LARGE FREE PARKING AREA FOR OUR CUSTOMERS . 130 ttfam " SOUTH l - " g 1.“. , 'o WESTON 1'-iii-i'ii-'iiiiiiii5iii,iik l CllEIlITDETETi I. “I! AND 'ar-- "TIE YOIONTO MUMâ€? wart" â€Elma NEXT WEEK TINY TOTS clothes Cupboard "ttUANtt â€I.“ in 60 vtrrittti.s oUase ELM W'; $3.00 per "o. "r quality bushy plants freshly dug. Rod Barborry 20e PytyrPrtdol wreath, very heavy 40c no. 8 shrubs 3' to 4' "can: cu. "Mo-ru" I.†Chip: on on d town “In. “35:4 lvorgruns, 2 golaon privah and 6 perennials for $10.00. Cow menu. and peat moss 50c bushel.. WE DELIVER - OPEN THIS WEEK‘END WWW AVE. MT. DINNIS MUIIAV .701 Anytime Day or Night th. 2161 HOLIDAY ,,//i/i' 175 OSSINGTON AVE. TORONTO . PHONE u. 2161 “Quality Clothing for Children" BE COMFORTABLE THIS WINTER BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. use. NHL, the fastest ' My league in Om V HUM-ER NURSERIES rum Now 1898 Jane Street IJLL Weston STORM SASH NOW! And Save STOP UNNECESSARY DRAFTS LOWER YOUR FUEL COSTS Jam lnh ot Senatorium goo") _ t't'u,ietg,ttieAi2it,'ii" P". ""rCrrr""' u c a (a: 'iii';;;,";;;";,;',)':;)-" Village Atid,, tha md and third mind Ah . V BUILD BETTER . . . BUY BEAVER LUMBER & BUILDERS SUPPLIES TIME PAYMENT PLAN boys, "weanling six ot “a town: in Link NHL will - hur on the programing Ind the mm will be unused in co- operation with Gordon Alcott, president ot the Little NHL tha-6amttttirdg-iodut Order Your A SERVICE OF THE ASK ABOUT OUR "WS6 - TL 543 [Elf] SURROUND“ 120000 TWO" Mrs. H. Parr. St. George's Blvd.,, was hostess on Tuesday evening. w h e n friends a n all neighbours gathered for a stark; {shower in honour ot Mrs. F, frl (Martin. After the many pretty) ""'"""""'"".3....ttr" , The Sitch and Chat group met for the first time this season at the home of Mrs. W. McLean, Kingsview Blvd., on Monday evening, October 4th. The ladies are sorry to lose one of their number, Mrs. Robert Wensley, who is moving this week to Nobleton. Ont. A farewell par- ty was held last night in her honour when the group met tor dinner and a movie downtown. Best wishes are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Wensley for much haw piness in their new home. The next regular, meeting will be held on Wednesday evening, October 20th. To ensure a successful elec- tion, it is desirable to have fun ther nominations, and residents are urged to send their nomim ations to the secretary, Mr. Peter Austin, 8 St. George's Blvd. Mr. L Beadle, Mr. W. Thorn- ton, Mr. W. Collins, Mr. L Cut- ler, Mr. A. Menzies, Mrs. W. Thornton, Mrs. J. Fowles, Mr. G. Cranston, Mr. N. Wilson, Mrs. D. Ridler. mum.- Vllh‘e: At the an; were owned. In. Patr September meeting ot he King» served o delicious lunch. view Village Community Mo Sincere good willie: for o elation, held in Humber Heights speedy recovery are extended to wheel. on Wednesday evening, Mr. Ron Barley, Principal at September 23nd, the following Fall-haven School. who has been nominations were made tor the ill with pneumonia. new executive: no... u... Young fellow, are you consider. ing taking the plunge into matri, many? ICs a wonderful Itep. isn't it, but I'll bet you're smart enough to realize that it brings its share of responsibilities. Sure you are. and you’re concerned about the future too. Your ex' [tenses are heavy and you're anxious to make 'a little go a long way.' You‘re alter bargains, but wine bargains, and in more important than ever that you be gun the best available counsel. ou see. if you'rejeti' on the right track when you’re young, you an face the future for your- self and your wife with every confidence. There are many types of insurance plant and my great company, the Sun Life of Cana- da, has the one best suited [0 your needs and your Pocketbook. Itttttt'ittttttttt New ttttham, I'd sure like the privilege of having a chat with you - at no obligation to "you, of course. Remember, you can pay no greater tribute to your new bride than to insure your life and her future against all possible even- tualities. J/el/o Tkere! Gordon Alcott SUN LIFE OF CANADA 7 Cypress St. ts 18 24 24 CH. 1-6584 Personal: 21 .75 30.70 38.00 57.00 le built, is overcrowded, due to ‘the new building development iwhich has just gone up. There iwere sugges ions that council ,3 should forstai any large build- (ing developm nts until scho l) have been b ilt to accomm§f date the increase in pupils but council has replied that it can not hold up construction on this :acteount. Central community ,council has sent a representa- , tive who explained a plan they; have for changing the repre- sentation so that each district would have a member on the council. A meeting was to have been held regarding this matter and that of forcing a plebescite A questionaire had been sent out to the surrounding district to determine whether people were in favour of the associa- tion continuing their bulletin on this at the next election. A member of the association was delegated to attend this meet- ing. Complaints were also heard regarding the matter of paving the roads on Calvington. At the time of the meeting. no thing had been done and work was supposed to have started at least by the 27th. ( son, Mr. and Mrs. R. Woman, I and many others, and these were 'later forwarded to the Scott Mission, in downtown Toronto. '; We are very pleased to report 'that Paul Welch, infant son of _ Rev. and Mrs. Walter H. Welch, i of Braywin Drive, has recovered (trom his serious illness, and is i now home from the hospital. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowan are ' guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ridler, '. Kingsview Blvd., until the com- pletion of their new home on ', York Road. Mrs. Cowan is Mrs. I . F .,' Ridler's sister. .’ News From St. A w: " St. Andrew's Presby rian church, a very pretty c rch " ' any time, was beautifully and ' impressively decanted tor the ‘Thanksgiving services'last Sun- (day, with displays of flowers, fruits, vegetables, and autumn Ileaves, and much credit is due {the tour ladies of the congrega- . tion responsible tor the project: l Miss Jessie Masters, Mrs. W. Ash. itsee, Mrs. J. Cowman, and Mrs.; ES. Milne. Fruits and vegetables (were donated by Mr. C9394 teimossrrr," Mr: “ma ‘Mr‘s."'F. Marri- RAEEPAYERS ' The last meeting of the Downsview Ratepayers was held on Tuesday, September let at Downsview school on Keele St. The matter of developing Rotit" ing schoolgrounds and adjoin- property as a park-lands was discussed. We understand that the Recreation Commission has funds available to contribute to this venture, and also that no, other site is available. The gen- eral feeling was in favour orr going ahead with this project.) There were several complaints thet A Ewing. schaal.uusty, recent-l at present student-minister of Mount Pleasant and Knox churches. Brantford, will be the guest preacher at both services. Next Sunday, October 17th, Mr. Gerald Coyle, a member ot St. Andrew's congregation and MRS. t. mfarrmruNaroN on. 1.02m \ led Feather Gun-en During the current Red Feath- er drive, Kingsview Village was canvassed by the following vol- unteers: Mrs. J. Cowan, Mrs. D. Ridler. Mrs. W. A. Tyrrell, Mrs. W. McLean, Mrs, C. Edwards, Mrs. C Bryant. Mrs. R. Coates, Mrs. H. K. Wilson, Mrs. Geo. Lorimer. If you have not al- ready made your contribution, any of these ladies will be pleased to accept it, and forward to their captain. . ' 100% LATEX SELECTONE SATIN 1786 Jone St. on. BURNER SALES a SERVICE "no and Walk“ St. l not... no and 4304-4 Shoo Put. A very welcome improvement on Islington Avenue in the new stone path, extending from Dix. on Road to St. George's Bled., on the west side of the highway. mm 5n. mm ans. t. " ATHEMNGTU) Tho Ndw Scrubbcblo Wall Finish log. $2.20 Gal. On Sale for $5.91 Gal. $1.75 at All THE lATEST DECORATOI SHADES ALTON MARINE RAY snotnsns Oil Heating I " conditioning WOODIRIDGI school Life-boys\(a club of boys) plan to start their meetings at; the church on Thursday, Octo-l, ber 14th. Mr. Kinney is in! charge of the group. , Maple Loaf Cub Mothers Auxiliary are holding their first meeting of the season on Wed., October 13th, at Maple Leaf Mr. Baxter. formerly of Drummoral, Ireland, was guest speaker at both morning and evening services of Downsview Baptist church on Thanksgiving Sunday. \ Mr. and Mrs. Ted Tasher and children visited with the Postill family over the Thanksgiving week-end. in October. Fisherman's luckI wasn't with them and they and: ed up in having to get their fish in the store. i -K'éFiW"'"'i'ifiif 'Win‘st'énrhisark. and i" will start when 90 per cent ot) the homes have installed letter; boxes. Everyone in these dis- tricts will shortly receive a, sheet of regulations in the mail‘ regarding this matter. l _ PERSONALS I Mr. Sam Kama was one of the group who went fishing on Lake Erie on the first week-end' Since the meeting, secretary Jim Coulter, received a letter advising that postal delivery has been authorized for Downs- view, Ihty.trlty.. 311,115.; Oakdale The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 19th, and election ot officers will be held. As yet there has not been a full slate of officers so it is hoped there will be a good turn- out at the next meeting. Appeals for the correction of errors or omissions to the Vot- ers' List must be in writing on the ' prescribed, forms and must be in the hands of the Clerk of the Township not later than No- vember Ist, 1954. and the results of this were 90 per cent in favour of continuing it. North York Voters Asked To Examine 1954 Voters List After that date, a copy of the Voter‘s List will be available at the Municipal Offices, 5145 Yonge Street; North York Me, morial Community Hall, 5090 Yonge Street; Lawrence Ave- nue and Yonge Street Fire Halls; Police Station, 5101 Yonge Street; Police Station, 56 Mattson Road, (Crang Plaza).. The 1954 Voter's' List for thd Township of North York will be printed and available for examination on Monday, Octo, her, 18th, 1954. , One of their group rendered two beautiful solos, and Mr. E. Chicetta gave the sermon speak- ing on John 4-11 "The Woman saith unto Him, sir, thou hast nothing to draw with and the well is deep: from whence then hast thou that living water," and John 7-37. and Jesus saith, "It any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink." _ An invitation is extended to boys and girls age 10 years and over to a social gathering " the church this Friday evening at 7:30. Miss Shirley Lewis, Mr. N. Barnes and Doug Fox will be on hand to conduct the do. ings of the evening. er. Bqughumt, who took a. his text .11 Thessalonians 2: 1-17. At Sunday School, Mr. Barnes brought out mother tlim And recordings of the radio nation in Bolivia. The film portrayed how the Gospel is spread through radio to the Spanish in Bolivia and to all who will lis- ten. The evening service was taken by the graduate group from the Toronto Bible College. Mr. Don Millford was spokes- man and the text was John 4-1-14. Gama les The morning service It Elm- le 83th chunk Wu Iaken by mLoll-a cl. pm week Ind underwent an our-don on " Inc. A neightsourly welcome in cm- tfndyd to, the new family on membrhhmlm trteitalotdme1ingmuettttet- Mi. , Jfhltetteath 3m. Ae., CH S73t :22. CHURCH, i 35 W,5G1 f I ii i'iMllllltilltii), i â€R ""'" tji'li_i)lil,i'l-a)lic",/',', tatt'iN . I "a r,,q-c8rr::i:li'r-'i.?, 'tliar--"-""", _ t 'iki'i'cl:i'il'l'i, if EL l fi-i-ii-li',--.':':))).,'.',':'-,)"',";"; I i 80†'-'-r- L", "is,iiiiii'i1'i1"i2ii. Ill-b' l Next Sunday will inaugurate 'a Visitation Evangelism Cam- paign in Toronto West Presby- tery and Central church will send out teams to visit those who have been connected with the church for many years, but who have never taken their stand, and their place beside their fellows by "going active." Preparations have been going on for months, but they will be brought to a focus on Sunday when Dr. H. H. McConnell of the United States will address all the visitors from the many churches in a mass meeting in High Park church at 3 p.m. Then Wednesday evening we iwill gather in Westminster, and, igo out two by two to bear ourl witness. We are hoping for a; ifine harvest for the Kingdom,), l and we hope every member will I Ipray for the success of our 1 workmanship. from heaven and fruitful sca- ons, filling our hearts with food and gladness." This is Paul's argument that "God has writ- ten a bit of Himself" in His (Continued on pagc 5p .The attendance, despite the rain, was very good and many new friends were welcomed both to the church school and church service. The sermon was based on Acts 14: 17, "Go' has not left Himself without witness in that He did good, and gave us min The evening worship will again be led by our Young Young Peoples' Union. They have secured Dr. Godfrey Gale, a member of our Session. and sometime missionary in China to be the speaker; and we know that the church will be well filled to hear Dr. Gale; he is an engaging speaker, and it is a privilege to sit before him. N. PARK PRESBYTERIAN The pulpit area was very col, orfully decorated for the Thanksgiving service last Sun- day, by some of the ladies of the church. They Vvorked dur, ing church school time, arrang- ing coloured leaves, fruit, and vegetables, making a fine dis. play. The Rev. Hall. McConnell, oil New York, will conduct a Visit-1 ation Evangelism Campaign tor 9 West Toronto Presbytery trom) ll Sunday, October 17th to Friday,; ll October 22nd. The meeting tor: 3 churches in this area will be' held in Westminster United; 7 church, Weston, on Wednesday,) October 20th. at 7:30 pm. lh' _ CENTRAL UNITED . It was a unique way of cele- brating Thanksgiving! The young married couples' group, the Co-Weds, provided the im, -- petus, when they decorated the TI church not only with the truitl of the orchard, garden and H field, but when they brought 3, the Thanksgiving mood closer 7 home to the city dwellers, and, ‘ placed upon the altar, a minia-l ture-refrigerator-tmd stmre,-arr e vev airplane, a roll of film to re-3 mind men of the blessing of their daily work, and its re-dam-em wards in daily bread. It seti our thoughts of gratitude into different channels, and we were all in their debt for their novel sacrifice. 7 4 1 There will be a meeting of the Session on Monday, October 18th at 8.00 p.m. On Sunday evening, October Mth, there will be a special service, which will he attended by the Senior Sunday school. The first meeting of a grqm for teen-agers will take place in the auditorium on Saturday, October 23rd at 8.00 o'clock in the evening. At morning worship. an Sun- day, October 11th, the Baer., mont att Baptiun will be teele- brated. At the evening mice, the Rev. James S. Mackenzie will deliver this third in the series at Addresses on Psychol- ogy and. Religion. This lddms is on the subject of Sublimation, and is entitled. "The Taming of the Beast." 1)C,12: - WW8!“ UNI!!!) at any branch of . . q THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE . NEWS _ietsi,trirl ell-ml! th St. David (A (,rseg" g? a 9.45 a.m. Sunday School - 9 years and ugh. 11:00 A.M.--"The Danger of Youth" Tl.00 o.m. Sunday School 2.9 years 7.00 ts.M.-'ike Taming of the Beast" MINISTER REV. G. E. WILSON, B.A. Cornelius Parkway Public School (corner of Cornelius Parkway and Russell Ave.) Welcomes you to Church School 10 mm. - Church ll a.m. North Park Presbyterian Church Thanksgiving'Sunday, Oct. IT, 1954 11.00 A.M.--Morning Worship 3.00 P.M. - Sunday School 7.00 P.M.-lnstaliatior, of B.Y.P.U. officers A Ttttr, is gpngiugtqc! during flu Mornan Worship! moo A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL " 11:00 A.M.-ttav. H. Surdivul: St. thid'; 3:00 P.M.-Children's Service-Children and Forum: 7:00 P.M.--Evening Service: £45 r.m.-rooh It“. Clan ":00 p.m.-ramliy Sunk, 3.00 School " 7.00 p.m.;Evomong and Sermon 8.00 A.M.-Holy. Communion ' PMS A.M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11.00 A.M.-Holy Communion and Junior Conqrogo'ion 7.00 P.M. Evonsong Rev. George A. Young, M.A. F.30 A.M.-Morning Service: Rev: Syrdival GENTRAL- UNITED CHURCH Note Parents -- Junior Church for tiny tots - ll a.m. Q.†o.m.-t%ly Communion §UNQAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1954 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17th, 1954 Westminster United Church WESTON BAPTIST CHINE" ST. PHILIP’S (0n the Mil Weston Presbyterian church of Palmerston, Ont. ‘Preochs: The Ruhr-Rev. W. Bum naming Kon Jay, B.A.Se. - Olga-M OCTOBER 17th. 11 A.M. 7 PM. PREACHER AT BOTH SERVICES You are eordafr' GviiLriiriitGdUraeG mm mum an..." f ,' uv. w. u. SUIDWML, u., LN., 'tau lawnm- Ave., Now Join SUNDAY, OCTOBER nrth, I954 CHURCH SCHOOLS 2-12 Petris?) 10.00 am. 6-12 years at 11.30 a.m. 5 Cross St. at Church, CHorry 1-1571 again}, one»: 1m, 1954 " Philips Inâ€: - lav. T. In. Juno: 5, Maehnzk, M.A:. I.D., that The Fvbhdly Funny Church " wanna sum ' King and Main Streets In. E. B. Eddy, B.A., Mt. Rev. J. W. Gordqn. M.A., tut, REV. G. K. TYLII. I. TH.. MIN"!!! MRS GIOIGE SWAN, OIOANI†CHURCH WORSHIP IO and 11.30 A.M. “WHO'S WINNING?" 7.00 P.M. DR. GODFREY GALE (AI-'15:â€) ltd. 4." Milton Id.) B. "tur. 31 " Philip. ltd. WESION PRISIYTERIAN CHURCH MAIN " N. ca