bu been wronged for the cadet: to and from the nmouriel and the echo- dule is " follows: A vehicle leaves Weston town hall at 19.15 hours (7.15 p.m.) etch Wednesday night 'and towns ntteroarads ibteul...T.raiet" " . . -- _. On Sammy, October M, the Queen's York: are 'res tor Meaiord, Ontario, for e wee -end scheme on the PNY: We know that the regiment wilt hnve e good time as well u benefit from the training they will receive It Mea- ford. his in one of the few extra training schemes that the 26th Armoured Regiment will be having. It is the intention ot the reserve :1me to have a better training pro- gram as well as sports and social evenings Come down next Wednes- day night with or without a. mem- ber of the tth'? York: and see the . comm eshitg Ind friendly gymoephere pi e my†puny. with the 4mm tr :11 through his "my - In bun only on wound ltdâ€. Col. Sin 13. ton am. to “a M'I Tt Runny: in â€with 1968, u I Iqundron commando: an {you than wu appointed commanding officer in n “and": time. On behalf of the o n and men of the Quan'l York Ranger- m MW alum! our congntull- titatrtti our an commm er and with him awry “new. We feel prowl to have . mm with such wanna u out ",',t,"'g',"r"t,tt a eu- and pmmlu him our loyts support in the new ventures we know he has pltnned for the regiment. Cash: Training - - - You too can be a. part of this train- ing scheme. Join the queen's York Rangers (25th Armoured Regi- men:), the York! county regiment now £66133} ieiVier, Frink Middleton, Billy Hands. Beti.ttr Ierprd Pysh. _ - . Ken -tukiretu," -koisrer Bowles, Paul Vidotto; Jugior gauging Bred Amo, “"3817 iiiGi, "iiiiipifiiao, John Banks. 8eiot Ittrh Jung“ __ . _ . over-cu am all wpa- h “rim amputa- m " Dunn, li,tilr, MM“ Boll-m; a. u, Maple Leaf School oven-n Tttr, Pick; (iAt.i,. lane aret Ro mu: (5 ft. 10 in.); May 1vritttrrt_tl, It). -- -_- - - IriieriGdirte -tiirmm, Broad Jump _ Beth-r- M-ivry left , iii-Mm Bat; $135551th ' tirrol 1trr1-, ttoth. ' Blood donort are very urgently heeded weekly af Hie Toronfd Hospital, Weston. 1 This appeal is urgent and Hie Wesion Brandi, Red Cross Society has been requested to endeavor to take care of the require- menu of this hospital. Will volunteers kindly eattaef direct to Weafon Hospital. Phone Weston 212, Local 53, for an appointment RED CROSS APPEAL For Blood Donors Mr. Paul Melanie. tho wake! for the evening we. introduced. He mime the Indium. by thawing coloured Illdu med. from photo- graphs taken on his recent. travel- which, starting from Toronto. pro- ceeded to Chicego, Denver. Mexico, thence up' the coal: from Lee Annu- to Scuttle end Vancouver. ttnally through the Rockies with tome exceptionelly beautiful View. of Bent! end Lake Loulu. In con- clualon, the speaker "id, "After All. number Height: this own school) we: not Inch th bad plus to come home to," and showed a plcun of the school and grounds. The president "tended Mun topmnlamdtobolholdmdm newborn. mentioning how (nut,- ingitwmto-aotrtaetyrtor panama 'rg-at. Mm. L V. Butyh.inso.rt mm I solo in her and planning mum» ttttd Mrs. Harper aeeomptutied on the piano. SEEM; GG FiiFaaiaid an; 352713? 0 __ 5g2iei Sin-iii Gt ' b 'll'lifl 3 Th. lat-2?: by"? tu ' Mu. Ward urine on the comim coune on Chil Itudy. to b. bah at the Collegiate. PaulMcKonzis Addresses King Strut Assoc. ,tre'Egeygriigufttf,,ii"g ilai 3-23“ ar iii-3. MT") It wee announced that the Hal. Iowe'en Party for children from Grade Ito Grade VI will be held on 0th October trom 7.00 to 9.80 Pan. in the Central United church. pm» being given for the moat origin] costumes. tion w hold on lanai. oetoHr Wh.. The pushing _n. J, I. The November meeting of the association will be held. in con- glnction with Open Home, on 19th ovember. from 7.80 to 9.80 Pau. Miss Hand's Clu- won the prize for attendance. stine: Doreen Houghton & Elsie Wtsrburton; Mar: Rodman & Dorothy Pierce. ‘Thfee-leggegl Int. ' Senior 7 _ Boys Int. & Sen.--Tom Maury & Raymond Hook: Dave Polk: & Pant Vidotto; Jim Dawe and Bob Bowles. Wagelbngroy RackMidget - Cleve Rodman & Bill Fike: Alan Eisenberg & Jerry Kelly; Bob Angus & John Dancy. Wheelbarrow-Junior - George" Marsh iVGmnt Wyhies: Ronnie O'Field a Billy Hands; Jim Park & Jim Cabell. The meeting ooncludod with re- freshmen“, served by Grads I mothers. "Sugar†Rubber Long-wearing tire will result from me ot dextrose tux-r " tom product) tn menuhcture of I superior synthetic rubber. The Financial Post reports. Cold tub- ber process was originally very slow. requiring several weeks. Now dextrose sugar and three other "speed up" chemicals are shorten- in§ prooess to 12 hours " to. Be. an t is claimed to be a galactic rubber which gives 80 more miles to tread-wear than the beat natural rubber. Joan 'WditGru- -itTiirvidotto,. Nancy Ree & Beam-ens Juriga; Jun Bolton A Martratet Rep. -- _ MOUNTVDENNI s THEATRE 1286 WES'NN m "RMghl'f FRI. & SAr.-ocr. 29-30 "" WESTON RD. PHONE 4 WEST! BOX OFFICE OPENS " PM. DAILY "KIT CARSON" ALSO Kent Taylor - Dona Duke Dana Andrews - Jon Hull - Lynn Bari ....in.... WED. & TNUM-NOP. 8-4 Bud Abbott . [on may. : “1110le mm In "THE WISTFUL WIDOW 0F WAGON GAP," ADDED mr “CRUSADE’ with but“ You: - Entry Wi1eoxott “DANGEROUS MILLIONS†1lrAllltA9pATDilCmll1trp,' -in-. n M. Pawns. '(Pm. Wm my. Wum Unto- cetthnrrodhs_r- ttill,rriai!,E1'iir'ii “a ttttdt"""""'"""" t,Pl,'dN',r,Tllt.u',t,l2,t iirrd Bin tiii au% itriaa iGhtG%FFGriiiG, an tuna “and thin rt,", thaf be I gn'lh'tM', main,» - " I0! . 1t'lk's.ot,hr1,e.'droy,t'gllttti mum Wm 'oo I.“ Tor - m -. W"? irtiFitati iGiiiEir ..- -ee tt, anna' 1"d hhh,",2,tl mount on M'y. 't't','2l',t be 5m31m mum,» - “In†Pan-Th- (“tartan 41,'l1'g,'lWfd"d1'f, Pgllttt; MraC.Kiroaur,wtuiwfil won minding an a. J,'r,' in: it has curiae- in manufac- oul ',,'llh'd'e't"l'lt,t 2lt 3...â€. “HM. iril1 bring wmething of ,i"' t'd2T, to bog; tur',',',', to I",:,"','::',':,,"','?,',',':"',:- d l on r op Selma I, an 'tu. .'otm.ihl'l In than to Ill; Guy, $11)me 'glat1'l.lt1. an- â€maid, he jun} _ tti, 'mbg'i Firrti" 3h'6i1""“ -rrdiaiituricr knowing a. was than ttf that dummies 09mm!)- _ ton not mum: t"llll.rd'2dT4,',Tlutr,u.'ll'd' -tji'l'j','feti'iit,', 371m in" GCi, tlrst'h"Al'Gl,'t, I your! says- the broaden" due totiower cut-off. tro no tunnel that a {at In)! u Despite tho tict ttsit Weston mel, dents In ole to hear only half of the hroadeast dug to power ot-offs as} ik mm" "V -iriiiit"ii -irituriiG, md Domed-lain: and well 'ttll listening to. A cantor-Inch (my. the "an.“ In the world. 1- found in Cuba, which boat: also tho world'- Imullelt bird. Answer to till: - Crossword Puzzla MON. & TOES-NOV. 1a Ross Purkis ELECTRICIAN WINDER’S “THE SENATOR WAS INDISCREET" "DARK iikSSAGE" Whig]; man J Ella Rain- . Allen Jenkins Adult Entertainment Added Attrpetlott, PHONE 11130 Humphrey Bogart . Lauren Bull] " Bruce Bennett 4 JOHN ST. and 429 MAIN NORTH PHONE "tll TAXI . Monthly Supper :1 Hunting Men’s - club lovemhcr 2 n. Inn's M cl I“ Plu- byuuhn Chuga Mr "tstt.ee good fdkiit 1:115;er of which oi- tartainrtsett. Advertising "r.--rer ttt Mnmrahmumpm. mu m â€mm Llff J"W llLlLLlflt, 'tNr'"" FURNI‘ITUREI: itGiGi Gaia otiutdi “an my aiG"fifGG"6aGGiGGsiGrGor' "W... Wmdnï¬wumnmhmonorofw“ with'ethuldl. tufib-6tHumtt"Narttertoiiih biiiib" Ittut" _ri'tet.tue.mut- â€We! dim ha a; V7" iaira kTUTaiiiG - Giarn, iiTarGun"a"a; . fl,'.',',',] see: 2'.T'd't"il','fs2r.' _ . FiOir rii.iiriia.iG4aiiiVGa'iii ugh.’ .Wiomd“ T333 Noodermhummumbm-zdeéh l9. ,Etstiytstyyysel Safe foggy . . 45m «in -etmtrq "Soda-l TERMS TO SUIT you; Jlttllhnrtr1trtt,. Ilhtti, l At Spring Valley Dancing Pavilion nylon , 1 - Modern and Old Tyne In.“ - Pri" fee Best Dn- Couple THE WESTERN I an - an. meter BERT GUARDHOUSE, M Mir. Alt-trem-ao. RICHARD! “54% mass Frtht we