EEK] Mrs. Housewife! I. than inn-- “with“ In dun-in. Chan- M Satin Finish will - cab-m the lunar-nu of your hom- cnd I“. tho fiat-Mn. huh In your Swing (longing . ... Cull U: 1-day. 217 Lambton Ave. (Mt. Dennis) IIIGIIEI. CHROME FINISHED At A Very Nominal Cost UNITED ELEGTRO " PLATERS [I heading.“ their new hm In ANT, ing to iunduwlytluy was: Lr,N, mocking the now My mic-aw _ . . , ie Gar Woitd Held-3 Unit. I'tt Eil Itat on Wood? 30cm lit-sigh is ma home‘owun know that (or . Very .. N , h adding MI, in 11:3?qu 2h': ' f - cu y I om y - . , - IN: boning unit with I {any _ IE' W sanding reputation to: "cient, ', , , E .cooomical performance. apecify gg "N - FJ: Gar Wood when you bail your It ' IE - home or modernize your W,'. B ' B not home. You an select 1 our ' 4" cad-Air: Unit (oil-bred '."Ci " ' ' ) on Boiler . In!“ in (when. ' . 102 Main St. South cu. 1-9139 .7____,_- _- . c-tt - ont: District’s alum-um mum qqq auatue,- ... The Canadign _Bank of Commerce A GNAT olighted on one of the home of I Bull, and remained sitting there for a conridemble time. When it had rested 'ufficientl: and waa about to fly away. it said to the Bull. "Do you mind if I In now?" The Bull merely rained his eyea and remarked. without imam. "WI all one to me; I didn't notice iehen you can". Ind I chon't know when you go away." Ml! A â€non of substance isn't “ally bothered by man. That'a why no many aubatantial eman- from not! - maintain uvlnga accounts with Tho .1 4 Canadian M of Commerce. Why not follow their axamplo? Opal a aavlnga account with our neoraat branch today . . . add to it â€My . m . and as your balance newt, you, too, win be INC to - mu. worrha and enjoy life more. In , mt f UV r t The Gnat and the Bull DID You KNOW? . . . THAT You BAH HAVE 'ttTC- BATHROOM TAPS A FIXTURES umGiIATOI and STOVE RACKS HOUSING“) HARDWARE DOOR KNOB and MITAI. SWITCH PLATES MOTOR CAR ACCESSORIES And A Host of otur Moms ' an). ism: a INSURANCE " MAIN St. NORM. westou . CH. t.064 tttttMI - W. Mill-0.1954 "'t p... , row ' Wells l "m“ Humans: Service JU. 7213 TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF EASTER This year the month of April brings more than the tradi- tional showers and April Fool's Day. With it comes Easter and for Junior the Easter bunny, tor Mother the Easter bonnet and for Pop the Easter bills! For the Times ind Guide office. however, it's a face-lifting and a new -Easter suit ttf pale green walls with gray matching woodwork accessories! IAIIWILL MAICI WINDS. WE HOPE! PAR TY-LINE This columnist felt somewhat like I March tool, fish or gowk last week when her story about the Fascione Hair Stylists appeared in print. Either the printers were playing a premature fool trick or they became so intrigued with the description of the fantasy hairdo created by Miss June Tarrant that they decided to attempt a little fantasy themselves. The result? Instead of the description of the Cocktail Coit reading that the red cherry was ingeniously fashioned from a ball of cotton batting dipped in liquid rouge, there in black type lay the awful words---" I red cherry ingeniously fashioned from a blonde model!!! Ingenious is right. Al Capp may have his comic strip gourmets boil down the rare "Harm mus Alabamus" to I single drop but as versatile as the Fascione Hair Stylists may be I'm sure their flights of fancy would not reach this tar. Apologies to Miss June Tarrant. FANTASY A LA CARTE OUT OF SEASON Perhaps there are more April fool tricks played out of season than men)! or us suspect. A.sixteerryear-old discovered this fact the hard way not long ago while visiting with her latest beau and his parents. While they were watching TV, Doug's father left the room and returned with tour glasses of ginger ale. Joan was about to take a sip when she noticed a fly in the glass but not wishing to be rude she didn't know what to do. Finally she managed to whisper to Doug, who in turn told his mother. This good lady looked rather embar- rased but only remarked, "Oh yes, it does look like a tly, doesn't it? " ' "Drink it down, it won't hurt you," was the iather's com- ment and thoroughly mortified, the teenager managed to empty the glass. There " the bottom lay the fly, buzzing'. Ultimately the truth came out, Doug's father admitted he had bought the "ily", at a trick store in Buffalo the previous weekend. As for Joan, she's sworn oft, gingerale for good! As Easter approaches let us not get so caught up in the frivolities of Easter eggs, banners, clothes and holidays that we ignore the religious significance of Easter tihse. Just as April's name represents the opening buds in nature, so it is fitting that it brings Easter, with its ageoid message of the opening of a broader new lite. WF""- ‘WRINGER ROLLS FOR Al.l. WASHERS ' by CAROLYN ARMSTRONG A gush of bird song, a putter ot A cloud and a rainbow'l warn- ittg, Suddenly :1"me and perfect blue-- o I . An April dag in the morning. 490mm AT YOUR SERVICE vmmnmu can“ ttiltt8E8 (WESTON POLICE DEPT.) CH. 1-3511 . 36 Main St. 5. CH. 1-1112 "-9 t Grownup ladies may be worrying about whether the Italian Cut is staying in or going out but that problem doesn’t concern pretty little, Marilyn Eadie. Three-year-old Marilyn lives with her mummy and daddy on a farm at Kleinburg. Her baby-blonde trenes and sparkling eyes make Miss Marilyn the envy of the younger sot who want to look their best for Mr. Easter Bunny. And she's a special guest of the Times and Guide in the Kiddies' Karner this week. (Continued from page 1) , The Weston fire department tattled the stubborn blaze for ineariy two hours before bring- jng the fire under control. All their lengths of hose had to be used in the tight and Weston and North York police had tol block off traffic on Jane Street during the blaze which could bel een for a long distance. . Many of the sevqn men who! rented the house, some of whom had only come over from Italy less than two years ago, lost all their possessions. Guytono Zan- ata, who was in a movie show; at the time of the fire, was re- ported to have lost all his posses-) sions including $300 in cash, irr the blaze. PRESENT TRAVELOGUE Group six of the Central) United WA is presenting the three-dimensional colour "Toll" travelogue, ot the family's 22,000 mile trailer trip: Gaspe to the Rockies and California to Cuba in the church, April 5th. En- titled "C a r a v a n-house on wheels,' the film is the story of a trailer trip made by LeRoy Toll, his wife Hildegarde and their two children -e Wendy, 9, and Brian, 6. "60" out GAMES NIGHT The regular monthly meetingi of the "60" Club was held in the Activity Centre on Fridayl evening, March 26, with M Gr/f/ hers present. After a short) business meeting, euchre, crib-l bage and bingo were enjoyed and tea and cakes served. 'lfi'n7 portation was provided by thel John Countryman Chapter IODE.‘ The lady members of the "60"l Club hold a sewing meeting and, tea every Thursday afternoon itr, the Activity Centre of the Recre- ation Commission and anyone interested is cordially invited to attend. _ Weston minstrel group hold practices each Wednesday even- ing in the Town Hall Auditor- ;ium, finishing off with an intor- ‘lmal sing song and refreshments (in the Recreation Commission [Activity Centre. This group is (planning a number of out of (town engagements. Fire Department MINSTREL PRACTICES Over 100 devotees of the Square Dance turned out at Memorial school last Friday evening. The final Gala Hoc- down for the season will take place on Friday, April 9 at Mem- orial School, with Master Caller Stan Keyes and his Weston Ram- blers Orchestra providing the music. FINAL HOEDOWN The WA. and W.M.S. of West- minster United church are spon- soring a rummage sale on Satur- day, April 3rd in the church on William St. SPONSOR RUMMAGE SALE The John Countryman Chap- In. 10 D.E. is holding a Home Bake Sale in Central United church, Main St.. Weston, on Saturday, April 3rd. HOME BAKE SALE FINISH GARMENTS The regular monthly meeting of the Weston Branch ot the Gmnfell Association was held at the home of Mrf. J. Bagnell/ 130 Rosvmount Ave, on Friday,) March Mth.. Several garments' were finished for bale. The ntsxt 'mFyittrrik will be held at the home of Mrs. D. Newton, 43 Queen's Drive on Friday, April 23rd. V BROOKHAVEN DANCE The Brookhaven Home and School Association held their annual Euchre and Dance on Friday, March 19th at the Brook- hnvnn sohonln Everyone had a good time with Art Dobson and LOCAL NEWS We “mum" IR “gain“ and 'trrus'tr "a mum Iprm- nut-mun "Dull". mun-M Jikr m". Finrst “mum-"IMP. "rgredq' - Kldrr mm" "nun-l. ONVAMO BIDDING CO MARSHALL AND BEAUTYREST m a 1M: Presbyterian W. Plans Spring Tea The March meeting of the Weston Presbyterian c h u r c h Womens' Association was held Tuesday evening March 23rd in Creelman Hall. In the absence of Mrs. C. Ste-l phens, Mrs. G. Gunn presided) The meeting opened with hymnl 571, followed with devotions try) Mrs. N. Calhoun. Many businesgl items were discussed, and it was planned to hold a rummage sale during April in Creelman Halt and a Spring Tea and Bak- ing Sale in May. The meeting (closed with the Mizpah benedie- tion, and lunch was served by Mrs. Steadman, Mrs. Leiper and (Mrs. Foreman. his orchestra playing for the' dancing and among those square dancing were quite a few of the Grade 8 pupils - Mri. Marian Tucker convened the dance, while Mrs. Ruby 01- son convened the cuchre. Prize winners in the Euchre, included: Lad's lst ---- Mrs. Me-) Lean, 2nd - Mrs. Dunn, const"; lation -- Mary Gray. Men's lstk -- Alex NcLean, 2nd - W. Am- ara, consolation - Mr. Law-1 rence. ' . l l Spot dance winners were: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webdon, Mr. land Mrs, George Holmes, Mr. land Mrs. Grant Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawrence, Mrs. Kay Fell and Mr. William Dean. Dennis Hitchings won the bal- loon dance prize while door lprizos were won by Mrs. J. G. \Murphy, Mr. S. Stittle, Mr, Deer- 'iing, Mrs. Bevis and Mrs. Noonan. 4 Boyd Ave. Selina B. Slovoll AUIOMOIILE FINANCE SERVICE Camplue Insurnnu Courage Gen-rel Agent EH: 4.6305 Kitchoni and Sediment "modelled. Have Your Beam-um or Attie Turned Into a Inning Proposition. ' / . . . fl“ ESTIMATES . PHONE CH. 1-3225 . Call MU. 2911 Fa'scione Academy of .Advanced Hair Design By Popular Demand MARTINDALE Lona: Thou opinion on all roam-"d Halidnuon and the plrmnal supervlsion of Johnny Faulone. Created , Just For YOu MIKEY In“. CONSTRUCTION A Hairstyle Because you’re different from any other woman . _ _ because your hairstyle must be suited to the contours of your face, as We“ as to your personality and, cesiume . . . we believe you must have an individual hairstyle, And that is why we design each one with special care. t 1101 WESTON ROAD (Opposite Salimtitsn Army) -ott BRANCH STORE - Mam’selle Hair Style Salon 346 vjisiiiN' iii, MU. 6508 To Ladies of Weston Fascione Hair Stylists Complete New Halr-Styllng and Shaping at--tL00 q Alblon Road - Weston low Saving Hm Links Monday to Friday Information Phone CH. 1-214] Buffet - Sandwiches Home Cooked Meals FOR THE LATEST IN HAIR STYLING, CALL MURRAY 1332 FOR DETAILS AND APPOINTMENTS the work will bo under