__ I 85 Mum» bo-mer In Woman tor the put that you; He wu born in Down-Vina receiving his public school due-Hon . there and " neon-Minty whoa! educa- tion " Weston Genuine. He is mania and ha than children, Mr. Bode â€wad with the Royal dint. of Canada from m: to IMO, was discharged as a cam we: uein; service overleu._ He IP' wounded in Mr. Boake makes no promises, he states. but to look at the problems as they come up with the best of his ability. CHARLES E. CONBOY A chairman of the Weston board of education. for three years, Chas. Conroy, 46, home- owner at 134 Church St. is seek- ing election to council. Born at Whitney, Ont, he moved to Wes- ton 13 years ago and has served Weston education for 12 years: one year on the advisory-voca- tional committee: one year ap- pointed to the board; and elected to the board for 5 terms. Mar- ried, with two children, Mr. Conroy operates a flower ship h Weston. He was on the executive ot he original W ston Community Council and is member of the executive of the Weston Horti- cultural Society C t present. A member of the We' ton-Mt. Den- nis Rotary Club, he is also on the executive at the Weston Art Guild. France. He had administrative duties with CMHQ toward: the end of the war until his dig- charge. Mr. Conroy states that he will do what he can on council if elected. He served one year on council in 1949 during which year he was chairman ot transportation. In his statement to the Times and Guide he declared there was JOHN L. EOLLEY John L. Holley, 41, was born in Weston as were his father and his grandfather, the Holley family being well known to Weston) A homeowner in Wes- ton, Mr. Holley is employed as a check pilot with Trans-Canada Airlines. "ha. I iauh, V 71-5231†- . J%Grrii.- FiriieCvkis"riiir- OPEN MONDAY mm THUISDAY ' To 5 . FRIDAY 9 To a . CLOSED SATURDAY (Who-pun) [In ud- h Milan " III I'm-nil" mm . Install fin-Mi oGi/., (crush? Meer. 2nd 'tiii O ther Royal I It) .51 MAI! "BEE. /',',7r'lh1ll'l," ovum 'llhliilllllllll, VOTE M YOU LIKE BUT-VOTE C After 7 YearrExperience On Weston Municipal Council I Am Once Again Offering My Services, , VOTE and ELECT-- ' V "; JACK T ' _ ' a. 1-3549 - M. 1-2763 - tht. 1-8105 TOWN OF WESTON Igigtiitmu,'ty,,,Etyri0ti Saturday December 4th, 1954 m BARS tht INFORMATION - TELEPHONE - Inn: " North business prop- ‘eny “when. H. added, however, Ithat he an any action of the P""' lhould be represented 'equany an! that it he were elected he would represent the whole town. “It.†- " tho alate a mum:- puunbd by ttte Candidate F. J. Templeman. 60, VIII born in England and cum to Toronto in 1906. He moved to Weston 20 years ago and opened I sheet metal busi- has in 1M5. His son and daugh- ter both participate in the busi- ness with him now. He is I member of the masonic lodge. When he first came to Weston, he worked‘ at Weldrest Hosiery for 12 years and then at De Havilland for five years. At the latter he began as an electrical installer and ended as superin- tendent. In 1946 he went into business for himself. Mr. Wood states that.he feels that Weston has been good to him and that he feels he should offer his services to the town in return. business for himself. _ Because of these changes, Mr Mr. Wood states that he teeileashburn suggested that each that Weston has been "good to isubscriber check his copy ot the him and that he feels he should Blue Book of Telcphone Num- offer his services to the town in bers against the new telephone return. book, and bring his personal lists :up to date. Pocket sized copies of the Blue Book are now avail- MARRIAGES [able at the Bell Telephone office. 'They are being issued to encour- PERRrN--NOBLE (age customers to keep a record The marriage of Lois Anne_of both local and out-of-town daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry/numbers frequently called. Perrin, RR. mo. 3, Weston to) "Telephone users can reduce Pvt. Bruce Ed Noble. son of Mr. r, the time required to make a long and Mrs. c. Noble, Weston, took distance call by as much as 50 place at the home of Rev. Dav-per cent by calling by number ison, Thistletown on Monday, instead of merely telling the op' November 15th. crater the name and address of ---------------, ', the called party," said Mr. Wash- lburn. We have found that the GET $50 lpersonal lists customers keep in Ithe Blue Book have helped to m 3,200 ‘make long distance service fast. In his statement to the Times and Guide, Mr. Templeman said that he was heartily in agree- ment with the criticism levelled by the Main St. North business property owners regarding by- laws. He is a member of the Weston Lions Club and of the masonic lodge. and a former president of the South Weston Ratepayers Association. He is also a member of the Weston Business Men's Association A homeowner at 118 Main St. South, Robert Wood, 44, was born in Scotland and educated there. He came to Weston in 1929 and is now operating a trucking business and storage warehouse in Weston. He is a married man with one daughter. ROBERT "Bert" WOOD P. L. TEMPLEMAN "If an up-to-date record of new or changed local numbers is kept in the Blue Book, many inquir- ies to 'information' can be elim- mated." More customers receged cop- ies of this year's direc ry than received last year's edition. The increase - from 13,660 to 17,850 -- reflects the growth in the number of telephones in service in the territory served by the di- rectory. The new look of the new tele. phone books which were deliv, ered to Bell Telephone custom. ers in Weston thig week goes deepers than the slick buit cov- ers. according to R. N. Washburn, Bell manager for this region. Included in the new directory are 6.057 new and changed list- ings in addition to the telephone numbers for customers in the area including Malton -and Wood. bridge. Vacations are simple For Nicholas Nair; His boss says' when-- His wife says where, SCHOOL TAMD KIWI “School Yard Nam" in I new/super put out by the pupil: ot Pelmo Park uhool under the supervision ot the following editorial Matt: Peter Muller. editor-in-chief; John Dickey. business minqet; Earl Ruben. sports reporter-editor; Gordon Beckett, art editor; Barbara White, poetry editor; Tom Wool- house, jokes editor; Gail MeCol, man, circulation manager; Arn- old Spriggs, Ferdinand Lassche, Carol Jarvis, proof readers; Linda Jefferson, Diane Baht, Denis Donnelly, Derek Peach, staff reporters; Russel Part, ridge, David Morris, printers; Miss Sadoway, Mr. Eastman, Mr. Buss and Mr. Macaulay, 6,057 Changed, New listings In Phone Book 'elhoolll 5:ka As A Loyal Weston Citizen And In The Interest th The Town of Weston I Strongly llrge All Voters To Cast Their Ballot This Saturday, December 4th For The candidates of Their Own choice. Nonnumw mo Pere school: "A and win of two "but: has been donated by Russel Put- ridge to the two prize WW contestants in the any com- petition. Winter Pair The grade eight students ot Weston Senior, public school again attended the annual Royal Agricultural Winter Fair. On Wednesday, they left the school at to am. and returned at 3 pan. The bus trips were enjoy. able but they enjoyed the tair even more. I'm sure that every- one who was there will agree with me on that. The horse show aroused a great deal of enthusiasm. Of course, there were many viewers " the flower show and the poultry exhibit was given a lot ot attention. The exhibits of beet cattle, sheep, swine, field crops and tropical fish were also very interesting.. As none of the pupils knew how to score, Mr. Hill used our RE. periods the next day to give us some instruction in what seemed to us a rather dimcult task. At present each tein: has seven members each headed by a Escher, who is captain. "(Editor'l Note-The pets will be presented to the pupils nun- ed on condition the parents are willing to accept the 'bunny' in their home.) "Because of the very good work that was submitted to.. . editorial stun, the hoice of selection was quite dfflkult. "The final selection of the en- trants wag; ' based upon the merits published in our Ins! edition. Jackie Little, Safety First; Bill Sinclair, The Benefits ot In Education; Stella Ukelis, Safety First (Honourable Mention). WESTON SENIOR. SCHOOL I am convinced that it you visit the fair, you will find it as satisfying an experience as the grade eight students of our school. --Jean Shave, Form 11, Grade 8. Bowling We are very pleased that the grade sevens are having the privilege of being members ot a bowling league this year. Last Wednesday afternoon the Coun- try League teams, composed of nine teams, bowled, and next week it wilt/be the turn for the City Leaguers. The highest scoring team was South Africa and the lowest was the Irish. We are eagerly looking for- ward to the next bowling day and hope the City League bowlers will enjoy themselves as much next week as we did this week. Monday morning turned out -Diane Hewitt, Form 8, EXAMINATION WEEK Max 1tiiiijaG Joined F Weston Band At Age Of IO In “Mill-n joined the Walton Silva Band ts yem no " _the use of ten. After 13 months sojourn It Gander. Max was transferred to St. Thomas, Ont, for a year's stay. In 1944 Max became a member of the 4th R.CAll Depot Band and was sent to England. He was stationed outside Manchester and the co. of this station was the well known Canadian, Den, ton Massgy. to be a cold, dreary day a poor send-off for the first day of ex- ams. At 9.10 mm. we started to write. Most pupils, who had studied, went to work with zest; others, who had neglected to do so, looked around, nervously drum. ming their pens on the desk tops. As the days passed, the teachers soon found out who had paid attention and who had not. Ho vi. born in puny om. in 1919 and moved to Walton It the In ot three. In wu educated at the King Street Public School and the Welter! High School. He nurt- ed work " Perranti Electric, Mount Dennis in 1936. , Maxnioined the REAL In Feb. 1942 and was sent immedi- ately to the Bandsmen Pool in Ottawa. Six months later Max was transferred to the WC AW. Band at Lachine. Quebec, and later mat 'ear the entire band WIS shipped to Gander, Newfound. land. While he was stationed It Gander, Max played trumpet in an REAP. Dance Band for the various personnel stationed at Gander. Among the services there were the American Air- force, Ferry Command, and the Canadian Army' as Well as R.C.A.F. personnel. Later that year the complete band was sent to Torquay, Dev. on from whence the band Made many tours of England, Scotland and Wales. Now that the exams are over. the pupils eagerly wait for their report cards. and maybe the parents do too. Avril Macdonald, Form 12 On Wednesday, the grade sev- en pupils of Senior Public again went bowling, this time the City Leaguers. As with the Country League teams, each team has a teacher for captain. The high scoring team wan Montreal and the Hamilton p1iurers are determin- ed that they will not be at, the bottom next time. When the R.C.A.F. main bands were disbanded. Max stayed on as one of the 15 members of the BOWLING Charlotte Milllgan, Form T. LCAJ. Dunc. Band culled the human". The Pam“ wuc Mn to Germany Ind " m I ' week 1.500 mu tour ot entertainment for Canadian “I: ROWNTREE 'd WESTON MUNICIPAL COUNCIL 1 L the hand was retufnod Your Vote And Influence Are Respectfully Solicited microns or wasm VOTE In In Ill-ELECT WOOD to ELECT so Years Successful lusty.“ Emerita!“ ed With 1 Your: Weston Council 'lutt-t,t At Yer chposal TM. "tSardar 't.teaq,lltt . Sound Business Administration For 1955 - For Cars or Information Call CH. 1-1171, 1-1172, CH. 4-0576 - COUNCILLOR 1Nrl,,,rr, COUNCILLOR 1955 HIS AIM:-- HE STANDS FOR:-- Continued Progress Consideration of the Ability of the Taxpayer to PAY Sound Business Administration Democratic Principles HIS RECORD..- ROBERT (Ion) H. FOSTER Reeve 2 years-Deputy-Reeve 4 years V Councillor 14 years ". . . s.s" C'5'Y/ I me was mo â€7%; M TO SERVE ALL WITH EQUITY momma-um mmwumu 1m. wow-dune diately rejoined the Woun- Bil. verBand In an "do!“ We“ Band In played but Inn can“ and lately he has boon playing . an soprano comet 7 The-septum comet in one din": in tin ttor-ii" the hardnt‘ot the band instru-idivhiu. . M COUNCILLOR Milieu-u mama-am h'"