Thin“ are looking up for Hal- love’on and there Ire lots of plus in the air for the big day. Pn-Ichooleu, kindergarten. both morning tad afternoon Chile], and grade one children will all be hav- ing their party during the after- noon at the school.' There'll be fan and games, Ind needless to say. the standard "Shell Out". There will also be a prize Irrab- bag for the best boy and girl COB- tume. in each group. Grades two and up are to have their party in the evening. Plans had originally been mode to use the Community Hall, but this has now been chained, And the party will be held in the school. Now here is something which we would like to bring to the special attention of the parents If at all possible, we would like to have you, too, but as many of you will remember from â€HWY. OCTOBER It, "" REB UIL T NOW IN STOCK Thlstlotown "one l School Weston Auto Supply 41 MAIN STREET S. Buying 320 Bay St. Lumber Asphalt Products Insulation Garage Doors and Hdw, Folding Stairways Sewer Pipe Metal Mouldings Mr. Cullen BEAVER A. E. LePAGE 24 Months To Pay No Down Payment With Our Financing BEAVER LUMBER M. LTD. FOR COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE IN SELLING OR BUYING A HOUSE BUY FOR MU. 9706 "In Stock for immediate Delivery" f r. Wollboords It Products Plywood: Hon Ph"terers' Supplies , Doors and Hdw. Drain Tile 9 Stairways Flue Lining Pipe Fluotito Door .. . .. Insulator: Complete Moghine Shop Service PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE STARTERS GENERATORS VOLTAGE REGULATORS CARBURETORS FUEL PUMPS SHOCK ABSORBERS WATER PUMPS DISTRIBUTORS MASTER ty WHEEL CYLINDERS. WESTON CHorry 1.1m lg or Selling Real Estate ESTABLISHED 38 YEARS WE DELIVER -.Call-- -Call-- Realtor " Int you. the wall. of the and expand“ to n mun. sud though everyone had I [cod than, they were unetmfortaNy crowded. too. Plans have bun It“. tar a evening's entertainment for the mothers and fathers on NoVembcr We are planning to finance this, once again, through door-to-door collections being made this week. It is hoped that the average will be 60e per family. Since there will be the party at the school, there Ihould not be an shelling out at your door. Don't forget, for the children, Friday, October 31. Grade one and younger in the afternoon, (ride- two and up in the evening at 7.30 p.m. 8; you will be hearing more about this inter. So, we would uh that you feel that you would like to bring the children to the school for the evening party at 7.30 Fm., pleau do In. Arrangement' have been made for their return tunn- portation, and your Home and School is hoping that in thin wny the kids will have lots of room for their glmel. Awards no being made for the best costume- for the older children, too. Mr. Sanderson RO. 1202 CH. 1-3538 BUILDINGS BETTER EM. 3-5661 The Girl Guide Cookies which have been recently ordered will be delivered on Friday, October 24th Ind Baturday, October 26th. The price is Mc for A box, and the cookies Ire cream filled with a chocolate biscuit on one side and a vunilla biscuit on the other. This is the only time during the yen when the Brownies and Guides ap- pell to the public for nuistnnce, Ind we hope for the unual gener- ous response from the mothers Ind friends of Guiding. The 96th Company were very pleased to welcome their new cap- tain, Miss Pat Newaome this month. Pat is well known to both Brownies and Guides, n she was formerly Tawny Owl at 96th Pack and previous to that was Company Under n: 106th Company. Miss Mary Clements is the new Tawny Owl at tlie 10m Pack. Before coming to Weston Mary had a Brownie Pack in Cochrane. We welcome these new Guiders and wish them every success and happy Guiding. The Brownies of the 96th Pack will no longer find it necessary to sit on I cold cement floor during their Pow-wow at the Brownie meeting. Lover yellow plastic cushions have been procured, and will be used at their next meet- ing. The 544th Brownies were thrill- ed to receive a little china Elf, brought. back from National Camp by Shirley McIntyre and present- ed to the Pack to be placed under the Toadstool during the Brownie ceremonies. A little bird whisper- ed that the Elf was to be known " ‘Happy Smile', and 'Happy' for short. Blaring campfires were much appreciated hy the Guides of the 54th Company on a hike to Mount Royal last Saturday. The nippy tal air gave the girls keen Appe- tites, and most of them could hard. ly wait for their food to cook. After lunch some of the girls did a little exploring, while others learned how to clean up I camp site ald to put out a campfire pro- perly. " U.K aircraft designers nte busily working on I revolutionary wing design. It is crescent-shaped -swett back from the fuselage and than straightened out again towards the tips. The crncent de- sign takes-damage of the belt fenturu of the delta, the swept- bnck Ind the razor-thin “night wing ell designed for flying nan the speed of Bound. . GirlGuide Weston District Brownie NEWS Bit Lou CHerry 1-182! Free Smoke If Parking You Wirsh On Two In Our Bit Lou ' - - ___ Log?! - CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 1 P.M. THURSDAY - FRIDAY . SATURDAY MONDAY - TUESDAY .. WEDNESDAY Hifi". th'i'f'imat ‘I'ICWOLOR "Wait 'Tilt the Sun Shine: Nellie" in technicolor. Showing on Monduy, Tuesday 3nd Wodnudly. This grind. down to can}: musical is just whit the family ordered and in ctr-featured with "Denver and the Rio Grande" making an all technicolor Show. Thistletown Women’s Institute Takes Prize At Woodhridge Fair On Wednesday evening, October 15th, the Thistletown Women's In- stitute held their monthly meeting in the Community Hall. The meet- ing opened with the Institute Ode followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Henderson, president, then welcomed the visitors. As pre- viously arranged, as many homes as possible in thr new Thistletown development Wert' visited prior to the meeting by Mrs. Ihuulersou, Mrs. Bradburn, Mrs. D. and Mrs. J. Porter, and the pinup was must happy to see that wvnrul of the ladies contacted “we able to at- tend the meeting. The roll call produced a good selection of attractiw aprons which on sale at tho bazaar on October 25th in the Thistletown Hall at 2 p.m. For further details see the tuivertisemeut in this paper; also the posters which are on display at various points in the district. These poster: were made by the senior public school students and when they \n-rn- displayed at the meeting lust Wednesday the judges had a hard time. choosing the winners. Houstrtsr, it was eventually decided in award the first prize to Kenny Kingdon for his original l'Yi' mulling display. Kenny's poster may be soon at Bill Shaw‘s, the butch-r in Thistle- town. Pat Stephen did a wry nice job of incorporating the W.1. em- blem in her pastor which is an dis- play at the Post other. Pat won ‘second prim. The IilllIl prize was awarded Karen AIrarda for a really fine effort. Ilvr poster may be Been at Busby's Hardware. May Pentney just llll\<wi being Hmong the prize winners, Heir poster is at Henderson's lyrug Ston- in Wood- bridge. Those readers “ho visited the WI Building a: ilus Woodbridge Fair would ser. the quilt which is to be one of the bazaar raffle prizes. 1ncidrntfy tho ladies heads are a little SWUOlll'll {rum carrying off third prizu for this quilt. They are very proud of two of our mem- bers, Mrs. Dmis Bates and Mrs. Grace Chappel, whn took second prize for tlwir work. Mrs. Bates' really beautiful child's sweater and Mrs. Chappel's lovely pillow- cases will be on sale at the bazaar. . W x W COMING TO MOUNT DENNIS Ttll 356951 PLUS'. In making her report for the sick visiting cotnurittee, Mrs. Grif- fiths mentioned that Mrs. G. Dev- ins is n patient in llumber Mem- orial Hospital. As Mrs. Hender- son pointed out, and as many know from experivrwe, yards and letters are a great help wluut one is sick, and all are urul-d to got busy with messages for Mrs. 1mm and Any- one vlse.who happens to be ill right now. Part of the ru-zxing's entertain- ment last Wmlnn-sday was provid- ed by local Bruwnivrx under the leadership of their Brown Owl, Mrs. Nagvls and her assistants, Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Brooks. In a simple little CCrtulltruy Gail Cogh- lan was awarded hey Golden Hand. The winning of this award is quite an achievement and the Brownies signified their. approval with a very hearty “(hand Howl." To complete the eveuiug's entertain- ment, Mrs. Ross. popular local school teacher, spoke very inter- estingly on citizenship and educa- tion. The ladies are all very grateful In the Brownies who eutertuiued and to Mrs. D. Porter, Mrs. Snvyd and Mrs. Porritt of the social committee .whu brought them. _ Tho lunch Libby Mrs. Swift A fe.ueet drips because it cau't sniff. $150. Foxes??? l Mrs. (ii-With, Mrs. Marnie, Smyth. Mrs. Barmn, Mrs. owning: closed with a dainty sm‘vod by the htvserassos Mrs. and Mrs. Watts $100.00 BULOVA WATCH-SAALMANS $50.00 CLEANING CREttiT-FELKERS MON. - TUES. - WED. - OCT, 27-28-29 1;;ng _ 5itlai"itFtjtm TODAY - FRI. and SAT. I “KYLIE “I! MI SHOTS OF m The meeting opened with the theme song---',') the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen In In." Routine business followed. The (ten-um! Mrs. Dickin, reported an udvnnce on mean. meived up to the Mme date lat you. The ortuer mean of the Woman', Mil-bury Auxiliary of ,Downavicv United Church wu held at the home ut In. C. Allen on Thursday Mternoon, Oct. 9th. The worship service followed the theme for October "The Court: of the Lord." Psalm 100 w" read in unison. Hymn 26, "O Lord of Heaven and Earth and Sea," was sung, Th. Scripture portion from Eph. 4: 1-6 was read by Mrs. Macklin. "The Arman Song of Thanksgiving" was read by Mrs. Allen. This .was followed by prayer. Mrs. Dmkin read a mar sage on ('hrlslian Stewardship. Mrs. W. Yuung gave a synopsis of the 8rd and 4th chapters of the Mn. th All-III: Ilium QM Downs‘viow United Church I ‘PLUS Weston JOE ZEAGMAN FORD-1949 and up CHEV.--All T DODGE-PLYMOUTH EUROPEAN CARS . 17 POINT SPECIAL TUNE-UP Compression Test Vacuum Tent Test Battery Clean Terminals Service Distributor Clean and Gap Plugs Check Ignition IN ins Chev. $22.00 Ford $20.00 m. SERVICE STATION Jane ty Lawrence Phone (“any 1-3262 THIS JOB INCLUDES 17. Waterproof 766 1 BRAKE SPECIAL 10. ll. 12. 18. 14. 15. 16. Clean Fuel System Adjust Carburetor Cheek Starter Cheek Generator Clean Air Cleaner (‘lean Air Vent Adjust Fan Belt Tighten All Hoses Adjust Timing Ignition $22.60 t Plyth. $22.00 9.0990, “My book - “Alon; _ Tait." In I Chunk! vi“. tho would, union are well nttmgdsd And pop]: at mu teqqgHd of the good new: of the any] cl Jenn Christ. How they lave to an. the funililr hymnl! Christian nIn and women In ready to but testimony Ind to lend in payer. They are [Ind to say I word for Jesus. Unulul events, and: u the birth of twins, are (and. Ttor are believed to be demon-pone“- ed, um in the old days were put to Agriculture is giving the former knowledge of irrigation and ferti-' liaation of the land to his (mt benefit. Christianity has in own particular manage of hope, not only in the programme of agri- culture, public health, family life and qocial betterment, but em- phuis must be on the spiritual. God’: melsage of salvation to all. The meeting was closed by sin;- cur-u- 'ttmir-rt. he TODAY _ FRIDAY " SATURDAY - OCT. 23 - 21 - 25 MONDAY - TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY . ocr. 27-284. ALL TGCHNiCOMHt "than“! - comm“ $6.75 $6.75 $7.50 $6.75 MOUNT DENNIS SAT. Mum“ DOORS or“, 1 an. “I‘m [mt in†Air Conditioned - Smoking Phone JU. 1960 [ifiIjiigEflllE Chamois, 21-24 Brake Fluid, 20 oz. JOE ZEAGMAN l Two Weeks Only 600x16--17.50 and your tire 670x15--22.00 and your tire These tires are "Ute-brand tires. 13 NE F. ' SPECIALS B.A. SERVICE STATION Tiiifk'iririirt. Jane tr Lawrence TIRE CH. 1-3262 in: the hymn "Jesus Calla m O'er the Tumult," followed by tho benediction. Mrs. Allen and N- freshmen“ during the lock! lull. hour that followed. St. Alia-'0 and. 'tthgdt"r,'.'ptl's anâ€. .W the or-ity, Ttqt Our [Afion numu had a way success!“ has! lat 5M1 afternoon and Initituh Indus ask that you come out thin Batu:- dny afternoon, oetobee 25th. " "g.trre. mama. very WW - 1 vcy lam Io III, In I our morning unins- Mr. lay m u “I. Scriptntc Union in W an"; Benin: home at T.80 p... JM' Monday evening. .75