OFFIBI The cumin! in m all-Walton kids nifair - no imported semi- ptofemsionalts or outlide people, but Weatonh own boy: and girls ca- vorting on the ice. This has been made possible by the two figure skating cusses, junior ttnd senior, gnd members of the'Midget NHL. They will be the performers. OFFICIAL ttlltlllittlllilt1s or ARENA "ll'0"tift'ttlli"t'l'l, mm 'Tomorrow evening Welten’l new u'enn will be officinlly opened by civic and’Lions Club officials, and a guy, colorful cumivnl will round' ofr What promises to he " dmolt perfect evening’s entertainment. Proceeds 0f Carnival Fttrthsmmim'itythtimsll Proceeds from the carnival will be donated by the Lions Club to the Weston Community Council pro- gram. This may seem odd, in view of the fact that the Lions are now lponso’ring a $75,006 building cam- paign,hut.the fact remains, that ,despite the Lions energetic desire to get the arena' completed, they have still not forgotten their ob- ligation to the rest of the com- munity." To say that the Lions have made I great contribution to the com- munity would be an understate- ment. Their past record shows that both financially and otherwise they have served Weston and district in n manner which any service club could well be proud. T In the summer of 1941 the first Community Vacation C h ll r c h, Srhool was held for two weeks for an thy children of Weston and dhe trict, The. Lions Club of Weston provided the neceaqary tet., In the winter of 19t2 tho MK Citizens' Committee was formed to sponsor the War Workers' Recre- ation Club held in Westminster United Church. The Lions Club of Weston contributed the first monies to get the program under way. _ Thu summer of 1942 law the Com'rhunity Vacation C h It r c h School being held for one month. The Lions Club Bf Weston financed the project. _ _ The same summer I new club room for the war worke'ra F" opened in the basement of the pub- lie library. The Lions Club of Wes- ton assisted with the furnishings. In 1943 and 1944 the Community Vacation Church School was held each summer for one month, the program developing new trends. The Lions Club of Weston provided increased financial support for same. The Teenagers Nite Club was opened in the {all of 1943, jointly sponsored by the YWCA and the Lions Club. The Lions glub of Weston donated the money to get the bi-weekly program off to a good start. By the Bummer of 1945 the con- tribution for the Community Va- cation Church School had increased to 8800.00. The Lions Club of Wea- ton contributed that money. In January, 1946, representatives from the Ministerial Association, the YWCA and the Lions Club dis- cussed the need for more eo-ordi- nation in recreation-the mnyor of the tow was asked to call a meets ing Ind on March Ist, 1946, the Weston Community Council came into being. The tiGneW statement for the Weston Community Council for 1946 shows: Weston Lions Club, donation to summer program, 8360.00, dona- tion re baseball, $104.15. The same statement for 1947 shows the Wes- ton Lions Club donation to hockey, 3332.50, donation to summer pro- gram, 8300.00. And then, for 1948, the Weston Community Council shows in the treasurer'a report the following: Weatnn Lions Club, junior figure skating. 825.00,genior figure _ skating, 826.00, hockey, $346.00. tennis instruction, 850.00, baseball, $75.00. art. 860.00, music, $50.00, dimmer program, $800.00, Hallowe‘en, $100.00. is this not a story? in fact. and figures of a nervice club truly serv- ing it: eommunitrt These are the men who In uk- init your help in the cumnt build- ine campaixn fund. Thou n: the men who are intranet! in the com- munity u a whole and who an overlook their own personal pro- Ject long enough to help out An- other tint emulation in town. You cm do your part by Melv- Ing the.etrnvaturer when he all- " you; Mme: To dn_U {link up; ttpoo in: been collector] but men Aim in needed it the "an: in to be totttputed and mtuipred with "uneut m. Past Record Of Weston Lions Club Shows _ Unstinted Service To Community-Weston . Children Besponsible For Fine Carnival Program ' mm a uni at. my: 4a00 -Coulnd on up I NUIBI‘ " of Kleinburg was elected federal candidate of the North York Pro- gressive Conservative Association at their convention recently. Mr. Walwyn wa- elected on the first vote over c. A. Cathera of New. nnrket. . Td Be Staged By WCVSDrmClub It's oetarirkriruu0tst-- There is I ghost in the sir! Hs's 1 modern ghost, too, for he’s mechanized and he whistles! He is scheduled to make I belated sp- penance in the gymnasium at Wes- ton Collegiate Ind Vocational School on Thursdsy, Much a, and Frldsy, Much 4, when the Drama Club presents its small "Drama Mystery Thriller Night.“ This year's play in I three-aet mystery thriller. For those who prefer thrill: of a different type, let us hasten to add that there is romlnce and humour in it as well. In Net it seem that this is I play which should appeal to every tube. The production is under the Able direction of Miss Dora Wattie, And the cut includes the following an» dents: Mary MncDonald, Margaret Kell, James Terrell, Ann West, Gerald Holloway, Freda Thompson, Don Hinlop, John 'Tomlinson,' Bruce Rugglea, Douglas Neill, Donald ICarroll, Gordon Sigel and William MacArthur, with sound effects by Donald Partrick and William Dem- may. Dedication of I memorinl for the students of York Memorial Colle- giete who died in the service of their country will take place on Sunday Afternoon, February 27th, at the school, Egllnton Avenue Ind Kaela Street. The memorial is I mural which hangs in the rotunda of the school at the entrance to the auditorium, end we: painted by John A. Hall, OSA. The oak panel of - wu done by Thqreatt Mncdbneld. The mljor amount of the money for the memorial w“ ralud through 1 penny fund, winning by the Student'l Council. A. Yor Memorial in on lnduatrlnl district, money in - null-hie in litres puma, Ind the student body did not think the occasion called for the ulunl round of money-mlklng schema. The daily collection of pennlu in such form of the school WI! thordore lnatituted Ind ouch week I report wu nude in the au- ditorium. 'oroVed Wick mm, and. "" Tariu; 5.37%? ‘lncto.muylabn|vrlu. 1ii"iiiiiFtiyiiiiiiiiti This wu the method by which some “600.00 wu mired. 30m students and form. pledged I week. "r contribution for the you, while the an". I In plum“ and the school board lino made contribu- tions. But Ilium the "at!!! will wu collected through the on, collection of parallel. In menu to [totally rim prion, the prion o' paislllln in: towed Ml: have " h: Dedicate Mural In Memory Of YMO Students FEDERAL CANDIDATE ARTHUR. WALWYN Natural Colour Pictures Designed In Mug? Swaps Bob Club of Mount Dennis, and he will have approximately 100 nudist, including cud: and pie- tureI on exhibition. An unusual display of picture: will be on View n the Boy Scout Bobby Show, whieh will be hold in York _ Munorl-l Cellulite thi- Snnrdsy. These pictures whtth in- elude turnthenos, In View: amt water peer-ea, lundmpu, flowers of - deaerhstion, Canadian birds, battering: Ind u bountiful bowl of fruit, have all been de- signed in their natural colour-I from oidP-atamrouartiati_ Arthur Walwyn Mfs Nominee For North York Arthur Wahryn, n resident of Kleinburg, wu nominated Progra- live Conservative candidate for the federal riding of North York at an enthusiastic meeting of the North York Progressive Conservative Aa- aociltion. The meeting was held in the auditorium of Humber Heights School on Wilson Ave. and the in- terest Housed by the meetin; is illustrated by the Niet ma over-flow crowd of 786 delegates were pm- tnt in n Ull.with . outing caple- iity of 500. Mr. Welwyn, who Won in the that ballot, is I Ttmrnt.a. financier of high landing anti I‘ well-know mam oHemtermierr. An article y Mt. .Wslwyn on why tht Conny- Vativcl Nritl win the text election‘ appears in I recent issue of I nat- ional magazine. Six delegates were nominated at the meeting but four withdrew leaving Mr. C. A. Gathers of New- market md Mr. Wnlwyn to battle it out. The four who withdrew their nomination before the banning were: Ken Thomlin, Richmond Hill; Roderick Sp Brown, North York; Charles Hooper, Markhlm; and Earl Took, Whitehurch Township. Mr. A. A. McKenzie, Progressive Conservntive MPP for / Aurora, spoke at the meeting. Ruins atat- ed that he had worn out B pair of mocks ltumping for hil election lat June, Mr. McKentie we: amused and pleased when he received I hand-knitted psi: of socks Ind tie of the McKenzie tarUn from the Women'l Progressive) Conservative Atrsociation of. Aurora. . Walter Moorehouse To Address Assoc. On 'Photography' March In in Home and School night again " Humber Heights. Mr. Welter Moorehouee, former "rim Collegiate teacher, is to be the speaker. Hie address will be on his hobby, "Photogfaphy," and there will be many interesting pie- lures. Mrs. W. Bowman, the district Red Cross representative, request' that till signed or unsigned blood donor and: be returned to the school. The child study discussions on Thursday evenings are proving most interesting and helpful. Ture are tstill two more ducal-ion. on Feb. 24th and Much 3rd. Baud Flood-n. the Dbl of ,sla h u... H “W In} hm“ #ll"lu'l',U a. ht 'iii iiiiii'ltik"i1iiili an on 3.: fawn-am who at. In .1 m Kleinburg Man Is . Nominated At Large Enthusiastic Meeting " , t M-“KEST "te1t.ttmt'stmey'", v _ F MUM _ _iuattrartuett, ngMW . The Rev. Ron K. Cameron, min- inter of the Dovemourt Presby- terian Church, Toronto, will be the guest speaker. The prop-em will in- elude mute, singing by the Pa 1Heafhstr, "tm Desmond Quertette, md_ Beryl Mill-0y and I skit en- titled "The Sewing Ghoul" which was written by the leader of the ClgyGordgg Alcott. _ The Pax Bible Clan ll now meet- ing together is a group for the third year. Three year: ago they met u a Sundny ool Clue and this yen they have armed them- selves into the Pax ihle Class. During the mooihur service, the lesson is taken from the Book of Acts and . study of the life of Paul. The Chas meets prior to the Church service. Th Pu Bibi. Glu- of tho PM hymn-n can“, Walton will hold ita second Annual Home and bummer. Father and Son Ban- quet on Wednudly, Inch 9th " 6.80 pm. at the Pmabyterian The Pax Bible Clues is an active group Ind they meet once a month, for hock] recreation, tueh as skat- ing, toboggnning, skiing, Ind other outdoor Ictivities. During the week they'moet " a Glee Club " the home of Mrs. R. Leuty and the choir take over the singing in the Prethybteritsn Church for one ser- vice a. month. After this Church nervice they meet " the home of Pax Bible Class, To Entertain PdrentrAt Annual Banquet 'lijlll)t'iti,tti)tr.t1f. $1 700 For Arena Campaign Fund Between 2,000 end 2200 potions wltched one of the finelt produc- tions ever prystumted in Weston when they saw the 2-night Minstrel Show, staged by members of the Junior Community Council' last week. The Show, produced and di- rected by G. Rex Meteelfe, was without 1 doubt, I credit to every- one who had 5 parein presenting it, and the Junior Councillor: cm feel proud of the Net that they have once egein given the Weston Arena umptign fund I big boost. Al- though definite figures were not known at preea_time. it is felt that " lent $1700.00 was realized from the show, and thin will t; given to the 'Weeton Lions Club for the Irene. -- Caplcity crowds pucked the RCSC 11lutgtriouq building both nights, and u I matter of tact, on Wedneld-y. the door: had to be locked and many turned "my. ’It is rather hard to know just where to Mart in making I. true re- port of this production, for the en- tire show wss such a scintillsnt success from start to finish that it is difneult to pick out my one oer- son or group of yrsons and shower them with lsurels. In brief everyone did their put and the show would not have been successful one with- out the other. in which it wu Inge}! in die Roi Metcalfe, director, who 8130 wrote thc'wordl and music for “Every- Credit for the smooth present-- tion of the Ihow. fine musical Ir- nngements Ind the playing way Minstrel Show Raises Enfire' Productiori Receives Unstinted . Apptause From Over 2,000 Guests-Direction Excellent,--) Efforts Well Received Wk Por their midweek activities, they have been guests of Falter Hewitt, 3and have viewed a hockey game from the gondola; they have been guest: of the Toronto Maple Leafs at one of their practices and have ‘met the players afterwards. Also they have had Ted Kennedy and Jim Thomson out as their sue-ts on different occasions to apolk to their class. They have been gueltl at the CBC studio and at.the radio shown, “are the Wealth," "The Happy ag" and "warms and Shuater,' Id have also visited the Globe an Mail, the Dunlap Obser- vatory and other places of interest. 1 They contribute to the Sunday School through the Hume- Clue Contest which they conduct every yen for the pupils of the Sundly 8ehdiil/At the Christmu entertain- ment-they put on I put of Que program. V PE' of their member- for I Fire- Mde Hour when they have the mum of hymns, e lhort impin- 1clonal talk end an hour of good tei- ,lowlhip and gefmghmenta. Mr. Fre- Ber Earle, Mini/m Wilson and Mr, Sun Wldlow ve been the week- en to date. Shirley Aitken is the President, and Eleanor Desmond is the Vice President. Other executive officers are Berly Milroy, secretary; Gwen Smith, Treasurer; John Ambrose, (Eddie Irving and Craig Cribar, u- Ciiiii;,; members. body's Happy on the Levee" the opening and closing chox‘us. Mr. Metcalfe was not satisfied with just spending his spsre time on the shovi, and took a week of his “sum- mer" holidays prior to the opening night to devote his full time to smoothing out my kinks in the pro- duction. Besides contributing his musical talent, Mr. Metcalfe Ilsa spent considtrrtrble time, wielding a hammer and saw, helping to erect th1systasre. - I _ Mae Hayet, Ilse contributed I greet deal to the show with his fine pisno stylings and thrilled the audience during intermission with his rendition of Bumble Boogie. Terry Dowding wu responsible for the beautiful lighting effects; John Keough; mske-up; sound, Bob McCormick; designing and paint- ing the scenery, Stewart Hill; Ind designing and printing the pro- gnm, Mrs. Robyn Fraser. . The show itself Nun highlighted by solo efforts of Claude Watt, Doreen and Eleanor Desmond, Curry and Paul Seagnve, Lillian Winder, Ed. Vt, Ivan Taylor, 'Helen Johnston nd Wet, Tnylor. ClaNe Watt, of the Toronto Light ,Jpen received unltinted "mink for his singing of Old Man River, and was called buck for In encore. Lillian Winder atop- ped the show-with her “Flying Feet" number, and returned to the stage three time. foe encores. u did the young Seizure Brother! whoa accordinn “motion: were -aastured a an ' For the put 18 months the or- ganization of I large and active Junior Chen Club has been taking place in Weston, Ind it nape-n that now the nucleul of such e club he: been formed, And the group’l enrolment in rapidly (toying; This is In open "uretintt which my citis301 this community is welcome “and. Jr. Chess Club Spurs Interest 0f Youngsters F arquhar Oliver To Address Open Meet Pres. Men's Club The Wanda Prestrrterian Clutch Men'l Club will heir monthly supper s,'hitii.t,"?,,',iiri'itk', Much lit. It 0.30 pan. that speaker will be Mr. "rquhar Oli- ver. leader of the Opposition in the provincial loglslttur'c . Be will speak on the lubjecc “Citizenship nnd the Responsibility of the Men of Today." In December of Wits the Com- munity Council inaugurated chess amongst public school children, and instruction and leadership was left to the principals of each school. However, except for Hum- ber Heights school, it was found this arrangement was not success- ful, and a specisl committee was therefore nominated by the Weston Men's Chess Club to develop the Junior organisation. Under the able direction of Jer. o. Cathcart, the Humber Keights school chess ‘cluh is still active and'hst a total snrohueut of am so boys and it“. _ , A e, _ _ V With the help and sound advice of Bernard Freedman, the dean of chess. the Weston Junior Club was soon well on its way to success in December of last year. Charles Bolter, then president of the senior club, toured all the local schools, explained the plans for. the for- mation of Mmup and was suc- cessful in getting some 100 chil-‘ dren, to voice their enthusiasm about the arrangements. For the second time Mr. Freedman visited Weston, this time to give the juniors their first lesson in chess. Since that time weekly meetings have been held in the new senior public school on Fridsy nights, and the enthusiasm and interest shown by members has been ‘most en- couraging to the special committee. At present s tournament is under way with 14 boys and girls who qualified taking part. It is also planned to elect officers and com- mittees in' the junior group, so that their club may function in the same way as the senior group. Mr. Csthcart, chairman of the special --4hetied on page , A $40,000 budget Wu nppioved last week by the number anley Canaan-(ion Authority for the yen 1949. Included in thin budget is the Authoritr's shut of the pu- chm price of a Rumber Conner vntion Park " Bolton. T Approve $40,000 Budget For f st Full-Scale Conservation Program Authority Appoints Com. To Investigate Humber R. Pollution Volunteer Workers 'I'tr"i,_i,',1,_ Begin Canvass 1lhttttll'ttit_,_':'i, For Red Cross Society} ( Psrrprhar Oliver, leader of the regarded Opposition in the Provincial Led- enduvom lune. who will address " open thing. '1 netting of the Weston Presbyterian all other (lurch Men'l Clyb tttt tin atsbieet M. n! Lay $tiiiiii M 1 New $134,000 Police Station The cornerstone for North York township’a new' $184,000 police Iti- tion _ laid lest week by -Reeve George Mitchell. Non-mu: Ingnm, Deputy-Reeve and ehairmaiof the police committee acted “chit-Inn for the ceremonies. _ . The, new station which in being built on.Yonge Street, J'itst south of the municipal hell. in something that he been needed in the town- ship for sometime, n It present rented quarter: in one of the banks It: being need. Deputy-Reeve Nel. son Boylen stated that the police expect to move into their new quarters this fall. JfiiiitGiG imam WfirirtijitUG Lai The usual metal bor eontaintng records, coins. an. In: plmed in- Bide the cornerstone. Ruidenu be asked for about 78% of the mm budget. Be upwind Ne therHhist the ldviu were bud upon populism»: and -ntagt& They won band on population br - the aunt of I manidpdny'a bandit {In the than. - onttr_fturortlatltitut Will an the men-Hem! mum. The Iain M also bud on n- Air, 'ttttttst “ammwmii Bah;wn:::-e{oct::e;dmnd‘““hw the Authority It the m. In; that III “I! _ week,whfle m.w.c.nmnplhth!~m‘ 't1eetad m 'gta't'r,'ted Slllr,t'gtftt't . u. a: ' maul- urh td',"i,tttt L1ttgG'llu'"=r,'le"'dd mu would absorb 75% d. the, purchue price tif the park-WM has been' with-ind at behea- $90.000 Ind $t00,000. Mr.' Ruhr explained that the money for an? Authority In- levied to the Inuit cipalitiel in the I!!! of the Hun- ber including Toronto which would Weston Branch Launch fg,n'dg,"i For ts,abdsl Blood Donors Also Urgent y tquimtF-Etmry J, Home Urged To Support The Work Of Meaty "WT . -------e!r- Beaer “the.“ ADDRESSES CLUB “New My "nibble for the an pt nu OI page , needy paint. - d Hominy, Fab. " in aim-3'“?- ton District 99 rig-e M a“ 1uetaoetNrrotorth_e 1?tirnttealittnmptrfi-yr6 hitrherthnnthototaldoat_ra' theiatttpyteignitleyta" id'."g'rd'Stt'fdfg'tMg' i,emotremdtrrtUWdC- you. Weston has elvenV keenly ir?, memoffhenede-Ih whwumdthexmw oftltepaatis-dtobiars eeedodthiryesar. l tTheioea1e-ttmttav.f-' , urging 1ampaioreotnmitta. iri. der the MW]: of I.“ f?fP'tmeaeeytdeytee'ee "vtbeeasarrrrttt1eiaytr,ri' ' yfetriiiumaammsmeuieG'"d Holiday. Theerloeyt,tu"woeheeWeti' Never Ends," Mid be nub» trri,edth.trudceyttrehri Mathew†-denvolrl to t,2't,u'r,=t thing! ,rhiehmtrtattoritehm. Wanton Bunch. At tho -ii'B' time ths local you ham ow to the â€that: â€Julian; I player And I W. let have npplied a he.“ dd two pairs of _ 3 ',ttul' vii-mil. 28 dm-tn. "a. T ‘bed “my, so pd:_ogmg,_u Work Con-m... _ The woman’s work ermttttthh mm of value." “In“; Wuhan .nd mum an: gun-yin: made and skim a w 99t I'."""?. Du“!- a! 'en a I“!!! Else Watch 36-pin: “din-Cu}: service men and ','rn','irtltt 81theirprairsrofth-ilth have mtip1ud-rtd_q. “rial forthe 1rhrio-th-ib loanCupbou'dI Avail.“ ‘3 A. well u the which val maintain a loan w hi all types of'lichoon'm H ‘equipment In “silt“. {up Bdit dor the an a! the dd In “I hon-u, m Wu! hot In lb mhzvomnbu-IWW theW-tonMisqrttattrq%ttN 'e.itiurvrr"irtt5ah-e-. 89 men and 11 “an.“ an, by m._wm_hn_a gin fi"qrtitta_tttprhredtm.Ak, I'tPtytittreedet2ttt$oIi7 trim their tale-to-tth-qi.?" mitt-mtldb-th_q. 'd1,1rdhr,',tWNrdgtt daettsHrB.Potmtl,atm- T “Mum , cf An mummum itatLTf.ehflgtftlt hand-hub“ Wau- mew; Iii. ii VIM 'trw,. or .n. I . m m (m"l't'Tu"uurd1i,'tt " SEE