'tit! aFirGsiitk a lamb lodge. A dung. in the method of Roll Cull in intro-heal to the mating, 's.. and but.“ of the “and pbcedure "a, raging-tic): boqk val PM.“ vowii' a. muggy calamity Council Hold Annual Elation: - ll. Sanders In»: Press: Transportation With Proddant Clare Coleman in the chub. the mend meeting of the Walton Businau Men's Atrroeiation tor the you I“? wag h_old "P yon- Sever-l now member: were on bond to be introduced by their m- perrtive â€canâ€. The following men were introduced to the uno- clation’ Jack Spencer of Beamilh Stores was introduced by Roy Ed- wards of the Kirby Stores; Jack Phillips and Tom Rimmer of the firm of Phillips, Rimmer, Smith and Ross Accountants were intro- duced by Bill Ward; Charles Mee- sor of the Weston Super Market was introduced by Clare Coleman; Percy Wesson who has purchnled Height Electrical was introduced by Bruce Pollard. r iitiTGiiiii/Gusm when: for their m1 Iimturé. The open forum immediately fol- lowing the dinner brought out a varied discussion of many matters of interest to the Business Men as 1 whole. An item of prime im- portance was the subject of cross town and feeder transportation to Weston. Bruce Pollard was sp- pointed convener of a special com- mittee to go into the matter tho- roughly and report back to the next meeting of the association. A letter of thanks to the chair- men of the works committee Jaek Petrie was forwarded in apprecia- tion of the fine job of snow clear- ance done by the works dept. Busing» Men Voluntary Donors In Weston And District Urged To Register The Weston Branch ttt the Cens- dian Red Cross Society hove their campaign for Voluntary Blood Donors well under way. Some eight hundred donor cards have been mailed to previous voluntary donors and the returns to date have been' oeneourNrintr. Here is an op- portunity for every man and woman between the nges of 18 and 65 to make I life-saving contribu- tion of blood to the Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service. Blood Donors Campaign Well Underway Here Any one who has not previously donated blood tad desires to do so mar secure full information te- garding this eafttpaitrn by contact. ing'any of the following ladies of the Weston Brunch of the Cana- dinn Red Cross, Mrs. Powell, Wes- ton 998 J; Mrs. Lenohan, Weston 734 W; Mrs. Clarkson, Weston 1344 w. .' No one in this Province or in Canada should have to die for luck of Blood or Blood Plasma, the Red Crou through your voluntu-y donn- tion will mail it possible for every hospital in ft'te Dominion to supply this Lite Giving Fluid free of charge to Ill than in need of one or more transfusions. The Can-dim Red CroU ho undertaken to provide this pence- time Blood Transfusion Service. With far-sighted community spirit, Weston htug accepted its respon- sibility. Now, in Iddition to plaaml, a sandy flow of life saving whole blood will flow through the blood donor centre to those needing transfusions, Ind for the prepon- tion of plumn. Weston Ind district will be rep- resented in 27 classes during the two-weeks Kiwanis Music Festival both in the vocal and instrumental sections. Following are those entered from the community: Betty Hall, apes-silo solo; Trum- Met.. ealf, boys antario solo snd boys solo under " yous; Bury Rankin, violin; Joye. Hinderley. operable solo, soprano solo and ontorlo solo; Inâ€: Nth; girls solo miss 9; John Islnsbu , com: solo, undsr th Juli. Agni“? plsno solos; ï¬nal It. Inlay, cruel-lo solo; “In Walsh“. - solo. [Isl- and's ll, mm " â€an; hobs] also". dmatatie soprano so!» In" O'lsllivsn. mm solo: a» I; Wu. = a. Mattel" Weston Artists Entered In 6th Kiwanis Festival - ""a'"n"n*i6 nun: N. ZONE “on ttjtdg, Members Join! Weston Assotiation , W hat nadir-l annuity Cami! eon-Mud the wokomlu at new "-rttativotr hom the urban local outniutiom. and endod‘with m cloction of officer. foe the your 1949. Mr. G. H. Clerk-on presided over the election period. The electbn mun. law Mr. H. A. Sender- electd president for the coming year. all“ by the (allowing slete of offlcorl: Mrs. C. J. Lynch, Mien Helen Lawrence. Thos Foden, P. R. Sena, Paul Melanie, Wil- linm Slinger 'utetlte.appoirtud " timsra from the Municipal Council and Bond of Education, R. C. Sen- zruve and P. A. Lowrance 'e.paetivelr. In R. C, Sauna moved I Vote of that: to Mr. William Burn-on, the retiring president for hil work in 1948 and to the other officers who mummy dimmed their dutieo to the community. Thd executive meeting of the Community Council Wu taken up with the appointment of the elected officers to verlonl dutiel in the council. The slate of itfridiitt for the following year in: President,' R. A. Sanderl; vice-president, F. R. Bears; secretary, Mrs. C. t Lynch; treasurer, Thom Foden; athletics representative, Wm. S l i n g e r; crafts, Hobby, drama, music, Misc Helen Lawrence and Paul Mc- Kenzie; municipal representative, ,3. C. Seagravc; board of education irepreeentative, P. A. Lawrence; jiirertorof recreation, F. G. Earle. _ The following committees were set up for the year 1949. Constitution , . Mr. H. A. Sanders to, act's: chairman. Three members to be selected from the non-executive Weston Grits Plan Bridge AnéEuckre Nat Monday, February 21, a bridge and euchre, sponsored by the Weston Liberal Associntion will be held in the Masonic Hall in Weston. This social evening is being held for the, purpose of bringing to- gether all than intended in the gumwsd-155» . o e .. Mayor Knuth Thompson, the man elected to carry the Liberal's banner in the federal election will be present, end will have a tiriet menus: for those attending. Prizes wil be awarded for both bridge and euchre, and refreshments will be served at the close of the even- ing. Mr. E. P. Shantz. secretary- treuurer of therWeston mochtion stated that it will be trppreeiated Board of Education estimates for Weston presented to the Muni- cipal Council at last Monday's meeting asked for a tax levy of 412i,000 as compared with $105.- ‘032 in 1948. Mr. Clarkson, Town (Clerk, said that this may mean In (increase of approximately one mill it pluyers bring their oiG cant. Weston Bd. 0f Education'Asks Sum 0f$1 21.000 in the education mill rate which last year stood at 17.44. It was ex- plained that the increase accounted for the debentum and capital charges on the new school. On the other side of the ledger, it was stated in the report that operating expenses in the schools during the past year had decreased. . The Weston Board will receive no grant from the Provinical Bond of Education for expenses paid in 1948 “hill next year. The mlyor also drew to the attention of the Council the tact that the edu- cational giant from the Province to the municipality WIS now decreased by 6%. _ _ . A $1828.88 refund of a surplus on street lighting for the your 1947, iv“ reported to council in a letter 1rom the Weston Public Utilities 1Jtsrtrtfustion. The refund was re- ‘ceived from the Ontario Hydro- Electric Power Commission. A motion was passed by the Council expressing Iymplthy with the family of the late J. Cannon. Mnyor Thompson uid that the "tmm had lost a good friend in Jim Cumemn who hid liwnyl taken I â€out dell of interest in municipll "tairs." Lieder, any voice; Kenneth W. Wilson, Robert Cult, Uider, any voice; Violet Allinon, piano aolo. under 11; Maple Leaf School. glrU choir; Maple Leaf School, aehool chorus; Maple Leaf School. - la, school chum; Maple but School, [rule a. clue mom chain, - 4, clan room cham- [Ma 14, Ichool chain; Walton huh- terlattt Church. curb chain; Weston all": Be all in. bath; 1“th A, Keenan, plan. halo. qhts and" lo and " â€an: pagan Sum. plan aolo and» Public Utilities Report I947 Surplus Of $1,323 From HEPC --Corttimsed on [use ' "When the lights come on euln†and to be a favourite long during the wu and could have been very "propriate in Wanton during the put five month. Now, u unnam- ed by Ontario Hydro Chairman Robert Sandal-I, outdoor lighting restrictions have been lined during the period of T pm. And 7 mm. dur.. ing weekdays Al for Sunni†and Sundeys, these restrictions will be lifted for the whole forty-eight hours. _ The removal of restrictions will effect not“ and store windows, used car Iota, outdoor sports flood- lighting, and display signs among other things. Restrictions regard- ing spsce and water heaters are still in {one for the entire period and other restrictions will continue in the daytime from Monday to 1SaturdayJ - __ Hydro chairman l I1tsmiytm0iitti,tstrr Lighting Dimout When ragultrtioms took effect on Sept. 14 last, it we: not expected that they, would be removed until March at the earliest. Mr. Saunders said suspension of the lighting Tele trictions has been. made possible by I cTtinued improvement in the pews situation during the past few weeks. The improvement was due, in large measure, to better water conditions " a. result of the mild weather. The Hydro chairmen cre- dited the eo-operation of all con- sumers with playing an important part in alleviating the temporary power deficiency. Mr. Snunders’ statement ended with a word of caution. He said that the Hydro is still under the imperative necessity of keeping a close check on the unrestricted use of electricity. "We regretwe are unable to re- move all restrictions It the present time, but it shouid be understood that our present position mlkel it neeehsary for us to make provision for certain unforeseeable emergen- cies," he said. To Amalgamate Home & Schools In Community A plnn for the amalgamation of Home and' School Association: in Weston has been agreed upon by the three schools affected, Memo- rial, King Street and the new Senior Public School. King Street voted in fivour of the proposal at ‘their Monday night meeting this ‘week. At the presidents meeting of the York County Home, and- School Council, which was held at the home of Mrs. A. Clark, vice-presi- dent for this area, the question arose regarding the formation of a Home and School association in the Senior Public School. As three asso- ciations in a town the size of Wes- ton did not seem feasible and amalgamation seemed the logical solution. The proposed plan is to disband the existing Memorial and King Street Home 1nd Schools, establish one association to take the place of these two, and include the new Senior School. Six joint meetings will he held each year, with two separated meetings, Parents Night and Staff night, to be held in each school by arrangement of an exist- ing executive committee. The amal- gamation will be organized in May, with the first meeting to be held in (September of this year. One years jtrial period will be held.. . . . . An annual election will. be held to choose the executive and ouch school will have representation on the committee. The proposed execu- tive in: President, vice-presidents, (3), one from each school; ex- ecutive members, (6), two from each school; recording secretory, corresponding lecrotary; trenuren (3), one tro-eh school; Con- iveners to be drown equally, and working committees to be repre- ilenutivo group; Salute Weston On New Program Series on Sat. A new mom laden. "Nlute to Weston," my: mm: to the pro- gressive with ol/our fut-growing community. At 2.80 pm. - gnu-day uternoon, "NtuU to anon" puhuduo the nanny thm that Vanni-m In in- Volvec- in, -ttts the I." a! Wong: And the "rvrtqtS" dis- trict; and mid-- In. - musk. â€chad Hopkin- of nab mum CRUX who. products it un- nameu tho slaw. Int laud-y. PeE N, m Wm much-nu - “In! q M m which murm- Wm m min. Nights Oily For WeekDays = All Day Sgt. - Sun. Weston knelt-d West lhtritP. c. lamination: Hold Rodney Manson " Party choice Prune-he Conan-tin stol- wutelrouullpurtsatluriding, with his remntutions from New Toronto, Mimi“, Wm. Mount Donnie, York Township, Embicoh Township and Swansea, patent at the math; held int Pride! at numberereet public school audi. torinm.» Rodney Atkinson. the proc- ent sitting member. wu worded the unopposed nomination for the party It the next federal election. His nomination wu moved by Clif- ford How-rd, KC, who told u the outstanding' service: which Mr. Adamson had rendered, of_his ttrent ability end his qua1ifietstiorm to sit u the worthy representative of West York in the federal House. The seconder wu Ernie Thornton of the West York Junior Associ- ation. Mr. Howard stated that Mr. Adamson, u :ecretury for the lite R. B. Bennett, had I splendid opportunity through this connec- tion, of viewing first hand the i workings of the party. Mr. Adana son bu had the opportunity at} truveliir , and seeing first hand) political life and activities in many l, countries. Hie "iny record is one; to be proud of, and his work It Ot- _ town since his election to reprerentC West York has been very thorough l The Weston arena will provide a recreational outlet for hundreds of adults and children from the town and district for many years to come. It is unfair to judge the project's usefulness at this stage of its de- velopment. Hold your judgment or criticism until the arena is com- pleted and all fecilitiee are placed at the services of the public. So far this your there has been an attempt to use the partially completed building to convenience many groups in the town and district. It is felt necessery, because of the campaign in progress, to elaborate on some of its present use. _ _ _ _ __ . . Before the season has ended, the Midget NHL will have played a total of 37 games in the arena. This affect: approximately 860 boys ranging from 8-15 years of age. There will have been six figure dating classes held in which there are IM girls enrolled ranging from 7-15 years of age. To date, there have been two nights of public skating and more to follow. If we stop now and multiply these figures by the num- ber of kid-preterit each time we wi11 find a lays} a! participation well jato saucy.» I ,.. i ._. . .- .. .. . .. J r-y .. mw we‘lrlvv‘gnw F _ Fw _ 7 . . 7 W... . In addition to then activities it is planned to hold . camival and hockey tournament which again will give several hundreds of boy! and girls an opportunity to “seal! arena facilities. On the present condition of the arena it is well to remember that the ice is unsuitable for use on many days and nights, therefore the building remain: closed to all. The kids of the town are getting use of the arena whenever it is poeaible and this has usually been from 6.30-7.46 p.m. each evening as well as all day Saturday. _ _ . . . The arena must provide entertainment for all age groups and it is illogical to assume that the ice is there for kids to skate on whenever they want to do Bo. There must be proper management and supervision of the facilities so that all will benefit. Men of the town need recre- ation as well an the children. So it is that hockey groups have the use of the arena. _ - It is well to remember that whenever the Midget NHL kids are on the ice the costs of lights, personnel and service to the arena. earrietr- even though the ice is free to these kids! Someone has to foot the bill. Therefore whenever possible charges Ire made to the adult hockey group! so that the kids can have their time on the ice free. If public skating is to be free to the children, and it is not, Weston would be setting a very insecure precedent in the way of arena manage- ment. The fact that there is an arena does not mean the stopping of costs of various kind-operating costs must be met and there are met by the revenue of the various activities on there. I It may be emphasised that when the facilities are completed there will be several nights of public skating, there will be nights of. hockey, there will be special events and there will be Saturday aetivitiea for the kids. You, an a citizen of Weston, must help this campaign, don't grumble, there will be skiing for everyone if YOU DO YOUR PART-- bring that $75,000 into the building fund. Where there's smoke there'l fire, and where theres Imoke, 'here's also the Canadian Gypsum Company on Oak St. in the north end of Weston. The subject of conditions created by the said com- pany has been under discuysion for some two yen: pest, with relio dents rising up in ems more than once in In effort to have the nuisance of smoke, gueoul fumes and wool refuse removed once And to; all. Now the problem ha been hid in the lop of the Weston Men'- Progreuivo Conlervuive Aimin- tion, who hove officially gone on record to try and eliminate than obnoxious condition: and immedi- ately. At their small meeting and election of ttfrtt- the following resolution vu- parsed rounding the Gun-um Company: Gypsum Under Fire Again - Tories Seek Aid From Health Minister “Whnnu the Canadian Gypsum Company in an operation of their plant at the north and of the town of Wenon do can“ u null- nnce to the "mum commun- ity by the not... an mission of gun and "(not in. the chim- tter; . "Over I "rsof A lama two M! In AM†I choking or moth-ring Mn and by an '0?! laurel†of nu, ml find um ntl 'th6rra must be clboid‘to My lab}; - -"iiso' m" , hoi- mum- wig-hood ,httet Nu. at 1S1t1','ll m ttmrttHbw hull "tat."" an. I-umu. "ty, att,t, 'arg'rgt - .2 _ I?“ a tar-dim: - _ Fred Gdrdiner, KC, Guest Speaker Mode Outstanding Address On Free Enterprise-- Meeting Enthusiastic And Well Attended was? YOIK‘SNW wean?- Woodhrate Wm! HUM I TmntttD'AY, mm 11. It. I“ LET’S BUILD THE ARENA In.†and on): Joe. of mug»).- boon cmfully “dyad. H- in I mining angina“ when auth- luv. tahen him all om tl" world. In mum the nomination, Rodney stymied hi5 thunk- nnd â€pre- dation for the mundane the party bud placed in him. Ho drew uten- don to the Net that "at we must be can no that Pkittrnent wilt hold it. plus as the repre- sentative of the people to legis- late for the people. umlltion by ordan h council, new that the emergency in over must b. 'stopped. Mr: Adimwn eerurured ' teiferat potter of txsntralized oontml td money. _ l __ A - - _ “This constituency depends on ‘export and if we are going to avoid ttnemNoyrnont, industry must hue 'the means to buy and sell. No pro- mise or free hand-out is an ads- quste substitute for industry work- ing at capacity. There is no trub. stitute for a. full pny envelope," concluded Mr. Adamson. The guest spake: of the evening. “The power in the hand. of the Department of Finance and this |t~tiliucion of our currency is crippling export," contended the West York member. _ ny tog-chin good health in a com- munity, and it being imbauible to keep windows open elpechlly for sleeping, it is deemed necessary that something must be done by the proper authorities to relieve this situation; ï¬t " of min; Mini mt tr on tWPetmt Gummy Mum an in Chino “a the auction of . fttt '."tt2t'gle 'r" I. h I con- IMCI. Nat M] h- ttttt III- "..m 1Tr,tti"ttPel',"g,,'t but and m- at Eliiyii? M In “an. up - "gr -rtamgtieqttgqt was m h And where-e residents of the community concerned have report- ed the condition, complained to the Medial offiter of Health com- plained in deputation to the council of the 1mm of Weston complained to the MPP and where- u the condition Mill "iata, it is resolved that thin mittion should bring the meter to the at- tention of the Provincial Minister of lie-1th for new“, Action." On reading the revolution aver it can ha wen that the midenta of the Gypsum Co. Ina have a legi- timau "beef", and it cannot be dia.. puted that they haw done every thing in their power to have the ‘aituation mulled. They hava' m pared in deputation not only be; ‘foro the tbwn fathers, but also ba~ fom the Board of Health; they Y,? ctr-plum to the non, and #90!“ mm- d ttt "rr which man the “‘00 their III-hue! pun-amt. In short, therumsttrtalatth.botteet md_dtotttoqt.1tistgthetr --Cdntimted on page 2 am Heights Mt. Danni: Walnut " Ins s In“ (Inset-M and unit- odtrltmtntttat-idtotuut. Just A. Cameron on Thursday (1ttriirit " he wu laid to mt from the _ hams! Pulon. Noted eitiamtB from the whole of Work County and tho City of To- ;touto paid their last mopeds; the I{lot-s1 tributes from 1-: and near lexpreued the high regard sad as- :uem with which ths honored citi- ‘un of Weston was held thmuxhout ithe community and district. The :Rev. C. A. New of Westmin- ster United Church conducted the service, expressing his admiration of the work which the late Mr. Cameron had done in the church, ‘throughout the community, in his own township and in the town of ‘Weston. The Red. Mr. Gordon, 1 dormer pumi- of the deemed 41 ieas s so in Vaughan Township, _ -U#rrsttmred on page " VON Annual To The executive of the Weston VON hea$Miu Allison Dilu' monthly rt at their regular meeting which we: held hit week. In her report, Mine Dilhu stated that a. total of 807 all: hnd been made to homes in the Weston. North York and Etobicoke district during the month of Janunry. Pour home confinement, were attended and usistance given at one minor operation in the home. It was announced that the annual meeting of the â€mention would be held Wednesday, March 9th, in Central United Church. Miss Chris- tine Livingston from their head office in Ottawa will be guest Moritod Tributo Paid To The Lats James Cameron Btrgttld March 9 North York and Etobicoke district (“importing of an accident in during the month of Januu‘y, Pour last week's paper involving the 4- home confinement: were attended year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. and usistance given at one minor George Snelling of 10 Lawrence operation in the home. Ave. W, contained some inaccura- It was mnoumed that the annual cies which we would like to take meeting of the minim would the opportunity of correcting It be held Wednesday, March 9th, in this time. The accident, in which Central United Church. Miss Chris- the child was severely sanded, oe- tine Livingston from their head curred on Tuesday, February lst offiee in Ottawa will be guest At last reports, the child was still speaker of the night. The execuv unable to take food. Be is being fed tive also decided that light re- by a tube through tho nose and the freahrnenta will be served follow- back of the throat. The doctor re- in: the business mien. Ttf, that ta,'; Cl,',', A possibility h m . o t e boy ve opng pneumonia. re,erau"',','li2',"ctp,, tvrt2, Mam add were: new general public and it is from sub- to those of the Pm.ily. l neighbours mined reports thnt citizens of m hoping for the child it early and lWAlfnn “a (Ii-frh-t will - . A... tsomplete WWW: . . F These meetings, where yearly reports are made, In open to the general public and it is from sub- mittad reports thet citizens of Weston andatistriet will get A an: piettuw of the work done by the Weston VON during the your. Next week, 103,000 Scouts and Cuba, and 65,000 Guides and Brownies gems: Canada, will cele- brate their annual Boy Scout-Girl Guide week. The purpose of setting aside this one week each year is to Iiemonstrate the training which Scouting and Guiding provides for Fiirii'ii% boys and girls. District Groups To Commemorate Scout-Guide Week In Weston and district local Scouts and Guides will slso hold special events during this week, February 20-27. Both groups will hold open meetings during the week, when parents sud friends willrbe invited to attend and watch demonstrations of the work the boys and girls are “ugly. The Brownies and Guides of Weston are attending the morning service at Cantu! United Church, this Sunday, and I panda will pre- ceed the service. Girls hsve been ukedito meet in the Sunday School room at 10.30 in full uniform. 0n "Thinking Day," Tuesday, Febru- ary_ 22nd, a Mother and Daughter Banquet will be held for the Guides of the 54th and 106th Comtnnies. This will take place in St. John's Anglican Church parish hail at Although nothing definite has been planned, it is hoped that Wes- ton Scouts and Cubs will have I Church made on Sundny, Eebru- my 27th, the hot day of Scout- Guide week. Etch troop tutti peck will have n Father and Son ban- quet, end in the event these are not held during Scout-Guide week, the boys will invite parents Ind friends to Open House on their regular meeting nights, when demolish» tions will be given. Church plume on Dummy, geom- . _ My 27th, the last day of Scout- .tln Tuesday of .th week, the Guide week. Each troop 3nd pack Fir]! attended their first Jeeture will have a Father nnd Son ban- P a 13-week .R.ef Gross home tttIN- quet, sud in the event these are not "* course, which IB being instruct- held during Scout-Guide week, the ed by Mrs. Charles Musgnve, R. N. boys will invite parents 1nd friends During the course, 'oeei.al yeur" to Open House on their regular will Iaddress the group Including . meeting nights, when demomrtrr. dentist, doctor and victorian Order tions will be given. Nurse, And when they have com- a plated their course successfully the girls will be qualified nurses Aides. Mrs. Templeton, commander of the 2 htttrtttttt Fill Association stated that this course I in itself is more than worth while I a and that members are receiving the PM“. 'mncms lectures with ma mum-tum.“ n i. not .n work with than" The ttga',',',',";', of m M" girls, however, for sport.- und 't poliee eonotl lea for the Town of creation 1.1., tt big part in Mr Weston WI- amtouneed by Chief yrognm. but week 1 sleigh rill Gordon Grant this week. honud party wu hold which m no Inc- 3. Cowling, " and William G. ml that plane 1:. now hing [much M, were the two man made for mother one wry soon. I Ioloctod from numerous Applicnnu. m. "an" is (“cum stub. Mr. Coinng, who compo from parties an alms bung armrtgu, Inndon. Incl-ad. in! mi" In mi thin mmr the umps he... Canada in Janna of thin n". II. to In†a um um Ind - "rvmtsfththe3tetomettta't Pora cry we»; Ind-0d h an: in Emma mummy“. AM ArtttrtttteNrmiptlN390.. "w-rfththiitm-ilt w“. Navr M, 'MPP, mummmnhwmmuumu V V tttraTA1in,.'tet1fg'll,"gtu"U,utt'Ntd " lawn-uh than "ttstat , . t! hum-dwmum " eRs V N IWWHHWML 0! . " .,.1. a ' Mr. Cowling, who comp from London, Incl-ad, jut Arrival in Can-dc in January of this nu. E. and with the Hang-Hun Pore! iiime' 1737‘: in“ P'ilif upâ€. "one“ “I. m a. V“ hm M 'Awmw'féi’i’m' f __ indoor -- t1Ctrtth Aren carnival To lrtglltlI'tll, Official Opening ttt Weston Arena, Feb. c' Fuller-l unice- were he†-lut Thur-day for Jane- Ca-mn, who In pro-hem both in eon-unity and municipul life in Weston and York County who died " his home in hia mh Jear, Tuesday, Feb. 8th. l The Canadian Red Cross Society has selected the beginning of March for its annual camp-ism The ob- Jsetive set for the Weston district for this' year is $5300.00. This amount is twenty-five per cent higher than the total donations of the last' campaign and a specil appeal is being made to our local subscribers to provide the funds required for the assigned quota. Weston his a long record of successful campaigns on behalf of the Red Cross And to meet the present challenge a generomx and determined response is invited from all friends of the Society in Weston. The local executive has formed a campaigh committee with Mr. M. L. Catt u chairman, whose address is 11 Joseph Street and telephone number is 1016-M. , The prognm of the Girls Num- eattdinirur Asmiuion is becom- ing broader and more interesting " weeks past, and plans are being made for the extension of both edu- cation] and recreational disses in the near future. Start Red Cross Fund Cami Mar. 1--Ask 55,000 From I -tuie WW, In†_ Plan To Extend Ediitatittadl,httd l Recreation Program Of Girl Tttttr):,', Sorry, Our Error The following eaptaina hnve It is not " work with tho'puy JAMES CAMERON th t A enmivat, oi _ M" colourful m In. . so with n ma. “I F "tietat opening 1 V N "an; on. with In. 3“ night, Friday, I'm u; though the - In in. b; by bed hockey y-ee': figure listing clans-‘1'" weeks now, 'tufiriir'a'id AHreuttirstr, ‘will take plans on th- 'ttt tsorted date, when the “on" ., man's pride Ind joy will "" \open- - _ --- A ' Kiddies will be especially Mti' ested in the costume 1hsdght. / test, and of course, print VII given to the winner; , the ice carnival I mow-Ila ' _ will be held on the ice and V .. . once again for this was? bi ' special equipment. A - of 'iq)', canine or rubber soled thou , ‘, most important part of the _ 2 E ment ud then there’l the ' T . item of a (timing puma. 'ti' use" will be allowed to In. . admission stubs to danee. _ "d', "I: nothing one, thin will a gregt may [cop]. the op] ilrorGeGCtiiudG -__H {fight- been cpmplejed tofta._A lit“: The carnival will - lg for everyone. youni and “. Vs . BO the entire group email“ I gt nelize that the am in for ' Mt one in (Weston end (Ii-M, fir v will he special ice routine. - fe asking displays " well ll. , ‘in hockey parade, costume . Jiffy aminoâ€, Portheoldnr 3-5 ‘gnndpeppy contest will it r" . To be eligible for this I!!! T Ir. . have a pair of shins (your r , borrowed), youmuatboa-IH " you must be 40 you! of -.'iiii:.Ct') over. Let’s hope the ice ll £31“ been dons, but a lot um tobe ruti.ud,artdtutia current tannin m . 1332i siiiiuiiiriiioir,'uiaG - F) " most likely it will his t q beating. 1 A . - v", A} agreed to eonduettU : i"'-:,"; vasurofthetowntMm.G- V a more; 392 Church th.-, In. C l: Wood, Bellevue 0mm; Mrs. T ' Lynch, 30 Joseph St; In. P. itft"_' jr13, Main St. North: It. C _ ‘Ault, 225 Chard: Bt.; "e. 1.": ac, Garrison, T Deni-an M. F,'. Mr. R. C. Baum-199 ' ; [ Avenue East; Mr. C. G. I , 60 Church St; Mr. A. W. sr" _ 231 Queen’s . Drive; w. ‘Petrie, 28 Main St. North.. It; R. Sears, 188 Queen’s Drive 'ttdt! J. W. Shaw, 8 William " Ii _ Ci. arm-3n, John sg'i- in an? of the induistriat eanaas. . ively engaged " prom Work. The above onion" Im M> .. the campaign and will to (hi receive my often, of V ‘ from thou intact-{d in ad Cum? and have boon format. in d ing the was! up†noted instructor. It. 0* has glined recogniticn with] winning bands he has an†the past, has when on thi- caching the [iris Ind movement In M ttrttt the band. In. W out, however. at, In It? immmentl. In! I“ thing resident! of the in do to helitortt in this m be gladly W , will min In an all: me on Mardt Mth. I“! head . GNTA Quinn Metropolitan M IN memoon. taken place in h " lately. The mat m ytrey of a an.“ up and count 0139* prom-into], can“ - TA "Matpttfhmth" II . tion's with] numb. 'tq tin Md m mum h many), who win " can Jan 1-w- 1 I “hurl " V " , m If an: 1 and m