l A ILAURA SECORD'S 8 Miss Claire Wavvick, 49 Pelmb Crescent, and Miss Virginia Savers of Toronto, left an the Queen Mary, on Wednesday, April 28th for a two montha' tour of Europe. Many local residents were in mtendzmee at the opening of the new Regent Service Station at June and Pelmo Crescent. This service station with its new The Pelmo Park Ratepayers' Championship Trophy was won by the Friday Niters League. Congratulations to the team and members, "RASCALS", captain- ed by Mickey McColman. The many friends of Howard Bannister will be sorry to hear be is on the sick list again and underwent an operation on Wed- nesday, at the Humber Memorial hospital, and will be confined there for at least a week. We all wish him a .speedy recovery. On Monday, April 26th at thé Weston Bowling Lanes, tho Pelmo Park Bowling League won the Toronto and District Home League Mixed Championships. This team representing Pelmo Park: Tuffy Zidner, Mary White,, Gordon Naylor, Mary Annis, Mickey McColman, Audrey Nay- lor were presented with a lovely trophy donated by Weston Bowl- ing Lanes, and each "(ember was presented with gold lapel pins. PERSONALS laws/or sum Winners 9f the Friday Nite League were TRY HARDS (Capt., Jack Hussey). Consola- tion Prize Winners were SEXIES (Capt., Gard. Naylor). _ May 1st (trout season open‘ed). appeared to be elem-up day in the gardens uound Pelmo Put} the buck ience'expem had I chance to trade views and T,,) ions while leaning on their‘ rakes: We understand our Perks) Board has made elaborate plan; for this coming season. This will be in conjunction with the newly) established Parks Department in the Township of North York. GALA OPENING BOWLING NEWS . Pol-o Park Palm - Pelmo Bark Putter - Md. h.ead p" "" STORE Free Delivery to Weston a Dlstrlcts 43 MAIN " it. [ ' OH. Hill TOILETBIES . PERFUMES . POWDEBS At Our Cosmetlc Counter 1 lb. . $1.16. Special 2 lb. Box $2.25 Many Gift Suggestions At Our Gift Counter nouns MOTHER’S DAY CARDS AT INOH’S Give Her a Box of. .. INCH’S l, Membership tee. tor I'M-55 A queltion and answer period till, be received by Mrs. Asrgr followed which was very inter- Young at this meeting. eating. Here are samples of the. 3 Remember, the Fair is getting questions asked: Are you going close - Saturday. June, 5th. Are to retire this year? Who will your entries nearly ready? Knit- take over as Captain? How ting, sewing. smacking. bolting, many gals have you scored? etc. Remind the children about HIV! aple Leafs won the lhe contest for the best dressed Manley Cup more times thar ‘cowboy and cowgirh also best any other team? How many decorated bicycle, tricycle. doll time: have you been on the carriage, etc. Stanley Cup team? How many There will-be ppny ride]. a goals have you scared? How midway, pop and hot dogs, and much do you get paid per game? a tearoom for the ladies. Entries How often do you get paid? to be at the school Friday, June Where do you live? Will you 4th, 7 to 9 p.m. Baking " the sign autographs When Teeder school Saturday morning by 9.80 llld he would sign a few, I sues: am. We hope to see a good turn- he didn't think he would be out at this meeting because we busy slanlng autographs for .11 need your support. the boys and girls thefe, whe . . . practically started to line up “Mus 4mm" n... nvm din-ma: right “my. Hook wished them the best at; Mr. Kennedy also drew atten- success on behalf of the residents tlon to the fact that education 'iot this community. is 6ne of the most important l o o o things in life. In this he included lPErmo PARK BATEPAYEBS’ spiritual education. Sunday WOMEN'S AUXILIARY "ttdot tmining gives a boy I Monday, May mm " 8 p.m. in (god background which stands the Pelmo Park school, is the him in good stead whether in regular meeting of the Women's business Pf sports, later in life. Auxiliary. Our guest will be The children were advis_ed to Mrs. Rennick. She will show “I eat Plenty .ot good nourishing how to make accessories that food, as bodies are like a power will be ot interest to the ladle. .Nant,.ro.od toad in necessary to and also for 'selling at our Spring keep it tn Pp shupemPlenty of Pair. rent is essential also. _ Dont forget the Gym (Blane: every Tuesday, at Tat) pan. in the Pelmo Park school. modernistie design adds I great deal to the entrance to thin com- ‘munity. Deputy-Reeve Maurice (Hook wished them the best of success on behalf of the residents ot this community. Bob Clocking, director of the Junior Span: Club, introduced Mr. James wax", Councillor, who in ngying In active put Children sump mmhrr' At a. (m Sports Night» Beverloy H1115: The Bevakyon Hill: Minnie AucchMon mono Yo sored I Ivor“ 1'fttl,,"r tum to bullplayun, April ' Fat. in th Tumplne Street School. Puma In were shown about how t boy w. playing ball on a until“ event- Ke tally may be qrotted by mu the and you to I trig In.“ tumult J, tum in Florida. Many tips were " given in the ttim, on “My" stealing," sliding on hues to Co avoid injury, and various tech- his niques o! pitehing, _ tN In 8 lactations on Record of Performance test Katie produced a total of 116,887 lbs. milk cons taining 4,90trlbs. fat average test 4.21% buttertat. She was ml1kedi twice daily throughout. 1 I A Red Seal Certificate of Longtime production has been awarded by The Holstein-Fries- ian Association of Canada to Bruce W. Naylor, Weston in recognition of the outstanding lifetime production of his cow, Grandview Katie Texal. i Katie was bred by W. E. Wat- son, Woodbridge, Ontario. [Weston Holstein Wins Award For Milk Production There have been seven beau- tiful trophies donated for this softball league, and they were on djlplay. l on N “atâ€. ot the North York comm been». After e ttwtyordrtotlteFndgirts Mr. Weller Inked them it they knew who the guest weaken wu. When they yelled ".et't Kennedy." that was the end of the introduction. _ ,Teeder aid this welcomo out-1 did the one he received last} week in his hometown of Port Cpiborne. “Sportsmpnahip†wu his tofu, and he pointedlout‘ the " u- ol team work and cod opention as being absolutely "anti-l for a winning .team, Don't try to get all the glory yourself. When you are in the field play hard, but by the rules. Winning a game isn't a thrill and a pleasure, it you had to chest to win, . WARDLAW BROS. '1Nilmllillliilll) BOND NEW Heating Guarantee Oniy Mend-Air has the Coleman Comfort Bond BACKS EACH- SUMM‘ER COOLING can be added when you Are EASY To INSTALL with {HQ-inch air tubes that fit my home. A SfACE SAVER with compact furnace in basement, MW KIND OF COMFORT with Coleman Blend- closet or utility room, Air and exclusive Magic 'lenders, m mun 8T. sum tlil. 1-4139 SYSTEM _ (Continued from Page 2) tion of next-ion', committee took' place, presided over by Mrs. C. J. Lynch. The present committee was complimented) on their work by Mr. G. Anglin) and it was decided by the mem- bers to ask the present com- mittee to stand for other year, which was J'ried't'l1',eif mously. Two new members were elected - Mr. C. E. Con- roy and Mr. C. E. Grosskurth. Authority was Ilsa given the committee to add to their num- ber‘ls they see fit. The names of the committee for the 1954-55 session are as follows: Mrs. A. Ysselstyn; Mr. H. M. Boyd; R. Stna1lrnan-Tew; Mrs. W. Inch; Mrs. G. Gillespie; Mr. C. ll Con- ‘roy and Mr. C. E. Grosskurth.‘ .This is another programme of the Arts & CrMts Committee of the Weston Rec. Comm., of which Mrs. C. J. Lynch is con- vener. After the meeting, tea was served. Mrs, R. C. Seagrave poured, assisted by Mrs. C. E. Grosskurth. Little Nancy Heustis, 27 Sun- Bet Rd. In much better after hav- her tomlh.nmovod last week. . Friend: Ind neukhbours are sorry to hut Fran Silthrope is Ary ill. We all wish him a speedy recovery. Capture Character book in tho Ham combat. lt we hive others in our dirtriqt rho'hnve been which why not bt u know their name; no that) they can be pubmned in am: Terry Adwu had a seventh birthday party, uvcnl of " playmates helped him eel-huh on Sunday. A good time of unu- and refreshment. were' injoyod by all. Baum In Maannd Scull spent her Barter Holidays with her grand- mn, Mrs. Johnston at Thornton. Jacqueline' Bracken had an. candle on her birthday cake on Sunday April Mth. The cell- brnion wu enjoyed " the home of her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. J. Punch, 10! Emu Ave. ‘The 168 Brownie Puck of Maple Leaf district will hold I mother-daughter banquet on Friday, May Tth, 6.30. Friend: and Father: no cordiully in- vited to attend the “Flying Up" ceremony which will take place about 8 o'clock. Elveraton Park United church observed its Mth tn't,t."g. last Sunday morning, Re. G. Lena took as his sermon, "The Challenge of the Church." Miss Heather Hastings took. the solo part of the choir anthem, "I was Glad." The tsolo, "The Lord is My Light" was beautifully ren- Corigntulntiohs to Mr. Ind Mrs. John Atkinson, " Burrow: tthe arrivql of daughter. Maple Leaf Scout- and Guides are holding I church parade on Sunday, May 2nd. Rev. Geo. Wilson of North Park Pro-by- terian will be the Ipeakor. Others to take part in the Mt- vice will be Mr. Lumber and Rev. G. Laue. Service! will he held in Cornelius Ichocl " 3 o'elock. . Grosskurth. given the their num- The names the 1954-55 due! by W. and. In. J. new pram!“ the crunch with to Communion table, I gift at In: tattser, Mr. J. Vain In "ririg wary of her moths. m (but have been voty lot- tunate tn new more Mr [om Thu- vm Mam _ A vary! my shower was held in honour of In; Mary Polka on Thursday, April am, at the Mine ot In. Keith Ciark,: In,» but Dr. mu Polk- will become the bride .01 Mr. D." Huang on June 12th. The men ot Elverston Park United church conducted the Sunday morning service. Mr. Gordon Mount in charge, in. Sun Belle assisting, Mr. Baden of Willowdnle the guest meal". Mr. Fred Bell rendered a .010. Mr. P. Weeks, Mr. Norman, Mr. J. Brown, and Mr. P. Bell took part in the quartet. Sunday was a perfect day. The Browning, Guides, Cubs and Scouts paraded to Maple Leaf School. Rev. Goo. Wilson took the service tassisted by Mr. lethl-md Itev. G. Legge. Friday night was I big event for Riverside Men's cl b. It was ladies night to 8 mpg“ held in the church. After the lovely supper. a film, "A Queen is Crowned" was enjoyed by all. Friend: ask . "iteiiihb%'ri'" ex- tend their lympathy to Mr. 13-77 "All " I. (Int To Post Win) ROSS 'S'I'O A lawful gm hr "my Mar. thte of - gully VIM-d Apron. run and he" 'tries. Mum! "In". Prku JUST LOOK AT THESE . GIFT SUGGESTIONS OF VERY SPECIAL INTEREST! ___-_. SWEATERS 'l ladies’ Cotton, Nylon and Crepe, slips, Eyelet and lace trim. Sins 32.46. Price: $1.98 - $8.98 APROIS SUMMER-STYLED FOR COMFORT SLIPS wry m 590 in 'r,'. sue mumu Linton“- vuaxmnuuammm£-w.mgfl ie Pf, M In. In. . “a _ ,3 wining» 2'S,T' a 1tliiiii'i' 'rt.', ' i!ii';iij5,i than. "r'"? mm l‘m- IA tttttttl/lil) Cm to “1...“! 'dStu,t1B'uhta, The our - hon-dun In .umuoln â€Immulvylcl 1. wit Navy, Ilacl, PINK, Iluo, high. a1,',',1, and White. “In 6% - Th. Prion V T ' $1.00 - $2.69 ludlu' Nylon and Fabric Glenn in the new." wring thud". long and the" nylol. Colon": Ind, Nyvyd IlmlI Plrnl, Mun, Icing, Hand MttfOtt “or-velar Haun- CO." in Floral and Pailloy do- uigm. So only M lam-d", In the be": and Ilppovod "ries. Alwuyl a mo" volume tttft. In an“ " . M. . $1.98 . $8.98 all 't"ii'ii"1iin bodies' Broadcloth and Seersucker Py- iamas, tailored and mandarin style, short sleeves. Sizes 12-20. Price ludiu’ gowns in cotton, socrwcker, nylon, and rayon, lace and nylon trim. Colours Pink, Blue, Yellow, Black, Red, White. Sizer S.M.L. and ou. Prices GLOVES So. our wide rang. of ladlu' harbor and Plot.. tle handbags. my!» to um mryom's font. Colours Black, Navy, lad, Ton, Brown and Burnt Whom. Prku The new orlon classic pullover: and sweaters, so silky soft, keeps perfect shape, in panel shades. Sizes 34-40 HOUSEDRESSES HIGHTGOWIS HOUSECOATS .5238 to $4.98 $1.98 to $14.98 PYJAMAS $2.98 to $13.98 HANDBAGS [illlllGElIirii"ii"t' DOWN bvysamw 'uw-ttto winch-mum 01ml]!- Nyhn frordtimmronlrd 1‘dequ 'trglltt,g"gitx.'.1Q PLUS» to21 more mil-p, duo to unu- in‘nu Nubian! trt-dar. We van was; aid The boom can." Dunn, Hod (or My nonunion. In a VI. "r. 'ft of nylu and colon". Illa Skim In maigM, Mound and "and nylon. In Rayon mixtures. (in. "Mindy Holinda doth and hard-wearing “herding. A var- " " “In". "In 1.44. ladin’ Pun Sill Chm-n and Nylcn Scam: In "on I...» 'rterdte and dulgm. (khan: Navy, "d, Memo, "traw, Omn, any, Plnl, 'hm and WM". $0.98 In $10.98 85-98 lo $12.98 m-Gdlfn by martian COTTON DRESSES m In 84.0! SCARVES SKIRTS CARDIGANS PULLOVERS $6.95 $3.95 A!" the ma: am for Mom... 2 Pr. SI G. - " Denier, in effrudivn plank box. Prie- Nylon Pack Ladies’ Nylon Hose in the very newest spring shades. Popular Brand Names, Whisper, Orient, Holoproof. ll 0. - " Dari" " G. - " Bonin- " a. - " Dull" HOSIERY and sfylou, sleeveless, than about, three-quad" slow.- 0nd long. Slum 12 -44. Conen‘Blouus alwayn unn- Dial. The inn of imam? to OVOPY frrshioo-canscious Wam- an. In many umudivc M005 lmuium‘ BLOUSES $1.29 . $1.50 $1.39 . $1.75 $1.95 pr. " mist