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Times & Guide (1909), 3 Apr 1952, p. 4

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_ Hy”. l GAIGER q r' is " 7’ emm rces 1 i A tlas, Bur, _ rio It will ; milliu r the dn _ Comm Educ,- . k. Tho ’ I s.relec Chief imam f the v: action A o m and ', The Budget of the Ptovincce of ' rio for the fiscal year 1962. /' will amount to approximately . million dollars. The estimates , the dearrments of the Attor- l GPneral. Travel and Puhiicity ' Education we’rv apprm-nd last _‘ . The Prime 'hnrs,'vr appoint- I . select (omnmtw to am with T Chief Elswrion Officer and his N imam for tho purpnw of study- v', the voters' 1,is'ts Act and the , action Act in tho light of thn bx- _ of the last Ontario EIN- ‘hi and to ,ubmit such recom- ymdation for ths improvement Kim! as the Committee may “mil justifiable. ' V A further select Committee was appointed to study the mutter of COME TAXES Now is the time that we are brought face face with the payment that we have to e to government for the privileges that enjoy in living in this fair country. Here where we see the results of our demands n the mnm‘nmeut for services given at request. " also brings to our minds the t that. up have Hut been very -active in mini]; the expenditure of our money by powers. It is high time that more ttmttion is paid by the individual taxpayer w._..__....._ ...- .__-...._.....,.. - ?“ "eper "DQ'OPMWV-l and“. I. We. Hm III-Hum. ad u- - Sui but“ . Be an In». for urn when“! In.“ - mm. H hnn w the menu. Prom.- nut d an“ immune mums-nun It bu! nu. [bun unnam- man on wanna“. ANADIAN CANCER 8013311 rename lumen 91; YONG! s1. . his dollar is spent and the returns that is getting from the dollar spent by the ternments. The income tax is the direct trees we are charged. Just stop and figure THE IELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA (“I “ml-It'd“ . L1Wffdg"8h.W, YpqrrM_emjotr_)Vpprts THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1952 " '2'utu'ltetigTtpd."el't.tt $l. 0.4!:th um 'si"I',a.oU2rt2t Rheum-hur- l m "Ill- Will-m I! M ”In; nna-u- ehupue. MU. 1t',ttgt.'tuT,rdte'r,,2',t2ttsepdtgt LI": Ila-'"sthl-r.-_-.d.ualkm " "dlittPN2.'%'.hgr. “"""’ By w. Elmer Brandon, mam Wait York . fLPdi'.Y :?,'l?iii? 'ci.iiaif.i7f.aiiteitiitf - e.' - 'r. I'll-am:- I." h.- h- 31:- _ EME- -ihu w; a" u?" ‘61:;va Fund ers hu', 'aah, “guru-1 BAM WIIJON. Me... I. IINCLAIR, JSAN lull. um um. Sued New I“. ALFRED BIRD. Nun Edna. I...“ ..e_.u. 'At'.l'itan"r,"taru1at"st,"2 was in.” may Jl.%."trr=rttluh' (,tgit)gt,irt,' P WI II x tltkr, & Guide Arrpmg u m on com is part of our duly chore. To give you the big- gest penal-bk value farm telephone dollar we mast get one hundred cum on! of every dollar we spend. Keeping ow can; down has kept the cost of 7m eclephoae Maxim's thcwqwebothwatttittok Mm. H. B. Singleton Ind ht sister, Min F. Shaw accompaniod by three dogs and two at; were met at Barcelona by Mr. Single- ton. They had a grand trip and will take up temporary rum in n lovely villa " Mnjom. Many bills received their neond and third reading. . lake levels in the Gmat Iain Ind waters effected thenby. Ind par- ticulnrly to enquire into the cm of the vuinionc of want lawn. the effect of Inch water levels on shore emion and enumeration generally, the methods of control- Eing water levels and the jurisdic- tmn under which such control: nporate. G ' “133/ l, Nothing happens without some cause. Crime wave of to-day is due to some Cause. People do not just set out on s mad of crime for general pleasure. They find themselves trained from early childhood to side step the responsibilities of life. They see the older members of the family sideatepping the various duties of life or taking short cuts. 1 They see them getting away with it. They see on our streets all sorts and conditions living so called easy pickings. They see our bill boards, magazine covers, pocket editions of vile stories with flaring suggestive pic- tures on display everywhere. They ere enticed to read cheap vulgar papers by glar- ing head lines that are as close to the border of publication " the lsw permits. They are invited to sit in taverns, cocktail bars and common beverage rooms by entertainment and for fellowship. These are the forces that are legal and they breed crime. It is up to every citizen to wage war on any factor that is causing crime. Until the public takes a hand and acts as policeman and custodians of our influences that creste life there will be further crime. It is the mind of the child that must be influenced into the right way of life. This is the duty of the home; the church. the school and the state. It is .the cams RESPONSIBILITY “no In the things that mite his]; burdensome. ”mathspwplomv - in; to permit. the governments .to smd money on servweo demanded and pay h p1fices for everything. thin mer, opus will continue. Let the people and protest the increased taxation and the [overnmente will stop to ssve their position. Think this through and see what we have done.to check the increosinx tax rates at all levels. [utr of very citizen to see that they do tho induct in that I. woman. thmqhthoaritmsehtrtnW.Tura- In thp ya: 1961 the In]: of [as by the c'ompnny brought in almont eleven millions Despite our I con- tury of oxpcriance in [u unnu- Neture and a]. in the Toronto um may Mod up with a not profit of out And . hit million. This had to defray thp colt of dividends, the colt of dopreciuion, This rather gives the allure- holdem the whip~hand. Their capi~ tal, as per stock issued, is just under fifteen millions and a recent luminary than thit reserve fund, fixed use" Ind capital umnunt to almost fifty-five million dollars. Then there is that little item of "intangible assets" which wu Inch I ltumhling block in the taking over of the Toronto Street Railway and the Toronto Electric Light Co. The Gag Company shnmholders might well conlidor that than in- tlnziblo assets are worth another (my million; bringing up the total cost of the proposed purchase to a matter of a hundred million or more. This is not the use with the Commers’ Gas Comptny. They had beep operating by mean) of a charter issued away back in the dun of Upper Canada (1848). Then in no clause in this chute: which. even remotely, suggests thlt th- eo'npnny have to loll at the back aad can of the Toronto City Council. Legal opinion of a very hid? Arder has been forthcoming within the past few days that the clutter of the Gas Company in Inch tint the lhlreholdera will have to vote and thembelves decide it they wish to sell out to the city or net. 3 The proposed "tttopriation' of the Conmmteri Gu Company, by the Toronto City Council, is a mat- ter thnt recently recoils on every suburban neident in a. large area ourroundinz the incorporated city. The gee mlim at the Counmeu' Gee Company extend not only throughout the Toronto me but " far west in Port Credit and to the out as far as Pickering. They an serve an area to the north In far " Steele's Cornea. The proposed ex- propriation is in a somewhlt dif- ferent category to that of the former Toronto Street Railway Co. Their charter specifically atatedl that at a specified time the city would have the right to take over the assets. The Editor: Sir: LETTERS TO THE We EDITOR Hive you ever dreamed of Wilk- lng down the ntreet while botalint figures up to 99,000,000,000, :11" The Financial Post. New pocket- size calculnmr can do Just that and more. A: well " adding, it lub- tracu, multiplies, divides, {Mum square roots, futon, cubes, and perrr'ntager. Machine _ia mid to carry out to five decimal plaza. About the shape and size ot a fish- ing-reel, device is claimed to be ahle to cheek and recheck all re lulu. With the fart.eontent of the above ban-mot I am not s deal eoneemed--though on the face of it, obviously, it is on the target. On the other Und, as one of your readers who may reasonably be described as a conservationist and decidedly forest-conscious. I would appreciate being permitted to bring three references to Canade’s forest wealth to the notice of other Can, adians likely to be interested As a mere man-on-the-fnrm I confess that it is a bit disturbing to see the experts apparently (in l and 2) pointing in opposite directions, which is my chief reason for sp- pending the final very constructive 'quote't (1)--At the annual meet- ine this week in Montreal of the woodlands section. Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Gordon KGodwin. section chairman, pointed out with pride that the industry to- day operates on sustained yield; that it cuts no more than the forest is capable of growing. "We will have," he said "plenty of trees for. ever to maintain our industry." Which, of course, directly refutes the charge of depletion of forest resources." (Financial Times edir torial, March 28); (2)-Quebee City, Jan. '--(BUP)-There will, be no merchantable forests in Csn- j ade’within 25 yesrs if the pulp andl paper industry continues to cut trees at the present Quebec rate, Thoma: Maker, consulting forestry engineer said here. ..“The . total quantity of wood used esch yesr'in Quebec covers 8,000 square miles " timberland. and if we add to that the smount of wood destroyed by forest fires and insects, we reach an annual total of 10,000 square miles. At the rote of the out alone all our forests will have been used within M years, and if we figure what is lost by fires and insects, that deadline may be reduced to a terrifying 10 years" he said. (To- ronto Telegram); and (8)-thur Ida's forests would bring more national wealth than 100 Alberta oil empires and Quebec iron ranges, if they were put on " solid book- keeping basis," Robson Black. pre- sident emeritus of the Canadian Forestry Association. said " e meeting of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries. He said govern- ments should join forces with in. dustry to lift “forest welfare" to the top level of economic and social policy. "Our soil, our rivers and lsltes are satellites of the living forest" he warned. (Forest and Outdoors, Dee., 1951). There was plenty of oconomic punch in that tiny item which filled-out one of your new: column- in the current Times and Guide, thug: "The big holders of dividend- paying forest products stocks re- ceive mom lumber jack than I lumber-jack don." Editor, "Tunes “a Guide", Walton, ont. Dear Sir: 159 ‘Albenul Avenue, Toronto, Cumin. Much 26th, ItW.'., we. a WOW) is {our uilliéa donut. At the "not til. the Ga Couuny "to: m not sum- ciont for " mad dividend of $1,100,000 (8% on their iammd noel); How an the city promise I nineties in [u an. to Tomtttto and the Inburbul um in Vin of the than lint“ And with t can» million that will be Need by the "OP-filin‘ can. that bout tho present minnow"!!! POCKET SIZE CALCULATOR Wound-combs“ 'imetk-aatdr.t'tbt.et+ Rev As Arranged by the Following Churches Tuesday, April 8 Presbyterian Church HOLY WEEK SERVICES at Speaker: ; Speaker: Gordon Legge, Rev. E. B. Eddy LYMAN B. JACKES JUNIOR RANGER Toronto, Ont., Hugh $1, 1952. WHERE TO _WORSHIP Wednesday, April 8 tt 8.00 pm. Weston Baptist Church 0n'w§anuda'y, Apri1'9, Captain I -tiraridiiiiiarTrr'oi"iii'ii'a." AV'" and Mm. Fred Brightwell of Ham: The Rev. J. S. Mackenzie will de- mon. with a musical group, will liver thy third of three nddreues This weekend Mt. Dennis Song- nter Brigade, with Captain and Mm. Carter, will be doing special meetings in Collingwood, Ontario. In their absence, Lieutenant John lamb and lieutenant ' Cred- doclu will he in charge It Mount Dennis Citadel, leading meetings at 11 mm. and 7 pm. These two young men have a message you should hear. The Sunday School is at three o'eloek and will study the lesion "tulvtsry--the place of Cellousneu and Courage," from Matthew 27: 27-50. Text to lenrn is 1 Peter 2: 21, tt "Christ,...who, when He we: reviled, reviled not attain', when He uttered, He threatened not; but committed Himself to Him that judgnth righteoutly." The csmpaizn for funds is now under way and the lpccill’ en- velopel mny be had from my mom. ber of the building committee. Your support will be tpprecinted however Ide. We thank thou who have already been doing their share to get that church on tut "wit lot. The S-lvotion Anny Lenten teas were held at the homes of Mrs. Thompson, Harding Ave., and Mrs. Daniel-on, Nomle Ave., on Wednesday 19 and M, respectively. Teas are being held each week during lent and all no welcome to attend. Celebration of Holy Communion took piece at I mm. and It am, the Rector offieiltinx and the Rev. G. P. Muirhead of M. Clements Church taking the ”men. He spoke of the Hauling Miniltry. AI mull. every nuilublo seat was occupied. F. Sunday School " 3 pm. there wu a large turnout and the need for more teachers il great. Evenlong at 7 pan., Preach- er, the Rector, with Ken Jay, B.D.Sc., at the organ. Rev. J. R. Grim " Chalmer‘l Church, Toronto, will prnch at the morning hour of worship. This out: “main; mini-hr in a Ulster mm who has and at Sherbmoke, quebec, all the Royal Camdjnn Chnplainl "rriee. Church of " Duvid The speaker " the church panic: will be Mr. Colin Meir. 1nd pm of the Fireside prawn will includn moth" Knox Coluge student, Mr. Cnlvin Chambers, “Futon Pruhytcriu The Young Paoplo’l Sonic. and Fireside Hour will be held thin Sunday evening at our church. W mom“! nnd than lit but and ponder upon the "out: noordod. It will give you . now - of why wo on Christian should be up fighting tho evil Mm ot the hour. It will “In our troubled thought: 3nd put into out no a new pow" to so forth for victory. Every Christin hu this WEN”. To thou who Ire not much interested in their Ipititunl life it in on opportunity to on Just what Our Lord did for tho world and unduly for mankind. It will not hurt you to'toke I moment wd rend thou ”out“. You In" have neglected your Bible for you", yot hon in on appeal to open it once mom ond mad than two W not {or thin Sunday tlhn from St. Paul Epistle to Philip " And tho Gospel from St. Mitt. 27-1. il Sunday Next Before Easter IntheGttiltetrtu6_tu-fth. not! dramatic stories written. tt in a My“. 0! tth ma. humiliation and death ot Our When-Christ. 'tiitMdnrit_ruadbrarore vim-a. " ihtg'tgh1fttgt','.urgr,t, 'ru-lbtysaatrtotrt_utya.a hunhatiuumvord, It tqtt1'at2tt,tti Yetit prom all tor the "on: a! Holy Woo It yup-m tho mind for the proper conception " the "erute. and. for unkind. It is the detaiUd taeta that hold tether his: relationship betwnn God and mun. You an not "ttttdw" tty gnaw}! go br.withoyt may... two tt",etg2ggdtttgNtght'etTgt'dfgt Ravi-tho amtummn. pwwmmmmhwzy “Gaunt. 'tuamlttutnr.ahr_hi-_ttttis pimn'hwnhd. Ttisa-tut-ii/errata" ertetttrmellrufamhue 1ti.thotru.id.sltttr-thrutiatt “we". _ Westmount Gospel Church REV. s. w. HELMER, Pastor 11.00 a.m.-Communion service. 7.00 p.m.-Missionary service. Moving picture, "Toreh in the Night," presented by the Central American Mission. CHURCHES (Raynor: Niir Scarlett Road) A Friendly Evangelical Church Speaker: Rev. R. C. Creelman Thursday, April 10 It 8.00. pan. Westminster United Church On Tueldny. April I, It 8 p.m., the Jenn Gordon Forbes Auxiliary and the WMS held their Enter Thlnkoffering Sonics in the lehoolroom of the church. The Ipecinl speaker was Rev. Hilda Jphruron, BA., B.D., Th.M., a re- turned missionary from India. The Rev. J. S. Mackenzie will de- At the morning service on April 6, Menu. Wm. Shaka, 369 Church St., George Dunseath, 19 Conner Avenue, 1nd Byron Steele, 1804 anrence Avenue E., will be set win an members of the Senion. It teem: like I - practice to have s Lenten booklet to "pple- ment the Word of God from the pulpit. Thereby the worshipper finds I double imight into the will of God for him, And the little map: that Itudied each chlpter to min. the Minister in clarification and illuetration. were without ex- ception helpful end helped. We look forw-rd to another Itudy next Enter-tide " fruitful n this yet". Westminster United We have discovered that the Menu of Gnu: appropriated by Faith are in put; the Bible, prayer, public worship in the Church, the fellowship of Chriltinn folk, and the Sacrament: of Baptism and the Lord's Supper. These are the means td Ippropriation available to, men whereby the Gnce of God an tun-form them.-Meana available for my mun. Sunday concluded our series of Lenten studiel on the devotional booklet "The Mean. of Grace." It was a good uric-i For it covered I subieet that. ha been umewhlt hay in our minds these many yen-I. When we joined the Church we promised "to nuke diligent me of the mum " truce" but few of us ever mapped to consider what we meant by the term; and now we have lame fundamental under- standing of the running of our promise. lead I apecial put-Enter service at 8 pm. in the Citadel. On Thuudny, April 10, Captain Brightwell will conduct the wedding service of two of our young people, Bundnman Gilbert Conti and Sunday School tanner, Ellen Benson It , p.m. Easter Sundny at , “a. in the Citadel a Sunrile Berviee conducted by the young people will be open tn all. Rev. M. F. Harden " Mt. Dmnil Baptist Church will be the spank", 1nd the Young People'l Union of that Church our special (nun. Ruskin! will be nerved " 8.15 in the young people'l hall. Contral United Speaker; Rev. G. K. Tyler Friday, April ll at 11.00 mm. Central United Church on Holy Communion at the Evening Service on Sunday, April 6. Hits subject will be 'The Thankful Hurt'. There will be eoruidered u adequate preparation for First Communicants but it is also hoped that all members of the congrega~ lion will attend. This service will be illustrated by "ytseial music, in- Hariiine Ave. church-WSP, 10 a.m.; l Fm., Sunday Brto6t, Itivemide Chureh--Worship 11.30 mm. 10.15 Ban., lulu!” ”col. Elven-ton Pk. Church-Worship, , Fm.', Sunday School, 10.80 In. Srrmnn Topic: “1qu Your Kill.” 2 pm1.-"Senior Sunday School." , 7 p.m.--K n o x College student. " ANDREWS PRESBYTERIIH Cllllllcll ROYAL YORK an. S. cannon no. WALTER H. WELCH B.S.A. 11 am. - Rev. J. R. Graham. Chalmer'a Church, Toronto. _ I a.m.--Holy Communion. (Corpontae Communion for the Purim Guild). ll m.ttt.-Chora1 Communion Ind Sermon. (Junior Congregation). 8 pmt.--Sunday School. . T, pan.9vettsongr and Sermon. NoTE:--The Rev. T. B. Butler, Rector of St. Philip's parish, has very graciously consented to offitOte and preach It the Inning Service. We welcome him heartily to our parish church. Wegtnginstpr United Church . Elverside United Churches St. ue, Angllcan climb Church Of St. David Angus-n If.00 WISH! 'ltllllrlrrllltIill CIIIIBI COO '.m.--"The Cont of Forgiveness," Sunday Srhool--r9 yurs. 2.00 p.m.-- Sunday '3chool-tt yarn and 7.80 tot.--"". Thnnkflll Hnrl". 11.00 aun.-C0MMUNION SERVICE. RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS. Soloist: Mr. Jack Watson of Toronto. 3.00 Frm-SUNDAY SCHOOL. . 7.00 pnm---EVENING WORSHJP. Nursery Class is conducted during the Morning Wttfthip, You are cordially invited to there aervicel. Weston Baptist Church _ PALM BUNDAY--APWL " I a.m.-Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Choral Communion and Sermon. Summon: " Hnly 11.00 a.m.--Marshall Jess, B. A. Knox College _ THE CHOIR WILL RENDER-- "THE cRUCIF1xION" by Sir John Shin” PALM CROSSES WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AT ALL SERVICES Juttior.cottrregatiort. ' pam-Sunday School. T p.m.--Evamong. Rev. James Mackenzie, MA" B.D., Th.“ The Friendly Family Church Main Street S. at Bellvue Crescent 9.45 a.m.--dunday School Rev. H. w. SurdivaJl. B.A., L.Th., Rector Harding Ave., Cor. C hiawick St. “I St. North at In! An. Rector: luv. Gm. Ice. " Titaq Stun Rev. G. K. Tyler, B.Th., Minister Minister-G. Lean, B.A., B.D, Mrs. George Swan, Organist APRIL 6th, 1952 SUNDAY, APRIL 0 Communion at all urvieu‘ At the Lenten Sonia. hold in Westminster Church on 11mm", April 10, in the evening, tho In. R. C. Crvelman. M.B.E., M.A., ID. will deliver the address, while tin Rev. J. S. Mackenzie will conduct the gervicp. cluding sucn favourite: a The Old Rugged Cross.' 7-00 p.m.-Canuta: "The last Supper," Thiman. . 9.30 and 11.00 mm. --%prmtnipn Services and Reception of New Members. Sunday, April 6, 1952 lamb am KI" and "tin so. Minister: REV. E. B. EDDY " Qnoen‘l Drive up )llllllllll

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