2% _'i"tji'lri"fifi'l"fr)'il"l KlCK-OFFHTTIITIG (llirt),ljjllll.l', Sylvo-Cord Sylvo-Croft Etchwcod Weldtex Shodowood 320 Bay St. "Yes this is Beaver mebcr your Plywood Headquarters.†139 MAIN ST. S. c.--, - PHONE CH. 1-1189 Buying Note The Low Prizes - Ji"--ClS f:rvly ib"---4S, tirpl y'--llS farph -a"--l!S hrpfv 3"_G|S firDlv Beaver. Lumber Co. Ltd. Mr. Collett /16"---firply shea‘hmg " -firply sheathing Better te-- Buy Aa2 B lil A V E A,, E. LePAGE PHONE INK UR DROP IN TODAY FOR YOUR PLY1'/f)iH) NEEDS FOR COURTEOLS EFFICIENT SERVICE IN SELLING OR BUYING A HOUSE For your Building; Nceds you can't go wrong with Beaver. MU. 9706 FREE MOTOR DELIVERY - Plenty of Parking For All lg or Selling Real Estate "tl MAIN STREET TL, WESTON M. 1-7001 (on. mm 0mm VIE DELIVER ESTABLISHED 38 YEARS --Cail-. Realtor or CONTINUOUS IMlLY FROM B If A V E R >Call‘ I0 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mr. Sanderson RO. 1202 12c 23c 19c 17c 24c 24c 24c 15c 20c 26c 31c 35c WESTON EM. 3-5661 sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. sq. ft. ft. ft. Pictured here is Itasini's Rorkel Car, in tshich lluluer ltasini “ill risk death Nico daily during the annual Yhrine rim-1H in Maple Leaf liar- dos from September 29thAhrtuber tth. “mini is the only man in the “urld “ho deliberately somersaullx a car lo mm his Iiu-lihuud. Pro. reeds from_the circus will be used for the yihrinvrs' Crippled Children and Benes ulent Fund, In a prmlaw of the coming T.D.I.A.A. rugby season, Weston Ironmen truuccd Earl Haig Cnl~ legiate IOM). The game, playml Friday at the Rr-areation Centre, revealed to all present a fighting senior club. Touchdown scurvrs were S. Weller, B. Lee and E. Bryant. D. Trimble converted Wcller's major score». The squad played an nil-round good game, coming up with some fast, tricky backfivlding and a strong front line. The boys vnnsistently charted through the Earl Haig lino quickly bringing to a halt (he nppusltinn‘s plays. The final score was wvll deserved and wrtzxinly gavo‘u true indicatiun of xho play. Sixteen To law As Ironmen Of View)“ Win Over Earl Mig indicatiun of the play. ISM], Autumn“ 1 With sliffrr competition wining ka'upa, Dunlap, up, Coach Mul, Thompson is wm‘k- Chard. Fir the buys hard, and, although Suhslétun-s: C. he had his usual "No Comment" It is :iIvm-z'uly as to the future, a gnml svasnn is-shulvm huh,- um anticipatml by all concerned. ThOQhwul (‘iilsz ml fight and Lumd sportsmanship oriip:art1rs and hnlp 1 the Inmmvn will, no doubt, oveeichrwrjvarlcrs urge come their luck of weight andltn vic‘mry. G.Gardhouse "mst-ttts Late Father’s 'rrtTlty Atlawling‘l‘eurnament The W. J. Gardhou.w min-d doubles trophy was keenly Conn-sl- ed last Saturday, Sept. 20, tHI the grevm of mm liTston Latin Haw!- ing Chsb. This {inn trnphy, [mu senh-d tn the brculciuh by tiw lute W. J. Gnrdhnuuv, has Mun up cmnvatinn for scvvrul you†was mm for tho Woston Huh M SHRINERS BRING TOP ACT HERE It My oxpm-icnr-v. In my PV clean hard (MIMI, pun typical of tlw "Cf".V.f,' be l xpcctvd. The schmlu team is ax full Svpt. 1.'ti--West (ht Oct, Oct, Oct, ti: H Ili, TI mth 1hv Hm «mu t) mm 6:; plus 11 pr/utr. tlw pwsr-nmkinn (hm: mid it wus a pit-umrv tin» opportunity to In father's tnmhy 1n tln, congratulutrd Mr. mm man upon [how .~urw smut; also it “mm! M mum] m'ntiiirmiuL I" outside duh win ws;l',tlf p lr p) W M M nusr- trrrphy f n mixrd linuhlos. In. rthrr with hrs: prizv, Mr, and ['a S'nnlvy ("xzmlnum yhrw lift)" ith " smut nt‘ UK plus ll. We, m: sicrrrwl. My â€114 Mr,. Hao/d m1Her,lhrm Ivins with n svnro trl _-Continued on page 10 The sturtrrip: I d lmuuv mum ill (an hr: 4:1er had ninv mnkn [ (up. Runnyrrwdy h: lrhrbln’IQ, Humhvxmlt l n Park (mp vut'h, The winnrr, of tlu, was wow u, fullmu; ‘usv truph) f VI mixrd tin-r with {Ms} prir, "c. S’nnlvy Hmnmzm l h Am mhl: 1.'ti--We.st ill l --Wvstt,n to-Vaughn Zitlnvr DAILY SERVICE T O A l l CANADIAN AND U.S.A. POINTS CHARTERED BUSES OFFER IDEAL SERVICE FOR All GROUP TRAVEL “on Runny m ple M Martini TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON 'it'ét'tt 'i'iritiii,,af,,2stt (Lilian Hx'ym-“yrh My hnpvd that 1hi and any iri!rs'rrc " Wr/ Puil' lall, ml Stnnlvy Chapmuir mw- " three wins paints. In making (hm Lw (Eardhmw‘ I'u>un‘ In be givvn to hum! his lute Ir 1111* “mums and I'. mm! Mrs. Chap- .~nrw~s vtul tinc um! MW given him HI. I" h;tru 501Ԡall ll tl y vwnt a good mum's, which is ',‘v'.S. spirit, can at tt Etubivukr :11 Wcston "le al “lush Kendal, Thru t1 .Ip rd, I"; 211mb. Amrim clrl four and v and Cos, tl with F lmphy and W. J, Gard- rk Mt for tlr [I'H'd ctr Churlt a bid , which h so man Pidg Hill svuioy Hi til: th mm h d M Youngsters Set As Little Big Four Starts With Two (iyames le Thompson, wvll . known 1iTston ('nHt-uiatv rugby mentur, is “me again rufsuvv-irt-ch'wf. Started in 1046, the Moffut Little Iti,ur Fnur has done much to pru- mutv fnntbull within Weston, I'rvsidont of the league is Mr. Norm Motrtst. The Moffat Little Big Four Rugby Leugue gas under way this Saturday unwilling, September 27th, at 9 mm. The first game of the double lwudx-r will we the Aluuut- tvs uppnsim: the TigL-r Cats and in thw wmmd gulm- lust year's trhamrr Corr,idrrruble nvw equipment hu, lu-wn purthusvd for the tcunts thi, ywzu', present equipment having to [w partially rrplacvd lwvauso of the >ix wars ot wear and (Our. Youngsters up to tlw “pm of fnm'lwn and not n-xcm-ding 125 pounds un- vligablo fur the lemma Tram members have not bvrm dofinih-ly decided upon, the follow- im: list howevru. is a tentative ar- rangement. _ ROUGH IUDERS-Bob Mulry, Iluuniv Mayer, Run Russ, Russ Itnlzinsun, Brian Frcnch, Brian Sins monds, Hugh MacGregor, Mile Palnwr, Jim Fry, Gul'dun Garlic, hub Silverton, Bob Terrell, Ros, 1lur.yhr, Baird Garvey, lun Fugu- snn, Tum Beasley, Jim Brnndfmn, “my Brown, Sammy Osborne, Ilutch Clifford, Bruce Bmdvn, Mihur1 Brooks, Pour Winson. Huh l Hmndy ,Inlmmn, Slap Smith, .Jlm Kil- putricli, Eddiv Lane, Garry Terrell, Klvilh 1h-(iuirv, Russ Kilputrick, K, n Cull», Bill Rnlwrtsnn, Bob Whibr. Inn Andm'srm, Torry Young, . SMITH MOTOR SALES urduy unwilling, September 27th, 9 mm. The first game of the Irle lwudvr will sue the Aluuut- opposing the TigL-r Cats and in wwmd grumt- lust year's champ- ]:uugh Riders will clash with Argunauls. The league has n \‘rry fortunuty this your in uiniug four top ranking coaches the trams. Terry Forgie is tin handling: the champiun Announcement EUSTIN Iyih'uiR handling: the champion lilllm's, und Jack Smith is with the Argonauts. The Cats will bx- coaehud by Builvy and the Alloucltus handled by Vern Plant and ulu-s. mxnrml manager of tiw is C. Wvs Boddiru,rton, who al that position for the last 1165 Wr'crrON' RD (At F'cslinton) Mil 201 I Sales " (innd l for WESTON and MT. DENNIS CATS-Grant Kiiputr'rck, vrmnnt, Blair Munshuw, m-r, Bill Look, Davtr Philip McVittio. Barrio Skip Smith, Jim Kil- YOUR NEW By Bus mtl sed l service ‘ars anguo has a your in K man-hos Barry A.clr'uir. Alan Simpson, Ron King. ALI.0['1‘ Bub McCi Lrw, Cliff w by N S't It: d " veuvt:rbles can be revived " lhwnl in cold water can. liltV salt for a short time Alum: Bill Nuilson, Don t' Martian, Vincent Cass Ih:ul,~luck, Ted Williams, nu. lluvun'd Mchrhvrn, Emma Ed Pikv, Gordon Jul; Knight, Jim (Mon, ml, John Barnard, Peter ('uarhlun. Doug Jamieson, JAWS, If. McLean, K. T"rris, -A dolph Bull Practice New For League Openings Weston Bowiing Lanes Are New thyya _ Alley Open Afternoon and Evenings FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE MANAGER CHERRY 1-8281 . SERVE YOUR COUNTRY AND YOUIIILI DATES AVAILABLE FOR LEAGUES ms mm..- !lli!!!l!l!t CARS “SERVICE MORRIS CARS RE$TOM.. MORRIS PARTS 1910 JANE tiT. Every patriotic Canadian is ready to pick up arms to defend this country if we are attacked. BUT . . . patriotism and courage are not enough. Training is essential for cffectisc service in our defence forces. In time of crisis our modern Canadian Army can use men who know how to handle today's complex weapons. If you are not serving in Canada's Active Forces, you mix obtain this training in the Reserve Force. There Army for is needed Apply fo any Regimen} or Corps you wish - but do it NOW! sht _ :5? [tit.? ' , ' _ , N (Fi') tu 'if .1; z; WF â€sf ' 1' . " 1. Fs - Cies" L' F, ' ' " rN R'KE ' _ ,v A SCALES GARAGE You will receive full Active Force rates of pay for training time. You will he fulfilling your duty to your community and Canada h) being trained and ready to defend should thc need arise, You will learn how to defend your home -- Canada. You will achieve new physical fitness are many opportunities in Canada's growing Reserve promotion. livery trade and profession of civilian life immediatelr. - DROP IN AND SEE US - (lllliilllllltill'llllli mammal: THURSDAY. SW3“ M, I. CH. 1-8381