{Serviceman Enroll In Night tyaiiiii g0ffered At WOVS By Moffats Ltd,, That this Moffat §ndertaking w popular is proved by the overwhelming response of the my; to the proposal. “meter, and G. Smith, service manager of Moirats Limited, met and jointly drew up the con- tent. of the course with speci- tle More requirements of the Mottat serviNAen, -An interesting sidelight on these custom courses is the de- cision ot Moffats Limited, makers ot electric and gas ranges, to offer their service- men a course on electricity at the Weston Collegilte and Voca- tional School. This will be in every sense a "custom course" as Messrs. G. McLain of the High School staff, W. Oatis the in- ' Ontario, it seems, is fllled with ambitious men and women, as shown by the "can! enrolments h night classes in various uni.. versities, high schools and tech- nical schools throughout the province. â€m wry popular are tho new night clan. I at Wanton Collogioto and Vocational School 'dfond by Motto" ltd, Weston, to their servicemen. Enioying their opportunity to go "boek to shoal†on, left to rights W. Otis, ken Harris, and Stan Goodhoad. In tho background on Bob ' __J (",1 I,,I - "in and Fred Jacinta}. " Main St. N. Weston Phone CH. 1-1231 or CH. 1-9103 ONTARIO HURRICANE RELIEF FUND men cum roaomo _ l t63t Koch 'troot, York Township 460 Jarvis SM“, 70mm t 7% - [whom 626) Tolopbm - Walnut 3-6691 WESTON 5†Mali! 9nd, Weston Tolophono - Cherry 1-6253 lulu "IMO!“ J-JII I WOODBRIDOE Hooper and Hm" on“, Main TQRONTO TOWNSHIP _ 89nd, Woodbvldg. Municipal on", Coolmillo Telephone - vacuum†261 Telephonu - ANN." 9-1"! BRADFORD NOTICE W. P. Graham t Sons .-FLtXtisTs- May: Show, 'rodford Telephone - Redford 324 are urged to contact the local repreuntatlvee of the Central Housing Registry of the Ontario Hurricane Relief Fund at the following addresses for information concern- ing available accommodation P- Flood ,rtegtms in need of temporary housing (t H To School hr Maui: Savicemen Bouquets and Pond Plums delivered uny- whoro In tho world on the day of your cw". ORDER EARLY! Member of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association . 0918115. $31 Wire I IC', For Christmas! (s,.',',:'.?"; Send According to reports, industry in general has hitherto been slow in taking advantage of the various facilitiel made avail- able by mmy educational initi- tutions. This move of Mofhtttt Limited may well spur a general industrial interest which will add ita impetus to the already large individual participation in extension training. At any rate, Moftata Limited expect many beneflta to accrue not only to their nervicemen attending the classes but to the company as a whole in the more intensive ( knowledge and widened outlook) of their employees l Some twenty-one men are now enrolled in the course and will devote two hours of their free time each Tundly and Thurs. day trom now to March in broadening their knowledge of electricity and service. It is also planned to Introduce some elec- tronics and public relation train- ing for the more advanced ser- vicemen. b an». a. m4»... " SCARBOROUGH ETOBICOKE Tolophm Juno...“ s-aul "l" I’llMon_ Avonuo Inâ€, M9t Dundas We†W., Minoan Telephone L- Ielmem 3-227} and Ielmom 3-3." Two third: of Canada's dwel- lings are owner-occupied.' , n. my " R-Nt M. mm M. P414 ", was M. n-ul 29. my . P. DRAW AGREED u; 335$? The Weston Chess Club is entertaining another Toronto Chess Club tonight, December 2nd. The club is at present un- decided, but next issue we shall be able to give you accurate details. T. J. Kagetsu of Hart House is leading in the championship Preliminaries with a score of 5- 0, with A. Kalns running sec- ond place with 4-1. Geza Fuster, the ex-Hungar- ian Chess Champion give I simultaneous exhibition at Hart House on Wednesday, Nov. 10. He played against 25 of the Hart House chessmen. Won 24, and drew one. D. M. Sweeney obtained the draw. Senorl C. Moschini, Argen- tine, won the South American Women's Zonal Championship Tournament. Senora Moschini now has the privilege of entering for the Women's World Cham- pionship Tournament being held in Moscow next January, 1955. Dr. Juan Gonzazlez has won the Cuban National Champion- ship Tournament with a scar. of 8% points. INTERNATIONAL TEAM 1954 Nimzo - Indian Defence WHITE BLACK I. nan-mu: Dr. Mn In" ._ At'" Hall-M Mom B-RS 9mm Brp B-Ql Q-BS PxKP . Nghr P-BI P-Kl P~Ql P-Q Bt , N-QBI y P-Ki "-0! N-B8 P-QRI THE CHESSMEN Br HENRY L00tut PrP KR-qt Q“! H-Ke “R Nt rtot OVEN N-Ut U-kt P-kt Q-Kl NIP 'JXN Fr.kt PAIN P-Q4 NVKH) TOM CLOUGH morons an? This week marked the end of the fine exhibition games de- signed to uhow where strength is needed on the various teams (Continued from page 11) were Wayne McKenzie, Tom Hicks And John Webster but the whole team played well. For St. Kim Art Finley, playing with two injured toes, put in an ex- cellent game with help from Wayne Curry and Gerry Car- rick. BARRY l-OsllAWA ' Four goals by Lorne Ashbee and two by Paul Bates along with singles by Murray Pearson and Don Couslnenu sparked Barrie to a complete rout of the Oshawa team. Alan Giles and Barry Hatfield tried very hard in I losing came. PrmWiifaiT'iaTdrGTiiiG cr, re-constituted A.V. Roe_Canadu1 Limited ln'clude, from left, Crow. ford Gordon, Jr., President anal General Manager and member of the Boord; F. T. Smye, mem-I ber of the Board and General Manager of Aero Aircraft lim- ited; W. I. McLachlan, member of the Board, and General Man-I ager of Orenda Engines limited); (A. A. Bailie, Vice-President (m inane.) and Treasurer, W. H. i Dickie, Vice-President (industrial} Relations). Messrs. Bailie and Dickie are newly-appointed as Vice-Presidents. Midget Mi. [email/01mm oaos/jf'yraasrys ere/I New curvid harm-ant panel with [Inning "res-d dial. has the look and "kimsey of an nirqtHrte "ht dock! The Powalite automatic kiwi-Ion , "In: Control km in mounted on the duh with “but control. that an tuition and. i)sit,hir ar . . mm Jan Iviritin, fp, far. .. /7 Make " a date! Don't mlss this "clung "out " your Chryalor- --------,.-, ___ Iytftsnstitad A. t Roe Canada limited President Ind Senior 0mm ..;}' T _ 33,-.) 2 . sjii'iijiitrs, ï¬ggï¬â€˜m l _ _ dd.t T w.-). ms: Is " t hs ,',e" I' 3:2:- f, T , » _:,),,:',:)]',".'), 52" _,ti':" ssa%Ts, ' r?: _ A' _ :2- ":v_,o, l " 'jjj? LEV†35$? $lihti, Ci, li's g; ‘ng iii):,:: xjr"f,itii. " V ', iy , _ ’ 'r"." 'Sl "api.; e" "tire: q T #T49S: it,c%' "vi" " b ",. 2 ffsjiiir, ' ' "'s" 'c") '. :-....=:2:2~'- q C ru'. ..»-5:3:»%: F; ,':e,' “-2 V -‘ a, T ' a PT. a cr" T I _ , 'rc,,' T 52:3} 5%)??- T c"! 2:); a W N, _ ,'. _ "ij,ioeie'l" W C "srl'-:;')::',':, 'tfy""" s)ri;i, i'i"fi'bi'iik . _ " ". x a? $2 l "s' " s: T T /vo_A: Cs'" "'ig __ W - -e ,‘_~_ -.=-, W -__7-, " ----, _ WW, omdb7i . W N 88 Main St. COOPER & HORTON no. A More Full of Gifts For The Handy Man _,.ro,,,_w.,,,o,,',ii,h' 'gi 'Illegal"? Open Fridays until 9 p.m., Saturdays to [IEEIITCrir? There's the bright spirit of tomorrow evidenced in every line of the spirited new Plymouth for '55! For here's a car so refreshingly free of meaningless fads and frills . . ' so artfully styled, so slim, so taut . . . you sense a feeling of forward thrust even when the car is standing still. And under the hood you'll discover silky-smooth power in new V-8 and 6-cylinder engines. Yes, from roof to road, from bumper to bumper, you’ve never Been so much that’s )6»! . . . so much_value! Be sure to see this eager new Plymouth on display at your Chrysler-Plymouth-Fargo dealer's! Manufactured in Canada b Chrysler Corporation of Canada 'inan’lito. Power steering. and porn brakes available on all models. and power window lifts and power lent on Savoy and Bclvodm model. at modem- our: cost. Completely new. . . every inch and every excitink line of it! iiiCEiTiTE "'8 and “a, up m MP MP. -ttnd--. From Plymouth-Fargo donor's! LUCKY DRAW Every Week Nothing To Buy Phone 011. 1-1191 Just Brlng Thls Ad , Limi