WE S'1ll"O Ihll llllMlr1lfji,.i) C AND RADIO MASTII V Diana-db 1 .long and nholn “We nylon m a mm y gunmlin plastic C a b i n e t which complmly eocloses (My Bis and mvides a builpin Buying d.e,c,i.',Gold.en Thou" me. AC/DC operation. Shetwabe alertive ,uperhetero. tg, circuit. Built-in antenna. one antral. automatic volume soup]. New type elliptical I. Brown Plant} _ _ . 301.00 In Ivor] Plastic. . . . . .803.“ 't',Td"su','Ag,u,'ardttf,7pgt,'ogtcte Ptiwedui6utaeit-ardbroadcnstradiowittt i ML Amour-tic volume control. Gentle-action 21 up a 12 moulds â€mam. “Silent Supphin’ point pickup _ dlmging, need Throat" tone. S; of hand-rubbed _ or blonde ven “trauma ICAVKTOIMVOIY We have in stock a, full range of the new Victrola radiRphonographtr, RCA Victor Radio. and Record Players. There', an RCA Victor model for every taste and budget Come in Today for a Demonstration rm._.. foe Mia . . . here's Indy magni ' MC chine: of charming modem 2tl {been Mined an main; oversize sound YOU'VE EVER HEARD h a Internal! prim alto-at]: min-Inomml "A' VICTOR - RICHEST TONE 1" ST. NORTH Twith Short Wave) 32.9.00 _ Model VRA-67S 5 MIIU'I’IIIIIIIII VIA-67 uly magnificent rft [an 2etr. Fa sound tie "ctua tone Trim can r , with iii-in antenn‘ le-nction record champ "pphire'I permanent ', pickup eliminates ing, Te, 30in. ' t" tone. tyre in you nd-rubbed walnut, tru lend: veneers. Cabin record 'tomr space. Personally yours " I ‘ndio- in-every-room' .. price . . . the Little Master combines eXtefr tional performance and brilliant styling in I handsomely mm- pm table set. "Golden Throat" tone system. Su rheterodyne 5- tube standard grandma radio. Built-in Magic Loop "ttem". Operlcs on either AC or DC current. be Broun. Plastic., - In In", Rose at - Available in I choice of humus walnut, maple or mahn an LITTLI MAST“ WOOD Guru†Plastic - . . . "r.. "TT" MASTER Visit Weston 's Main Record Bar for Your Victor Records Strrrrethhrg really liner in 4 Tab]: Radio ---A distinguithed companion piece for library, den or sitting room. Comes in hand-rubbed cherry wood and matched walnut veneers. Superb standard broad.. um and short wave reception with powerful Grub: radio. "Golden Throat". Cnminuously variable tone control. Autnmltic volume mntrul. Two built-in antenna. Easy-tuning tilted dill: of 1t',',eT,.'"r,sl','t,t livid; softly lighted numer a. no}; us or record player .............' 'MMO MODEL " Jack Petrle Prop. (Opposite John Street) ln co-operation with RCA Victor, we are passihg on to you the price reductions made possible by the recent reduction in the Federal Excise Tax. Every RCA Victor model in our store has been reduted. Come in and cash in on these sensational values! Illa fittest RADIOS and tru-e M0ll0-ll'MMtgtlillriill8 you can buy. Frequency Modulation a: " fuetr--Ht's.s new dynamic (one realism virtually nun-"ed by unlit. none. interference or fading. Model 81 brings you RCA Yicaor's advanced FM circuits in I powe- ful B-lube radio, Also provides Short wave, and Standard bro-dun auxin "Ladder: Pg',?,,',,','; ll†dynamic dspvgker. Tone control. mayâ€) plug-in. istirtctire wrap-noun " inn in richly paint-d walnut uneer fittil...-......................... s229'm MODEL tro-RCA Victor FM in a brilliant l-rube table model. Also has standard Ind Shot: I‘ve. Beautifully styled in lustrous walnut - fittiah .Fr_.m.-t.tr......r.._..._...FF___..F...r._.VP....P.Pr.r.._r...F... '".." RCAVI dt OR . Table Modol VIA-56X Tune it in . . . or let 'em spin . . . hcre'rn burs-in value every my pt,', look n it or listen to it. owerful S-xubc standard ndio. Viunln phonon-pl: with f,'l gum-rum changer Ig'. RW2..." A"d.2.t'., $5532.; Farc -- ti-ee." .rm -_- ""â€' Silent (iirifGG permanent point piuup - no needle: to than. "Golden Throat" lam. m rich (Into bull vul- nat mm- Ind Hay-)1! VlCTlrlA VRH4 - Com m uhle model rmire Vie. uoll 's1d,t'ic"d',o.Tg,'e; Sun- brd l'"",,tgg,'; Fur Ir ,t:'ar,ct nyl- IC up, up It" I India. I'l walnut "men VIII: obonrhued woods. risk; Priu M.............. - mm $12936 DistintruUtted new Virtual: g,ttt,'gt,'Ttt in Chippendale-inspired china of heart Ind hutt walnut "nun. ecurd album noun span. For audio. there's Itmdud Ind short 'IVaFe-a 7-Iube snperhuemdyne circuit. with 6 mm of push-pull output. Fur numb. tlee's . new automatic ch,a,'i1M,,clo" up to " records. "Silent Sapphire" permanent jewel-point pic up-no needle thing“, 12" dynamic speaker. Coo. linuoul tone control. Built-in mum-u. upermivc (one of the $349 on "Golden Throat". .-F-...-P.-.........---r.--.--. . A powerful. bland long and dam! w": receiver in [windy Ilylcd table model. Finished in richly-grained walnut veneers. Phononlvh plug-in. "Golden Throat". squ-igu. “Golda: gut-m ammo- MR TO " l PERFECT HOSTESS You’ll want this helpful new Booklet . s a batman; for flower grunge- menu. table settings, buffet sum pen Ind ppusiotl entertainment ia fl,, 131:] ,o' t,i,'tji,ri'i'iriiici Ava'ldle Ouch! Mth, Limited Bditioo- Model " $79295 -cktme in and his": your copy. ,1; A, "130/ â€a 1' W 1:», _ tt? I m C) (i, guy's/ml a Erma . J, _ N , I ( r: l by; T -- l A“ WAY. um K OD. ZONE 4-400