Times & Guide (1909), 17 Feb 1955, p. 9

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Last Monday the Committee an Safety reported that it was working with the North York Police, and the Ratepayers' Or- A representative ot this com- mittee will be calling on each householder in the Pelmo.Park are: to enlist help in getting this plan under way immediately. Please give him your whole- hearted support. Mod to the Pelmo Park ml- min: the use ot the fa- ciliti- " hand; namely, the thou) and playgrounds, in plan- ling a recreation pron-mm: Jo: the summer months. and Mn. Lampkin. to work with the ratepayers' organiza- tions to organize a recreational prognmme for this coming summer. At an executive meeting ot the "aoeiation, held the follow. ing evening, I committee was blind. headed brunt. Henry m M Home & School mm wu hold on Ian. Ar, Petr, NI. " I Fm. in tho Nae Park School. There was I m good tum-out to but w. V. Wli, Recreation Duet. to: hr Weston. He spok- on Con-sunny Recreation u .ib II tb. “AUDITOIIUM” In the (an. Shopping Cum. CH. tatm mun [All PATTI] In. I. T. MOON - CI. tam 'iiirifiriiirooe, - a. February nu laid. the Fermat’s Markov SHOPPING CENTER GRAN G PLAZA 1flStT ne NEW MODERN CRANG PLAZA RESTAURANT INCLUDING SUNDAY - FACILIYIES 'oc,..,, WEDDING RECEPTIONS IANOUETS _ “was 50cm EVENING: OPEN DAILY CH. 4-1138 IMES 5jd GUIDE 1 25,000 Readers Veekly Deadllqe for Ci-tfied Ads: Tues., s p.m. "ion: M. 1-5211 c.O1 '_, READ The Times ll, Guide This was also Nomination Night, and members of the Ayso- elation are urged to be on hand ganimtion. towards the laying ot a cinder path along Pelmo Crescent and Gary Drive, from Jane Street to the railway tracks Deputy-Reeve Maurice Hook, unarmed the meeting of the tinaneial aspects involved, promising he would bring it be- fore council, with the request park in lame" Brine}; the! LGir comet Metro and takes the “We have wheels within wheels within the metro area but we In In Authority are never consulted by Metro 9ri. duh," he declared. "Last year we started planning a Metro "ply to puru.wuidiG),"nL bleak. - Mimico Commtion Authority, who strongly udviud that Conservation Authorities "get out of the Metro Brett and curry out their conservation practicel ttryotWit". Waylon. 0m. bility and Inhalation ot con. tour-don authorities within the Toronto Human area will have to be made. Councillor Hugh Grit". “hum, announ- eed Int Friday night. Clarification Gf Area Conservation Authorities Powers Said Needed NO DOWN ’AYMEN'I' In. Home Damonmmion W" w From Stas lack-d by Toronle'n finest Sorvln D.purtmortt Classified Ads Read and Ilse “The Times & Guide" HOLLOWAY ELECTRIC COMPANY (3c a word - Minimum Ad 15c Mg Additional If charged) mama: NOWI Ell. 4-1169 A "ua." GIassified Ad. Cost: A: little As m Cash CIANO Mary Annis ..... Helen Burma ... Audrey Naylor ., Dot Hook .r..r.... MENS' HIGH AVERAGE Gord Naylor '_"........'.............'. Ted Large ...._r.........r....rr.mrrr..... W. Hussey F..F_F....r.W....r....rm....Fm.. M. McColman ._..w_...ww..rwr.trr.r.... Winners of the Lecond Series - Roosters -- runners up - Mighty Atoms. Team Standing-Third Series Hot Shots _'..'............'.'.................. 7 Bell Achers ..................mm......t....r.. 5 Bob Cats """.....rr_.._.._.........t.....r.. 5 Lucky Ducks .._r..._mrF__r__.r......wrr... 4 Hustlers. m.r_'___m_F_r.rm'..m.m..._-rrr.rww.r.... 4 Tadpoles' .rrrr_rrrrm.r.....___._................r. , Guys & Dolls ..__.........r.r.www.....w.... 3 Never Hits 't__.........................-.... 2 Mighty Atoms .r__r..._r._F_...t...._ _... 2 Roosters ..__ _ _"'"'..""."""'.'..".... 0 PELMO PARK BOWLING LEAGUE (Friday Niters) Winners of the First Series Belly Achers - runners-up Lucky Ducks. _ There is a very great need for Girl Guide leaders in our area. Anyone who can help is asked to call Mrs Way, Cherry 4-0298. it be paid tor out ot the gen- eral taxes, at the Annual Meeting in April, to elect their representatives. “I think there is greater need than ever to: conservation work within the Metropolitan area or 'we may lose all our green belt and Parklands," he de- clued. Councillor Griggs promised to attempt to obtain clarification of the River Authorities? posi- tion within the Metro. "We have spent I lot of money on the Etobicoko River " Long Branch and we must be assured that this work is pro- tected," replied Councillor fmags. I H. E. Cannon, Etobicoke, diq. agreed with Mr. Wardlaw. whole thing over," he conthuod. “than when Metro pub or work, wants to do naming, they just go ahead and do it without consulting ur," he Added. "I think we qhould has: out ot the Metxopoliun In: and do our conservation work outside the area” Mr. Wardiaw advised. 7 0rd Naylor '_"........'.............'. 236 ed Large ._.._r..............rr.mrrm..... 207 l Hussey F..F_F....r.W....r....rm....Fm.. 206 [. McColman ._..w_...ww..rwr.trr.r.... 206 WOMEN'S HIGH AVERAGE I! 183 182 176 175 TRAFFIC FATALl'l'Y: Mrs. Robert Fox of Milton. Ontario, w“ hit by I cu- lost Thursday, Ind died thorny Il- terwnrdn. She I: survived by tour _ghildnn. the youngest hip; M_n._3niet Berry," 00 (for 3 x 10010111an ASSOCIATIONS l... The regular monthly meet- ing of the community omele- Ition was held on Tuesday eve- ‘ning at Cornelius Parkway ‘school, the programme theme being Parks. Mall delivery to this are: started lut week and to those who hnve pibneered for four years to interest authori- ties in this area; we say thank yotr--thttt is--to our executive; and to those who, this winter, conducted I door-to-door can- vass to get u 90% mljorlty with proper mull slots. And I spe- cial thanks to Mr. A. Rolling- worth, our member at Ottawa; HOME AND SCHOOL: _ Regular monthly meeting wilt be held Tuesday. Feb. 22nd. " Cornell.- Parkway school. when I Mitt, entitled "Human Growth" wlIl' be presented. "B" Pack are haveing their Parents' Night on Friday, Feb. 25th, while "A" Pack have plan- ned Friday, March 11th, ds their Parents' Night. Mothers of Cubs in these Packs will tie contacted at a Inter date regarding supply- ing cookies for these events, and it was suggested that it would be I nice gesture if some "A" Pack Mothers would serve re- freshmenU at the "B" Pack Par- ents' Night, and vice versa, giv- ing all parents an opportunity to An important reminder to those children who haue tickets for the children's concert by David Ouchterlony; the date is Feb. 19th and the time has been changed from 2 o'clock to 1.30 at the Elmlea school. Scout Mothen' Auxiliary Reported by label Craig The February meeting of the Thistletown Scout and Cub Mothers' Auxiliary was held on Wednesday, Feb. 2nd, in the home of Mrs. Hilliard. We were pleased to welcome Miss Shirley Snider, who gave a very full and interesting report on Cub activities. J, RECORDER AT IT & S 1 Did you know that a recorder is a musical instrument? On lMonday evening " the Thistle- town Home and School it was learned that the recorder is a musical instrument. The children lot Grade 7 are studying the recorder, as part of a musical appreciation programme. so ev- eryone was interested to learn its life history as told by Mr. Lewiston. It is made of plastic and belongs to the flute family of ancient history. As far back as ithe 12th century. they appeared yin paintings and carvings. A tllm, "Your Child Asks Why?" led to the panel of ex- perts, comprised of Mrs. Craig, Mr Main, Rev. Parke-Taylor and Dr. D. Storey. They proved. wor- thy of the name 'experts' as they gave their answers to the ques- tions asked of parents by their children. Eleven volunteers from the audience supplied with recorders were able to play several small melodies under the able tutoring of Mr, Lewiston. Grade 7 pupils also played several selections, re- markably well for just three weeks practice. Messrs. Misener, Bingham, Lily and Main also proved to be masters of the art by running through their reper- toire of tunes which were thor- oughly enjoyed. The double-couples are meet- ing for a social evening on Tues., March lst in the United Church. S t. Andrew's congregation couples are cordially invited. Miss Esther Fuller will be guest speaker at the Women's Guild on Monday, February 14th, when she will demonstrate Icing. Presentations to Miss Shirley Snider and Miss Esther Fuller were made by Mr. Jack Atkin- son, Regional Field Commission- er of the central area region. The Scouts took up the collec- tion. In all, with appropriate hymns and a beautiful solo by Mrs. Lyte, "Just for Today," it was a most impressive service. This is the 5th service for confirmation candidates (adult) and Tuesday the 5th for teen- agers. about " Cuba and Scout: " tending with their leaders. Rev. Parke-Taylor otticiated. Scout-' master Arthur Nigel: read the first lesson Ind Scoutmaster Morley Oumgron, reading the 2nd lesson. After the service the rector spoke on leaders and followers. This was tollowed by the dedication of the new Cub Flag, and the investiture ot two Scouts. _ with In. Bole Campbell - this worth while organization must so that]. We med cuwuura. please. ,' Birthday greetings to Norman Reichert and Beverley Fume". f CIUICII NEWS At St. Andrew's Parish Church Sunday, February 13, a lovely service wu held with W! In M to GG In. T.um.ineefeou-oomesan meeting 1m halal Ii miiiiliG"G Yednudgy awning. Mr. has IN.E. of 'reeie-Ltorreneey NORTH PARK mm In: CH. I-9539 Our main object is to (in every boy " there In. an equal chine. to play this Canadian urn: rental”- of mummy. m of the m3?”- at. Under the direction of A. W. Schofield, 45 Boniface, with a total of 30 boys at the egea of nine to eleven years ot age in the Rexdale District, the Rex- dale hockey team has played three games, losing two and tielng one, which is no disgrace to these boys. Some of these lads have never had a hockey atick in their hands before this year. The church choir under the direction of Mrs. Latimer ren- dered the anthem, “Consider and hear me" with Mrs. Japp and Mr. G. King singing the solos. It was a very interesting and successful service which made and completed the tlrgt Anniversary of this church. RIXDALE HOCKEY _ Mr. and Mrs. Alec King and Hamily came from Oakville for the week-end and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. King, 195 Clearbrook Circle, North Rexdale. Mr. King's brother and his wife attended the first Anni- versary Service of Rexdale Presbyterian Church. REXDALE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Elmlea School) It was a Sunday of rejoicing when the church held its lst Anniversary Service with a growing congregation, the Id- dress being given by the Rev. D. McCullough, Director and Exe- cutive Secretary of Church Ex- tension for the Presbyterian Church in West Toronto. in honour of the latter's birth- day. Mr. Ron Hptherington is the president of the Rexdale Ratepayers' Association. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson of Hamilton were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. _Hetherington Lenore King held her 6th birthday party at her home with friends. A very happy time was had by Kenneth Hare of 4 Huntsmore, when, after going to the show with his friends, went back to his home where his mother had prepared a party supper in houour of .his 9th birthday. Two of his cousins came from Brampton to join in the fun. l, Mrs. Shaw, 7 Berry Creek (Drive, entertained the ladies of this street at her home on Fetr. ruary 7th when she gave a Baby Shower for Mrs. Poole at No. 9. (Thirty-five ladies were there, including friends and relatives from Lambton, Toronto and Thistletown. Bingo and games were played with prizes being given to the winners. Mrs. Poole received some very nice pres- ents and the evening ended with a lovelylunch. Anita Van-Hezewik has a broken arm. She fell down some icy steps. We send best wishes for a speedy recovery. Colin Henderson is in the hospital. It would be nice to send him a card. Little children do like to get cards. We send a welcome to baby Nolan of High Park district, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Nolan, first grandchild to Mr. and Mrs. Normoyle, Isling- ton Ave., Thistletown. Congratulations to Mrs. J. Charboneau wedding anniversary. It was noted with regret that Mrs. Megan, who has given val- uable service to the Auxiliary over a long period, has resigned from the Social Convenership. No successor has been appointed as yet. The March meeting of the Auxiliary will be held in the home of Mrs. Mayall. Next Sunday evening the Weston Silver Band will lead in the musical parts of the ser- vice and will present a concert of sacred mdsie at the close of the regular worship service. relax and enjoy their own par, ticular night. The- minister chose as his subject, "The Faith and Work of a Minister of Jesus Christ." He took the many points of the induction ceremony and ex- plained their meaning to the congregation. He illustrated his sermon with personal interpre- tations and Biblical, reading Paul's letter to Timothy on how a minister in the ehurieh sheila act. INSTALL WA. OFFICERS The ottieers ot the Women's Auxiliary were installed in their respective otfices by the Rev. Walter Welch at the morn- ing service at , St. Andrew's Presbyterian church on Sun- day, February 13th. Mrs. Mason would like to thank all who donated goods and those who assisted in any way. In. C. Mason and her com- mittee were (ratified " the lane turn out at pooplo in spite of (habitat, opld weather. Mrs. Mason stated that the proceeds ot the $80 will be used for the extension ot the explor- ers' work in training young girls. The earPlorerg m hold . Neonatal huh ale Saturday unmoon. February ttth, st St. Andnw’n church. HAPPENINGS IN NUMBER HEIGHTS PERSONAL NOTES REPORT EBGM REXDALE 1ct,9eieitii_tegAt. Mr. and on their ,.," {hardly stand up on their skates, 'let alone play hockey, but each Iteam tries to match players so "hat there won't be a stronger boy against a smaller boy. So far. this has worked out very (well and no one has been hurt las yet. - I believe by next year if all goes wéll, we will be able to have a better team, and we will not take a back seat to any of the other three teams -= Hum- ber Heights, Fairhaven "t' Thistletown. Mrs. A. E. Smyinrsice presi- dent was elected entertainment cqnvener. 'Subsequent meetings will be held the second Tuesday of each month. Make an effort to attend the next meeting on March 8th and voice your opinion on affairs of your district. T A neighbourly welcome is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Lucus Iwho have moved into their new ghome on Islington Ave. I Little 'Brenda Hagen, Irwin (Rd. has been very ill with bron- chial trouble, but is feeling a bit better. Barbara Jackson has beep, laid up for the past two weeks with the flu but is some lbetter. . ' ELMLEA EATEPAYERS I Elmlea Ratepayers' Associa, ltion met in Elmlea School Tues- day, February 8th. This was the 1i1(r,1,s'il meeting since March 1954. ‘The attendance was very poor and absence of members was attributed to illness. other en- gagements and general disinter- est in local affairs. Mr. Main Donald was in the chair and John Allen, Council- lor for Ward 4 answered a few questions. The minutes of lest‘ meeting were read by Mrs. George, the secretary. A bus route to Weston was suggested for convenience of Elmlea residents while the in- evitable question of roads as on the agenda. There seem? to be no immediate solution to this i problem. Lighting. for Islington: Ave. north of Irwin Rd. and pro- _ posed sidewalks for Elmleal were also discussed. l Mr. Crowther, 2nd Ave.; Smart, Elmhurst Drive; Manuel, Beanie Ave. and Rosevear, Lationa Ave. , elected to form a committee , Lame. Ave. I. ' am A. can" ca Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. P. Nolan on the birth of I son: proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Normoyle, lsling- ton Ave. Congratulations also to Mr. and Mrs. Balfour on the birth of a son. " the turn; ot "LsekttsedAve. Birthday greetings to Johnny Jenkins lor, February 22nd. The timt win an won by In. W. Mather; wound win wenteto' In C. Mason; third to In D. Miles', and fourth prize to Meg. luLluuAIIn. 'Novelty admission this week was a cup Ind uucer. Wedding anniversary greet- ings to Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, Albion Rd. for Feb- ruary 21st. mmbmwm SHEETROCK easy to build with 1 ,,,fi The weekly ouch" was bold L the Map}! In. Luann», man I“! 1'th to Stun-not: them. sandsotCanmtun “milieu-re moving Into their new home- vooh and month. ahead 1ksettedu1e...mireotsr Slum not only [on up fut. Mn “vet decorating time. too! Come In TODAY, nee how SIIITIOCK and Pn'-A-TAPI° minim: can help you build NOW! ".iGli. "ai -_- T.M. I... In (in; “SERVICE Pum-NAT'q US" i Ave.; Mr.l Drive; Mr. l a. and Mr.) Ave. were ; mom: cherry btagi . cinn- it. iii-r} wi-iii, OPEN MONDAY THIU THUISDAY ' TO 5 l FRIDAY 9 TO I . CLOSED Will the parents 'rticEiats and Cubs of St. Andrew's please note that they are asked to at- Last week end the three Cut- ler families joined forces and took a trip north to the Limber- lost for some outdoor sports. We are sorry to hear that Julie Bennett broke her light arm whilst skating last Sunday afternoon. How are the Auto- graphs coming Julie; room for any more? The couples at St. Andrew's held a Valentine's party on the 15th, everyone thoroughly en- joyed themselves and much laughter was forthcoming. Wednesday 23rd, is the night on which St. Phillips Couples club meet, so remember this date please, anyone who is in, terested. Saturday alternoon saw two birthday parties in progress in the village. Brian Martin and Peter Air both had friends to help them celebrate feeling a whole year older. David Wilson had his fifth Birthday party on Sunday afternoon. Birthday greetings this week to Hobby Watt ot St. Andrews Blvd. who will be 4 years old on Feb. let and to Vicky Waygood who will be 5 years old on Feb. 23rd. VALENTINE PARTY F has Cuh ”It - ill..- Itul Brian and m - In! Wain-day night M - their In! mm!!! nil. m tor their Cub Pack and all that present spent a jelly and” making new Manda "msetagt the boys' parents and hm who supported them an wall. PAID]! aunn last Friday 'nkht a Very pleasant and happy evening was spent by than who attend“ the Parish Supper at St. Phil- lipa There was a Dancing Dia- play and tuma were shown to round on a thoroughly good evening. PARTIES Lyle: Woodwori Repay my); Abqvo ”mum to": "cum": fun t 'aynon" In imp-mun anew" on in autumn. 1cm.) NAIIN’S 9'50" linoleum Nor "I. uvaihUc ht you at ttte low, low prlu of 12e per “It. Still thinking of your new room? We “you, the be! comm we carry all lengths of METAL CORNER. We carry a sample" and: of "tEErTtOCK in " that - 4'x6', 4'xr', 4'xl', 4’19' and 4'xttt'. To covor "I. Huh In. PERF-A-TAPE ioin' filler for _a period lob. For ”and" STORM WINDOW Th HEETI CK . Ity 12' ' hi as O foreman! x x. whcomlnlu, link as $25.96 when you do it yourulf. [an In... I. mum II III "muslin. In»: . hm! ”I.“ "Lirl “if GS; There are plenty of cold winds ahead of comfortable. Storm sash made, painted 1 EXAMPLE! 0' LOW Ow Ind.” Hun for homo Manon-nub Ind.“ labour, "my“, 'toath; VIII-In. as wall II II. brick for chow-"om. REVERSE CHAIOIS TO US ON 'PHONE Dim 7 V ta "our . (0M Royal I“) . , MAI! “REE. N3_‘."E§TQNI ttttARI "orhrwrrtetr-24huetuhr"r from $100.“ to W’ ME You ADDING A MOW. $12 I as l $40 E] um Cisli."g able. Storm sash made, painted and'inslollod in Ono week's notices. AT YOUR SERVICE, pay OR EVENING . PHONE CH. 1-1431 WINTER DISCOUNT A: PLUS THE I. NAVION-WIDI CIIUIY. 0'" i .ffiluted oMces in Canada and U; I. CUIVOMJM IDA”. To St ya needs, income. Ask for " Stop thdd a. noun "VI!" to employed M I. I-VISIT lot". PM first. Nob. uble security rettuirod.C I Quick thinking and amt. on the part of Mm. Hand. prevented an attempted , bery at Don Hall’s Drug S on Saturday afternoon MU Friday, Feb. “this ,_ w served as a Womens' W of Prayer, CBL will V from 3.45 pan. to 4 pan. on 24th The Anglican, United, Presbyterian Churches in district are all taking par this universal effort. tend a Father's meeting “I: Feb. 21st at a p.m. in the (I basement. At this tin. W', Group Committe will h: pointed. . 'pl" The Thistletown _ which organized and the drive was com i K. M. Mayan. prelM‘l Thistletown Home “MI Mrs Edward Fa'i',uitu') dent of the P,ef..efh Auxiliary, Mrs. Doeta1d E Mrs. Harry Coughtin, Dawson and Mn. P.. I; They are deeply {raw those who helped n. Thistletown effort such u cess, either as NV“ donors. March of W1 politan ms a” thlace, with In $150,000 u I.“ h be another peak " the renpom to i funds was WW ing. donating a. the drive In I mace-ml In! an 'at it... I0 new us yo! -1 be NE ST. Lt] a:

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