Ion AND [0.00]. i Dodt target, the until; all the retina Park Home we} School Asaogiation will be held) on Monday, November lat, u il. pan. sharp, in the Pelmo Park! School Auditorium. Ag thin in, "Health Nite", Mr. Rags New-) ham of the Canadian Red Crou' will be the guest speaker and‘ will also show very interesting; fo.rms on the work of the Red', Cross. Alla delightful muticol] entertainment 'win be provided by the well known Toronto) Symphony Orchestra vioionist,: Miss Subway. who will be K-‘ companied by her sister, Miss Sadoway. who is a Richer atl Elmo Park school. Retresh-l, moms will be served by thel DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK FRIDAY, OCT. " WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3 munsdu, NOV, 4 PATTI! FRIDAY, NOV. 5 MONDAY, NOV. ' TUESDAY, NOV. 9 WEDNESDAY, Net. 10 All childrin' between the age: of 6 months and 16 your: or. eligible to receive this protection again†Smallpox unless they have been successfully vucclnolod since 1948. T I. T. I003 - Cl [-1.13 Campaign Headquarters: 4281 DUNDAS ST., W. Telephpne Vaccination Schedule Who is JOHN HAMILTON? JOHN HAMILTON . . is your CARI. E. HILL M.D., M.O.H. JOHN - HAMILTON favours: 9.00 o.m.-Maph, Leaf School 10.30 o.m.-Cornslius School 10.00 a.rtt.--tlidg. Road School 11.00 o.m.-Tumpor" School 1.30 p.rm--Yvonr" School 2.30 p.m.-hUlody School 9.00 a.m.-St. Phillips School 10.00 o.m.-Nlmo School ll .00 a.m.-Humbervirsw School 1.30 p.m.-Roding School 2.30 p.m.--Downseiew School 1.30 p.m.-Elia School 2.15 F.m.-Emery School 3.00 p.m.-Berrden School 3.15 p.m.--Georg. Anderson SchouI 1.30 p.m.-Brookh-n School 2.30 p.m.-Hardington School EELS ttG%iciasi Yard rich". Ind is published entirely by (he s prusils qlrtrdea Aftyt & TE? ', Tho many friend: - of Mrs. Junk Muted. Dayton Ave., :willhouorrytohou-hohm- "irted to Humber mm Rt "titat after I aeveu beart attack (suffered last week. We all with (YOU n speedy recovery, Phil. nut-I at In w In. (Grub " and. no“: an In. Curie Ind ICIOOL urn _ We but up; ?timo Park iailr ai be phbinhod periodi- tally. We wish them much Inc- can in my endeavour. _ Dal-onus _ _4 Heartfelt sympathy of the district to. to Mr, and Mrs. Homer. Wendall Avenue, in the trulc loss of their beloved son, who was drowned in the Hum- her River during the recent ilood disaster. He is the son Ma life-long trade unionist, " army veteran who enlisted as a private and retired a major, a successful lawyer who wor her! his own way through school. Progressive conservative candidate in the November ' York West federal lay-election - to carry on in the traditions of Rodney Adamson. _ Lila action to ease unemployment - Health insurance far all - An all-Canadian St. Lawrence Seaway - An end lo double laxalion -tirtttttar emphasis " civil defense. _ ENGIiIIItEéfSG’arcIIOI-‘S 'giittitiitatrmn 0f1tt"rt"lhttah"iir'i' 1200. [animals . tet!! “may lit Ramon or. j, These groups of men patroiled , Ind searched the river banks and Idebris. probing. hunting and :searching the wreckage. Often Imany had only their bare 1hands and a stick. some were lmore fortunate to have an axe. l Hip waders were loaned by the {Hydro and other organizations Ibut it they did nqt have rubber iboots, they searched the river in ;any kind of footwear. Jturrtt.r'ruiatttr, Th. mum herpes of thd Raynor: Drive Cluster were the two hundred volunteer searchers who worked ou\ trom the Westmount Anny and Navy Club under the super- vision of Det. Sergeant Geo. Thompson and Cannabis Her. bert, The: men, many of whom were friends of the victims, were on the river bank: all Fri- day night, Saturday and tom. continued on till Wednesday. Detectiiri, Sergeant Thompson and Constable Herbert won the ham ot I†the searchers with their leadership and organise tion of the men into effective search parties The river chuckled merrily past their feet meandering on its, way to Lake Ontario and it was almost impossible to believe that a raging, snarling water monster had with a single mighty wave snuffed out lives and tore down homes ttf, trembling and helpless victims. This community can well be proud of the way it pulled to- gether, the men working to help the flood victims and tho women aupporting them in any way they could from dry socks to cups of coffee liberally laced with Java. PERSONALS Mrk%Grnder Mitchell. SI Roy- alcigh Ave. on the birth of a daughter. Mrs. Ruth Reid, 2282 Law- rence Ave. W. was admitted to the Toronto General Hospital last Baturday for examination and can for injuries received tren a {all in her home. Condolences of the neighbour. _hood Are extended to Mr. and Mn. Alexander Mitchell. 31 Royaleigh Ave. on the loss of their listen Mrs. Mary Amelia Sauer, 44 Mattice Ave., lsling- Mrs. Sauer was swept away by the flood waters of the Eto- bicoke Creek, Friday, Iht_15th. Welcome Mr, and' Mrs. James " ROVEIOER ll, YORK WEST VOTERS. MARK YOUR BALLOT this eleven months old Holdaln hull, lonelm Texal Diamond brought $1,050.00,phe highest price for a bull ot “no annual sale of Artificially Bred Holsteins conducted by the Maple Cattle Brood- ers Association on Oclabar thh at Oakville, Ontario. The seller was George C. Jackson, Downs- _ - - - l - _. I t I J ,1 .L - A _'A,._I cg..l-u- .".'"""'"'l"" v" vuvvv. '_... -. '_.‘....-, V...-V.,. W _ view, Omavio, (km, and the purgbour Raf-nor Grant s. Richards. head of the Animal Husbandry l, Deportmom of Brigham Young Unlvoralty ot Provo, Utah. (right). Diamond is o son of Lonolm ', Texal Hisrheroft. , . ', Deepest sympathy is extended to Mn. W. Carr and Gail in the locale! a beloved mother and grandmother, Mrs. Woodard. We are gradually getting back' to normal and thanks are due to the telephone company, firemen, hydro workerl'lnd all who have aidedJOJmng a little comton to our needy neighbours. Neigh- bours got together to show love ind sriiiptithy 'hnE‘En’ve treetr richly rewarded by the Impre- cintion shown. We have dil- tributed $508.50 among the at families, jun tor pocket money, T. Cairn: Ind family, " Roxa. line Ave. Mr. Cairns is I mem- ber of the Department of Na- tional Defence, Inspector Board attached to No., 12 T.S.U. Downs- view, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ruiz. Lockheed Blvd, have moved to their new home, 44 Lilac Ave, North York. Congratulations on Mr. and Mrs. L. Howarth, 9 Biverlea Heights on the birth of a daugh- ter. Thistlelown News Br "eqfs.rr. 2W0 [HAMILTON Wilding mm (ttgmt It mm an from us to them, and may Gof'sl richest blessings rest on all who: have "ttered. . i Mr. Linen Wu kindnen it- all. I person-11y curried vita- min: to all along the train road at his. request. Mr. Ella gave I whole side ot beef to help teed the distressed, which was served out from the United church. CHURCH NEWS _ We have had Mr. Ken Snider out and he is now doing good work with the Canadian Anny, and we are very proud at hint, Ho preached from mill). Mr. ooujight read dtt.-Amt lab son Ind Mr. Ben-11 the "cond lesion. Mr. Landon and Mr. Leilh acted as sidumen. ' Mr, kn Scott Boccleuh. who is going tttrough with the mini. stry, hour actor's right hand man " Rexdale. Visitation comes up next with Laymen's Sunday and our teams are ask- ed to be ready ~for these house to house visits. Many of our people are going down for the school of religion clnsses which were tried out with wonderful success last year for the tlt'st time. Birthday greetings to Barbara Chambers for October 20, Judy Dunning for the let, and Allan Marnie for the 26th. Pt*lkltad by May Lair. FARM FIRE A fire on the farm of Mr. John Farr caused considerable dam- age to the barn and contents Int Saturday. We am sorry tor our neighbour. RIDING CLUB ', TREASURE mm 2 On Saturday. October 23, the. Idle Hour Riding Club held a Trealure Hunt. Most of the mem- bers were present and the hunt was very successful. The riders were given tickets on which we: written the Article that they were required to find. Throughout the We huatouch thingtutr-as imal bones, stones, wild Bowers, and live insects were collected. The hunt lasted about four hours. and the team ot Tony Marland and Carrol Vickers was the win. ner. After the hunt a surprise par- ty was held in the Club Room in honour of Frank Jonston, a member who is leaving us for I short time. Refreshments were served and some games were played. The prizes were present- ed for the Treasure Hunt "How is that secondhand car you bought?? "I've just realized how hard it is to drive a bargain." lt th I. Ann-m path but Schools heel-nth: Schedule i. m beeinatims lemme tor PPel children in the townahip of North York “I unnamed this week by the _townahip's de- partmem of punk, Minnow;- The uhedulo tor an North York whooh in thin diam in " follows: Friday, om. " - Rodin; School, 1.10 pan.; Downsviov School, 230 pm. Wednesday, Nov-ttber Maple Lu! School. 9 n.m.; neliua Parkway School, Thursday, November 471m; School, 1.30 p.m.; Emery School, 2.15 Fm.; Borden Ave. School, 3.00 pm. Fri-day November 5 - George TOWNSHIP OF NORTH YORK Is Your Name On T he 1954 Voters’ List? Copies of the Voters' Lin may be examined at the Municipal Offices, 5145 Tongs Str.eet/North York Memorial Commun- ity Hall, 5090 Yonge Street; Lawrence Avenue and Yang- Street Fire Halls; Police Station, 5101 Yonge Street, Polio Station, 56 Mamon Road, (Crang Plaza); and at all Post Offices. _ T Any owner or tenant or wife or husband of on own" or tenant whose name is not on the Voters' List, and not disqualified by low prohibited from voting, should notify tho Township Clerk, 5145 Yonge Street, Willowdole, in writing, giving full particular: on or before November Ist, 1954, or telephone BA. LIAN. _ .Enquirlu mayho modrhty,tnurthtsrtirw or nuondimm, the office of the Township Clork at the following times, 9.00 mm. to 5.00 pm. Mondays to Fridays. _. 9.00 o,m. to 4.00 p.m. Saturday; (Octobor 30th) During tho ovon’mgs from 6.00 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. Monday to Friday, Octobor 2§th to 29th inclusive, A ludgo of the County Court of the County of York will hold a ,Court of Revision at the Municipal Building, sus Yong. Shoot, Willowdolo, on the 15th day at November a! 10.00 o'clock in the foronoon to hoor and dokrnino all com- plaints which may bellodged with the Clerk. DATED AT WlLLOWDALE - OCYOBER 22nd, 1954. A. G. STANDING, Clark ' Township of North York m‘ Cor- 10.80 iiai, nu uni School. I)! w; itLMll school, no In. . r'd' WM. noun-h- i St. Philip‘s _ q I Peutto Pork St9tmtl, l. , Emmi“ 34ml. ti an. All chum-n bony-u to] ot " month. and u and, eligible to nodvc__&h nu tian "ainat Fro am " It†Draw for now I .9. Itthllf MEI mu 1m