'04 Main St. N.‘ M to Fest The". Tunic: $2.98 and $3.98 Gun Hosp-98c "uo---98c School Dresses six. T.12--t2.98 Thu-quarter and full . hngth Hon, Panties, Vests, Slips, Blouses, Wool Jumpers Long Pants, 2-8, $3.79, $3.89, $3.98, $4.49 Lined Jeems---t3.25 Shirts, Jerseys, Cal-diam Pullovers Windbreakers Caps, Bolts, Ties and Hon ' SCHOOL DAYS , clothing For Your Children! All HERE AGAINF Rompers Bibs ty Feeders Mattresses Comb ty Brush Sets Bottle Warmers We Have a Good Solution of FOR YOUR BOY Esmond Plank“: Shawls T l Gowns ' "Little Nuggm†BUY THE BEST FOR LESS Latest Style Highest Quality Wands Scan for CMHvon Carriage Clips trs TOO BAD ' BUT SPECIAL GIFT ITEMS; FOR BABIES CH. 1-60“ Bath Robes Plush Coat $32.: 4-6): $28.95 To TEEN Toys Bank of Commerce in Weston where mu Bernath is employed. And last Monday It!" Street of Ellis Ave., hold 1 mikellaneoua shower for Mill Duluth. Mr. and In. E. L Bernath re- cently returned from their holiday spent " Algonquin. Mr. Bemath did not have eny luck with his tithing but the pair slid that they thoroughly enjoyed their holiday and luckily the weather Wu fine for them. Their daughter, Mist Donna Bemnth, who is getting married in Bolton next Seturdey. has received many lovely Ihower gifts trom the community of Nash- ville, Nr. Bolton, (rom the com- munity of Nebleton. and from the daughter of Mr. and In. C. D. Aitken of Walton, has announced that she in soon to wed P0 "mes L. Hamilton, son of Lin. J. L Batman, 8t. Jung, Man. The wedding will take plum in Eng- land where FO Humilwn is summed. Mi. and In. Leonard Bent of 86 Holley Avenue recently re- :turned to Walton the: mending their two week nation touring Montreal and Quoboc. Mr. Ind Mrs. Bent stayed " Lake Gaps for a few days and they managed to get some ocean swim in be- fore the cool" weather came. Miss Pauline but)“. of Mont- rul in visiting with her sister, Mrs. N. . Snow, who livu " " June Ave. Mr. Harold K. Campbell Ind his wife (the former Audrey Dough- erty), Ind their small daughter, Gail, are [pending Iome time in Weston visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell Ind Mr. Ind Mrs. T. Doutrhdrty, J.P. The three visitors are residents of Calgary. Mr. Billy Scott recently returned to hit home " 11 Sunset Trail in: upondin. a five-week "ck "u, period with his grandparents in Temaxlmi. Mex-tens. Church. Benet after spending I plenum: holiday at Sarnia, Thed- ford aid Detroit. 'Miss Ruth Wilkins of Oshaw- is ’aponding a week's nation period with Mr. Ind Mrs. Cliff WEEDORFS Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Martens and their daughters, Ethel and Alice, have ntuinod to their home at 60 In. Stony of 130 Chunk St. 99- tttr Pf"' Ysd, _daueltttr-in-ltw, Mr. and In. Smith, And their child vuitintr Mr ftom Venuuoln, South Andria. The visitorr, who. flew from Vonelueh, are staying in Weston for one month. Mrs; C. Brown entertained at I luncheon last Tuesday at her home on Sculett Road. The luncheon we: on honor of Mrs. Jefferson who he": run Mtrtthtit her-many ti mix and relatives for the put months. Mrs. Jefferson is , former In. Hobmln who re- 'sided for mlny _ on Bearlett Road. She is now residing in England and settling down happily in that country. Mrs. Ronald Hob- man held an Uternoon tea at which many old friends of Mrs. Jeffer- son were present. Are.. Domviow, who came from England three years no, is enur- taining two friends from Worth- lng, Enzlund. Th. friends, Mrs Ellis and her hum", lain, will not be "tuning to England until December. Mie Harlin, Amirtr, Aifkgn, PERSONALS In. G. Barth-u ot 22 Ashton Botany in an unusual Helen Harper in Pure array of colors. All sizes. Weisdorf's 47 Main St $3S5---$4.95 CARDIGANS $5.95--$6.95 SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS Lahsea of Scotland Helen Harper Sweaters by TWO FAMOUS MAKERS “of refund to the Aitt in that ins been and. poeeible by the decreased need for "edt" programme- and mention some ot the long term project. that have been Indemken in the fields of tenth end venue. One of the moat dmmatie achievements bu been the 3.6.6. vnecinetion programme against tuberculosis. The World Health Organisation estimates that this disease has fifty million victims annually md five million deaths. It is obviously impossible to provide adequate care for all these cues, especially in poor and underdeveloped coun- tries, and the best attach is there- fore prevention. When the most recently Ipproved B.C.G. pro- grunmes sre completed, nearly sixty million children will hive been tested and probably hell that number "min-ted. When we realize that this treatment has been proved to provide about 80% immunity, the resulting benefit is seen to be enormous. Artother-trpe of UNICEF pro- ject is ilhmtrated by the attempt to ensure constant milk in trupplio for children. In I number of court- tries than in surplus milk in cer- tain leuonl _and mt. wort-n in others. In these countries UNICEF in helping with the pro- vision of milk proeeturintt plants, making it pmible for them to A few mum ink the Cm- dian United Nuion- AsaoeUtion submitted I brief to the Ethan! Main Commit“. a! the How. " Common. ugh. that Canada omen (minim Nun}:- tnur- 'etioyal Child†as Emcmuey Lansea of Scotland featuring pure botany on pure cash- mere. In colors of rosewood, como blue, wave crest, haze]- bud green, pistachio, cherry or strawberry red. All sizes. and Canada and â€MEET f “Mimi In“! to Dr. Clarke Mills IN PURE CASHMERE SHORT SLEEVE PULLOVERS 16.95 IDNG SLEEVE PULLOVERS 18.95 CARDIGANS 19.95 IN PURE BOTANY SHORT SLEEVE PULIDVERS 8.95 LONG SLEEVE PULLOVEBS 9.95 CARDIGANS 12.50 Announces THE OPENING OF HIS NEW DENTAL OFFICE September 2ndl At 16 Springmount Ave., Weston FASCIONE BEAUTY SALON 1158 WESTON ROAD (at Eglinton) TELEPHONE MU. 1882 SW5 i. N. CHerry MMI If your. tired, wring hair style has reached its est lumen, and the lite his Bone out of your curls, we have just the cure for you. A new creme oil cold wave with our {amour curling method that not only cut]: but Illa con- ditiomt your heir agninlt limp. ness and drying. WI I mite. Cold Waves Wu new vanetinn blinds, and and then dust regularly with a cloth, soft brush, or vncuum at. tuchmont. Ono future of UNICEF om- tiol (tom the beginning In. hen tro “mucking elm-e" whereby the governments of recipient countries mun undertake to pro- UNICEF in atâ€: pointed out with Initiation and pride when- ever qumstioo us asked about the tangible "hi-tent. of the United Nations und it ir to be hoped that Canada will continue to play I tenet-Dun part in any porting thin effort" to improve the lot of thd workl'l needy children. Vida in good. and urvicu u amount " [out equal in ulna to tho contribution MON“ In. UNICEF. This mqulmmost on» um that u lent two dollâ€! went " nuisance Inch. ttte and!“ f ' evory dollar contri‘ - By GNICEF. I menu that Warrior child vulture un- viuu in being "tabliaUd in many of the â€on where it in molt needed and this maehinery can continue ta operate that the need for UNICEF Iain-nee in our. any on! tre who ltock to thi Cool Summer Fire Auto Casualty 1 Main St. N. CH. 1-0701 MERTEIS AGENCY INSURANCE for u mm. AND GUIDE. WESTON Al I hronaor-Member of this National elimination of boating, ttAittg, and hunting mthuiutl, W. Wm. Curboneau'. ambush- pult will become a badminton foe information on boating and tuhine in this ma, may and Ionic. tips, ideas tor local club Mivitiu and data to help aporU- Illl charm». Jr. Elect-d . Member Iatlon‘al Boating'cluh It. Willi-I: Charboneau Jr. of Nipiuin; Watercraft sun, Wel- ton, bu boon ahead I Sponlor- Member of the Outboard Boating Ctub of America, it wan announced last took. 320 Bay St. Buying Mr. collett MU. 9706 A. E. LePAGE Exhibition Specials COMPLETELY INSTALLED With Aerial 90 Day Service and Warranty " MAIN ST. S. TELEPHONE CH. 1.1112 CH. 1-1113 CH. 1-1114 FOR COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE SELLING OR BUYING A HOUSE 0 Radio IT' Television 0 Walnut , Mahogany 60NSOLE COMBINATION 3 Speed Record Player lg or Selling' Real Estate ESTABLISHED 38 YEARS O Bleech 5579-50 -call-- Realtor Cf (jib,.e. With the Illuminati which have been made in boning Ind the tremendou. growth in in“ Sh the apart. thousand! of boating and fishing enthuliutl through- out the country have handed to. Ettlyr in tht Oqtbo-gd youth; men new" 3mm- enjoyment "te we rural-dun. A - A Elub of Amado: for the develop: hunt Ind protection of woods and "tun?" _ .. .. :. A Lou] "and It». did-inn of the organization have been form, -Contlnued on In“ I -..--" Housman Amulet: We Service Everything We Sdll o.,,,,,,--':",""""? iiii"ii"i'rig:i Mr. Sanderson R0. 1202 EM. T.5661 Alpha Engineering to. CHorry 1-5275 MANY OTHER MAKES ‘TO CHOOSE FROM . GENERAL ELECTRIC . ADMIRAL o ELECTROHOME o ADDISON . o NORTHERN ELECTRIC All Installed with Aerial, Sanka tr Warranty George Jofh, B.A. Se., ling. Authorized Toridhut Deal" FROM As Low As 10% Down Balance Over 24 Months At Your Sisrviee momma mm mm CH. 1-3511 $369 up (WESTON POLICE DIN.) Television Microwave System 0 MONTREAL o OTTAWA o BUFFALO o TORONTO 0n Channel , etrtntgtrAT,MttttNrt,t- I' loony Washer 2 for Price of One _ FREE Batty Inner 1852 Jan. St.