THREE-PIKE walnut bedroom tum. double bed including Donny Rat manna. Mn. Oh. hon. CE hitting-Ht MODERN self - contained, un- furnished apartment, one bed- room. stove and refrigerator, washing and drying machines, good locality. Phone CH.'r 1258. x-4-2t mam, two - burner with can. almost new. Beat offer. My 1 Roller Ave., mt en- trance (PM! LARGE apartment on Main St., Weston; self-contained, unfur- nished. available February lst. Write A. F. Empke, Bar- rie, Ont, or phone Barrie A303 'collect. x-li-lt THREE large rooms, private washroom, refrigerator and stove, close to transportation. Apply 5 William St. Phone JU. 6345. o-S-it NEWLY decorated unfurnished basement bed-sitting room and kitchen. North of Weston, near Wilson Ave. Small baby welcome. Phone CH. 4-2644. V x-5-lt two-ROOM unfurnish% base- ment apartment with bath- room. Phone LY. 6534. BASEMENT aparEthFS rGGG, 3-pee. yam-mom. sink and cup- BASEMENT apartment/partially furnished. three rooms, private entrance, bathroom, shower, basin and chemical toilet, sink, near Manon bus, $50 monthly. CH 14923 after 7 pm. o-5-1t JANE - WILSON. unfurnished. basement apartment, two large robrns. private entrance, forced- air heating. quiet home, rea, sonable. CH, 1-9991. x-5-1t TWO - BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment, children welcome, kitchen equipped. tree auto- matic washer. 4-month lease. $t10. Apply Apt. 1-10 Wads- worth Blvd Parking space. CH. Ilr846. x-lrlt UPPER duplex. unfurnished, 6 rooms. self-contained, posses- "aTon March lst. Apply 89 King St. Weston. phone CH. 1 0452. o-3-lt MUSICAL trutruction, Piano, classical and populnr. Accor- dion. Spanish Guitar Instru- . menu rented to beginners New and used instrument: (or me. CH IMO! - tttt Main St N Weston. x404! $14,900. Immediate possession. , - room familr'troms, close to transportation, corner lot, large kitchen, 2 fire places. oil heat. private drive and gouge. JU. 7447. frank 77 Ila-ad Cray- .I (no. Map.) vigil to m- 510.750. Immediate possession. o-room. brick, sémi-detached home, in immaculate condi- tion, large modern kitchen, air condition, oil heat, rent from 2nd Mor carried house. about halt cash required. JU. 7447. in! WM pt 1.1mm Feiiiteriat HEM on JAM if an tiothir ma busy ditirtg wolL _ x-s-lt $2.000 Down. Immediate pos- session. 4 - room bungalow, large living room and modern kitchen, 3-pce. bathroom, 2 bedrooms. 50 ft. lot. Privatie drive and garage. Call JU. 7447. RAUM A FORREST BROKERS 1370 WESTON RD. at JANE I loving memory of Andrew Davidson who died JInutry‘ a! 1351. A 311,900 Full Price. - Carries for. $70 monthly. Weston, 6 room through hall plan. brick home in heart ot Weston. Close to shopping. schools & railway commuting. 6 large modern rooms,1 including 3 bedrooms. Early possession. 32,500 down payment. Full price only $12.500. Brand new solid brick bungalow. 3 bedrooms. 4arce. bath, divid- ed basement. oil heat, private drive. Immediate possession. This is a good buy fall, Lovc'n remembrance out- V . lasts all _ And though the years be many- or tew All are Med with remem- brance, dear, of you. --Lovinely remembered by wife. Margaret. and sons. James and Thomas. REAL ESTATE AGENT 662 Scorlett Rd. - CH. 1-9781 STUART MERCER, Realtor 2837 Dundas St. w. West Toronto .tsards in kitchen. privatrenerrri- Xrance. suit business couple or three girls. CH. 4-1061. o-li-lt Sunshine passes. shadow: WESTON 4 BEDROOMS APARTMENTS To LET TOM SCOTT ARTICLES FOR SALE WEI) AllMilltTi$lltihi m mom lngML pundits. Mixed Nuts 25. tb. British Fruit Muket ff, tteoT.ff ly/er, Main St. N., Weston. REAL ESTATE m Mum, my. M, x-S-lt o-4-2t x-5-lt amazing; Danna. a nu me SN, British Fruit Market, In Main Bt. N. CH. 1-3031. _ 36mm at for eight, including to: In. Phone CH. I-init. BLACK Persian Lamb can, size XI. Phone CH. i-IMS. x-5-lt GRADE "A" In" Poutry Fun: up. no doz. CH. 1-3061. Brit. ish Fruit Market, Main St. N, Weston. x-5-lt APPLES - Choice Northern Spys. 65¢ 6 quart. $2.95 bushel: Cortland, 59¢ 6 quart, $2.75 bushel. Phone CH. 1-3061. British Fruit Market, Weston. xFIt FFSIANPIW buck tuU-iength coat. size 38. Very reasonable. Phone CH. 1-0220. x-lVlt 500 BAGS N.B. Potatoes-50-lb. bags-splendid cooking, $1.69. Free delivery. CH 1-3061. Brit- ish Fruit Market. x-6-1t SMALL-SIZE Spy apples. Good cooking. $1.50 bushel. CH. 1-3061. British Fruit Market. x-li-lt GREEN Chesterfield suite, three- piece, $180; matching blonde end tables and coffee table, $45; 9 x 12 rug, $50; General Electric vacuum cleaner, $30; bedroom suite; dinette suite. CH. 1-5168. x-5-1t THREE venetian blinds, com- . plete; ironing board; two din- ing mom doors, 6'8" x 30%"- 6'7" x MW", two furnace shovels, pokers and cleaners, single hand crosscut saw, 48" lblade; lmcksaw, both newly irariiraiird ‘sen, need cash. Electric refrigerator, 60 cycle: four burner apapment size propane gas range; automatic gas water heater, 22 gallon capacity; venetian blinds, drapes, chrome kitchen set, large cupboard, utility table; folding bed, spring mattress. Very reasonable. CH. l- 9356. Apply 91 Sunset Trail. DINETTE suite, buffet and chin: cabinet combined, drop leaf table with two extra leaves, tour. chairs, walnut, $50. Eevenings, ST. 8-6il88. TRUCKS WANTED- Any Lion. Lion and upwards Truck Buyer MU 3681. GREY Gendron carriage, bathi- nette, play pen and mat, baby car basket. grey modern two piece cheWertield suite, end tables, coffee table, washing machine, console radio, sepa- rate automatic record changer chest of drawers. All in ex- cellent condition and reason- abte. Phone CH. 1-5614, after FOR TRUCK PARTS tt'g Mtror's, All makes. New Used. Rebulu [400 Weston Road I 1115 LOVING care for one or two ELECTRIC motor, new, Wagner, 110/220. M hp, 60 cycle, re- pulsion induction, $60. Phone CH. 1-8140. _x-5-lt THERE are a number of West- ern franchises aVailable in Ontario and Eastern Canada for Automotive Retail Stores. We are offering this opportu- nity to responsible people in- terested in operating their own business. Take advantage of twenty-ftve years experience by associating with Canada's most progressive Automotive Chain. Sixty-three stores now inoperation. For further information write to Western Tire and Auto Supply Limited, Head OMee, London. Ont, SALESLADY desires position. full or part time, Weston area preferred. Phone CH. 1-312] _ x-5-1t irkiairkNéED ssl/io" lids/ dpl EXPERIENCED man with driv, vet's licence want, part-time employmentweekends. Phone CR. 1-9022 or CH 4-0361, DUTCH girl wank! like ho take care of elderly lady. Would do light housekeeping. Free to travel. Write Joyce Vorhool. 10 Alma Dr., Wanton. teFit 4tt FORD COACH. good condi- tion. radio. air V conditioning. (and buy, cash Phone CH. 1-2597 or apply 153 Queen's Dr. NC 3-lt '35 OLDSMOBILE. good running condition. heater, radio and tmod tires, Phone CH. 1-7903, . x-5-lt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 6 pm. children, day or week. CH. 14888 or call 1957 Jane St. x-li-lt sires day work. 9 to 4. 36 Reference; Phone cy 1-0877. X-.5 lti EMPLOYMENT CARE FOR CHILDREN /rpisrsrwau. 4050. x-5-1t TRUCKS WANTED fans FOR SALE iioroR PARTS WANTED x-Fit o-lVit x-5-1t tr-li-lt x-5-lt x45-lt Levv'x x 41-tf x44tt condi x-5-lt It. MEiNAL auditor desires evo- ning work the weekends Phone CH. 1-9834. x-s-lt GIRL desires house or tum work on farm. Able to drive, tive in. Write to Joyce Ver- hoog, 10 Alma Dr,, Weston. RELIABLE woman wishes day work. house cleaning or child care, evening baby-sitting. Rex- dale area preferred. Phone CH. 4 2914. x-5-n WOMAN desires domestic posi- tion, live in. No children or illness. Write Times and Guide. .80): 5091. a-li-tt CAPABLE mature women m- terested m registering as mac-1 l tical nurses, home makers or baby sitters with agency oper ating in Weston and surround. _ my. area CH. 1-5413. x-25 tf EXPERIENCED woman desires general housework or omee cleaning. Phone CH. 1-2621. o-5-it RELIABLE woman, to take care of two small children. before school and atter,noons, 4 days weekly. in own home. Smith- field or Thistletown area. Woodbridge 47-11-33 evenings. B-li-lt (BE tt bookkeeper, Monograph", I typist, Lessons Mht. Canadian Correspondence Courses. 1290 [ Bay Street, Toronto. n-5-1t "GOOD DEALERS" wanted lt) mediately in good vacant ter- ritories to sell our 225 well- known products, liked by public, as: Toilet Articles, Medicines, Culinaires, Domes- tic, Tea, Coffee; etc. Earn from $50 to $75 per week. Excel- lent offer. Advantageous com- mission. Frée SPECIALS each month, $18 required. JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. Suitable for Professional Man Real Estate, Accountant, etc. Office space consists of 3 large rooms on main floor, with 3- piece bath in basement, oil heat- ed. living quarters consists of kitchen, living room, 2 bed- 100ml. Stoddart Cleaners CH. 1-3581 A SPECIAL invitation to enter the selling field. Full or part- time aggressive salesmen make large earnings selling house- hold necessities. Wherever you may live there's an opening for you Write now to FAM- ILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Dept. C., Montreal. x-5-lt LOSTwBlack Persian cat, strayed from premises, answers to the name "Puddy". Finder please return to 6 Victoria West. Re. ward. CH. 1-8215. o-li-lt Accurate typist, capable of taking responsibilities, elec- tromatie experience an asset. Insurance and profit sharing. Top salary tor right girl. TWELVE room house on Jane St., 3 rhiles north ox Wilsox) Ave. Phone Maple 74333. -- Al Cruickshank 122 MAIN ST. N., WESTON HUSBANDS! Wives' Want Pep, Vim’ Ostrox Tonir Tablets re- vitalize iron defiritsnt body; Increase vigor 'Get ncqumnt- ed" size only 60¢. All druizgists, I x-4-lt HYGIENlC SUPPLIES (rubber good<)'mailrd post paid m plain sealed envelope with priro list. Six samples Mr. " samples M. Mail Order Dept. G4. Nova Rubber Co, Box " Hamilton, Ont. tr-M-tt EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER OFFICE tr APT. FOR RENT HELP WANTED FEMALE OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Wanted Immediately. - call - . 149 MAIN ST. NORTH SALESMAN WANTED HELP WANTED MALE 0R FEMALE JANE - WILSON OPPORTI'NITIES MEN AND WOMEN HOUSE TO LET CH. 1-5261 - APPLY + PERSON A L area LOST x-5-1t o-s-lt O~2-4T x-5-1t x-3-4t NO CHARGE YOUR handwriting turn): your personality, Nation ete. For your personal Analysis and tlity word ample in own handwriti and $1.00 to B. Wyman cg Box tu, 1rood-, MAy to share room with Scot- tish family. Trethewey and hue district. Phone CH. 1-9895. o-5-lt CH. 1-8823 $6M arurTao;rliTi%iiabte for two young men. Apply 19 Main St, South. o-FU YOUNG man to share room with same, twin beds, good meals, continuous hot water, near Main St. bus. Phone CH. I-6835. x-li-lt ROOM and board, near trans- portation. Phone CH. 1-6294. x-5-lt ROOM and board in modern home, good meals, near trans- portation. Apply 200 Downs- view Ave., Jane-Wilson area. x-5-lt TWO, gentlemen .to share _room BRIGHT, warm, unfurnished 2 zooms and kitchimette on bath Mor, Fink and cupboards. private entrance. puking ta- cilities. CH. 4-1603. x-5-1t irNttfit-NTirirgijt", srsit-trusf ONE large Iurnighgdyrroom with grill. Close to bus stop. Apply 16 Church St. o-5-lt ONE bright room for one person, A home demonstration on TV within an hour, anywhere, anytime. All name brmda. The best test is in the home. The all-new Wunder indoor antennae tor Butralo recep- tion tested. . VERY large warm double room, twin beds; also small single 'room. suit gentleman, hot water, near transportation. Phone CH. 1-6368. x-5-lt TWO furnished rooms, suit busi- ness adults, close to transpor- tation. in Weston. Phone CH. COSY furnished bediGom' and kitchen for two men. Phone CH. 1-2456. x-5-tt OUR TELEVISION LABOR, ATORIES AND S P I I D I S E R V I C E DEPARTMENT ARE THE CITY'S FINEST. FURNISHED room for one gentleman. close to business section. Phone CH. 1-1465. FURNISHED LOVELY large room. suit retin.. ed business person, abstainer, garage optional. Phone CH. 1- 6640. x-5-1t TWO unfurnished newly decor- ated moms. couple preferred. Phone CH. 1-5967 x-li-lt FURNISHED bedroom, suit gentleman, close to transporta- tion. Phone CH. 1-9870, TWO rooms. main Mor, private entrance, Oakdale Acres. $11 weekly. Absolute ahatniners only. Phone CH. 1-7543 after 530. x-5-It TWO large rooms in storey and A half, Westdale urea: suit business couple. Reasonable. Phone CH. 1-0662, o-5-1t TRANSPORTATION available-- lnvr Lawrence Ave. near Jane) 815 mornings to Len. side Return 5 Fm.. Phone cr. LBS“. 1-0-1. bridge. Ont. DOUBLE metal bed Ind child‘s panelled crib, large xiv. both complete. all good qmditinn, swap tor bunk beds. Phone CH, 1-8463. x-h-it RADIO AND, TELEVISION Open Evening: Till 9 p.m. with-board; good meals. Phone CH. 1-3319. ' x-5-1t ness couple, day care for child. CH. 1-2868. x-5-It close 'io transportation. VPhone CH. 4-1488 from 3-7 p.m. o-li-it Ir7313, Main St.; Apply 61 Weston. MODERN APPLIANCES 264 QUEEN’S DRIVE WESTON ROOM AND BOARD Breeding Pain Good talking strain T Show Stock BUDGIES ROOMS TO LET - UNFURNISHED TRANSPORTATION Babies for Peta ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED FLATS TO LET I" STOCK PMNAI. SWAPS single room, near man preferred. Lawrence Ave., x-5-4t x-5-lt x-li-lt o-5-1t o-5-1t HT TWO - BEDROOM lpgrtment wanted for Much tst, prefer. ably over More. Phone CH. 1455. or CH. 4-2000. x%lt COMPLETE xarirentry and gen- eral repairs to your home. Cupboards, _ arterite, afidi- C0lbtFtMITERt' & MATTRESSES WE SPECIALIZE 1n Strrr mons, Beautyrest. Marshall repairs. Spring mattresses completely rebuilt. returned like new Quick service Eytderdowns recovered On. tarm Bedding Company 1 Phone' EM 6-23ii3 T -and - STENOGRAPHIC SERVICE 16 St. Johns Rd. W. CH 1-6674 MODERN F'loor Service. Ploors cleaned. waxed and pollshéd Any kind of flooring brought up like new Painted walls wash ed Work guaranteed Free an mates Phone A. Corras CH 1 0282. X32 tt ODD jobs, carpentry, painting and decorating, good work- manship, reasonable prices. No job tn) small. Phone BR. 7-4767. NC-5-1t PICK-UP TRUCK No lob too small. Cellars cleaned Odd Jobs, any kind. w. 1866 - MU. 2912 ACCOUNTING and. auditing, books kept or examined, in- come tax and other govern- ment returns prepared. J A. Sauder. 1071 Weston Rd. MU 3543, x-48-tf FLOOR SANDERS. Edgers and Polishers for rent. day or even mg Alpha Engineering Company 1852 Jane St. Weston CH I 5275 , 27 n tions, etc. Fast My or night service to eommereial needs Norm Evans, MUrray 8511. x-tat FURNITURE RE-FINISHING REPAIRING HAY FURNITURE COMPANY Chestertlelds and Chmrg Studio Couches: Davenport: Recovered and Repaired SLIP COVERS MADE TO ORDER On Budget Terms if Desired MT. DENNIS UPHOLSTERING A. tron MU. 2706 1034 Weston Road (i-I FAMILY SERVICE Slip Covers - Bedspread: Custom Made NOLAN DUPLICATING VACUUM CLEANERS Sula & Service Free Pick-Up and Demonstration W. YOUNG - W. 0942 IO VICTORIA ST. W. CH. 1-9041 General Excavators-Pio Grading Contractors GENERAL HAULAGE DUMP & TRACTOR TRAILER JONES BROS. Baby~situng and Housekeeping Hourly - Daily, Weekly Mature. capable women CHERRY 1-5413 SKIVICIS OFFERED 800" HAULABE Crushed Stone, Loam. Brick and Conrrote Sand SALE SAID FILL PROMPT DELIVERY thi. 1-9407 Bulldozer Shovel DRAFEBIES CH. 1-8741 UPHOLSTERING For Appom tment CH. ld271 MR ROEDDING PHONE FOR (x 49 tfl (x11!) (X4! ttt (x4: tft x .254! x-ll tf I 4t-tf x-2-4l iDRESSMAKER--Designing and I alterations. weddings a speci- l any, work of any kind. Phone 1 Laura Racher. CH. 4-2793 CK l-ll53 ' MU. 45" CK l-OOZI , Spoon Ave. CH. 1-1776 I I C " DRUG $‘I‘OII Alfred ll. Herman. BA. BARRISTER - SOLICITOR 2 John St. at Main Evenings by appointment WESTON CH. 1-6071 James Ornamental Chartered Accountant YOIONTO " Melinda St. EM. 4-H†WESTON emu CH, I4)! I I Barristers 8 SoliclOon 29% MAIN " NORTH Weston CH. 1-9153 , MAIN " s. - WESTON CH. 1At66t 'CH. um PAINTING: For reasonable rate all C MrNamara, CH, 1-3464 Free Estimates. X-46-TF BARR!STER, SOLICITOR, En. EM. 44863 Many In loci ll Vanni. 'tret. Your». GEORGE W. BULL W. I. WARD 0. Lorne Fraser BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Mortgage Money to loan Bank 00 Nova Stalin Chambers T308358 , PORCH RAILINGS C. W. LEASK For expert painting and decorating Bank of Nova Static Chambers - Wane» CALI. - NICK mums allure-v in I. Com. . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR NOTARY FUNERAL DIRECTORS CH. t.2233 FUNERAL HOMES BARRfSTERS, Etc. J. T. FERGUSON SERVICES OFFERED HEAKES and ‘MacDONALD Edgar Parsons MU. 3412 25 years experience PAINTING ACCOUNTANTS Rvmodclllng Repairs General Construction Trim Work J. MILES - of Free Estimates Winter Rates CARPENTER Llovd Curtis LY. 4841 CH. 1-0874 FUN“ Iron CH. 1-290. 0- I6 " x-46-t1 n 43"2t x-lrlt 5‘ WINDER'S i?iii'iii' l:,, LIMITED ' JOHN “REIT I WESTON CH. 1-37" omnmnsr F. L MERTENS - “MES - P. I. WRITE]... AND REPAIRING WM. A. IIGOS 1230 JANE " . MT. DENNIS Veteran’s fl'AXl Eyes M Examined cm1-1133 SHEET METAL WORK Out-oi-Town trips a Specialty JACK WRIGHT an Mn 9. . cu 1.1m FPRNACES Oil Burner Sales ' Service I MoikSt N. - Weston Phone CH. 1-070] 244100]! SERVIGE PIANO TUNING " Cars To Serve You - Radio-Dispatched - of all deseriptiort Eavestroutghirttr 7 Roofing Moderniu Your Old Furnoco Pipes to Concealed Square Type _ cu. 1-3525 Two-way radio and phones controlled from 1 Windoll Ave. Yuxis stationed at 34 Main St. N. 500 Main N a! In: Stem Head‘s Courtesy Comer June 8 Wilson OFFICES JANE LLAWRENCE AND MAIN at Pw"'"' SERVICES OFFERED RADIO-DISPAICHED BAKER Gravity I Portal-Ah ihtl FLEETLINE Mt, 1-9131 lu "" Work Oval-mud Hum... to. TELEPHONE CHATCO PHONE MUSIC TAXIS Suckling VERN HABBOP I. I. In“ ' " "" mason AVI. on. IURN‘RQ FURNAC†y CLEANED - amount: um JANE RUSSELL MARILYN MONROE THREE YOUNG TEXANS -itriiit" iAttigs Mon. - Tun. - Wed. Trot-nur- O'Gold Dinnerware CH. 1-766] - - - SMOKING “NAKED JUNGLE†NEWS . - - - CARTOON [mum _ GENERAL canes MOVING STORAGE GARDEN PtOUGHING Anywhere - Anytime tM Downsviow Av... PHONE CH. 1-9641 1Asr TIME TODAY! JOHN WAYNE - MAUREEN mun AND IOIEIY MITCHUM . KIRK DOUGLAS “QUO VANS" (Nrhrticolor) PlUS "(MAID CAIlSON "RIDERS TO THE STARS" MON. . TUES. - WED. THE GREATEST STORY EVER FILM ED 33'.†"tigrjeFiR iuit.iriiriFFiiii GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES "THE MAN BETWEEN" WEDNESDAY . THURSDAY FEB. 2 - 3 MONDAY and TUESDAY . JAN. 31 - FEB. t [ JAMES MASON MITZI GAYNOR "OUT OF THE PAST" FRIDAY and SATURDAY row cums _ mm LAURIE MON. - was. - WED. CINEMASCOPE JAMES WHITMORE (ADULT ENTER!“ NMENT) "DETECTIVE STORY" mom") THURS. . FRI. - SAT. CHARLTON HESTON ROIERY WAGN " THURS. . FRI. - SAT. m cowl “SLAUGHTER TRAIL†"JOHNNY DARK" " 1-1181 "LOVE LOTTERY" ROBERT TAYLOR DEBORAH KERR BEAUTIFUL COLOR 12-MILE REEFE "RIO GRANDE" CARTAGE swam mums IA!" sutuvm AND KIIK DOUGLAS ELEANOI PARK" 5itt TERRY M " MOORE - ALSO - "PLAYGIRL†(Nchrtleolor) m COLOR "THEM" ALSO DAVID NIVEN _ PLUS - Starring CH. l-182l M. 1960 KEEFE IlASSELlE EDMUND GWENN (COLOI) fADUtt) (ADUIJ) (TECH.)