',iiiiM!,8l,t,r/-l10-1lt FINANCE Buying 320 - St. REB UILT ' NOW IN STOCK Weston Auto Supply Mr. Collett MU. 9706 use to SKI!) fast M HFC on your own spawn. No whim security needed. Up to 24 months no 41 MAIN STREET s. "er Phone (I say in ll Cmuda's largest, must Iva-awed consumer fume: organuauon. ' noun will Val D N A. E. LePAGE DODGE and DESOTO DEALERS 9 LAWRENCE AVE. WEST WESTON m COURTEOUS EFFICIENT SERVICE 1N SELLING OR BUYING A HOUSE 47 Chev. FOUR DOOR SEDAN One uwnm- r-ar. In“ mangP. pm- fect continuum throughout. See It. Drive it. Buy it. Two tone grwn. A perm-I “mm Heater. radio. on DEFEND/1 BE USED CARS ___ Buy Now and Save " loam Ave. West, phono M I-OICO WISYON, ONT. Complete Machine Shop Scrviu SI Dodge FOUR DOOR SEDAN 48 Chev. o STARTERS a GENERATORS o VOLTAGE REGULATORS o CARBURETORS o FUEL PUMPS _ o SHOCK ABSORBERS o WATER PUMPS o DISTRIBUTORS q MASTER & WHEEL CYLINDERS o BONDED SHOE EXCHANGE o TRANSMISSIONS ig or Selling Real Estate W. J. BABTEB ESTABLISHED M YEARS MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM - NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED N "TO" SALES lfl‘ll. COACH WE DELIVER Mun-ago: W. Sanderson R0. 1202 II " CH. 1-3538 EM. 3-5661 This model is scarce. Drop in and see it. C Heater, radio. tic, Just the tar tor your holidavs. Heater, radio. ate. Real growl mans: portatinn. 47 Plymouth FOI'R DOOR SEDAN " Dodge FOUR DOOR SEDAN The playoffs got under way] Monday, June 15, and Ill games) have been very well played, withi several games having only omvi run separating the winners and the' lost-rs. June 15 Baltimore _.,,,,,,.,-..,..,....," runs 2 hits Rochester o,.,,..,-....-..:, runs ti hits This was " very close game, with the winning run being scored m the last inning. Jimmy Boyce pitched very well for Baltimore and struck out 10 " the Rochester players. Madgett, Trinkwon and Kullhouser also played Mel] for Baltimore. Ijutsturuiiug in defeat for Rochester were Armstrong, Gardiner pitching for Rochester, only allowed two hits, Brtuuifoot and Hensley. Montreal VFr.FF_ .rr_rr_FP_ â€1:; mus ll hits Ottawa wt.r._.,.rrr,.._q,q__F.F.rr__rr.. 6 runs 7 hits little league Playoffs Underway As Fina/is ts Bid For Championship 49 Dodge CLUB COUPE Montreal scored six runs in th- first inning and six in the frfth. Windsor, pitching for Montreal, was well supported by Morgan, Scott and Dool. In a losing battle C. Simpson, R. Cordkk and Mc- Manamin were the best for 01- C. Simpson, R, Manamin were laws. June 16 Springfield Syracuse _ i June 18 VBuffaln _,,,,...,...-.........,,",' runs :1 hits ‘Syracuse m.,...,.,,................." runs J, hits l Errors and walks spelled doom liar Syracusp as they nuthit Buf- falo five to three. Vaughn and iHaywnnd each scored two runs (apiece for Buffalo and Weeks and lCnghlun also played well. Pour- :snn, Karz and J. Johnston played ‘woll for Syracuse. ;Tm'onto _..........-..,....) runs 8 hits ‘Springfield .VrV._.FVt_.V_VPF"P. 8 runs " hits , Players of both teams had \hn-ir lhitting tags on, with no loss than $16 hits in this game. Erasmusou, lBroadhurst and Braby had two {hits apiece with Nowing and Wall ‘the other hitters for Toronto. 'Screen, French and Crawford had itwo hits apiece for Springfield. " Montreal _...,.,..,.,.,.,)') runs 15 hits p Rochester ..rr.-.rw_tr..._._. 3 runs 6 hits , Montreal also had their. batting toms with them and weird off 15 Springfield ._______F___ will runsâ€; hits it Syracuse qrtr_, WW. 9 runs 9 hits I F. This was a very closr sraruta,", with the Winning run hemp. sun-pd I i in tho lust inning. Screw, ralch- l ing for Springfield, throw out smu ( eral players trying to steal third base and this was actually lhl"J downfall of the Syracuse Chiefs as I they outhit Springfield nine hits to 1 six. Also outstanding for Spring- ', field, Stephenson, From-h and " Boyce. Best for Syracuse weveil, John Anderson, W. Anderson, Gil-l . lies and Plunkett. El Montreal also had their. batting tags with them and I‘I‘elf‘d off 15 hits with Saunders having threw hits, Osborne two hits, "no kt hymn run. Others with two his WPl'C McKenzie, Morgan, Scott and Jon- sen. Dool and Vaughan mm hit each. Rochester did not play up to their regular game. Armstrong, and Saturdays till 6 pan. All Summer On this occasion we offer 2 x 4 seconds at BC linear ft. We Will Be Open JULY lst CARLS LUMBER 1918 Wilson Ave. CH. 1-1751 CHorry 1-5’33 Weston Collegiate Simpson also pluyvd wrll with one outstanding play on n m'uuud bull, Itt Hrmidu; Hayhor. Ernest; Hayhou,l FNNyn; Huzzard, Junws; livaird, Adrian; Hoard, David; Ill-[)1i)n,L Tour. llmnizinsrn. Janum; llcslnp, Anne; Hilt‘s, Jiik‘k; H n m i c 1', _ Yvonne; Humble. William: llunt,. Jatuiuuline; [rm-son, Carol; ireland,) Lorna; Jvl'fn-y. Jumus; eros,l, “and; Kulins. Adria Kay, Mar-i guru; Korr, Raymond; Kilpatrick,) Jumos; King, Luuisv; Koehler, Edward; Katy-k, Elonnur; Laflour, Mzidclalno; Lancaster, Barbara;', Lawverwe, Patricia; Linn-iv, Betty) Ann; Le Maitrv, Carolyn; Long! Joan; Lynch, Elizabeth; Mucdunq ald, Juan: MuvDourruli, David;' Marnie, Margaret; M a r s h a I l, jBl-ny; Maynard, Myrna; NIL-Dunl- 3 ing, lH'nl'; McDuugall, Ruddy; Mc- ’(}1'vm>r, Hugli‘, McIntosh, M:u'lonv;| leKonzm, V a y n c; McKnighl,‘ 'isjhvilN Mchill. Gary; McTavish,1 ,Dnnald: Metcalf, Trvvor; Mun-', lShHW, Blair; Muswlwhitv, Douglas; 30rd, Michm-l; Pu vkvr, Ruth;, Payne, Guil; Pluyev, \';ilvriv; Play- l liar, Bryw; Plnwis. Paul; Poison, l Roberta; I‘urulmnw, P at r i v i a; H’rim, Elaine; Rice, (Emile; Rice, Ken; Rithimrs, Luuriv; Rubbiv, l,itoss; Robert, Jacuues; Russell, l, Ronald; g Sainsbury, Margaret; {Sanders J a m " s; Smilermmd, iJnhn; Sears, Michael; Sobris, Nor- (hert; Shulllmrn, Lois; Shannan, lGal'y: Sivgel, Ki'nm-th: Slater, ,Rnbm-x; Smith, Ken: Smith, Ken- drickr.Smith, Marjm-iv; Smytlw, ‘Dnnuld; Spour, Huger; Stittic, Marilyn; Struchan, Brurv; Swar- 'brick, Byron; Taylor, John; Tlcv r, ford, ElizubI-lh; Thompson, Gerald; lThnmsnn, l);ivnd; Torrance, Ray- lmnnd; Tvrryvv, Lorna; Tumher, lJumw; Tumlwr, Ronald: Ward- lluw, (7mm: Wardlaw, Ruth; Wost, lBrm'k; West. Carol Ann; Wiilman, _ Heather; Wilson, Brut-v: Young, li Robert. i Birch, W ill i a m; Burlington, Irene: Clark. Robert; Erusmusnn. Elmor; Evrndvn, l-levn; Hayhoe, Jnsvph; Beam-y, Margaret; Huh- ‘hlvduy, Pamvln: anak. Ann; ieT/t Jnycv: Martin. Mal-inn; Mx-(hn'vey. Tom; Mnnnznmvry, anlu-n; Mostoway. Juliu; Nash. :Phyllis: Nymnn, Jack; O'Donnr‘H. Carol; Perry, Marrrarvt Ann; Pivntn, Lou-(tn: Popv. Lulramv; Row, NHTIH‘A: Thompmn. Fiou'nct': ;\Nurrall, Junct. Grade X lo XI- " ‘lnlvrmr‘dmle ('enihralp Burs-foul, Muvlvnw; 3.4va Jnnnt; Brndfmd, l’vuu)’; Bray Shaw. Darvon; Bllglry, Carol Bmadltml. [.UI'IHI'; Brooks, Ann Brown. Juan; ('hnshr. .Imqurhnw Churchl. Rnlu‘rt; ('ruydvn. Jnyw “my. Anur; Dawson. J‘mn; [min Emu; Hun IX, Hall. Him-1y Secondary School Graduation Diploma Alhrvcht. Marilyn; A s h h 9 P, Juan; Badvr. Dianne: Bentham, Burlvara: Cunrum, Imb; Cuistvr, Mun-mum; Clarkv, Audtvy; Dirkin, Keith; Duhsnn, Dana; Evans, Fvrn; Fleur, Kstlwr: Hmu-d, Mnrdi; .Ir-ffrr-y. Lama: Law, Yvnmw; Imflus. I’Innm-s; .VIm-dunuld. John; Mclntyrv, Mnrjnriv: Milling, June; Mouldpr, Maw; f'attvrson, Audrey; Rnhinsnn. Dorothy; Rotz, Mar- gurr‘t: Tuurlrvy, Ic,lizabvth Ann; Tu m b (- I, Finrvnrm; Whittaker, Joyte; Yuunx, (Honda, " Grade XI to Grade XII Hamvbh Hvlmm â€mum Ingram Mmrwui, Mus Jo). Mr-Cut Nnnn. “win-1m. Arnold. Ml Mnrunt. .VhMahnn. Muwxry dlotrm, Mrs: PRN‘Tlnn. Jean Vorwn. Bony; Pnnn, Joan: PM ('nmIHo; Pmkw. Phylfist anw um, Ruth: Schnwd. Prwrr.v; " um. “Mmâ€; Smi'h, ,VI-nh vaHnn. “morn. Sinnfzmd. " ham; Shin. (Wm-Hm; Van Ail, Junr. V\ A: "n, Juan .r-m‘. Wray. "0H: (and: " In Grade x Addison, 'annn. A n lt r I a Wanda: Anthonv. (hma, Antram Sheila; Bach, Munlyn; Bum, Bar Commercial Department mr} F TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON Mal inn, g. BAH an .Il 1\m_\'. Hall: Mun-r, Marga“ ll Fitndh nt F “MN M»). Mr-Cut Arnold. M ll. Mun Inuham rv‘und, In Ma d u wuw. Ann irirtti, Ivy W " M a M M bara; Ball, Marilyn; Beaumont, Claire; Bennett, Paul; Betausth, Sandra; Birch, Donna; Bowman, Bertha; Brownlee, Shirley; Chap- man, Audrey; Corbett, Nancy; Cruwi'ord, Joan; Dixon, Betty Ann; Drury. Dun-en;r Farrell, Dvltua; Fay, Tanna; Flavell, Betty; Flint, Carole; Foster. Diane; Foster, Irene; France, IMargaret; Francis, Gloria; Garrod, Marion;) Guruk, John; Grant, Daisy; Grif- fith, Elizabvtll; lladuway, Lor, ramo: ;Hart'ord, Carol; Harrison, Mary Ann; Hazard, Pitricia; Heath, Joan; Hepum, Ann; Hillier, Baxter; ililltwk, Patricia; Holmes, Marlene; llulrhrsnn, Frances; i lrvinv. Bar-luau; J 0 tte r s o n,‘ Sandra; kvlman, Diane; Kozak,) William: Luckmw, Elaine: Lalinsv,‘ (iwvn: [marl], ('arul; Love, Bar- bara; Low, Jvan; Lund, Mario; Mada-n, Anne; Mahhall, Sheila; Mason, Pauline; Matthews, Marion; Mrlhvugall, M u r x o: MCMinn, Hvlml; McWhuw, Margaret; Mont- lgumvry, Betty: Mnrrisun, Ann; :Mulrlwad. Maxim-; Myles, Judith; ‘O'Brin-n, M a r i ly n; ()‘Dnnnvll, (Thea; ()shorrw, Norewn; Putter. sun, Ill-1411; Ponder, Norma; Penn, GarnL-lt: Phillips, Lois; Playn'r, Carl; Presslvy. Enas; Rawlings, Tonya: Ray, Laura; Rubblv. Caro- lyn; Russell, Marilyn: Sainsbury, Both: Savillv, Margaret; Scott, Gail; hleusulruur:h, Evelyn; Shan- (non, llvlvn; Shelley, Curol; Smith, 'Dnrmhy; Smith, Evelyn; Sutton, Elalno; Told, Mair; Train, Joyee; Iii':':":),':':':?,.. Ann; Ushvr, Ray; Wutson, Barbara; Williamson, Joan. Date Visitors Home Team Wed., June 29 Weston Music " Canada Packers Wed., June 29 -AVRO " RCAF 1 Secondary School 1 Graduation Diploma i Avlow, Olivu; Dudas. Mary; (Guest, Ethel; Ukt'hs, Aldonu. Grade lil to Grade XII t Bollin. Lon-tin; Brownsey, Gwen; _ Cisulson, Murguvrito: DiFalcn, “ Mary; Morgan, Carole; Mnscynski, (Dinah; Noble, Eleanor; Ovam, (Marilyn; Plunkwtt, KrO:, Ricci, Alum; Snllvr. f'otherirut; Simpson, Betty. Grade X to Grade XI . _ Brnwnsvy, Marilyn; C l a r k u, iSusio; Haivy, Diane; Hull, Bar- Hmru: MucChoyno. Mary; " ,Kondry, Shirley; Mulholland, Ger- aldine; Stselis.v, Madelyn; Wakely, _ Marion. i Beanie. Andrew; Burbidge, ‘Gmrge; Butterworth, Gerald; |(,'airns, Allan; Campbell, Kenneth; ICarroll, Lloyd; Dallas, John; Deb, ling, John; Goa], Wm.; Couch, (,rtoislrvt; Goode, Robert; Guano, VGOHO; Hanna, William; Holstvad, (Murray; Jossun, John; Johnson, Names; Kumhln, Edward: Law, iJuck; 14mm, Clifford; MI-ad, John; ‘Middlt-tnn. Ronald; Miller. Doug- Fas; Mitchell, Gordon: M n i r, Barrie; Pram-v, Gordon: Sim, Robert; Skurupn, Marcvllv; Smith, Richard; Smith. Ronald; Stevims, Cecil; Swift. Robert; Templeton, Sidnvy; Tungnod, Dorraldt'Wrvssel, Robert. Grade xH-s-dar,' Schnol Graduation Diploma Weston Ladies’ Softball League Grade XI to Grade XII Ball, Jamvs; Brateriou, Kariml Brewster, Grrnld; Bun-hm; Wil-i Ham; Cuncwlli, Vincoht; Chisppell,l Nvil; Clarkson, Rnssu CrrrOtt,l Edwin: Cunningham, Paul; Czveh, Edward; DeVvivs, Anthony; l-Ivor- son, William: Finchvr. Barry; Flnwvrs. Stank-y: F'orranrun,.lvmvs; Fotherby, Jumvsq-v FriuOnd, Ray- mond; Gould, Robert; Hastings, Ronald; llrruston, (Margo; Hryms wyph. Just'ph: Hunter, Douglas: Ives, Douglas; .lnmmzik, Stunlvy; Jvnkinson, Horhvrt; Kendal], Don. aid; 1.01m. Roy; Imstvhuvk, John: Maurse, Jan: MurDinrmid~ John: Mndm'H, Jack: “mining, "Russell; Maririuk , John: Maw, \"illium: Mwsacar. Jumps: Ibmtgomrtv, 1Kvnm‘th; Munslnw. John: Naylor, William; O'Brion. Gary; Oman. Garry; Pun-hing, Charles; Putrick, Home Economics “span meal Industrial Department John; Peacock, Robert; Priede, Martin; Rayburn, James; Stunkus, Harold; Stephenson, Allan; Tavner, Bruce; Tituusrsh, Glenn; ngker, Robert; Watkins, Juhn; Wisnow- ski, Edward; Yates, Garfield; Young, Richard. Grade X to Grade XI-- Intermediate Certificate Allan, David; Attridge, Alan;l Bailvy, David; Ball, David; Banks, William; Barker, Henry; Bowles,, Robert; Burtch, George; Burtonq Ronald; Campbell, Beverly; Carter, l Roy; Caruana. John; Clarke,1 David; Clifford, Ronald; Cook, Donald; Cutajar, John; Davidson,; Carl; f)eGeer, Russ; Fair, James;l Fell, George; Flynn, Donald; Fowler, Arthur; Goddard, Stuart; Gooch, Roger; Gurvski, Michael; (iosse, Erie; Graham. Eddy; Guest, Lloyd; Harris, Bond; Hawman, Ronald; Hermunus, William; Hew- gill, Russell; Hollett, Arch; Hous- ton, Robert: Howard, John; Hud- lson, Paul; Johnson, Arthur; Jones, 1 Norman; Kidd, Leslie; Lane, Gary; ‘I.astuck, Albert; Lewis, James; Loughrin, William; Muckay, John; Mactaggart, Bill; Madill, Bruce; Marshall, John; Mason, Bud; Me, Dowel], Allen; McGowan, Jamvs; Munslow, James; Nash, Gordon; Ness, Gordon; Newton, William; Oakley; Harvey; O'llenrn. Paul; (Phillips, Frank; Raffan, Robert; Ataveri, Keith; Rickwuod, Edward; _Ronvy, Bruro; Ruwntree, William; Salter, David; Saundnrs, Robin; l Scott, H a r v e y; Sim, David; lszirkes, David; Spencer, Frank; i,Taylor, Bruce; Terry, James; lThomson, Ronald; Truman, Mur- li'ay; Ure, James; Vose, Dennis; Wilson, James; Woods, Robert; lYerex, Robert; Young, Millar; Zowilds, Raimond. lilrude IX to Grade x 5, Adamson, Allan; Anderson, lFred; Barker, Emir; Barnes. 'Thomas; Barrangor, William: Bell. George; Bvnnett, Phil; Bloor, lem-grv; Booth, John; Btrwles, f Rodger; Bn-udnn, James; Brvmnvr, Names; Budd, Dullas; Binds-ml I Ernest; Bushvy, David: Carbis,', Gordon; Carroll, Brurv; Chapman, ;Dnnald: Clare. Philip; Clarke, anuglas: Clement, K'eith; C(mpvr,‘ iDnnald; Covhvidze, Allan; Down-) l ing, Robert; Ewing, Rnhvrt; Flynn, l Hula: Frasrrr, Jack; Garratt, Ron- iald; Gay, James; Gill; Robert; (Glen, Donald; Greenwood, Arthur; 'Greenwood, James; Griffith, Paul; link, Pvtor; Hale, Roy; Hail, 1Barry; Hull, Donald; Handscomb, in'ank; Harlnell, William; Hnr- lmanus, John; Hill, Roland; Hoh- (ban, Nm-man; Holt, James", Hook, , l Raymond; H o p (, r n f t, Robert; .levvll, James; Howlett, Rfihf‘l't: ,,l{LIdsnn, Edward; Huzhps, Grit ,lnry; Hutchinson, Dnuzlas: lnfanlv, y‘Tnny: Ivelund, Roy; Johnston, Lll‘aul; Laframboisv, Ronald: Lars msvn, Bob; Immay, Ronald; Low- ,lim'uvn, William; MacArthur, Ed; ,lMalnnr'y, Frank: Manley, Gerald: , I M a r t i n, Clifford; Mathewson, , lJamr's; McCvvicrht, Torry; McFar- vllanta Roy; McGill, Russell; Ml" ' ) Kissick, W i l l i a m; McKnight, iDavid; Mercer, Jamvs: Miller, (Frank: Miller, Gordon: Mowbray, ..Rnbert; Muylns, Ray: Nvss, Kan» , rwth: Nicholls, Gary; Normnylp, - I Patrick: North, Joseph; Ofiold, , i Carl; O>born, Bruce: Pointon, Cl q 5 vin; Pnltvr, Calvin; Pricv, Ronald; l, '; Reed, Douglas: Riddifovd, Edward; _ , Rock, Frank; ananolli, Tony; ;ansutln, Ronald; Sarazin, Ruben-l; ,; l Scalrhvid. William; Schullz, Larry; _ [ Sharpllm. Fri-d; Sln'npshiii', Jamrs; :, Simpson, Allan; Smith, Rnwland; w,_.Snidvr, Dun: Snidwr, Ronald; :;‘SparkI-s, Ralph; Stavlmra. Steve; -, Sin-Pt, Gem-go; Swill. Rnnald: ""r,ntsuuo, Anthony; Taylor, James: I; Thatcher, Walter; Thomas, Grant: 1: Thompson. Rolland: Tushingham. l; Edward; Twiselton. Ronni-1 Valo, i: .Vlivharl: Walfurd, Thomas; War. J, ran. James: Weisman. Edward: r, Wells, Donald; Westall. Trnvnr; I. Whiteiaw, Gordon: Worthington k, Donald; Young, Dennis. -(;nw;m. Janus; Nash, (Lul'dun; 'wtrm, William; O'Hozn'n. Paul: Raffun, Rum-r1; kwrmd, Hdwurd; Nntn-o, William; rundiwrs, Robin; y: Sim, David; Spvm'vr, Frank; 1Trry. Junws; Truman, Mur- [ Vase, Dennis: Wrurds, Ruhm'l; Young, Millar; -x C Grounds Memorial A ir Force reliable in./ormulion am] sound advice. Today throng/I (/10 wider run/urn. (hr specialized he can, do mum/hr )‘Ull than war before- mmurger's (W700. yon /ook to him for up by his bunk. Through the yt‘urs Canada’s LAwnEucE DRIVING Scum MA. 5354 Kitchens and Bathrooms Remodelled. Have Your Base- ment or Attic Turned Into a Renting Proposition. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE: services um] urcunw/uled, knolrh’dge built "COME RIGHT IN" cluirtcretl hunks harp Imp! pace with SERVICE TO WESTON tr DISTRICT For Full Particulars Call RUMSEY BROS,, CONSTRUCTION When you walk into a bank THE BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY erer-ttihmingr, "rcrgrowing needs 'iioortjtmuut Announcing Get set for BIG TRADE-m ALLOWANCE BUYS A NEW CH. 1-3226 TIRE and TUBE nun-:1 ONLY $1.00 A wax THURSDAY, m I. - 9-5 Mon. to Fri.