[tttitll' FROM THE SURROUNDING DISTRICTS On Wednesday May 23rd, I sport- day wee held " Herdington Public School. The children were divided into iry chem wording to their age, arid the events run off. The Iollowing are the winners, who will receive medals, donated by the Home And School Auocietion: In the Senior boy: clue, he]: Hlylel won with 15 points, and Senior Girl we: . tie with Norma Pender and Barbara Rein both holding 12 points. Intermediate boys was Cal- vin Halliday with 13 poinu, and Noreen Martini for the girls with 18 points. Glen Warren won the medal for Junior boys with 14 points, and Yvonne Wheeler the girl: with 10. Two trophy's were presented to the two winners hold- ing the most points end they were, GUARDYOIIR HOME TH! BARRETT COMPANY, LIMITED mm“ . HM John . Manual . Tm . “an.†. Vonem Take your building problems " your Barron Dual" ttttUt-ut-ite-MU" INSURANCE " BRAECREST AVE. ZONE 4.352 Milâ€. WNW CANADIAN! m IVEIV WALK OF LI‘I "NC! II†Tuuuwu. MAY $1, 1m COMPANY "' MAIN S. WESTON " THE IRVII LUMBER WESTON BRANC_H, 45 MAIN ST. NORTH FRANK STEWART BANK or MONTREAL Mam“ Improvement (Lam from the Bot M you can finance the making of ditches. drainage tyi- reins. dyking, a well " - other farm improvements. _ iirouneedreadrcasNtodytheiohtfy". hprovnnnl! Loan may be the answer. Drop in and talk over the details with our nearest B ot M nganager. . . . w an; Rte-17%}; {nah-“shim? Througti fin"; -iiiinernber, if yo?" {reposition sound, there's money or you It I Bank of Montreal. Why run an obstacle coyee my string Fleming Giimour, Manager .VI'IARDINGTON Stein-t Auntie. . ‘I 'ir with DARREN tity ASPHALT l [il-e-Bri SlMllltl6llll,llliS Jaflr Haylel and Noreen Martin). Much time ind mm as needed to bring about Inch . fine display ot upon: u then was that day " Hurdington School, and B vote of thmkl are in order to the tere,','? and teachen for their ent usiasm. Regulating the Boy Scout Camp this yen. There hu been I chlnge mude and us far " can be mer- tAned, the cnmp will be held at Brsteebridge, Ont. from July 7th to 15th. The final date for reserve- tions will be June 15th, and my- one interested will they please con- tact Mr. Collins. Any boy 10 years of age or over is eligible. This is a wonderful camp for the boys. so make your reservations only and be sure. The next waste paper drive will " WALLACE , ROOFING 81 SOUTH STATION ST. WESNN 1908 'i'/ti,t,j,l.llj.lr Fire-Resistant lasting Colourful Available in many Styles be bald on Baturdsn_hut, 9th, please have your Mindle- tied up and the Scout- wilrpi" them up. Mr. and Mgr. but Cnydon Ind family of Harlin; Ave. spam the week-end at Choir can“ at [Ah Simooc. - W -i.-iiiiis. In Churchill motored to Amhum hind aver ttsh/e' weekend to visit with friend. ere. -siiiriiiiisriurrik of Rentield St. celebrnted her 21It birthday on Tuesday, Lily 29th, _ _ Beinbed birthdays wishes to Mn. R. Churchill for my 27gb; ,, - Many willing workers have been out on the baseball tUld preparing it for the opening glrne this week, but lame person or person: have also been there after dark and de liberately pulled the benches up from the ground. It takes time and a lot of work on the part of the members of the cum to keep this field in readiness, and we like to see it in order when the game starts. This was not done by young children, and the person: who did it should be very proud of their handiwork to know that they have put someone else to I lot of bother to put it back. From now on the police will be notified and Inyone found damaging the property will be dealt with them by them: I hope that all of your 24th of May firecrackers went off with a bang, and that you all enjoyed the holiday week-end. Just think, we will have to wait until the first of July for more fireworks. Dad, do you know that that day falls on a Sunday? How are you going to arrange for that next holiday? Mr. and Mrs. J. Kupchanko (nee Audrey Tucker) have returned from their honeymoon spent at Daytona Beach in Florida. They have taken up residence on Holm- wood Ave., in Toronto. The Mothers' Auxiliary of the lat Humberview Scouts and Cubs Association will hold its last meet- ing of the summer season Wednes- day, June 7th, at 2 Fm at the home of Mrs. P. Couris, 40 Lilac Road. "kiiiiiniriii; gill pla'y Humberlea to-night at 7 pm. Come out and support the home team. I'm sorry folks, but our news column won't go over with a bang unless more items are submitted. If you want to keep it going, please keep me posted. Here is a verse from a poem by Douglas Malloch: "If you can't be a, highway Just be a trail, If you can't be the gun be a star: It isn't by size that you win or you fail-- Be the best of whatever you Who Wouldn't? The creaking stage coach rumbled While cold and wet the day, Two maidens shivered in the rain, And heard the driver Bay-- Is there a MacIntosh around, To keep these lassie’s dry? There iss not said a Highland voice, But, MacGregor here will try. James MacGregor, The Glen Warbler. WESTON BUILDING PRODUCTS LTD. , LAWRENCE AVE. I. WESTON 1224 ALBION PARK Corn-pendent: Min Beryl Hues, 2188-1 tirc "I â€In...“ w. won non-y to hear of Mr. L Warn'l "cunt, and hope In in feeling tytter now. _ _ _ -- Rev. D. Punt-on uni-ted try Mr. Harry Robinson conducted the 3.15 service. The choir, under the direc- tion of orgnnilt and choirUader A. Wynne-Field sang "Comfort the Soul." Mr. w. Yeanley acted Bl Iidesman. The Rector preached from Mat- thew 6, verse 20; Jenn: aid "I lay unto you that expect your right- eousness exceed that of the Prlieeee." He explnined the atti- tude that still exietl in Bll churches, where one denomination feels superior to the other. In Christ's own words, "The lovely shiny outside and the corrupt in- side." St. Andrew's Sunday School and congregational picnic will take place Saturday, June 9th at High Park. Picnickera will leave the church at 1.30 Pun. Mr. H. Flnvell as usual in more than willing to drive a truckload to the Park. Neighbours and friends, how about taking an extra one in your cart (Lunch baskets, please. - Reverend Iii-Paterson will In- pervise A Young People's meeting next Monday night. -' _ More than 100 adults and child- ren attended the Mothers' and Daughters' Banquet, catered for the Guides and Brownies by the Women's Institute. Special guests were: Mrs. Margon, district com- missioner; Mrs. Graff, divisional commissioner, and Mrs. Hender- son, president of the Women's Institute. We extend sincere sympathy to Miss B. Southwell in the loss of her beloved sister Mrs. F. Scott of Islington. _ Tokens of appreciation were presented to Mrs. M. Dietrich, Mrs. J. White, Mrs. E. Swift, and Miss Carbis for their fine work. Mrs. H. Hustler, president of the Guides' and Brownies' Working Mothers extended thanks to the Institute for the work accomplished. The Banquet was the final event of the year. It is hoped that in the autumn all members will be back, and will bring new Brownie and Girl Guide members with them. A session of Saint Andrew's Sunday School will be held every Sunday at 2 p.m. with Mr. H. Rob- inson in charge. -iricthdiy Erectings to Marina Nickle, who celebrated her birth- day on May 24th. - .. wi/h;nyi1;:ppy ksturms of the day to Jennifer Susan Porter, who was one year 91d on May 29th. The advisory council approved the installation of several badly- needed lights for the Sunday School this week. They will be in- stalled by Mr. Booth of Weston, who is providing the lights at cost price and volunteering the labour. Let's do our best and back him up with our donations! A pretty spring wedding took place at St. Phillips Church, Wes- ton, Friday, May 25th, when Miss Betty Irwin, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Irwin of Thistletown married Charles Henry Paterson Knight. Reverend T. B. Butler officiated. A reception at the home of the bride's parents followed the ceremony. The couple left for a. wedding trip to points in the United States. They will reside in the Bayview district on their return, Congratulation: to Mr. and Mrs. Bier: of 3 Epsom Downs Drive on the birth of a daughter, a sister for Margaret. Mother and baby came home last Sunday, and we wish both of them health and much happily' Hanan“... Well, the 24th eertainly went off with a bang, amidst much ex- citement. This year we haven't heard of Iny accidents caused by setting off firecrackers. Asia that I can tell Ibout. “AH";E the newl for this week. How about sending 3 few note-there mun bt more birth- Bowling By Tenn). A new twin. w“ than to the popular winter Iport of bowling Manny when tum- hom Mone- ton, Montreal, Toronto and Winni- Petr bowled "over" Candi“ NI- lioml wletypu. in I competition between CN accounting depart- ments in than dun. Teletype mnehinu in one}: city curried min: from ouch teattt to All other hum. Winn the final mom "n in, Tommo - out tho big w'lnner. akin. both the bronu trophy for tho highest total Icon and an Brow-n nt', for the but Mo" hum. 0mm! not the no.“ trophy for the high _ Inn's all. ing Beverley Hills Thistletown MRS. BETTY FORBES 17 Epsom Downs Dr. was my uuwu, way}! Br MAE WALLBANK " [DNEY AVE. Well, it was I good show! It was 1 night of kids stuffing their been with hot dogs, pop, and ice cream: We tsll over now, but the memory will live a long time. The memory of the fellows working on the bonfire and fireworks, of the Indie- dishing out the reimb- menu. Yes, the ladies did n grand job too, and they deserve I lot of credit. Where they all came from, I'll never know, but they were there. Mrs. Morrison and her hus- band John lugging hot dogl by the hundred; Mrs. Beswick; Mr. and Mrs. Titling; and dozens of other! all helping. And an a finale, Mr. Wilkins giving out on the guitar with "Slow Host to China." Yes, it wu a good "Mth.r" _ There are, however, other im- portant things in the offing. And they don't mean good times. It looks as if we're going to continue with this mud ground here. Every time it rains it's the same old prob- lem, With this in mind eouldn't the Ratepayers' Association get hold of the Leaside Contractors or Acme Land and Development and start raising a. fuss again? If they don't get it done soon (the gravel) we'll be running into fall weather and rain. Nothing will be done by them, except in their own good time, unless strong representa- tions are made. There isn't I grader on the project to my know- ledge. - _ _ And u for gravel, heaven only knows where that is. You people in Oakdale Acres bought homes that were to have paved roads. You don't want paved roads until the cement trucks are through. But that gravel has to be put down, and soon, so that it can bed in solid. And "that" gravel means two layers, each eight inches deep. So to the Ratepayers' Association I would like to say that although these gentlemen (Acme Land and Development) promised you roads for June, they will still need a lot of prodding. Time and delay to them can also mean a vast saving in dollars and cents. As for them caring a hoot about the roads, I would like to Time and delay to them can also mean a vast saving in dollars and cents. As for them caring a hoot about the roads, I would like to remind you of the insulting remark made by Mr. Kheary of Acme Land and Development when he stalked into the room where the first meeting of the Ratepayers' representatives was held. Yes, he said that if he had known that the Reeve of North York wasn't going to be there, he would never have come. This is the type of man you are dealing with, gentlemen. And the only way to get action is to really go after them in a big way. Birthday greetings to Harold and Lorraine Oakley. Desmond Delaney recently on- tertained a few of his chums at a theatre party in celebration of his birthday. They returned to his home for refreshments. Mrs. S. Thomley And her son Chris, of Woodbridge, were lunch- eon guests of Mrs. M. Campbell on Friday. Charleen T. Johnson celebrated her fifth birthday with a luncheon party on Thursday. Her guests were Billy Trout, her cousin Rose- mary Campbell, lilterl Barbara Jean nnd Mary Lou, her wee brother Pat and her Auntie Olive Cnmpbell. Mrs. E. Box, liner of Mr. R. Oakley Sr., is visiting in Humber Summit for several weeks. Mrs. Box is from the West. Hope you enjoy your visit! The-Memorial Community Picnic will be held on August 4 " Cham- plain Park, Onillia. - _ _ Anyone wishing to go to Crystal Beach please contact Mr. Sleigh or Mr. Parkes. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, of Woodbridge Road, on the opening of their Snack Bar on May 24. . _ . . _ - Visiting with Mr. and Mm. R. W. Hendry, Riverbend Park were Mr. and Mm. N. Kutmick, of An- aonville, near Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. A, Donn and daughter Gwen Ipcnt the holiday week-end at their cottage near Midland. Don't forget the weekly bingo in the Memorial Hall, Woodbridge Road, Humber Summit, _ H Neighbours 1nd friends in Hum- ber Summit hope that Mn. Kelly in feeling better Mter the terrible new. she received on her arrival. Wyn uympnthin with the family. The big "question mark in when will the mhool be opened? Will it be ready {pr sept1mrr.r.t We huge no, u that are 30 bhlldm my for the new school and mother 13 who will be very duappointed if they curt go. - -- - Ben Vii-he. for the future go to Mr, Md In. Shut, Franeiq and Chaim from neighbours and friends in Humbor Summit. 'Hrfmd In. Shaw and family no to be stationed at Goon Bar, Ubmdor, ,tllt Mr. And Mp. Ven- Humber Summit Correspondent: Mrs. J. B. Henry familial wuupmume‘ tgtmrubittAat1tMtrrtetrt" Oakdale Acres arid Judy PT Inving_ toy Our mutual-don. to Mr. and In. Pony Abram (no. Liveron) on the birth of a - daughter on May 20th. We wish to thank all our friends who joined with out My School In celebnte our Anniversary on May 27th. And th.nha especially to those former members who came from A distance. It gives us great encouragement in our Sunday School to know how many former members keep us fresh in their memories. We had I three-layer birthday cake, out had Mrs. Sherry from Toronto cut it, as she was the oldest lady present. Eighty-nine years ago she was christened in the Smithfield Church. Our four girls of Homemakers’ Club who attended Achievement Day at Newmarket on Saturday, May 26th, were Clam Campbell, Joan Peme, June Enibdaen, and Ruth Peterson. They enjoyed their day. Club ladies met n Mrs. Bea- mish's to quilt pn Tutyuy. . - in it as a gift on the occasion of her leaving for Goose Bay, Labra- dor. Best wishes in your new home and on your vacation trip to Regina and the West. The 132nd Brownie Paek's pie- nie will be held at Doneddy Park at Pine Grove on July 4, instead of Centre Island on July 11th as previously planned. Mrs. P. North Sr. and family wish to thank their many friends and neighbours for the kind mes- sages sent to Mr. M. Barrett while she was a patient in the Runny- mede Hospital. They also wish to thank Rev. Gillies, pastor of the Humber Summit Church for his kindness, in visiting Mrs. Barrett in the General and Runnymede hospitals, and for his comforting words when Mrs. Barrett passed away. Special thanks go to Miss Wilson and to those who sent flowers and cards. A very special thanks came from Mrs. Barrett personally to the 132nd Brownie Pack for their kindness to her just two weeks before she passed away. W: In. 1.01m SMITHFIELD , COMPETENT BARBERS 1742 JANE STREET 1 Block North of Lawrence Devlin’s Modern Barber Shop T EVERYTHING For The G A R D E N I Evergreen? . Bedding-Ou t' Vinit Your Barber Ofuu Keep That Fresh Look Full Supply of Annuals and Tomato Plants WISTON I!†Kentucky III", White Dutch Clover, Rapid Glory-g, ‘Shcdy Nook, British Fruit M Plants 4 Perennials GRASS SEEDS GARDEN LIME FULL LINES or GARDEN SEEDS 169 MAIN " N. FOR YOUR GARDEN - WATCH THIS PAPER Timmy. FREE DELIVERY [BEES of Lawn: and Gm ll 'r/tafter?,',) frn Satutdays, Sundayl. and MI, THIS REGULATION WILL BE manila FORCED under authority of local By-luwn. - operation of all citizens in respectfully requested. , N. A. BOYLEN t G. H. BAKE!“ Reeve Ehtgtt- t 2gml.g, to my. n,',g, forum!“ Iv. no protection. Wafer Commerl - tt,t,8httttl'l , hours of t â€W ___ "0A.M.aagdtt.00PM. "Ir,' t Prom my 18th until 1mm node. t AND FURTHER under reviled mrriatitm. D Water is to be used from the Township WWI? System for Washing Automobiles during the manual J June, July, August and September. t Except on Saturdays, Sundays and Public new.†a“ ms. FRANCES mm - “cw. WA“ She will be in our store May 28th to June 2nd in!“ and willbeplaosodwadmw-obou DU BARRY BEAUTY TREATMENTS. HUON0t HAIR PRODUCTS AND CHEN YI,) _ Each step of a Du Bony Beauty Treomeu, Hudme FUt Treatment and nail core by Chen Ya, wid be My explained, to that you may follow the Treatments b you home. These are professional beauty methods brought right to your dressing 00bit DO NOT FAIL TO AVAIL YOURSELF OF THIS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY Ililtlllil'8 DRUG STORE WESTON " Delivery Every Hour On The How To Water: & District Tuu4hLa;. 43 Main St. North TOWNS-1P or Mmm' mu SOIL TESTED FREE c.I.L. mummy. Milan-alto. In. I ' Meet, Shop Man-n, Indâ€... HI. PRESENTS _Wnr'l'cr"i?i!i1rirr::fsrai'ai:% SEED POTATOES ETC. ETC. FERTILIZERS WESTON "