IN . P.egtg, grading and grave]- nnl. ll received the attention of hard-working members of the Association, to whom promise of my action was made by the Commissioner. I It appears the cause of delay was due to tardinesa of certain build- ira in removing their excavated material‘, ete., from the previously traded road. Fully aware as they yore of the advancing winter and resulting bad weather, the incon- dderation and downright incompe- tence of these builders is to be Tthe next dance is at Humber ta School. Llwrence Avenue, ',s'8,N,piT')ttri,. when wondérlul wt given awny. ome and be the lucky winner! b. I would like to thunk my mlny for their kind letters md culls. nutty I cannot. accept any invitation, and pony I cannot. - you all personally. an I but found to meeting you At our 2n dance (as above), when I'm on ty an honest. when!†on Pgisley _ - 'Caaiatt, and fin-newly it wu a 'uceeu. made Rios-ibis by the effort: of r. Chetwynde. . Pranees, Mrs. Ralph, Mrs. n, Ind others, to whom our test“! “an? m Fundezt . WESTON. MUSIC AND RADIO NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 8 of The Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office in the Town Hall, Weston, on the 19th day of October, 1948, the list of all greens entitled to vote in the said Municigality a Municipal lections and that such list remains t are for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- -dings to have any errors or omission! corrected According to law, the last day for appeal being the 9th dny of November, 1948. DATED this 19th day of October, 1948. G. H. CLARKSON, Clerk, Town of Weston. Clerk’s Notice 0f Firét Posting _0f hters' List, 1848 iii-hymmummuto 701M831†other; _ , WIN A _ I949 "llillllli'lll'lii0lll1 Fill?? 6dtuie. 'nt0- ,5... a. an: an a the For every $10 or over purchase made In our, store we will give absolutely free, a Canadian' Legion, I No. 213 draw ticket (value $1.00) on a new 1949 Meteor, draw wlll be made on or about Nevemuer 10th in?“ at --- th in; a,Ntltg tt (at My. you mum PROCEEDS FOR NEW LEGION MEMORIAL HALL, MAIN ST. SOUTH TOWN OF WESTON :31. I, (owumn st). ZONE 4-400 deplored. The Atmoeiation being assured but for thin contingency. Paisley Avenue would now have ‘been com leted. Members no iatiafied 'lll'ftl the Township m ‘fully eo-operative, and are concern- 'ed with giving this matter every priority. In my opinion the prettiest few Eoundl of femininity is Sherry Men, the newest daughter of Al 1nd Momma Rosen. Lots of luck, Sherry, but for goodness uke watch that huge appetite, it will add too may pounds! That's all for now, folks, cheerio till next week. as . mind.“ â€M aod,putrut ot th. Cur din Red Croat may. hold " the on full. lull . hadâ€. lat'. 18tti: t'.lle.!'-"etfg: mul ot the Ontario Dlpulon Hos- pital PIU, Committee reRerrted on the e on! work hing done by tho society-in visiting and tah. la comm ta "mm: who no "ill hoatriUlia.d. t0-nltso.tjrld of â€mutton. a! the commas. to mul- uniform nil visits to that I" Yt2lt uo covered. A- there no 'r",', ','gii,t,ftr",', ','l'gtlip', in the our-uh: . I [a . com- mituo to Iowa here to visit township maiden“ hooniuliud in Sunnybrook ard Christie St. And other military "tablirhmenta. The" in tho. he lasso-tog! great. arise be t'", :ith t,rtir, snd, or p w 0 won I pron cine 'alt and the chance {a be when for drives. On behalf of the Welfln Cqmmittee of Ontario; Division. lie congratulated thel Etobicoke Branch on the excellent welfare work being done with veggrmgancl their families here. l Etobicoke Red cross committee Excellent Visiting Work, Done By Miss mam. bGreiGGfiGV mymn. Mp. Mr. Ellins. chairman of the Visiting Homemakers Committee reported on the progress of her committee. and old the meeting that reservations for Homemakers are now being accepted by the Supervisor at t e Red Cross Office. Mrs. MacKenzie, Chairman of Branch activities for Ontario Divi, lion told the Branch of the active interest in Red Cross that she meets nil across the Province. Due to the unsettled world conditions, there seems to be a re-awakening of interest in Red Cross work even in sections where Red Cross active. 1y ceased with the Peace. Etchi- coke is one of the most active of the Ontario branches, and she told the meeting that this Branch is held up as In example all over the Prpvinee. - Mrs. Hayward, Supervisor of the Visiting Homemaker Service in Etobicoke reported that five Home, mums have been signed up and are already taking care of homes where the mothers Ire ill. Unfor- tumtely, them are none nvuilable la yet in the northern end of the township. and due to transport» tion difficulties, this service will not yet be extended .tp Thistletown and Clareville, until we secure Homemakers in this area. Miss Hinton of Ontario Head, e,,',',,",,',', described the Visiting omemaker Service and congratu~ lated this Branch on the excellent Lr,'lf,fl,','1' being made in the estab- 'tsl-ttrot this, agrvice here. ronto, Hamilton. Ottawa." Windsor. Sudbury and Sunk. who have con- duaud tha" dunes under Rod Cm: tmpiga. Four Tow-ship nunu took e refresh-x- couru at the Univonity of Toronto int full. and will now gtart Home Nursing Chase: in the, f,"e'/,et; Then dam- magt be hug t by I Graduate Name, consist of u mini- mum of 18-2 hour periods, up well In demonstrations. There use 30 practice periods and cover 19 nurs-' my procedures. They are com- pleted by . written examination. Miss Kent, Supervisor of Public Health Nurses in Etobicoke, told of the establishment in Alderwood of I pre-natal clinic, with nutritional chases under the direction of Miss DeWitt. _ in. Ionic- " 0am Division. com-0nd“! tho Bunch lot the loin ttatv', tue, rfat,'e't ' In T (in: tlftPtI.Nke k'dtitt'tltta"f?, ninth tho ChiId .mnlt?. Contra. and on tho Bulloun. Sh. wok. about the Home Nani" Clan“. which In now hing hid Sc thn Township. Over 30.000 h . of voluata Wk. have beet given by the 'JJrlt'pikl'l, incWNrM.To- ~Continued on page is - The; I 'A" u - .. "a, hawk v,ttltttd .5, r grunge to; 0% Manuals ' I I y T . Mdrl'lu'h't, _ltv'l',trrdit _', a; york in 's'.".",'. 1ti.'t,', for the 1m; _ can " â€no fry-gomzv of at, il'tdM5tttt Total area of the three Prairie Provinces-Manitoba. Saskatchew- an and Alberta - is 481 million acres of which about 110 million acres are occupied as farm lands. On Wednesday last our village was shocked to hear of the death of the Lucas baby. To Mr. and Mrs. Lucas and 'family we extend our deepest sympathy, The private funeral took place from the W. J. Ward ’Funenl Home, Main street north, on Thurs- day, October 21st, when service was held for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Lucas. Rev. Kell offi- ciated and spoke comforting words. The flowers were beautiful and the parents wish to thank all their neighbors and friends who were so kind in their bereavement. Besides the parents. are left to mourn, John, Linda and Paddy. Rev; P. Abbott of Schomberg will be the guest. preacher oh Sunday} October 31st and we extend to him a warm welcome. T The young people will hold their Hallowe'en natty on Thursday night, Oct. 2'". and the fun will be fast and furious., _ _ _ The WA held their Hallowe'en party on Monday night last and a 30351 time was tll.., . drew's Church on 8|]th last with Rev. T. B. Butler officiating. Dur- ing the dispensing of the bread Ind wine the choir an: very loftly "Jesu Lover of my Soul". The Rector took his text from the 5th Chapter of Aettr, 16th verse. “The Shadow of Pem- pas-int by Night". He told of some races of people being superstitious of shad- ows while others welcome the shadows. In our prayers we alked God's blessing on the new minister at Aurora and for All Sainte Church, Toronto. who have adopted us at St. Andrew's. Thistletown. October 23rd being the third anni- versary of the We of Nstions we prayed that God will bless their efforts and lead us to Peace. Don and Ken Snider were on duty as sidesmen. Miss Shirley Snider was at the organ. l rial-no {ht-T - Fi"iik" "is l _fnrl L... tn g tTart", Wednudag'.;f . it,'h Tat of Tt2 in Le','. “a?“ or flu m}; o ovum r " woo room: of at. Amanda. te',',",,'." out and but our good neigh- rs. A celebrltlon' of the Pt, Com- munipn wuroburvodr It t. An- †Ee/i taaa iUTiFiiiW. -e_Neer we a not on hand†for their "I!†mating and can. in the "dty the were buy “‘99 f,h'er'l/lllk trl, ww- - M C " W“ I 'ttu/CI)' ttttttut. 'tmet TEEANQGUIDE. f See ourdisplayofHotPointStovesfs' Washers . Available for Immediate Delivery WESTON MUSIC AND RADIO Music comes to life . . . new richness and clarity of tone , . . in a console cabinet noted for the charming simplicity of its modern styling. Deluxe automatic fast-acting record 9hanger. Plays twelve IO" or ten 12" records. Silent Sapphire permanent point pick-up eliminating needle changing and needle noise without the slightest sacri- fice of the original perform- ance . . . all reproduced electronically: B e a u t i f ul modern cabinet in selected hand-rubbed walnut veneers. Oversize baffle for finer tone -.-.....-.-....-..82Mh00 VISIT OUR RECORD BAR FOR THE LATEST m VICTOR ' BLUEBIRD RECORDS - .‘CWWM,."‘"’ CTa" a - _ _ ~ , I ‘ g m, t "lg F A. aEieiiiia= = l ...., x . 't ' 'rf' ' "--,_. _ _ _ sir, ./ g k' .lrgggggvg "iii/set-tttiii-iss I',,:, , :9 V ' As :29â€. .'.’ 1,fit,'xtttrs",r W“). . V "l ' . " " ". g: l P sv,-,.'),',,';)',,,'? tt g _')/,1f?,' riiirFsifiiiisici?,'i:c'l,_ 4; . *9 . = ' . w: H; , _ - MrtmeiBE ' I . ‘1 t'; ciiirirrr?rifii)"ir te", l, N .u‘v I M ' MODEL 81 MODEL VRA-14l . JACK Perms; more. " MAIN ST. N. (Opposite John) ZONE 4400 fo/ every room and purse with incoottrdte . able features for finer tone, T value and pertortttaiice ". , USE *OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN USE OUR CONVENIENT BUDGET PLAN watue are' performance . , at wasmn IlWtll0 Mm RADIO RCA Thded's an - - '- MODEL VRA-65 Brilliant styling. mania; tone and volume mad RCA ictor’s famous "Golden Throat," makes the handsomely compact Little Master the big time performer in the low rice field. In Brown Afll'l'ie.'.l.'.1t.......uss.oo Ivory, Rose or Green_.,_$37.50 LITTLE MASTER Designed for those who want radio performance at its bent in a table model - Standard broadcast, Shortwave and RCA Vietor's FM - Pre- quency Modulation " its fin- est. 8 tubes provide powerful performance - three he- quency bands - Full range continuous tone control. Three special built-in anten- nae. Phono ra h in-put Jack for use wigi gum-d Player. A distinctive and beautiful cabinet fashioned from the finest walnut veneem and minted woods ...-..-8159.00 Truly modern in performance and styling With RCA Vic- tor’s FM - Frequency Modu- lation at its finest. Rich tone of the "Golden Throat". 8 tube Superheterodyne with three bands - FM, 88-108 mes., Shortwave 19, M, 31 metres and Standard broad- east 540-1600 kcs. Three spe- cial built-in antennae. Ratio detector circuit makes tuning on FM as easy as on Stand- ard. Smartly fashioned wal- nut veneered cabinet with control panel set at an angle for easy tuning and yet room is left on top tor orna- ments ..-..-..,.......-...-..t2M.00 MODEL 80 Excellent long and shortwave meption; " olden Throat"; beautiful Rustic cubinot fin.. ished in to back, completely enclosing chum! and with a built-in car)- ing handle. In Walnut h1ltl'td'.'lell.'.'..t...tsom In Ivory Pltustic.-.........-...t63.50 MASTER Embodying the latest elec- tronic developments of RCA Victor's research engineers, as well as master furniture craftsmanship, the 121 ap- proaches the ultimate in ra- dio reception, in ease of per- formance and in sheer cabinet beauty. FM reception offers an entiulf' new field of liltening peaaure. Powerful 12 tube Superhetemdgné with four bands - FM, mdlrd Wave, and two Shortwave. 6 automatic push buttons for instantaneous dectric tuning on standard broad.. casts. Magic Eye for easy. precise tun " on both Stand- ard Wave and FM. The "Golden Throat". Three ape- clal built-in antennas. A richly 3 mph, unusually beau- tiful cabinet w.....-....-.....)." RCA Victor’s Greatest Music- al Triumph. A magnificent 18th Century Chippendale- inspired cabinet in a choice of rich mahogany or walnut veneers. Radio reception and record reproduction through the Golden Throat transcends all previous performance lev- els for sheer beauty of tone and absolute fidelity to the original performance. Has the some powerful 14 tube Standard Wave, Short-wave and FM chassis as model 121. Left panel drops for roll-out deluxe automatic record changer with "Silent Sapphire". New, exclusive Magic Monitor silences Bur ace noise . . . electronic- ally ......m......____...._..._...‘$650.00 MODEL 121 hogany LITTLE MASTER WOOD Here is the mite In wood to the famous "Little / Master" radio. Available In a. beautiful cabinet a. choice of three wood finishes, walnut, maple or m- For records or radio here il truly magnificent perform- ance, with all the range. resonance and brilliant clar- ity of tone of the fines} musical instruments. Inspired RCA Victor engineer-mi created the VRA-67 wit an amnzing oversize Sound battle. Powerful, highly selective Standard Broadcast 6-tuN, radio. The new RCA Victor automatic record changer plays twelve IW' or ten 12" records, Classic in inspiration, modern in styl- ing, the beautiful cabinet is finished in a choice of richly grained walnut, mahogany or blonde veneers, Ind provides ample storage space for records e...............-.....-..-..)." (Also available with Short Wave It alight extra cost-- Model VRA-67S). V RA-67 $47.50