MARIO! DEIDRE“ All) mm m A. ll“: mo an“ " . Mr. mums lauded: The Royal Danish Conurvalory of Music, Copen- hagen. Gunmenâ€: loyal Con. urvaiory 'of Music, Toronto. PIANO TEACHER [or huh" Inhnnulon - all OLE ISHOY CHERRY 4-0960 Classes At MASONIC TIMPLE " Main St. North, Wegtgtrt CRANG PLAZA AUDITORIUM Jan. and Wilson Information CH. 1-3098 SHEET METAL WORK I.l.f.. LICK. PIANO, THEORY, SINGING Kelly Kirby kindergarten Cc" EM. 8-2655 witness on Burner Sales ' Servme JACK WRIGHT 225 John " - CH. I [11mm Charlotte-Anne Duffield DANCING ACADEMY Eavestroughlng Roofing In" In when - will " than Modernin Your Old Furncco Pipes To Concealed Square Type [IE i will!“ 'tlrllrtllrmNtlmf, * I THE HIGH LIFE "FlMT MASH†It, I. Agnow & lhs SERVICES OFFERED DOWNSVIEW VETERINARY HOSPITAL Gravity I roretfHr of all description PUPILS ACCEPTED HOMES VISITED GRAIT’S common OIL some“ romances CLEANED REASONABLE RATES 0H. 1-1181 It TAKE THE DENT our or "Accwlm- C. W. LMSK Chum Actuation. w. J. WARD tonomo rum“: DIRECTORS up mum so. or was mt CM. 1-2233 , - Ap. cu. 1-1770 12's: WILSON AVE. J, i. Robina-0a CH. t. IS YOUR CAR IN CHATCO MI. 1-8201 FUNERAl HOMES DANCING 1999 Jane St. VETERINARIAN CONDITION , CH. [-1451 D.V.M.. MS. - CLASSES - P. E. “RITE. " OHOMmIST . MICIAN 3 JOHN mm waster: CH. 1-3731 omnmm F. L. MERTENS CH. 1-1153 Eyes Examined I N C II '5 DRUG STORE omct IESIDENCI CH. l-Olll CM. 1-012 Associate: R. E. McKcrrow Woodbridge 127 i, _ on... CH. 1 c c Barristers & Solicitors 29% MAIN " NORTH Weston CH. 1-9159 Mortgage Monty to loan Alfred II. Harman. ILA. IARRISTER - SOLICITOI 2 John " a! Main innings by uppeinlmen' WESTON CH. 1-6071 Surgical Slum: Elastic Stockings 1 Main St N. - Weston Phone CH. 1-0701 G. Lorne Fraser BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Bonk of Nova Scenic Chambers - Weston . BARRISTER, SOLICITOI, In. m. Lil“ _ Money " lean ll Iowan Stun. hunky a Innll of Nova Smile Chambers , MAIN ST. 5. - WESTON Ch. LO“! CM. 1-1060 GEORGE W. BULL MEDICAL SUPPLIES TRUSSES . Edgar Parsons wsstoti" _ _ cu. “no IVENINGB " LPNINTHENT VERN HARROP WILLIAM McKAGUE, B.A. E GUN". 0.8.0. CHIROPODIST I MAIN " E CH. 1-2421 anus“: and Senate: " MAIN " SOUTH CH. 1-0621 GENERAL CARTAGE ' MOVING STORAGE GARDEN PLOUGHING BARRISTERS, Etc. HEAKES and MIGDOIALD I. Com. tiAtUtltmt, SOLICITOR NOTARY Anywhere - Anytime 125 Dowmviow Ave. PHONE CH. 1-9641 OPTOMETRIC J. MILES - at Htm.B., tt.O. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY cm M Amman! J. T. FERGUSON ACCOUNTANTS CHIROPODIST CARTAGE IESIDENCI CH. IAM23 MU. 4593 o- I 6-52 1htttyrttlt'tt TAXI 'iGiiiotiit's "ic"-? \TAXI iv_r'iiiiii'ii"l' Oui-of-Town trips q Spocialty This contest was Mr. LaRose's first attempt at the roadeo. He _ drives for Imperial Oil Company V and won the local division i prizes, and entered and won the w Ontario and Toronto Division i prizes. _ Ma01li1 SEBVIGE (Continued from Page 1) T The maximum clearance of the obstacles is four inches which allows two inches on either side of the truck. To back into a loading dock, ij the rear-view mirrors must be: used, the rules Mate. [ cm1-1133 In winning the Automotive Transportation A a s o c i a t ion's Canadian National Contest " nal, Mr. LaRose set a new high in points, 376% out ot a possible 400. He also won 700 dollars in prize money and a gold watch which was presented to him by the Imperial Oil Ltd. Roadeo Champ In winning the Ontario Final Trophy, he captured an all time high score ot 387% points. Mr. LaROse is married and is the father of three children, two boy's and a girl and accredits his wife, Barbara, with his suc- cess for the encouragement and enthusiasm that ahe gave him. He has been driving for 14 years and has 10 years of acci- dent free driving for a total of 300,000 miles. Two-way radio and phones_ controlled Mr. LaRose passed out some sage advice on driving skill: “Use common sense, to govern the speed of the vehicle to suit road conditions." Also, he would like to no the proper use of hand signals enforced. C“. I " 3525 . from 1 Windall Ave. Taxis stationed a! 34 Main St. N. 500 Main N. M Bus Stop Hourl'l Conway Corner Jane I Wllson "iii EEK-sided his remarks by saying he thought that the in- stallation of mechanlgal signals William Hornbeck. who won the Academy Award for hi: editing of Pararnount's 'Shane" wu signed today by Producer Frederick Brinn as film editor for the Rosalind Russell mum-l extruvaganza "The Girl Rush," to be filmed In VislaVilion for Paramount role-It. 5n 'iirii'e,irGLiio of casa" and trucks should be part of the stand-rd equipment. MAIN a! LAWRENCE ESE" liév. 9 on location It I- Vogu‘ ram Howl. BAKER‘ Hornbeck'e most recent Ill gunmen! was on the Joseph Munklowicz production "The Bunion Contessa." Director Aottert Pirosh rolls "The Girl "ttto.ttNpAtCMEtt OFFICES JANE I LAWIINCI - "dio-Dispestthed T FLEETLIIE 1111. 1-9131 TAXI " Cars To Serve You TELEPHONE HIDE Bill 'hah-ar' would have been delighted with alumina»! think. Hover ' nun to rain the "In. at a rich theatrical poni- bility, ho would have found but: ot new in kiwi-Ion to create dramatic momenta. In a tribute, in tact. to the genius at Station! Bard, t'i'iti,','i/,'rth?itt?,1oi'iti. oupud to modern Mum. Alma-I my “mainly "nuni- ant and imaginative TV dine tor an and Iota of my. in a Shakespuro play for rich via- unl presentation. Bill had to get along with practically bite boards a a background, and with only the crudeat and um- plest of prom to get actou " locales and atmosphere. but what immense possibilities there with only the crude pleat of prom to u locales and atma what immense poui Ire with television! The American video produc- tion last Sunday of "MacBeth" was an outstanding else in point. Not only did the play enjoy the wondortul tnlents of Maurice Evans and Judith Anderson but the TV “morn exploited every pictoriuly drum-tic pouibility that the blood-drenched play In. to after - and there are many. Take the so1iloquiea, for In- Itlnce. Unleu an actor Men from the distance of a top-balcony seat in a theatre gives which!“ mean. ing and power to the words themselves. his uppeannce alone on the stage will not be though to supply the dramatic effect. But when a. TV "mer. can move close in to the actor’s Nee, hall ‘the effect can he tranrmitted in expression. Granted, it tlkes a ‘skilful actor to do it, but when lr, has that skill, then TV be- comes, " in the mavies, a mar- GGG' dramatic medium indeed. The appearance of ghosts and other lupematunl figures, too; can be much more handily done) with the video camera. I won..' der, for example, how William brought in his mess of "Mae beth" ghosts when the play was first sounded upon the boards of London, or wherever. It is just ias likely that some nondescript actor walked terms the stuge bearing a placard "GHOST IN BACKeRoimD", or "LOR’ LUMMEY - A GHOST!" Of course there is always the argument that it might have mm morons m. C" 9 was“: AVE. WEST cl BIGGEST CAR IN THE LOW-PRICED FIELD More than a foot longer, inches, wider and lower-years ahead in inspired styling-mW in everything but name-thah the daring, new Dodge for '55l Youll sense a new trend in motorcara in its long, slim lines and clean, taut surfaces that give it an exciting "eager-for-action" look. Inside, intriguing new interior fabrics live in perfect harmony with exterior colours-d and literally breathe richness and luxury. There's a dramatic power story, too, for the '55 Dodge often a great new V-8 and two dynamic " And eager Dodge power, responsive to your slightest command, can be hemmed to PowerFlite', flnetst of all automatic transmissions. Learn the whole exciting srtory-Mre the daring new Dodge on display at your Dodge-De Soto dealer's now. "sis. DODGE [li'i'ljji1irti1's, lollov the crowdi- 2iejyditige't h/U., Jef, th, :fzli,,.lf.i'_ " nun IONIC 'Pmurf'h'u, pomr altering. and power brakes In iguana! at monarch am can on M ayfmr, agent, and Crusader models. Ptnrer window lift: and power not are aim available on Mag/air and Regent models at who cut. tort, and my oven he vuguely disappointed with the watered. down sort " thing that the movie or TV reducer might bring in. Assuming though that most ot the people who no I Shake- lpun play are not too mightily stirred by the sheer poetry and power of the words themselves. the pictorial dcvicu Certainly do enhance the interest and excite- ment of the thing. A good picture is auppoud to any more than a thounnd words; and in nomc “my: and places it will. The American network that presented "MacBeth" last Sun- day, at any rate, is to be con- gratulated on an excellent good piece of work. It may have had some difficulty outpulling some ot the repeat performance Olga modern masterpiece - Satur- day's Grey Cup game - but thou who saw it were treated to as fine a perlormanco ot a Shakespeare tragedy as this re- jiewer has aver seen. Benefit Hockey Night Dec. 14th 2 Aid Firemen On Tuesday, December 14th. a benefit hockey night will be held at the Weston Arena with the' proceeds going to aid the Etobicoke Volunteer Firemen) Fund. Etobicoke Police will clash with the Windsor Police in the opening game while the Welton Alrstttrtr will meet the RCAF All-Stan in the necond game of the evening. The Weston All- Stars will be" chosen from the Weston Hockey League who are cooperating with the Etobicoke Police Hockey Club to make it possible. A capacity crowd ls hoped for so that the maximum mmunt may. be presented " the close of the (Amen. CM It.“ "A--, PM" If your â€MOON“ Nuance-r ownerln three - - -- lei, tell you, with my de- Bree ot ucuncy, the number of miles to a gallon he muses , with the family CI? __ yet u----------) there in . method of deter- I For week-end of Dec. and, mining that tupire within a ‘ardflnd tttr; tenth of a mite, and it's a VCOME our riGrrrmG-- good, ample one. es clally for fun. Follow these stop- for an FANpCeY PANTS - excellent. accurate mlleue check: ft) fiiil Family Medal Award winner. the gasoline tank to the very1THE NAKED JUNGLE -- very top - until it won't hemp! and good tor older children. other drop. Make certain the," ' --v -_ -c-t 7“" cu in on I flat end level mace. C;::.1's‘ t2t,g'yacl"g" Jd (2) Record the exact speedo- murderers! D'Arcy McGee at meter reading. A . Ottawa in 1369. (3) Drive ihe our in normal, day-to-dly uu, until the fuel “use registers about a quarter full. (4) Reftlt the tank and note the exlct slllonlgo required, with the car again on a flat and level suface. Check the distance travelled during the test. (5) Divide the gasoline con-i sumed into the distance covered) --and you hive the exact miler il, per-[allon figure for your car.1 SMOKING sum KEENAN wmmxs me To The ladies - MON. - TUE. - WED. . Truman O'Gold Dinnerware MT. DENNIS Ftiiiiieuutd The . Flesh CHAILYON NESYON mum, m., SAT. Naked Jungle [ANA TURNER Fancy Pants MOM, mes, WED, BOB HOPE Tennessee Champ (Adult [HEV'GINTI'L'] " Condiihuu ALSO ALSO luau/M (s cm by Chm CWanup. Latte" ILEANOR PARKER lUClllE BALL PIER ANGELI JU. I960 Gently sloping rear deck, extended fender line, and recessed taillights secon- hnto the oar', low, gleeful ailhouetta. IN! “MAN. For week-end of Dee. Ind, ard,' and “h: COME OUT FIGHTING - good, especially to: tana. Logan Mountain, towering 198,500 feet on the Yukon Alaska boundary, is Can-dis highest peak. CH. 1-7661 - . - SMOKING "The Lusty Men" MOVIE Firms? mun, FRI., SAT. _ IN CINEMASCOPE “Night People" MON., TUES., WED. CHILD FitifJ,iir, CORNELL WILDE NEWS and CARTOON "Come.Out Fighting" IOIERY MITCHUM "Saadia" GIIGOIY PECK [ASYSIDE KIDS and Also in tolor Mil nun "s"" IAYIAII V-I or 6 - u, A --- Front out of two-door models folds “-95 . . . allow: easy entrance or exit without disturbing front seat passengen. _)h)iil--i'fii1llll // tii)' iii'illl, N G PowerF1ito' Flite Control lever, A new 'lteg treat- ment, in now I ounlad on Instrumt-nt panel. "Devil' 'TURN THE KEY SOFW [AV M|LLAN°. An“! WEDNESDA Y- THURSDAY "Dodge City" JOHN LITO, ANN SHEIIDAN "JAMAICA RUN" FRIDAY - SATURDAY “The Matt _ Between" 1 MONDAY - TUESDAY ' 'Rhapsody" All Tuhnitoloi soul VIRGINIA MAYO DALE IOIIIYSON "RED GARTERS†ERIOL OLIVIA DE ROSEMARY CLOONIY JACK CARSON CLARE ROM NILDIGAID D. IN (not um EuzA"Tr4 TAYLOR vmono‘ GASSMAN J EAN COLLINS DEC. I -9 (Term) k-nlor) tt Care Also MUS FLYNN MAVILLAND u.