Moo, lovely brick 1% stor- ,on 60' lot, close to Weston. Itr8T,60trao1iFti." . ___ . have many other homes at various prices and down payments. REAL ESTAT'E AGENT Starla†Rd. - CH. 1-9781 HART MERCER, Realtor 2837 Dundas St. W. West Toronto. U00 - 6 room frame house, Liner with coal. 4 rooms I bath on main floor, 2 on Ind. Extra large lot. Plan 'ttf flowers and shrubs. no down. Poo - Solid brick bunga- w 4 rooms, 2 bedrooms, 4 he bath, all in beautiful Mition, private drive. On td residential street. Must gold. owner leaving town. Fe x-44-1t lint I bazaar Saturday, umber 8th, 2 pm. Locat- on Maple Lia! Dr. Ton nude. Get your Christ I gifts early. Everyone cane. o-43-2t room basement apartment, urnished. Phone CHerry " x A4e 1t M. L. GRAHAM, Ital Estate Broker GEORGE ST., WESTON _ CH. 1-8181 'E. it: was Kid daugir. retttetateAoaejCurtis ACTIVE furnished Ipart- t sink. electric stove, g.; all conveniences, pri- t, central, moderate rent, couple. Apply 45 South St. x-44-1t “If! Girodat wish to ex- . thank: for the beauti- Bttrat tribuwo. acts of - Club hunt is to be on Saturday. October 30th. I ' to 5 RM. in the"rown Home baking x43-2T WESTON Workingmen's I Bunn- is to be held on room apartment, untur- Id, children over 14 wel- 9, separate entrance, sep- , bathroom and balcony. ' 11 Lamont Ave.. West- o-44-1T mAt'lD. unfurnish- m. Opartment: , living room, kit- - an bull in now g room basement apart- ), Unfurnished, child wel. a. Phone CH. 4-3048. ORTABLE dry basement hem. Unfurnished. 3 & shower toilet. modern when): wiring, separ- enhance, 2 ttlocks. tn with“, ndulta only, “at x-M-IT - six room unfurnished I wanted by carpenter. and two school age chil- , CH. 4-0184 after 7 pm. tr44-2t b Ind neighbours for kindness, t19rat tribute: Ml of sympathy ex- Id during their recent women: Eiiiig and sister of Paul I basement apartment. Med, shower, toilet link. Private entrance. ' Phone Cherry 4-0862. . x-44-IT [INT apartment, living and kitchen furniture, ttished bedroom. Young I“ couple preferred. I LY. 1225. x-44-1T day, October Mth, at 2 " 40 Main St. South. ) baking, fish pond and m reading. o-43-2t [an apartment combi- ' living room and kit- bedroom, bathroom, closets. 2 clothes closets. BI couple Apply 16 rd- Drive. Weston. OOM, modern apart- mmIChed; , childrm In, tumble Nov. 1.N. 'tat Blvd. Apt. 4 _ 1-.340. “MT ESTATE 'lil SCOTT mm 'h"mstarey I. and syrup-lily uhown their recent bereave- o-44-lt I) "two-room house- Went. all rnnve- m " Station St. OM. x-M-IT it/Uri/ai-ot min but! Dudley. on Ot " 1064 " Peel Me. _.. _ , I“-mu&unnu-upu i-u-vr "acifi x-44-IT x-M-IT x-H-IT x-44-lt o-M-it tirit" 'mcvcLE, junior 2-wheel; mo , mann- wagon. reasonable. , Write Box 4401, Times & Guide. o~44-1T COMBINATION _ gas and coal SPARTON refrigerator, 80 cy- cle: also buffet, both in good condition. Reasonable. Phone CHerry 1-9631. x-M-IT MOFFAT electric stove, apart- , GIRL'S winter com. “no " Ind " years. Grey, excellent condition. 815 and $10 each. Phone CH. 1-7385. at-M-tr A good place to shop. Plaster": Grocery, 202 Main St. N., Weston. Phone CH. 1-0781. V “lawyer†b44917: LADY'S gabardine suit. hunter green, like new, size 14; girl's tap shoes, size 3; also lady's tap shoes, size 5; 4-piece girl's skating outfit, size 10. Phone CHerry 1-t684. x-44-1T MAGIC Chef gas stove; large size. storage cabinet on side, light and timer.Reasonable. Good condition. Phone Cherry 4-1070. x-M-lt TWO Quebec heaters. excellent SEWING machine, portable, electric, good condition, rea- sonable. Phone CH. 1-2746. FURNACE, Gurney hot Iir, pipes and duets, like new. Will sacrifice for $20. Please call FUR coat Mouton, Beaver shade, size 14-16, A1 condition, ren- sonable. CH. 4-2883. x-M-IT TRICYCLE. medium sun. girl's figure skates, size ", CH. l.. RELIABLE young mothet' will give day care to one or two children. CH. Id168, WATCH our window for week- end specials. Free delivery. merter's Grocery, 202 Main St. N., Weston. Phone CH. 1- 0781. _ x-M-IT WALNUT metal bed, single. Ar, Chesterfield chair, $12; Sew- ing Machine. $10: Dining room table painted Grey, round, $5; , Porcelain top kitchen table, " Phone CH. 1-1619. STATION Wagon coat, new, grey, size 18, green poodle cloth coat. size 16, reasonable. Phone CH. 1-9882. o-43-lt MUSKRAT fur coat for sale, size M, good condition. Apply 50 Patika Ave. Weston. GIRL'S winter coat. tdrquoise. size 12. very good condition, reasonable. CH. 10196. TWO piece Chesterfield suite, also bed. complete. new con- dition. apply 1898A Jane, St. fat Church St), 044-11 MUSICAL Instruction, Piano, classical and popular. Accor. dion, Spanish Guitar. Instru- ments rented to beginners. New and used instruments for sale. CH. 1-0781 - 202 Main St. N. Weston. x-4trtt RADIO, Gums mun mm. m. 4 Good condition, reasonable. Phone CHerry 1-9458. __ r; ELECTRIC stove. Moffat. kitchen suite, Hall seat, Ice box, 100 lb., $75. for the lot. Phone CHerry 1-3735. xA4-1t was. ttri-ttat com _larst, " BLACK Chrysler Sedan. ex- v’llenl running condition. very r can Unde and out. Equipped with radio, directional signals, fluid drive trnntrmission, Price 8700. Cash 3270 and take over puma“- of “1?.Cnll CH. 1. an of“: l p. . 044-“ Write. telephone or visit us and see our NEW 5 YEAR PLAN at 6% FINANCE RATES. McGINNESS M0- BILE HOMES successor to OTTAWA TRAILERS LIM. ITED. 2034 DUFFERIN McGINNESS MOBILE HOMES & TRAILERS are now even a better buy at NEW LOWER PRICES. Phone CH. 1-3641. x-44-IT CHerry l 4874. ment size, good condition. Phone CH. 1-9128. x-M-IT .C.M. boy's figure skates, site s, good condition, reasonable. stove, will sell -eheap. Please call CHerry 14134. x-M-IT .C.M. bicycle, ladies, good condition, $20. Phone CH. 1- 8894. x-M-IT d. (and running condition. “It April 6t4 um“ Are. (mm this of Kale ELL . M lt condition. apply 15 Church St. Phone CH. 1-1824. o-44-It green; chestnut“ suite; bod- room suite; Ibo bod cheater. field suite; cone. tabla, oil paintings; lumps. LY. I130. 3704 Ave, Toronto, Ontario Phone on: - ri’rii’cnmon’i “WWII“! HEB ADVERTISING 3mm, oiG" ERA-ul- "tmitCr6it"iaLi" small. any ,mako ' in rondition, reagorttable, MUrray 8702 after a x-M-IT x-M-IT x-44-IT x41 tf x 44-lt x-44-1t x 44-1t o-44-1t o-44-1t i-lT Titijetra qrANNth-Aat, am an. Mon and -ds â€7" m saw. an. an an: iiiiimiiRm an: m mu An In“ Now. Uni. um moo Wanton load. JU. ttth CAPABLE mange women in, terested in registering as prtte- GARAGE wanted vicinity of LEGAL mm will an typing at home - with - CH. 149“. x-M-lt WANTED _ttr tenth]. PH?, po- YOUNG womm denim houn- JANE-WILSON: new 6 room house, unfurnished, oil heat. -élose to shopping centre and school. 2 rooms upstairs suits able â€for sub-letting, $125. Phone CHerry 1-7400. THISTLETOWN _ a modern 5 rodm bungalow." oil heat. at.. tachedgarage. One child wel- come, $125. Call CHerry L 6441. xA4-1t TECHNOCRACY provides a de- sigh for security and abun- dance. Free literature. Write Technocracy Ine.. Station Q. Box 205, Toronto 7, Ontario. _ x-44-lt HUSBANDS: Wives; Want pep, vim? Try Ostrex Tonic Tab. lets for new vitality, today. "Get acquainted" size only 60¢. All druggists. x-44-1t GARAGE wiit%d vieinity Law.. rence and Main " Apply " Lawrence Ave., W. or phone CH. l-9728. 244-1! WANTED: I EXPERIENCED typist - dicta- phone work I help, but not essential. Hours Fli, 5 day week. Write Box 4403 Times and Guide, Weston. x-44-lt EXPERIENCED pianist wanted for ballet school in Weston. Phone CH. 1-3098. x-H-lt EXPERIENCED Dental nurse or assistant for oitiee in Weston. Write giving age and experi- ence to Box 4402, Times & Guide, Weston. x-44-1t MEN WANTED. It ydli are hon. est and a hustler, I can place you on $60 to $75 weekly in- come, by supplying families in this area with Watkins Quality Products. Car requir- ed. Phone MU. 9709 .. " pm. o-44-lt ANYONE finding any pigs re flood condition please call CH. 1-9291. mm KITTEN, grey male, about 4 months old. Found at corner of Main & John St. Phone CHerry 1-0745. x-44-lt ROOM and board for two boys HYGIENIC SUPPLIES (rubber FULL room and board with parking space and TV. Bev. erley “in. district. CH. L 9700. x444: LARGE double bed room, wit 2 gentlemen, continuous hot water Ind Ihwer. Phone MU. MM. t44 It ROOM and board for two. near transportation. CH. 1-6294. BUDGIES, babies and breeders, all coiours. also cages. Mrs. Hilton. 31 Main St. S., Weston. x 44-12t ROOM and full board for gen- tleman. single room. private home; lunches packed. Wilson Main Sta Phone CH. 4 2053. x-M It ONE furnished room wfth full board. near transportation. parking space available, Phone CH. 12880 alter , pm. baby sitter, with agency oper- ating in Weston and sur.royrpd: ing area. CH. 1-5413. x-25-tf cleaning from tt am. to 4 pm. daily. Pleas. call CH. 1-6770. x-46Ut HELP WANTED. FEMALE sition of iiritsmarvianititrUr ianitor. Plum phone CH. 1- 1731 o-M-tt Dennison and Main su. Phone CH. 10381. o-44-1t goods) mailed post o1id m plain sealed envelope with price list, Six samples 25t 24 samples $1. Mail Order Dept. G4. Nova Rubber Co. Box 91. Hamilton. Ont. . x-39nt vicinity of VJohxi St. Pl CH. L6394 after 5 o’clock. with Dutch family. Apply '10 meorth Blvd., Apt. 3, Wes- ton, Ont o 44-ft l vim bum fluff!!!“ _ -e WAN!!!) REEF ROOM AND twin» "tt6tieWrrii" 'I'TA‘I'I -io main“ undmiahed room an In MW home, PET STOCK PERSONAL It: , ha.') u 171511155, MICE" FOUND" LOST garage tor rent in John St. Phone ‘U. (not I“ " x-M-it x-44-lt K4641 044-1: x441t 143°! _ tpest new.» -tttetary THREE newly decorated partly furnished rooms. Child wel- come. Call between 5 and 7 pm. Phone CH, 1-3348. run: bed .. sitting tom irith and». u"'d2 a 3.59:": â€mm" " "m" at, cr BRIGHT, comfortable room; newly decanted. close to "mammalian. Suit 2 gentle- men. ‘Phonc CHerry 1-0124. 144-1! TWO nicely furnished rooms. very large, In new home, pri- vate entrance, busineu couple. Phone CHerry 4-1382. ONE large room, furnished, suit 2 gentlemen - twin beds. hot water, near transportation. Phone CHerry H368. LOVELY large room, suit re- Med business person. abstain. er. Garage optional. Phone CH. 1-6640 evenings. ONE furnished rodm, suit one or two gentlemen. Near trans- portation. Phone CH. 4-3138. o-44-lt THREE room tlat, unfurnished, continuous hot water, central- ly located. available Decem- ber lst. Phone CH. 4-1628. REXDALE: 2 large unfurnished rooms, will give day care to child. Apply 147 Redwater Dr. x-44-lt THREE large, bright rooms on third floor, semi - furnished, refrigerator and rangette, con- tinuous hot water, parking space. Business couple pre- terred. Phone CH. r7783. TWO rooms. on bath flat, adults TWO unfurnished rooms. suit couple. $10 weekly. near bus and shopping. Phone CHerry 1-2085. x 44-lt TWO or three unfurnished rooms, 10 Lonborough Ave . Keele and Eglinton. 0 44-1: TWO very large unfurnished moms. in new home, Jane and Wilson. $15 weekly. Baby welcome. CH. 4-0511. BED-SITTING or bedroom. suit busineu lady or man. Phone CH. 1-6344 evenings. NICE room for one or two per- sons, 21 Dennison Rd., Wese CH. 1-2068 after 4 pan. TWO 'bright front rooms on Main St.. partly furnished if desired, on bath flat, business couple. CH. 1-5154. x-M-it ONE or two unfurnished rooms with day care for rhild. Jane and Wilson district. OLiver 1761. x 44 It "M."--.---- ACCOMMODATION WANTED FOUR room apartment. or house. unfurnished or partly furnished, required by three adults Reterences. CH. 1- 0811. x-44-It GENTLEMAN desires comfort. able room with one meal daily. Please phone CHerry l, 7951 between 9 a.m. and 5 pm. x-44-lt AMERICAN executive and wife, no children, no pets, wish to rent a 6 room house. Please phone Mr. Nelson, CHerry 4, 1111. days. 044 It SCOTTISH family, 2 girls (3 and 5), desire apartment. Light housework or care of child for reduerd rent. Weston district. Apply 19 Main St. South. Weston. A 04¢“ GRAVEL. Sand. Stone, Band-fill and Mam. Fred estimate; Bots Wheeler, CHerry 1-7200. . 2424f FAMILY. four adults. and one child (ll yrs,). require low er or upper duplex: 5 - 6 rooms in Weston, approxi mately 8110. CH. 1-5398. Why not a favorite Mago- xino by subscription Sunnybrook “who! XMAS SHOPPING only, near transportatibn. CH. 4-1648. tr44-1t "kiriijEti omnn FOR CONVENIENCE - FOR SPEED - FOR DURATION - ROOM? TO LET UNFUBNISHED IOU SCHUlTZ HU. 0-9420 no code x-H-lt gr44-lt x-M-lt x-44-1t x4411 ar44nt o-44-lt oA4-It x44 lt MODERN Floor Sex-wee Floors cleaned. waxed and polished Any kind of flooring brought up like new Pamted walls wash ed Work guaranteed Free esti mates Phone A. Corras CH l 0282. x-32 tt tt LOAM LANMER HEATING & PLUMBING "on: window) (WW) ACCOUNTING & Auditing, book. kept or examined mcomc tn and other government return. prepared. J A. Sunder. MU rm. I!!! FURNITURE RE-FINISHING . REPAIRING HAY FURNITURE f COMPANY Chesterfields and Cpairs Studio Couches, Davenport: Recovered and Repaired SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER On Budget Terms, tf Desu-ed MI. DENNIS tJPHOUiTEttlNG A. Lyon MU. 2706 QOUG DAVIES "and tree. Your chalet: Dett you-.1! or we will do it. 'tre. PM!" 221.11%)“ photon Window: and' Dom. go Broeeo Ave., (on an Roger: M) Clip thin†pr reference. STORM SASH MADE TO ORDER ESTIMATES FREE REPAIRS MADE ALBION WOODWORK CH. 1-7987 lam-um than“)... " FAMILY SERVICE Gemsrat-Excavators--e+ Grading Contractors 10 VICTORIA ST. W. CH. 1-9041 ATTENTION All OUR CUSTOMERS PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER. JONES BROS. For expert painting and dvcoravino lYll’S â€WK!†CH. l-Illl CALI. - IIGK ' Bat/r-sitting and Homkeeping Hourly - Duly Weekly Mature. capable women CHERRY 1-5413 GENERAL HAULAGE DUMP & TRACTOR Woi'k may be financed, PLUMBING & HEATING BRIGG’S HAULAGE ST. 8-5342 New work & repairs, Crushed Stone CUSTOM TRUCKING MU. 3412 25 yours experience PAINTING Sand Fill - Gravel Landscape Gardening UPHOLSTERING 1034 Weston Road For Appom when! CH." _ 1427] MR. ROEDDING Bulldozer Shovel it TOP SOIL 7 BOYD AVE. CHERRY 1.1‘915 CH. 1-372! TRAILER it MANURE (x4911) (x41 t!) (x-Gl-th x-44-IT (x-l-t!) x-66-It x434! x- 13-tt n43 2t Polisher; (or gent. day or even- mg. Alpha Engineering Company 1852 Jane St., Wkton.Ct1 I 5275 . xartt FLPOR sAlmPP. Fidget: and STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE manhunt mean-om No doubt citizens of Weston and district have seen these older models during the parades staged by the' Weston Motors to recall to the public the stages of Chevrolet development, and to-day these former models will be joined by the new 1955 six and eight-cyligder Chevrolet with overhead valve. (Continued from page I) six-cylinder overhead valve-- the car that has held first place for trt? many years, said Mr. Snider. . In conjunction with the show- ing of the 1955 Chevrolet, Wes. ton Motors are sponsoring a "Mystery Diamond Contest", which takes place in the form of "How Many Balloons in the Chevrolet?". A Chevrolet is on display at Weston Motor: filled fvitrrfrallmms - the guessing of the correct number or closest number will be the winner. A prize valued as $200.00 will be awarded to my“: person who has the correc or nearest cor- rect answer. Formerly of King Street, Weston, Mrs. P. J. Collins ItaM- ed Away on Tlmrsdayr 09105.: let at her. reiidenee iit, North Bay after a long illness. She “is in her 78th year. The funeral urvice w“ com ducted by Rev. G. H. Leight, rector of The Chableau Angli- cart church on Saturday after. noon. Mr. and Mrs. Collins and her dunghter, Edith will be re- membered in the district, all having been very active mem- bers ot St. John's Anglican church, Wenon. She is nurvived by heGeven children, 25 grandchildren, and nine great-tdetail). All the children and their Inmilien attended the service. The mlny flower, expressed the high ed- mirltlon in which these people were held in the church It Chnpieeu where Mr. and Mn. Collins went the Hun put of their lives. It was I community tribute ttt the m which they Ind done. o MOVING o CARTAGE Alt pouch: having claim: tstrait"' th. Estate of Joni. Ann thtdii, In. of â€on Town of Wum. Marti-d Woman, who diod on or about Jun. 15th, 1954, on nqvlrod lo file full ptrrtleulesrs " their thin: with the undcuignod Adrnlnutrator, on or bob" th. 30th day of Nov'mbu. 1954. Immadlahly "voucher, the Administrator will proud tq dis- iribun tho In†Emu having to- gurd only to tfte do"!!! d which he thatt then have had ttetfer. Anything - Anytime. Lane all an" inch. Runnable DATED a! felonâ€, this "th day of October, 1954. FFr ._. ' Willi“ ALLAN AUlY, Admlttutrator, by P. E. Ault, Q.C., " Malinda Strut. Yawnâ€, l, his Solicitor haul". WESTON DEALER OBITU ARY NOLAN DUPLICAHNG IN '" 111A" a! '"" ANN DOM, DICIASID NOTICE TO CREDITOIS AND OTHERS F Drapes - Slip Covers MRS. P. J. COLLINS LOAM MADE-TO-ORDER CHERRY, 1-8741 ' PATIKA AVE. CALL ED CH. 1-2190 CH. 1-0811 led Spreads X44‘-1T til-81 rishiiirit6d 'llTaT G6if" cavern-r ; that man has forgotten God, not _ God abandoned man. He further ‘showed that the earth will re- main forever. He explained that 1the Bible mentions 39 different lhappenings which will occur as I sign ot the last days, and that lthese events are happening to- day. One sign we: the increase of lawlessness. This it supported by the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation, whose report show: that crime is increasing four time: as fast " the population, o'r a ratio of il. The speaker quoted from Maclean'a maga- zine. December 13, 1953: How To Clean And Disinfect Flooded Premises Described After the water has been re- moved from the premises all mud and debris should be re- moved by scraping and wash- ing. This material should be placed at least " feet from any well. The premises and furni- ture should be thoroughly wash- ed and disinfected. For furni- ture it is recommended that it be scoured with soup and water and placed in the sun to dry: For walls, Boom and cellars, dininlect by thoroughly washing and brushing wi'h a solution of chloride ot lime, or some other chlorine compound. This solu- tion can be prepared by adding , tablespoonfuls ot chloride of limo to'an‘Ci'ght quart pan of wag (the directions on the ple ge should be followe when using some other chlorine compound). 1 Since foods exposed to fttyod waters may constitute a health hazard, the following notes are intended as a guide in making dispositions of such contaminat- ed foods. The house should be thor- oughly aired and dried after this treatment, and before occu- pancy. On Friday, the programme had hs its theme, "Training for the Ministerial Work" (Eph. 4:12). This showed Christians must be active ministers to gain God's approval and live. It 'tur- ther suggested methods which can be used in helping people come to a greater understanding and appreciation ot the Bible. On Saturday, an immersion service was held. The partici- pants thereby signified their de- sire to accept the responsibility of preaching God's Word when- ever possible. At a later session, a film entitled, "The New World Society in Action" was shown to an audience of 600 people, who- filled the hall to overflowing. The film depicted how millions ot publications are printed and made in the nine-storey factory in Brooklyn, N.Y.; and the 500 people who are voluntary workers there, all in the in- terests of Bible education. Scenes of assemblies in South Africa, Germany, England, and an outstanding assembly of 20,000 natives in Central Africa were also tT/td was pointed out' that the atchtower maga- zine has increased from a cir- culation of 6,000 copies per issue to 1,825,000 copies; and the Witnesses are increasing at the rate of one every 12 minutes. They are preaching in 150 countries, under the supervision of so branch omces. The following procedure is recommended tor the satisfac- tory cleaning and disinfection of " premises which have bein flooded, suggests the Ontario Department of Health. Local delegatiss trom the Wes- ton congregation of Jehttvah's Witnesses enjoyed the three- day assembly at New Toronto, October 22-24. Weston Delegates Enjoy' 3-Day Assembly Of Witnesses At N. T. The main talk of the assem- bly, "Does God Really Care?" was given on Sunday by C. E. Hepworth, District Minister, to over 860 people. This was fol- lowed with interest, as this dis- course is now being delivered Canada-wide. The speaker em- “The Christian Church, con- sidered in in world-encircling entirety. is declining-in mem- benhip. in the devoutness Ind obedience it commands from in members, and " I major in- Hume: on public thoughts and action." Every Sunday owning a an!" d'evottttmrl program" etmsuttrtg chlefly of hymns and anthems may be hard on the CBCTrtrris. Canada network. Tho programma "Sunday Choral." ls the wad; of a group of Winnipag charmer: (above) under th. dir.etion a W. H. Anderson, with Filmir Hubble at the organ. The point was rude that only 40% ot the population over read their SING. no - NW“ that than Foods which have been wrap- ped in moisture proof wrapper: should be examined tor breaks in the wrapper. Intact wrapper' should be removed an"! the pro- duet re-wrapped. Where then is evidence that the wrapper his mt beeh "iiiipeYhii6isi tit moisture the product should be ,regarded as unsafe. struggles for peace but falls far short. He needs life and health in addition to peace. This will be accomplished by Jehovah', New World. The speaker concluded by in- dicating that Jehovah cares for the earth and, man, and that within our lifetime we will see conditions as spoken of " Ps. 37:20, "The righteous shall in- herit the land and dwell therein forever." He also cited Isaiah 45:18, "For thus saith the Lord that created the heavens, God himselt that formed the earth and made it, he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to bé inhabited: I am the Lord, and there is none else." The earth will not then be dea- troyed, but will be inhabited forever by righteous, perfect men and women. A cafeteria' arrangement was provided for all the delegates attending this assembly, and a total of 1,500 meals were served during the three-day period. Canned goods should be closely checked tor "leakerl" and "swells". Particular atten- tion should be paid to seams and joints tor signs ot erosion. Home-preserved fruits in jar: and sealers which show evidence of contamination around the tops should be discarded. Al- though many of these jars may be sate there is a danger, which may not be manifest. from you physical changes in the contents. Soft foods, including all kinds ot meats and dairy products, should be discarded, it there I) evidence ot contact with ttood water. Food handling equipment should be thoroughly scoured and washed, and then treated with an effective disinfecting solution. Chlorine not less than 100 parts per million and pro- terably up to 400-paru per mil.. lion is satisfactory, or immer- sion in boiling water for " lust one minute. In all cases a gener- ous safety margin should be allowed. The Sunday sessions conclud- ed with all present being invited to attend the 1955 assemblies in New York, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and Vancouver; as well as at Wembley Stadium, Eng- land, Paris, Rome, Germany and Sweden. Ove 10,000 Jehovah's Witnesses have already booked passages for European conven- tions. (Continued from page 1) ton; James Shaw, representing the Weston Rangers Branch 213, Canadian legion; Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Thompson, representing the Weston Business Men's As- sociation; and Mr. S. Jones ttf the Navy League of Canada, thr tario Branch. E. D. Rushbrooke, C. A., chair- man of the Weston Sea Cadet Committee addressed a warm voteoLtlw1ks lp the Lion; 911.131 for generous presentafrthi, and to the Illustrious Women'n Auxiliary tor their unstinted efforts in the preparation and scrvinu of the refre'shmenta. . Metcalfe ( Studio 1 MOVING - " - " Main St. South WISTON (Formerly The Wool Shop) SEA CADETS NOV. let