Times & Guide (1909), 2 Jun 1955, p. 10

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"Work Travel Bureau ma t '7 ."n... ----__-, "V, .V,-,-r,, - Q M: Chen-y 1-5231 o Galvin I. hat-r, YES MAN-[or W MONDAY mm WHISDAY ' " ' I FRIDAY ' To I . CLOSED SATURDAY f u-o-u-ons-o-s.'-"---"' I.“ - " HOME IS BEST Ticket: and Reservations For _ SMuuMp, In: a Hotel anywhere In the world Fire and Casualty Insurance - Open . Evenings "Mill.. [of In worry about your “WWI. lt can: no men. Easy to install and build-. reoedy cut compute with 3 ft. pickets, post and rails. An 8 ft. section onty "ttt All you need is a hammer and sow . . . and a pocket for the savings. Ix2" Pine Combination Screen Mould Fiber Ian Screenin Only . g 39t per 'd Was 24" wide maiericl for uveon 36x36 only T Koo, he? Jammy "an out - with uny- h-Ilmdl ”INK. Awnlngl the low mo. ml, c" mat-l awning. "I. Id and “In, Oran and mm at Ibo -lWhit....oddboovtratsddurrm to any home. _ Arysn' can do iv um - intAr6rrt Min MD, a few |mun and you! km in M- arta! in!» Oh- hot “mm 4a" fo "no. $45.00 for "w uvoragc unit. Spe_cial OUTSIDE Vii-H“ PAINT lull.“ 01.1070. Abdeduu-mmbuh Keep Cnol INSULATE Firm Oil - Oil Imus [LESPIE FUEL Oil, PIOKET FENCE THIS SUMMER WHEREVER YOU GOI Sula all Sula “Lot One Call Do It Aft" 4.44 M. M “I I "s-Ne. " . u SAVE OI SCREENS AWIIIGS Imperial Af Low AS SMLBO ttGu may a wa you can 50M!" why you! homo will u for! corn-build woman Improve mn . . . right in your own back yard. Extend eumw to.“ I00. I.“ and” with plywood Emmy rm. For In. ultimo.“ ,".V he"! bomber today and bad Oh an: summu living spot. your family ands. . prlch ""t"6, Ahum you; gold-n VII”; in du. Mn}, mud footing, 1,gg J, porch for wmmor roUtartioet or - your pun-M on. tor cem- M . . . mid _ - "rmtgrwd wlth plywood Enioy Your Home Mom This Summer in OIIE TRIP AM: and undo! can "Milan" or. on", lnuullcd - Lets the hot air an. of your of": - kOlpt the moisture comm. down and '""ulotitrn dry. In! on. or No "Milan": and you'll MM Oh. no!" o"nfort of a hom. thert bud". Fr" "Hmong an a rugulcv leave! lumbu Sonic. on any home or homo Improvomonl. Attte VIMilcron and Rod ventilator" [my to MIMI - Ian th. W.tirne of LET "" nus: BREATHE Ad chow - luau-9 Ming - no down ‘poymm, MM, As low A: $2.05 each IIAVEI I000" BUYING BARGAIN BIN FREE ESTIMATES LAST CALL! PITTSBURGH FLAT PAINT $1.37 QUART SEMI-GLOSS $1.49 QUART ttO. @1177 V. and The 1955 rule books have been printed and may be obtained at any local sports goods dealer. Some of the rule changes for the season include the follow- ing, games in full swing throughout the province. Omcials report that 58 teams in North York will compete for the championships. “Brownies Givo Bolton Camp ‘90 58 Teams compels " championships In I”. Ball League - Pitcher who does not com form to pitchers uniform rule must either alter the uniform or be ordered from the game. The commissioner, Miss Edith Moor spoke briefly to the pa- rents outlining to them the Brownie programme. League games for the North _ "w. . VI I , I York Athletic Softball Associa-i . tion are under way with league ‘Mrs. Gwen Hubbs - Batter is not out if touch- ed on an attempted third strike which results in a foul. The executive of the NYASA will hold the monthly meeting on Wednesday, June 15 at 8 pm. at the Mckee Ave. Public School. Brownie "Taps" brought the programme to its conclusion and the Brownie smiles gave their leaders the feeling that these Brownies have had a happy and successful season. and know what joy it brings to, "Lend A Hand". - Protests must umpire during the Attendance at the games to date stand at 1570 persons .and the North York Softball league standings are as follows: (is Thursday, May Mth the m Brownie Pack in Weston unmixed went: and friends " leman Hall on the occa- lion ot the semi-annual "flying up" ceremony. Four Brownies "new up" to Guides - Pat Mil- ler, Ann Austin, Carol Davidson and Dorothy Miller. , It was I proud moment tor the pack when Pat Miller pre- sented the cheque tor $90 to ttur Neighbourhood Workers for the Bolton Camp. The money was earned by the Brownies this spring. Canadian Ttre RCA? _ lst Supply HMCS-York TTT ., _ RCA? . No. 8 -Army Depot Ruseiea Bras, Kitcnens and Bathrooms Remodelled. Have Your Basement or Attic Turned Into a Renting Proposition. \RUMSEY BROS. ' CONSTRUCTION 13" MAIN ST. S. System is connected to all depart- m e n f ' including General Office and Store, Mill, Lum- bor Shed, Cement Ware- hoine and pbrking area. THE TELEPHONE NUMBERS ME Intetreorttmunicatiort THE SAME tht. 1-1189 tht. 1-1180 tht. 4-2620 3 lines To Service FREE ESTIMATES PHONE CH. 1-3226 (TO) (71) nth :68) "M m) Our Joe Beaver Si----- be made to game. ( The boys who went from {here were: Robert McQuarrie, iRobert Nash, David Hathaway, iRichnrd Hathaway. Frederick ‘Donsberger, Bob Turcott, Trevor Jlibbs, Steven Grey, Gerald 180mm, John Hoare, and Jack ilrwin. EBrownie Pat Miller on behalf of the 96th pack presents o cheque for $90 to Miss Norma Liong of the, Neighbourhood Workers to 'help support the work at the Bolton summer camp. The presen- 'tation was made last Thursday in Creelmon Hall and the money Lwas earned by the Brownies this spring., _ V Boys of the Ist Beverley Hills Scout troop made a one day visit to the Camporee last Satur- day. It was held at Spencer's Farm at Finch and Jane Streets. Considering the facts that the lst Beverley Hills troop had only been organized a short while, they did very well to bring home a 1955 Camporee crest. _ Weston Brownies Aid Bolton Camp' This was the first comporee for the Black Creek District and was attended by 110 boys who spent the week-end under can- vass. The various troops took part in competitions for knot tying, tracking, and fire lighting. Doug. Anthony, Sec tmaster reports that Len H01}? Laney Ave. will be his assistant in fu- ture. -- Beverly Hills and Baker Downs There was quite a crowd at "F or your convenience and to give _ you faster, better service We Now Have An Office And Saies Room In Our Big Modern Warehouse.” This office Is for the sale of BIRTHDAY PARTY which are stocked in the warehouse as well as accommodate mainly our hard. ware, tools, paints and small merchandise as well as our Esti- mating and Home Improvement Loan Depts. and General Offices. Our store has been converted to An Added Beaver Lumber Service Is the Eleclrieal Dept. Fixtures, Switches, Bulbs, Fittings WESTON 'his office Is for the sale a LUMBER, CEMENT, PLYWDOD ROOFING ' ALL MATERIALS shipping office and order desk. ‘ The ladies. are planning a (howling league at the Crung [Plaza Lanes; each Thursday latternoon starting in September. Facilities are being arranged at ‘the Plaza for the care of child- men during the bowling, Call CH. 1-3831 or CH. 1-7752 to 'get your name on the list. W.A. MEETING " The United church joint W.A. .held a meeting on May 25th at (the home of Mrs..Ruth Shall- horn, 19 Adele Ave. Plans were (made for a social evening m _ Juno to take place at the home l, of Mrs. Bloom, Clevedon Rd. “ The devotional period vials ltaken by Mrs. Ackerr/an. Re- ifreshments were served at the ‘close of the meeting. l The sacrament of Baptism ‘will be administered on Sunday (morning. June 5th. Any parents [desiring baptism fur their child- iren are advised to notify Mrs. 'MacLeod, WA.1-1906. The service at the Beverley Hills United church last Sunday was conducted by the Very Rev. Dr. A. A. Scott whose ser- mon topic was. "How to Face Life Without Fear". Dr. Scott has just completed two years as 'Moderator of the United church of Canada and is now retired. 1326 Wilson Ave. over the week-end when Joanne Bang celebrated her 7th birthday. On Saturday there were 14 child- ren and their parents there, and on Sunday, 12 children were en- tertained. The annual Sunday school pic- nic will be held on Saturday, June 11th at River Valley Park. UNITED CHURCH Photo by'tleoftrey Frazer ca. “no CH. 4-1516 / As a feature attraction to llaunch the Etobicoke Safety YWc-ek the rodeo was sponsored ‘by the Etobicoke Traffic Safety o[?[l[l[lji)il[lt Mrs. B. J. McCallum [ave I report on Christian Steward- ship stressing the importance of personal megsis and medita- tion, m - momhly ”out: of the Annie Kitchinx Evening my was held in the hun- ol In. Wm. Way. May 1m. Mn. Wm. Stephen, vice-puls- dent chaired the meeting. "To Live And Give" tn the theme ot the devotional conducted by In. Eva Henson, mined by Mrs. o. Brinkman who read the scripture; The minutes and eorrerspond- ence were read by Mrs. A. tJu- .on in the absence ot the secre- tary. The roll call was tutrwered by a verse on "Children" and in article tor the bale. Mrs. F. Prior is convener of the bake sale committee which includes Mrs. W. T. Leavens, Mrs. A. Huson, Mrs. O. Brink- man, and Mrs. G. Cameron. It was announced that the past president, Mrs. Clark Peters wu leaving the community and would be missed by the group. Miss Iris Akins made the tare- well address to Mrs. Peters and presented her with I gift from the W.M.S. The'W.A. presenta- tion and speech were made try Mrs. L. Barter. Mrs. G. Came- ron and Mrs. R. Matthews as- sisted the hostess and Mrs. W. T. Leavens gave the vote of thanks. The June meeting of the aux- iliary will be in the form of a picnic at the home of Mrs. Wm. Stephen on June 8th at 6.30 p.m. The committee in charge of re- freshments and programme In- cludes Mrs. T. R. Hilliard, Mrs. C. H. Millard, Mrs. W. T. Lea- vens ard Mrs. A. Barker. The Guide and Brownie ban- quet Wednesday evening had a good attendance. The stréets were well oiled this week, taking care of a lot of loose Stones. Rexdale Boy Tops Jr. Field At Annual Bicycle Safety Rodeo For Etobicoke Twp. A house-to-house canvass brought in about $100 for fire- works for the enjoyment of the community,on May 23rd and a good display was witnessed. Mr. and Mrs. Laing and Mr. and Mrs. Shearman, two couples who suffered as a result of the flood have moved into their new homes. . The service at St. Andrew's church was conducted by the rector last Sunday. , He preached on the text, "Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty." The collection for the Bible Society from Riverdale Blvd. was $27. "Ridem Cyclists", and they were off to the annual Bicycle Safety Rodeo held last Saturday in the east section of the Hum- bertown parking area on Royal York Road. There is to be a service at the Long Branch race track again this year on June 19th. Rev. Dr. Craig of Grace Church On-The-Hill will be, guest speaker. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAY, THIS AND THAT CHURCH NEWS THINK Don't take your licence for granted. The operation of a motor car or motor truck is I privilege which can be suspended. . REMEMBER Your driver's licence will bu suspended if you are convicted of I criminal offence or of any offence arising out of an accident. 21,000 licences were suspended in 1954. Many of those who” licences were suspended lost their jobs-others had to find I new line of business. What would YOU do without a drivel": licence? ow valuable ls your driver’s licence? H Does your in!) or business depend on " Do you really need to drive? Does that vacation you are planning include the operation of your tart Ellinlea Home t, School Assn. Annual Mtg. Names Officers School mod-lion Wu hold May Mth with the following new omen-I and executive being ahead: president, Mr. E. Busby; vie-idents, Mrs. L. CoghUn and Mr. W. Faulds; recording secretary, Mrs. I Linton]; can" responding weary, Mm. L. Pringle; treasurer, Mrs. G. Hut- chinaon; executive committee -- Mrs. E. Moran, Mrs. G. Elliott, Mn. R. Black, Mr. T. Here, and Mr. J. Ritchie. The presentation ot trophies won " the fun hit was made by the new president to Dorothy Glye Kirkland, doll trophy, and to Guy Miron, hobby trophy. Following the tending of ..n- null reports, the principal, W. H. Gal-ton then gave his remarks to the meeting; explaining the school system of annual tests ind promotions. He also an- nounced that tour pupils of Elmlea school were eligible for admittance to Etobicoke's newly formed “School For Gifted Children". high. i%lier's class won the pa- rents' attendance count. _ Mr. Mollison, the outgoing president thanked the executive and members of the school staff as well as the parents tor their co-operation during the past year, and then introduced Mrs. T. Glasen, vice-president of the Area No. 1 of the York Home and School Council who in- stalled the new officers. Ilgrttt From Rexdale PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kirby moved from Chilcot Ave. May 28th to take up residence in Woodstock. _ Since there is no clinc in North Rexdaie at present, mothers in that area are invited to come to the clinic at Elmlea. With a balmy day with sun- shine and free ice cream for children, 40 cyclists from 29 ele- mentary schools participated in the bicycle riding event. Pre- liminary trials were held at the Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cooper of 6 Boniface Ave. are enter- taining Mr. Cooper's mother and father who have arrived for a visit from Scotland. CHILD CLINIC , The Rexdale Child Health Clinic was held May 25th in Elmlea school, 64 babies and pre-school children attending. Miss Joyce Tyrell, Mrs. A. Barrie, Mrs. Joan Wetham, and Mrs. T. Gourlay were the nurses who interviewed the mothers and the attending physician was Dr. Baillie. Red Cross volunteers who helped were: Mrs, W. Peel, Mrs. A. Hayter, Mrs. R. Kesketh, Mrs. W. Welkers, Mrs. S. Clarke, and Mrs. W. M. Mallison: After- noon tea was served. ST. PAUL'S CANVASS The door-to-door visitation which was planned took place in Council and was the Civitan Club Nearly 400 people witness the event. RIXDALI: The annual mut- and keep your licence. arranged by of Etnbiooke. turned out to part ot Ruble In! hunt!” evening. It bu “no. been Bet.. nounced that it will I you we- ceu Ind unnum- one In plum“ tor the nu: Mun. C Mr. Luck. aunt-m mink“: to Rev. G. Who-rub h in New York for a tew 4!!! tu- ing I couru in Parettiatrr. The rodeo, which we. open for boys Ind girls from I " " years of Me, wu‘epllt into N- nior (from a to IO), and outlet (from 11 to IS) yea: out up. Four bicycle: Were “aided to the winner: in each a! the tour classes and mantle radios were the prizes for those who stood second in the nee. The rodeo pure in late driv- ing and a condition or ttte bicycles. following public nebula during May " to May 21: Lunar, " Lawn, Sunny]... WW Bicycle winners were: Ann Satchel of Wedgewood Public school for the girls in the unior “an; and Carry Cobbett of edgewood of the senior boys. In the junior class were Shirl-y Willson of Norsmen school and Kenneth Knowlton ot Rudd. school. Second place winners in the senior class were Sum Fountain of Sunnylu School and Douglas Ellis of the Leno: ,Sehoo1. Second place winners in the junior class werenhnet Delworth for the girls and Paul Humphrey: of West Gkn school; A mobile safe driving' clinic will,also be in operation. It will be located at six different sections of the township during the week. The locations are: May M, Supertest Station, Dix.. on Rd. and Scarlett Rd., May 31, Thor Washer Plant, " Browns Line, June 1, Loblaws Parking lot, Six Points and Bloor St. W., June 3, Supertut Station Greview and Bloor, June The Rodeo was very ingenu- ful and was an ideal event for the beginning of safety week," E. G. Giles, president of the Clvitan Club said, The rider: went through seven safety tut: and were judged by the - council of Etobicoke Township. Throughout the Week of May 30 to June 5 motorists in Eto- bicoke Township will be served with summonses, inviting them to attend a Safe Driving Cllnle sponsored by the safety coun- cil. That week has been ofieintty declared safety week by Reeve Bev. Lewis when he opened the automobile safety lane teat centre at Humbertown shopping centre north of Dundas St. on Royal York Rd. on Saturday. Reeve Lewis urged " Ito- bietyke, motorists to participate in the flrst volunteer lubufbln safety lane test project. After officially opening the Safety week the Reeve presented the winners of the bicycle rodeo with the four bicycles and mantle radio. '. Among the items that will be checked by police officers under Sgt. Donald, Saunders at the Humbertown centre will be, foot brakes, hand brakes, wheel/ alignment, steering and proper balance of headlights. Monday to Thursday the test centre will be open 10 Ban. to 8 pm. and Friday to Saturday will be 10 a.m. to 8 pm. MINISTER "

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