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Times & Guide (1909), 22 Jan 1953, p. 9

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THURSDAY. JANUARY 22, 1968 UPHOLSTERING Chesterfield, and Chain . Studio Couches, Davenport. Recovered and Repaired SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER On Budget Terms If Derired MT. DENNIS UPHOL§IEIQNG MODERN Floor Service -- Floors cleaned, waxed and polished.) Any kind of flooring brought up! like new. Painted walls washed.) Work guaranteed. Free estimates. Phone A. Corns. CH. 1-0282. . tions and repairs reasonable. Houses, garages, recreation rooms, trim, cupboards. For estimates phone Ramsey Bros., Contractors, Ch. 1-3121. Ch. 1-3226. x-l4-tf his: Spring mattresses rebuilt like new. 24 hour service. Eider- downs recovered. EM. 6-2363. CABPENTRY. bu_ilding angu- BEAUTYREST and Marshall re truck, exceptionally good condi- tion, mileage under 40,000, will take reasonable offer or trade. CH. 1-1877. x-d-tt FRAME barn, preferably 40 feet wide by any length. C. Mayes, Cookstown, Ontario. (Mi-H 1946 CHEVROLET Ir, to? pany a “A? kuirAshUGH late of, Go (“WOO-V ne, net: “MENU,” ititNh 219 Queen's Drive, Weston, On- to fight. larin, Spinster, deceased. _ ' _ All pnrsnns having claims His wedding days apprnaulnm: against the above Estate ure re- fast ' "uired to send full .part.icula.rs. ofr, His love for her lw says will last. same to the .uryitrticned solicitor) After their wedding he soon will for the Administrator, (111 or ttt, come £323 tlrt,r16,tvhr,ictaydai'er J"Ag1/ety; ; And take m io their. M. will be distributed according to' ls'wpet Hrmua law. - .. . . , . P ., ._. The home and Bird Sanctuary of the late Jack Minor, Kinirsville, Ontario, has now been rated the second wreatost tourist attraction in the Dominion of Canada. Niag- ara Falls being the greatest and has liven followed by the Quintup- iris, thence Jack Miner's, but now since' the Quintuplets have become nlrlvr, Jack Miner's activities has stepped up into second placo. Each year since Jack Miner died tour- ists have increased doubly over the previous year until this fall (4300) -Four thousand thror‘ hundred autos were there in our day. "on. p Knnzio. I president, dent, Mrs dent, Mrs Additional Classifieds i From Page 8 _ "DATED this 15th day of Jan ary, 1953. . SECON I) GREATEST TOURISTS In the Estate of MARGARET Tho firit meeting of HIP Wo- dent, Mrs, c. Lynch; 14rd vice-pru-SL man's Assuciatinn of Westminster), Mrs, K. Kvnt; Exwutivo Chureh in 1953 was lwld on Tues- _ottirwrs, Mrs. H. I,iudsay, Mrs. day Jan. 13th. (D. Nowton; "wording svtwMrtry, The vit'c-presidr'nl of 1952. Mrs.IMrs. C. Warrllaw; correspond- Addy conductnd tho business, andfing spcrotary, Mrs. F',. Kent; worship sonico in the abtwnu‘ of‘lflnwnr secretary. Mrs. 5. Pillar: the president, Mrs. Srhulpr. ront-a-dny mrvtary, Mrs. A. Bar- InivrostinR rnpnrt: of 01‘“!er ton; rvptvsenlative to Victor Home, an tho past yr‘ar “we road and Mrs, R. Anderson; trpasurer, Mrs. adoptod. In Matthew l. 19413. and. S. Ella, pianist. Mrs. D. Taylor; losson thoughts from that passnw , socia} rmnmittw, Mrs. J. Mr- the thr‘mn of this yor's study "h Gwyn)", (-unwnvr. Mrs. Ault, Mrs. Full Tim» Christian." was mthi Mitchell, Mrs. Hicks, Mrs. W. rim-0d. Thomson, Miss l,rask; pl'r'ss so» With Mrs. Dandy? ttl the Chair} rrstary, Mrs. J. Aitrhirmn. The tiritt moeting of the Wo- mpn's Association of Westminster (‘hurrh in 1953 was lwld on Tums day Jan. 13th. With Mrs. Ihtvitlwe trl the chair the following otficnrs \wrw install- cd by Rrv. James Mackenzie who Mrs. E. Addy Installed As 1953 President Of Westminster WA v~xpro~s<vd his "pprvcintion of thrs wry tme work of thr annn's \ssnrintion undvr thr- lvadarship of th, retiring proridrint, Mrs. Srhulrr. Picture frames, mirret frames. period framing a speeialty. Cus- tom built occasional pieces. R. DANIEL 220 William Street CR. 1-7815 x-50-tf 16 St. Johns Rd. W CH. 1-6674 Adjustments & Mutorizing Estimates Cheerfully Given Nordic Agent J. FOX 14 Ruxaline Cll. 1-541] TRUCKS W A N T E D FOR WRECKING. ANY CONDI- WON, LEVY'S TRUCK BUYER, MU. 3681. x-39-tf A. LY?! Notice to Creditors l and Others i NOLAN DUPLICATING HAND CARVING AND WOOD SCULPTURE SEWING MACHIN E REPAIRS S'IlEN0GRAPHIC SERVICE in? ' MU.2706 1034 Wuhan Rand. S‘RVICIS OFFERED TRUCK FOR SALE prosidvnh, Mrs. J. Mrs. J. ('amm-un: t, Mrs. K. Srhulor; 2-. PL Addy; ls? vivn 1 P. Ault: 2nd urn LEVY AUTO W. M. PENMAN, /c, Main btrer/t North Wostnn, Toronto 15, ONTARIO. Bayrjster, run, WANTED x-3-3t Mac. past prnsir pres. prnu (At fifteen an industrious student ( ho was, His hair brushed straight, no i longer a fuzz, l His collar and cuffs wnre spotless- l ly white , No Cowboy he, he's forgotten how to fight. Sure hands make the operating room an Irena of the miracles of modern surgery at Women's College Hospital, the only hospital in Canada staffed entirely by women doctors. The hospital is now For poor little Danny was only five With curly huid and the will to strive His ambition still was a cowboy to ho But hv'd wait It fr“ 30:1” and then he'd see. A Disappearing Dream Danny _thoughe himself a real cirwboy His strongpoints were bravery and couragwg He thought hv'd an Wrst just as soon as ho could, But his dad said, "No, not at your age." of ten With all his pals, the best His dream to the buck of Again we join Danny at had been shoved It was baseball now that Danny loved. rrtary, Mrs. J. Aitchison. In his hrit'f remarks. Mr. Mur- Konzie sllzmsiml Stunt‘ plans for the axsminliun in roman! lo the opening of the 'lrti church, and prosonh‘d a hn'vly (nhln cloth sow! (u him by a mrmhor of the W0- mnn's Association of his former charge m Smtlnnd. (n hr used in 1hr» Fadics' purlor, nf thr, now Wnstminklm l'nitnd Church. He's doing work so far from cmvbnying With lumber and leather HV' now find him toying Ho's rich but still far from a millionaire He'd like to be one but dm-sn't care. A son they have who's righi yvars old He'd like to by a cowboy his father he's told. The same story goes from here on hence Likn father like sun lio‘s boon t'Vpr since. Bowling 1011 Mnndny six Warns of Grude Eight Bowling League went down to the Westnn Bowling Lanox‘. Everybody had an enjoyable timn Some of us hadn't (won soon a howling alley before, and others wr're very good at it. Thr, highest Every nm- rnjnynd tho mm of In ("Md hy vhr mvinl rnmmntlrn. T'alerie Findlay Furm WOMEN'S COLLEGE HOSPITAL SEEKS 4.150.000 we Ken, his mind thu agc scme for the boys was Bob Terrell with 1’78 points, and the highest girl was Marguerite Ashford with 13:1; points. Mr. Hampton, with a st'uru of 17:7 points, was tho high teachor. On Tuesday, six mom teams wont bowling. Thpre wen- two high girls, Cavol Scott and Lyn Forsyth who both had 143 points. The highest boy was Don- ald Bi-ozidfom. with 147 points. Mr. Hill, the high teacher, topped all scores with 227 points. I think we shall spend a very enjoyable winter howling at the Weston Bowling Lama On Friday morning, January 9th, Wi' had our first assembly of this your. The chairman was Brian Simmnncls and Marilyn Rolfe was thv piunist. "As With (Madness lien of Old." was the opening hymn. Tho Bible Lesson, Mathew 2: 19-23, was read by Sylvia Papa, followed by the Lovd's Prayer. Mr. Tomlinson introduced the new School Scrapbook Editorial Staff-- Brian Simmonds, Potor Caskey, Bill Trantor. Our First '33 The rvxprisentatives of Form 9 TODAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY - JAN. 22 TWO BIG FEATURES! “LOVELY TO ! LOOK AT" MOUNT DENNIS In Technicolor With Kathryn Grayson Red Skelton Howard Keel Mary: and Gower Champion Ann Miller IllTDIl' 1'N tr" BYTIINI By Margaret Spence Form 9-Grade 8 Tc, Assembly 8.30 - Friday, January 23 AT THE 'Y', MAIN AND FERN SKI JUNIP i OFFICE OPENS 6.15 P.M. DAILY Phone JU. 1960 PRESENTS ITS FIRST DANCE ' 'i?y: g: , . Cris, l lt has bow“ “Amman-d that l, if” :1ng . 5' manly populuh'd Wards e and 3 _ “:3- i _ A , b,. split down the W1ti".' to make f g: (3;? L . V ‘1“0 [um-r wards. Ward " Mon-e "I, C . mntuins an tvitirnatvd 25,000 rrslv "N I ', dunls. Sui] not affected by the - - l - postwar urban delupnwnt, rural ( seeking $4,150,000 for expansion and renovation, to Ward 1 would n-muin intact. _ double its bed and 'cut upanly so t.hat. it may. bei At Prt'sr'rit the thrsw wards are f able to keep pace with the demands for its wrung. n-nr'wn-Hlnli by ”mm”, ”M.” - Mc - for teenagers - 16 . 19 Mocassins or after ski socks. presented the line trophy to Forms 3 and 5. Mr. Wilson intro. duced "Weston Senior Public's 4 Aces"-Mr, Hill, Mr. Allen, Mr. Pipher and Mr. Wallace. Our prin- cipal, Mr. Hampton, made the an- nouncements. The singing of "God Save the Queen” bought the meet- ing to a close. The Stamp Club will soun be starting its fourth year', ulthuugh the first year was not very active. Last year the officers elected were as follows: John Taylor, prvsident; Jim Bull, vice-president; Maryanne Clark, secrvtary and David Easton, treasurer. Our program cummittee consisted of Jim Hull. David Grun- dy and Louise Thompson. Besides the execlulivn last year there were close to seventy members. WSI'S Stamp Cluh HOFSE FASHIONS What will today's houscy look like u depudv hence? “Swims day," says The Financial Post, "they are going to be just as dated as Aunt Sophie's gingerbread Victorian monstrosity on the main street of Appleblossom. Of (‘nursm maybe by that timu, Aunt Sophie's house will be back in style again. And if it is, let's keep the indoor plumbing and tho oil burner." On January th 14th we had our first get together, although we did not elect the officers. At this meet- ing we had a small contest for various stamps, however, this did not compare with the large annual competition held in the spring. All in all I feel it is a You; fim- thing to belong to a Stamp Club. Peter Broughton ll Form 9 “YOUNG MAN WITH I0EM" SATURDAY MATINEE ADDED FEATI 'RE Charmian Dinnerware Mon, thm Fri. To the Ladies CAPTAIN VIDEO" Master of the Stratosphere CHAPTER 9 With Glenn Ford Ruth Roman TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON John Cameron - 23 -24 Form 7 may Change ttell WeStonPrestterianChln'éh' wardSJn north York Second Annual Burn's Supper l At present the three wards are 'iivpresented by deputy reeves. [Ward 2 also has a cuninvillor. The inane is elected at large. Redistribution of the ward sys- tem to increase North York Court- eil from five to nine members and pro4ide a better representation for an estimated 80,000 residents, will be considered shortly, according to Reeve Fred J. McMahon. Several proposals will be mn- sidered before a final plan in draft- ed and forwarded to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval. One plan, which has the backing of the reeve and various other luwnship officials, calls for reor- ganization of the boundaries of the three present wards to create five wards. The popular proposal would have the four wards, created by splitting Wards 2 and 3, represented by one councillor each. Two deputy reeves would then be elected from all four wards, to give further repre- sentatitm. The larger representation on council would allow formation of additional committees and take much of the heavy paper work off the shoulders of the municipal body, said Mr. McMahon. In rural Ward l, a deputy renal and councillor. would be elected.': The roeve would continue 'to bel elected by the vote at large. j Council members are paid td for N EWS $100.00 Bulova watch--"-- Jewellers" ' 50.00 Cleaning Crtdit--"stoddarts" $ 10.00 Taxi Credit-Wet-" Music By ERNIE BURGESS AND THE WESTON RAMHLERS TICKETS-75c Where was Miss Frances Nash last Thursday? Had she been at the Fox Theatre we would have offered to purchase her foto-graph for $170.00. Friday, Jan. 23 at 8.30 p.m. AT THE n.c.s.c.c. "ll.Lll$Tf1itM" DOORS CHERRY OPEN 1-7661 6 pm. . NIGHTLY JOIN YOUR COMMUNITY RECREATION! SQUARE DANCE Arman-1mm chihuahua-u“: “PIRATES OF THE HIGH SEAS" WESTON SQUARE DANCE GROUP DAY Wif8t 4 - l'ABTO0NS - 4 MON.. TURS., wE0.--JAN. 26. 27. 28 yiaiii'iiiiiiia ___ 7 i Inn . IV In 't2,t'lr,',ltl'dMMt2t - . - SMOKE IF YOU WISH - Special For the Kiddies - SAT. MATINEE ONLY Open 12 Noon THURS. - FRI. - SAT. 2 . TOP HITS o 2 Sponsored By The TO BE HELD Chapter No. 8 each regular meeting of council. At least 100 mutiny. rounc1l and committee, we held each year. Representation on York County Council would not change with the addition to the township council. Only deputy reevei and reevu are eligible to sit on county muncil. On Saturday mornings, before an audience of several hundred persons, they have expressed free- ly and spontaneously their views on the United Natinns and on na- tional and international questions. Guests on the programme have in, eluded Dr. Ralph Bunche, Sir Gladwyn Jebb and Carlos P. Ro- mulo. Occasionally, the Forums are held in other cities of the United States. (UNESCO). Moagil'igyt Bay' im'tt,to' WINDER’S Wan" lacs: m-VMCK SNIVN poms_ GORDON TAXI PLUS LIMITED RADIO DISPATCHED Phone 1-1133 CARTOON M/ y'speaker-Major the Rev. John Y. Fraser Padre at Sunnybrook Hospital (loud program of singing, etc., being prepared. including Alex White and a number of our local talent. ' (Mary [-1821 Free Parking On Two Big Lots No charge-just a collection to defray expenses FRIDAY, JANUARY 23rd Women‘s Pull Jolling Experiences - All those interested are welcome -- CONTINUOUS DAILY FROM 1 RM. \ Startling Story of Lost Women . . Frank . . . Vivid - with ROBERT DOUGLAS . GLADYS COOPER 2 Roaring Action Thrillers! Al,i, STAR 'ACTION' CAST IN BLAZING THRILLER WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY FRIDA Y--SATURDA Y CREELMAN HALL AT THE AL'LD KIRK MONDAY-TUESDAY at 6.30 Fm. in the " IT'S Pl US! - Daring! Down-to- Arth! Different'. Smoke I You Win In Our Lon! Wish If

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