M. J. WWAMDII. Mgr. " Main St. N. Phone CH. 1-1153 Em "IE-PAYMENT PM†Bott HONEY-INK GUARANTEE Wearand Compare! on. BURNER SALES & SERVICE "I. and Walla“ St. . Phonu 460 and 43041-4 Conveniencé! Clarify! Cquovf! l" only M) In phonic! .. â€no hurl" all. " In" NICI In tin. . . nun-Ia no. may you!“ on. “I" d nu: In WI Weighs about the same " I Locket lighter. and is hardly rte; . . . so convenien and comfortable you 'l2',e'8d'1' wring it. Operates for lot a week on on: tiny balmy! In. when" oeGssor, at â€in... our. zed. i'rti "v, ", ..â€-nuuq. emu/g" "er: "ttAt 'il J1atp)itg_lr, Air Bondiliogjgg [TEE RAY BROTHERS WESTON _ 4iptilf,jflijfif"'t"'l!lt" Ili, FURNITURE I“. " t, , WOODBRIDGE “WE'VE 1lill l BEST $lilllill I contractors (liiiiiiriiliSi)fjiq You can see it IBI IT'S "I! "" " TO INDUSTRY I" I'll TALK " "I! TONI " Don': foil In visit your Crosloy deal" noon to no Super-V. . . first lolovlsion In comp-d and ththt enough In be eerrribd "pity Do any room in the hound“ a brand thw orneep' " Movllion ant.rhrlnm.ttt-tmht. load" In the lawn. price an... hr "" TV. The Labor-Progressive candi- date,, Leslie Morris, is making "St. Laurent's sell-out of the St. Lawrence River" his main platform. A month ago, he led a national motorcade and dele- gation to Ottawa in support of his demand to keep the St. Law- rence Seaway Canadian. "The by-election gives the people of our riding an opportunity to register strong protest against the Government betrayal," he said. "Put Canada First" is the slogan for his party's national " Main St. N. - Weston D E C O tt A T l O N s Plastic & Paper Cogtumes from m, to "e, A. T. Squllib & Son HALLOWE'EN C O S T U M E S (opp. Panama) I "A Liberal in a Liberal Gov- ernment" is Bob Campbell's bat- tling cry. "We are going to have C'; Liberal Government at Ot- , tawa for the next three years, (whether we like it or not," he 1 saidr _ Work began early last week on the'constructior, of the new Lablaws supermarket on Main Street, Weston, just north of the Kresge store. It was announced that Bennett~Pratt Ltd. of Weston had been awarded the contract for the $180,000 job. The Kresge company stated that work would commence almost immediately on the parking lot at the rear, using the fill ex- cavated'from the supermarket building project for the parking lot. The surface would be stoned this fall and a permanent surface put on the tot next spring, the Times and Gulde was told. A smaller temporary lot hos been made behind the store already. _ Basing his campaign on "com- munity affairs", he promised to fight for construction of a sub- way at Royal York Rd. and Dundas St., which he terms the "worst intersection, in Canada." He also urges widening of the Highway 27 bridge over the CN_R at Long Branch. Employmeit in Bruce Evms’ issue. Unemployment. he says, drive along this line. Mr. Mor- ris wants Parliament recalled into session to decide that Can- ada will herself build the 2 to 3 mile lock and canal at the International Rapids - "all that remains to complete the All, Canadian Seaway FF Etoblcoke Subway None of the Gndidates plan any use of television and very little use of radio. John Hamilton listed some of his campaign points as: an nil- anadlln St. Lawrence develop- ment; calling ot a conference of all taxing authorities to evolve a tair distribution of the tax dolls: mirth: stressing at. u, teetive anti-dumping legislation to keep Canadian workers on the job. _ - _ - CffiEiETiIilIl Suri Work- On New Weston loblaws Sm noun we mo mam mos classroom of York Mills School. Tentative plans have been made to operate this centre on Tues- day and Thursday afternoons from 1:45 to 3:15 pm. The pur- pose of this centre is to give diagnostic and remedial help to children {aux/Years of age and over, and to act in an advisory capacity to the parents of these children who may benefit from this service. Remedial instruc- tion within the limits of our educational techniques will be provided. Parents wishing to has doubled since 1953, without the Liberal Government at Otc tun doing anything to allevi- ate the situation. (a) An Centre is Extensions Of Special Classes Announced By N.Y. School kd Mr. S. J, Kelner, Chairman of the Board of Education for the Township of North York, an- nounces that the Special Educa- tion Committee under the chair- manship of Mrs. Iola Brook, banks reports the following ex- tensions in this special branch of education - Educational Advisory to be opened on 0c- 7).; ERIE] (c) A second Senior Boys' Handicraft Class has been open- ed in the new Cummer Avenue School, and plans are nearing completion for an additional centre'to be opened in the new Baycrest /Public School. This will mean that four Senior Academic Vocational Classes will be in operation in our schools, and plans for the estab- lishment of an advanced Aca- demic Vocational Class on the completion of the new Downs- view High School, are being contemplated. use this servide or requesting further details will contact Mrs. Jean Featherstone, S e n i o r Speech Correction Teacher, for appointments at the Adminis- tration Annex, telephone Step ling 8-7611, between the hours of 9:00 am. and 12:00 noon, and from 1 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. North York,‘yas opened" this September at Spring Garden Avenue School. (b) A Hard-ot-Hearing Class, the first of this type to be es- (d) The need' for increased 'temttoo-oemrmaeo-se-: Photo by can" Frau! E “On my return to pttawa " till-morning in, verytintact . E irto send to you and to the , more and reeves ot other towns and cities "tligted by the recent disastrous floods and winds on behalf of the Federal 5' Government this message of sympathy tor those ot your citizens who have thereby aut- tered the lo. ot loved one: and of property. My colleagues the . - minister of finance, N Walter FFT?. Harris and the minister of de- " fence, Ralph Campney have 5 WM kept in touch with me while I ,.,,,_;“,;="'3; was in Quebec City to keep a »1a;i§ speaking engagement and have {3;} given me some information on - F, the extent of the damage that 'il M u has been caused and of the part n. that the armed services, muni- ser . . cipal and voluntary workers and Main others have been playing in d. of dealing, with the emergency. I ithut would greatly appreciate it it " ex- you would convey to the Red toned Cross workers and to the other ttd. A voluntary worker: the feeling 7 of profound respect that their tireless and heroic response to --------- this situation has engenered in their fellow Canadians. I can an assure you that both in respect PI St. bud Souls Tubm- To The layer of the services of the armed forces to meet the immediate emergency and the rehabilita- tion of the afflicted areas the Federal Government will seek to apply in the case of the Winnipeg floods, the Rimouski and Cabana fires, and other more recent disasters. You can be assured of our symptUhetie consideration ot such repre- sentations on your behalf as may be made by the provincial government with whom, in ac- cordance with constitutional practice, the local governments should confer as was done in The Medical Officer of Health, Dr. C. E. Hill, has assured the Board that the North York De, partment ot. Health will co- operate in every possible way in these projects. . themes attetttitmed above. - junior opportunity class in- struction in our system is under careful consideration, and it is expected that an additional class will be opened this year. (e) The Special Education Committee is investigation the possibilities of rendering fur- ther assistance to gifted chil- dren by extending and improv- ing our present programme. "Please be assured of my own personal sympathy to those who " an»; in. a» mm ttttttil. Lt2ifarled'lf. Dulor Convention in Tomato. which he MM , u “an and and nail- cant, coma in an binary or the C named" in- dudry." Mr. Buds “I inur- viewed by the Tuba and Guido thin morning. He Wu neon- partied to the txmvetttion by Mr. W. Wilton. Sales Mnnuer. Mr. A, Richards, servDe Manager, and Mr, R Carr, Parts Mun-- ‘ll'pmm~ toul ' Ali. on!» The l,500 guests made a de- tailed ltour of the company's new 47h-aere passenger car assembly plant in Oshawa, lar- "gest in Canada or the Commun- gen “Startling design and power changes in the completely re- vamped Chevrolet tor 1955," Mr. Snider reported, "will make this the most important model ever to be offered in the popu- lar-priced tle1d." This was the unanimous re- action of 1,500 dealers and de, partment heads from points " widespread as Northern B.C. and Newfoundland, who gather- ed in Toronto for the record- shattering convention, Mr. Snider said. _ The dramatic model chanies were introduced in the first- day feature of the conventid ' a two and a half hour glamou review that high-lighted the cars on the largest indoor stage ever built, against a background of costumed models, and speci- ally arranged music. Canada’s top variety talent was enlisted for the Broadway-standard pro- duction. The Mayor's reply was as fol- lows: hand it was a privilege for us to render all assistance possible to our geighbours in their time of tragedy." have suffered as a result of this disasted." "On behalf of the citizens of the town of Weston I wish to express our sincere apprecia- tion to you for your message of October eighteenth. There was no loss of life in the town of Weston proper tor which we are most thankfui. On -the-other/ 100% LATEX SELECTONE SATIN 1786 Jan. St. The New Scrubbable Wall Finish Rag. $7.20 Gal. On Sale for SS.9T Gal. $1.75 Qt. au THE LATEST DEcoiAroe SHADES ALTON MARINE PHONE tlil. 1-1201 Gaa'i7 oiTiFiaiiriG "mâ€. .57!†mpg-“In nub Mg: w . ac emittin- and the et"H-tytte'1 handy, at dlvhlon. 51.01 in: around the world mud the new foundry u the most modern in exist.. lust Arrlvod! 21 Main St. N. Hand Sewn JOHN McHAlE Slum For Man $29.95 to $32 "You Frundtr Shoo “on“ L S. BECK SHOES New improved in every way, Cortrpy's New Oil Fired Furnaces offer the most in efficiency, price and quality. There is a Conroy Furnace for every heating need! . "" Jon. " - CH. 1-5175 CONROY OIL-FIRED . FURNACE CH. 1-5731 muff Wonon