Attending the bride were her cousin, Mrs. Edna Woodhouse, matron of honour, Mrs. Lois As- ton, alto a cousin, and Miss Bertha Fillion. With their gowns of rosewood tafteta, they wore pink accessories, and carried yellow roses and hyacinths. The flower girl, Miss Sandra Pen- nells, niece of the groom, was trocked in .chartreusé' taffeta and carried a nosegay. Mr. Ken- neth Smith was best man for his brother. and the ushers were Mr. Bernard Smith, also a brother, and Mr. Edward Pen, neils. A reception followed at Club Lyndhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will Jive in Toronto. sMrTH-IamtLEY A wedding trip to Mexico fol- lowed the marriage of Miss Eve- lyn Aston Lumley, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. George Lumley, to Mr. Ronald Walter Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Smith of Wilson Heights. Rev. William C. Bothwell performed the cere- mony in the Church of St. Martin's-invthe-Field. The bride. given in marriage by her father, chose an eflective gown of white nylon tulle and lace, ballerina-length, with sil. ver bridal hat and short veil. Her flowers were red and white roses with hyacinths. WEDDINGS Given in marriage by her father, the bride chose a waltz length gown of white crystal- ette with a portrait neqkline. Her chapel veil was held in place by a coronet of orange blossoms and rhinestones and she carried a bouquet of white mums, red carnations and ivy. Miss Beryl Hiles was maid of .honour and bridesmaid was Miss Sylvia Devins, sister of the bride. They wore waltz length gowns of bouquet blue and carried bouquets of small white mums and red roses. Miss Maureen McPhee, niece of the bride, was flower girl, dressed in blue taffeta. She carried mums and roses. Douglas Mc- Phee was best man for his brother and ushers were Robert Hunter and Ray Devins. Gloria Batchelor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Burgess of Maybank Ave., Toronto, became the bride of Alphonso Michael Hennebury of Newfoundland in Silvorthorn United churchgro- contly. The newlyweds will re. side in Mount Dennis. Mu?HEE--DEWNS Patricia Lillie. (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Lillie De- Inns, married Robert William McPhec, sun ‘of Mrs. William cPhee, Westorutapd the late r. McPhee, in Emery United hurch. Rev. J. A. Hodgson performed the ceremony. Cor. Mala a Lawrence, Weston noon colors tteg. $6.95 Gal., $ALE "" Rog. $2.75 an, SALE _ $1.95 . Rog. $2.15 On, SALE . $1.65 Rog. 30¢ lh Pt., SALE . N " 10% on: 23.11533. Marmfattiirer't Clearance Sale Of 1st Quality flat Wall on Base Paint Glassware Weston Hardware " f P Q I'; © MIlhtE s Q -. " ' 2 55 , '°\"“ MM .. lt , I , ' Fi, -emd- In Greece 'great suffering has resulted from the disastrous earthquake of last spring when 35,000 were made homeless. In Korea conditions have im- proved since last year. Dr. Hitschmanova was impressed by the Koreans' strong desire to help themselves. However Can- ada's help is still very necessary. Their diet is greatly unbalanced --lacking protein badly. For that Dr. Curtin introduced the speaker, Dr. Lotta Hitschman- ova, executive director of the Unitarian Service Committee oi Canada. This Unitarian Service Committee is a voluntary relief organization assisting victims of war and famine regardless of nationality, creed, colour or caste-the only criterion is hum- an need. _ Dr Hitschmanova gave a brief report of conditions, as she found them, following her world tour of last summer. She remarked that this was dUficult to do be- cause words are so empty and cold when used to interpret oth- ers' suffering and need. The Candle-lighting Ceremon- ial was conducted by Mrs. De- Gray, assisted by Misses Flor- ence Shaw and Eveline McCort. The Weston Business and Pro- fessional Women's Club held their International Night on Wednesday, February 9th. The Westones, members of the Pax Bible Class, entertained with a group of songs. ' A motion was passed by the chapter to present flags and a picture of the Queen to the Senior public school on the oc- casion of the operrhouse and the opening of the new wing. The Dr, Hitschmanova Describes Asian Countries'. Suffering Your Hair beautifully F slylod . . ' Gui. Shampooed (plain shampoo) and Sol By leading, qualified, beauty operators, adapting themselves to Advanced Newer Styles of Io-day. All e ALL 0 C,',.",',' THIS superv Foil "ructo FOR DETAILS AND A'r'oirrt"Nts CALL Fascione Academy th Advanced mu. 291; Hair Design MU. 2911 WE DELIVER 1/3 on: All. TOYS Edintments Now Available! All we ask in return Is your time and patience. All styles supervised by :ompetem in- "meter. / reason "Operation Codfish" is being undertaken. India is mak- ing progress too but the need is appalling still. Thousands of chil- dren are actually starving to death when the people here have so much to spare. 'An earnest appeal was made for good used clothing. The U. S. C. is granted free ocean and overseas inland transportation. Contributions may be left at 175 St. Clair Ave., W., at any time Volunteers sort, repair and pack at this centre. The Service Committee is ap- pealing for $30,000 for Greek Earthquake Fund and European Aid; $60,000 for Korea to pur- chase Canadian cod fish, powd- ered milk and sewing machines to aid rehabilitation; $20,000 to purchase Jeep ambulances tor village health work and other needs for India. with beaufitut corsages. Mrs. B. Dumn presented both the retiring and the new regent 10% OFF Doclor A. Noreen Cracker Physician and Surgeon 93 Yarrow Road iOpp. York Memorlll Cellulite) DAILY 2-4 AND 7-9, at!!! "WIS. AND SAT. Sunday " Anton-twent- Phone - om" News - -ond- CN. I'm MU. 3767 wanna I 'rtuvuslon I Rotrlgcrator III-Alas REPAIRS REPAIRS STORE HOURS [ORE HOURS " MAIN ST. M321. - Tues. . s... "'ibti.t.t,t8 mum 9 mm. ht 6 pan. CM. 1-1111 cm "iii';")").",',?,,,),)::::!: a I L I A a L I Wodnoulcy .-r _ CH. 1-1 I " mm . m Inna-m I All! "In“ 1l$lli0 WASHERS 9 pm. 'igfili'i' _rjr]lljrljIiIfrifji' $39.50 , TERMS MT NO FINANCE COMPANY I CAI! momma mono-Id. DIIONITIAI‘ION man led i A Fue-decorating dunomtn- ber- rep. tion by G. “and in being held in unison. at Westminster United Church. In. Tt " P%r. Street. Weston, Tues. uteq od th day, Fe . 32nd. Entrainment: lowed by served. Everyone interested in mt. Mr sugar-erm is welcome. comma, - - __ _,_,,,,VV_,_7_ -- -eel._.--..- _ -q.. "saw-U“: 'titutettrtttqutvi-identlers .ciidiriidi'iiiiii,' e' 1'd'l.'l2u'%t'dffit'nt'MUteglt=','t 'iiiuGliirririG"Faar%" 'etti'sCw.iil.tyuuintutt-l-tutum-vkutukltuvt-mtiraii'% alum Bundle. C nuthJon-hh. "Ir.-" . . . 't1a..t.Httita-iiriil?bra.atAAitqttM I an "count“: ttrlittarAaturwhia lnChlp- 'rs0tatb-t.tF'qr, "MOH-ttt etnanledirt-ndthemmis-lh-tattiRtt) .A 1ttedre.,rei,ng, gunmen}- berg repeated the Lord's War "e 1" ad. “I u mums.- 2lQgtatt'u'tat?...tU),..te. _ h1'trt11',"ttd in 'vfGu1ultl'lNlh'ul'du'f. I __ 'lll'de.,' WOIBN P.C.'I I!!! The regular monthly meeting of the Weston Ladies Ptogm- give Conservative Aaroeiation will be held on Thursday. Ieb. 24th. at t pm. " the hot!" of Mn. Broadbent. 201 Lawrence Ave. East. . Mr. Bev. Lewis will be guest speaker. Anyone interested in invited to attend. CENTRAL UNITED WA. The general meetinth the W.A. ot Central United Church L..----" Imam mums: We Service Everything We Sell USED MFitltlEithT0it8 In. Thompson mud the min- um od the January new tol, lowed by reports tron (In tru- mr. Mm. Yam; the love: comma, In. King; the kitchen convener. In. Wait; and, in the absence of Mn Burrow, the correspondence wan road by In. Thompson. Mm. P. Morten: Your supply the cake and we decorate it. CAt1 MU. "" For Information waging And AnnlvoFury Cakes t-i0ilrikttCSi"iFiib" V 'p/ttttlit/gt/irritant MIMI-Ila!†h. t'rJ,1e'rbu'gt'l"ttrttt,ltge, "an. 22L"t'.'td “aâ€... GGGsaoCia7tiiiriirGl " Kitcnom and “thrown. lomodollod, New m I o: Attie Turn6d "no 0 Inning Prom RUMIY CONS“! FREE “mum PHONE CH. 1-3228 USED ELEGTRIG RAH $39.50 CM. 1-1114 r3: