blue-lent: m menu". in aanounced of m mama. daughter of Mrs. What and the late Mr. mum to Stanley John EL 'ttar of Mr. and Mrs. John The marriage will take gun on Saturday October 4, 1952 Calvary Baptist Church, Toronto. x-39-lt W. villi to express our deep mum to our many friends, "mourn. and the fellow workers of . per and Benny Co. far the We, sympathy and floral Oman" during .our bereavemene a...“ . nu... v... w.†in i'ilrt"G of a dear husband and undo. Mrs. Widenham-Payn: and chukka. 0-39-12 BROWN-ln loving memory oi a den huxbnnd and dad, Alvin W. Brown, who passed, away Sep- umber 25th. 1951. Sadly missnd by wife and family. x-39-lt MARRiS---in loving memory of Meander Harris who passed any September 24th. 1944. A silent thought, a lecml, tear, Keeps his memory ever dear; Time takes away the edge of grief, But memory turns back every led. Sadly missed by wife and family. Cagdof'rhania HEYWoRTH---In loving memory of our dear dad, Garnett Hey- worth. who passed away Sep- tombdr M, 1951. Hi: wary hours and days of pain, His troubled nights are past, And in our Aching hearts we know, Hehaa found .swee_t r", yt lash "b"i7 xaémé'r'a 5m; asagh. Ur, Bertha and Joe and grandson. Juan. o-39-1t Bingo every Wednesday evening at 7.45 in the Town Hall. Thistle- town, commencing September 30th Indu- the Iuwices of the Thistle- town firemen. The Thistletown euchres com- mence the first Thursday in October at A.80 pan. end will be iiaiTarF lamina-y thereafter in the Thistletown Hall. x-39:Lt YOUNG Maine-a couple with one child urgently require three room mnent with bath. Phone Mr. ming at CH. 1-5297. o-39-lt - 1nii2GaiodGiied boyi, Weston district. Box 3901, Times and Guido. o-39-1t BASEMENT apartment, self-con- tained, oil belted. sink and p- boards, private entrance. business couple, abstainerg. CH. 1-541§: - Win .entrance, all - conveni- an“. purines; couple preferred 48 Mation Street, Wenan. -- In Memoriam 8-4 309345. upturn/thed, 21mm APARTMENT over neycstore, 3 TWO furnished rooms with sink and cupboards, oil heater, con- timuma hot water. girls preferred. On Main St. CH. 1-3464. x-39-lt x-39-t1 TWO roamed furnished-tment, TWO or: three, room? tqtfy.rnished, - 'iiGGn,TGila thud. Ned Toronto 184-W. o-39-1t hasty ednvinience, 'cunboards; on. Private entrance, suit business couple. Phone CH. 1-8128. _ COAL and Jypod apngx, glmd STOVE, _G_e_neral_ Elegyh hiith m3 crib. latr- mom! wirh , ' mauve", small wooden T iiierffier, Snuthwind nil ' troll, M cyclo. never mm}: radio. Ptivittr. BASEMENT apqrtment, fu rpishtd, FURNISHED bedroom and kit MAN, mum)". sod, rivar utn,'te. JU. 7518. x-33-4t ONE Indy'l and 0m tom‘s hioyele Good-condition. CH. 149651 WDSAW, new 'l' throat, li" We. complete with mntnr valley Ind belt (no motor). 529.93 CM. 1-7024. o-39-H APARTMENT T0 "T-Nrnuud GNP, tube push butt/m rldlfu, 'evqtom built for 1941-42 Chrm om. Bert all?! nffm'. CR. 1-847“. x-39-lt COMING EVENTS Erin. Idultsronly. CH. 1-2097. x-39-1t dition. CH. 1-2865 N'OTICIS â€won-m Mimi-n" -inMesistteinarss Hill-mourn?“ Emma, Idultn onlv. CH. mm; x-39-1' 707nm. thrHt cooker. Wmdbv-xrike n. n -39< It ACCOMMODAfION WANTED , Meade, in good tytndition. up. R. 1-5746. o.'R9-tt ï¬lflumr TO LET ARTICLES FOR SAL! AlTlCLl‘ WANTED iron radium! for “It I CR. 1-2296. o/tg-lt M. marmn Ind 3min. CH. 1.7NO, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING o racer 3 speed was} on. 'crirl tttt drum in.. f)'i, "‘37; "lr. , on n P. I . m A 39-†'ehrsterfUM. suite. o-39-1t o-39-1t rig-11 is“: x-39- 1t x..T9-lt (can. 3. o- 89- I t 39-1: Cmn LADiES' black, melton ciorh colt. TELEVISION, 12", Westinghouse, $150. CH. 1-6155. o-39-1t SUNSHINE, rangietter, exfeilent condition. '40 Chevrolet, 6 pas- senger coupe. good condition. One jacket heater and tank, all reason- able. Phane after 6.30. CH. 1-3362. x-89-1t ELECTRIC ranzette, 'Sunshine. good condition. CH. 1-4225: Taarrsji/a, size "Air. Reason- able. CH. 1-1469. o-39-1t diRiys ROM. bieyele, good cop- dition, $35. Bernice Wheeler, Thistletown Comer. 0-39-11 CHEST of drawers, $10, _tteo ICE-BOX, 75 lbs. $12. Good con- dition. CH. 1-2237. o-39-1t "litJsierfiha' chairs, tio, 53 Main Street North. o-39-1t FOUR burner gas stove, reason- able. CH. 1-3794. x-39-1! "trfGrnCHiihtts. Phoné CH. P0693 evenings. x-39-1t ipiiiGu)AIRE electric range. used only 6 months, $240. CH. 1-1595. x-39-lt 12"-15" high, each-.-...-.. Shrubs - Perennials Rockery Plants Holland Bulbs Your Dutch Landscaping Experts BUTTONWOOD AVE. MU; 8702 (Turn Left at Snnitorium Klan) x- 9-4t ' as: -ffofhrt, -white to "tGdr, also man's top coat, overcoat etc. New condition. CH. 1-2894. x-39-H V rudio réomplete 7 with record cabinet, 60 cycle, CH. 1-2120. -- _ cluding two piece Kroehler suite. single and double continental beds, dresser, antique grandfather clock, Norge Fridxe (ilt, cu. ft., etc. Reasonable. CH. 1-2082. x-39-1t LkiicHEN, plum Ytd, porcelail} - iiiGGiT/tiiaaurau'te. Best offer. CH. 1-6524. x-39-tt CHINESE ELM 12"-18" high, per loo........... C.C.M. ROAD you, Ale syrteA, BED and spring, metal, clean, like new, man‘s brown suit. size 38, very good condition. CH. 1-0656. x-39-lt GENERAL Electric combination gallon capacity. buyer to arrange for moving. At present in base- ment, with euyucess. 347 Queens Drive. CH. 1-1028. o-39-1t HOT AIR furnace, also some household furniture. CH. 1-6139. o-39-1t, W_ASHING, machine! Easy Spig 18-20. Worn 3 months, moderate price. Phone CH. 1-2804. __ ment size", excellent cohditinn. G.E. Mectric iron. Reasonable price. CH. ‘-1887. x-39-1t "rnerii,Tak far Mbby. in excel- lent condition, CH. 1-2427. x-39-lt COMBBINATIONHstove, coal grid FUEL oil tank with fittings, 200 Dryfpei'fect condition, biié Gal kitchen cabinet. CH. 1-8227. LADY'S black winter may size HEAVY dyty electric stove, anoint- 1116!! chit. play-pan, kiddie cu. emf. m?ehar, f" fin pipe. tittt all m excnlem condition. . 1-M16. 0-39-11 THREE niece -GiitiCsiGtertj,e.y "$17.: VIP; Thai;." iiiGircH. 1-14†oe3il-it IO" ATLAS lathe, with attach- FURNITURE, 10 mynth; old, Jn- sizp bed, like view: . Mirna}. sweeper: odds and ends, cheap. CH. '-8342. o-.39-1t POLE/[AN oil Hrase hang}. with, two drums n;|"nil. 40 Rallons of ml. used thrvr months, 355. Apply 55 Main St, S. CH. 1-8M3. JAC/KET heater and pipes; % GRILL, radiator, rear springs, transmission, doors. and othrsr parts Cort '3il [)9on sgdgn. - if: Comvnt walks, driveways. base- mont floors. untic tanks. Price vrar'; rollonablp. '.,--l‘(;n7iiiléil. tim/ii. beat" offer. CH. 1-1287. _ x-39-M transmission parts for '38 Victoria St. F, six. V 7553:3138;an innit] rraieCh% Wilson Ave. CH. 1-0508. 1-224! REAL Mark loam, wand fills grams! by tho tmck load 1.6620. , BLACK jonrn tyr lg]. br.trerr POUR room., upper duplex, 2 ndultn, abstain". CH. 1-0710. x-39-lt DUTCH woman wnnts dnv work um . day. CH. 1-1440. -- .. 1935 FORD coach, good condition. #100. CH. 1-1097. x-39-n ‘3! INTERNATIQNAL , twigs!" BILL JOHNSTON MU. 7285 CR. IMMYMINY tttAtty....-"- Plant Hedges HOW CEMENT CONTRACTS '0'le "" ttmr-tttther-tred “umber Nurseries VII-nu Bou- Cttrpets - Dupes . Tuck: VENETIAN ILINDS METAL AWNINGS nmmnu CARS '0' "" CH. 1-8223 PRlVEl' C k bi. was: 1817 af x-39-1t 0-39-11 x-39-1t x-39-1t o-39-1t o-89-lt 34.50 CH. at" also "yr TWO .roo_nu yyrtairm, new .home, partly fuminhod if desired, con- venient to entrance, 812 weekly. 31 Allenby Avenue, Rexdlle. Islinq- ton Ave. 1 mile north of Malton Road, o-39-it GARAGE to Jetswith space above TWO 1.ar1ty room. in n;w_homg. TWO large. one small rooms, un- furnished. CH. 1-4928. x-39-lt - iti'xu', shitalile for 'stéraxe or liwh: workshop, Rosemount Ave. CH. 1-8228. x-39-lt OFFICE tOrly, to gssist in 'rrepthr- BABY hitting wanted Monday to My. days or evenings, Re- liable mun. CH. 1-3044. x-39-It WOMAN for general housework, 2 ing- pay roll and general office routinc, must be able to type. Apply English and Mould Ltd., 1156 Weston Road., MU. 7575. PART or full time stenogrnpher and bookkeeper. CH. 1-1197. x-39-1t "oriontr'eal Building. Apply to Manager. ----F-- x:37-tf WRECKING hundreds of trucks. in: models, old models. all makes and ulna. Tires. dump bodies. hoisll Ind winches. rtutforrtt.s_end, tll, 09135. erypey.?onabu. DUTCH people “to home work, n kind. um ttrdr"ltt. for (any with no children. C . 1-T490. x-so-u - ir'uciia'l'l'y “Hi? catii/ned. CHI 1-3947. x-39-1t adults. live in, private room and radio. Mrs. A. W. Pearson, 231 Queens Drive, Phone CH. 1-5123 x-39-lt COOK wanted, for, approximately V710 days in hunting. 'camp, goo?! wages and all expenses paid. Phone CH. 1-5294. x-38-1t OFFIQE spaqe jn .Ban.k "WE SAVE YOU MONEY" SPECIALIZING in now. med and rebuilt mm for All commerci-l and milltlry trucks. [Armi stock in Cunndn. Trucks bought Ind mold, M-il order department for out.oGtown customer.. Levy Auto Parts Co. Ltd. GARAGE wanted to rent, vicinity King and Elm. CH, 1-7963., _ BROWNIE box camera, 116, lost Saturdav night. CH 1-4043. $13,500--Here is a real dc-lmhlful home on Al nice quiet strvet, (HOSP to Lawrence and Scarlett Road, main floor hls combined living room and dining room, dandy kitchen. tiled sink. plenty cun- boards, 2nd floor has 3 bedrooms. daintily decorated, tile bathroom, hot air heated with oil, nverylhing immaculate, velvety lawns. lots of shrubs and bulbs. substantial down ‘pnyrnvnt. 1vs,ooo-rure is aomctlnng npvclal in . 6 roamed bungalow. largr liv- ing room has 2 nirturl- windows, dining mom. 3 bedrooms, ultra, modern kitchen. tilr bathroom, In†ally room, plywood walls and "iline, manic tile floor. 2 “rates. extra large lot. $8.700 - 8 roamed brick vonpor home on 2 (lam-s, 2 hndrnnma. in nice condition. do†lo inc-hook and atom. $2900 down payment. J. M. BRUYNS REAL ESTATE BROKER 8 Balmoral St. Weston Call CH. 1-7181 Anytime $10,500 - William Street. Charming 4 room brick bungalow, 4 piece bath- room, well decorated, oil heated, with finished rec- reation room, garage and private garden. J. M. BRUYNS mi WEBTON RD.-MU. am "ma DEPARTMENT “on: or TRUCK nus AND SUPPLIES" x-39-tf WESTON PROPERTIES M. L GRAHAM g BALMOIIAL AVENUE CH. 1-7181 7 George St., Weston has to "T-At-ish" Trgck Parts, Sppcialipts CH. l-8l8l WESTON DISTRICT HELP WANTE0-F- IMPLOVMINT WAN". OFFICE SPACE TO LET HELP WANTED (Mule) 7 Geog: St., Weston C . l - 8181 vacuums FOR SALE M. L. GRAHAM Rent Estate Broker GARAGE To [INT GARAGE WANTED FLAT To [INT MOTOR PARTS WESTON FOR LOST SEE x-39-lt x-39-1t 0-38-21 We have some beautiful level building lots of 60' frontaze each. close to Weston, overlooking two golf courses, a real opportunity for a builder; water going in this fall. We have many other houses in Weston and district. Close to Lamenee Ave. in fine residential section close to Humber Heights School. Three bedroom modern bungalow. two years old, oil heat, attached garage. entirely modern, select quiet neighborhood, five minutes from Main Street. $11,900--Scarlett Road, on the way to Manon. two storey bricrt house nn 55 ft. lot, 3 bedrooms,' can be an income home for two families, on sewers, side drive garage. possession at once. $15,800-Lovely modern six room house with three large bedrooms, 4-piece tiled bath, 20' modern living mum. tiled kitchen, large dining room, extra 2-piece tiled main floor washroom. semi-fin- ished basement apartment, air conditinned heating with oil. This house was just completed last December. REAL ESTATE 5 Main Street South Only $6.000. 5 roamed cottage with all conveniences, side drive and garage and large landscaped lot 84' x 150', close to Weston. $2800 down payment, early possession. {hing quarters, heavy wiring. garage, chicken house, on paved road, school, Multan 2 miles. Full price $3,500. or offer. CH. 1-0647. x-39-1t $930tV Attractive 4 room white stucco bungalow on Scarlett Road, just the house for an elderly couple or someone retired on pension, very low taxes. $11,500--Pelrno district. new and modern six-room brick bungalow with three family size bedrooms, will be ready in about two weeks. $9yy.. DOWN, acre with basement $11,500. Lovely 5 room 2 bedroom bungalow, modern throughout, oil heat. side drive and garage with arr? landscaped ground. quiet select neighbourhood. immediate nossos:ion. act quickly this is a real buy. We hast opportunity for experi- enced baker or delicatessen opera- tor to take nvor immediately, pro- gressive expanding business. good looking, well designed 2 storey brick home, with tiled bathroom and fire- place, air conditioning, fin- ished room and extra wash- room in basement, garage and nice garden, close to high school. $12,500 - On William St., J. M. BRUYNS - BROKER - a BALMORAL AVENUE CH. 1-7181 Walter Buddington Walter Boddington in a modern " Morey home, which has been completely fin. ished. Attractively located on a M ft. lot in one of the finest residential shoots in this area: nix extra large rooms all in pork-rt condition and vary tasus fully docmwtod. Living room. (lining room, modern kitchnn. four nine tilrd bathroom and nne hrdrnnm on tho main floor. Two splendid bedrooms on thr â€rand floor. Buwment has hound "Croatian mum. and rmnll ndlinining mum, Hot warn hosting with nil. Sinrm! and "run; anrd drive fn fine mungr Fenrod ("dun all round for childrrn'n ttnftttr. 41% mort. np wink». low carrying than". Priced It 818.800 with mod-ratc- down tumor". Call Mr. Mylo. LY. "M. -- 7 TOM SCOTT 2R!†Dundas St. W" Toronto Sit Back and Relax CH. 1-4461 CH. 1-3213 CH. 1-4461 CH. 1-3213 G. W. Packham STUART MERCER Real Estate Broker BUILDING LOTS REAL ESTATE AGENT 662 Scarlett Road Phone CHerry 1-4781 Malton Road Honeymoon PIN-I’ll! I“ "" Bakery Delicatessen Eternal was AND GUIDE. WESTON ' $12,000 CALL Call-- Weston ,_.89.1t board, $15.00. Dutch family, prefer Dutch man. 36 Lanzside Avenue. x-39-1t ATTRACTIVE bedsitting room in new home, full board, suit one or two girls. Phone CH. 1-2872. x-39-1t gentleman preferred, continuous hot water, one block from shopping district, 62 Lawrence Avenue West, CH. 1-6850. o-39-1t FURNISHED rqom .and board. ROOM and board for two men. CH. 1-4928. NICELY furnished room with ROOM and board in Mount Dennis. MU. 8557. x-39-1t ROOM and board for gentleman, private home. CH. 1-2376. A _ ROOM and board for two gentle- men. CH. 1 - 6294. 0-38-21 ROOM {and board, pn ficarlttt Rogd near Lawrenee,AGeh and break-, - 7x-39-1t BULLDOZING and grading. con- crete mixers, wheel arrows, skil- saw, pumps, plywood. concrete forms and contractors tools for rent. R. A. Scadding, 65 Tilden Cres., CH. 1-5901. x-29tf FURNISHED -bed;oom, gentkman brererred. Apply 73' Macdonald Avenue. x-39-1t WILL RENT three unfurnished rooms to couple with' onecinild. Phone CH.' 1-2477. o-39-1t MT. DENNIS UPHOLSTERING "i2ispinrroom" with battGrGOn Main St. Oil heated, suit lady or gentleman. CH. 1-2514. o-39-1t WILSON Main, 2 momed flat, newly decorated, new home. CH. 1-5759. x-39-1t BULLDOZING apd grading. gog- tinnoun hot water, suit one or two, gentleman preferred. 940 Scarlett Road, near Lawrence. CH. 1-6tiT. o-39-1t ONE furnished hapgmept house- FURNISHED room. CH. 1-0118 before 9.30 mm. or after 4 pm. o-39-1t ONE or two room: with bath, Wilson and Main. CH. 1-1588. x-89-1t DOUBLE lroom, twin beds. con- SKINNY MEN, WOMEN! Gain 5 to 16 lbs. New pep. too. Try famous Oltrex Tome Tablet- for double results; new healthy ~Huh; new It"; New "get nceinted" lite any 60e. All dru“lltl.37 l x- -t “ammo " p ' I 1 g u. (may: - TIES; pdiiiihir tlCrent," regular rates. Alphl Engineering Co., 1852 June Sn, Weston. Cherry 1-5275. FLOOR under and edger a_nd MODERN Floor serviit:-sIlyts cleaned‘ waxed and -faahed. Any kind of flooring brought up like new. Painted walla washod. Work gunrnnteed. Free entimntes. Phone A. Corns. CH. 1-0282. PLASTERING repairs, " l.l my a whitewashed. wiUrproofed, em. tslrro'earperxtry alterations. stairs built. kitchen cupboards. Mn, con~ erete work, sidewalks, flnxxtnne walks, etc all. 1-3320, t x-2i)-tf BEAUTYREST and Marshall re- V "iii. ISVE'ihi {hunches rebuilt like new. " hour service. Eider- downn recovered. EM. 8-2363. Min add sub grittt wk- Ut.. d: Ir8ht, 'al " Ingrid. Mo. Mall gd., my. tht m- gubhcr Co.. Box I. Runway, 16 St. Johns Rd. W. CH. 1-6674 E. TAYLOR 1799 JANE ST. cu A. Lrtrtt. MARTELL’S STUDIO CUSTOM OR COMPLETE INSTALLATION In Quality Work Reasonable Prices Please Call After 5 p.m. Adjustment. 1 Momrizing Estimate. Cheerful/r Given Nordic Agent J. Fox " Rerrattr" CB. ta4tt On Budget Terms If Desired ROOMS To "T-Unfurnished NOLAN DUPLICATING Chesterfield, and Chairs Studio Couches, Davenport: Reeovermrand Repaired moui TO "T--rtrmutt.d 'ritElithilltt1 Water Services Sub Footing: Septic Ttnks and Beds Drains and Sumtra SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE ROOM AND BOARD SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER on MU. 2706 1034 Weston Road. SERVICES OFFERED MASTER PAINTERS UPHOLSTERING nooué "re nut KE. 4548 CH. 1-3161 x-17-tf gentle- o-39-1t x-39-1t WESTON MIMEOGRAPH (r DUPLICATING SERVICE Clary gas stove, 3 burners, good condition, for white porcelain electric rangette, in good condi- tion. CH. 1-5738. x-39-1t CH. 1-2011 WLLL TRADE white porcelain Mc- PDOUGHING, disclng, grading. etc. CH. 1-3960. o-20-tf ASPHALT driveways and side walks. Perms Drive. CH. 1-3950. CARPENTRY. bqildiny “Q9. tions and repair' reuonnble. Houses, garages, recreation rooms. trim, cupboardl. For estimates phone Rumsey Bron. Contractors, Ch. 1-3121. Ch. 1-3228. x-lt-t! Continued from page 5-- future to sing for us. Thank you, Bev. North York attendance officer, Mr. Field, was introduced at the meeting. Final eient of the eve- ning's activities was a film shown, entitled 'Family Circle.' The film was followed by a discussion on it, and parents gave their opinions, which were interesting and Irene,. ficial. Now, the Home and School are aiming for a 100% turnout at all future meetings. How about it, friends! There is a promise that you will enjoy them as well as helping your children in their edu- cation. Also, don't forget it is your duty as a good parent to sup- port these meetings. Mrs. Maurice Hook and her committee, at the close of a successful meeting, served tea and cookies. Pelmo Park News Oct. 25th is the day our own Pelmo Park Brownies and Girl Guides will hold their cookie day and they are calling for volunteers to help deliver cookies, so if any person or persons can he on hand to help out these kids on Saturday' morning, Oct. 25, do call Mrs. Hawkes, 18 Farnsworth Dr. Her telephone number is CH 1-4437. The Brownies and Guides will call on you in the near future to take orders, so please buy as many cookies as you can use, as this year these packs are just getting organized and they do need money for badges and equipment and the small fee of five cents that the girls pay at each meeting does not go very far. We hear this year's Guide and Brownie cookies are better than evpr, so buy all you can and everyone will benefit. The little girls who call on you for orders may not all be in uniform, but will have with them an offi- cial paper to let you know it is a legitimate canvass. Speaking of uniforms, are there people in the district who have any outgrown Brownie and Guido apparel (nut is inot in use? These uniforms would ‘he appreciated by some of the children in the district, and if you have something that can be used, please get in touch with Mrs. Hawkes, CHerry 1-4437. These kids deserve a break in getting ‘started, The Brownies also nerd a tomlstool and just do not have [the necessary funds to purchase it. DAY CAM. [ivy ter.habr pr 54 JOHN ST. Map, and Jack Dick»); had A pleasant visitor last wrek. Mash sister and little dnughtrr from Franklin came to no. the Dickoy's. PIANO For mm! time now the rate- nnrmn have been trying to [at I Roy Smut and a Wolf CM, park stttrted in this district, and it Menu than the cm ir nhmuq ruched. Nrytotintinns haw been going on for the past week, Ind we believe it will just he a matter of time until the" packs ttrt nn'dar way. It poem: there an quite a TRUCKS W A N T E D FOR WRECKING, ANY CONDI- TI0N,LEVY's TRUCK BUYER, MU. 3681. x-39-tf Gravel, noâ€. Indy top Jail. crushed :3an for drivewu’u. Delivered by the loud. Remn- able rate. SGOTT “IMAGE Rose Music Studio CH. 1-322] inn" FThTik 7riitii' Aahir" Trudi ttttt to Ptidsr. Phone CH. 16t. o-89-it LOAM, SAND FILL MUSICAL _rpr_re INSTRUCTION Woodbridu " ring ll - 'CN". LEVY AUTO TRUMPET WANTED SWAPS 1746 JANE ST. TH EORY WESTON x-21-tf " may be of interest to our readers to know who is playing in this Inter-Zonal World’s chess championship pluydowns: 22 Mas- ters have entered representing 13 countries. Russia has four, Auer- bach, Geller, Petrosian and Tal- munov; Argentina, Bolbochan, Eliskases, Pilnik; Hungary, Bat-cu. Szabo; Sweden, Stahlberg, Stoltz; Yugoslavia, Giligoric, Matanovic; U.S.A., Steiner; Canada, Paul Vaitonis; Venezuela, Sanchez; England, Golombek; Netherlands, Prins; Czechoslovakia, Pachman; West Germany, Unzicker; New Zealand, Wade. The Weston Chess Club, Little Avenue, meet every Thursday evening. Good turn outs have re- sulted since opening night. Those new members who expressed their desire to join have yet to make an appearance-what is holding you back? Ring the secretary, George Braby, CH. 1-6844 for information, or the""titusirman of membeNtttp, E. O. Catheart, CH. 1-8385. The club tihenaments will commence shortly. Doug Dick is working out the schedule. It is rumoured that the members may not enter the Toronto Chess League tournaments this year. The feeling seems to be concentration upon the further de- velopment of the club interest by more social evenings, inviting ex- perts to give talks upon the art of playing chess, and other clubs for an evening of friendly games. White-H. Golomek. End-ml I, FAQ! 9-04 2. P-QRd P-K3 3. P.KN3 P4284 A, BPXP KP~xP 5. N-KBB BAK? 6. B-NZ 3-83 T. o o NJ†ll. N-RS B-K? 9. PrP N-R3 It). P-QR3 NxP ll. N-QI P-QRI l?. 8-84 P-Rs Paul Vnizonis, Hamilton, Ontario um to Stockholm, Sweden by the Chen Federation of Canada com- menced play September liith. His first opponent will Petroainn of the USSR, and which Paul lost the game. He has adjourned with E. Geller, also of Russia, a! the time of going to press. The Annual meeting of the Chess Federation meets at Winnipeg this Saturday, September 27th._ . NEG-low†'we Jive a game played at Belgrade in an International tournament this year. QUEEN‘S GAMBIT DECLINED number of boys ready to join up, and we believe the school in our district has been obtained for the meetings each Friday evening from now on. The first meeting to be held Sept. 26. This is just one more step forward for the better- ment of your community. We hear that our friend Harry Down, Pelmo Garage has sold out his business. We wish Harry good luck in whatever line of endeavor he intends to pursue. Harry has asked us to convey to all his past customers his thanks for their patronage. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Long have sold their home and moved to Montreal. Marie will be leaving us on Satur- day, this week. Our best wishes go with them. They will be missed in Pelmo Park. Tuffy (not Toughy) Zidnor and family spent a pleasant weekend at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Zidner is entertaining neighbors and friends Wednesday evening next. The nc- casion being a nylon domonstm- tion. The next meeting of our ratc- payers' association will be held in the school auditorium Oct. 6, and the Ladies Auxiliary will hold their next meeting Oct. M, so please keep an eye open for the announce- ments of these montings, As usual, they will come with your mail. MEWS“? N-RS PrP P-QR3 N-QI 8-84 R-Bl N-R'z NxB 37 SOUTH STATION ST. INDIVIDI'AI.LY "TAILORED" TO YOUR HOUSE TIIE CHESSMEI Storm lVindows HENRY LOOSE Schaefer Mfg. Co. QN-K5 PxN Manufactured From First Grade Clear Pine " lawnm- Avo. Won, phm - 1-4". WINON. 0N1. -Br,- tht $50 to $1000 in ' simple stop: I. "your" 'top In no Hounhold Flu-nu. I. Toll In how much cash you no“. Loam on you own slum". No bani-bl. “unity with“. 3. Nke up " " mom!“ I. may. OUSEHOLD FINANCE " " Burk-B. Pu: Rx? B-Be Q-Bl R-Bl RxR QxR N-B3 BA25 NxQP Q-R3 NxN ch NxN P-KB B-N3 R-Ql Q-Nul 3-06 RAN H-FN R-Nl Q-BS 0-K? B-KB3 (PM B-K7 RU2Bl R-QE eh Resigns - Free Estimates -,hqmto0aM- tyeFr"-+rm"e RAIN R-Bl QxR BA25 Q-R3 NxN B-N3 Q-qu RAN R-Nl 0-K? 9:83 Our travelling villager, Gordon Sigel. has returned after spending nine and a half weeks touring Europe. Gordon visited eleven countries on his trip, and bu thin to say:- "Perhaps the most im- portant discovery of my trip wan that there is entirely another world to be found just twelve hours away by plane. London was the most in- teresting city: as you walk down the main streets, the names you have seen and read in movies and newspapers are recalled. Purl; didn't seem to be all publicity makes it, but the Swiss Alps lived up to their reputation for scenic grandeur. While in Italy, I visited Casino, which was so damaged by the war that the citizens found it easier to build a new city in the valley, rather than rebuild the rubble on the hillside. The people of Berlin go about their daily duties without showing any signs of fear of the Russian army which is all about them. Since the weather was almost always good, I man- aged to get a few picture. of the things I saw. This will ensure . return of pleasant memories in the years to come. Mild ' '- 1 thin [wdpmm hundred dol- ls" during the manner. Alda Wuts painted two picturu in oils. and Betty Hansen and Dorothy Bell helped on I quilt,“ their part in the talent group. Mare and Eric Buekerrougls, of Ottawa, were gueltl at n 'arty held in their honour u the home ot Stew and Jean Imam. Comrrntulatioo to Mr. and In. Hamer, St. Georg" Blvd., on the birth of I daurhter last week. New Toronto Branch: 746 Lakeshore Road at 3rd New Toronto, Ont.. Phones: ROdney 2733 New Toronto 1086 Branch Manager: R. C. Love Representative: H. V. Bailey. 1014 Main St. North Weston, Ont. Phone (Harry 1-2496 Mum" Villas. CH. 1.TMI