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Times & Guide (1909), 28 Oct 1954, p. 15

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mum "must All) BPA'I'NO um A. moo: mo JAN! " . m mums In” .1000 - “it rawIIL hand-Ill piano also mule! slum hitch: kt small boginrou and Indiana" ' aiding: on Hawaiian Guitar, CH. 1-6934 Educdied: the Royal Comor- vanry of Music, Copenhagen Certificate: Royal Conurva- wry of Music Toronto BENY ROSEWARHE AM.C.T. Classes At MASONIC TEMPLE 98 Main St. North, Woslon CHANG PLAZA AUDITORIUM June and Wilson information CH. 1-3093 $HEET METAL WORK For lurch" iniovmu'ion plou- can Oil Burner Sales & Service JACK WRIGHT 225 John St. - CH. I , ..wr.. t..TA'.U. Mto, Treo": SINGING Kim “(by Kinc‘qqamn PM“ mun mm telt In OPENING A MIND HUNG IN WHYON Charlotte-Anne Duffield _ DANCING ACADEMY of all description Eavestroughing Roofing It, I. Am! i no. [IE Studio of Eerie Bali» “FIRST MASH” $tathars Healing Modernize Your Old Furnace Pipes to Concealed Square Type Instesltutittn and Service All “man work gut-Mud EVENINGS - MU. 7612 HOI§NCI GAIIATT SERVICES OFFERED ms wusou AVE. OIL IURNERS FURNACES CLEANED museum“ um mt. 1-1181 PIANO TEABHEB GRAIT$ collISIOI tit, 1-8201 OLE ISMOY CHERRY 4-0960 Gravity I Fund-Ah It TAKE m: DENT our or "ma-osm- CH 1-3194 PUPILS ACCEPTED FURNACES HOMES VISITED in. 0mm IS voun cu m OIL BURNERS 1999 Juno M. CHATCO DANCING CONDITION , what - wo'll be there .1655 CH. 1-1451 “ESTES!“ \I N, C II '9 DRUG STORE OPTOMITIISI . omens a JOHN "I!" WISYON CM. 1.3r81 momma! F. L. MERTENS - OMS!“ - A E. SUITE. " CH. l-ll53 Eyes Examined Alfred ll. Herman. M. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR 2 John M. a! Main Evenings by nppoinimonv WESTON CH. l~607l lorrium l solicitors 29% MAIN ST. NORTH Weslon CH. 1-9159 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. EM. 4M063 I Mnnoy 5. loan " Ionian 5'"... 10mm. leak of Nova Mafia Chambers , MAIN ST. s. - WESTON CH. Haul CK. 1-7.“ OFFICE " TAM I I GEORGE W. BULL li. MIN," Mt VERN HARROP IAIRISTEI and SOLICITOR " MAIN " SOUTH WiSTON CK. WI BVr.NENGB u Arronnulm- CHIROPODIST I MAIN IST. s. CH. L242] BY APPOINTMENT ONLY c. Lorne Fraser BARBISTER, SOLICITOR Assoeiotec R. E. MIKorrow Woodbridge ‘17 Surgical Superb Elastic Shaking: J. MILES - at CK. 1-0621 Mortgage Money to loan I train St N. - Weston Phone CH. 1-0701 WIL‘LIAM McKAGUE, B.A. , Spoon A3551». who I TORONTO " Melind- 39. EM. 4-1025 GENERAL CARTAGE MOVING STORAGE GARDEN PlOUGHlNG TRUSSES MgDICAt SUPPUES 125 Dowmviow Ave. PHONE CH. 1-9641 Bank of Nova Scam: Chambers - Weston IARRISYEI, SOLICITOR NOTARY Edgar Parsons HEAKES and MacDOlALD Anywhere - Anytime BARRISTERS. Etc. Chant!“ Mum-M J. f. "FERGUSON ACCOUNTANTS "an... I O. CHIROPODIST CARTAGE RESIDENCE CH. I-OI23 MU. 4593 tVt6O2 Ihtttn'tttt'tt TAXI . Out-of-town trips 0 Spatial” JUDY COASTS TERI] FRANCE Judy Garland, who kept in shape during Warner Bros.' A Star Is Born," through rigor- ous dancing routines, stayed in condition during her recent BO- journ in France by riding a bi- cycle into the nearby village. "A Star Is Born" is I Trans- cona production in Cinema- Scope and Technicolbr for War- ner Bros. presentation. cm1-1133 M,Mim SEBVIGE "lit MIDI! um TORONTO BUS TERMINAL DOWNSVIEW VETERINARY HOSPITAL WWW . fleas, we: Two-way radio and phones controlled from t Windoll Ave. Taxis stationed of 34 Main St. N. soo Main N. a. Bus Stop Howl's Courtesy Corner Jan. ' Wilton WINDER'S , A X I LIMITED W. I. WARD _ 'tttdiet-Dispatched - CH. I "s" J. I. Iobimon, D.V.M., MS. dri. ite" 2772 Knlo Sm» a! Wilson OFFICES JANE I lAWIENC! AND MAIN ot lAWRENC! BAKER ttA9Khtt'aPAtCMt nun same! . . um um to AU “mm MUM. mm; FUNERAL HOMES FUNERAL DIRECTORS CH. 1-2233 FLEETLINE " Cars To Serve You 1311. 1-9131 you an “AV“ mum “I vow "teat no"! (“Aimee oust; one: mm stawcs . Ar Armcnvt nus FOR All Glt0W mm TAXI VETERINARIAN I.” EPHONE lay a! Dundm EM. 3-422t mm VAX“ 1 Fair enough, too. But why ‘ishould at a‘llegz'dly progressive, " modern cl‘v t"e sue of Toronto l have to pvt u?) v.lth a hopeless lmnkeshift in a cultural sphere [that is (whether everyone real- ‘izes it or not) as important to the better development of this fecuntry as power dams and tac- !tories? Good music and crea- (tive efforts such as opera can lb? to a nation a little like a jcatechism to a child. They can lhelp set the whole tone of the Qnation’s future, and can make :that tone more wholesome and 3 good. The tut that tttttgt 90091! in Toronto and environ. don‘t give a tinker's hoot whether thin city ever acquires a decent concert hall when open und ballet can be Wily performed. in only u testimony to the further tut that culturally we haven't yet quite gown up. A city tether recently struck the dominant note when he doclued - in enect - that bullet is {or the birds, and that chain! music would soon be out ot (Intel drowned beneath I wave ttt juke boxes. So we let the Metropolitan, Opera Company, and visiting Juliet vcrapanies such " the) London Festival group - here', “at week - set up their props,) in I cavernous hockey arena‘ that is no more suitable for thin sort of thing than I desert in for fish. Its only virtue is boxJ ofhee; it will pack them in until make plenty of money for thel sponsors, etc. it will also. it isi, argued, 8A: more people the, chance to see and hear the visit- ing artists. l rair enough, too. But why There was only polite clap- should ai a‘llcgz'dly progressive, ping, though, tor the orchestras modern clv t"e Size of Toronto performance of a modern sym- have to pvt my v.lth a hopeless phony by one Henk Badings. makeshift in a cultural spherelan Indonesian. Thislwas one of that is (whether everyone real- the works which a layman .is izes it or not) as important to l likely to say sounds like . busy the better development of 'tlis'iyort'dv morningrin a boiler country as power dams and tac- factory: full of sound and fury. tories? Good music and crea- 1 signifying nothing. Strange how tive efforts such as opera can conservative even the most be" to a nation a little like 3‘“progressive" people are about catechism to a child. They can l music. They are actually un- help set the whole tone of the happy about anything they have nation's future, and can intake-,1)”,er heard bet6re.' and are that tone more wholesome and "only too ready to howl "don't good. like it," without even giving it There are probebly t,l1,?yty'h,t fair trial. I know I was howl.. of people in Toronto and - I ing with the pack. Record Reviews For week-end of: Oct. Mth, 29th and Mth. "BATTLE CmCUs"-Good tor “EinPHAN'r WALK"-. G o o d; mature for some 8-12 years. "FIREMAN SAVE MY CHILD” "THREE SAILORS AND A GmL"-- Good; objectionable in part. "WAR OF THE WORLDS"- Adults and youth very good. Children, very good over JO years, and with adults. A Cook long-play record. "Thei Organ in Symphony Hall", pre-', sents the theatre ' organist,, Reginald Foort, in standard classics of organ literature, per- formed on the large Aeolian-) Skinner organ in Symphony) Hall, Boston. He plays fiiiiri"/ stormy “Toccata and Fugue in; D Minor", and a shorter Bach) work, the gentle aria, “When! Thou Art Near", without any! trace ot his experience in) theatres unless it is a slight) restlessness with slow-moving} parts where his tempo becomes: very elastic. Two movements of} Boellman's "Suite Gothique"/ the Minuet and Prayer to Our' Lady, show the colourful stops of the organ and a joyous Toccata of Dubois is played'so brilliantly as to leave no doubt that Foort earned his Fellowship in the Royal College of Organ- ists. As many have heard, this Cook record has very fine engi- neering, the deep 32 ft. pedal pipes and overall sonorities be- ling " good as any organ record- ing to reach this reviewer. {Rein With v, when ‘ufii-i (can rob them of any lustre. They were the ver4best of recent decades. The recorded sound comes from original “takes" ranging from 1910 to 1949, so the disc also serves as I conciwe his- tory of recording. It the bundl were pinyed in chronological sequence. it would mike I ‘vivid picture ot the evolution from very low to very high "tdeli? Recording skills have icertlinly come I long way. A record of great variety and proven merit is the Victor LCT- 1138, called "Ten Untorgotten Stars." Here, in thirteen bands are some of the greatest singing roles of John Charles Thomas, Tito Schipa. Caruso, Lucrezil Bari, Lawrence Tibbett, Rosa Pinsell, John McCormack, Guiseppe .de Lauca. Amelitl Galli-Curci. And Beniamino Gigli. Most of these voices are now retired from public life or from lite itself, but to compare Principally of intemt to violinllu is the record of five Concerti Groui by Corelli on Vic. LM-l776. " performed by In Italian String Bumble. the Sodom Corelli. It's good play‘ ing and it's good recording. but you may find the style of om of the seventeenth mlury's sterMtviyed. It In the my“. duly mined vxouniu who viii 78y Harold A. MilleruLRSM adults and youth-less inter- est for children. --Good, recommended. THE HIGH LIFE N Child Movie Guide By ALLAN JON" n -."' we“ a”. way ., . c. _ . lwmdbexladtol iatiysup- wel',',', unwind ebiatt,iasidyntin' with. Dun m yr- 390!" . subject to give Toronto B' eston m due tor I - tiiele.itestrt fawn; at 0:. m In ', c rt M11. which “mum week-end. Halloween " the WL.V& "trtegu. M law". tor nearly all kipds “minim; an: land with it thalwlllylw be a tum shown. D... Fiiiej pre-tttation, ineluding lumunl ”Wat of lie-ton i Pet here will b. "polled lopnttu and musical comedy. Achool children " the Weston by Man Rowlu contain“ It I ' Ro at be tival Hall liberation Cummulon la co- kWulon Y.W.C.A. etf'lt ' y 'l t t od I l operntlon with other groups. ‘ U I” m. Gm It” wou make an H"een m e 1Movies. clam. m. _ A Sock Hop ll to be held in (or W. I remember two PP"iorte panda. Ind the pen» the boys' gymnasium It no ”will .oout 'Pf. shilling all "thell-outs" are on the'w.CAra. at which shoes will be f 18 cents) tor 1Wyl?y., room " agenda. " , \ehocked at the door. Drums in the but of thu fabulous place. l The shell-outs, by the way. l strictly informal with skirts and "rar that.“ centg I Ittrf per- are partly the contribution iat'lasweetLs veeommended for the teetly, one .ot the worlds P,ttt, the Weston Home and Schoolgirl; a” the local Y.W CA. lorehestras,in one of the world's Association which was busyiwhlch will conduct this ttto- /e"ol'est',t, 'le 3:13:22; early this week stuiting candy ‘pamme. . l [Victor De Sabata conduct Sure, goaltzaszme L700 bags to be , Seubr'suawhulc SCIOOLS L" uy.uld be erpereivt,to build Parties will be held in all: The Senior Publlc séhool janythlng “k? the Festival Hall Weston schools and trom the party will be held in the school ‘here - but its long range value plans available, lt appears .tlut ayditmiunt beginning at 7:30 would ntver be estimated. lull the kiddies, from the small- I ohn. with the m‘ox-rnmme to Itt, _ It did not matter that Massey P."r'tr.' a little old and worn,‘ l when the Concertgebouw orches- ltra from Amsterdam filled the, istage with its 99 members. lastl week. Toronto has probably _ lnever heard so tine and rich) an orchestra. _ 1dE_lr.lyC'frry'f1 [, (Continued from page 1) ---..-._ Colt. M, Lindsay q_.rrrr_r. 2,' Deller's Drug Store F__._ev. 2,' THE CHESS“)! ‘Dcvlin, H. R.,. Pr... _"""'.. 21 Dolly Credit Jewellers .. 2! By HENRY LOOSE Farr, E. G. Vq__.___rrPr__ "'r... 101 f (Farr, W J. ._-.rrrrrrrrwr.r_-'-"r. 101 We came across an item of Fraser, C. Lorne TeV TTV . 101 interest about our top ranking l Fraser. Jack. Stores Ltd. 501 chess players. We were check- _ Gardhouse, George W. .__. 7' ing the list of la ers In th r 'Grosskurth, Bert R. Mr. VV J . f y e e- ( Gilmore Jack, Hardivare 5i cent International Team forlGroat. Norm TT t_____.__V___. 51 Canada playing in Amsterdam. 1 Hackett, Dr. J. T. ..rrww...... r We discovered that out of fiveiHammond, L. J. ...rwer-rt.... 'll players on this team only one Hardy, Mrs. Mary 'v..."... i was born in Canada. All the Heakes & McDonald __.... 50 others were born in other‘Holley, J. L. .er.r-r.._t_r..r.F.. 10 countries. Below we give a list Humber A/C of these players: c/o J. T. S. Form.,..... 8 Frank Anderson, T o r o n t 0, Canadian. Co-champion of Can. ada. Maurice Fox, Montreal, Eng- lish. 8 times Canadian Cham- pion. _:1 School Scrapbonkli Paul Vaitonis, Hamilton, Lith- uaaian. 1952 Canadian Cham, pion. D. A. Yanotsky, Winnipeg, Poland. 3 times Canadian tham. pion and twice co-champion. Dr. F. Bohntirchuk, Ottawa, Russia. From the above record we 'S?,")',';',' find gratiflcation in the fact that ‘Truform our new Canadians are ind?edltjnrvdrstn helping in this and many other & Sash ways to put our country on the Weston B map, 1 Mon'n A The Weston Chess Club re- cently entertained the Thistle- town chess players. They had a good time and refreshments were served at the conclusion ot the games. Below we give a game played in Toronto during the Russian visit recently: White-, M, Km". Rumi- 17, I News of District FLOOD BELIEF HELPEBS the Ever since that vicious lady greet "Hurricane Hazel" hit the sub, light urbs of Toronto. the majority of com: people have either helped. or each offered their services to aid the less hurricane victims. I would like more to tell what Senior Public School older did to help. Some pupils scouted there around for clothing and food tol, tures contribute to the .needy. Theilttrge Sea Cadets of Senior feet) On helped clear away the debris, . 1 IS th and also rescued stranded peo'leer pie. At St. John's Anglican tenet Church, the Red Cross was set up. The Salvation Army was at Ag the-Co-Hi-The-Fire Hall T9“?! and the Legion Hall also receiv- . His 1 ed contributions. At these cen~i|1m0 tres coffee and sandwiches werei Stud made and taken to the workers!, trays by the children. So the clothingl w. and mod would not be mixtdltouet up, some offered to help pack it. Town The most important thing was taim that the children stayed away use: from the disaster area, so the WI workers could clean up faster. Pt I hope. and I think everyone Mor does also. that we will never Jects again have a flood as bad as this that ttne. thel Recently an addition of three room, has been made to our school. Both teacher: end pu- pils were delighted this week when it we: learned that two of them were ready tor occu- Tiiirgt. roach-hm been a» cadmium-hind” P-U4 N-is' RX P-QBI P-K,? NAB' B-NF FCK.T P-04 P-QRI BxN ch PxR " UN3 BxP T'-QN.T x-Kl KY: " " 97631 pm, P414 P-rr.", B-QT EB: 3,“. Porn , OUR NEW CLASS I00"! ". RIA, an I :1. an; ch I :2. 11-13? ch f an, Wtt4 m I at. can m l Whit: Realm- M. Kuhn. Rumi- i. Kant-u. Toront- B-Q2 O It 0 BEN an run P-ur" li-NS P-RI» Eli-X1 R-IH P RC, Jim Launch PxN P-RG Rx P "h K-tat Prepared. For tttn School. 1 The dull-outs, by the wax? are partly the contribution of: the Weston Home and School; Association which was busyi early this week stuiting candy in bags. tome 1,700 bags to bei Parties will be held in all Weston schools and trom the plans available. 1t appears 11m. all the kiddies, from the small- est to the oldest are in tor a lot of tun. The committee responsible tor drawing up the plans are as [ol- lows: Councillor W. R. Perry. co- chairman of special events tor the Weston Recrmstion Commis. sion; Mrs. I Pascoe, St. John's school; Mr. M, Bemrose, Me- morial school; Mr. B. Hill, Sen- ior school; Miss J. Rowles. Wes- ton Y.W.CA.; Mr. Val Hill, Di- rector of Recreation; Mrs. E. Powell and Mrs. R. G. Anglia, Weston Home and School Asso- ciation. . .. c/o J. T. S. Form... Inch's Drug Store FrvV. ‘Layton Lingerie T-FP. .. l Metropole Restaurant 'Masons Snack Bar _____ iMuir. T. ._.____w_.r._r.'F.P_VV_ "tees. H. J. C qq__V.w___".V_ (Richardson Furniture On Saturday, October Mth, King Street school will .150 the school children's Hallowe‘enl have Kindergarten parties on party schedule looks like this: \Frlday morning and afternoon. AT THE COLLEGIATE iwith the Grade ones included Grade 9 Party on Friday "ternoon. Others as A party for the Grade nine _ follows: Grades two and three. students .in to feature square Saturday T pan. in Kindergttr- -crL" L _" ";__"_‘_'_' --- l ten room; Grades four and tive, & Electric ..-___. Risk, D. w. _r__VVV.. Rumple. Nutty c/yo Candn, Tire Corp .. 100.00 Saalmans, R. A. VFv_.___.___ 'v. 100.00 Staitz. P. E. .r_...s.rrrrt.ww...._. 5.00 Squibb. A. T. & Son T.. _.. 50.00 Thompson, K. L & Co. .. 50.00 Tompkins, Geo. A., Service Station F Truform Industries Men's Assn, Weston Credi Weston Fish h Weston Hard, Weston Motor _Wes'ton Music Westmount D, Weston Credit Jewellers Weston Fish Market 'rFV_FF. Weston Hardware .r._._.._. Weston Motors Ltd. qrr_.rr. Jhres'ton Music & Radio .. Westmount Estates Ltd. c/o Harold Holt .VV_V_.v.. White. Albert & Co. .tVV.q_. Willow Mfg. Co. _rrF.w...F_Fr. Wood's Trucking Co. Ltd. Ashbee Bros _w_...PV___ _-.rrrr_.. Beaver Lumber Ltd. -._... Cruickshank Motors Ltd. W. J. Dickin & Son v_____ W. P. Graham & Sons ..r John Jordan .wrrrr.....rrrr..re. Little Bros. .rrrVV_P_ 'r-r-rr-r..... Lyles Fruit Market ...... Fred Mertens .,..__wwr.rr.-...... Storror Dunbrik me....'....... John Tong _v____ ...rrrF_ ..F.. Wallace A. Mickey Ltd. Wardlaw Bros. ..r_-..r.....t-. Weisdorf‘s .r.ewr.twrwrrrrrrr..wr.. Universal Door & Sash Co. Ltd, Weston Business the front wall being a darkf green and the sides and back I; light green. The new addition is " completely air-conditioned, andi each room has four new stain» il less steel sinks. There is much , more cupboard space than in the‘ older part of the school and there is plenty of room for pic-l tures and notices on the new) large bulletin boards. I On the second and top floor 5‘ is the Social Studies room. Min] Dyer. a'new teacher this year, teaches Social Studies. _ l Agriculture is taught by Mr. Townsend. masher new Leach". His room. on the main Mor, it almost identical to the Social Studies' room, except for the trays for plants by the windows. We have been warned not to touch I [as burner on Mr. Townsend's desk because it can lain: poisonous and explosive When completed the Art And Pt room will be on the ground Mor. Mr. Hill touches these sub. jecu. We have been informed that this room was pinned for the basement in order that other classes WouIdn‘t be disturbed in the pupils go in and out for Pt rer- ll Warner Brm.' "Mi-oer Robert” on Midway Inland, mo mile. from 11mm. MI di-red that he ham" left the country‘- llmm. Kid“! in put at ttie/te""" a! Henry _Fonda. tho “figural! FLOOD FUND l) SEPARATE SCHOOL 25 00 _ St. John'. School 25_00, The 325 pupils will have par- 20.00 _----------------- 25 00 ' V . 100.00) THE PLACETO cdBal, 100.00 E _ 10000 3 500.00 I I 50000 100.00 89.76 250.00 250.00 500.00 100.00 10.00 100.00 100.00 30 00 50.00 25.00 I 10.00 100.00 ( 50.00 i, 100.00 1 200.00. 10.001 5000 500.00 l 10.00 200.00 _ 25 00. V . _ 00.00) THE PLACE To CdBaE i 00.00: f 00.00. I .0000‘ l 75.00 i 5 oo, _ '; 5000- ------r-__--" --- --i'"'""- I 10000 25.00 200.00 50.00 50.00 10.00 10.00 50.00 l 1300 I 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 i At Memorl-l School dancing with w - - cheslra. starting " 0:. p... in the w.c.vtr cutter“. M witllott..tiut_.Ne. (nation- here will b. mqgtlud A Kindergarten party is " ranged tor mornmg and alter- noon classes at Memorial pub- Aic school on the Frtay with I programme of films and mell- (outs. l CH. 1-7“: . . '. SMOKING THUR. FRI. SAT. JANE rowan GORDON MuckAE "3 Sailors And A Girl" - PLUS - The Senior Public school party will be htltr in the school uyditmlum beginning at 7:30 pm. with the programme to my elude some live entertainment, a film, a clown, and prizes tor costumes. _ On Saturday. the Grade one‘ to five pupil- will see live en-, tertamment at the W.C.V.S.i auditorium beginning at T Stan.) There'll be sing-songs, n cos- tume pande, skits and movies. t King trt. School Putin 7 pm. at parades, etc, "" Should _ "o',",',";,,';',,,, Happen To You" Home Of The - nus - , Brave “Tobacco Road" “Battle Circus” “THE HAPPY HARMOIIES REVIEW” -Mtftem.tirsMtuobov.Aa..ehrtuttth_urt-b.rs_dt __ - --- _mytttouuoh_oreotr-tN - 7, __ (Mi IVAN“ - can Sin J h " My Ind, . ”0.” for . t 'NA'K" -t.rrtt..or-i-i--troq.-u-r- “up CMNm-by-hw -hethmaNbtk ”halo-M. 'r-rd.roto-d.t"'.iro1tuwdo.ehoobd-teb.r,"" CHIN"?! "trt' I W’ 'M V ha “I. n3. MT." for "" -e'8'taiFBaAttt" '-rt'h_tt,it..s,riLe Good Horses - Quiet Trails - Wookly Activities Instruction - Reasonable Membership Kipling Ave. North (near 'Thistktown) Weston Mt. ' North York Pllllic Library "ttttltithttt Ittrrth ank Memorial turi-ltr Ilall HUMPHREY BOGART JUNE ALLYSON MON. TUE. WED. JUDY HOLIDAY 'ho-ao-style" in 'tttg/tg,,'",',",:','.?,')'; THAT ALL TIME - GREAT __ ivory Day I: Bargain Day M IDLE "" IIIIIIIIII gLgit' 5090 Yong. St. (Stop Ter) At 8 p.m., Wed., Nov. 10th, 1954 school - costume Westminster United Church Choir NOV. 2-3-4, 19S4 Tickets so um Children " "nts-Admission a! Door wit: it her-512m}! , SPECIAL MEETING In The Church Auditorium Jackson’s .-OtESENTs-. 40 Main St. 5. 1.". Inn-m Mm) with Ar cum. In! t SMOKING MAY - 'tt'BV. “HAM"! IAYLOB noun" . mun” . VIM PLAY GIRL Adult have.” SHELLEY WENT“: ALAN not: - lllNDA MAW MONDAY . WWAV . WIDM' YIIASUII O‘OOI-D mamma- - NO sum»: - mm“, ski/g MY all LAST "ME TONIGHT coma WILDE - LINDA on 7.7.: cg. mm In»... Nu. "s, "tug. its------ - Inh ~ In!“ A_ _J__ ”ma-In MAILON IRANDO - JACK Ci) Under The Red Sea Forever "7. a'nc' WEDNESDAY, WUISDAY new :4 nova moses \VHISPER|“G SMITH ”IKE JONES Ind “IS Cl" - Split Second War Of The Worlds MONDAY, TUESDAY coma WILD! FRIDAY, SA'IUKDAY GENE IAIIV ”HAN! WALK ' itrduou.et IO" CALNOUN Yellow " Tomahawk SYEPNAN McNAllY (Itch Sandi: U065.) (Gobi) 0’th (Adult) "AIIV LINDA BARN-J- Adult) Amber

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