Mr. Man and Little Boy blouses have, taken over milady's spring wardrobe. Some are exact replicas of the man's dress shirt while others bloom forth in gay flowered prints with solid-color cuffs and collars. And what adorable accessories! Black velvet ties "rith matching velvet cuff-links . . . initialled mother-of-pearl "N including matching collar pin, eufblinks and earrings. , Flowers are blooming on feminine bow' ties and you'll even md matching posy cuff-links. If you prefer birds to blooms don't miss the set of gold hoop earrings with a miniature blue bird perched on each hoop! Everything but the birdseedl Spring coat styles have gone to the dogs! Jackets, shortie boats, full-length coats and stole: are being shown in pastel poodlecloth. Orlon fleece shorties and tull-length coats that can be tossed in the tub along with the weekly wash come in white, pink, blue and biege. Only the top priced ones, however, have much style. Perhaps you are planning to spend Easter weekend in Ne I York. Having just spent a week in that wonderful town I'll give you a preview of some of the tashians you'll see and want to buy. NEW YORK PREVIEW arttrthe disc jockeys arehmoing "Peter: Cottontail," chicks and Easter eggs have moved into shop windows and you‘ve only a few more weeks left to buy your chapeau for the Easter Parade! green ribbon m my hair when I go to work." All week you've heard strains of "Eileen" or "Galway Bay" everytime a rtidio was turned on. Saucy green pigs sat in pastry shop windows and shamrock lolipops enticed the younger crowd into. the candy store. Yet, here it is one day after St, Patrick's V I finally met my Irish woman, Mrs. Margaret Patterson, who Works in a Main St. pastry shop. Mrs. Patterson lived in Weston t6r seven years but now resides on Mahoney St. in Mt. Dennis. Asked how she celebrated the great day, Mrs. Patterson told me she goes dancing and "although I get kidded h I always wear a green ribbon in my hair when I go to work." Still searching tor a recipe for tadge bread or Irish stew I thought I had a sure bet in Mrs. Frank O'Leary, 83 Haymarket, Weston Again the same answer. It was her husband's people who were Irish. Surely, I pleaded, with a wonderful name like O'Leary you must keep up some Irish traditions. "Well," she said, " have two baby boys named Pat and Mike!" Mike is 20 months old And wee Pat was three months old on March 13. Almost a St. Patrick's baby', Hoping to talk to a true Irish woman, I called Mrs. A. IrDonoghue, 485 Scarlett Rd, who informed me 'twas her late husband: people who sailed from the land of the shamrock whereas she was born in Minnesota, USA. "With two first names like Helen Bridget tacked on to O'Donoghue when I married," she explained. "everyone expects me to be true Irish. I remember In incident before the war when a woman from the selective service who called me on the phone was quite disappointed Then [he didn't hear a rich Irish brogue over the wires" NO IRISH STEW? It must have been an oversight on the part of the telephone compahy when they failed to valor page 47 ot the new Weston directory a bright shade of green. Old St. Patrick himself would have smiled to read O'Brien, O'Clrroll. O'Connell, O'Connor, O'Deady, O'Dell, O'Donnell, O'Drixcoll, O'Grady, O'Hearn, O'Leuy, O’Neill, O‘Reilly. O'Rourke and O'Sullivan. Not forgetting to mention the Manmuu, Kenya, Murphy: tutti any other good mm names I've missed. “whit W6 O' I‘ll! GIIIN "The top o' the mornin' Day u over for another yea EASTER FASHIONS at .. Weisdorf's ll I ~J5.95 Ttt...3f2.95 'Ieisdorf's A dash of Mrow . . . blended with the touch of flow." . . . and your world’n mm with “clonal mllllnory dishes . . . we have a style fog ovary fan. Grace . . . charm ... . thoerynote in Easter Styling! All individual hits . . . pre-Easter-parading, here, to give you a glimpse of fashion’s horizons! Your tiastir' Suit Small collar, nipped-in waistlino, lap- orod push-up sleeve. In Imported Wool and Cashmere. WEISDORF QUALITY $59.50 Princess Coat to yer." Sun and though " PUrick's QU, 41 MAIN ST. NORTH 1111. 1-1801 The Mount Dennis chapter 207 of the Order of the Eastern Star is holding a rummage sale in Silverthorn legion Hall an March 24th, the proceeds to go towards benevolent work. They promise a good selection of clothing and household articles " well. I I Mrs. E. L. Addy presided an the meeting. Mrs. E. Kent's [group was 51 charge of the programme, devotion period and let hour. Mrs. L. E. Howarth's solo reflected the theme of the lesson thoughts, "The Way of the Cross" read by Mrs. Kent. Mrs. A, Barton led in prayer. The Family Night, March 19th for Westminster was announ- ced. Also a rummage sale on behalf of Humber Memorial‘ Hospital will be held in the church auditorium by the W0- man's Association and the wo, man's Missionary Auxiliary inl Group six of the Central United W.A. is presenting the three-dimensional colour "Toll" travelogue, of the family's M,000, mille trailer trip: Gaspe to the Rockies and California to Cuba in the church, April 5th. in- titled "Caravan - house on wheels," the film is the story of a trailer trip made by LeRoy Toll, his wife Hildegarde and their two children - Wendy, 9, and Brian, 6. . HOLD RUMMAGE SALE April.. (Continued from Page 2) interested in the Labrador will be welcome. I One halt million dollars is needed to be divided among the (ii new congregations as a "re- volving fund," said the speaker. The Board of Home Missions holds the money in trust for lloans to the new churches un- ltil they have become establish- ed, when it is possible to repay, ’and the money is again in the fund. This fund is being raised by churches already .built and operating, and is called the ‘Church Extension Fund. .. i PRESENT TRAVELOGUE _ Mrs Mary Mercer, Deaconess with the Board of Home. His- Iiom said, in addressing the Wo- Anart's Ami-lion of Westmin-‘ star United Church It than" March 9th meeting - “And without churches are good soil tor "iam's." She outlined the' method of organizing a congre-} cation and mentioned Beverley‘ Hills and Riverside as two neu- Weston. _ A Survey by the Board of Homo Minions of the United Church at Canada has revulndl the and ot " churchu in the new urea of Greater Toronto. The young parents in that areas are grateful tor the "rival of the church with it: Sunday School and 9ther 'otgtsrtizuionsl in their neighbourhood. l 'NEED " CHURCHES IN NEW DISTRICTS‘ SPEAKER TELLS WA LOCAL NEWS lingerie Hoslary Glovu I A committe. convened try Mrs. W. B. Singleton is arranging pther interesting details for the luncheon. Tickets are limited ‘and should be secured early. Miss Constance McEwen, ac- companied by Mrs. George Bull will be guest soloist. Miss Me, Ewen as contralto soloist, has won many awards in the past, and just recently " the Kiwanis Festival. _ Miss Florence Philpott, Ex- ecutive Secretary, Welfare Coun- 'cil'of Greater Toronto, will be the guest speaker at the Local Council of Women, luncheon to be held March 29th " Westmin- ster United Church. Mist Phil- pott, who is an outstanding speaker, will speak on "Wo-‘ men." l Of Luncheon Speaker "Women" To Be Topic Mrs. Hermansen introduced Dr. Parks from the "White Cross Service::," 111 St. George se, Toronto, who gave a splen- did address on "Mental Health." On behalf .0! the meeting, Mrs. Grubbe extended a hearty vote of thanks. Mrs. Delworth sang a solo. Lunch was served by the cont- mittee and hostess in charge. 1 On Wednesday a f t e r n can. March" 10th Richview Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Seed. The meeting was opened by the singing of "Old Folks At Home," the Ode and Mary Stew- art Collect. The roll call was answered by 15 members and three visitors present, "How to postpone Old Age" which was well responded to. i Although somewhat earlier than usual, this. will be the Coun- cil's Annual Meeting and will in- elude the installation of "tBeers for the coming year. During the (refreshment period, we are look- ling forward to discussing with 1you this, and other events which :have helped to make this a most outstanding year tor the York West Council. On February 23rd the Rich. view w.r. held a meeting in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, Miss Masters being Hostess, Mrs. Hamilton from the Department head office. gave a splendid ad- dress in "How to Conduct Meet- ings." Miss Lewis who is also from the Institute Head Oifice Bay St., arrived in the early " ternoon. The secretary read the min- utes and gave the treasurer's report; 'correspondence was read and considerable business at- tended to. Mental Health Topic Richview W.I. Meeting I Through the courtesy ot tho United Kingdom information or Ace, the Onluio Teachers' Iod- ention is sponsoring I loctun tour by Roger Noel Amie". M.ACunb., Prolouor of Educa- ltion. University of Leeds. Int gland. York West Horn? and ,School Council is joining withl the Teachers' Federation iii bring Dr. Armtelt to you on Thursday, March " " Etobicoke Collegiate Institute, 8:15 pan. i Professor Armtelt in I distina-‘ *uished English edueationUt, who has been most active in working on the changes in British educa- tion which have been put into effect in the last thirty years to make both elementary and sec- ondary education available to all children. He is also well- known as a writer on educational matters, and is, we understand) an excellent speaker. - 1 iProtessor Arman Will Give lactate tht March 25th Pttrototteasthere inhuman Meringthen then humid theRedCtoss. Yeah-ovum ttitdhrrrgtmtitia.Pt- help -roualr--ttt_ a! Hammond; _ RE†I: mm this yiaf Offiee pf G. W. lull â€422,859 - ta04t 1 He wu . member of Pearen Memorial church, Mt. Denms and a former Steward of that church. He leaves his wife, Rose Lun- non, and four daughters: Mrs. J. Church, Weston; Mrs. It, Smlth, Port Credit; Mrs. W. Harcourt, Los Angeles, ’and Yvonne at home. (Continued from page 1) wns $3150 of which the county had assumed half. Later, a by-law was passed authorizing construction or the sewer upon the receipt of the of. ficial order from the Ontario Municipal Board. ' A delegation of Weston pro- perty owners led by Jack Holley of Rosemount Ave. protested the building ot a suite of apartments lwood Public School addition atl The 'council ordered the build, Metunt Dennis. Later he conyer to halt my further comtruc- structcd an addition to the Mic-won until this procedure had merit! school in Weston. He waslttn carried through and I spe- a member of the Weston Courticml meeting “I†called for next ot Revision tor tive years. ‘Monday evening to hear any Ob'i I' He was actively engaged in motion: to the proposed struc-‘ lertse welfare work. and hatrture. ilerved u past principal of the Councxlhr Harry Clark, whol :Humber Chapter and Very Ex- was in the chair in the absence cellent Companion-of the Grantr,ot Mayor R. C. Seagrave, my: Chapter, Royal Arch Masons. Hejgested that the matter of provi-l was a member of the Mount sion for parking was ot a major Dennis Blue Lodge. consideration. I Council accepted the tcnder of the John Susin Construction of Niagara Falls, Ont., as the SUU- cessful bid tor the construction of the storm sewer on Wright Ave. Acceptance of the bid was recommended by the consulting engineer. Frank McArthur. Price was $33,395. A wave of Romford, Endland,[ he came to Canmiq in 1907 " a; building apprentice and had) lived in Weston 54 years. As a, building contractor he was re», pontible for Construction of Rowland Public School and Han; ‘wood Public School addition ati Mount Dennis. Later he con- structed an addition to the Me; morill school in Weston. He was; a member of the Weston Court'; ot Revision tor tive years. 1 hon: year, _ (mum trum Pu. l) at I... u Donny naive. H- was ahead councillor m 'December 'of 1068 but wq unable to attend my meeting: from then on be- am of illness. He was in his WHAT DOES TLII Ll TTLEé DEVI L DO Pu, CH. 1-3213 INSURANCE SERVICE 5 Main " s. - CH. 1-4461 He causes wierd accidents such as your dog biting the milkman, the head flying off your golf club, your child set- ting a neighbor's house afire . . . He's always busy ritaking causes for' lawsuits. A Per- sonal & Residence Liability policy ($7.50 for three years) will exorcise him effectively. Covers up to $10,000 (includ- ing cost of defending lawsuit.) No Metro Roads BODDIIGTON’S uotuteitlor "pr."rtrrrtiv. Evenings CH. 1-1376 Councxlhr Harry Clark, who was in the chair in the absence ot Mayor R. C. Seagrave, sup gested that the matter of provi- sion for parking was ot a major consideration. dent parking apaca and that it was not in hoping with HI. neighbourhood. Weston and! was informed that a building permit had been issued by the building inspector became of I misinterpretation of the try-lav. The clerk told them that red- dents within 100 yards at the property should have been inv formed and given an opportunity to object before the permit wu issued because it wat a flank""; lot. ulwunmmmm - mum'ouumhom.lâ€"â€"â€"â€"_£_ STRAW HATS TOT T0 TEEN SHOP TODDLERS GOAT & MT SETS GOAT sns mats . Gun $16.96 . 51m tltai 9314.95 $16.95 , 4-6xat Friend at ttum $7.95 - $8.96 $10.95 - $11.95 $12.19 - $13.49 7-I2af tlil. l-Kill BLAZERS (Next Fox Theatre) COMPLETE SELECTION FINEST QUALITY LORNE AND LORRAINE RITCHIE ' COATS Sizes 2 - 3x 7 - 12 Range $18.95 95 - $11.95 " - $13.49 $14.95 $2.98 I i it?“ eoteerlunt elm, tr .... "Aid ( ms H mun! non: " woos: no. 1111 " can; no. 4143 I. 48 CH“. GOAGH TI GHEV. SEDAN EXAMPLE - AllnltirSmttlt'tngrr A g]! Tank of Gasoline EXA PLE-. _ nk New Battery nk Mat Money-Back Guarinlee - " nk Low (MAC Bales nk Present tar As Part Pamela] nk Thoroughly Reconditioned nlr New Tires * 90 Day Warranty nlr nynamomeler Tested Cadillac, Chem“, Ohft Cher _ - . MO'I‘Olli “ll". You eaii be sure with a n GOLD SEAL Specially Selected Used Car Ainsworth's O.K. Used Cars carry a 90-day warranty as recommended by General M0900. Ainsworth's O.K. Used Cars are carefully roe conditioned in our shop by factory trained mechanics. Airtswotth's O.K. Used, Cars are specially sel- ected by motor car people with over " your: used car experience. ' _ Open Ewing: UnttNtt - "tit pin. Smart 2-Tone blue finish and wall and for interior ft? give it that new look. hallo†tires and A-1 mechanical condition. It is equipped with a radio too. ttttli Gleaming black aid "chm finish. Tim on good_cnd mechgnicolly it is excellent m- Beautiful light blue finish attd.immoeokrte interior. This is a car of which you can be truly proud. For the utmost in comfort and, economy don't miss this buy - s 49 Ainsworth Gold Sgul used can corry our written warranty for 90 days or 4,000 miles To give an accurale analysis of the mechani- cal condition under all driving eonditiom. Gold Seal‘ Cars are equipped with four (4) brand new tires carrying a tire manufac- turer's full warranty _ Ainsworth Gold Seal used can are oquippod- with a brand new Battery carrying the mem. ufereturer's full warranty Ainsworth Gold Seal Cart are _ thoroughly reconditioned by fucfory trained mechanic: Ell. COACH 2l1, AMI-1K" fry Af , outettet.trN, â€fang/3M / 1771 St. Clair I. M. 4143 - 4144 (dust ion of Old Wooten Id.) WEST END BRANCH