gThis is the pert 'n' pretty version of the latest coiffure, â€he Americana. This season, fashion is focusing pqsecial attention on the back of the head and this Let was designed to make the most of this faet. Ltfte the ebb and flow of the waves across the back, 'arid the new} highly feminine â€kissable neck line." in». version features the smooth top that is so impor- tidk, in the trend toward careful grooming and fern. 'FASCIONE HAIR STYLISTS Rog. 70.00 DESIGNED TO TOP THE NEW PARIS CREATIONS Rog. 73.15 , 9' x 10'6" Rog. 102.40 Mt" A 60" Raveniblc Smyrna WEEK END SPE( "gtrtar $t3.95. Each SS.9S Beautiful All-Wool ONLY on To A CUSTOMER Twist - 51.95 s: - COME EARLY -r Beige, Gresn, c. Runners and Stair Corpus at Lowest Prizes Read about the progress of the largest Canadian Life Company in its annual report. Get Your Copy-- As a Canadian-you must be proud of the outstemding pro< - of thd Sun Life. A Canadian Life Assurance Company, displaying the fair lroatmenl and generous ottitudo of Canadians all over the world. Reg. 81.00 16 MAIN St NORTH CH. 1-1301 CRES, Otters Daily 9 to 9. Saturday 9 lo 6. BUDGET TERMS 1974 EGLINTON WEST RU. 1-3838 3 Blocks W. Duff-tin FAX BAZAAR sat. Feb. 26, 2 NE, March I l t, 8 I... COMEDIES. WESTONES ORCHESTRA, GLEE CLUB CHILDREN SSt ADULTS Sty Proceeds from Bazaar & Variety Nights For Manse Fireplace Fund BROADLOOMS-n -GIVE-AWAY PRICED SLEEK SMOOTH CHIC gig WESTON PIESIYTEIIIAI OllllllIlll A. WEIR EGKENSWILLER. Mull. . CON. ltd FUN OI - Load." in 'touting Equipment-- I... " LY. two LOCATIONS ONLY Weston Rd. - " Weston Rd. FAX YOUTH RALLY Sunday, Feb. 27, T Mt. Guest Speaker: Rev. Len Self, Midland BEE CEE DINNER Guest Speaker: June Dennis FIRESIDE Guest Speaker: Bunny Morganbon FAX VARIETY NIGHTS Tuesday ' Wednesday SERVING WESTON FOR OVER 25 YEARS 39.SS 49.50 59.95 84.95 "OM Reg. 1l0.00 9'6" x 12' Reg. 125.40 10' x 15' Reg. 159.00 T1'3" x 15' Reg. 181.40 WEEK END SPECIAL Beautiful All-Wool Fern Twist - $7.95 sq. yd. Beige, Green, Gray my " "_. 12' 1l0.00 x 12' 125.40 CRES. 8-2645 gmmn Rd. 1 no memo no. no. may»: 1 25 "All " NORTH WESTON 0H. 1-9105 ('i'i:i'i'iii'sf Club Highlights W. 2161-! . 59.00 . 95.00 . 95.00 131.95 ’ 1'le. \NVEN‘I'ORY AMI! 7 eRt ',,, Savings Up To 30% (In _:,,, FURNITURE - TELEVISION For her honeymoon, the bride chose a suit of pink plaid with grey skirt and turquoise acces- lsories. She wore a grey kid ‘jacket and cox-sage of deep pink I roses. l was: none and School Association was privileged to than Mr. Thor Hansen at the 13mm: American Oil Company In their speaker tor "Arts and :cmu night" on Tuesday, Feb- i For the reception in the church basement. the bride's mother received her guests in a two - piece dress of blue shot Capri with white accessories. She wore a corsage of pink and white earnatitms. Assisting her, the groom's mother wore a dress of cobalt blue velvet with pink accessories. and a corsage of pink roses. Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mrs. Wil- liams and Mr. Warskett of Beumsville, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Dunstan of Caledonia and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor ot Fort Erie. “Bless thin House", a solo by Mm. Ethel Wilton was very en- "rattie.___, -- _-__-__ .-- DUNIALL-TAYL0R Burning candles, daffodils and snapdragons were the setting at St. David's Anglican church for the marriage of Joy Shirley Dunstan. Downsview. to Donald James Taylor. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Taylor, Toronto, on Sat. urday, February 12th, 1955. Rev. H. Surdivall oftieiated and Mr. Ken Jay was organist. run In: " 8.15. a. hu de- voted you: to furthering I dia- tlnctivc Canadian culture with handlers“ designs, fabrics, and even our souvenirs truly typical of our country. His colourful slider showing the interiors ot buildings proved what very ot- toctive um cm be made ot our Canadian Iconâ€, ttora, and fauna. lt wt: 3 most valuable evening tor parents who realize the value ot cumin handwork in enacting the “has of our machine an in adults " well as children. SIRING DANCE MELODY RD. M. & s. Melody Road Home a School Association are holding their Spring Dance in the school audi- torium on Saturday, March 5th. There will be modern and old time dancing Gt refreshments will be served. SEWING MEETING The Weston Branch of the Grenfell Association held their second sewing meeting at the home of Mrs. D. Newton, 43 Queen's Drive on February 17th with a large number of interest- ed ladies in attendance. The couple will reside at King ;; Street, Weston.‘ Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a waltz- length dress of pale pink. The bodicj was pink brocade, en- Miss Lois Coplen of Highland Creek was maid of honour. She wore a dress of blue iridescent tafteta with met overskirt and matching blue hat. The nosegay she carried was yellow roses with blue ribbon loops inter- wound. Ricki Dunstan. cousin of the bride, was flower girl in a short blue dress with pink net overskirt and tiny matching hat. Shbearried a small nosegay- of pink roses. Several items of interest to the ladies were read from. "Among the Deep Sea Fishers," JoyDunstall, Don Taylor WedRecently tire1iritudded with 'rhinestones and -pearls with scogp neck and long fitted sleeves. The skin was in three tiers of pink tulle over white taffeta. On her head she wore a small hat eoverednn brocade with matching pink tulle veil. She carried a nose- gay of pink roses surrounded by white freesia and white ribbons. Best man for the groom was Robert Auld. Vern Wood, the bride's cousin. and Ralph Hall were ushers. _ All. AND cum NIGHT " lmlNGI’ON I. t B. RICHARDSON FURNITURE STOVES - ItEFitlttEitA'rtht8 - WASHERS FLOOR LAMPS - TABLE LAMPS Budget Term Arranged To Suit Jud And Peace India's Targets CCF Meet Told After the opening service, Mrs. Dickin conducted the busi, ness period. Arrangements were made tor the Lord's Day of Prayer, February 25th in the church at 2 o'clock. and a mis- siomry Sunday evening service on March 20th with Mrs. Max- well Loveys, executive secre- tary of Home Missions, Domin- ion Board, to be the speaker. On Thursday the 10th the regular monthly meeting or the afternoon auxiliary of the " man's Missionary Society was held at the home of Mm. W. J. Dickin, Maple Leaf Drive. Mrs. McNeil took the worship service. Mrs. Dainton read the scripture. Mrs. Macklin, Chris- tian Stewardship Secty, gave plans in systematic giving, to help the allocation. A letter was read from the group's mission- ary, Miss Anne Capithorne of Africa, telling about her work, and the healing of many lepers there. Mrs. Burns was in charge of the Study Book, telling of the growth of the church 'in India and the work among the prim- itive people and the Hill Tribes, amor.g whom are some ot the best Christian workers. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. McNeil, 92 Jay St. The hostess served tea and a halt hour social time Because the people of India have lived in a traditional feudal society, they have no idea what western countries mean when they speak of de- mocracy. "These words and concepts of democracy which mean so much to us, mean nothing at all to them," said GoWer Mare kle. .Canadian director of edu- cation and welfare for the United Steelworkers, speaking at the annual meeting of York Centre CCF Association at Bathurst Heights Collegiate on February 10. The next sewing meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. Grubbe, 123 Rosemount Ave. on Friday, March Mth It 2:30 pm. Robert sum" and Dr. an Mrs. Gordon Thoma. whom an"! of the membeu have met. The president. um Dalton, led in the prayers. with the Lori's Payer in unison. "They are much more inter-) ested in getting enough food to eat, in getting a fair share of? available agricultural land and / in preserving peace. The ques-h tion Indians are trying to att-? swer is whether they can geti these things faster under a) democrttie system than under) ot DE Curtis, In; Rewitt,_Dr, Your hair is so much softer, so much more natural, so much earier to care for when We "cut in" your wave with some deft snips of the shears! Jeanne Hair Stylists " Main St. south Th e Wave's "Cut In" DOWNSVIIW W.M.S. lei our can": an you in on the Ian" AT YOUR SERVICE VIGTOBIAN ORDER nunsas (WESTON POLICE DEPT.) John Lenglet was re-elected president of the York Centre CCF Association. Other oificers for the year are: Ray Hoag, first vice-president; Margaret Newcombo. second vice-presi- dent; Ernest Pritchard, secre- Ityy; John Simpson, treasurer. iThe 'executive are: Ken Bell, {A H. Braden. Michael'Collins, iMrs. Saul Cowan. Ron Cruise, 1Roy Fraser, N. French, Moey Gerber. Douglas Hamilton, Don Kilby, Mrs. A. L. Lade, Gower Markie, Bill Newcombe, Harry Waisglass, Fred Young. Ten delegates were elected for the 1 annual provincial 'convention to be held April 7', 8 and 9 in lToronto. CH. 1-3511 Miss Euther Wardlaw was her sister's maid of honour. The bridesmaids were Miss Leila Farr ot Markham. Mrs. Robert Wardlaw and Mrs. George Wardlaw of Woodbridge; and as junior bridesmaids, Miss Carole Wardlaw and Miss Eleda Clark- son ot Weston, cousins of the bride. They all wore Mor length gowns of blue, rose beige, dusty rose, sea green, mauve and yellow_tafteta, with deep scoop necklines. very full Sarah Torrance Weirdhrto BrideOfJdmes T. Connell Rev, R. G. Davison oMciated. Gwen in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of cloud white satin, with titted bodice, high neckline and long tight sleeves and a very lull Mor-length skirt. Hsr veil of French illusion was caught to a cap ot"seed pearls. She carried red roses. some alternate system of social organization. We have to show them. The International Com. federation of Free Trade Unions is one of the few agencies doing this practical and constructive job but its present effort is only a drop in the bucket. It must be multiplied many times." law at Weston became the bride of James Thomas Connell, Lloydtown, son of Mr. Thoma Connell and the late Mrs. Con- nan. pink and white carnation. “tin“ 1 Manama"! ot palms and term formed the setting in Thirtutown United church, when Sarah Torrance, daughter at Mr. and Mn. Wilbert Ward- Mr. Markle recently spent six weeks in India as one of the two Canadian delegates to the International Seminar on Workers Education under the ICTFU. 4 Boyd Ave. mumwuz'w at Selina I). Stove“ Cymplnn human:- Coverage AUTOMOBILE FINANCE SERVICE Gov-oral Agent CH. 1.9601 CH. l-6BOS WEDDINGS MORRIS-WOOD A. quiet wedding was solemn- ized in the United church " Woodbridge, Saturday, Febrtr. ary 19 at 2.30 p.m.. when Mari- on Audrey Wood ot Weston, daéghter of Mrs. Garnet Wood and the' late Mr. Wood became the bride of Cecil William Mor- rison of Pine Grove, Ont., non of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Morris. on of Saskatchewan. the Broom was best man and the when were Messrs. Robert and George Wardlaw of Wood- bridge, brothers of the bride, and Mr. Frank Shaw of Klim- berg and Mr. Raymond Connell of Oshawa. Mrs. Lorne Barker tnd In. Grace Fur. Iuntl of the bride “11.. "The Lord’s Prayer" ind "Show Us Our Task.." At the reception in the church. the bride's mother re- ceived he: guests in a fuck lace and crepe gown with matching flower hat and white neces- son'es and cox-sage. She was as- sisted by the groom's sister in grey velvet with pink accu- sories and cal-sage. They wind ttisuqueta ot con- tmating mum. ' Mr. Roy Braden. broth" ot On their return Mr. Ind Mrs Connell will live in Schomberg, For travelling the bride chore a navy suit and hat with tur jncket. The bride chose a pink suit with white and black accessories and wore A corsage of white mums and pink roses. Mrs. Frank Hawkrigg of Lindsay was matron ot honour for her sister. wearing a green suit and beige ~accessories with a corsage of yel- low mums and roses. Mr. Stan Uppington of Woodbridge was best man. The couple left for a short tour of the United States. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Morrison will reside in Pine Grove. MOELL'8 MMM SGHDOL CANADIAN I ENGlISH CARS DRIVEX - MU. 0100 iiIIIriipEWflIriIi, WESTON BRANCH Weekly Deadline. for CtaBqlfied Ads: Tun" 5 pan. 25,000 Readers bows. PHONE CH. l/itll , 1695 Juno St. F CHorry 1-6661 ANNdUNCI THIII lN-IITWIEN MASON SPECIAL -t"t-- PERMANENT WA VES BdlrC)NlllSN' AU INCLUDING OIL IMAMPOO AND STYLE CUT 510.00 “AVIS for ' 6.05 512.50 W YES for ' 8.95 515.00 WAVES for $10.00 Special ls good untll March 19th inlay A Revolon Manicure by Pat Lawrenc- LAKES BEAUTY SALON $50 to $1000 on your own signature Fast, one-day Iervice. Easy-to-meet requirements. Up to 2f months to repay. Borrow will: eonfide- from Canada’s largest and most recommended con- sumer finance company. Call HFC today! (ii) HOUSEHOLD FllNlAlNlCE Read and Ilse “The Times & thai" Classified Ads WRINGER "tous, so: an WASHERS (3c tt word - Mlnlmum Ad Tht Mc Addltlonal If charged) ( C. F. Taylor, Managu- IA Lawronu Ave. Won, phonic CHorry 1-91‘8 WISTON, ONT. , A "TAti," Classified Ad. Costs As Little As Tlit Cash / . when you need it " Main St. 3. CH. I-In?